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Personal Awareness & Responsibility

Strength: When in conflict and I’m the one at fault, I can understand where I’m wrong if given time
to cool off. Fights and arguments are extremely stressful for me, and it’s very easy to fall into the loop
of “I’m right and you’re wrong”. When I calm down and can think rationally again, I can go back to
that moment, reflect on it, and apologize
I’m resilient and can persevere through difficult situations, but only because I have no other choice but
to keep going. I have had to survive instead of live for the majority of my life, and I’m growing really
tired of constantly being strong

Weakness: I’m not good with asking for help or communicating what I need when it matters most.
It’s really difficult to take care of myself when everything is going so wrong so fast. My emotional
regulation is at an all time low, and the fact that I have no friends in person is worse. I don’t know
where to start or what to do

Social Responsibility

Strength: I try to understand every perspective when discussing different topics, but there are some
situations where there is only one right answer, and if an opinion is not that answer, then it can’t be
right. I’m pretty justice oriented myself and constantly speak up about problems going on in the world
that matter to me. Whenever I see an argument happening in the comments where an innocent person
is getting bullied, I will most likely jump in to defend them

Weakness: I’m a very introverted and private person, so forming connections outside of technology is
incredibly difficult and scary. When coupled with social anxiety, it becomes near impossible. People in
Canada are also very different and it’s hard to form good relationships when nobody seems to care

Personal & Cultural Identity

Strength: I know what I want in many different aspects, but not all are equally fought for. I know
what I want academically wise, but actually doing things to accomplish that is a lot harder than
knowing what I want in a relationship. I’m striving to do better school work wise, as well as figure out
how I want to improve and change to be a better person
Weakness: I don’t really know my strengths or how to use them to my advantage to advance further
in life. I don’t really know who I am as a person, so it’s hard to distinguish strengths when you feel like
you don’t have any

Critical Thinking

Strength: I have always been a critical person and take a lot of information the mass media provides
with a grain of salt. I know how to criticize myself and my work even if it hurts, and I know how to
provide good criticism to others if they need it

Weakness: When I’m doing bad, I can’t take criticism well, even if I know myself that it’s true. I’m
also scared and shy of asking relevant questions sometimes when I’m lost on something, and take ages
to build up that courage. When given different ways to express my work, I will normally go with the
easiest, safest one as I never really have the time or motivation to do something bigger and more

Creative Thinking

Strength: Once I have a solid idea, if needed I can continue refining it until it’s even better

Weakness: Coming up with new and exciting things is hard, especially when your mind is already in a
sludge. I’m prone to taking heavy inspiration from other things and then changing them to fit me
rather than think of something totally new on the spot


Strength: I prefer working alone, but when needed, I will work well with a group of people and even
assume the position of a leader if required. I’d like to think that I can resolve conflict well between
others and do so diplomatically. Debates aren’t my favourite, but occasionally I enjoy partaking in
them if the topic is familiar to me

Weakness: I’m not good at communicating what I want or need, and sometimes what I ask for can be
overbearing for the other person. Sometimes it’s difficult to see where the line starts between
acceptable and being too much

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