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Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neo-

plasms: 2020 Update on Patho-
logic and Imaging Findings and
Lokesh Khanna, MD
Srinivasa R. Prasad, MD Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (panNENs) are heteroge-
Abhijit Sunnapwar, MD neous neoplasms with neuroendocrine differentiation that show
Sainath Kondapaneni, BSA characteristic clinical, histomorphologic, and prognostic features;
Anil Dasyam, MD genetic alterations; and biologic behavior. Up to 10% of panNENs
Varaha S. Tammisetti, MD develop in patients with syndromes that predispose them to cancer,
Umber Salman, MD such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, von Hippel–Lindau
Alia Nazarullah, MD disease, tuberous sclerosis complex, neurofibromatosis type 1, and
Venkata S. Katabathina, MD glucagon cell adenomatosis. PanNENs are classified as either func-
tioning tumors, which manifest early because of clinical symptoms
Abbreviations: ADC = apparent diffusion co- related to increased hormone production, or nonfunctioning tumors,
efficient, AJCC = American Joint Committee on
Cancer, FDG = fluorodeoxyglucose, MEN1 = which often manifest late because of mass effect. PanNENs are
multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, MiNEN = histopathologically classified as well-differentiated pancreatic neu-
mixed neuroendocrine-nonneuroendocrine neo-
plasm, panNEC = pancreatic neuroendocrine
roendocrine tumors (panNETs) or poorly differentiated pancreatic
carcinoma, panNEN = pancreatic neuroendo- neuroendocrine carcinomas (panNECs) according to the 2010 World
crine neoplasm, panNET = pancreatic neuro- Health Organization (WHO) classification system. Recent advances
endocrine tumor, VHL = von Hippel–Lindau
syndrome, WHO = World Health Organization in cytogenetics and molecular biology have shown substantial hetero-
RadioGraphics 2020; 40:1240–1262
geneity in panNECs, and a new tumor subtype, well-differentiated,
high-grade panNET, has been introduced. High-grade panNETs
and panNECs are two distinct entities with different pathogenesis,
Content Codes: clinical features, imaging findings, treatment options, and prognoses.
From the Departments of Radiology (L.K., A.S., The 2017 WHO classification system and the eighth edition of the
U.S., V.S.K.) and Pathology (V.S.T.), University American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system include sub-
of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,
7703 Floyd Curl Dr, San Antonio, TX 78229; stantial changes. Multidetector CT, MRI, and endoscopic US help
Department of Radiology, University of Texas in anatomic localization of the primary tumor, local-regional spread,
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Tex
(S.R.P.); Department of Molecular Biosci- and metastases. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy and fluorine 18–
ences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT are helpful for functional and metabolic
(S.K.); Department of Radiology, University
of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pa
assessment. Knowledge of recent updates in the pathogenesis, clas-
(A.D.); and Department of Radiology, Univer- sification, and staging of panNENs and familiarity with their imaging
sity of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, findings allow optimal patient treatment.
Houston, Tex (A.N.). Recipient of a Certificate
of Merit award for an education exhibit at the ©
RSNA, 2020 •
2019 RSNA Annual Meeting. Received March
3, 2020; revision requested April 29 and received
May 25; accepted May 29. For this journal-
based SA-CME activity, the authors, editor, and
reviewers have disclosed no relevant relation-
ships. Address correspondence to L.K. (e- SA-CME LEARNING OBJECTIVES
After completing this journal-based SA-CME activity, participants will be able to:
RSNA, 2020
Review changes in the 2017 WHO classification system and the eighth edition of the
AJCC TNM staging system for panNENs.
Discuss the pathogenesis of panNETs and panNECs, including the genetic muta-
tions that affect prognosis and treatment.
Describe cross-sectional imaging findings of functioning and nonfunctioning
panNETs and panNECs that help in identification of panNEN grades for diagnosis
and staging.
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1241

(1,2). Although the majority of the panNENs are

TEACHING POINTS sporadic, up to 10% may develop in patients with
„ The 2017 WHO classification system describes panNENs as
hereditary syndromes that predispose them to can-
two genetically distinct neoplasms that include well-differen-
tiated panNETs and poorly differentiated panNECs (small and
cer, including multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1
large cell types). PanNETs and panNECs differ significantly (MEN1), von Hippel–Lindau disease (VHL), tu-
in genetic changes, clinical presentations, imaging features, berous sclerosis complex, neurofibromatosis type
prognosis, and therapeutic strategies. 1, and glucagon cell adenomatosis (Table 1) (6).
„ For the eighth edition of the AJCC system, a separate staging Evolving knowledge regarding pathogenesis,
system that applies only to well-differentiated panNETs (WHO cytogenetics, molecular biology, and clinical
system grades 1–3) was developed. Poorly differentiated pan-
outcomes of panNENs has necessitated substan-
NECs (WHO grade 3) are staged similarly to the staging of
pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Size is the most important tial changes in the staging and grading systems
criterion to assign the T category; invasion of peripancreatic that can impact diagnosis and management
soft tissue has been removed from the staging criteria. (2,7). The 2017 WHO classification system is the
„ 68Ga DOTATATE PET/CT with 68
Ga-tetraazacyclododecane most updated classification of the panNENs and
tetraacetic acid (DOTA)–somatostatin analog has shown addressed controversies regarding high-grade
promising results for detection of small tumors not seen with panNETs and panNECs (5,8). The eighth edi-
In-pentetreotide imaging, CT, or conventional MRI. It is also
useful in staging and follow-up to identify recurrent disease
tion of the American Joint Committee on Cancer
„ Well-differentiated grade 1 and grade 2 panNETs are typically
(AJCC) TNM staging system has made neces-
small (<3 cm) well-circumscribed hypervascular masses with sary changes in T staging (2,9–11). The paradigm
intense homogeneous enhancement in the arterial and portal shift in our understanding has led to significant
venous phases; the degree of homogeneity and enhance- changes in management strategies and opened
ment correlates with tumor grade. new avenues for the development of novel mo-
„ DAXX and ATRX gene mutations are identified in up to 40% lecular imaging techniques and therapeutic tar-
of panNETs, which typically occur late in tumor development, gets. Radiologists need to be cognizant of these
resulting in alternative lengthening of telomeres and posi-
tive phenotypes, and are associated with intermediate- and
changes to play an important role in patient man-
high-grade tumors. Compared with those that are negative, agement. Anatomic imaging techniques, includ-
panNETs that are positive for alternative lengthening of telo- ing US, multidetector CT, and MRI, are helpful
meres are strongly associated with large tumor size (>3 cm), in the initial diagnosis, treatment follow-up, and
pancreatic duct dilatation, and hepatic metastasis, and they long-term surveillance (12,13). Molecular imag-
correspond to aggressive behavior, high tumor grade, and
resultant poor prognosis.
ing techniques such as somatostatin receptor
scintigraphy (indium 111 [111In] and gallium 68
[68Ga] tetraazacyclododecane tetraacetic acid–oc-
treotate [DOTATATE] scanning) and fluorine
Introduction 18 (18F)–fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT are
Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (panNENs) helpful in the functional assessment and detec-
are rare tumors that originate from precursor cells tion of occult tumors (12). Endoscopic US helps
in the pancreatic ductal epithelium with neuroen- in the identification of smaller panNENs and
docrine differentiation and constitute up to 2% of allows tissue sampling.
all clinically detected pancreatic tumors. However, In this article, we review changes in the 2017
the prevalence has been reported to be as high WHO classification system and the eighth edi-
as 10% in autopsy studies (1–4). On the basis of tion of the TNM staging system for panNENs
histopathologic findings, panNENs are tradition- and discuss genetics and pathogenesis of spo-
ally divided into two broad categories that include radic and syndromic tumors. We also describe
well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine anatomic and functional imaging features of
tumors (panNETs) and poorly differentiated pan- panNENs and discuss the role of imaging in
creatic neuroendocrine carcinomas (panNECs) their management.
(1,2). PanNENs may also be classified into func-
tioning and nonfunctioning tumors on the basis of 2017 WHO Classification of PanNENs
the clinical manifestations (1,2). Functioning tu- The previous (2010) version of the WHO clas-
mors that account for up to 30% of panNENs are sification system (8) for panNENs primarily
defined by the clinical syndrome related to specific used the Ki-67 proliferation index and mitotic
hormone overproduction and are diagnosed earlier index to differentiate between panNETs and
than are nonfunctioning tumors; insulinomas and panNECs. If these indices were greater than
gastrinomas are the most common functioning 20, tumors were classified as panNECs with-
panNENs (1,2). Neoplasms containing features out regard to the level of differentiation (14).
of nonendocrine carcinomas and neuroendocrine However, large patient studies (2,5,9) attested
neoplasms are classified as mixed neuroendo- to the existence of well-differentiated grade 3
crine-nonneuroendocrine neoplasms (MiNENs) panNETs with high Ki-67 and mitotic indices
1242  September-October 2020

that portended a better prognosis. To address

Table 1: 2017 WHO Classification of PanNENs
these issues, both the degree of cellular differ-
entiation and cellular proliferation were taken Well-differentiated panNETs
into consideration in the 2017 WHO classifica-   Functioning tumors
tion system (5) for panNENs to predict tumor   Insulinoma
grade and behavior. With the use of the mitotic   Gastrinoma
index (number of mitoses per 10 high-power   Glucagonoma
fields) and the Ki-67 index, panNENs are   Somatostatinoma
classified into three grades (Table 2) (1,9). In    Vasoactive intestinal peptide tumor
addition, the 2017 WHO classification system   Serotonin-producing tumor
(9) describes panNENs as two genetically dis-
   Adrenocorticotropic hormone–producing tumor
tinct neoplasms that include well-differentiated
  Nonfunctioning tumors
panNETs and poorly differentiated panNECs
  Syndrome-associated panNETs
(small and large cell types). PanNETs and pan-
NECs differ significantly in genetic changes,   MEN1
clinical presentations, imaging features, progno-    VHL disease
sis, and therapeutic strategies (2,9). PanNETs    Neurofibromatosis type 1
are well-differentiated tumors with minimal to    Tuberous sclerosis
moderate atypia and lack of necrosis, and they    Glucagon cell hyperplasia and neoplasia
express intense synaptophysin or chromogranin Poorly differentiated panNECs
A positivity (Fig 1). PanNECs are poorly dif-   Large cell type panNEC
ferentiated tumors that consist of atypical cells   Small cell type panNEC
with substantial necrosis that are faintly positive  MiNEN
for neuroendocrine markers (Fig 2) (15–17). In   Ductal MiNEN
the 2017 classification system, the WHO ac-
   Acinar MiNEN
knowledges the existence of two distinct tumor
categories with high Ki-67 and mitotic indices: Sources.—References 1, 2, 5.
well-differentiated high-grade tumors (panNET Note.—WHO = World Health Organization.
G3) and poorly differentiated carcinomas (pan-
NEC G3) (2,5,9).
NECs (WHO grade 3) are staged similarly to
Eighth Edition of the AJCC Staging the staging of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
System (Table 3) (18,19). Size is the most important
Accurate clinical staging is the most important criterion to assign the T category; invasion of
step in the management of panNENs after the peripancreatic soft tissue has been removed from
appropriate WHO grade and/or differentiation is the staging criteria (10). Although invasion into
assigned on the basis of pathologic findings. TNM the duodenum and the bile duct suggests assign-
staging is the most commonly used clinical staging ment of stage T3, the involvement of the adjacent
system for assessment of mortality and prognosis structures, including the spleen, stomach, colon,
based on the anatomic extent of the panNENs (7). adrenal gland, and major vessels (celiac artery and
There are two major TNM classification systems superior mesenteric artery) has been categorized
available for panNENs: the European Neuroen- as stage T4 (7,10). Finally, the M1 category has
docrine Tumor Society (ENETS) system and the been subdivided into three stages according to the
AJCC staging system (1,7). The eighth edition of metastatic sites (hepatic vs extrahepatic locations
the AJCC system is the most recent TNM clas- including the lungs, ovaries, nonregional lymph
sification system. It includes multiple substantial nodes, peritoneum, and bones) (10).
changes that address concerns about the previous
editions of the AJCC and ENETS systems and PanNENs: Role of Imaging
was globally adopted on January 1, 2018 (Table 3) The goals of imaging in patients with panNENs
(10). A recent study by You et al (18) supported are many and include detection, characteriza-
the use of the eighth edition of the AJCC staging tion, and localization of tumors; identification of
system and showed that it provides better discrimi- malignancy and signs of aggressiveness, resect-
nation compared with the ENETS and seventh ability, and local-regional spread; and detection
edition AJCC systems. of metastasis and the extent of disease (20,21).
For the eighth edition of the AJCC system, a Many small tumors are diagnosed incidentally
separate staging system that applies only to well- during imaging performed for an unrelated di-
differentiated panNETs (WHO system grades agnosis, which has contributed to the increased
1–3) was developed. Poorly differentiated pan- incidence of panNENs (22–24). In addition,
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1243

Table 2: Comparison of WHO 2010 and 2017 Classification Systems for PanNENs

Histopathologic Criteria

WHO 2017 Classification WHO 2010 Classification Mitoses (No.*) Ki-67 PR (%)
Well-differentiated panNET, grade 1 Well-differentiated panNET, grade 1 <2 ≤2
Well-differentiated panNET, grade 2 Well-differentiated panNET, grade 2 20 3–20
Well-differentiated panNET, grade 3 NA >20 >20
Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine >20 >20
carcinoma (small cell carcinoma carcinoma (small cell carcinoma
or large cell endocrine carcinoma), or large cell endocrine carcinoma),
grade 3 grade 3
MiNEN Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma NA ≥30
Sources.—References 5,8,9.
Note.—NA = not applicable, PR = proliferation rate.
*Per 10 high-power fields.

Figure 1.  Well-differentiated panNET in a 40-year-old man. (a, b) Axial T2-weighted (a) and gadolinium-enhanced
T1-weighted (b) MR images show a well-defined heterogeneously enhancing focal mass (arrow) in the pancreas.
(c) Photograph of the sectioned gross specimen shows a well-defined intrapancreatic tumor with a few foci of hemor-
rhage (arrow). (d) Photomicrograph shows the uniform characteristic organoid and trabecular growth pattern of small
relatively uniform tumor cells, which is consistent with a low-grade tumor. The tumor cells were strongly positive for
chromogranin and had Ki-67 proliferation indices of less than 3 (not shown), which is consistent with a well-differenti-
ated grade 1 panNET. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, 40.)

imaging is pivotal to differentiation of panNENs Anatomic Imaging

from other pancreatic masses such as ductal ad- Both transabdominal US and endoscopic US
enocarcinomas, metastases, and intrapancreatic help in identification of primary tumors and
splenules (25–27). metastatic disease in the liver and lymph nodes
1244  September-October 2020

Figure 2.  Poorly differentiated panNEC in a 42-year-old man. (a, b) Coronal T2-weighted MR image (a) and gad-
olinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR image acquired during the portal venous phase (b) show an ill-defined mildly
enhancing mass in the pancreatic head and uncinate process (arrow), with associated dilatation of the main pancre-
atic duct and an enlarged peripancreatic lymph node (arrowhead). The patient underwent pancreatoduodenectomy
(ie, Whipple surgery). (c) Photomicrograph shows irregularly arranged tumor cells with a scant cytoplasm, nuclear
pleomorphism, indistinct nucleoli, high nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio, and nuclear molding in a background of increased
apoptotic debris. (Hematoxylin-eosin stain; original magnification, 40.) Inset photomicrograph shows that the Ki-67
proliferation index is 80% at immunohistochemical analysis. The pathology findings are consistent with a poorly dif-
ferentiated panNEC. (d) Follow-up coronal contrast-enhanced CT image shows a heterogeneously enhancing mass
in the surgical bed (arrow) and multiple enhancing liver lesions (arrowheads), findings consistent with recurrent and
metastatic disease.

Table 3: Well-differentiated PanNETs: Comparison of the Seventh and Eighth Editions of the AJCC
TNM Staging Systems

stage AJCC Seventh Edition AJCC Eighth Edition
T1 Tumor limited to the pancreas, ≤2 cm Tumor limited to the pancreas, <2 cm
T2 Tumor limited to the pancreas, >2 cm Tumor limited to the pancreas, 2–4 cm
T3 Tumor extends beyond the pancreas but Tumor limited to the pancreas, >4 cm; or tumor invading
without involvement of the celiac axis the duodenum or common bile duct†
or the superior mesenteric artery*
T4 Tumor involves the celiac axis or the Tumor invading adjacent organs (stomach, spleen, colon,
superior mesenteric artery adrenal gland) or the wall of large vessels (celiac axis or
superior mesenteric artery)
M1 Distant metastasis M1a: Metastasis confined to liver
M1b: Metastasis in at least one extrahepatic site
M1c: Both hepatic and extrahepatic metastases
Sources.—References 10 and 11.
*Includes peripancreatic soft-tissue extension.

Peripancreatic soft-tissue extension is not a basis for staging.
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1245

Figure 3.  Intraoperative US in management of panNEN. (a) Intraoperative US image in a 40-year-old man with an
insulinoma shows a well-defined hypoechoic mass (arrow) in the pancreas and its clear relationship to the adjacent
vessels (arrowheads). (b) Intraoperative US image in a 55-year-old man with hepatic metastasis from panNEC shows a
targetoid lesion in the liver with a central hyperechoic area and a peripheral hypoechoic halo (arrow).

(20,21,28,29). In addition, intraoperative US tion of panNENs and is preferred over MRI for
is pivotal in surgical planning because it allows assessment of vascular invasion and resectability
accurate localization of nonpalpable tumors and (29). At our institution, nonenhanced CT images
assessment of the relationship of the primary are obtained first to allow identification of calci-
tumor to the main pancreatic duct and adjacent fications or hemorrhage. Subsequently, contrast-
vessels for decision making regarding enucleation enhanced images are acquired after injection of
or distal pancreatectomy and minimization of the iodinated intravenous contrast material at 4 mL/
risk of postsurgical fistulas (Fig 3) (30–32). sec in the arterial phase (25–30 seconds) or pan-
At Doppler US, panNENs are identified as creatic parenchymal phase (40–45 seconds) and
well-defined hypoechoic masses with increased portal venous phase (60–70 seconds).
vascularity. Hepatic metastases from panNENs Multiplanar reformation images are obtained
typically appear hyperechoic. However, hy- with a section thickness of 3 mm (43) (Table 4).
poechoic and targetoid lesions may also be seen Sensitivity for detection is in the range of 64%–
(Fig 3) (33). Endoscopic US is considered the 81% and is affected by the tumor size and the de-
imaging study of choice for diagnosis of small gree of arterial enhancement. Image acquisition
occult panNENs that are not detected with in different phases after intravenous administra-
noninvasive modalities. It is also especially help- tion of contrast material helps in identification of
ful for detection of insulinomas and gastrinomas the lesions based on their enhancement patterns
(34–36). In addition, endoscopic US allows during different phases; panNENs and associated
high-yield tissue sampling with adequacy of up to metastases are typically hyperenhancing during
85% for evaluation of the Ki-67 index and good the arterial phase and remain mildly hyperat-
correlation with surgical specimen evaluation tenuating during the portal venous and delayed
results (up to 84%) (37,38). Other advantages phases (Fig 4) (28,29). Sensitivity for detection
include endoscopically guided tumor ablation, of small functioning tumors is high during the
detection of cystic changes in small tumors, local- arterial phase (83%–88%) and is lower during
regional staging including metastatic adenopathy, the portal venous phase (11%–76%) (29).
and tumor relation to the main pancreatic duct Smaller tumors are homogeneous, while
(36,39,40). Endoscopic US is useful in the sur- larger lesions tend to show heterogeneous
veillance of patients with genetic syndromes, such enhancement because of cystic degeneration,
as MEN1 and VHL (41). Contrast-enhanced en- necrosis, and calcification. Hepatic and lymph
doscopic US also helps to identify small tumors node metastases are typically hypervascular dur-
and to allow hypervascular well-differentiated ing the arterial phase and hypovascular during
panNETs to be distinguished from ductal adeno- the portal venous phase; ringlike enhancement
carcinomas and panNECs, which are typically is also seen (33,44). Atypical patterns of iso- or
hypovascular (35). Patterns at contrast-enhanced hypoenhancement during the arterial phase and
endoscopic US include uniform enhancement in iso- to hyperenhancement during the portal
tumors with a low Ki-67 proliferation index and venous phase can be seen in some patients with
inhomogeneous enhancement in tumors with a liver metastases (44). Large nonfunctioning
high Ki-67 index (42). panNETs may undergo necrosis and degenera-
Multidetector CT with the use of a pancreatic tive changes with subsequent calcification (45).
mass protocol is an excellent modality for detec- Multiplanar reformation is particularly helpful
1246  September-October 2020

Table 4: CT and MRI Protocols for Diagnosis and Staging of PanNENs

Pancreatic Mass Protocol Details

Multidetector CT protocol
  Voltage (kVp) 120
  Effective amperage (mAs) 200
  Rotation time (sec) 0.5
  Detector collimation (mm) 1.5
  Section thickness (mm) 3.0
 Pitch 0.75
  Increment (mm) 1.5
 Coverage Image from the 11th vertebral body through the iliac crest
  Oral contrast material Negative oral contrast material (500 mL of water 30 minutes before
examination and 250 mL of water immediately before examination)
  Nonenhanced CT …
  Contrast-enhanced CT 100–125 mL isomolar or osmolar iodinated contrast material (370 mg/
mL) at 4–5 mL/sec
  Image acquisition phase
   Arterial (sec) 25–30
   Pancreatic parenchymal (sec) 40–45
   Portal venous (sec) 60–70
  Multiplanar reformation Axial, sagittal, and coronal planes; section thickness, 3 mm
MRI protocol
  Coronal T2-weighted MRI Single-shot fast spin-echo or steady-state free precession sequence
  Axial T1-weighted MRI Dual-echo in- and opposed-phase spoiled gradient-echo sequence
  Axial T2-weighted MRI Non–fat-suppressed and fat-suppressed imaging
  Diffusion-weighted MRI (b = 0, 50, 400, and 800 sec/mm2)
  MR cholangiopancreatography
   Two-dimensional radial Breath-hold, fast spin-echo thick-section imaging in multiple planes
  Three-dimensional Respiratory-gated fast spin-echo parallel imaging with maximum inten-
sity projection reconstructions
  Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
   T1-weighted MRI Fat-suppressed, three-dimensional gradient-recalled-echo sequences
before and after gadolinium-based contrast agent administration:
dose, 0.1 mmol/kg of body weight; injection rate, 1.5–2 mL/sec (in-
jection duration approximately 5–8 sec)
   Axial contrast-enhanced MRI Arterial (20–40 sec), portal venous (45–65 sec), and equilibrium (3–5
min) phases after injection of contrast agent
   Coronal contrast-enhanced MRI Imaging between the portal venous and equilibrium phases (2 min after
injection of contrast agent), parallel to the portal vein bifurcation
Sources.—References 29 and 43.

for identification of pedunculated lesions, espe- is affected by tumor size, with greater than 70%
cially in the body and tail region (46). Improved sensitivity for tumors larger than 2.5 cm and
sensitivity of up to 95.7% has been reported decreased sensitivity for lesions smaller than 1.5
with dual-energy or low-energy monochromatic cm (21,47). Diffusion-weighted MRI has greatly
CT with iodine material decomposition to improved sensitivity that is comparable to that
provide better contrast between the tumor and of PET/CT, for detection of primary lesions and
parenchyma (7,29). metastases (48–50). PanNENs are typically hy-
Multiphasic MRI before and after admin- pointense at T1-weighted MRI, are hyperintense
istration of intravenous contrast material and at T2-weighted MRI, and show intense arterial
diffusion-weighted MRI are essential to detec- enhancement. They appear isointense compared
tion and characterization of lesions (Table 4). with the adjacent pancreatic parenchyma dur-
The sensitivity of MRI in detection of panNENs ing the portal venous and delayed phases (Fig 5)
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1247

Figure 4.  Well-differentiated grade 2 panNET in an 83-year-old man. Axial contrast-enhanced CT images of the pan-
creas in the arterial phase (a) and portal venous phase (b) show a well-defined focal mass (arrow) in the pancreas that
demonstrates intense enhancement in the arterial phase and becomes isointense compared with the pancreas in the
portal venous phase. This mass was proven to be a grade 2 panNET at pathologic evaluation.

Figure 5.  Well-differentiated grade 2 panNET in a

47-year-old man. (a, b) Axial T2-weighted (a) and gad-
olinium-enhanced T1-weighted (b) MR images show a
well-defined T2-hyperintense pancreatic mass (arrow)
with heterogeneous enhancement after administration of
contrast material and a T2-hyperintense focus in the liver
parenchyma (arrowhead in a). (c) Axial 68Ga DOTATATE
PET/CT image shows significantly increased uptake in
the mass (arrow) compared with the background, which
suggests the possibility of a well-differentiated mass. This
mass was proven to be a grade 2 well-differentiated pan-
NET during surgical resection.

mm2/sec (51). A higher tumor-to-background

ADC ratio predicts a lower tumor grade, with
cutoff values of 1.03 for grade 1 tumors (52).
(12,13,29). MRI is helpful in surgical planning Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and diffu-
and assessment of the relationship of the tumor sion-weighted MRI with additional parameters
to the main pancreatic duct if enucleation is such as the volume transfer constant, rate con-
planned (13). The tumor size and shape; other stant, and intravoxel incoherent motion can help
features including the enhancement pattern, vas- in assessment of change after antiangiogenic
cular invasion, and lymph node metastases; and treatment (7). Hepatic metastases typically ap-
diffusion-weighted MRI can help in the predic- pear hyperintense at T2-weighted MRI and show
tion of the tumor grade (13). Tumors larger than hyperenhancement during the arterial phase.
2 cm with ill-defined margins that show het- A few atypical patterns include heterogeneous
erogeneous enhancement or hypoenhancement isointensity to intermediate signal intensity at T2-
and low apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) weighted MRI and hypoenhancement during all
suggest the presence of a high-grade abnormal- phases or peripheral enhancement with gradual
ity. Grades 2 and 3 panNETs can be recognized fill in (53). Various interventions are used to treat
by an absolute ADC cutoff value of 1.21  10-3 the primary tumor and hepatic metastases of
1248  September-October 2020

Figure 6.  Well-differentiated panNET in a 44-year-old

man. (a, b) Axial contrast-enhanced CT images in the
arterial (a) and portal venous (b) phases show an isoat-
tenuating mass (arrow) in the region of the pancreatic
head. (c) Axial 111In-pentetreotide SPECT/CT image
shows increased uptake in the tumor (arrow) in the re-
gion of the head of the pancreas in comparison with
the background. This mass was proven to be a well-
differentiated grade 1 panNET at pathologic evaluation.

panNETs. However, discussion of those tech-

niques is beyond the scope of this article.

Functional Imaging
Although panNENs display a wide spectrum
of biologic behavior, from being functioning
to nonfunctioning and ranging from benign to resolution and higher sensitivity for photon detec-
malignant, they express an adequate number of tion, make them superior to 111In-pentetreotide
somatostatin receptors, which allows imaging with imaging, which has been historically used to
nuclear medicine techniques and radiotracers that image panNENs and shows overall sensitivity of
are somatostatin analogs. Somatostatin receptor 77%, depending on the tumor size, the density of
imaging with somatostatin analog radiotracers tumor receptors, and the tumor grade (56,61).
has been at the forefront of imaging panNENs DOTATATE PET/CT has 81%–100% sensitivity
and is the only validating imaging method that and 90%–100% specificity, particularly for well-
allows selection of patients for peptide receptor differentiated tumors owing to high expression of
radionuclide therapy (54). 111In-pentetreotide somatostatin receptors (Fig 5) (57,58).
SPECT/CT imaging (OctreoScan; Mallinckrodt Functional imaging with 18F-FDG PET/CT
Pharmaceuticals, St Louis, Mo) uses the affinity has shown increased sensitivity for detection of
of the radioactive labeled somatostatin analog to high-grade and poorly differentiated tumors that
G-protein–coupled glycoproteins that are associ- lack adequate somatostatin receptors, with high
ated with the somatostatin receptors expressed in standardized uptake values associated with a
50%–80% of panNENs (Fig 6) (55). Studies show higher Ki-67 index (62,63). High-grade tumors
overall sensitivity of 77% for 111In-pentetreotide in show higher 18F-FDG uptake than that of 68Ga
detection of panNENs; however, among patients DOTATATE, with a median maximum standard-
with well-differentiated panNETs, sensitivity is ized uptake value of 11.7 versus 4.3 (Fig 7) (64).
80%, and among patients with poorly differenti- Imaging with 18F-FDG PET/CT is considered
ated tumors, it is approximately 57% (56). complementary to a 68Ga DOTATATE examina-
Ga DOTATATE PET/CT with 68Ga-tet- tion, and dual imaging may help to predict dis-
raazacyclododecane tetraacetic acid (DOTA)–so- ease progression and prognosis (62). Dual-tracer
matostatin analog has shown promising results for PET/CT with both 18F-FDG and DOTATATE
detection of small tumors not seen with 111In- can be helpful to assess the tumor metabolic
pentetreotide imaging, CT, or conventional MRI. phenotype and help to differentiate grade 3 pan-
It is also useful in staging and follow-up to identify NETs, which show increased uptake with 68Ga-
recurrent disease (55,57–60). Additional features DOTATATE, from grade 3 panNECs, which
of PET/CT scanners, including improved spatial show high uptake at 18F-FDG PET/CT (65).
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1249

Figure 7.  Well-differentiated grade 3 panNET in a 36-year-old woman. (a) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image
shows a large heterogeneously enhancing mass (arrows) in the head of the pancreas that is causing substantial mass
effect on the adjacent structures. (b) Axial 18F-FDG PET/CT image shows increased FDG uptake in the tumor (arrows).
This mass was proven to be a grade 3 DAXX- or ATRX-mutated panNET at pathologic evaluation.

Figure 8.  Illustration shows the pathogenesis of panNENs. PanNETs develop from mutations in the MEN1, ATRX, DAXX, and mTOR
pathway genes (PTEN, PIK3CA, and TSC2). Mutations of KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene), Rb1 (retinoblastoma tumor sup-
pressor gene), SMAD4 (SMAD family member 4 gene), and TP53 (p53 suppressor gene) are seen in panNECs, and they are typically
absent in panNETs.

Genetics and Pathogenesis ous sclerosis complex gene) are responsible for the
of PanNETs majority of panNETs (Fig 8). Mutation of DAXX
Recent gene-sequencing studies have helped to and ATRX genes results in a phenotype known as
broaden the understanding of oncogenic path- alternative lengthening of telomeres, which increases
ways that are involved in the development of cell proliferation (67,68). DAXX mutations in
panNETs and panNECs and to fuel research panNETs also lead to lower levels of TP53, result-
into identification of therapies and clarification of ing in tumor growth. PanNETs with DAXX and
prognoses (66). Mutations in the tumor suppres- ATRX mutations are associated with intermediate-
sor gene (MEN1, which encodes menin protein); and high-grade tumors and show poor prognosis
the chromatin-remodeling complex genes ATRX (66). Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 pathway is the
(α thalassemia/intellectual X–linked disability main regulator of all these genes and is abnormal
syndrome gene) and DAXX (death domain as- in panNETs (69).
sociated gene); and mTOR (mammalian target
of rapamycin gene) pathway genes PTEN (phos- Genetics and Pathogenesis
phatase and tensin homolog gene), PIK3CA of PanNECs
(phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase PanNECs are aggressive poorly differentiated
catalytic subunit alpha gene), and TSC2 (tuber- neoplasms composed of atypical cells with high
1250  September-October 2020

Table 5: PanNENs Associated with Hereditary Cancer Syndromes

Familial Syndrome Pancreatic Manifestations

MEN1 syndrome (MEN1 tumor Nonfunctioning tumors (up to 80%)
suppressor gene [chromosome Multifocal gastrinomas (20%–60%)
11q13]) CT and MRI show well-circumscribed intensely enhancing masses
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: extensive gastric rugal fold thickening
Ga DOTATATE PET/CT: highly sensitive, replaces 111In-pentetreotide
Cystic tumors (up to 15% of all panNETs in MEN1): larger, likely benign,
and mostly nonfunctioning
VHL syndrome (VHL gene Pancreatic cysts (50%–70%)
[chromosome 3p25]) Serous cystadenomas (12%)
PanNETs (9%–17%): multiple small (<2 cm) and mostly nonfunctioning tumors
CT and MRI: multiple enhancing solid masses in the pancreatic parenchyma
without involvement of the duodenum
15% of panNETs in patients with VHL are malignant
Neurofibromatosis type 1 Rare; periampullary or duodenal somatostatinomas
Tuberous sclerosis Rare; solid or cystic pancreatic masses in patients with tuberous sclerosis
should raise suspicion for panNETs
Glucagon cell hyperplasia and Multifocal pancreatic glucagon cell hyperplasia, microadenomas, and mac-
neoplasia roadenomas
Sources—References 71 and 72.

mitotic and Ki-67 indices that express general techniques for the surveillance of MEN1 (Fig 9)
markers of neuroendocrine differentiation, in- (73). Cystic tumors constitute up to 15% of all
cluding synaptophysin or chromogranin A, and panNETs in patients with MEN1. They are large,
are categorized as grade 3 neoplasms per the likely benign, and mostly nonfunctioning (74). The
WHO classification system (9,15). Histologically, presence of pathologically proven cystic panNETs
they can be small cell or large cell types. Tumors should raise suspicion for MEN1 (Fig 10) (74).
with large cells may be difficult to differentiate
from poorly differentiated pancreatic ductal ad- VHL Syndrome
enocarcinomas (70). PanNECs are characterized VHL syndrome is an autosomal-dominant
by TP53 and Rb1 mutations, and less commonly disease caused by mutations involving the VHL
by KRAS and SMAD4 mutations, which differ- gene located at chromosome 3p25 (74). Mul-
entiates them from panNETs (Fig 8) (66). tiple simple pancreatic cysts (50%–70%), serous
cystadenomas (12%), and panNETs (9%–17%)
Familial Syndromes Associated are the common pancreatic manifestations (74).
with PanNENs Approximately 50% of panNETs in patients with
VHL are small (<2 cm). Multiple panNETs are
MEN1 Syndrome often seen, and they are mostly nonfunctioning.
MEN1 syndrome is an autosomal-dominant dis- Patients with VHL present with panNETs at an
order that is caused by germline mutations in the earlier age than do those with sporadic pan-
MEN1 gene and is the most common genetic syn- NETs (Table 5) (72). Multiple enhancing solid
drome that is associated with panNETs, account- masses in the pancreatic parenchyma, without
ing for approximately 10% of all tumors (Table the involvement of the duodenum, are character-
5) (71). Multifocal gastrinomas (20%–60%) and istic of panNETs in an individual with a known
nonfunctioning tumors (up to 80%) are the most VHL mutation or with other manifestations of
common panNETs in patients with MEN1, ap- VHL such as hemangioblastomas of the central
pearing as well-circumscribed intensely enhancing nervous system, renal cell carcinomas, pancreatic
masses (71). Patients with MEN1 and gastrinomas cysts, and pheochromocytomas (Fig 11) (72).
may develop Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which Up to 15% of panNETs in patients with VHL are
is characterized by extensive thickening of the malignant and show local invasion and distant
gastric rugal folds at CT and MRI (Fig 9) (73). metastases (commonly to the liver) (Fig 11) (72).
PanNETs are the most common cause of disease- Although small tumors (<2 cm) may be moni-
associated mortality in patients with MEN1. 68Ga tored with imaging, masses larger than 3 cm,
DOTATATE PET/CT is sensitive for detection of rapidly growing tumors, and local-regional lymph
smaller panNETs and is replacing other imaging nodes warrant surgery (72).
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1251

Figure 9.  Multiple panNETs in a 38-year-old woman

with MEN1 and associated Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
due to gastrin overproduction. (a, b) Axial contrast-en-
hanced CT images of the abdomen show multiple hy-
perenhancing tumors (arrows in a) in the pancreatico-
duodenal groove (gastrinoma triangle) and irregularly
thickened gastric rugal folds (arrowheads in b), which
are suggestive of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. (c) 68Ga
DOTATATE PET/CT image shows increased uptake in
the multiple pancreatic and duodenal masses (arrows),
which is consistent with well-differentiated panNETs.
The masses were proven to be gastrinomas at endo-
scopic US-guided biopsy.

Figure 10.  Cystic panNET in a 52-year-old woman with MEN1. Axial T2-weighted (a) and gadolinium-enhanced
T1-weighted (b) MR images show a T2-hyperintense cystic mass in the pancreatic tail, with an irregularly thickened
wall and irregular rim enhancement (arrow). This mass was proven to be a well-differentiated grade 1 cystic panNET
at pathologic evaluation.

Rare Hereditary Cancer Syndromes tion may be considered, as clinically warranted

PanNETs are rare manifestations of neurofibro- (76).Glucagon cell hyperplasia and neopla-
matosis type 1, tuberous sclerosis, and glucagon sia syndrome are characterized by the lack of
cell hyperplasia and neoplasia (Table 5) (74). functional glucagon, which leads to multifocal
Although rare, periampullary and/or duodenal pancreatic glucagon cell hyperplasia, microad-
somatostatinomas can be seen in patients with enomas, and macroadenomas (77).
neurofibromatosis type 1 (75). PanNETs, either
functioning or nonfunctioning, are the most Functioning PanNETs
common pancreatic lesions in patients with Functioning panNETs are characterized by exces-
tuberous sclerosis; the presence of solid or cystic sive hormonal secretion and resulting clinical syn-
pancreatic masses in tuberous sclerosis should dromes. These are well-differentiated indolent tu-
raise the suspicion of panNETs, and resec- mors, with a good prognosis (2). Clinical features
1252  September-October 2020

Figure 11.  PanNENs in two patients with VHL syndrome. (a) Axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR image in a
34-year-old man with VHL syndrome shows multiple hyperenhancing masses (arrows) that are suggestive of panNETs. A few
cysts (arrowhead) are also seen in the right kidney. (b) Axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR image in a 25-year-old
man with VHL syndrome shows a heterogeneously enhancing mass (arrow) in the pancreas. This mass was proven to be a
high-grade panNEC at surgical resection.

and laboratory data are pivotal in their appropriate

diagnosis (9). Insulinomas are the most common
functioning panNETs and are usually detected
when they are small (<1 cm). Approximately 10%
of patients have multiple insulinomas, and they are
typically associated with MEN1 syndrome (1,2).
At CT or MRI, insulinomas are usually homo-
geneous and demonstrate intense enhancement
that is best seen during the arterial or pancreatic
parenchymal phase. Insulinomas may demonstrate
a pedunculated appearance (Fig 12) (12,33,46).
Insulinomas carry the best prognosis among the
Figure 12.  Insulinoma in a 35-year-old woman. Axial
panNETs (1,2). Gastrinomas are the second contrast-enhanced CT image of the pancreas shows a small
most common functioning panNETs and are well-defined hyperenhancing pedunculated mass (arrow)
usually located in the gastrinoma triangle, which is in the pancreatic tail. This tumor was proven to be an insu-
bordered by the junction of the second and third linoma at surgical resection.
parts of the duodenum, the pancreatic head and
neck, and the confluence of the cystic duct and
the common bile duct (1,2). Multiple gastrino- disease, with symptoms of local compression or
mas are the most common functioning panNETs metastasis, and are commonly large (1). At CT or
in patients with MEN1 syndrome (9). At CT or MRI, tumors are larger and show heterogeneous
MRI, gastrinomas show diffuse homogeneous or enhancement, with areas of necrosis and cystic
ringlike enhancement. The presence of marked changes. A larger size correlates with aggressive
thickening of the gastric fold and ulcers suggests behavior, including local and vascular invasion and
the presence of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (Fig metastases (Fig 13) (24,33).
9) (12,78). Up to 90% of tumors are malignant,
with metastases to the liver (74). 68Ga-DOT- Well-differentiated PanNETs:
ATATE PET/CT is helpful and shows intense Imaging Spectrum
uptake in gastrinomas (Fig 9) (12). Well-differentiated grade 1 and grade 2 panNETs
are typically small (<3 cm) well-circumscribed
Nonfunctioning PanNETs hypervascular masses with intense homogeneous
Up to 80% of panNETs are nonfunctioning enhancement in the arterial and portal venous
tumors and are being increasingly discovered at phases; the degree of homogeneity and enhance-
imaging that is performed for other reasons. Al- ment correlates with tumor grade (Figs 1, 4,
though they produce no clinical signs of hormonal 6) (79,80). They show signal hypointensity at
excess, tumors may secrete a precursor hormone T1-weighted MRI and signal hyperintensity at
that is functionally inert or occurs in amounts that T2-weighted MRI, without substantial diffusion
are too small to be clinically relevant (7). These restriction or distant metastases (21). Grade 1
tumors often manifest later in the course of the panNETs show more arterial hypervascularity
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1253

Figure 13.  Well-differentiated grade 2 nonfunctioning panNET in a 40-year-old woman. Axial nonenhanced (a) and
contrast-enhanced (b) CT images of the pancreas show a relatively ill-defined isoattenuating to hypoattenuating mass
(arrow in a) in the pancreatic tail that shows homogeneous enhancement after administration of contrast material (ar-
row in b). This mass was proven to be a grade 2 well-differentiated nonfunctioning panNET at pathologic evaluation.

Well-differentiated grade 3 panNETs are

large (>3 cm) masses with irregular margins that
show low to moderate enhancement in the arte-
rial phase and appear hypointense in the portal
venous phase (Figs 7, 14) (21). They appear het-
erogeneous, with areas of necrosis, cystic change,
and ductal involvement. They demonstrate low
to intermediate signal intensity at T2-weighted
MRI, with increased diffusion restriction (21,86).
Peripancreatic lymphadenopathy and distant
metastases (commonly to the liver) are very com-
Figure 14.  Well-differentiated grade 3 panNET in a 48-year- mon in grade 3 panNETs (7).
old man with VHL syndrome. Axial contrast-enhanced CT
image of the pancreas shows a heterogeneously enhancing
mass (arrow) involving the head and uncinate process of the
Poorly Differentiated PanNECs:
pancreas, with scattered areas of central necrosis that are Imaging Spectrum
displacing adjacent structures. This mass was proven to be Poorly differentiated panNECs are typically large
a grade 3 well-differentiated panNET at surgical resection. hypoenhancing masses that show heterogeneous
enhancement, with ill-defined margins. Tumors
commonly show cystic changes, calcification, and
with higher CT perfusion parameters such as necrosis (Figs 2, 15) (7). Additional morphologic
blood flow and higher volume transfer constants features that are associated with panNECs include
at perfusion MRI than do tumors of other grades, vascular invasion with tumor extension into a vein,
which helps in differentiation of grades 1, 2, and 3 upstream pancreatic ductal dilatation, and nodal
panNETs (20). In addition, grade 1 tumors show and hepatic metastases (21). Multiphasic pancre-
higher ADCs than do grade 2 and grade 3 tumors atic imaging shows atypical enhancement pat-
and show higher ADC ratios (ADC tumor/ADC terns such as tumor hypovascularity in the arterial
pancreas) at diffusion-weighted MRI (20,51,52). phase, heterogeneous or rimlike enhancement in
Grade 1 and grade 2 panNETs are also typically the arterial phase, persistent enhancement in the
solid, with the exception of cystic panNETs that portal venous phase, and hyperenhancement in
commonly occur in patients with MEN1 syn- the delayed phase (21,29). Tumors with early en-
drome (81). Although small tumors are not typi- hancement and a plateau or progressive enhance-
cally associated with pancreatic ductal obstruction ment are more likely to be associated with a poor
and dilatation, some panNETs may manifest with prognosis and higher amounts of fibrosis than are
fibrotic stricturing of the main pancreatic duct be- those with early rapid enhancement with washout
cause of serotonin secretion, which results in up- (7). Although atypical enhancement patterns and
stream pancreatic ductal dilatation and parenchy- morphologic features may overlap with those of
mal atrophy (82,83). Pancreatic ductal dilatation pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, contiguous tu-
is more often seen with panNECs and pancreatic mor extension into a vein is more commonly seen
ductal adenocarcinomas than with panNETs and in panNECs than in adenocarcinomas (21). Pan-
can be used as a distinguishing feature (84,85). NECs show signal hypointensity at T1-weighted
1254  September-October 2020

Figure 15.  Poorly differentiated high-grade panNEC in a 53-year-old man. Coronal T2-weighted (a) and axial diffusion-
weighted (b = 800 sec/mm2) (b) MR images, corresponding ADC map (c), and axial gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted
MR images (d, e) show an ill-defined mass (arrow in a–d) with mild T2 signal hyperintensity (arrow in a) involving the
head and uncinate of the pancreas, which also show substantial diffusion restriction (arrow in b). The mass is diffusely
hypoenhancing (arrow in d) after administration of contrast material, and there are multiple liver metastases (arrowheads
in e). Also note the substantial pancreatic parenchymal atrophy and the main pancreatic ductal dilatation (arrowhead in
a), which mimic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent Whipple surgery (pancreatoduodenectomy),
and the mass was proven to be a poorly differentiated grade 3 panNEC with Ki-67 proliferation of 70%.

MRI and moderate signal hyperintensity at T2-

weighted MRI in comparison with the pancreatic
parenchyma and are associated with lower ADCs
at diffusion-weighted MRI (29).

Well-differentiated Grade 3 PanNETs

versus Poorly Differentiated Grade 3
Although panNECs show aggressive biologic
behavior and have poor survival outcomes that
are not affected by the surgical approach, grade 3
panNETs with a lower Ki-67 index (21%–55%)
have a better prognosis with the use of an aggres-
sive surgical approach (47). Although differentia- during the portal venous phase) of less than 1.02;
tion of grade 3 panNECs from grade 3 panNETs and are associated with lymph node and hepatic
based on imaging findings alone is difficult, metastatic disease (7). PanNECs show signal hy-
certain imaging characteristics favor a diagnosis perintensity at diffusion-weighted MRI, with low
of panNEC over panNET (87). Compared with ADCs compared with grade 3 panNETs (86). Al-
grade 3 panNETs, panNECs are larger, with ir- though grade 3 panNETs have a low uptake rate
regular margins; appear invasive; and show ductal of 30% at 18F-FDG PET/CT, grade 3 panNECs
dilatation, heterogeneous or rimlike enhance- have an uptake rate of more than 80% (87). 111In-
ment in the arterial phase, and hypoenhancement pentetreotide reveals the expression of somatosta-
in the portal venous phase, with a lower portal tin receptors in up to 90% of grade 3 panNETs,
enhancement ratio (attenuation of the tumor compared with only 50% uptake in panNECs
compared with that of the pancreatic parenchyma (87). Given the lack of differentiation and low
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1255

Figure 16.  Well-differentiated grade 2 panNET in a 71-year-old woman. Axial contrast-enhanced CT images of the
pancreas in the arterial (a) and portal venous (b) phases show a pancreatic mass (arrows) with heterogeneous enhance-
ment in the arterial phase that demonstrates washout in the portal venous phase. The mass was proven to be a well-
differentiated grade 2 panNET with ATRX and DAXX mutations at pathologic evaluation.

somatostatin receptors, 68Ga DOTATATE PET/ late in tumor development, resulting in alterna-
CT also shows decreased uptake in panNECs tive lengthening of telomeres and positive pheno-
and moderate uptake in grade 3 panNETs (87). types, and are associated with intermediate- and
high-grade tumors (3,66). Compared with those
Mixed Neuroendocrine- that are negative, panNETs that are positive for
Nonneuroendocrine Neoplasms alternative lengthening of telomeres are strongly
According to the 2017 WHO classification system, associated with large tumor size (>3 cm), pan-
mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinomas have creatic duct dilatation, and hepatic metastasis,
been renamed as mixed neuroendocrine-nonneuroen- and they correspond to aggressive behavior, high
docrine neoplasms (MiNENs) (7,88). These are rare tumor grade, and resultant poor prognosis (Figs 7,
malignancies with aggressive biologic behaviors, 16) (89). A lobulated or irregular shape, necrosis,
and they contain both endocrine and nonendo- intratumoral calcifications, and vascular invasion
crine cell types, with each tumor cell type account- are also seen in panNETs that are positive for al-
ing for more than 30% of the overall tumor cell ternative lengthening of telomeres (89). This infor-
population and both components classified as high mation can be useful for prognosis and is impor-
grade at pathologic evaluation (88). Ductal and tant in guiding treatment and exploring specific
acinar type MiNENs are the most common (2) chemotherapeutic agents that target the alternative
and are aggressive entities with frequently poorly lengthening of telomeres pathway (89).
differentiated high-grade neuroendocrine compo-
nents, resulting in poor survival (88). Mimics of PanNENs
Although the two components may have a Hypervascular pancreatic and peripancreatic
common monoclonal origin, with mutations of neoplastic and nonneoplastic entities can mimic
tumor-associated genes such as TP53, BRAF, and panNENs at imaging. Also, given the irregular
KRAS; microsatellite instability; and molecular margins and hypovascular appearance, poorly
aberrations; the pathogenesis remains controver- differentiated panNECs mimic pancreatic ductal
sial (88). Although their imaging appearance is adenocarcinoma.
nonspecific, miNENs generally are large (>5 cm) Hypervascular metastases to the pancreas
and manifest as local invasion, distant metastases, from primary malignancies such as renal cell
and lymphadenopathy and mimic high-grade carcinoma, thyroid cancer, and melanoma may
panNECs (88). The management strategy is resemble panNENs at imaging (Fig 17) (25,26).
based on the most aggressive component. Tissue- Serous microcystadenoma or cystadenocar-
sampling of the metastatic lesion is warranted, cinoma with avidly enhancing hypervascular
because it usually arises from only one of the two stroma may appear solid at CT, mimicking pan-
components. Additional biopsy of distant, recur- NENs. The presence of a central scar and subtle
rent, or rapidly progressing metastases is recom- septa or a microcystic appearance at MRI and
mended (88). the absence of uptake at 68Ga DOTATATE PET/
CT suggest the diagnosis of a serous cystic neo-
Radiogenomics of PanNETs plasm (Fig 18) (27). Pancreatic cystic neoplasms
DAXX and ATRX gene mutations are identified such as intraductal papillary mucinous neo-
in up to 40% of panNETs, which typically occur plasms and mucinous cystic neoplasms mimic
1256  September-October 2020

cystic panNETs; endoscopic US–guided fine

needle aspiration helps in the diagnosis (81).
An intrapancreatic-peripancreatic accessory
splenule is typically seen in or around the dis-
tal 3 cm of the pancreatic tail and can mimic
hypervascular panNETs. Splenules appear as
signal isointensity in comparison to the spleen
at T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and contrast-
enhanced MRI, with a serpiginous or arciform
enhancement pattern (Fig 19) (13). Increased
uptake at technetium 99m (99mTc)-labeled sulfur
colloid or 99mTc-labeled heat-damaged red blood Figure 17.  Hypervascular metastases to the pancreas from
cell–tagged imaging helps to identify splenic tis- renal cell carcinoma that mimic a panNET in a 68-year-old
man. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows a hyperen-
sue, although endoscopic US–guided fine needle hancing focal mass (arrow) in the head of the pancreas.
aspiration may be necessary in select cases with Also note the postnephrectomy changes on the left side.
inconclusive findings at MRI or nuclear imag- This mass was proven to be metastatic disease at endo-
ing (13). Peripancreatic gastrointestinal stromal scopic US-guided biopsy.
tumors that arise from the second portion of the
duodenum and peripancreatic paraganglioma
may also mimic panNENs at imaging (Fig 20)
(13). A splenic artery loop can also mimic solid
hypervascular lesions. However, enhancement
patterns that are similar to those of the artery and
its appearance on multiple planes at imaging is
diagnostic. A well-defined margin and hyperen-
hancement or isoenhancement in the portal ve-
nous phase are useful MRI features that are more
common in nonhypervascular panNETs and may
help in discrimination of them from pancreatic
ductal adenocarcinoma (90).
Figure 18.  Serous cystadenocarcinoma mimicking a pan-
Management of PanNENs NEC in a 35-year-old woman. Axial contrast-enhanced CT
Tumor grading and differentiation per the WHO image of the pancreas shows a large heterogeneously en-
classification system and the AJCC staging hancing mass (arrows) in the pancreas that is causing sub-
system are the most important determinants in stantial mass effect on the adjacent structures and is encas-
ing the superior mesenteric artery. This mass was proven to
selection of the appropriate treatment for patients
be serous cystadenocarcinoma at CT-guided biopsy.
with panNENs. The treatment options for well-
differentiated grade 3 panNETs are distinct from
those for poorly differentiated grade 3 panNECs of the tumor (7,12). Aggressive surgical resec-
(7). Based on the clinical features and pathologic tion and tumor debulking are also considered in
and imaging findings, active surveillance with symptomatic patients with advanced metastatic
follow-up imaging, surgical resection, chemother- disease (92). Liver transplantation should be
apy, and radiation therapy are the available treat- reserved for patients with widespread hepatic
ment options for panNENs. Partial hepatectomy, metastases (93).
image-guided ablation, transarterial chemoembo- The mTOR inhibitor everolimus and the
lization, and radioembolization with radioactive tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib have shown
yttrium 90 (90Y) microspheres are helpful in the promise in progression-free survival in patients
treatment of hepatic metastases (Fig 21) (7,12). with grade 3 well-differentiated panNETs with
Complete surgical resection with regional metastatic disease (94). Chemotherapeutic
lymph node dissection is the treatment of choice regimens such as cisplatin with etoposide or
for well-differentiated grade 1 and grade 2 pan- cisplatin with irinotecan are recommended in
NETs and should be considered for all patients poorly differentiated panNECs (91,95). Hijioka
with early-stage disease (91). Although small et al (96) found a response rate of 61.3% to this
(<1.5 cm) low-grade nonfunctioning panNETs treatment regimen, which was significantly better
can be conservatively managed with follow-up in panNECs with loss of retinoblastoma protein
imaging, surgical resection is a preferred choice expression and KRAS mutation in comparison
for functioning and larger nonfunctioning pan- with those with preserved retinoblastoma expres-
NETs if possible, depending on the size and stage sion and no KRAS mutations.
RG  •  Volume 40  Number 5 Khanna et al  1257

Figure 19.  Intrapancreatic splenule mimicking a pan-

NET in a 50-year-old man. Axial T2-weighted image (a)
and gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR images of
the pancreas in the arterial (b) and portal venous (c)
phases show a mildly T2-hyperintense well-defined
round lesion (arrows in a) in the pancreatic tail that
appears similar to the spleen. This lesion demonstrates
serpiginous enhancement in the arterial phase (arrow
in b) and homogeneous enhancement in the portal ve-
nous phase (arrow in c), similar to the adjacent splenic
parenchyma (arrowhead in b and c). These findings are
consistent with an intrapancreatic splenule.

a somatostatin analog, octreotide, is used as a

carrier molecule to deliver radionuclides such as
Y and lutetium 177 (177Lu) to the target tumor
cells with abundant somatostatin receptors. This
enables radioactivity in proximity to the nucleus,
leading to marked improvements in outcomes
compared with those of conventional therapies
(97,98). Peptide receptor radionuclide therapies
decrease tumor size and improve biochemical
and symptomatic manifestations in grade 3 pan-
NETs, with impressive outcomes, as shown in
progression-free survival and overall survival rates
compared with those of other therapies (99,100).
PanNECs may be less responsive to peptide
receptor radionuclide therapy because of lower
Figure 20.  Retroperitoneal paraganglioma mimicking somatostatin receptors expression (101).
a panNEC in a 38-year-old woman. Coronal contrast-
enhanced CT image of the abdomen shows a hetero-
geneously enhancing mass (arrow) in the region of the Natural History and
pancreatic head. At pathologic evaluation, this mass Prognosis of PanNENs
was proven to be a retroperitoneal paraganglioma with In comparison with pancreatic ductal adenocar-
succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB) gene mutation aris-
ing in the peripancreatic region. cinoma, which shows a 5-year survival rate of less
than 7%, panNENs, including those in patients
with advanced disease, have a better prognosis,
PET/CT can help to guide the initial man- likely because patients with panNENs tend to
agement of advanced or metastatic well-differ- have a higher proportion of well-differentiated
entiated panNETs. Depending on the degree tumors and tend to be younger at diagnosis and
of differentiation, peptide receptor radionuclide present earlier in the course of the disease than
therapy with somatostatin analogs or chemo- do patients with pancreatic ductal adenocar-
therapy is used frequently as the first choice of cinoma (102). The tumor grade at pathologic
treatment in these patients (97). Peptide receptor evaluation, the AJCC stage, and the presence
radionuclide therapy is a novel concept in which of metastatic disease are the most important
1258  September-October 2020

Figure 21.  Flowchart demonstrates management of panNENs.

prognostic factors (7). Most small nonfunction- of research with profound clinical implications
ing panNENs do not increase in size and seldom include correlation of imaging findings with the
show metastasis during follow-up studies (103). biologic aggressiveness of tumors, standardization
Tumors with early enhancement and a plateau of quantitative and volumetric assessment of tu-
or progressive enhancement are more likely to mor burden, optimization of imaging modalities
be associated with a poorer prognosis and higher and techniques for screening and surveillance,
amounts of fibrosis compared with those that and identification of imaging findings to serve as
show early rapid enhancement with washout (7). biomarkers of treatment response assessment.
Lymph node metastases, extrapancreatic exten- Although 68Ga-DOTATATE has transformed
sion, intratumoral calcifications, and hypoen- imaging of panNENs because of improved sensi-
hancement during the portal venous phase are tivity, it is limited by a low production yield, the
independent prognostic factors for poor survival relatively short half-life of 68Ga, and low spatial
(104). Lobular shape, poorly defined margins, resolution. Radiolabeled tracers such as 68Ga-
cystic components, intratumoral blood vessels in satoreotide trizoxetan (OPS202) and curium
the early arterial phase and smooth rim enhance- 64 (64Cu)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-
ment in the delayed phase, greater pancreatic 1,4,8,11-tetraacetic acid (TETA)-octreotide may
and bile duct dilatation, peripancreatic tissue be more effective because of higher affinity for so-
or vascular invasion, and lymphadenopathy and matostatin receptors, different biodistribution, and
distant metastasis were associated with higher- reduced organ doses for the liver, the gastrointes-
grade tumors (105,106). Arterially hypoenhanc- tinal tract, the pancreas, the lungs, and the spleen,
ing well-differentiated panNETs are associated leading to the improved tumor-to-background
with an aggressive phenotype, including necrosis, ratio (108,109). Newer techniques and radiotrac-
lymph node and liver metastases, and an overall ers may be important in future PET/CT imaging
poor prognosis (107). and targeted radionuclide therapy.
Evolving knowledge about the genetics of pan-
Future Directions NENs has fueled research in developing targeted
Identification and characterization of distinct agents to treat these tumors. Various new che-
genetic mutations and clarification of specific motherapeutic agents that target specific path-
tumor pathways of panNENs have led to better ways are being tried to treat advanced tumors. A
staging paradigms and improved patient triage, multitargeted receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor
treatment, and prognostication. Future areas (sunitinib) and an MTor inhibitor (everolimus)
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