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Good day to each and everyone

My name is RUTH ELIEZER ALCAZAR of Tagum National trade school

This time I will be presenting my research proposal entitled Gender and development Mainstreaming in
Technical Vocational Education Curriculum

here are five principles that hold true for all gender mainstreaming activities and implementation

 Gender sensitive language

 Gender-specific data collection and analysis
 Equal access to and utilization of services,
 Women and men are equally involved in decision making
 Equal treatment is integrated into steering processes

Back ground of the study

What is Gender and Development?

Philippine Commission on Women defined Gender and Development as the development

perspective and process that is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from
violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human

Evidence demonstrates that educators must be gender aware in order to be open to both girls' and
boys' learning and development options, to assist children in discovering who they are and making
relationships with others, and to help them build self-confidence, well-being, peer acceptance, and
social support. Teachers' attitudes and expectations for students' performance in vocational education
have been researched, and research has shown that gender-sensitive teacher training may promote all
pupils' equitable participation in a learning environment.

Career choice has lately become a very complicated science, considering that the decision is influenced
by numerous factors. On the other hand, choosing the right career is critical in ensuring that individuals
live rewarding lives, are motivated at work, and can achieve remarkable productivity, thereby laying the
groundwork for organizational success and sustainability. To make it happen, we must ensure that the
program is free of gender bias and that students have the freedom to pursue the career of their choice.

Gender differences should be considered in vocational high schools so women and men can develop
their potentials without being inhibited by gender bias. Gender mainstreaming in vocational high
schools is a strategy to integrate gender differences at all stages in teaching-learning process for
achieving gender equality and equity. This research evaluates the implementation of gender
mainstreaming in vocational high schools consisting of five key components of gender mainstreaming.
Tagum National Trade School was a deliberate choice for me.


 How to improve the policies and practices to strengthen gender equality in development
programs and secure students' rights in Technical Vocational Schools.
 Recognizing gender bias against students in boys trade and girls trade specializations.
 The progression of a student is frequently overlooked. They should also demonstrate their
capacity and success in learning together with male students to achieve equality as equal
agents, collaborators, and beneficiaries of sustainable development, human rights, peace, and


• To promote and strengthen gender equality in Vocational Skills Development and Training;

• To enhance the gender-responsiveness in TVET and school-to-work transition; and

• To improve the advocacy in empowering women to achieve the equality with men.

Research questions

• What is the extent of gender segregation in technical vocational schools and how does this
compare to other technical vocational schools?

• Why do most female students choose male-dominated  trades as their job pathway?


The goal of the proposal is to address and recognize the problem in technical and vocational education.
In order for students to have equal access to the field of study and what they believe are compellingly
competent in a particular specialization, this social issue requires more in-depth exploration, particularly
in the classroom, to promote its significance and determine its applicability and effectiveness.

Method Used

This article focuses on two areas of inquiry from the research:

• Quantitative data is gathered to determine the degree of gender segregation in Tech Voc. trades

• The qualitative data is selectively analyzed to draw out the issues most relevant to the technical
vocational sector.

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