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Cell are made up of water, inorganic ions, and carbon-containing molecules.

Cells are known as

the basic unit of life and the building blocks of all living things as it provides a structure for the body. As
the basic components of every human, it also has its own structure and parts that serve their own
function within our body. Starting with the cell membrane, which is also known as the plasma
membrane, is a selectively permeable and made up of phospholipids, cholesterol, and protein acts as a
barrier to protect the cell and as a transport system for nutrients and toxic substances going in and out
of the cell. Deeper to the cell membrane is the cytoplasm, watery solution of minerals, gasses and
organic molecules it serves as the location for chemical reactions.
To be followed by that are the organelles, meaning a structure that is enclosed within its own
membrane inside a cell that also has its own function. Cell organelles are made up of 8 organs. First is
the Endoplasmic Reticulum that can be either smooth or rough, by which it is a passageway for
transport of materials within the cell. With the Rough ER, it is where the ribosomes attach and
synthesize the secretion of proteins. With the Smooth ER, it is where there are no ribosomes attached,
and it is the one responsible for synthesizing lipids and carbohydrates. Then we have the ribosomes,
which are tiny structures of rRNA and protein, and the site for protein synthesis. Golgi apparatus, is also
one of the 8 organelles of the cell. Its primary function is to synthesize carbohydrates. Next is the
mitochondria, known as the powerhouse of the cell, which is the site for energy or ATP production.
Another one is lysosomes responsible for the digestion and destroying engulfed bacteria and other
cellular debris.
The centrioles It is the one responsible for organizing the spindle fibers during cell division.
Followed by Cilia and Flagella by which Cilia is much smaller than flagella that sweeps the materials
across the cell surface, while the flagella are responsible for the mobility of a cell which is only seen in a

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