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a. Identify the producers, consumers, herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores in a
food web as well as how they are connected to one another.
b. Recognize that the direction of energy transfer is shown by the arrows in a
food chain or food web.
c. Construct their own food web.

Students should already be knowledgeable about
 the composition of an ecosystem (community and environment),
 the fact that plants are the only food source for mammals,
 that plants produce their own food through photosynthesis


Introductory Lesson: Food Web

A. Science Process
Observing, Discussing, and Explaining
B. Materials
Laptop, Pictures, video, and manila paper

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Energized- chicken dance

4. Attendance
5. Classroom Management

Before the session begins, make a sizable paper sun that will be hung on a wall. Find
out what the students had for breakfast. On the board, make a list of their responses.
Do the students know if anyone had breakfast in the sun? Mention that a food chain
connects all living things, including humans, and that the energy in everyone's food can
be traced back to the sun. Explain that students will learn how this is true in this lesson.
Go back to the list of breakfast items that the kids consumed. Items like toast, peanut
butter, cereal, milk, orange juice, eggs, etc. may fall under this category. Give out
construction paper strips. Give each pupil a strip of paper to sign with their name on.
Create a loop out of the strip using tape or staples. Now request that each student list
one thing they consumed during breakfast, for such as an egg. They ought to jot this
down on a separate piece of paper and create a connection that joins it to the link
bearing their name. What was that food made of? Create a link for chicken and relate it
to the link for eggs since chickens lay eggs. What food consumes a chicken? Select one
of those things, then connect it. What do insects consume, let's say you choose them?
Create a link for the word "leaves" What consume leaves? Through the use of sunlight
and photosynthesis, leaves create their own nourishment. For the sun, create a link.
Now every pupil should have a multi-link food chain leading from them to the sun.
Repeat the process with the students using another morning food, maybe bacon (bacon
originates from pigs, which may eat grain, which is a plant that creates food through
photosynthesis and is connected to the sun).
Post the document at a high point on a wall or bulletin board while the pupils are
working on it. Have each kid attach the link that represents the sun to the sun you
displayed once they have done making a few chains. From the sun, extend the chain
lengthwise, and attach the other end to the wall or bulletin board with staples or tape.
The energy in the food that students consumed can now be linked to the sun.

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