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11-03 22:28:47.

844 556 582 I libPowerHal: [updateCusScnTable] hint 1155 not

found in HintMappingTbl, hint_id: 1155
11-03 22:28:47.844 556 582 I libPowerHal: append hint_id: 1155,
PowerScnTbl.size: 48
11-03 22:28:48.013 577 648 I ANDR-PERF-VPERFCONFIG: Identified commonxml
commonid=4224 hintid=1155 type=1 timeout=-1 soc=mtk fps=0 socid=-1 in table
11-03 22:28:54.372 528 528 D Zygote : Forked child process 1155
11-03 22:28:54.372 528 528 I Zygote : System server process 1155 has been
01-01 08:00:00.440 1155 1155 W main : type=1400 audit(0.0:8388608): avc:
granted { mounton } for path="/storage" dev="dm-5" ino=53 scontext=u:r:zygote:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:storage_file:s0 tclass=dir
11-03 22:28:54.543 1155 1155 W system_server: Failed to upload odrefresh metrics:
metrics file '/data/misc/odrefresh/odrefresh-metrics.txt' could not be opened: No
such file or directory
11-03 22:28:54.546 1155 1155 E system_server: Not starting debugger since process
cannot load the jdwp agent.
11-03 22:28:54.550 1155 1155 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam
detection failed: Invalid argument
11-03 22:28:56.536 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: InitBeforeStartServices
11-03 22:28:56.541 1155 1155 I SystemServer: Entered the Android system server!
11-03 22:28:56.550 1155 1155 W system_server: ClassLoaderContext parent mismatch.
(PCL[] |
11-03 22:28:56.754 1155 1155 D PowerManagerService: /proc/cmdline=console=tty0
console=ttyS1,921600n1 vmalloc=350M slub_debug=OFZPU
page_owner=on swiotlb=noforce androidboot.hardware=mt6765
maxcpus=8 loop.max_part=7
firmware_class.path=/vendor/firmware has_battery_removed=0 loop.max_part=7
ramoops.mem_address=0x47c90000 ramoops.mem_size=0xe0000 ramoops.pmsg_size=0x10000
ramoops.console_size=0x40000 usbserial_number=H6YPTCBY4T4HNNWS
bootopt=64S3,32S1,32S1 product.version=PD2140F_EX_A_6.24.4
fingerprint.abbr=12/SP1A.210812.003 region_ver=W20 product.solution=MTK
buildvariant=user root=/dev/ram androidboot.vbmeta.device=PARTUUID=85a5b02f-3773-
18b3-1049-718cde95107e androidboot.vbmeta.avb_version=1.2
androidboot.vbmeta.device_state=locked androidboot.veritymode=enforcing
androidboot.vc.magic=none androidboot.verifiedbootstate=green
androidboot.atm=disabled factory_mode=0 androidboot.vivo_brom_flag=1
androidboot.meta_log_disable=0 vivolog_flag=0 country_code=ID
product_version=PD2140EF_EX_A_6.24.4 oem_name=NULL factory_mode=0 tier=2 bbk_dp=0
androidboot.anti.sec_nonsec_reco=3,3,2 androidboot.anti.avb_anti_ver=3
mtk_printk_ctrl.disable_uart=1 androidboot.serialno=331126627300089
bbk_pcb_version=MP_0.1 androidboot.product.hardware.sku=010011000001
androidboot.swtp=0 androidboot.bootreason=reboot gpt=1 usb2jtag_mode=0
androidboot.dtb_idx=0 androidboot.dtbo_idx=0
11-03 22:28:56.767 1155 1155 E UsbAlsaJackDetectorJNI: Can't register
UsbAlsaJackDetector native methods
11-03 22:28:56.773 1155 1155 I VivoSystemServiceFactory: Instance implClass
11-03 22:28:56.798 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:28:56.804 1155 1155 I SystemServerInitThreadPool: Creating instance with
8 threads
11-03 22:28:57.026 1155 1155 D _V_SystemFonts: verifyDefaultFont path:
11-03 22:28:57.027 1155 1155 D _V_SystemFonts: verifyDefaultFont path:
11-03 22:28:57.027 1155 1155 D _V_Typeface: reloadVivoFont type:1
11-03 22:28:57.028 1155 1155 D _V_Typeface: copyFrom newTypeface: a1d04700 ->
11-03 22:28:57.028 1155 1155 D _V_Typeface: copyFrom newTypeface: a1d04958 ->
11-03 22:28:57.064 1155 1155 D _V_Typeface: copyFrom newTypeface: 96014c48 ->
11-03 22:28:57.064 1155 1155 D _V_Typeface: copyFrom newTypeface: 96014c60 ->
11-03 22:28:57.064 1155 1155 D _V_Typeface: copyFrom newTypeface: 96014c78 ->
11-03 22:28:57.065 1155 1155 D _V_Typeface: copyFrom newTypeface: 96014c90 ->
11-03 22:28:57.070 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartServices
11-03 22:28:57.070 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: startBootstrapServices
11-03 22:28:57.070 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartWatchdog
11-03 22:28:57.075 1155 1155 W _V_AnimationThread: boost animthread
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: Failed to write to
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/rsc/rsc_svp: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method)
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: at
11-03 22:28:57.077 1155 1424 W _V_AnimationThread: ... 12 more
11-03 22:28:57.093 1155 1426 I AES : load Exception Log jni
11-03 22:28:57.096 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:28:57.097 1155 1155 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway
spam detection failed: Invalid argument
11-03 22:28:57.099 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.103 1155 1427 E system_server: Could not write anonymous vdex
/system/framework/oat/arm/mediatek-framework.vdex: Could not open
/system/framework/oat/arm/mediatek-framework.vdex for writing
11-03 22:28:57.110 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-common/cust/google/tier2/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.110 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-common/cust/google/tier2/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.110 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-common/cust/google/tier2/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.111 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-common/cust/google/region/ID/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.111 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-common/cust/google/region/ID/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.111 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-common/cust/google/region/ID/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.113 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-common/cust/region/ID/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.114 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-common/cust/region/ID/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.115 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-common/cust/region/ID/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.116 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.116 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.117 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.118 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-project/cust/vivo/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.118 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/vivo/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.119 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/vivo/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.119 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-project/cust/project/PD2140EF_EX/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.119 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/project/PD2140EF_EX/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.120 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/project/PD2140EF_EX/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.123 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/google/tier2/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.123 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/google/tier2/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.125 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-project/cust/region/ID/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.125 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/region/ID/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.125 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/region/ID/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.126 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.126 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.126 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.127 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/vivo/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.127 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/vivo/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.127 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/vivo/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.128 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/project/PD2140EF_EX/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.128 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/project/PD2140EF_EX/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.128 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/project/PD2140EF_EX/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.129 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/region/ID/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.129 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/region/ID/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.129 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/region/ID/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.129 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/project_region/PD2140EF_EX/ID/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.130 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/project_region/PD2140EF_EX/ID/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.130 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/project_region/PD2140EF_EX/ID/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.130 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/carrier//vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.130 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/carrier//vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.131 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/carrier//vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.131 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/PD2140EF_EX//vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.131 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/PD2140EF_EX//vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.132 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/PD2140EF_EX//vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.133 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config path file
/system/vgc-project/cust/vgc_path_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.134 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config path file
/vgc/cust/vgc_path_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.135 1155 1155 E _V_VGC : config path file
/vgc/cota/cust/vgc_path_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:28:57.137 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:57.167 1155 1155 I SystemServer: Reading configuration...
11-03 22:28:57.168 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ReadingSystemConfig
11-03 22:28:57.168 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: PlatformCompat
11-03 22:28:57.169 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:28:57.170 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Found a config file:
11-03 22:28:57.170 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.171 1155 1433 I incfs : Initial API level of the device: 30
11-03 22:28:57.172 1155 1433 I incfs : ro.incremental.enable: yes
11-03 22:28:57.172 1155 1433 I incfs : isFsAvailable: true
11-03 22:28:57.172 1155 1433 I incfs : isFsAvailable: true
11-03 22:28:57.172 1155 1433 I incfs : IncFs_Features: v1
11-03 22:28:57.173 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.173 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.174 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.175 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.176 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.176 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.176 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.177 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.178 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.178 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.179 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.179 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.179 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.180 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.180 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.181 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.181 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.182 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.182 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.183 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.183 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.184 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.184 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.185 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.185 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.185 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.186 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.186 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.187 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.188 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.188 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.189 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.190 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.190 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.191 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.191 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.192 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.192 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.193 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.193 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.193 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.194 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.194 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.195 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.195 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.196 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.196 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.197 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.198 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.198 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.199 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.199 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.199 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.200 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.201 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.201 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.201 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.202 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.202 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.203 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.203 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.203 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.204 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.204 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.204 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.205 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.205 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.206 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.206 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.207 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.207 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.208 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Found a config file:
11-03 22:28:57.208 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.209 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.209 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.210 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Found a config file:
11-03 22:28:57.210 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.212 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.213 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.213 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.214 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.214 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.215 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.215 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.216 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.217 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.218 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.219 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.219 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.220 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.220 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.221 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.221 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.222 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.223 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.223 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.224 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.224 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.225 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.225 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.226 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.226 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.226 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.227 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.227 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.228 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.228 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.229 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.229 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.229 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.230 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.230 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.230 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.231 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.231 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.232 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.232 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.233 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.234 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.234 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.235 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.236 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.238 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.239 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.240 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.240 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.242 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.245 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.245 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.247 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.248 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.250 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.251 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.252 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.254 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.254 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.255 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.255 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.256 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.257 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.258 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.259 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.260 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.260 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.262 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.263 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.264 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.267 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.269 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.270 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.272 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.272 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.273 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.274 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.275 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.276 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.277 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.277 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.282 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.284 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.285 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.287 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.289 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.290 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.291 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.293 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.294 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.295 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.296 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.297 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.299 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.300 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.302 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.302 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.304 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.305 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.307 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.309 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.310 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.311 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.311 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.312 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.313 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.314 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Found a config file:
11-03 22:28:57.316 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.319 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.322 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.322 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Found a config file:
11-03 22:28:57.324 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.326 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.327 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.329 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.330 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.331 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/system/system_ext/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.332 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.vndk.v30/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.333 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.wifi/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.333 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.334 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.vndk.v31/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.334 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.tzdata/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.334 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.tethering/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.334 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.sdkext/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.335 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.scheduling/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.335 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.runtime/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.335 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.resolv/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.335 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.permission/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.335 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.os.statsd/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.335 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.neuralnetworks/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.336 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.336 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Found a config file:
11-03 22:28:57.337 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.338 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.339 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.339 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.340 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.340 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.341 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.342 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.342 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.343 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.344 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.344 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.media.swcodec/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.344 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.media/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.345 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.ipsec/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.345 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.i18n/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.345 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.extservices/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.345 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.conscrypt/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.349 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.350 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Found a config file:
11-03 22:28:57.351 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.351 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.352 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.353 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.355 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.355 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: Adding:
11-03 22:28:57.357 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.appsearch/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.357 1155 1155 D CompatConfig: No directory
/apex/com.android.adbd/etc/compatconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.358 1155 1433 W SystemConfig: No directory
/system_ext/etc/sysconfig, skipping
11-03 22:28:57.360 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.362 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.364 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.365 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartFileIntegrityService
11-03 22:28:57.365 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:57.366 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.368 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.370 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.374 1155 1433 V _V_VivoSystemConfigImpl:
11-03 22:28:57.374 1155 1433 V _V_VivoSystemConfigImpl: begin to load vgc
11-03 22:28:57.381 1155 1433 V _V_VivoSystemConfigImpl: begin to load vgc
privilege permission config file
11-03 22:28:57.387 1155 1433 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from
11-03 22:28:57.390 1155 1155 I SELinux : SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
11-03 22:28:57.391 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartInstaller
11-03 22:28:57.391 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:57.395 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: DeviceIdentifiersPolicyService
11-03 22:28:57.395 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:57.397 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: UriGrantsManagerService
11-03 22:28:57.397 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:57.400 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartPowerStatsService
11-03 22:28:57.400 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:57.403 1155 1155 E PowerStatsService: Unable to get power.stats HAL
11-03 22:28:57.403 1155 1155 E PowerStatsService: nativeInit failed to connect to
power.stats HAL
11-03 22:28:57.404 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartIStatsService
11-03 22:28:57.406 1155 1155 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
11-03 22:28:57.408 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MemtrackProxyService
11-03 22:28:57.412 1155 1155 I Stability: Interface set with vintf stability wire
protocol version 1 downgraded to system stability wire protocol version 1 stability
11-03 22:28:57.413 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManager
11-03 22:28:57.413 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:57.422 1155 1155 V _V_VivoStats: VivoStats instance, mInstancePri =
0, curPri = 1
11-03 22:28:57.427 1155 1439 E _V_FreezerManager: writeFile fail
/sys/rsc//binder_cmd java.io.FileNotFoundException: /sys/rsc/binder_cmd: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:57.448 1155 1155 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance
11-03 22:28:57.448 1155 1155 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance
11-03 22:28:57.450 1155 1155 W system_server: ClassLoaderContext parent mismatch.
(PCL[] |
11-03 22:28:57.459 1155 1155 W system_server: ClassLoaderContext parent mismatch.
(PCL[] | PCL[];PCL[/system/framework/mediatek-services.jar*2514841097];PCL[/
11-03 22:28:57.469 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.472 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig: MultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.477 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.478 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig:
11-03 22:28:57.478 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig: TIERLEVEL:2
11-03 22:28:57.478 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMultiWindowConfig: ISOVERSEAS:true
11-03 22:28:57.483 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.484 1155 1155 D _V_ThirdPartyIncoming:
11-03 22:28:57.495 1155 1155 I VisdisplaySetting: VisdisplaySetting construct
with Context
11-03 22:28:57.497 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.499 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.502 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.504 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.506 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.508 1155 1155 E _V_VivoLcmUtils: the readKernelNode
is:/sys/lcm/extic_enable: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:57.509 1155 1155 D _V_DisplayEnhanceNovaUsecaseController: parseInt
11-03 22:28:57.509 1155 1155 E _V_VivoLcmUtils: the readKernelNode
is:/sys/lcm/extic_enable: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:57.509 1155 1155 D _V_DisplayEnhanceNovaUsecaseController: parseInt
11-03 22:28:57.509 1155 1155 D _V_DisplayEnhanceNovaUsecaseController: init
DisplayEnhanceNovaUsecaseController isNovaAvailable = false, ENABLE_IC = false
11-03 22:28:57.512 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.518 1155 1155 D _V_VivoRatioControllerUtilsImpl: CONSTURE of
11-03 22:28:57.522 1155 1155 E _V_VivoBinderProxy: mConfigurationManager
11-03 22:28:57.523 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:57.528 1155 1155 I ActivityManager: Memory class: 128
11-03 22:28:57.530 1155 1445 I Binder : Setting heavy hitter watcher config:
false, 0, 0.0
11-03 22:28:57.549 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: FrozenQuicker create
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: java.lang.Throwable: debug
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method)
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.573 1155 1155 E _V_quickfrozen: at
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.google.android.ext.services: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.vivo.abe: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.vivo.pem: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.vivo.crontab: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.android.vending: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package android: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.android.launcher3: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.google.android.permissioncontroller: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.google.android.gms: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.google.android.gsf: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.vivo.audiofx: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.vivo.upslide: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.vivo.omacp: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.android.phone: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.android.providers.userdictionary: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.android.providers.media.module: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.577 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.android.systemui: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.578 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.android.bluetooth: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.578 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.android.vending: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.578 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Updated health check state for
package com.google.android.modulemetadata: INACTIVE -> PASSED
11-03 22:28:57.590 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.593 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.594 1155 1155 V _V_VivoStats: VivoStats publish!
11-03 22:28:57.595 1155 1155 V _V_VivoStats: pem feature: SystemStatus =
true ,DDC = true ,Alarm = true, mNoSupportPemDDC = false
11-03 22:28:57.599 1155 1155 D BatteryStatsImpl: Reading daily items from
11-03 22:28:57.617 1155 1155 V _V_VivoStats: noteInner what = 10011, arg1 = 0,
arg2 = 0
11-03 22:28:57.642 1155 1456 E BatteryStatsService: Unable to load
Power.Stats.HAL. Setting rail availability to false
11-03 22:28:57.643 1155 1456 E BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null
11-03 22:28:57.643 1155 1456 I KernelCpuUidFreqTimeReader:
11-03 22:28:57.645 1155 1456 W KernelCpuUidFreqTimeBpfMapReader: Failed to start
11-03 22:28:57.647 1155 1456 W KernelCpuUidActiveTimeBpfMapReader: Failed to
start tracking
11-03 22:28:57.648 1155 1456 W KernelCpuUidClusterTimeBpfMapReader: Failed to
start tracking
11-03 22:28:57.650 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:57.651 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:57.651 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:28:57.804 1155 1155 E AudioRestriction: Unknown audio suppression
11-03 22:28:57.825 1155 1456 W KernelMemoryBandwidthStats: No kernel memory
bandwidth stats available
11-03 22:28:57.826 1155 1456 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 6, arg1 = 0, arg2 = 0
11-03 22:28:57.955 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 100209(6396KB) AllocSpace objects, 128(3260KB) LOS objects, 58% free,
6070KB/14MB, paused 226us,77us total 117.307ms
11-03 22:28:57.959 1155 1155 I IntentFirewall: Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
11-03 22:28:57.966 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.976 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:57.979 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:58.001 1155 1155 I _V_rms : Set sys.sps.version to 0
11-03 22:28:58.009 1155 1155 I _V_CgrpController: initialize isSupported=true
11-03 22:28:58.018 1155 1155 V _V_EmergencyBroadcastManager: init.
11-03 22:28:58.046 1155 1155 D AppOps : AppOpsService published
11-03 22:28:58.057 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDataLoaderManagerService
11-03 22:28:58.057 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:58.059 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartIncrementalService
11-03 22:28:58.064 1155 1155 I incfs-mounts: [incfs] Loaded incremental-fs mount
info: 0 instances, 0 mount points
11-03 22:28:58.065 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartPowerManager
11-03 22:28:58.065 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:58.070 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:58.081 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartThermalManager
11-03 22:28:58.082 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:58.083 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartHintManager
11-03 22:28:58.083 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:58.085 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: InitPowerManagement
11-03 22:28:58.088 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartRecoverySystemService
11-03 22:28:58.088 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:58.094 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartLightsService
11-03 22:28:58.094 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:58.153 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSidekickService
11-03 22:28:58.153 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDisplayManager
11-03 22:28:58.154 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:58.167 1155 1155 I _V_VivoSystemServer: StartVivoDisplayStateManager
11-03 22:28:58.167 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:28:58.169 1155 1423 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:58.170 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: WaitForDisplay
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 100
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_100
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.171 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.172 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.172 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.172 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.172 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.172 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.172 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.172 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.172 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.203 1155 1423 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device added:
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Layar Bawaan": uniqueId="local:0", 720 x 1600, modeId 1,
defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[]}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities
HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0,
mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported false,
gameContentTypeSupported false, density 300, 269.21 x 269.21 dpi, appVsyncOff
2400001, presDeadline 28600000, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0)
waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 - 445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type INTERNAL, address {port=0},
deviceProductInfo null, state UNKNOWN, frameRateOverride , brightnessMinimum 0.0,
brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.4, roundedCorners
RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 1515)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 1515)}]},
11-03 22:28:58.203 1155 1423 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Applying layout: [{addr:
{port=0}, dispId: 0(ON)}], Previous layout: null
11-03 22:28:58.204 1155 1423 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Adding new display: 0:
DisplayInfo{"Layar Bawaan", displayId 0", displayGroupId -1, FLAG_SECURE,
FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS, FLAG_TRUSTED, real 720 x 1600, largest app 720 x
1600, smallest app 720 x 1600, appVsyncOff 2400001, presDeadline 28600000, mode 1,
defaultMode 1, modes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[]}], hdrCapabilities
HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0,
mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, userDisabledHdrTypes [],
minimalPostProcessingSupported false, rotation 0, state UNKNOWN, type INTERNAL,
uniqueId "local:0", app 720 x 1600, density 300 (269.21 x 269.21) dpi, layerStack
0, colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], address {port=0}, deviceProductInfo null,
removeMode 0, refreshRateOverride 0.0, brightnessMinimum 0.0, brightnessMaximum
1.0, brightnessDefault 0.4,CurvedDisplayCut
11-03 22:28:58.204 1155 1423 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Setting new display group 0
for display 0, from previous group: null
11-03 22:28:58.204 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:28:58.204 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDomainVerificationService
11-03 22:28:58.207 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartPackageManagerService
11-03 22:28:58.207 1155 1155 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main thread for
reason: packagemanagermain. Pause count: 1
11-03 22:28:58.221 1155 1155 I PackageManagerTiming: create package manager
11-03 22:28:58.230 1155 1155 I PackageManagerTiming: createSubComponents
11-03 22:28:58.264 1155 1155 I PackageManagerTiming: addSharedUsers
11-03 22:28:58.289 1155 1155 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:28:58.286 1155 1155 W system_server: type=1400 audit(0.0:478): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_vivo_serialno_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=311 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_vivo_serialno_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
11-03 22:28:58.290 1155 1485 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: msg:1000, do nothing.
11-03 22:28:58.290 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: oemName:PD2140EF_EX_ID_NULL_NULL
11-03 22:28:58.290 1155 1155 W _V_VivoPKMSUtils: apps list file path /data/vivo-
11-03 22:28:58.291 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: PD2140EF_EX_ID_NULL_NULL
11-03 22:28:58.293 1155 1155 W _V_VivoPKMSUtils: get oem apps from back file .
11-03 22:28:58.295 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: init builtIn3Part app_config
from /data/vivo-apps ; and will Ignore other catalog
11-03 22:28:58.301 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSLocManager: false false
11-03 22:28:58.301 1155 1155 I _V_VivoUninstallMgr: UninstallMgr..
11-03 22:28:58.302 1155 1155 I _V_VivoUninstallMgr: init false false
11-03 22:28:58.302 1155 1155 I _V_pkmsReportMgr: pkmsReportMgr init.
11-03 22:28:58.304 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: Sys app All exist!
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: Failed to read
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: data/system/vgc_deleted_app.list: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method)
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: at
11-03 22:28:58.313 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVGCPKMSUtils: ... 15 more
11-03 22:28:58.336 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:58.339 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:58.342 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:58.346 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:28:58.347 1155 1155 I PackageManagerTiming: get system config
11-03 22:28:58.353 1155 1155 D PackageManager: Directories scanned as system
partitions: [/system/dyn:67108864, /system:0, /vendor:524288, /odm:4194304,
/oem:262144, /product:1048576, /system/system_ext:2097152, /vgc:16777216,
/apex/com.android.vndk.v30:8388608, /apex/com.android.wifi:8388608,
/apex/com.android.vndk.v31:8388608, /apex/com.android.tzdata:8388608,
/apex/com.android.tethering:8388608, /apex/com.android.sdkext:8388608,
/apex/com.android.scheduling:8388608, /apex/com.android.runtime:8388608,
/apex/com.android.resolv:8388608, /apex/com.android.permission:8388608,
/apex/com.android.os.statsd:8388608, /apex/com.android.neuralnetworks:8388608,
/apex/com.android.media.swcodec:8388608, /apex/com.android.media:8388608,
/apex/com.android.ipsec:8388608, /apex/com.android.i18n:8388608,
/apex/com.android.extservices:8388608, /apex/com.android.conscrypt:8388608,
/apex/com.android.art:8388608, /apex/com.android.appsearch:8388608,
11-03 22:28:58.356 1155 1155 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file
11-03 22:28:58.360 1155 1155 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file
11-03 22:28:58.361 1155 1155 D SELinuxMMAC: Using policy file
11-03 22:28:58.362 1155 1155 I PackageManagerTiming: loadFallbacks
11-03 22:28:58.365 1155 1155 D FallbackCategoryProvider: Found 388 fallback
11-03 22:28:58.366 1155 1155 I PackageManagerTiming: read user settings
11-03 22:28:58.569 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.570 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.571 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.572 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.572 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.573 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.573 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.574 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.575 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.575 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.576 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.577 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.577 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.578 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.579 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.579 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.580 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.581 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.581 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.582 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.583 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.583 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.584 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.585 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.586 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.586 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.587 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.588 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.589 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.590 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.591 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.592 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.593 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.593 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.594 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.595 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.596 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.597 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.597 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.598 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.599 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.600 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.600 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.601 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.602 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.603 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.603 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.604 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.605 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.606 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.607 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.608 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.609 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.609 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.610 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.611 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.612 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.612 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.613 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.613 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.614 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.615 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.615 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.616 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.617 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.618 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.619 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.619 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.620 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.621 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.622 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.623 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.623 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.624 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.625 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.626 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.626 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.627 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.628 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.629 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.629 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.630 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.631 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.631 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.632 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.633 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.634 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.634 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.635 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.636 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.637 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.637 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.639 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.640 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.641 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.642 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.642 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.643 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.644 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.645 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.648 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.648 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.649 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.650 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.651 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.652 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.652 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.653 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.654 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.655 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.655 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.656 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.657 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.658 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.658 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.659 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.660 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.660 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.661 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.662 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.663 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.663 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.664 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.665 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.666 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.667 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.667 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.668 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.669 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.670 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.670 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.671 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.672 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.673 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.674 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.674 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.675 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.676 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.677 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.677 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.678 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.679 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.680 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.680 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.681 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.682 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.683 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.683 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.684 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.685 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.686 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.686 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.687 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.688 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.689 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.690 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.691 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.692 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.693 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.694 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.694 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.695 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.696 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.698 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.699 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.699 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.700 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.701 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.702 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.702 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.703 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.704 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.705 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.706 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.707 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.708 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.708 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.709 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.710 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.711 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.712 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.713 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.714 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.715 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.716 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.717 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.718 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.719 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.720 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.721 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.727 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.730 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.732 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.733 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.734 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.734 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.735 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.736 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.736 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.737 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.738 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.738 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.739 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.741 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.742 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.742 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.743 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.744 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.744 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.745 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.745 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.746 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.747 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.747 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.748 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.749 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.749 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.750 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.750 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.751 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.752 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.753 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.754 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.754 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.755 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.756 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.757 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.758 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.759 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.759 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.760 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.761 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.761 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.762 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.763 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.764 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.764 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.765 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.766 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.767 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.768 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.768 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.769 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.770 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.771 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.772 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.773 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.774 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.775 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.776 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.776 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.777 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.778 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.778 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.779 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.780 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.780 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.781 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.782 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.783 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.783 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.784 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.785 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.786 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.786 1155 1155 W android.permission.PermissionManager: Missing
ActivityManager; assuming 1000 holds android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS
11-03 22:28:58.857 1155 1155 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for
shared user: android.uid.log
11-03 22:28:58.857 1155 1155 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for
shared user: android.uid.nfc
11-03 22:28:58.857 1155 1155 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for
shared user: android.uid.uwb
11-03 22:28:58.857 1155 1155 W PackageSettings: Missing permission state for
shared user: android.uid.se
11-03 22:28:58.912 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPmsABUpgradeUtil: It do not need updat 3rd
11-03 22:28:58.916 1155 1155 D PackageManager: Keeping known cache
11-03 22:28:58.921 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /vgc/overlay
11-03 22:28:58.922 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:58.932 1155 1155 I PackageBackwardCompatibility: Loaded
11-03 22:28:58.933 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143539591; UID -1; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:28:58.973 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /oem/overlay
11-03 22:28:58.973 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /odm/overlay
11-03 22:28:58.994 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.002 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/framework/vivo-res.apk: Invalid manifest package: must have at least one
'.' separator
11-03 22:28:59.002 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/framework/oat: Missing base APK in /system/framework/oat/arm
11-03 22:28:59.004 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/system/framework/arm: Missing base APK in /system/framework/arm
11-03 22:28:59.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: /system/framework/wmshellapp.apk
changed; collecting certs
11-03 22:28:59.025 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/framework/wmshellapp.apk: Failed collecting certificates for
11-03 22:28:59.043 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.044 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.050 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/system/priv-app filename:TelephonyProvider_T1
11-03 22:28:59.056 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/system/priv-app filename:EasyShareTire1
11-03 22:28:59.057 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/system/priv-app filename:MmsService_T1
11-03 22:28:59.082 1155 1165 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 103359(6216KB) AllocSpace objects, 30(1332KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
9090KB/17MB, paused 197us,249us total 221.044ms
11-03 22:28:59.092 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{24ff919 com.facebook.system/10061}
11-03 22:28:59.093 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143539591; UID -1; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:28:59.093 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168782947; UID -1; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:28:59.095 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/priv-app/facebook-installer: Package com.facebook.system at /system/priv-
app/facebook-installer ignored: updated version 399718019 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.095 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{c48ddde com.vivo.easyshare/10066}
11-03 22:28:59.098 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/priv-app/EasyShareTire2: Package com.vivo.easyshare at
/system/priv-app/EasyShareTire2 ignored: updated version 1380 better than this 1200
11-03 22:28:59.103 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{cc3b19a com.vivo.appstore/10064}
11-03 22:28:59.105 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/priv-app/VivoAppStoreEX: Package com.vivo.appstore at
/system/priv-app/VivoAppStoreEX ignored: updated version 5030802 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.126 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168782947; UID -1; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:28:59.128 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{b716a74 com.facebook.services/10069}
11-03 22:28:59.131 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/priv-app/facebook-services: Package com.facebook.services at /system/priv-
app/facebook-services ignored: updated version 399718100 better than this 323617117
11-03 22:28:59.244 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: skip mIsOverseas :true,
11-03 22:28:59.246 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/system/app filename:VivoThemeRes_T1
11-03 22:28:59.250 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in blackapp.list, We do not
need to scan:/system/app filename:BSPTest
11-03 22:28:59.251 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in blackapp.list, We do not
need to scan:/system/app filename:YandexActive
11-03 22:28:59.253 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/system/app filename:BBKTheme_T1
11-03 22:28:59.296 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg = PackageSetting{c3bcda
11-03 22:28:59.298 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/BBKAccount: Package com.bbk.account at /system/app/BBKAccount ignored:
updated version 6205 better than this 6102
11-03 22:28:59.313 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{1ce6b65 com.vivo.website/10105}
11-03 22:28:59.314 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/VivoWebsite: Package com.vivo.website at /system/app/VivoWebsite
ignored: updated version 32000 better than this 30000
11-03 22:28:59.367 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{441f8d2 com.vivo.game/10119}
11-03 22:28:59.368 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/vivogame: Package com.vivo.game at /system/app/vivogame ignored:
updated version 27020 better than this 27000
11-03 22:28:59.369 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl:
codePath:/system/app/VivoDaemonService pkg:Package{e531da3 com.vivo.daemonService}
11-03 22:28:59.388 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{f366c25 com.facebook.appmanager/10123}
11-03 22:28:59.389 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/facebook-appmanager: Package com.facebook.appmanager at
/system/app/facebook-appmanager ignored: updated version 399718362 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.397 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{6a09f62 com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/10139}
11-03 22:28:59.399 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /system/app/Gboard:
Package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin at /system/app/Gboard ignored: updated
version 94563869 better than this 62962561
11-03 22:28:59.414 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg = PackageSetting{18bd36
11-03 22:28:59.416 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/system/app/BBKTheme: Package com.bbk.theme at /system/app/BBKTheme ignored:
updated version 7800 better than this 7715
11-03 22:28:59.504 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /vendor/priv-
11-03 22:28:59.515 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to parse
/vendor/app/mcRegistry: Missing base APK in /vendor/app/mcRegistry
11-03 22:28:59.520 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /odm/priv-app
11-03 22:28:59.520 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /odm/app
11-03 22:28:59.520 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /oem/app
11-03 22:28:59.523 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/product/priv-app filename:CarrierServices
11-03 22:28:59.523 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/product/priv-app filename:MessagesGo
11-03 22:28:59.524 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/product/priv-app filename:GoogleDialerGo
11-03 22:28:59.557 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{ce0b4e1 com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/10174}
11-03 22:28:59.560 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/priv-app/Wellbeing: Package com.google.android.apps.wellbeing at
/product/priv-app/Wellbeing ignored: updated version 439367 better than this 297547
11-03 22:28:59.560 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{9cfc206 com.google.android.apps.assistant/10173}
11-03 22:28:59.562 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/priv-app/AssistantGo: Package com.google.android.apps.assistant at
/product/priv-app/AssistantGo ignored: updated version 20937 better than this 11773
11-03 22:28:59.563 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{137a0c7 com.google.android.apps.searchlite/10176}
11-03 22:28:59.564 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/priv-app/GoogleSearchGo: Package com.google.android.apps.searchlite at
/product/priv-app/GoogleSearchGo ignored: updated version 701667 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.570 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{e95f892 com.google.android.apps.nbu.files/10175}
11-03 22:28:59.571 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/priv-app/FilesGoogleGo: Package com.google.android.apps.nbu.files at
/product/priv-app/FilesGoogleGo ignored: updated version 391342 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.572 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{a838263 com.android.vending/10178}
11-03 22:28:59.573 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/priv-app/Phonesky: Package com.android.vending at
/product/priv-app/Phonesky ignored: updated version 83291510 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.583 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{74ade60 com.google.android.gms/10179}
11-03 22:28:59.584 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/priv-app/GmsCoreGo: Package com.google.android.gms at
/product/priv-app/GmsCoreGo ignored: updated version 224212069 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.587 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/product/app filename:GoogleContacts
11-03 22:28:59.588 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: It is in vgc black list, We do not
need to scan:/product/app filename:Keep
11-03 22:28:59.596 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{8e21f19 com.google.android.apps.photosgo/10181}
11-03 22:28:59.599 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/GalleryGo: Package com.google.android.apps.photosgo at
/product/app/GalleryGo ignored: updated version 11551470 better than this 7070094
11-03 22:28:59.615 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{812b8b6 com.google.android.tts/10189}
11-03 22:28:59.617 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/SpeechServicesByGoogle: Package com.google.android.tts at
/product/app/SpeechServicesByGoogle ignored: updated version 210395420 better than
this 210333541
11-03 22:28:59.617 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{70449b7 com.google.android.apps.youtube.music/10184}
11-03 22:28:59.620 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/YTMusic: Package com.google.android.apps.youtube.music at
/product/app/YTMusic ignored: updated version 53051230 better than this 44151230
11-03 22:28:59.620 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{5d35524 com.google.android.youtube/10187}
11-03 22:28:59.622 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/YouTube: Package com.google.android.youtube at /product/app/YouTube
ignored: updated version 1532353984 better than this 1522652608
11-03 22:28:59.623 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{cc4688d com.google.android.calendar/10185}
11-03 22:28:59.632 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/CalendarGoogle: Package com.google.android.calendar at
/product/app/CalendarGoogle ignored: updated version 2017115450 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.632 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{189aa42 com.google.android.modulemetadata/10186}
11-03 22:28:59.636 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/com.google.android.modulemetadata: Package
com.google.android.modulemetadata at /product/app/com.google.android.modulemetadata
ignored: updated version 331058004 better than this 311323004
11-03 22:28:59.637 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{a89ca53 com.google.android.apps.tachyon/10188}
11-03 22:28:59.638 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /product/app/Duo:
Package com.google.android.apps.tachyon at /product/app/Duo ignored: updated
version 3859180 better than this 3185742
11-03 22:28:59.639 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{7829f90 com.google.android.webview/10190}
11-03 22:28:59.640 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/WebViewGoogle: Package com.google.android.webview at
/product/app/WebViewGoogle ignored: updated version 524912630 better than this
11-03 22:28:59.644 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{e3b1c45 com.google.android.marvin.talkback/10194}
11-03 22:28:59.645 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/talkback: Package com.google.android.marvin.talkback at
/product/app/talkback ignored: updated version 60125046 better than this 60119610
11-03 22:28:59.646 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{4263f9a com.google.android.apps.maps/10193}
11-03 22:28:59.647 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan /product/app/Maps:
Package com.google.android.apps.maps at /product/app/Maps ignored: updated version
1066743482 better than this 1066115287
11-03 22:28:59.647 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{6c630cb com.google.android.gm/10195}
11-03 22:28:59.649 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/Gmail2: Package com.google.android.gm at /product/app/Gmail2 ignored:
updated version 63483937 better than this 62777361
11-03 22:28:59.649 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{d42d0a8 com.android.chrome/10192}
11-03 22:28:59.650 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/product/app/Chrome: Package com.android.chrome at /product/app/Chrome ignored:
updated version 524912630 better than this 447211480
11-03 22:28:59.681 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 76186(4602KB) AllocSpace objects, 44(1808KB) LOS objects, 20% free,
14MB/17MB, paused 432us,151us total 143.574ms
11-03 22:28:59.691 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.691 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /vgc/priv-app
11-03 22:28:59.691 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir /vgc/app
11-03 22:28:59.691 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.691 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.701 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.701 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.701 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.701 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.708 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.708 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.708 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.708 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.709 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.709 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.709 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.709 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.709 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.716 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.716 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.716 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.716 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.716 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.722 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.730 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.730 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.730 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.730 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.730 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.730 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.731 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.731 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.731 1155 1155 D PackageManager: No files in app dir
11-03 22:28:59.743 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan VGC system apps.
11-03 22:28:59.755 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{cb24c10
11-03 22:28:59.756 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.758 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 133396946; UID -1; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:28:59.763 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{cdbd0c9
11-03 22:28:59.763 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.775 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{fa84c1d
com.google.android.apps.docs} path:/data/vivo-apps/com.google.android.apps.docs
11-03 22:28:59.775 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.777 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 133396946; UID -1; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:28:59.785 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{c16380c
com.michatapp.im} path:/data/vivo-apps/com.michatapp.im
11-03 22:28:59.785 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.786 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/data/vivo-apps/com.michatapp.im: com.michatapp.im, This app has uninstalled from
data/vivo-apps, so not install! ####
11-03 22:28:59.786 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Deleting invalid package at
11-03 22:28:59.790 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPmsImpl: removeCodePathLI call INSTALL TO
rm /data/vivo-apps/com.michatapp.im
11-03 22:28:59.790 1155 1155 W _V_VivoPmsImpl: /data/vivo-apps/com.michatapp.im
is not need remove.
11-03 22:28:59.791 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{6484b6a
com.cnn.indonesia} path:/data/vivo-apps/com.cnn.indonesia
11-03 22:28:59.791 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.791 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/data/vivo-apps/com.cnn.indonesia: com.cnn.indonesia, This app has uninstalled from
data/vivo-apps, so not install! ####
11-03 22:28:59.792 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Deleting invalid package at
11-03 22:28:59.793 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPmsImpl: removeCodePathLI call INSTALL TO
rm /data/vivo-apps/com.cnn.indonesia
11-03 22:28:59.794 1155 1155 W _V_VivoPmsImpl: /data/vivo-apps/com.cnn.indonesia
is not need remove.
11-03 22:28:59.795 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{1f4c8f8
com.kwai.bulldog} path:/data/vivo-apps/com.kwai.bulldog
11-03 22:28:59.795 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.795 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/data/vivo-apps/com.kwai.bulldog: com.kwai.bulldog, This app has uninstalled from
data/vivo-apps, so not install! ####
11-03 22:28:59.795 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Deleting invalid package at
11-03 22:28:59.797 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPmsImpl: removeCodePathLI call INSTALL TO
rm /data/vivo-apps/com.kwai.bulldog
11-03 22:28:59.797 1155 1155 W _V_VivoPmsImpl: /data/vivo-apps/com.kwai.bulldog
is not need remove.
11-03 22:28:59.797 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{f17b436
com.google.android.videos} path:/data/vivo-apps/com.google.android.videos
11-03 22:28:59.797 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.803 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{4347ece
mobi.mangatoon.novel} path:/data/vivo-apps/mobi.mangatoon.novel
11-03 22:28:59.803 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.804 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/data/vivo-apps/mobi.mangatoon.novel: mobi.mangatoon.novel, This app has
uninstalled from data/vivo-apps, so not install! ####
11-03 22:28:59.804 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Deleting invalid package at
11-03 22:28:59.805 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPmsImpl: removeCodePathLI call INSTALL TO
rm /data/vivo-apps/mobi.mangatoon.novel
11-03 22:28:59.807 1155 1155 W _V_VivoPmsImpl:
/data/vivo-apps/mobi.mangatoon.novel is not need remove.
11-03 22:28:59.807 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{c0804fc
com.facebook.lite} path:/data/vivo-apps/com.facebook.lite
11-03 22:28:59.807 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: systemReady... DeletedList
[com.michatapp.im, com.cnn.indonesia, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.facebook.lite,
com.kwai.bulldog] apkList:[com.google.android.apps.docs,
com.google.android.apps.magazines, com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red,
com.michatapp.im, mobi.mangatoon.novel, com.kwai.bulldog, com.cnn.indonesia,
com.google.android.videos, com.facebook.lite]
11-03 22:28:59.807 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Failed to scan
/data/vivo-apps/com.facebook.lite: com.facebook.lite, This app has uninstalled from
data/vivo-apps, so not install! ####
11-03 22:28:59.808 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Deleting invalid package at
11-03 22:28:59.809 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPmsImpl: removeCodePathLI call INSTALL TO
rm /data/vivo-apps/com.facebook.lite
11-03 22:28:59.809 1155 1155 W _V_VivoPmsImpl: /data/vivo-apps/com.facebook.lite
is not need remove.
11-03 22:28:59.810 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan VGC data apps.
11-03 22:28:59.810 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan preload apps.
11-03 22:28:59.811 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Finished scanning system apps.
Time: 907 ms, packageCount: 214 , timePerPackage: 4 , cached: 239
11-03 22:28:59.869 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{e3b1c45 com.google.android.marvin.talkback/10194}
11-03 22:28:59.873 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.marvin.talkback
11-03 22:28:59.882 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{8e21f19 com.google.android.apps.photosgo/10181}
11-03 22:28:59.885 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.apps.photosgo
11-03 22:28:59.949 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{b716a74 com.facebook.services/10069}
11-03 22:28:59.951 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.facebook.services
11-03 22:28:59.954 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{9cfc206 com.google.android.apps.assistant/10173}
11-03 22:28:59.955 1155 1490 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 150232615; UID -1; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:28:59.958 1155 1489 W PackageParsing: No actions in intent-filter at
base.apk Binary XML file line #258
11-03 22:28:59.962 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.apps.assistant
11-03 22:28:59.967 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{70449b7 com.google.android.apps.youtube.music/10184}
11-03 22:28:59.973 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.apps.youtube.music
11-03 22:28:59.982 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{812b8b6 com.google.android.tts/10189}
11-03 22:28:59.984 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.tts
11-03 22:28:59.989 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{1ce6b65 com.vivo.website/10105}
11-03 22:28:59.992 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.vivo.website
11-03 22:28:59.995 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{441f8d2 com.vivo.game/10119}
11-03 22:28:59.998 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.vivo.game
11-03 22:29:00.001 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{cc4688d com.google.android.calendar/10185}
11-03 22:29:00.003 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.calendar
11-03 22:29:00.017 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg = PackageSetting{c3bcda
11-03 22:29:00.019 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.bbk.account
11-03 22:29:00.024 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{74ade60 com.google.android.gms/10179}
11-03 22:29:00.026 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.gms
11-03 22:29:00.201 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{6a09f62 com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/10139}
11-03 22:29:00.203 1155 1165 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 57499(3068KB) AllocSpace objects, 62(4512KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
18MB/37MB, paused 237us,158us total 334.643ms
11-03 22:29:00.204 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin
11-03 22:29:00.207 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{e95f892 com.google.android.apps.nbu.files/10175}
11-03 22:29:00.209 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.apps.nbu.files
11-03 22:29:00.213 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{c48ddde com.vivo.easyshare/10066}
11-03 22:29:00.214 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.vivo.easyshare
11-03 22:29:00.223 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{cc3b19a com.vivo.appstore/10064}
11-03 22:29:00.223 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.vivo.appstore
11-03 22:29:00.239 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{f366c25 com.facebook.appmanager/10123}
11-03 22:29:00.241 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.facebook.appmanager
11-03 22:29:00.250 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{d42d0a8 com.android.chrome/10192}
11-03 22:29:00.259 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.android.chrome
11-03 22:29:00.290 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Provider
udio.AudioFileProvider} already defined; ignoring
11-03 22:29:00.290 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name
com.mobile.legends.ttgame.audiolib.provider (in package com.mobile.legends): name
already used by com.mobile.legends
11-03 22:29:00.301 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name
com.shopee.id.fileprovider (in package com.shopee.id): name already used by
11-03 22:29:00.330 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg = PackageSetting{18bd36
11-03 22:29:00.332 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.bbk.theme
11-03 22:29:00.336 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{4263f9a com.google.android.apps.maps/10193}
11-03 22:29:00.341 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.apps.maps
11-03 22:29:00.363 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{a89ca53 com.google.android.apps.tachyon/10188}
11-03 22:29:00.366 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.apps.tachyon
11-03 22:29:00.371 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{5d35524 com.google.android.youtube/10187}
11-03 22:29:00.373 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.youtube
11-03 22:29:00.378 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{189aa42 com.google.android.modulemetadata/10186}
11-03 22:29:00.379 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.modulemetadata
11-03 22:29:00.381 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{7829f90 com.google.android.webview/10190}
11-03 22:29:00.383 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.webview
11-03 22:29:00.397 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{24ff919 com.facebook.system/10061}
11-03 22:29:00.398 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.facebook.system
11-03 22:29:00.401 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{ce0b4e1 com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/10174}
11-03 22:29:00.403 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.apps.wellbeing
11-03 22:29:00.413 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{a838263 com.android.vending/10178}
11-03 22:29:00.416 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.android.vending
11-03 22:29:00.426 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Skipping provider name
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid.provider (in package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid): name already used by
11-03 22:29:00.427 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{137a0c7 com.google.android.apps.searchlite/10176}
11-03 22:29:00.429 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.apps.searchlite
11-03 22:29:00.500 1155 1155 D PackageManager: updatedPkg =
PackageSetting{6c630cb com.google.android.gm/10195}
11-03 22:29:00.504 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Relax SCAN_REQUIRE_KNOWN
requirement for package com.google.android.gm
11-03 22:29:00.518 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Finished scanning non-system apps.
Time: 706 ms, packageCount: 51 , timePerPackage: 13 , cached: 58
11-03 22:29:00.519 1155 1155 W PackageManager: There should probably be exactly
one storage manager; found 2: matches=[ResolveInfo{3bc4595
com.google.android.apps.nbu.files/.home.HomeActivity p=100 m=0x108000},
com.android.storagemanager/.deletionhelper.DeletionHelperActivity m=0x108000}]
11-03 22:29:00.534 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Time to scan packages: 1.63
11-03 22:29:00.567 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Permission ownership changed.
Updating all permissions.
11-03 22:29:00.567 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT:
11-03 22:29:00.567 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking
11-03 22:29:00.567 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:00.567 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:00.568 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.PACKET_KEEPALIVE_OFFLOAD:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.NETWORK_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_WAKEUP:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking com.mediatek.presence.permission.PRESENCE:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
android.permission.INTERNET: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@4bc84d6
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@6da9eb2
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
com.android.vending.BILLING: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@8834e44
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:00.569 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:00.570 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.574 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.575 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.576 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS:
11-03 22:29:00.576 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:00.576 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:00.576 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:00.576 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.577 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.577 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.577 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.permission.MIGRATION_CONTENT_PROVIDER:
11-03 22:29:00.578 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.578 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:00.578 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY:
11-03 22:29:00.578 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:00.578 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.579 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.579 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:00.579 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.579 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.579 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_OWN_CALLS:
11-03 22:29:00.579 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.579 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.NFC:
11-03 22:29:00.579 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:00.580 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PROFILE:
11-03 22:29:00.580 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.580 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS:
11-03 22:29:00.580 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:00.580 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:00.581 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM:
11-03 22:29:00.581 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:00.582 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.582 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:00.582 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.583 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.583 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.launcher.permission.UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.w4b.permission.BROADCAST:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.w4b.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.permission.REGISTRATION:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.sticker.READ:
11-03 22:29:00.584 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CALL_PHONE:
11-03 22:29:00.585 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS:
11-03 22:29:00.586 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG:
11-03 22:29:00.586 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.586 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.vending.BILLING:
11-03 22:29:00.586 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.588 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.588 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.588 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.588 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.NFC:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.589 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.590 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS:
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DYNAMIC_SYSTEM:
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.REBOOT:
11-03 22:29:00.591 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.READ_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_LOGS:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.BATTERY_STATS:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.DEVICE_POWER:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.READ_DATA:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.WRITE_DATA:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.SIGN_OR_SYSTEM:
11-03 22:29:00.592 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.READ_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.593 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.telephony(1001) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.STATUS_BAR:
11-03 22:29:00.594 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC_INTERNAL:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.MANAGE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking com.vivo.face.permission.USE_FACE_ENROLL:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.CREATE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking com.vivo.appstore.permission.outer.provider:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking com.vivo.cota.service.access:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.onetimeinitializer(10196) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.onetimeinitializer(10196) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.onetimeinitializer(10196) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:00.595 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN:
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.focaltech.deltadiff(10130) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.596 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.focaltech.deltadiff(10130) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_SELF_UPDATES:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.appstore.permission.SILENT_INSTALL:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.provider.billaccess:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.FLASHLIGHT:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT:
11-03 22:29:00.597 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_SMS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SMS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_MTP:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.PEERS_MAC_ADDRESS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.provider.notesaccess:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_WIFI_CREDENTIAL:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.REORDER_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BACKUP:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.configlist_provider:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.control.commond:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.NETWORK_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BIND_QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.daemonservice.permission.PROCESS_DETECT_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.exidentifier.provider:
11-03 22:29:00.598 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.smartshot.permission.QUERY_STORAGE_DIR:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.BATTERY_STATS:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:00.599 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking com.bbk.account.permission.READ_ACCOUNTINFO:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking com.vivo.pem.permission.BROADCAST:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.REBOOT:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_COMPONENT:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking com.push.permission.UPSTAGESERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.HARDWARE_TEST:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.exidentifier.provider:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking com.android.launcher.READ_SPEEDUP_WHITE_LIST:
11-03 22:29:00.600 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.abe(1000)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking com.vivo.pem.permission.BROADCAST:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.DEVICE_POWER:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN:
11-03 22:29:00.601 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking com.google.android.googleapps.permission.GOOGLE_AUTH:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking com.android.certinstaller.INSTALL_AS_USER:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.BATTERY_STATS:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.STATUS_BAR:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_USB:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.SET_POINTER_SPEED:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.SET_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_PROFILE:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.CONFIGURE_WIFI_DISPLAY:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.SET_TIME:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_SEARCH_INDEXABLES:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.OEM_UNLOCK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.unifiedconfig.provider:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking com.android.launcher.READ_SPEEDUP_WHITE_LIST:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking com.iqoo.powersaving.permission.MODE_CHANGE:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT:
11-03 22:29:00.602 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.pem(1000)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.wallpapercropper(10200) checking android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.wallpapercropper(10200) checking
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking com.android.vending.BILLING:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies(10317) checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID:
11-03 22:29:00.603 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
android.permission.INTERNET: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@4bc84d6
11-03 22:29:00.604 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
11-03 22:29:00.604 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
com.android.vending.BILLING: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@8834e44
11-03 22:29:00.604 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@6da9eb2
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid(10313) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.focaltouchscreen.sensortest(10155) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.focaltouchscreen.sensortest(10155) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.focaltouchscreen.sensortest(10155) checking
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.compass(10099)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.compass(10099)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.605 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.compass(10099)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.compass(10099)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.compass(10099)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.compass(10099)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.compass(10099)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.compass(10099)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.ilitek.touchscreen.noisev2(10126) checking
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.documentsui(10085) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.documentsui(10085) checking android.permission.REMOVE_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.documentsui(10085) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.documentsui(10085) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.documentsui(10085) checking android.permission.CACHE_CONTENT:
11-03 22:29:00.606 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.documentsui(10085) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:00.607 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.documentsui(10085) checking android.permission.CHANGE_OVERLAY_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:00.607 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.documentsui(10085) checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS:
11-03 22:29:01.083 1155 1155 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 4274 lines
11-03 22:29:01.083 1155 1155 V PackageManager: reconcileAppsData finished 35
11-03 22:29:01.084 1155 1155 I PackageManagerTiming: write settings
11-03 22:29:01.084 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:01.095 1155 1155 W PackageManager: Preserving older settings backup
11-03 22:29:01.155 1155 1155 I SELinux : SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
11-03 22:29:01.216 1155 1155 I PackageManagerTiming: GC
11-03 22:29:01.216 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Fix for b/169414761 is applied
11-03 22:29:01.237 1155 1155 D PackageManager: idleDexoptAppSet =
{com.kitkagames.fallbuddies, com.andi.alquran.id, com.android.vending,
com.google.android.modulemetadata, com.vivo.unionpay, com.google.android.gms,
11-03 22:29:01.238 1155 1155 D PackageManager: initIdleDexoptAppsSet:
{com.kitkagames.fallbuddies, com.andi.alquran.id, com.android.vending,
com.google.android.modulemetadata, com.vivo.unionpay, com.google.android.gms,
11-03 22:29:01.324 1155 1155 V UserManagerService: Checking that all system
packages are whitelisted.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
checkWhitelistedSystemPackages(mode=ENFORCE|IMPLICIT_WHITELIST) has 50 warnings:
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.color.amethyst is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.icon.pebble
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.color.sand
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.icon.vessel
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.color.cinnamon is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.settings is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.systemui is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon.taperedrect is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.android is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.systemui is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.themepicker is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.color.tangerine is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.color.aquamarine is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.329 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.color.black
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.color.green
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.color.ocean
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.color.space
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.launcher is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.settings is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.twobutton is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.settings is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.themepicker is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.launcher is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.settings is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.systemui is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.settings is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.systemui is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon.teardrop is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.themepicker is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.systemui is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.android is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.330 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.android is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.systemui is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.android is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.kai.launcher is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.launcher is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon.squircle is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.android is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.color.palette is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.launcher is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.color.carbon
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.launcher is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.filled.themepicker is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.victor.themepicker is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.color.orchid
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService: com.android.theme.color.purple
is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.sam.themepicker is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon.roundedrect is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.331 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.rounded.settings is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.332 1155 1155 W UserManagerService:
com.android.theme.icon_pack.circular.android is allowlisted but not present.
11-03 22:29:01.334 1155 1155 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main thread for
reason: packagemanagermain. Pause count: 0
11-03 22:29:01.334 1155 1155 I SystemServerDexLoadReporter: Configuring system
server dex reporter
11-03 22:29:01.363 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartOtaDexOptService
11-03 22:29:01.364 1155 1155 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main thread for
reason: moveab. Pause count: 1
11-03 22:29:01.365 1155 1155 D OTADexopt: No upgrade, skipping A/B artifacts
11-03 22:29:01.366 1155 1155 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main thread for
reason: moveab. Pause count: 0
11-03 22:29:01.366 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartUserManagerService
11-03 22:29:01.366 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.367 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: InitAttributerCache
11-03 22:29:01.367 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: SetSystemProcess
11-03 22:29:01.376 1155 1419 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:01.376 1155 1418 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:01.395 1155 1155 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 1155, arg2 =
1000, str1 = android, str2 = system
11-03 22:29:01.402 1155 1447 I ActivityManager: Connection with lmkd established
11-03 22:29:01.407 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: InitWatchdog
11-03 22:29:01.408 1155 1155 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:01.410 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartOverlayManagerService
11-03 22:29:01.579 1155 1165 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 242190(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 32(2136KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 18MB/37MB,
paused 284us,105us total 362.830ms
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: Failed to set default overlay
'com.android.theme.icon.roundedrect' for user 0
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager:
com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerSettings$BadKeyException: Bad key
'com.android.theme.icon.roundedrect' for user 0
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.614 1155 1155 E OverlayManager: at
11-03 22:29:01.632 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSensorPrivacyService
11-03 22:29:01.638 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSensorService
11-03 22:29:01.638 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.638 1155 1420 W ActivityTaskManager: Skip updateConfiguration
because mWindowManager isn't set
11-03 22:29:01.638 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl: startMtkBootstrapServices
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: StartNativeSensorService
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: startCoreServices
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1513 I _V_VSensorFusion: ProjectFeature->default.
calibraton = 551
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1513 D _V_VSensorFusion: BaseProxFusion Init!
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1513 E _V_VSensorFusion: UL/P constructor start
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1513 I _V_VSensorFusion: UL: isTestMode = 0
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1513 I _V_VSensorFusion: UL: light auto test = 0
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1513 D SensorService: nuSensorService starting...
11-03 22:29:01.639 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc system new
config {0.0 ?mcc?mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?
ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) mAppBounds=null mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)
mWindowingMode=undefined mDisplayWindowingMode=undefined mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=undefined} as.1 s.1 ?fontWeightAdjustment
themeId=0 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:01.640 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSystemConfigService
11-03 22:29:01.640 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.641 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartBatteryService
11-03 22:29:01.641 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.networkstack.tethering flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.641 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.643 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.soundrecorder
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.645 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.mediatek.ims
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.647 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.whatsapp.w4b
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 W SensorService: ACCELEROMETER's max range
78.453201293945 is not a multiple of the resolution 0.001200000057 - updated to
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: ACCELEROMETER's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 W SensorService: MAGNETOMETER's max range
4912.000000000000 is not a multiple of the resolution 0.150000005960 - updated to
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: MAGNETOMETER's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: ORIENTATION's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 W SensorService: pseudo-gyro's max range
34.906600952148 is not a multiple of the resolution 0.001099999994 - updated to
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: pseudo-gyro's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: LIGHT's reported power 0.000000
invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: PROXIMITY's reported power 0.000000
invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 W SensorService: GRAVITY's max range 39.226600646973
is not a multiple of the resolution 0.001200000057 - updated to 39.226802825928
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: GRAVITY's reported power 0.000000
invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 W SensorService: LINEARACCEL's max range
39.226600646973 is not a multiple of the resolution 0.001200000057 - updated to
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: LINEARACCEL's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: ROTATION_VECTOR's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 W SensorService: UNCALI_MAG's max range
4912.000000000000 is not a multiple of the resolution 0.150000005960 - updated to
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: UNCALI_MAG's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: SIGNIFICANT_MOTION's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: STEP_DETECTOR's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: STEP_COUNTER's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: DEVICE_ORIENTATION's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: WINDOW_ORIENTATION's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: ANGLE_JUDGE's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.648 1155 1513 I SensorService: AMD's reported power 0.000000
invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.649 1155 1513 I SensorService: RAISEUP_DETECT's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.649 1155 1513 I SensorService: PUTDOWN_DETECT's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.649 1155 1513 I SensorService: VIVOMOTION_DETECT's reported power
0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.649 1155 1513 I SensorService: STEP_DETECTOR_WAKEUP's reported
power 0.000000 invalid, clamped to 0.001000
11-03 22:29:01.649 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.649 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default
11-03 22:29:01.649 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.weather.provider
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.649 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.youtube
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.650 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.650 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.ext.services flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.650 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.networkstack.overlay.vivo flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.650 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.651 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.telephony flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.651 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.dynsystem
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.651 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.fuelsummary
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.652 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.calendar flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.652 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.mediatek.telephony
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.652 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.providers.media
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.652 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.653 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.setupwizard
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.653 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.653 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.ext.shared flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.654 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.654 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.mediatek.location.lppe.main flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.655 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.focaltech.deltadiff
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.655 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.easyshare
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.655 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.abe flg=0x44000010
} ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.655 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.pem flg=0x44000010
} ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.656 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.wallpapercropper flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.656 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.mediatek.SettingsProviderResOverlay flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.657 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.kitkagames.fallbuddies
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.657 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.mediatek.systemuiresoverlay flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.657 1155 1513 I _V_SensorService: ProximityFusionImpl init
11-03 22:29:01.657 1155 1513 I _V_SensorService: registerDeviceCallback
11-03 22:29:01.658 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.659 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.focaltouchscreen.sensortest flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.659 1155 1516 D SensorService: new thread SensorEventAckReceiver
11-03 22:29:01.659 1155 1429 D _V_BatteryService: HealthHalCallback called,
HealthInfo = {.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline =
false, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage
= 0, .batteryStatus = DISCHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent =
true, .batteryLevel = 31, .batteryVoltage = 3714, .batteryTemperature =
337, .batteryCurrent = -655, .batteryCycleCount = 1, .batteryFullCharge =
4910000, .batteryChargeCounter = 3000, .batteryTechnology = Li-poly},
mShutdownBatteryTemperature = 600
11-03 22:29:01.660 1155 1513 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:01.660 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.compass
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.660 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.networkstack.tethering.inprocess.overlay flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.661 1155 1517 D SensorService: nuSensorService thread starting...
11-03 22:29:01.661 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.ilitek.touchscreen.noisev2 flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.661 1155 1456 E BluetoothAdapter: Bluetooth binder is null
11-03 22:29:01.662 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.wifi.resources.overlay flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.663 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.documentsui
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.664 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.externalstorage
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.664 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.crontab
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.665 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.htmlviewer
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.665 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.vivo.fingerprintengineer flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.666 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.whatsapp flg=0x44000010
} ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.667 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.picsart.studio
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.667 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.companiondevicemanager flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.668 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:android.overlay.vrro
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.669 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.mms.service
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.669 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:01.669 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:01.670 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.funtouch.uiengine
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.670 1155 1429 D _V_BatteryService: HealthHalCallback called,
HealthInfo = {.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline =
false, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage
= 0, .batteryStatus = DISCHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent =
true, .batteryLevel = 31, .batteryVoltage = 3696, .batteryTemperature =
336, .batteryCurrent = -766, .batteryCycleCount = 1, .batteryFullCharge =
4910000, .batteryChargeCounter = 3000, .batteryTechnology = Li-poly},
mShutdownBatteryTemperature = 600
11-03 22:29:01.670 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:29:01.670 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.touchscreen.chipone.icnl9911c flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.671 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.downloads flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.672 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.networkstack.inprocess flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.672 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.673 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:ru.zdevs.zarchiver
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.673 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.ilitek.touchscreen.tptest flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.674 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.weather
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.675 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.website
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.675 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default
11-03 22:29:01.676 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.internal.systemui.onehanded.gestural flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.677 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.mediatek.cellbroadcastuiresoverlay flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.677 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.bbkmusic
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.678 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.networkstack.inprocess.overlay flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.679 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.browser
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.679 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.nt36xxxtouchscreen.deltadiff flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.680 1155 1155 I HealthServiceWrapper: health: HealthServiceWrapper
listening to instance default
11-03 22:29:01.680 1155 1155 I BatteryService: health: Waited 0ms and received
the update.
11-03 22:29:01.680 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.bbk.updater
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.681 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.nttouchscreen.mptest
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.681 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.configupdater flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.682 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.lemon.lvoverseas
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.683 1155 1518 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default
11-03 22:29:01.683 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartUsageService
11-03 22:29:01.683 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.684 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.684 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.iqoo.user.engineermode
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.686 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.ewarranty
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.687 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.pushservice
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.688 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.andi.alquran.id
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.688 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.systemui.plugin.globalactions.wallet flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.689 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.ar.core
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.690 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.vending
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.690 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.pacprocessor
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.691 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.simappdialog
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.692 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.networkstack
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.692 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.trichromelibrary_447211480 flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.693 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.connectivity.resources flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.694 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.hole flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.695 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.695 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartWebViewUpdateService
11-03 22:29:01.695 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.695 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.networkstack.overlay flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.696 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.certinstaller
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.697 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.carrierconfig
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.697 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.smartshot
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.698 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.marvin.talkback flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.699 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.699 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.700 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartCachedDeviceStateService
11-03 22:29:01.700 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:android flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.700 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.700 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartBinderCallsStatsService
11-03 22:29:01.700 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.701 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.contacts
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.701 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.touchscreen.chipone
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.702 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.bbk.cloud
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.702 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.timerwidget
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.703 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartLooperStatsService
11-03 22:29:01.703 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.703 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.bbk.theme
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.703 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.egg
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.704 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.mms
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.705 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.mtp
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.705 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartRollbackManagerService
11-03 22:29:01.705 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.ons
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.705 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.706 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.stk
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.706 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.launcher3
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.707 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.backupconfirm
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.707 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.instagram.android
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.707 1155 1456 V _V_VivoStats: noteBatteryState plugType = 0, level
= 31
11-03 22:29:01.707 1155 1456 V _V_VivoStats: noteBatteryState plugType = 0, level
= 31
11-03 22:29:01.708 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.simpleiconthemeres
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.708 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.pinterest
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.709 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.statementservice flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.709 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.gm
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.710 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.tachyon flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.710 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vlife.vivo.wallpaper
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.711 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.common flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.711 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.daemonService
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.712 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.settings.intelligence flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.712 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.mediatek.frameworkresoverlay flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.713 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.pure.indosat.care
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.713 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.ringclip flg=0x44000010
} ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.714 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.debug.loggerui
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.714 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.searchlite flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.715 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.715 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.permissioncontroller flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.716 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.setupwizard flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.717 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.settings flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.717 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.sipgar.id
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.718 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.sharedstoragebackup flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.719 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.facebook.services
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.720 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.imanager
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.720 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.printspooler
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.722 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.Tips
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.723 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.cota
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.724 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.game
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.725 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.overlay.modules.ext.services flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.725 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.incallui
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.725 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:01.726 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.726 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.trichromelibrary_524912630 flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.726 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.gallerygo flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.727 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartBugreportManagerService
11-03 22:29:01.727 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.727 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.inputdevices
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.728 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.wellbeing flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.728 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: GpuService
11-03 22:29:01.728 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.728 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:android.autoinstalls.config.vivo.devices flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.729 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl: startMtkCoreServices
11-03 22:29:01.729 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: startOtherServices
11-03 22:29:01.729 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.bips
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.729 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:01.730 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:01.730 1155 1525 I SystemServer: SecondaryZygotePreload
11-03 22:29:01.730 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: SecondaryZygotePreload
11-03 22:29:01.730 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.mediatek flg=0x44000010
} ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.730 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.nbu.files flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.731 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartKeyChainSystemService
11-03 22:29:01.731 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.731 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.comms flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.732 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSchedulingPolicyService
11-03 22:29:01.732 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:vivo flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.733 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.733 1155 1525 E SystemServer: Unable to preload default resources
11-03 22:29:01.733 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.iqoo.aftersale.engineermode flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.733 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTelecomLoaderService
11-03 22:29:01.734 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.734 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.SmartKey
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.734 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTelephonyRegistry
11-03 22:29:01.734 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:01.734 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.engineercamera
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.735 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.docs flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.736 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.maps flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.736 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.modulemetadata flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.737 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:free.vpn.unblock.proxy.turbovpn flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.737 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartEntropyMixer
11-03 22:29:01.738 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.mobile.legends
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.738 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threegestural flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.739 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.739 1155 1155 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
11-03 22:29:01.739 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.webview
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.740 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.faceui
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.741 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.onetimeinitializer flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.741 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.videoeditor
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.742 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartAccountManagerService
11-03 22:29:01.742 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.742 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.networkstack flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.743 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.server.telecom
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.743 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.744 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.cellbroadcastservice flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.745 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.bbklog
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.745 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.keychain
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.747 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.camera
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.748 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.chrome
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.749 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.unionpay
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.750 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.dialer
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.752 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.packageinstaller flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.753 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.gms
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.754 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.gsf
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.755 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.tts
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.756 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.ss.android.ugc.trill
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.756 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.wifi.resources
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.756 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 148180766; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:01.757 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.calllogbackup
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.758 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.partnersetup flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.759 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.cameraextensions flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.759 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartContentService
11-03 22:29:01.760 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.localtransport
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.760 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:01.760 1155 1429 D _V_BatteryService: HealthHalCallback called,
HealthInfo = {.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline =
false, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage
= 0, .batteryStatus = DISCHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent =
true, .batteryLevel = 31, .batteryVoltage = 3683, .batteryTemperature =
335, .batteryCurrent = -833, .batteryCycleCount = 1, .batteryFullCharge =
4910000, .batteryChargeCounter = 3000, .batteryTechnology = Li-poly},
mShutdownBatteryTemperature = 600
11-03 22:29:01.762 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.videos
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.763 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: InstallSystemProviders
11-03 22:29:01.763 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.carrierdefaultapp flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.763 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:29:01.764 1155 1155 I _V_VivoBroadcastQueueImpl: calling observe
method !
11-03 22:29:01.764 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.networkstate
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.765 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.765 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.mediatek.FrameworkResOverlayExt flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.766 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.proxyhandler
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.766 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.767 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.VideoPlayer
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.767 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.768 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.feedback
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.768 1155 1526 I SchedulingPolicyService: Moving 907 back to group
11-03 22:29:01.768 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.printservice.recommendation flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.769 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.photos flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.769 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.google.android.calendar
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.769 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.vivo.doubletimezoneclock flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.770 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.managedprovisioning flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.770 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.networkstack.tethering flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.771 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.soundpicker
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.771 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.mediatek.capctrl.service flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.772 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.nttouchscreen.getdata
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.772 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.facebook.katana
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.772 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.mediatek.callrecorder
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.773 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.773 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:app.source.getcontact
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.774 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.module flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.774 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.facebook.system
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.774 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.networkimprove
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.775 1155 1437 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.os.action.DISCHARGING flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=-
1 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.775 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.gms.policy_sidecar_aps flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.777 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.audiofx
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.778 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.photosgo flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.778 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.bbk.theme.resources
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.778 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.storagemanager
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.779 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.touchscreen.chipone.vivo_noise flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.779 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.searchgo flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.780 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.bookmarkprovider flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.780 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.settings
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.780 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.networkstack.overlay flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.781 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.multinlp
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.781 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.networkstack.tethering.inprocess flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.782 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.networkstack.permissionconfig flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.782 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.carrierlocation
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.782 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.mediatek.lbs.em2.ui
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.782 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.cts.ctsshim
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.782 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.783 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.phoneinstructions
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.783 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.assistant flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.783 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.upslide
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.783 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.vpndialogs
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.784 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.gallery
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.784 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.notes
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.784 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.omacp
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.784 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.phone
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.785 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.se.go
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.785 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.shell
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.785 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.wallpaperbackup
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.786 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.blockednumber flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.786 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.customtool
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.786 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.email.partnerprovider flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.786 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.userdictionary flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.786 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.media.module flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.787 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.setupwizard.searchselector flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.787 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.emergency
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.787 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.shopee.id
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.787 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.hotspot2.osulogin flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.788 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.gms.location.history flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.788 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.788 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.FMRadio
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.789 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.location.fused
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.789 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.deskclock
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.790 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.systemui
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.790 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.youtube.music flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.790 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:android.overlay.vivoresrro
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.790 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.bluetoothmidiservice flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.790 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.amap.android.location
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.791 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.appstore
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.791 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.fingerprintui
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.791 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.facebook.appmanager
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.791 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.browser
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.791 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.traceur
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.791 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.yozo.vivo.office
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.792 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.play.games flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.792 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.magazines flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.792 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.android.bluetooth
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.792 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:co.brainly flg=0x44000010 }
ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.793 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.providers.contacts flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.793 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.android.captiveportallogin flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.806 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.calculator
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.807 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.808 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.go flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.808 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.mediatek.gbaservice
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.809 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.wapi.wapicertmanager
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.809 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.inputmethod.latin flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false
userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.809 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.gsma.rcs flg=0x44000010
} ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.810 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.vivo.simplelauncher
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.810 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED dat=package:com.bbk.account
flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.810 1155 1420 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.OVERLAY_CHANGED
dat=package:com.google.android.apps.restore flg=0x44000010 } ordered=false userid=0
,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:01.810 1155 1420 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 180ms android.fg
h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService$
$ExternalSyntheticLambda2@d680f7a m=0
11-03 22:29:01.814 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:01.943 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:02.028 1155 1155 E _V_Telecom: TelecomCloudProvider: onCreate1000
11-03 22:29:02.058 1155 1155 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
packageName:com.android.shell className:com.android.shell.BugreportStorageProvider
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:1000 callingPid:1155
11-03 22:29:02.072 1155 1155 D ActivityManager: cgroup.freeze not present
11-03 22:29:02.072 1155 1445 D ActivityManager: Freezer disabled
11-03 22:29:02.073 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDropBoxManager
11-03 22:29:02.074 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.075 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartRoleManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.076 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.081 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartVibratorManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.081 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.082 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorManagerService.jni: jni+++
11-03 22:29:02.083 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorManagerService.jni: jni+++
11-03 22:29:02.083 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorManagerService.jni: jni+++
11-03 22:29:02.099 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:02.099 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:02.138 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorManagerService.jni: jni+++
11-03 22:29:02.138 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorManagerService.jni: jni+++
11-03 22:29:02.138 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorController.jni: jni+++
vibratorNativeInit sucess
11-03 22:29:02.139 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorController.jni: jni+++
vibratorGetNativeFinalizer sucess
11-03 22:29:02.145 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorController.jni: jni+++
vibratorGetInfo sucess, 200.000000
11-03 22:29:02.146 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorManagerService.jni: jni+++
11-03 22:29:02.146 1155 1155 D _V_VibratorManagerService: Turn vibrator off
11-03 22:29:02.146 1155 1155 E lra_vibrator_VibratorController.jni: jni+++
vibratorOff sucess
11-03 22:29:02.152 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVibratorManagerServiceImpl:
11-03 22:29:02.156 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:haptic_left_pressure_button_intensity
value:-1 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:02.156 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:haptic_right_pressure_button_intensity
value:-1 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:02.156 1155 1155 E _V_VivoVibratorManagerServiceImpl: leftRet --->
true rightRet ---> true
11-03 22:29:02.163 1155 1155 W SystemServiceManager: Service
com.android.server.vibrator.VibratorManagerService$Lifecycle took 82 ms in onStart
11-03 22:29:02.163 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDynamicSystemService
11-03 22:29:02.164 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartConsumerIrService
11-03 22:29:02.167 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartAlarmManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.168 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl: startMtkAlarmManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.171 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.173 1155 1155 I _V_VivoApexServiceFactory: Instance implClass
11-03 22:29:02.176 1155 1155 I _V_AlarmManager_Log: vendor alarm service impl.
11-03 22:29:02.197 1155 1155 I _V_AlarmManager: alarm imp onStart..
11-03 22:29:02.198 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: Kernel timezone updated to -
420 minutes west of GMT
11-03 22:29:02.199 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:02.210 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartInputManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.211 1155 1155 I InputManager: Initializing input manager,
11-03 22:29:02.223 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: DeviceStateManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.223 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.229 1155 1155 D DeviceStateManagerService: Notifying policy to
configure state: 0
11-03 22:29:02.230 1155 1155 D DeviceStateManagerService: Committing state:
DeviceState{identifier=0, name='DEFAULT'}
11-03 22:29:02.232 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartCameraServiceProxy
11-03 22:29:02.233 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.235 1155 1155 D _V_VivoCamActionCreator: Camera state action list
not add HoleScreen action handler
11-03 22:29:02.235 1155 1155 E CameraService_proxy: mVivoCameraActionList size: 0
11-03 22:29:02.237 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartWindowManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.237 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 200
11-03 22:29:02.238 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_200
11-03 22:29:02.238 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.238 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.238 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.238 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.239 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.239 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.239 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.239 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.239 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.239 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.240 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.240 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.240 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.240 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.240 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.240 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.241 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.241 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.241 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.241 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.241 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.241 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.242 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.242 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.242 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.242 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.242 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.242 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.243 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.243 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.243 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.243 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.243 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.243 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.244 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.244 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.244 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.244 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.244 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.244 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.245 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.245 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.245 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.250 1155 1155 I WindowManager: No existing display settings,
starting empty
11-03 22:29:02.261 1155 1424 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.259 1155 1155 W android.anim: type=1400 audit(0.0:496): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=85
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
11-03 22:29:02.268 1155 1423 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:02.270 1155 1423 I WindowTracing: Setting window tracing log level to
11-03 22:29:02.270 1155 1423 I WindowTracing: Setting window tracing buffer
capacity to 2097152bytes
11-03 22:29:02.273 1155 1420 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 174ms android.fg
h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.Watchdog$HandlerChecker@b16d04f m=0
11-03 22:29:02.281 589 663 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb874d570) for
11-03 22:29:02.344 1155 1423 E _V_VivoKeyguardOverlayController:
com.vivo.permissionmanager apk is not exsisted !
11-03 22:29:02.345 1155 1423 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:enable_koc_feature value:1 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:02.348 1155 1539 D _V_WmsConfigLoader: loadLocalConfig.
11-03 22:29:02.349 1155 1423 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
isFreeformFullscreenOnce : false
11-03 22:29:02.350 1155 1423 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener:
isFreeformMinimizeOnce : false
11-03 22:29:02.353 1155 1423 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:02.357 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController init
11-03 22:29:02.357 1155 1423 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 103ms android.display
h=android.os.Handler c=android.os.Handler$BlockingRunnable@fc7d922 m=0
11-03 22:29:02.359 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: SetWindowManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.366 589 663 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb874d5c0) for
11-03 22:29:02.398 1155 1155 I InputDispatcher: Created monitor
PointerEventDispatcher0 for display 0, gesture=false, pid=1155
11-03 22:29:02.409 1155 1421 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_fullscreen_flag value:0 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:02.422 1155 1421 D _V_VivoRatioControllerUtilsImpl: StartObserver
unregisterReceiver err!
11-03 22:29:02.482 1155 1155 I _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl: getDefaultNavBar = 0,
isOverseas = true isVosProduct = true
11-03 22:29:02.521 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:02.523 1155 1155 D _V_BarAnimController: create BarAnimController
11-03 22:29:02.526 1155 1155 E _V_FakeBarSurfaceControl-FakeStatusBar: create
success 0
11-03 22:29:02.527 1155 1155 E _V_FakeBarSurfaceControl-FakeGestureBar: create
success 1
11-03 22:29:02.529 1155 1155 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager: create
11-03 22:29:02.533 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Loaded persisted task ids for
user 0
11-03 22:29:02.542 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.542 1155 1421 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 123ms android.ui
c=com.android.server.policy.VivoRatioControllerUtilsImpl$1@e1d8fc m=0
11-03 22:29:02.543 1155 1421 D _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl: updateGameSwitchState...
11-03 22:29:02.544 1155 1421 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.sohu.sogou.inputmethod.gameprovider for user 0
11-03 22:29:02.544 1155 1421 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.sohu.sogou.inputmethod.gameprovider (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:02.545 1155 1421 D _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
disableSwape:falsegamecube_shorten:false isGameMode:false
11-03 22:29:02.551 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityShortcutController: no need to
change, isSetupComplete:true shortcutTargets:
11-03 22:29:02.563 1155 1421 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.HDMI_PLUGGED flg=0x44000010 (has extras) }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:02.570 1155 1421 I _V_VivoInputPolicy: initForVivo
11-03 22:29:02.571 1155 1421 D _V_VivoWMPHook: registerSettingObserver
oneKeySwitchOn = true mIsNightpearlOpen = false
11-03 22:29:02.572 1155 1421 D _V_VivoWMPHook: The proximiteRegistered is
falseregister is true
11-03 22:29:02.572 1155 1421 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:20000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.server.policy.VivoWMPHook$1 num: 0
11-03 22:29:02.574 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:02.580 1155 1421 I _V_VivoWMPHook: create VivoPolicyUtil by PID=1155;
UID=1000; Thread[android.ui,5,main]
11-03 22:29:02.581 1155 1421 D VivoWMPHookCreator: register taskkey.
11-03 22:29:02.582 1155 1421 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
11-03 22:29:02.587 1155 1421 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.587 1155 1421 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.587 1155 1421 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.583 1155 1155 W android.ui: type=1400 audit(0.0:497): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.583 1155 1155 W android.ui: type=1400 audit(0.0:498): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.587 1155 1421 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.588 1155 1419 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.583 1155 1155 W android.ui: type=1400 audit(0.0:499): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.588 1155 1419 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.586 1155 1155 W android.ui: type=1400 audit(0.0:500): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.586 1155 1155 W Binder:1155_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:501): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.586 1155 1155 W Binder:1155_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:502): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.589 1155 1421 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.590 1155 1421 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.586 1155 1155 W android.ui: type=1400 audit(0.0:503): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.590 1155 1421 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:02.586 1155 1155 W android.ui: type=1400 audit(0.0:504): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.586 1155 1155 W android.ui: type=1400 audit(0.0:505): avc: denied
{ read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=84
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file
11-03 22:29:02.591 1155 1421 I _V_VivoFlashlightController: first get mCameraId =
11-03 22:29:02.591 1155 1421 I _V_VivoFlashlightController: reInitFlashlight
mCameraId = 0
11-03 22:29:02.595 1155 1421 D _V_VivoSmartwakeKeyHandler: smartwake is fbe
project : true
11-03 22:29:02.596 1155 1421 E SystemServiceRegistry: Unknown manager requested:
11-03 22:29:02.601 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAIKeyHandler: ai key isGameDisturb = true,
isAIKeyDisable=false, mIsCompetitionModeEnabled = false, mIsSupportGameMode_8_1 =
false, mDisableByGameMode = false
11-03 22:29:02.602 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAIKeyHandler:
android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.vivo.gamecube
11-03 22:29:02.604 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAIKeyHandler: aikey_version set 10
11-03 22:29:02.604 1155 1421 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:aikey_version value:10 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:02.604 1155 1421 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:aikey_disable_setting value:0 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:02.610 1155 1421 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:02.620 1155 1421 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: VIVO PAY: not support ese
11-03 22:29:02.622 1155 1421 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: update vivoChangeNavPosition =
11-03 22:29:02.623 1155 1421 D _V_VivoPolicyHelper: registerQuickLaunchObserver
return here.
11-03 22:29:02.625 1155 1421 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: mIsSNewProject:false
11-03 22:29:02.645 1155 1155 I ProtoLogViewerConfigReader: Loaded 600 log
definitions from /system/etc/protolog.conf.json.gz
11-03 22:29:02.646 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartInputManager
11-03 22:29:02.646 1155 1155 I InputManager: Starting input manager
11-03 22:29:02.646 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:02.646 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: StartHidlServices
11-03 22:29:02.648 1155 1547 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
11-03 22:29:02.650 1155 1547 I HidlServiceManagement: Registered
11-03 22:29:02.650 1155 1549 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found
for device 'ff_key'.
11-03 22:29:02.652 1155 1155 I InputManager: Enabling motion classifier because
just booted: feature enabled, long press timeout = 400
11-03 22:29:02.652 1155 1155 I InputClassifier: Enabling motion classifier
11-03 22:29:02.654 1155 1550 I InputClassifier: Could not obtain InputClassifier
11-03 22:29:02.654 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.655 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartBluetoothService
11-03 22:29:02.655 1155 1423 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Requesting Transition to
state: 0
11-03 22:29:02.655 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.655 1155 1423 I LogicalDisplayMapper: Applying layout: [{addr:
{port=0}, dispId: 0(ON)}], Previous layout: [{addr: {port=0}, dispId: 0(ON)}]
11-03 22:29:02.658 1155 1549 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event7: Function not implemented
11-03 22:29:02.658 1155 1549 I EventHub: usingClockIoctl=true
11-03 22:29:02.658 1155 1549 I EventHub: New device: id=1, fd=282,
path='/dev/input/event7', name='ff_key', classes=KEYBOARD, configuration='',
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
11-03 22:29:02.659 1155 1549 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found
for device 'vivo_ts'.
11-03 22:29:02.659 1155 1155 D BluetoothManagerService: Loading stored name and
11-03 22:29:02.660 1155 1155 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth persisted
state: 0
11-03 22:29:02.661 1155 1155 D BluetoothManagerService: Detected SystemUiUid:
11-03 22:29:02.662 1155 1549 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event3: Function not implemented
11-03 22:29:02.662 1155 1549 I EventHub: usingClockIoctl=true
11-03 22:29:02.663 1155 1549 I EventHub: New device: id=2, fd=283,
path='/dev/input/event3', name='vivo_ts', classes=KEYBOARD | TOUCH | TOUCH_MT,
configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl',
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
11-03 22:29:02.663 1155 1549 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found
for device 'mt63xx-accdet Headset'.
11-03 22:29:02.663 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPhoneLockManager: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:02.664 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: phoneLock is-1
11-03 22:29:02.664 1155 1155 D _V_BluetoothManagerService:
11-03 22:29:02.665 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: IpConnectivityMetrics
11-03 22:29:02.665 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.667 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: NetworkWatchlistService
11-03 22:29:02.667 1155 1549 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event6: Function not implemented
11-03 22:29:02.667 1155 1549 I EventHub: usingClockIoctl=true
11-03 22:29:02.667 1155 1549 I EventHub: New device: id=3, fd=284,
path='/dev/input/event6', name='mt63xx-accdet Headset', classes=KEYBOARD | SWITCH,
configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/mt63xx-accdet_Headset.kl',
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
11-03 22:29:02.667 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.667 1155 1549 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found
for device 'vivo_ts_fp'.
11-03 22:29:02.671 1155 1155 I WatchlistSettings: Reload watchlist settings done
11-03 22:29:02.671 1155 1549 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event4: Function not implemented
11-03 22:29:02.671 1155 1549 I EventHub: usingClockIoctl=true
11-03 22:29:02.671 1155 1549 I EventHub: New device: id=4, fd=285,
path='/dev/input/event4', name='vivo_ts_fp', classes=KEYBOARD | TOUCH | TOUCH_MT,
configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl',
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
11-03 22:29:02.671 1155 1549 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found
for device 'swtp'.
11-03 22:29:02.672 1155 1551 I WatchlistLoggingHandler: No need to aggregate
record yet.
11-03 22:29:02.672 1155 1551 I WatchlistLoggingHandler: Milliseconds spent on
tryAggregateRecords(): 0
11-03 22:29:02.673 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNetworkAnalyser: is oversea = true
11-03 22:29:02.674 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: PinnerService
11-03 22:29:02.674 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.675 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:02.676 1155 1549 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event5: Function not implemented
11-03 22:29:02.676 1155 1549 I EventHub: usingClockIoctl=true
11-03 22:29:02.676 1155 1549 I EventHub: New device: id=5, fd=288,
path='/dev/input/event5', name='swtp', classes=KEYBOARD, configuration='',
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
11-03 22:29:02.676 1155 1549 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found
for device 'goodixfp'.
11-03 22:29:02.677 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: IorapForwardingService
11-03 22:29:02.678 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.678 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: SignedConfigService
11-03 22:29:02.678 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: AppIntegrityService
11-03 22:29:02.678 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.680 1155 1549 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event2: Function not implemented
11-03 22:29:02.680 1155 1549 I EventHub: usingClockIoctl=true
11-03 22:29:02.680 1155 1549 I EventHub: New device: id=6, fd=289,
path='/dev/input/event2', name='goodixfp', classes=KEYBOARD, configuration='',
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
11-03 22:29:02.680 1155 1549 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found
for device 'mtk-kpd'.
11-03 22:29:02.680 1155 1155 E IntegrityFileManager: Error creating staging and
rules directory
11-03 22:29:02.684 1155 1549 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event0: Function not implemented
11-03 22:29:02.684 1155 1549 I EventHub: usingClockIoctl=true
11-03 22:29:02.684 1155 1549 I EventHub: New device: id=7, fd=292,
path='/dev/input/event0', name='mtk-kpd', classes=KEYBOARD, configuration='',
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
11-03 22:29:02.684 1155 1549 D EventHub: No input device configuration file found
for device 'mtk-pmic-keys'.
11-03 22:29:02.688 1155 1421 D _V_VivoWMPHook: proxiity sensor change keySwitchOn
is false
11-03 22:29:02.689 1155 1549 W EventHub: Unable to disable kernel key repeat
for /dev/input/event1: Function not implemented
11-03 22:29:02.689 1155 1549 I EventHub: usingClockIoctl=true
11-03 22:29:02.689 1155 1549 I EventHub: New device: id=8, fd=294,
path='/dev/input/event1', name='mtk-pmic-keys', classes=KEYBOARD, configuration='',
keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false,
11-03 22:29:02.694 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=-1, eventHubId=-1,
11-03 22:29:02.694 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=2, eventHubId=8,
11-03 22:29:02.694 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=3, eventHubId=7,
11-03 22:29:02.694 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=4, eventHubId=6,
11-03 22:29:02.694 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=5, eventHubId=5,
11-03 22:29:02.695 1155 1549 W InputReader: Can't find designated display
viewport with ID 0 for pointers.
11-03 22:29:02.695 1155 1549 I InputReader: Touch device 'vivo_ts_fp' could not
query the properties of its associated display. The device will be inoperable
until the display size becomes available.
11-03 22:29:02.695 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=6, eventHubId=4,
11-03 22:29:02.695 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=7, eventHubId=3,
name='mt63xx-accdet Headset',
11-03 22:29:02.695 1155 1549 I InputReader: Touch device 'vivo_ts' could not
query the properties of its associated display. The device will be inoperable
until the display size becomes available.
11-03 22:29:02.695 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=8, eventHubId=2,
11-03 22:29:02.695 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device added: id=9, eventHubId=1,
11-03 22:29:02.697 1155 1155 I _V_VivoSystemServer:
11-03 22:29:02.697 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.702 1155 1155 I _V_VivoSystemServer:
11-03 22:29:02.703 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.707 1155 1155 D _V_AnalysisService: analysis hwbinder connected ,
publish binder service.
11-03 22:29:02.710 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.710 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.710 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:02.710 1155 1554 I _V_AnalysisService: reconnect to hwbinder...
11-03 22:29:02.713 1155 1554 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.biometrics.analysis@1.1::IAnalysis/default
11-03 22:29:02.717 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:02.717 1155 1554 I _V_AnalysisService: hwbinder connected
11-03 22:29:02.718 1155 1155 D _V_InputMethodManagerService: mSecureImsOn:true
userId=0 ,mHasSecureIME=false
11-03 22:29:02.722 1155 1155 I _V_InputMethodManagerService: new normal
11-03 22:29:02.724 1155 1155 D _V_InputMethodManagerService: mSecureImsOn:true
userId=0 ,mHasSecureIME=false
11-03 22:29:02.726 1155 1155 I _V_SecInputMethodManagerService: new secure
11-03 22:29:02.727 1155 1155 D _V_InputMethodManagerService: setSecFlag
mImms=com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService@892ff9c ,mImmsB=com.
android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService@ea2c57a ,mImmsNomal=com.androi
d.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService@892ff9c ,mImmsSecure=com.android.ser
11-03 22:29:02.728 1155 1155 D _V_SecInputMethodManagerService: setSecFlag
mImms=com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService@ea2c57a ,mImmsB=com.
android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService@892ff9c ,mImmsNomal=com.androi
d.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService@892ff9c ,mImmsSecure=com.android.ser
11-03 22:29:02.729 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.730 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.736 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeDisplayReady
11-03 22:29:02.740 1155 1155 W InputReader: Device vivo_ts is associated with
11-03 22:29:02.740 1155 1155 W InputReader: Device vivo_ts_fp is associated with
11-03 22:29:02.740 1155 1155 W InputReader: Device vivo_ts is associated with
11-03 22:29:02.741 1155 1155 W InputReader: Device vivo_ts_fp is associated with
11-03 22:29:02.741 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20005df8
{1.0 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port ?uimode ?
night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.2 ?fontWeightAdjustment themeId=0
themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:02.745 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc system new
config {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port ?
uimode ?night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.1 s.3 ?fontWeightAdjustment
themeId=0 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:02.746 1155 1155 I WindowManager: Override config changes=60007dfc
{1.0 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port ?uimode ?
night -touch -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.2 ?fontWeightAdjustment themeId=0
themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} for displayId=0
11-03 22:29:02.759 1155 1155 E _V_NightModeController: can't get NightModeService
11-03 22:29:02.763 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:02.782 1155 1155 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=null rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600], mVisible=true}
11-03 22:29:02.788 1155 1155 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=null rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:29:02.791 1155 1155 W InputReader: Device vivo_ts is associated with
11-03 22:29:02.791 1155 1155 W InputReader: Device vivo_ts_fp is associated with
11-03 22:29:02.791 1155 1423 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED flg=0x70200010 } ordered=false
userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:02.792 1155 1423 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SPLIT_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED flg=0x61000010 }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:02.792 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc?
mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port ?uimode ?night finger
-keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 -
720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.4 ?fontWeightAdjustment themeId=0 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:02.792 1155 1423 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0,
isActive: false
11-03 22:29:02.794 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc system new
config {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port ?
uimode ?night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.1 s.5 ?fontWeightAdjustment
themeId=0 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:02.795 1155 1155 I WindowManager: Override config changes=8 {1.0 ?
mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port ?uimode ?night
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.4 ?fontWeightAdjustment themeId=0
themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} for displayId=0
11-03 22:29:02.798 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartStorageManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.798 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.799 589 663 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb874ea60) for
11-03 22:29:02.800 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
changes=DISPLAY_INFO |
11-03 22:29:02.800 1155 1549 I InputReader: Disabling vivo_ts (device 8) because
the associated viewport is not active
11-03 22:29:02.800 1155 1549 I InputReader: Disabling vivo_ts_fp (device 6)
because the associated viewport is not active
11-03 22:29:02.800 1155 1423 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED flg=0x70200010 } ordered=false
userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:02.806 1155 1421 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:02.813 1155 1421 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:02.815 589 663 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb874e9c0) for
11-03 22:29:02.817 1155 1421 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{android:616dc2c u0
RatioSwitchButtonView} task=null
11-03 22:29:02.817 1155 1421 D _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
DEBUG_RATIOSWITCH:prepareAddWindowLw mRatioSwitch=Window{android:616dc2c u0
11-03 22:29:02.817 1155 1556 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about init,
mBootCompleted=false, mDaemonConnected=true
11-03 22:29:02.818 1155 1556 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset,
mBootCompleted=false, mDaemonConnected=true
11-03 22:29:02.819 1155 1556 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about init,
mBootCompleted=false, mDaemonConnected=true
11-03 22:29:02.819 1155 1556 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset,
mBootCompleted=false, mDaemonConnected=true
11-03 22:29:02.819 1155 1155 V _V_StorageManagerService: initNotification
11-03 22:29:02.820 1155 1421 D _V_InsetsController: RatioSwitchButtonView
onControlsChanged {}
11-03 22:29:02.820 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartStorageStatsService
11-03 22:29:02.820 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.820 1155 1421 D _V_InsetsController: RatioSwitchButtonView
onFrameChanged: Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
11-03 22:29:02.825 1155 1421 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{android:616dc2c u0
RatioSwitchButtonView}: oldVis=8, newVis=8, requestedWidth=720,
11-03 22:29:02.828 1155 1421 D _V_InsetsController: RatioSwitchButtonView
onFrameChanged: Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)
11-03 22:29:02.828 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:02.828 1155 1421 D _V_InsetsController: RatioSwitchButtonView
onControlsChanged {}
11-03 22:29:02.832 1155 1155 I _V_StorageMgrImpl:
11-03 22:29:02.832 1155 1155 D _V_StorageMgrImpl: checkFileExists
filePath:/data/misc/vold/user_keys/de/0, result:1
11-03 22:29:02.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartUiModeManager
11-03 22:29:02.833 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.835 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:02.836 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: UpdatePackagesIfNeeded
11-03 22:29:02.837 1155 1155 I Watchdog: Pausing HandlerChecker: main thread for
reason: dexopt. Pause count: 1
11-03 22:29:02.837 1155 1155 I Watchdog: Resuming HandlerChecker: main thread for
reason: dexopt. Pause count: 0
11-03 22:29:02.837 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: PerformFstrimIfNeeded
11-03 22:29:02.838 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartLockSettingsService
11-03 22:29:02.838 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.841 1155 1155 D _V_LockSettingsService: Begin to restore spblob
11-03 22:29:02.853 1155 1155 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/0b9f3aefb07d6b33.secdis
11-03 22:29:02.855 1155 1155 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/0b9f3aefb07d6b33.pwd
11-03 22:29:02.857 1155 1155 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/0b9f3aefb07d6b33.metrics
11-03 22:29:02.859 1155 1155 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/0b9f3aefb07d6b33.spblob
11-03 22:29:02.861 1155 1155 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/0000000000000000.handle
11-03 22:29:02.862 1155 1155 D _V_LockSettingsService: End to restore spblob,
spent time: 22
11-03 22:29:02.880 1155 1562 D _V_VivoSyntheticPasswordManagerImpl: Begin to
initBackupSpblob, userId: 0
11-03 22:29:02.883 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartPersistentDataBlock
11-03 22:29:02.883 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.884 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTestHarnessMode
11-03 22:29:02.884 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:02.884 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.885 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartOemLockService
11-03 22:29:02.885 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.887 1155 1155 I OemLock : OemLock HAL not present on device
11-03 22:29:02.887 1155 1155 I OemLock : Using persistent data block based lock
11-03 22:29:02.888 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceIdleController
11-03 22:29:02.889 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.889 1155 1562 D _V_VivoSyntheticPasswordManagerImpl: End to
initBackupSpblob, userId:0
11-03 22:29:02.889 1155 1562 D _V_VivoSyntheticPasswordManagerImpl: Begin to
initBackupSpblob, userId: 999
11-03 22:29:02.892 1155 1562 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/LockSettings_spblob_1.0.xml is null,just return file content, no need
decrypt file
11-03 22:29:02.892 1155 1562 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/LockSettings_spblob_1.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:02.893 1155 1562 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/LockSettings_spblob_1.0.xml
11-03 22:29:02.894 1155 1155 D DeviceIdleController: Reading config from
11-03 22:29:02.898 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDevicePolicyManager
11-03 22:29:02.899 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.917 1155 1155 I DevicePolicyManager: Set ro.organization_owned
property to false
11-03 22:29:02.929 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: loadEmmInfo userid = 0
11-03 22:29:02.931 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: vivo_emm_info.xml not found, Let's check
11-03 22:29:02.932 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: emm_list.json open fail!
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/custom/emm_list.json: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:02.932 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: Opening /data/system/vivo_policies.xml
11-03 22:29:02.933 1155 1155 I _V_VDPMS: updateCustomType mCustomType = 0,
isUpdate = false, shouldSend = false
11-03 22:29:02.933 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: updateCustomInfo
11-03 22:29:02.936 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: initOthers
11-03 22:29:02.938 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartStatusBarManagerService
11-03 22:29:02.941 1155 1155 D SystemServer: MusicRecognitionManagerService not
defined by OEM or disabled by flag
11-03 22:29:02.942 1155 1155 D SystemServer: ContentCaptureService disabled
because resource is not overlaid
11-03 22:29:02.943 1155 1155 D SystemServer: AttentionService is not configured
on this device
11-03 22:29:02.943 1155 1155 D SystemServer: RotationResolverService is not
configured on this device
11-03 22:29:02.943 1155 1155 D SystemServer: SystemCaptionsManagerService
disabled because resource is not overlaid
11-03 22:29:02.944 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.944 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.946 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.946 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.949 1155 1155 D SystemServer: AppPredictionService not defined by
11-03 22:29:02.949 1155 1155 D SystemServer: ContentSuggestionsService not
defined by OEM
11-03 22:29:02.949 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSearchUiService
11-03 22:29:02.949 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.951 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSmartspaceService
11-03 22:29:02.952 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:02.954 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:02.954 1155 1155 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Network stack init
11-03 22:29:02.955 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: InitNetworkStackClient
11-03 22:29:02.957 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkManagementService
11-03 22:29:02.969 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNmsImpl: Register unsolicited event
11-03 22:29:02.971 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartIpSecService
11-03 22:29:02.974 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartFontManagerService
11-03 22:29:03.025 1155 1155 E UpdatableFontDir: Failed to lookup font file that
has GoogleSans-Bold
11-03 22:29:03.025 1155 1155 E UpdatableFontDir: Failed to lookup font file that
has GoogleSansText-Regular
11-03 22:29:03.025 1155 1155 E UpdatableFontDir: Failed to lookup font file that
has GoogleSans-Medium
11-03 22:29:03.025 1155 1155 E UpdatableFontDir: Failed to lookup font file that
has GoogleSansText-Medium
11-03 22:29:03.025 1155 1155 E UpdatableFontDir: Failed to lookup font file that
has GoogleSans-Regular
11-03 22:29:03.025 1155 1155 E UpdatableFontDir: Failed to lookup font file that
has GoogleSansText-Bold
11-03 22:29:03.096 1155 1155 V _V_SystemFonts: getDefaltPath:
11-03 22:29:03.259 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTextServicesManager
11-03 22:29:03.259 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.261 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:03.261 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.266 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkScoreService
11-03 22:29:03.266 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.267 1155 1155 I NetworkScoreService: Registering network_score
11-03 22:29:03.269 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStatsService
11-03 22:29:03.276 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.276 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNetworkStatsService: is traffic meg support
= false
11-03 22:29:03.283 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:03.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartWifi
11-03 22:29:03.300 1155 1504 I PackageManager: Deferred reconcileAppsData
finished 230 packages
11-03 22:29:03.327 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.327 1155 1155 D WifiService: new WifiService
11-03 22:29:03.341 1155 1574 I HidlSensorManager: hidl_ssvc_poll started.
11-03 22:29:03.342 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 5, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:03.372 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.377 1155 1155 I WifiContext: Found Wifi Resources APK at:
11-03 22:29:03.383 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:03.388 1155 1155 V NetworkScoreManager: registerNetworkScoreCallback:
11-03 22:29:03.458 1155 1155 D ScanMetrics: Settings package:
11-03 22:29:03.458 1155 1155 D ScanMetrics: GMS uid: 10179
11-03 22:29:03.484 1155 1155 I WifiCoexManager: Default coex algorithm is
11-03 22:29:03.511 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.512 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: Wifi to wifi, isSupport
false, defaultOn false
11-03 22:29:03.513 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: get
persist.sys.support.wifitowifi null
11-03 22:29:03.534 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:vivo_wifi_2_wifi_enabled value:0
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.536 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: get
persist.sys.enable.wifitowifi null, get persist.sys.wifi.vivo.wifitowifi no
11-03 22:29:03.537 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: set
isVivoWifi2WifiEnabled false
11-03 22:29:03.539 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: isSupport false,
defaultOn false
11-03 22:29:03.539 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: get
persist.sys.support.smartwifi null
11-03 22:29:03.547 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:vivo_wifi_2_mobile_enabled value:0
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.548 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: get
persist.sys.enable.smartwifi null, get persist.sys.wifi.vivo.smartwifi no
11-03 22:29:03.548 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: Sta ap concurrency,
isSupport true
11-03 22:29:03.549 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSmartWifiConstants: get
persist.sys.wifi.vivo.dualinterface yes
11-03 22:29:03.559 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.590 1155 1155 D WifiOpenNetworkNotifier: Settings toggle
11-03 22:29:03.597 1155 1155 D WifiNl80211Manager:
registerCountryCodeEventListener called
11-03 22:29:03.598 1155 1155 D WifiCountryCode: Default country code from system
property ro.boot.wificountrycode is null
11-03 22:29:03.605 1155 1155 D WakeupController: WifiWake enabled
11-03 22:29:03.608 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:03.621 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_https_url value:
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.621 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_http_url value:
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.629 1155 1155 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:03.630 1155 1155 E IfaceTestController: fail to load local test class
set local support to false
11-03 22:29:03.646 1155 1155 D _V_VivoTcpMonitor: sla proc dir
11-03 22:29:03.651 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.657 1155 1155 D _V_WifiQoeAiDetectConfigHelper: not support SLA
11-03 22:29:03.662 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg:MSG_STATE_CHANGED
11-03 22:29:03.662 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: state MOBILE_DATA/0
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handleEvent MOBILE_DATA
fb:0x49 rq:0x0
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg event:MOBILE_DATA
arg1:6 force:0 enable:false started:false
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg:MSG_STATE_CHANGED
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: state SLA_SWITCH/0 extra:null
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handleEvent SLA_SWITCH
fb:0x49 rq:0x0
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg event:SLA_SWITCH
arg1:7 force:0 enable:false started:false
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg:MSG_STATE_CHANGED
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: state WIFI_TO_MOBILE_SWITCH/0
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handleEvent
WIFI_TO_MOBILE_SWITCH fb:0x49 rq:0x0
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg
event:WIFI_TO_MOBILE_SWITCH arg1:8 force:0 enable:false started:false
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg:MSG_STATE_CHANGED
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: state WIFI_TO_WIFI_SWITCH/0
11-03 22:29:03.663 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handleEvent
WIFI_TO_WIFI_SWITCH fb:0x49 rq:0x0
11-03 22:29:03.664 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg
event:WIFI_TO_WIFI_SWITCH arg1:9 force:0 enable:false started:false
11-03 22:29:03.664 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg:MSG_STATE_CHANGED
11-03 22:29:03.665 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: state AIRPLANE_ON/0
11-03 22:29:03.665 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handleEvent AIRPLANE_ON
fb:0x49 rq:0x0
11-03 22:29:03.665 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg event:AIRPLANE_ON
arg1:11 force:0 enable:false started:false
11-03 22:29:03.665 1155 1582 W _V_SlaTrafficStatsManager: updateSlaMobileData
mINetworkStatsImpl is null
11-03 22:29:03.667 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg:MSG_STATE_CHANGED
11-03 22:29:03.667 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: state UNKNOWN(12)/0
11-03 22:29:03.667 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handleEvent UNKNOWN(12)
fb:0x49 rq:0x0
11-03 22:29:03.668 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg event:UNKNOWN(12)
arg1:12 force:0 enable:false started:false
11-03 22:29:03.669 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg:MSG_STATE_CHANGED
11-03 22:29:03.669 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: state UNKNOWN(12)/0
11-03 22:29:03.669 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handleEvent UNKNOWN(12)
fb:0x49 rq:0x0
11-03 22:29:03.669 1155 1583 D _V_AiWifiQoeManager: handle msg event:UNKNOWN(12)
arg1:12 force:0 enable:false started:false
11-03 22:29:03.669 1155 1155 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method)
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.670 1155 1155 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.671 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:03.672 1155 1584 E _V_SlaNetLinkDispatcher: cannot connect to kernel,
please check.
11-03 22:29:03.696 1155 1155 D _V_VivoCustomNetworkManager:
VivoCustomNetworkManager onInit. country code=ID, is opco eap-sim supported=false,
11-03 22:29:03.699 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 147600208; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:03.700 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 182478738; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:03.714 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.714 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.715 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.715 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.715 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.716 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.716 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.717 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.717 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.717 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.718 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.718 1155 1587 D _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: DefaultState enter
11-03 22:29:03.718 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.719 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.719 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.720 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:03.723 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:03.736 1155 1155 E WifiService: DEFAULT_WIFIDEBUG_PROP is off, close
wifi log!
11-03 22:29:03.737 1155 1155 I WifiService: enableVerboseLogging uid=1000
11-03 22:29:03.738 1155 1575 E WifiConfigManager: Cannot save to store before
store is read!
11-03 22:29:03.739 1155 1155 D WifiService: WifiService onStart
11-03 22:29:03.739 1155 1155 I WifiService: Registering wifi
11-03 22:29:03.740 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartWifiScanning
11-03 22:29:03.741 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.741 1155 1155 I WifiScanningService: Creating wifiscanner
11-03 22:29:03.751 1155 1155 I WifiScanningService: Publishing wifiscanner
11-03 22:29:03.752 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartWifiP2P
11-03 22:29:03.753 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.761 1155 1577 E WifiP2pService: setMiracastMode(): WifiChannel is
11-03 22:29:03.764 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:vivoshare_wifi_direct_static value:1
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.764 1155 1155 I WifiP2pService: Registering wifip2p
11-03 22:29:03.766 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartEthernet
11-03 22:29:03.767 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.768 1155 1155 I EthernetService: Registering service ethernet
11-03 22:29:03.769 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartPacProxyService
11-03 22:29:03.773 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartConnectivityService
11-03 22:29:03.790 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.812 1155 1155 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService starting
11-03 22:29:03.827 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:03.863 1155 1155 I VivoConnectivityServiceFactory: Instance implClass
11-03 22:29:03.866 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_https_url
value:https://www.google.com/generate_204 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.867 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_http_url
value:http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.868 1155 1155 D _V_VivoConnectivityService:
read_private_dns_mode:null, change:1
11-03 22:29:03.868 1155 1155 D _V_VivoConnectivityService:
11-03 22:29:03.869 1155 1155 D _V_VivoConnectivityService:
11-03 22:29:03.869 1155 1155 D _V_VivoConnectivityService:
11-03 22:29:03.873 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.876 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.879 1155 1155 I ConnectivityServiceInitializer: Registering
11-03 22:29:03.881 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartVpnManagerService
11-03 22:29:03.886 1155 1155 D VpnManagerService: VpnManagerService starting up
11-03 22:29:03.887 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartVcnManagementService
11-03 22:29:03.892 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartNsdService
11-03 22:29:03.894 1155 1155 D NsdService: Network service discovery is enabled
11-03 22:29:03.896 1155 1596 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent
{ act=android.net.nsd.STATE_CHANGED flg=0x44000010 (has extras) } ordered=false
userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:03.898 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:03.899 1155 1155 I SystemUpdateManagerService: No existing info
file /data/system/system-update-info.xml
11-03 22:29:03.900 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartUpdateLockService
11-03 22:29:03.901 1155 1155 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent
{ act=android.os.UpdateLock.UPDATE_LOCK_CHANGED flg=0x44000010 (has extras) }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:03.902 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartNotificationManager
11-03 22:29:03.903 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:03.915 1155 1155 D _V_ZenModeHelper:
android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: com.vivo.gamecube
11-03 22:29:03.922 1155 1155 D ConditionProviders.SCP: new
11-03 22:29:03.934 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:zen_settings_updated value:1 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:03.937 1155 1155 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.app.action.NOTIFICATION_POLICY_CHANGED flg=0x40000010 } ordered=false
userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:03.955 1155 1155 I NotificationListeners: Read notification listener
permissions from xml
11-03 22:29:03.955 1155 1155 I NotificationAssistants: Read notification
assistant permissions from xml
11-03 22:29:03.955 1155 1155 I ConditionProviders: Read condition provider
permissions from xml
11-03 22:29:03.955 1155 1155 I ConditionProviders: Read condition provider
permissions from xml
11-03 22:29:03.956 1155 1155 D _V_ZenModeHelper: reason = init zenModeEnabled =
true mZenModeEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:03.957 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:zen_mode value:1 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.959 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:03.968 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.973 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.976 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:03.995 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_notification_permission_request
value:1 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:03.999 1155 1155 W SystemServiceManager: Service
com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService took 94 ms in onStart
11-03 22:29:04.000 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: Create new
11-03 22:29:04.000 1155 1443 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:04.002 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 2, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:04.004 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:04.006 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:04.010 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDeviceMonitor
11-03 22:29:04.010 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.012 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartLocationManagerService
11-03 22:29:04.013 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.121 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 0
11-03 22:29:04.122 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:04.124 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 3
11-03 22:29:04.124 1155 1443 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:04.125 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:04.127 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:04.128 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:04.158 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 131586
11-03 22:29:04.158 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:04.159 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: start aesDecrypt
11-03 22:29:04.164 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 2, encryptType= 1, keyType= 1
11-03 22:29:04.166 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:04.167 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:04.168 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 24, outDataLen= 24, keyVersion= 2
11-03 22:29:04.169 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:04.169 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: aesDecrypt consume
time: 10
11-03 22:29:04.169 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 1
11-03 22:29:04.169 1155 1443 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:04.170 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 2, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:04.172 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:04.173 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:04.194 1155 1422 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:enabled_notification_listeners
:com.vivo.pushservice/com.vivo.push.util.NotificationMonitor pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:04.274 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 0
11-03 22:29:04.275 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:04.276 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: get key from abe
11-03 22:29:04.276 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: effectcipher : true false
11-03 22:29:04.281 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
data/bbkcore/NotificationService_notification3_1.0.xml costs 285ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.282 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: startObserverConfigFile
11-03 22:29:04.284 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/GpsConfiguration_vivo_gps_configuration_4.0.xml is null,just return
file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.284 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/GpsConfiguration_vivo_gps_configuration_4.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.284 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.287 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/NetworkLocationProvider_NetworkLocationProvider_2.0.xml is null,just
return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.287 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/NetworkLocationProvider_NetworkLocationProvider_2.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.287 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.289 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationNotify_vivoLocationNotify_v2.0.xml is null,just return
file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.289 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationNotify_vivoLocationNotify_v2.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.289 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.290 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
l is null,just return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.291 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
l costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.291 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.292 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationFeatureConfig_VivoLocationFeatureConfig_v2.0.xml is
null,just return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.293 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationFeatureConfig_VivoLocationFeatureConfig_v2.0.xml costs
11-03 22:29:04.293 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.294 1155 1465 D _V_VivoWidgetAppControllx: start registerObserver
11-03 22:29:04.296 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationAppFilter_VivoLocationAppFilter_v2.0.xml is null,just
return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.296 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationAppFilter_VivoLocationAppFilter_v2.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.296 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.298 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationFeatureConfig_VivoLocationDiagnostic_v2.0.xml is
null,just return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.298 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationFeatureConfig_VivoLocationDiagnostic_v2.0.xml costs
11-03 22:29:04.298 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.300 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/FuzzyLocationConfiguration_FuzzyLocationConfiguration_V12.0.xml is
null,just return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.300 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/FuzzyLocationConfiguration_FuzzyLocationConfiguration_V12.0.xml costs
11-03 22:29:04.300 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.302 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationFeatureConfig_VivoCachedLocation_v1.0.xml is null,just
return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.302 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/VivoLocationFeatureConfig_VivoCachedLocation_v1.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.302 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:04.308 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener FakeLocState
11-03 22:29:04.309 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty, name:FakeLocState
11-03 22:29:04.310 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener VPDRConfig
11-03 22:29:04.310 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty, name:VPDRConfig
11-03 22:29:04.310 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener ApiControl
11-03 22:29:04.310 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty, name:ApiControl
11-03 22:29:04.311 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener VivoLocationDiagnostic
11-03 22:29:04.311 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty,
11-03 22:29:04.312 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener Others
11-03 22:29:04.312 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty, name:Others
11-03 22:29:04.314 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener
11-03 22:29:04.314 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty,
11-03 22:29:04.316 1155 1155 D _V_VivoMockLocationRecoveryNotify:
11-03 22:29:04.318 1155 1155 W _V_VivoLocationUtils: ## unknow , the config may
not download to local.
11-03 22:29:04.319 1155 1155 I _V_VivoLocationUtils: nlpOptimizeSwitch unknow
11-03 22:29:04.330 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener
11-03 22:29:04.330 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty,
11-03 22:29:04.344 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 190693(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 66(3292KB) LOS objects, 22% free,
28MB/37MB, paused 322us,188us total 172.775ms
11-03 22:29:04.351 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocationManagerServiceExt:
registerContentObserver enter
11-03 22:29:04.355 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener APPFilter
11-03 22:29:04.355 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty, name:APPFilter
11-03 22:29:04.362 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:04.363 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: addListener VivoLocationNotify
11-03 22:29:04.364 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocConf: Config is empty,
11-03 22:29:04.365 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: registerProcessObserver
11-03 22:29:04.371 1155 1155 I _V_VPM : getProjectName
11-03 22:29:04.372 1155 1155 I _V_VPM : getOSVersion mOSVer=3.0
11-03 22:29:04.372 1155 1155 I _V_VPM : isOverSeas yes
11-03 22:29:04.373 1155 1155 D LocationManagerService: [u0] passive provider
enabled = true
11-03 22:29:04.376 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartCountryDetectorService
11-03 22:29:04.377 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTimeDetectorService
11-03 22:29:04.377 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.381 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTimeZoneDetectorService
11-03 22:29:04.381 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.386 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:04.386 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.387 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSearchManagerService
11-03 22:29:04.387 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.393 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartWallpaperManagerService
11-03 22:29:04.393 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.404 1155 1155 I _V_VivoWallpaperManagerServiceImpl:
initThemeCustom, isSupportThemeCustom = false
11-03 22:29:04.405 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartAudioService
11-03 22:29:04.405 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.416 1155 1155 D _V_AS.AudioService: construtor SettingsObserver
mZenMode: 1
11-03 22:29:04.417 1155 1155 V _V_VivoAudioServiceImpl: VivoAudioServiceImpl
construct! as: com.android.server.audio.AudioService@dbdf2f5
11-03 22:29:04.426 1155 1155 V _V_VivoAudioServiceImpl: VivoAudioServiceImpl
construct! out!
11-03 22:29:04.426 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioServiceImpl: registerProcessObserver
11-03 22:29:04.427 1155 1155 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking
death recipients: <uncached descriptor>
11-03 22:29:04.429 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default
11-03 22:29:04.455 1155 1155 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
11-03 22:29:04.462 1155 1155 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: setRingerModeExtAsUser
ringermode:0 userId:0
11-03 22:29:04.463 1155 1155 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: setVibrateSettingAsUser by 0
11-03 22:29:04.463 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:mode_ringer_streams_affected value:166
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:04.464 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
onSetForceUse(useCase<FOR_ENCODED_SURROUND>, config<FORCE_NONE>, fromA2dp<false>,
11-03 22:29:04.478 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Master mono false
11-03 22:29:04.479 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Master balance 0,000000
11-03 22:29:04.480 1155 1155 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent
{ act=android.media.RINGER_MODE_CHANGED flg=0x74000010 (has extras) } ordered=false
userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:04.480 1155 1155 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent
{ act=android.media.INTERNAL_RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION flg=0x74000010 (has extras)
} ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:04.481 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Master mute false, user=0
11-03 22:29:04.481 1155 1155 V ActivityManager: Broadcast sticky: Intent
{ act=android.media.MASTER_MUTE_CHANGED_ACTION flg=0x74000010 (has extras) }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:04.482 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Mic mute false, user=0
11-03 22:29:04.482 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Mic mute false, user=0
11-03 22:29:04.485 1155 1155 V _V_VivoMediaFocusControlImpl:
VivoMediaFocusControlImpl construct! mfc:
11-03 22:29:04.490 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureService construtor ++
11-03 22:29:04.494 1155 1155 V _V_FeatureManager: static initilize of
11-03 22:29:04.499 1155 1155 E _V_FeatureManager-JNI: FeatureManager-JNI :
11-03 22:29:04.499 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureManager: setFeatureCallback:0x6a7a540d
11-03 22:29:04.499 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureManager: start get media.features
11-03 22:29:04.503 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: ro.product.model.bbk is
11-03 22:29:04.503 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: android version is 12
11-03 22:29:04.504 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: propWithVer is PD2140F_EX-12
11-03 22:29:04.504 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: default config : 0
11-03 22:29:04.504 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: project PD2140F_EX has found :1
11-03 22:29:04.504 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: readFeatureConfig cann't find
project: PD2140F_EX-12
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: readFeatureConfig use project:
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: readFeatureConfig
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: ktv config, default value:1
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: dailpad volume, default value:60
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: safe volume index set to 11
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: ringback volume, default
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: video volume table, value:100
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: game volume table, value:38
11-03 22:29:04.505 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: vmcvs config, ok default value:1
11-03 22:29:04.506 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: ct_peripheral_microphone config,
ok true
11-03 22:29:04.506 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: magicvoice config, true
11-03 22:29:04.506 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: volume tablelist =
11-03 22:29:04.508 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: construtor SettingsObserver
mZenMode: 1
11-03 22:29:04.510 1155 1155 D AudioSystem: +setParameters():
11-03 22:29:04.511 1155 1155 D AudioSystem: +setParameters():
11-03 22:29:04.514 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: construtor SettingsObserver
mNotInterruptDuringDrive: falsemotormode is false
11-03 22:29:04.531 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: new AudioPomService POM_V2
11-03 22:29:04.546 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: getVapiList : setMode
11-03 22:29:04.546 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: getVapiList : setSpeakerphoneOn
11-03 22:29:04.546 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: getVapiList : pom_new
11-03 22:29:04.546 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: onPomVapiListChange update
11-03 22:29:04.546 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.546 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.546 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:com.tencent.mm,value:20000
11-03 22:29:04.546 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:com.sina.weibo,value:20000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:com.bbm,value:20000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:com.viber.voip,value:20000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:others,value:30000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:com.whatsapp,value:20000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:com.vivo.pom,value:5000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:com.zing.zalo,value:20000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:com.vivo.pom_1,value:5000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService: key:im.yixin,value:20000
11-03 22:29:04.547 1155 1155 D _V_AudioPomService:
11-03 22:29:04.553 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: content
11-03 22:29:04.554 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.554 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.554 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.554 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.554 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.554 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.554 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.554 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application android
11-03 22:29:04.555 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: content
11-03 22:29:04.556 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.556 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.556 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.556 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.556 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.556 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.556 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.556 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application android
11-03 22:29:04.557 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: content
11-03 22:29:04.557 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.557 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.557 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.557 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.557 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.557 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.557 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.558 1155 1155 D _V_MotorModeWhiteInfoServer: application android
11-03 22:29:04.560 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: content
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.561 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.562 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.563 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.564 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values elevoc
11-03 22:29:04.565 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: content
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.566 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.567 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.568 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.569 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.569 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.569 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.569 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.569 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.569 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.569 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.569 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values elevoc
11-03 22:29:04.573 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: sendAudioNativelistUpdate,
msgCode: 504 data 1
11-03 22:29:04.574 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: content
11-03 22:29:04.574 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.574 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.574 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.574 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.574 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.575 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.576 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values 0
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: list_name
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: application
11-03 22:29:04.577 1155 1155 D _V_AudioNativeBlackWhiteInfoServer: values elevoc
11-03 22:29:04.578 1155 1155 D AudioRecordStateVCodeServer:
AudioRecordStateVCodeServer getInstance()
11-03 22:29:04.579 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: use SecureMethod
11-03 22:29:04.580 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: setMicrPhoneSettings
11-03 22:29:04.581 1155 1155 V _V_FeatureConfig: setVIVOMCVSModeSettings: 1
11-03 22:29:04.581 1155 1155 D AudioSystem: +setParameters(): vivo_mcvs_setting=1
11-03 22:29:04.581 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: registerProcessObserver
11-03 22:29:04.582 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: registerRotationWatcher
11-03 22:29:04.586 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: AudioPolicyConfigInfo
construct !
11-03 22:29:04.588 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/policy_config.xml is null,just return file content, no need decrypt
11-03 22:29:04.588 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/policy_config.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.588 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/policy_config.xml
11-03 22:29:04.591 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: init the list by
default, mModeCheckList StringList{name='list_mode_checking', size=0, values=[],
11-03 22:29:04.591 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: AudioPolicyConfigInfo
construct! server not active true
11-03 22:29:04.591 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: modecheck list: []
11-03 22:29:04.591 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: focuscheck list: []
11-03 22:29:04.591 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: bgplay list:
11-03 22:29:04.591 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: SpeakerCheck list:
[com.tencent.mm, com.tencent.tmgp.sgame, com.tencent.tmgp.pubgmhd]
11-03 22:29:04.591 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: GameCheck list:
[com.netease.hyxd.vivo, com.tencent.tmgp.pubgmhd, com.tencent.tmgp.pubgm,
com.tencent.tmgp.sgame, com.tencent.ig, com.vng.pubgmobile, com.garena.game.kgtw,
com.netmarble.penta, com.garena.game.kgth, com.game.allstar.eu,
com.garena.game.kgvn, com.garena.game.kgid, com.garena.game.kgsam,
com.mobile.legends, com.dts.freefireth]
11-03 22:29:04.592 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: MediaSessionCheck list:
[com.netease.cloudmusic, cn.kuwo.player, com.kugou.android, com.tencent.qqmusic,
com.kugou.android.elder, cmccwm.mobilemusic, com.imusic.xjiting,
com.tencent.blackkey, com.yibasan.lizhifm, com.tencent.radio,
com.ximalaya.ting.android, com.android.bbkmusic, android.media.cts, com.vivo.agent]
11-03 22:29:04.592 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: mRemoteSubMixCheckList
11-03 22:29:04.592 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo:
mRemoteSubMixProtectCheckList list: [com.tencent.mm, com.tencent.mobileqq,
com.immomo.momo, com.p1.mobile.putong, com.zenmen.palmchat, com.mosheng,
my.maya.android, cn.soulapp.android, com.yiyou.ga, com.ifreetalk.ftalk,
com.tencent.qqlite, com.wepie.weplay, com.xiaomi.channel, com.c2vl.kgamebox,
com.qingqi.dianbo, im.yixin, com.tencent.minihd.qq, com.wodi.who, com.immomo.young,
11-03 22:29:04.592 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: mScooffFeatureCheckList
list: [com.tencent.mm, com.example.mediaapplication]
11-03 22:29:04.592 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: mAcdbOnlineCheckList:
[pd19281], mAcdbOnlineStringList StringList{name='list_acdbonline_checking',
size=0, values=[], uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:04.592 1155 1155 V _V_AudioPolicyConfigInfo: AdspGvoiceCheck list:
[com.tencent.tmgp.sgame, com.tencent.tmgp.sgamece, com.tencent.gvoice.unitydemo,
com.tencent.tmgp.pubgmhd, com.tencent.tmgp.cod, com.tencent.tmgp.wuxia,
11-03 22:29:04.597 1155 1155 D _V_CarKitInfoServer: size = 291
11-03 22:29:04.597 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: all android 11 project support
11-03 22:29:04.597 1155 1155 D AudioSystem: +setParameters():
11-03 22:29:04.604 1155 1155 D AudioSystem: +setParameters():
11-03 22:29:04.607 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.610 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureService construtor --
11-03 22:29:04.611 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isSafeVolumeSupport true
11-03 22:29:04.611 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: getSafeVolumeIndex 11
11-03 22:29:04.612 1155 1155 D _V_AS.AudioService: mSafeMediaVolumeState 3,
mSafeMediaVolumeIndex 110
11-03 22:29:04.615 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.615 1155 1155 E PowerManagerService: Tried to acquire wake lock
for invalid display: 0
11-03 22:29:04.617 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.617 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.617 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.617 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.618 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:04.618 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.618 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.618 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.618 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.618 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.618 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.619 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.619 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.619 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.619 1155 1155 D SoundTriggerMiddlewareService: Connecting to
default ISoundTriggerHw
11-03 22:29:04.619 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.619 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.619 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.620 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.620 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.620 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.620 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.620 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.620 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.620 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.621 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.621 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.621 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.621 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.621 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.621 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: Failed to add a
SoundTriggerModule instance
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl:
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
android.os.HwBinder.getService(Native Method)
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.create(Unknown Source:0)
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1155 E SoundTriggerMiddlewareImpl: at
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.622 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.623 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.623 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDockObserver
11-03 22:29:04.623 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.623 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.624 1155 1625 I SoundTriggerMiddlewareLogging:
areImpl@1baccab, client=null](false)
11-03 22:29:04.624 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.624 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.624 1155 1155 W DockObserver: This kernel does not have dock
station support
11-03 22:29:04.624 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.624 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.625 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.625 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.625 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.625 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.625 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.626 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartWiredAccessoryManager
11-03 22:29:04.626 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.626 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.626 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.626 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.627 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.627 1155 1155 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have
usb audio support
11-03 22:29:04.627 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.627 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.627 1155 1155 W WiredAccessoryManager: This kernel does not have
HDMI audio support
11-03 22:29:04.627 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.627 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.628 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.628 1155 1155 E WiredAccessoryManager: file
/sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:qcom,msm-ext-disp/extcon/extcon3/name not found
11-03 22:29:04.628 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.628 1155 1155 W WiredAccessoryManager: Conn soc:qcom,msm-ext-
disp/3/0 does not have DP audio support
11-03 22:29:04.628 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.628 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.628 1155 1155 E WiredAccessoryManager: file
/sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:qcom,msm-ext-disp/extcon/extcon2/name not found
11-03 22:29:04.629 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.629 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.629 1155 1155 W WiredAccessoryManager: Conn soc:qcom,msm-ext-
disp/2/0 does not have DP audio support
11-03 22:29:04.629 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.629 1155 1155 E WiredAccessoryManager: file
/sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:qcom,msm-ext-disp/extcon/extcon1/name not found
11-03 22:29:04.629 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.629 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.629 1155 1155 W WiredAccessoryManager: Conn soc:qcom,msm-ext-
disp/1/0 does not have DP audio support
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1155 E WiredAccessoryManager: file
/sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:qcom,msm-ext-disp/extcon/extcon0/name not found
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1155 W WiredAccessoryManager: Conn soc:qcom,msm-ext-
disp/0/0 does not have DP audio support
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartMidiManager
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.630 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.631 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.631 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.631 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartAdbService
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.632 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.633 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.633 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.633 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.633 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.633 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.634 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.634 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.634 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.634 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.634 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.634 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.635 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.635 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.635 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.635 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.635 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.635 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.635 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.636 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.636 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.636 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.636 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.636 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartUsbService
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:04.637 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSerialService
11-03 22:29:04.638 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.638 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.638 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.639 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.639 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:04.639 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.639 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.639 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.639 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.639 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.639 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.640 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.640 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.640 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.640 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.640 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.640 1155 1513 E UsbDeviceManager: failed to write to
11-03 22:29:04.640 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.641 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.641 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.641 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.641 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.641 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.641 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.641 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.642 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.642 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.642 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.642 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.642 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.643 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.643 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.643 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.643 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.643 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.643 1155 1513 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.usb.gadget@1.0::IUsbGadget/default
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1155 D HardwarePropertiesManagerService-JNI: Link to
death notification successful
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1513 D _V_UsbDeviceManager: USB GADGET removed by vivo
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1513 E UsbDeviceManagerJNI: could not open control for
mtp Permission denied
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1513 E UsbDeviceManager: Failed to open control for mtp
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1513 E UsbDeviceManagerJNI: could not open control for
ptp Permission denied
11-03 22:29:04.644 1155 1513 E UsbDeviceManager: Failed to open control for ptp
11-03 22:29:04.645 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.645 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.645 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.645 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.645 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTwilightService
11-03 22:29:04.646 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.646 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.647 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.647 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.647 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.647 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.647 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartColorDisplay
11-03 22:29:04.647 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.647 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.648 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.648 1155 1513 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:04.648 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.648 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.648 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.649 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.649 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.649 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.649 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.649 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.650 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.650 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.650 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.650 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.650 1155 1513 D _V_VDPMS: getRestrictionPolicy polId= 9,policy =
0,userHandle = 0
11-03 22:29:04.650 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.650 1155 1513 D _V_UsbDeviceManager: updateUsbTransferMode
11-03 22:29:04.651 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.651 1155 1513 D _V_UsbDeviceManager: setUsbCustomizedFunction
11-03 22:29:04.651 1155 1513 D _V_VDPMS: getRestrictionPolicy polId= 11,policy =
0,userHandle = 0
11-03 22:29:04.651 1155 1513 D _V_UsbDeviceManager: updateUsbRndisMode
11-03 22:29:04.651 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.651 1155 1513 D _V_VDPMS: getRestrictionPolicy polId= 10,policy =
0,userHandle = 0
11-03 22:29:04.651 1155 1513 D _V_UsbDeviceManager: updateUsbAdbMode
11-03 22:29:04.652 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.652 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.652 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.652 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.652 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.653 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.653 1155 1513 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: changeCurrentFunctions,
11-03 22:29:04.653 1155 1513 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: changeCurrentFunctions,
11-03 22:29:04.653 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.653 1155 1513 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: getCurrentFunctionsInt,
functions:none, currentFunctions:0
11-03 22:29:04.653 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.653 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.654 1155 1513 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: getCurrentFunctionsInt,
11-03 22:29:04.654 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.654 1155 1513 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: getCurrentFunctionsStr,
functions:none, currentFunctions:0
11-03 22:29:04.654 1155 1513 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: getCurrentFunctionsStr,
11-03 22:29:04.654 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.654 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.654 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.654 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.655 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.655 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.655 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.655 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.656 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.656 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.656 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.656 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.656 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.657 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.657 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.657 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.657 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.657 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.658 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.658 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.658 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.658 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.658 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.658 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.658 1155 1513 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default
11-03 22:29:04.659 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.659 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.659 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.659 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.659 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.659 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.660 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1429 I UsbPortManager: Usb hal service started
android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb default
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.661 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.662 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.662 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.662 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.662 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.662 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.662 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.662 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.663 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.663 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.663 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.663 1155 1429 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default
11-03 22:29:04.663 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.663 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.663 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.663 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.664 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.664 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.664 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.664 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.664 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.665 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.665 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.665 1155 1429 I UsbPortManager: USB HAL version: 13
11-03 22:29:04.665 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.665 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.665 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.666 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.666 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.666 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.666 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.666 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.666 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.666 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.667 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.667 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.667 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.667 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.667 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.667 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.667 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.668 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.668 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.668 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.669 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.669 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.669 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.669 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.670 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.670 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.670 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.670 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.671 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.671 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.671 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.671 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.671 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.671 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.672 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.672 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.672 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.672 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.672 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.672 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.672 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.673 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.673 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.673 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.673 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.673 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.673 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.673 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.674 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.674 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.674 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.674 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.674 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.674 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.675 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.675 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.675 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.675 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.675 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.676 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.676 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.676 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.676 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.676 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.676 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.676 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.677 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.677 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.677 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.677 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.677 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.677 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.678 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.678 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.678 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.678 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.678 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.678 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.679 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.679 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.679 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.679 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.679 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.679 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.679 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.680 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.680 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.680 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:04.681 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:1name:volume_voice_earpiece_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.681 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:2name:volume_voice_speaker_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.681 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:4name:volume_voice_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.681 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:8name:volume_voice_headphone_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.681 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:16name:volume_voice_bt_sco_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.681 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:32name:volume_voice_bt_sco_hs_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:64name:volume_voice_bt_sco_carkit_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:128name:volume_voice_bt_a2dp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:256name:volume_voice_bt_a2dp_hp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:512name:volume_voice_bt_a2dp_spk_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:1024name:volume_voice_hdmi_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:2048name:volume_voice_analog_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:4096name:volume_voice_digital_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.682 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:8192name:volume_voice_usb_accessory_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:16384name:volume_voice_usb_device_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:32768name:volume_voice_remote_submix_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:65536name:volume_voice_telephony_tx_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:131072name:volume_voice_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:262144name:volume_voice_hmdi_arc_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:524288name:volume_voice_spdif_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:1048576name:volume_voice_fm_transmitter_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:2097152name:volume_voice_aux_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:4194304name:volume_voice_speaker_safe_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.683 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:8388608name:volume_voice_ip_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.684 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:16777216name:volume_voice_ble_cg_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.684 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:33554432name:volume_voice_proxy_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.684 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:67108864name:volume_voice_usb_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.684 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:134217728name:volume_voice_hearing_aid_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.684 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:0 device:1073741824name:volume_voice_1073741824_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.684 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:1name:volume_ring_earpiece_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.684 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:2name:volume_ring_speaker_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:4name:volume_ring_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:8name:volume_ring_headphone_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:16name:volume_ring_bt_sco_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:32name:volume_ring_bt_sco_hs_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:64name:volume_ring_bt_sco_carkit_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:128name:volume_ring_bt_a2dp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:256name:volume_ring_bt_a2dp_hp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:512name:volume_ring_bt_a2dp_spk_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:1024name:volume_ring_hdmi_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.685 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:2048name:volume_ring_analog_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:4096name:volume_ring_digital_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:8192name:volume_ring_usb_accessory_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:16384name:volume_ring_usb_device_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:32768name:volume_ring_remote_submix_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:65536name:volume_ring_telephony_tx_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:131072name:volume_ring_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:262144name:volume_ring_hmdi_arc_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:524288name:volume_ring_spdif_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.686 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:1048576name:volume_ring_fm_transmitter_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.687 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:2097152name:volume_ring_aux_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.687 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:4194304name:volume_ring_speaker_safe_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.687 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:8388608name:volume_ring_ip_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.687 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:16777216name:volume_ring_ble_cg_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.687 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:33554432name:volume_ring_proxy_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.687 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:67108864name:volume_ring_usb_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.687 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:134217728name:volume_ring_hearing_aid_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.688 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:1 device:1073741824name:volume_ring_1073741824_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.688 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:1name:volume_ring_earpiece_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.688 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:2name:volume_ring_speaker_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.688 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:4name:volume_ring_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.688 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:8name:volume_ring_headphone_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.688 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:16name:volume_ring_bt_sco_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.688 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:32name:volume_ring_bt_sco_hs_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.688 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:64name:volume_ring_bt_sco_carkit_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:128name:volume_ring_bt_a2dp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:256name:volume_ring_bt_a2dp_hp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:512name:volume_ring_bt_a2dp_spk_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:1024name:volume_ring_hdmi_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:2048name:volume_ring_analog_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:4096name:volume_ring_digital_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:8192name:volume_ring_usb_accessory_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:16384name:volume_ring_usb_device_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.689 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:32768name:volume_ring_remote_submix_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:65536name:volume_ring_telephony_tx_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:131072name:volume_ring_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:262144name:volume_ring_hmdi_arc_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:524288name:volume_ring_spdif_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:1048576name:volume_ring_fm_transmitter_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:2097152name:volume_ring_aux_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:4194304name:volume_ring_speaker_safe_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:8388608name:volume_ring_ip_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:16777216name:volume_ring_ble_cg_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:33554432name:volume_ring_proxy_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.690 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:67108864name:volume_ring_usb_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:134217728name:volume_ring_hearing_aid_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:2 device:1073741824name:volume_ring_1073741824_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:1name:volume_music_earpiece_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:2name:volume_music_speaker_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:4name:volume_music_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:8name:volume_music_headphone_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:16name:volume_music_bt_sco_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:32name:volume_music_bt_sco_hs_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:64name:volume_music_bt_sco_carkit_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:128name:volume_music_bt_a2dp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:256name:volume_music_bt_a2dp_hp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.691 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:512name:volume_music_bt_a2dp_spk_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:1024name:volume_music_hdmi_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:2048name:volume_music_analog_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:4096name:volume_music_digital_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:8192name:volume_music_usb_accessory_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:16384name:volume_music_usb_device_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:32768name:volume_music_remote_submix_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:65536name:volume_music_telephony_tx_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:131072name:volume_music_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:262144name:volume_music_hmdi_arc_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:524288name:volume_music_spdif_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:1048576name:volume_music_fm_transmitter_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:2097152name:volume_music_aux_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:4194304name:volume_music_speaker_safe_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.692 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:8388608name:volume_music_ip_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:16777216name:volume_music_ble_cg_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:33554432name:volume_music_proxy_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:67108864name:volume_music_usb_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:134217728name:volume_music_hearing_aid_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:3 device:1073741824name:volume_music_1073741824_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:1name:volume_alarm_earpiece_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:2name:volume_alarm_speaker_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:4name:volume_alarm_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:8name:volume_alarm_headphone_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:16name:volume_alarm_bt_sco_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:32name:volume_alarm_bt_sco_hs_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:64name:volume_alarm_bt_sco_carkit_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:128name:volume_alarm_bt_a2dp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:256name:volume_alarm_bt_a2dp_hp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:512name:volume_alarm_bt_a2dp_spk_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:1024name:volume_alarm_hdmi_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:2048name:volume_alarm_analog_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.693 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:4096name:volume_alarm_digital_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:8192name:volume_alarm_usb_accessory_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:16384name:volume_alarm_usb_device_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:32768name:volume_alarm_remote_submix_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:65536name:volume_alarm_telephony_tx_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:131072name:volume_alarm_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:262144name:volume_alarm_hmdi_arc_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:524288name:volume_alarm_spdif_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:1048576name:volume_alarm_fm_transmitter_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:2097152name:volume_alarm_aux_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:4194304name:volume_alarm_speaker_safe_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:8388608name:volume_alarm_ip_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:16777216name:volume_alarm_ble_cg_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:33554432name:volume_alarm_proxy_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:67108864name:volume_alarm_usb_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:134217728name:volume_alarm_hearing_aid_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:4 device:1073741824name:volume_alarm_1073741824_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:1name:volume_notification_earpiece_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:2name:volume_notification_speaker_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:4name:volume_notification_headset_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:8name:volume_notification_headphone_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:16name:volume_notification_bt_sco_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:32name:volume_notification_bt_sco_hs_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:64name:volume_notification_bt_sco_carkit_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:128name:volume_notification_bt_a2dp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.694 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:256name:volume_notification_bt_a2dp_hp_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:512name:volume_notification_bt_a2dp_spk_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:1024name:volume_notification_hdmi_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:2048name:volume_notification_analog_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:4096name:volume_notification_digital_dock_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:8192name:volume_notification_usb_accessory_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:16384name:volume_notification_usb_device_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:32768name:volume_notification_remote_submix_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:65536name:volume_notification_telephony_tx_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:131072name:volume_notification_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:262144name:volume_notification_hmdi_arc_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:524288name:volume_notification_spdif_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:1048576name:volume_notification_fm_transmitter_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:2097152name:volume_notification_aux_line_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:4194304name:volume_notification_speaker_safe_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:8388608name:volume_notification_ip_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.695 1155 1612 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: readSettingsForDeltaVolume
mStreamType:5 device:16777216name:volume_notification_ble_cg_out_Delta index:0
11-03 22:29:04.697 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.700 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.703 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.707 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.710 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.714 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.717 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.728 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.732 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.738 1155 1155 D _V_VivoDisplayEnhanceManagerService: Feature
support: Sdr2HdrSw=false, Sdr2HdrHw=false, Memc=false
11-03 22:29:04.742 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.745 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.750 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.753 1155 1155 I _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl: register
activity observer
11-03 22:29:04.757 1155 1155 D _V_VivoDisplayEnhanceManagerService:
11-03 22:29:04.761 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.763 1155 1155 I _V_VivoBrightnessPolicyService: Init starts
11-03 22:29:04.763 1155 1155 I _V_VivoBrightnessPolicyService: Brightness policy
feature status: false, factory mode false
11-03 22:29:04.764 1155 1155 D _V_DisplayEnhanceAppPackageObserver:
11-03 22:29:04.765 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerState: registerPowerListener:
11-03 22:29:04.767 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmSre: create VivoLcmSre
11-03 22:29:04.768 1155 1155 E _V_VivoLcmUtils: the readKernelNode
is:/sys/lcm/sre_enable: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:04.768 1155 1155 E _V_VivoLcmSre: read sre enable failed
11-03 22:29:04.768 1155 1155 E _V_VivoLcmSre: This product have not enable sre
for main screen
11-03 22:29:04.768 1155 1155 E _V_VivoLcmSre: VivoLcmSre init failed
11-03 22:29:04.769 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: create VivoLcmEsd
11-03 22:29:04.771 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: mProximityThreshold = 1.0
11-03 22:29:04.771 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: mIsLimitAcc=false
mAccelerometerThreshold = -5.0
11-03 22:29:04.771 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: startEsdThread
11-03 22:29:04.772 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: power on esd
11-03 22:29:04.773 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: handleMessage MSG_POWER_ON
11-03 22:29:04.773 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: handlePowerOn
11-03 22:29:04.774 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: setSensorStatus mEsdEnable=false
enable=true mIsAlgoUnder=false
11-03 22:29:04.774 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: registerProSensor: register pro
sensor mRegisterPro=false
11-03 22:29:04.774 1155 1629 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:1000000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.server.display.color.VivoLcmEsd$1 num: 1
11-03 22:29:04.776 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.780 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.784 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.787 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.792 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.796 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.800 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:04.804 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartJobScheduler
11-03 22:29:04.805 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.812 1155 1155 D JobStore: Start tag: job-info
11-03 22:29:04.874 1155 1155 I JobStore: Read 134 jobs
11-03 22:29:04.877 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:04.882 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:04.882 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for:
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry:
android.os.ServiceManager$ServiceNotFoundException: No service published for:
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance0(Native Method)
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.884 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: at
11-03 22:29:04.885 1155 1155 E SystemServiceRegistry: Manager wrapper not
available: jobscheduler
11-03 22:29:04.886 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSoundTrigger
11-03 22:29:04.887 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.888 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTrustManager
11-03 22:29:04.888 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.892 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartBackupManager
11-03 22:29:04.892 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.895 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartAppWidgetService
11-03 22:29:04.896 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.900 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartVoiceRecognitionManager
11-03 22:29:04.900 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.911 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:assistant
value:com.google.android.apps.searchlite/.assistant.AssistantActivity pkg:android
11-03 22:29:04.912 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:voice_interaction_service value:
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:04.913 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartAppHibernationService
11-03 22:29:04.913 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.916 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartGestureLauncher
11-03 22:29:04.916 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.916 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSensorNotification
11-03 22:29:04.916 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:04.916 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDiskStatsService
11-03 22:29:04.919 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: RuntimeService
11-03 22:29:04.921 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkTimeUpdateService
11-03 22:29:04.927 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: CertBlacklister
11-03 22:29:04.929 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl: addVivoBinderService
11-03 22:29:04.930 1155 1155 I _V_VivoCommonService: Vivo Common Service
11-03 22:29:04.933 1155 1155 D _V_VivoCommonService: CompatConfigDisabled=false
11-03 22:29:04.937 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting:
11-03 22:29:04.944 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl:
VivoVcodeHalTransferService addService start
11-03 22:29:04.948 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl:
VivoVcodeHalTransferService is null?:false
11-03 22:29:04.980 1155 1636 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
data/bbkcore/theme_icon_list_1.0.xml is null,just return file content, no need
decrypt file
11-03 22:29:04.980 1155 1636 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
data/bbkcore/theme_icon_list_1.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:04.980 1155 1636 D _V_ConfigurationManager: startObserverConfigFile
11-03 22:29:04.984 1155 1636 W _V_ThemeIconService: Don't support theme custom !
11-03 22:29:05.000 1155 1612 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 478 lines
11-03 22:29:05.000 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.000 1155 1155 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 9 lines
11-03 22:29:05.000 1155 1155 D _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService:
doubleScreenSupport:falseneedRegisterMainProx: falseneedRegisterSecondProx: false
11-03 22:29:05.001 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.001 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.vivo.services.touchscreen.TouchScreenService$ProximitySensorMonitor num: 2
11-03 22:29:05.002 1155 1155 D _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService:
11-03 22:29:05.002 1155 1155 D _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService:
11-03 22:29:05.002 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.002 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: e setting switch
string: 0
11-03 22:29:05.003 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 2 state = 256
11-03 22:29:05.003 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 19 state = 0
11-03 22:29:05.003 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.004 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.005 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.006 1155 1155 D _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: fingerUnlock:1
11-03 22:29:05.006 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.007 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 4 state = 0
11-03 22:29:05.007 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.007 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 10 state = 0
11-03 22:29:05.007 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 14 state = 0
11-03 22:29:05.008 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 15 state = 0
11-03 22:29:05.008 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.008 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: can't get
bbk_screen_disable_card_slide_height_area, maybe app not set!
11-03 22:29:05.009 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.010 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.011 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.012 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.013 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.014 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.015 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.015 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.016 1155 1639 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 30 state = 1
11-03 22:29:05.016 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.017 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.018 1155 1155 D _V_CapacityKeyService: CapacityKeyService
11-03 22:29:05.019 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.020 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.021 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.022 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.023 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.024 1155 1155 D _V_CapacityKeyService: mDisplayId =0 rotation = 0
mBrightness =1
11-03 22:29:05.025 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.026 1155 1646 D _V_CapacityKeyService: called ServiceState is
11-03 22:29:05.026 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.027 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.027 1155 1155 D _V_CapacityKeyService: get abs :null
11-03 22:29:05.028 1155 1649 D _V_CapacityKeyService: called ServiceState is
11-03 22:29:05.028 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.029 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.030 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.032 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.033 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.033 1155 1155 I _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl: register
activity observer
11-03 22:29:05.034 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.034 1155 1650 D _V_VivoNightModeService: init unified config
11-03 22:29:05.034 1155 1650 D _V_VivoNightModeService: init unified list
11-03 22:29:05.035 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.036 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.037 1155 1650 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
data/bbkcore/night_mode_list_2.0.xml is null,just return file content, no need
decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.037 1155 1650 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
data/bbkcore/night_mode_list_2.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.037 1155 1650 D _V_ConfigurationManager: startObserverConfigFile
11-03 22:29:05.037 1155 1155 D BBKEngineerUtileService: BBKEngineerUtileService
service start
11-03 22:29:05.037 1155 1650 D _V_VivoNightModeService: parse night mode white
11-03 22:29:05.038 1155 1612 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.media.STREAM_DEVICES_CHANGED_ACTION flg=0x54000010 (has extras) }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:05.038 1155 1650 D _V_VivoNightModeService: parse night mode webview
11-03 22:29:05.038 1155 1650 D _V_VivoNightModeService: read state for user
11-03 22:29:05.038 1155 1155 D BBKEngineerUtileService: BBKEngineerPowerSave
11-03 22:29:05.038 1155 1155 D BBKEngineerUtileService: user mode:sim_ready
11-03 22:29:05.039 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.040 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.041 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.factory.hardware.vivoem@1.0::IVivoEm/default
11-03 22:29:05.041 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.042 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.043 1155 1155 D BBKEngineerUtileService:
11-03 22:29:05.044 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.045 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.045 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl: sarcontrollerService
addService start
11-03 22:29:05.046 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.047 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.049 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.050 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.051 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.052 1155 1155 V _V_FeatureService: registerAudioFeatureCallback
ReceiveAudioState calling from 1155
11-03 22:29:05.052 1155 1155 D SarControllerService: mAudioFeatures
registerAudioFeatureCallback successed!
11-03 22:29:05.053 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.055 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.055 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: registerObserver
11-03 22:29:05.055 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: SarSensor_A == null
11-03 22:29:05.056 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: powerState 4,
mForceUpdateState = false
11-03 22:29:05.056 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.057 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.059 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.060 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.061 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.062 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.063 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.065 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.065 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.factory.hardware.vivoem@1.0::IVivoEm/default
11-03 22:29:05.066 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.067 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.067 1155 1155 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: factory mode: false
11-03 22:29:05.068 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.066 1155 1155 W system_server: type=1400 audit(0.0:506): avc:
denied { search } for name="saleinfo" dev="mmcblk0p22" ino=23
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:persist_data_file:s0 tclass=dir
11-03 22:29:05.069 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.070 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.071 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.071 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.072 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.073 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.074 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.074 1155 1652 D _V_TZManagerService: start init TZManagerService
11-03 22:29:05.075 1155 1652 D _V_TZService-JNI: initTimeZoneDB
11-03 22:29:05.075 1155 1652 D _V_TimeZoneDB: open file failed!
11-03 22:29:05.075 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.076 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/combined_timezone_list_timezone_data_push_1.0.xml is null,just return
file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.076 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/combined_timezone_list_timezone_data_push_1.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.076 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:05.076 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000001 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.078 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.078 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl: feature memc :
11-03 22:29:05.078 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl: feature memc attr type :
11-03 22:29:05.079 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.080 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.080 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.081 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.081 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.082 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.083 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.083 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.084 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.085 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.085 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.087 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.089 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.091 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.092 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.093 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.093 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.094 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.094 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_AntiMisoperation: AntiMisoperation Init
11-03 22:29:05.097 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.098 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.099 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.101 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.102 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.102 1155 1155 I VivoSensorTest: JNI_OnLoad
11-03 22:29:05.103 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.104 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.105 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.106 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.107 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.108 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.109 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.110 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.110 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.110 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
3; pos = 13 value: [0]
11-03 22:29:05.111 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.112 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.112 1155 1155 I _V_RootConfig: lcmId = 0x00000031
11-03 22:29:05.113 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.114 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.114 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.115 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.115 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_BrightnessConfig: bootBrightness = 1146;
isMultilevel = true; maxLcmBrightness = 4095; isUnderProx = false; isUnderLight =
false; minBrightness = 310; gameOptimizedBright = -1.0
11-03 22:29:05.116 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.117 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.118 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.119 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.119 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.120 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_CurveSwitch: CurveSwitch init!
11-03 22:29:05.120 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.121 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.121 1155 1155 I _V_RootConfig: Exception e =
/system/etc/SensorConfig/AutoBrightnessLcm2AgloBrLevel_0x00000031.json: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:05.122 1155 1155 I _V_RootConfig: Exception e =
/system/etc/SensorConfig/AutoBrightness255ToAgloBrLevel_0x00000031.json: open
failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:05.122 1155 1155 I _V_RootConfig: Exception e =
/system/etc/SensorConfig/AutoBrightnessNitMapLcm_0x00000031.json: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:05.122 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.123 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.124 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.125 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.126 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.127 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.128 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.129 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.130 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.131 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.132 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.133 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.134 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.135 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.135 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.136 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.137 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.137 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.138 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.139 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.139 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.140 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.141 1155 1612 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.media.STREAM_DEVICES_CHANGED_ACTION flg=0x54000010 (has extras) }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:05.141 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.142 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.143 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.144 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.145 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.146 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.147 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.148 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.148 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.149 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.150 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.151 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.152 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.153 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.153 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.154 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.155 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.156 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.157 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.158 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.158 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.159 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.160 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.161 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.163 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.164 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.165 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.166 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.167 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.168 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.169 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.170 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.172 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.173 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.175 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.176 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.178 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.179 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.180 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.181 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.182 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.183 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.184 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.185 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.185 1155 1155 I _V_BrightConfig: algoMapLcmSecPoint = [151, 301,
3001, 4501, 4525, 4559, 4801, 5426, 5654, 5659, 6423, 6848, 8039, 8848, 10340,
16383]; algoMapLcm = [[0.18, 9.82], [0.18, 9.82], [0.1685185185, 13.27592593],
[0.04466666667, 384.9553333], [5.708333333, -25107.20833], [1.382352941, -
5532.147059], [0.8016528926, -2884.735537], [0.7312, -2546.4912], [0.8333333333, -
3100.666667], [18.4, -102422.6], [0.5916230366, -1644.994764], [0.6023529412, -
1713.912941], [0.4651553317, -774.3837112], [0.1260815822, 1951.430161],
[0.158847185, 1661.520107], [0.2728527078, 482.703002]]; minLevel = [11, 49, 85,
111]; algoMap255Sec = [4501, 6848, 16383]; mNormalJson = true
11-03 22:29:05.185 1155 1155 I _V_BrightConfig: nitMapLcmSecPoint = [3.21754,
4.746196, 10.48569, 16.08836, 25.42651, 34.56269, 55.77316, 64.64325, 90.53165,
99.98781, 200.5515, 280.1924, 460.3509]; nitMapLcm = [[8.677261866, -6.919437145],
[9.158371798, -8.467427597], [8.711569347, -6.34681559], [8.567343784, -
4.834511046], [8.459919791, -3.106235175], [8.428030096, -2.295391509],
[8.344935308, 0.5765878832], [8.455382076, -5.583377395], [8.420759877, -
3.34528592], [8.460093738, -6.906245241], [8.621402019, -23.03510701],
[8.877348197, -74.36549687], [9.336223381, -202.9388361]]
11-03 22:29:05.186 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.187 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_FingerprintController:
FingerprintController init!
11-03 22:29:05.188 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.188 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_SlientKeyService: isSupportSlientKey =
11-03 22:29:05.189 1155 1657 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:66667 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.vivo.sensor.brightness.AutomaticBrightnessController$BrightnessListener num: 3
11-03 22:29:05.189 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.190 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.192 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.192 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSensorHubService: factory mode: 0
11-03 22:29:05.192 1155 1655 I _V_Sensor_FactoryManager: VivoSensorTest
type=0x212; cmd=2063
11-03 22:29:05.192 1155 1655 D SensorTest: nativeClassInit 1
11-03 22:29:05.192 1155 1655 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:05.192 1155 1655 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 63:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest start ID 0x212 2063 0 0
11-03 22:29:05.193 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.194 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.195 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.196 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.197 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.197 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.197 1155 1655 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 109:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest end ID 530 ret 0
11-03 22:29:05.198 1155 1655 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:05.198 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.199 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.200 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.200 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_ProximityCaliConfigParser:
parseSensorCaliConfig begin.
11-03 22:29:05.201 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_ProximityCaliConfigParser:
mUseOpticsCali=false mDoubleUnderProx=false mSingleUnderProx=false
mUseSectionCali=false mSectionCaliWriteBackToNv=false mUseCCTCali=false
mDoubleScreenUnderProx=false mSendPsOffset=false mExpectPsOffsetValue=-1
mDefaultLongBaseValueFrontValue=4000 mDefaultLongBaseValueBackValue=4000
mDefaultShortBaseValueFrontValue=8000 mDefaultShortBaseValueBackValue=8000
mDefaultBaseLowValue=300 mUseMagCali=false
11-03 22:29:05.201 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSensorHubService: proximity cali_data:
data[0]22 data[1] 2199 data[2] 0
11-03 22:29:05.202 1155 1155 D _V_VivoSensorHubService: Acc cali_off_data: X4 Y -
18 Z -4
11-03 22:29:05.202 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.205 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.206 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.207 1155 1155 D _V_ProxCaliService: call VivoProxCaliService
11-03 22:29:05.207 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.208 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.209 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.210 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.211 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.211 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotificationImpl:
frontDisplayState = 0; backDisplayState = 1
11-03 22:29:05.212 1155 1612 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.media.STREAM_DEVICES_CHANGED_ACTION flg=0x54000010 (has extras) }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:05.213 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.214 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.215 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.216 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.216 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.216 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.217 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.218 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.219 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.219 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.220 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.221 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.222 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.223 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.223 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.224 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.225 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.226 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.226 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.226 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.227 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.228 1155 1155 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:05.228 1155 1155 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 63:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest start ID 0x2f 0 0 0
11-03 22:29:05.229 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.229 1155 1155 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 109:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest end ID 47 ret 0
11-03 22:29:05.229 1155 1155 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:05.230 1155 1155 D _V_ProxCaliService: get temp para mSuccess=1
mTestVal=[0.0,0.0,0.0] mDefBase=[1500.0,0.0,0.0] mMinBase=[1.0,0.0,0.0]
mMaxBase=[7000.0,0.0,0.0] info=
11-03 22:29:05.230 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.231 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.232 1155 1155 I VivoSensorTest: sensor JNI_OnLoad
11-03 22:29:05.233 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.234 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.235 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.236 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.236 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.237 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.238 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.239 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.239 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.240 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.241 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.241 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000001 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.242 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.243 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.244 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.245 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.246 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.247 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.248 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.248 1155 1663 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/systemdefence_config_v1.xml is null,just return file content, no need
decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.248 1155 1663 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/systemdefence_config_v1.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.248 1155 1663 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/systemdefence_config_v1.xml
11-03 22:29:05.248 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.249 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.250 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.251 1155 1663 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/sysemdefence_common_2.0.xml is null,just return file content, no need
decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.251 1155 1663 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/sysemdefence_common_2.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.251 1155 1663 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/sysemdefence_common_2.0.xml
11-03 22:29:05.251 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.252 1155 1663 I _V_SDS : updateSwitchConfig...
11-03 22:29:05.252 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.253 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.254 1155 1155 D _V_gamevibrator: game vib enable mod: 0
11-03 22:29:05.254 1155 1155 D _V_gamevibrator: device not support audio solution
11-03 22:29:05.254 1155 1155 D _V_gamevibrator: Vivo4DGameVibratorService
constructor method called,className:
com.vivo.services.vivo4dgamevibrator.Vivo4DGameVibratorService , is support game
effect: 0
11-03 22:29:05.254 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl:
vivo4DGameVibratorService is null?:false
11-03 22:29:05.254 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.255 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.256 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.257 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyServiceImp:
11-03 22:29:05.257 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.258 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.259 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.260 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile filePath
11-03 22:29:05.260 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.261 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.262 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.262 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.263 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.264 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.266 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.267 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.268 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.270 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.270 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.271 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.272 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.273 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.274 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.275 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.276 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.277 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.277 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.278 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.sco.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.278 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.279 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.280 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.281 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.282 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.283 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.283 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.284 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.285 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.286 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.287 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.288 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.290 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.291 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.291 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.btfakepause.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.292 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.293 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.293 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.294 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.295 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.297 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.298 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.298 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.volume.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.299 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.300 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.301 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.302 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.303 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.303 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.304 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.305 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.volume.change.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.305 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.306 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.307 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.308 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.309 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.310 1155 1612 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.media.STREAM_DEVICES_CHANGED_ACTION flg=0x54000010 (has extras) }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:05.311 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.312 1155 1652 I _V_TimeZoneDB: value read from file :
11-03 22:29:05.312 1155 1652 I _V_TimeZoneDB: 51 a5 1d 00 f2 23 52 97 cb f6 5b 14
b2 19 a3 de 25 4c 1c 7a
11-03 22:29:05.312 1155 1652 I _V_TimeZoneDB: value cal from file content :
11-03 22:29:05.312 1155 1652 I _V_TimeZoneDB: 51 a5 1d 00 f2 23 52 97 cb f6 5b 14
b2 19 a3 de 25 4c 1c 7a
11-03 22:29:05.312 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.313 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.313 1155 1652 D _V_TimeZoneDB: use timezone db
11-03 22:29:05.313 1155 1652 I _V_TimeZoneDB: OpenDB
11-03 22:29:05.314 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.315 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.317 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.318 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: mcc=510
11-03 22:29:05.318 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.319 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.320 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.321 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.321 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.322 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.323 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.324 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.325 1155 1652 D _V_TZManagerService: end init TZManagerService
11-03 22:29:05.325 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.326 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.327 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.328 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.328 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.329 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.329 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.331 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.332 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.333 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.334 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.334 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.playback.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.336 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.337 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.338 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.338 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.339 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.340 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.341 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.341 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.342 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.343 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000001 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.343 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.344 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.345 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.346 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.347 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.349 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.349 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.351 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.352 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.353 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.354 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.355 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.356 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.357 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.358 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.359 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.360 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.361 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.362 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.363 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.366 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.367 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.368 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.370 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.371 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.373 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.375 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.375 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.376 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.378 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.379 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.381 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.382 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.voip.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.383 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.384 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.385 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.387 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.389 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.390 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.390 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.391 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.393 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.394 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.395 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.396 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.398 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.399 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.399 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.400 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.402 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.403 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.404 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.406 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.407 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.407 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.409 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.410 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.411 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.413 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.414 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.415 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.speakerphone.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.416 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.418 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.419 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.421 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.424 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.424 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.425 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.426 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.427 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.429 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.430 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.432 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.433 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.sys.audio.vapc.focus.enable,switchValue:off
11-03 22:29:05.433 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.434 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.436 1155 1612 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.media.STREAM_DEVICES_CHANGED_ACTION flg=0x54000010 (has extras) }
ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:05.437 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.438 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.439 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.440 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.441 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.441 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyProperty:
setVapcFocusPolicyEnable() pls set Vapc and Focus Enable first!
11-03 22:29:05.441 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.442 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.442 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyProperty:
setVapcFocusPolicyEnable() pls set Vapc and Focus Enable first!
11-03 22:29:05.442 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.442 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyProperty:
setVapcFocusPolicyEnable() pls set Vapc and Focus Enable first!
11-03 22:29:05.443 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.443 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.443 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyProperty:
setVapcFocusPolicyEnable() pls set Vapc and Focus Enable first!
11-03 22:29:05.443 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyProperty:
initAudioPolicyProperty apply system audio policy property
11-03 22:29:05.444 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.446 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_configration_switch.xml is null,just return file
content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.446 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_configration_switch.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.446 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_configration_switch.xml
11-03 22:29:05.450 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.452 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.453 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.454 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.455 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList getInstance()
11-03 22:29:05.455 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.456 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
11-03 22:29:05.457 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.458 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_bgplayback_whitelist.xml is null,just return file
content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.458 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.458 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_bgplayback_whitelist.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.458 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_bgplayback_whitelist.xml
11-03 22:29:05.459 1155 1155 I VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList: LoadWhiteListFile
filePath =/system/etc/vivoaudiopolicy/vivo_audiopolicy_bgplayback_whitelist.xml
11-03 22:29:05.459 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.460 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.460 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList: LoadWhiteListFile
package list:vivo_audio_policy_bgplayback_whitelist
11-03 22:29:05.461 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
11-03 22:29:05.461 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
initAudioPolicyBGPlaybackList apply system bg playback package list
11-03 22:29:05.461 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
initAudioPolicyBGPlaybackList() com.vivo.browser com.vivo.findphone
com.vivo.aiservice com.vivo.aiservice:tts com.iflytek.speechsuite
com.google.android.marvin.talkback com.google.android.gms android.media.cts
com.google.uid.shared com.ss.android.article.video com.android.VideoPlayer
com.ss.android.ugc.aweme com.baidu.haokan com.yuncheapp.android.pearl com.all.video
com.qiyi.video com.sesame.video com.le123.ysdq com.vivo.vms com.vivo.musicwidgetmix
com.android.providers.downloads com.vivo.gamecube com.android.systemui
android.uid.systemui com.android.bbkmusic com.android.mms com.vivo.gallery
com.android.bbksoundrecorder com.android.BBKClock com.android.camera
com.vivo.ai.ime com.vivo.health com.vivo.game com.vivo.hybrid com.vivo.smartanswer
com.vivo.timerwidget com.vivo.videoeditor com.kugou.android
11-03 22:29:05.461 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.462 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.463 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_btsco_whitelist.xml is null,just return file
content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.463 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_btsco_whitelist.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.463 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_btsco_whitelist.xml
11-03 22:29:05.464 1155 1155 I VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList: LoadWhiteListFile
filePath =/system/etc/vivoaudiopolicy/vivo_audiopolicy_btsco_whitelist.xml
11-03 22:29:05.464 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.465 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList: LoadWhiteListFile
package list:vivo_audio_policy_btsco_whitelist
11-03 22:29:05.465 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
11-03 22:29:05.465 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
initAudioPolicyBTSCOList apply system package list
11-03 22:29:05.465 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
initAudioPolicyBTSCOList() com.android.bluetooth com.android.server.telecom
com.iqoo.engineermode android.uid.bluetooth
11-03 22:29:05.466 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.467 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.467 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_volume_whitelist.xml is null,just return file
content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.467 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_volume_whitelist.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.467 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_volume_whitelist.xml
11-03 22:29:05.468 1155 1155 I VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList: LoadWhiteListFile
filePath =/system/etc/vivoaudiopolicy/vivo_audiopolicy_volume_whitelist.xml
11-03 22:29:05.468 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.469 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.470 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList: LoadWhiteListFile
package list:vivo_audio_policy_volume_whitelist
11-03 22:29:05.471 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
11-03 22:29:05.471 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
initAudioPolicyVolumeList apply system package list
11-03 22:29:05.471 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyWhiteList:
initAudioPolicyVolumeList() com.android.bluetooth com.android.server.telecom
com.iqoo.engineermode com.android.systemui com.vivo.apitest com.autonavi.minimap
com.baidu.BaiduMap com.iflytek.inputmethod com.baidu.input_vivo com.baidu.input
android.uid.systemui com.vivo.gallery com.android.VideoPlayer com.vivo.browser
com.android.bbkmusic com.vivo.ai.ime com.vivo.health com.android.bbksoundrecorder
com.vivo.findphone com.vivo.soundrecorder com.vivo.livewallpaper.cubewavebmw
com.bbk.launcher2 com.tencent.mm com.dla.android com.facebook.orca com.bbk.cloud
com.vivo.agent com.ximalaya.ting.android com.zhongduomei.rrmj.society
com.launcher.ios11.iphonex com.huawo.hawofit com.huawo.ufit
11-03 22:29:05.472 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.472 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicySQLiteImp:
VivoAudioPolicySQLiteImp getInstance()
11-03 22:29:05.473 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.474 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.475 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.476 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.477 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.477 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyBlackList:
VivoAudioPolicyBlackList getInstance()
11-03 22:29:05.478 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.478 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyBlackList:
11-03 22:29:05.479 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.480 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000001 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.480 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_volume_streamtype_blacklist.xml is null,just return
file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.480 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_volume_streamtype_blacklist.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.480 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:29:05.480 1155 1155 I VivoAudioPolicyBlackList: LoadBlackListFile
11-03 22:29:05.480 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.482 1155 1155 I VivoAudioPolicyBlackList: LoadBgPlaybackListFile
getName =lists
11-03 22:29:05.482 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.482 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyBlackList: LoadBlackListFile
package list:vivo_audio_policy_volume_streamtype_blacklist
11-03 22:29:05.482 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyBlackList:
11-03 22:29:05.482 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyBlackList:
initAudioPolicyVolumeStreamTypeBlackList apply system package list
11-03 22:29:05.482 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyBlackList:
initAudioPolicyVolumeStreamTypeBlackList() com.systec.umeeting
com.tencent.wemeet.app com.zego.videotalk
11-03 22:29:05.483 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:05.483 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyEpmEventManager:
11-03 22:29:05.484 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.484 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyUtils: VivoAudioPolicyUtils
11-03 22:29:05.484 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyUtils: VivoAudioPolicyUtils()
11-03 22:29:05.485 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:05.485 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState getInstance()
11-03 22:29:05.485 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
11-03 22:29:05.485 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.486 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.488 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.489 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.490 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.491 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.492 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.493 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.494 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.495 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.497 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.498 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.501 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.502 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.503 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.505 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.508 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.509 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.510 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.511 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.512 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.513 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.514 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.515 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.516 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.517 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.517 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.518 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.519 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicySQLiteImp:
VivoAudioPolicySQLiteImp getInstance()
11-03 22:29:05.519 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.520 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.521 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.522 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.523 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.523 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioCallMuteVCodeManager:
VivoAudioCallMuteVCodeManager getInstance()
11-03 22:29:05.523 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioCallMuteVCodeManager:
11-03 22:29:05.524 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.524 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioCallMuteVCodeManager:
11-03 22:29:05.525 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.526 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.526 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty:
VivoAudioFeatureProperty getInstance()
11-03 22:29:05.526 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.527 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.527 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.527 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty getInstance()
11-03 22:29:05.528 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.528 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.528 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.528 1155 1155 I VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
LoadFeatureConfigFile filePath
11-03 22:29:05.529 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.530 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.vivoaudiopolicy_version,should added
11-03 22:29:05.530 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.530 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.531 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.532 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.533 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.534 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.535 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.537 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.537 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.speaker_vcode,should added
11-03 22:29:05.538 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.538 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.540 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.541 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.542 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.543 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.544 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.545 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.545 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:05.546 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.547 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.548 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:05.549 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:05.550 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.551 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.callmute_vcode,should added
11-03 22:29:05.552 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.552 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:05.559 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.apps.voip_adapte_volume,should added
11-03 22:29:05.559 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.baidu.BaiduMap,featureParmValue:25
11-03 22:29:05.559 1155 1165 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 194356(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 37(5132KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 24MB/48MB,
paused 306us,247us total 417.720ms
11-03 22:29:05.559 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.autonavi.minimap,featureParmValue:10
11-03 22:29:05.560 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.dragon.read,featureParmValue:25
11-03 22:29:05.560 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.560 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.kugou.android,featureParmValue:25
11-03 22:29:05.560 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.netease.cloudmusic,featureParmValue:25
11-03 22:29:05.560 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.tencent.qqmusic,featureParmValue:25
11-03 22:29:05.561 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.apps.btcarkit_adapte_volume,should added
11-03 22:29:05.561 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.baidu.BaiduMap,featureParmValue:65
11-03 22:29:05.561 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.autonavi.minimap,featureParmValue:65
11-03 22:29:05.561 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.tencent.mm,featureParmValue:65
11-03 22:29:05.561 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.volume.parameters.timems,should added
11-03 22:29:05.561 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.569 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.578 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.apps.btsco.timeout,should added
11-03 22:29:05.578 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.btignore.mediakey,should added
11-03 22:29:05.578 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.586 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.speakerphone.parameters.timems,should added
11-03 22:29:05.586 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.594 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.apps.backlist.phonecall.adapte.volume,should added
11-03 22:29:05.594 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.smile.gifmaker,featureParmValue:0
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.tencent.rijvideo,featureParmValue:0
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.baidu.haokan,featureParmValue:0
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.baidu.searchbox,featureParmValue:0
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.tencent.mtt,featureParmValue:0
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
parseFeatureConfigFile() featureParmName:com.vivo.browser,featureParmValue:0
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.playback.parameters,should added
11-03 22:29:05.595 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.603 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.apps.speakerphone.interceptors,should added
11-03 22:29:05.603 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.603 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
addAudioFeature() mAllFeature has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.focus.parameters.timems,should added
11-03 22:29:05.603 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.611 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.621 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.630 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.637 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.646 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.650 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audio_feature_config.xml is null,just return file content, no
need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.651 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audio_feature_config.xml costs 3ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.651 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/vivo_audio_feature_config.xml
11-03 22:29:05.652 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.652 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.652 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.652 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.652 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.652 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.652 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.652 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.653 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.653 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.653 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.653 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.653 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.653 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.653 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.654 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.654 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.654 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.654 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.654 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.654 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.654 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.654 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.655 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.655 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureConfigProperty:
11-03 22:29:05.655 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile filePath
11-03 22:29:05.656 1155 1420 D _V_VivoUsbDeviceManager: handleMessageUpdateState,
connected:false, configured:false
11-03 22:29:05.656 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.656 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.664 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.directional_playback.enable,should added
11-03 22:29:05.673 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.673 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.681 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.micinfo_vcode.enable,should added
11-03 22:29:05.681 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.681 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.687 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:05.687 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:05.688 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:05.689 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:05.690 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.speaker_vcode.enable,should added
11-03 22:29:05.691 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.691 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.697 1155 1582 E _V_SlaTrafficStatsManager: parse sla uids
error:java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
11-03 22:29:05.699 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.spkbvm_vcode.enable,should added
11-03 22:29:05.700 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.700 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.709 1155 1582 D _V_SlaTrafficStatsManager: readConfig
mEnabled:false, mSlaAppUids:[], mDataUseSlaStart:{}, mDataDayOffset:{-1=0},
mDataMonthOffset:{-1=0}, mLastSlaDayAlarm:1667494800000,
mLastSlaMonthAlarm:1669827600000, mSlaDisabledDetect:1
11-03 22:29:05.715 1155 1582 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:use_data_network_accelerate value:0
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:05.716 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.callmute_vcode.enable,should added
11-03 22:29:05.716 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.716 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.726 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.muteplay_disablepa.enable,should added
11-03 22:29:05.726 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.726 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.734 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.vivomediaresource_monitor.enable,should added
11-03 22:29:05.734 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.735 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.742 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no persist.vivo.audio.feature.bt_recorder.enable,should
11-03 22:29:05.743 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
11-03 22:29:05.743 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.750 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no
persist.vivo.audio.feature.restorevolume.enable,should added
11-03 22:29:05.751 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyPropertyConfigration:
LoadCfgFile() switchName:persist.vivo.audio.feature.ktvmode.enable,switchValue:on
11-03 22:29:05.751 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
11-03 22:29:05.759 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty: setFeatureEnable()
mAllFeatureSwitchString has no persist.vivo.audio.feature.ktvmode.enable,should
11-03 22:29:05.760 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureProperty:
initAudioFeatureProperty apply system audio policy property
11-03 22:29:05.761 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiofeature_configration_switch.xml is null,just return file
content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.762 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiofeature_configration_switch.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.762 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/vivo_audiofeature_configration_switch.xml
11-03 22:29:05.764 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: VivoAudioFeatureList
11-03 22:29:05.764 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: VivoAudioFeatureList()
11-03 22:29:05.764 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: initAudioFeatureList()
11-03 22:29:05.764 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.764 1155 1155 I VivoAudioFeatureList: LoadListFile filePath
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_voip_reroute_whitelist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_bt_recorder_whitelist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_btsco_incall_whitelist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_voip_force_reroute_whitelist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_btsco_reroute_meeting_whitelist,should
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_watch_applist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_volumekey_intercept_whitelist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_audio_restoration_applist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_speakerphone_permitincall_whitelist,should
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_speakerphone_special_whitelist,should
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_speakerphone_touch_whitelist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no
vivo_audio_policy_speakerphone_without_touch_whitelist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.766 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_ktvmode_default_whitelist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.767 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_requestfocus_intercept_whitelist,should
11-03 22:29:05.767 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureList has no vivo_audio_policy_abandonfocus_intercept_whitelist,should
11-03 22:29:05.767 1155 1155 I VivoAudioFeatureList: LoadListFile filePath
11-03 22:29:05.768 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureBlackList has no vivo_audio_policy_btsco_intercept_blacklist,should
11-03 22:29:05.768 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureBlackList has no vivo_audio_policy_volumekey_intercept_blacklist,should
11-03 22:29:05.768 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureBlackList has no
vivo_audio_policy_speakerphone_btconnected_intercept_blacklist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.768 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureBlackList has no
vivo_audio_policy_btsco_record_not_process_blacklist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.768 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureBlackList has no
vivo_audio_policy_btsco_idle_not_process_blacklist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.768 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureBlackList has no
vivo_audio_policy_requestfocus_intercept_blacklist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.768 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureBlackList has no
vivo_audio_policy_abandonfocus_intercept_blacklist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.768 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList: addAudioFeatureList()
mAllFeatureBlackList has no vivo_audio_policy_gain_focus_blacklist,should added
11-03 22:29:05.769 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.769 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.769 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.sy.dldlhsdj.vivo
11-03 22:29:05.772 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_common_blacklist.xml is null,just return file
content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.772 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_common_blacklist.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.772 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_common_blacklist.xml
11-03 22:29:05.773 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.773 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.773 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:
11-03 22:29:05.773 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.773 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.773 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.tencent.tmgp.sgame
11-03 22:29:05.773 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.alibaba.android.rimet com.vivo.vmeet
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.vivo.vmeet
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.kugou.android com.tencent.mobileqq
11-03 22:29:05.774 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.775 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.775 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.tencent.mm
11-03 22:29:05.775 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.775 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() feature_tag:vivo_audio_policy_gain_focus_blacklist
11-03 22:29:05.775 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:05.775 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.776 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() feature_tag:vivo_audio_policy_voip_reroute_whitelist
11-03 22:29:05.776 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.tencent.tmgp.sgame
com.tencent.tmgp.pubgmhd com.tencent.ig
11-03 22:29:05.778 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_common_whitelist.xml is null,just return file
content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.778 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_common_whitelist.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.778 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/vivo_audiopolicy_common_whitelist.xml
11-03 22:29:05.779 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.779 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() feature_tag:vivo_audio_policy_bt_recorder_whitelist
11-03 22:29:05.779 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.example.test
11-03 22:29:05.779 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.779 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() feature_tag:vivo_audio_policy_btsco_incall_whitelist
11-03 22:29:05.779 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.systec.umeeting
11-03 22:29:05.779 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.tencent.tmgp.pubgmhd
com.tencent.tmgp.sgame com.tencent.ig
11-03 22:29:05.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.tencent.wemeet.app com.systec.umeeting
11-03 22:29:05.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() feature_tag:vivo_audio_policy_watch_applist
11-03 22:29:05.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.tencent.mm com.tencent.mobileqq
com.systec.umeeting com.tencent.wemeet.app
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.ss.android.ugc.aweme com.kuaishou.nebula
com.smile.gifmaker com.ss.android.ugc.aweme.lite com.ss.android.article.news
com.ss.android.ugc.live com.kugou.android com.tencent.qqmusic
com.netease.cloudmusic com.android.bbkmusic com.ss.android.ugc.livelite
com.kuaiyin.player com.kaixinkan.ugc.video com.spotify.music com.shazam.android
com.amazon.mp3 deezer.android.app com.starmakerinteractive.starmaker
com.agminstruments.drumpadmachine com.google.android.apps.youtube.music
com.apple.android.music com.mwm.sampler com.media.music.mp3.musicplayer
musicplayer.musicapps.music.mp3player com.music.rmxpro
musicplayer.hdvideoplayer.backgroundmusic com.anghami com.tencent.ibg.joox
com.ohla.socialapps com.moonvideo.android.resso br.com.rodrigokolb.realdrum
com.zhiliaoapp.musically com.instagram.android com.snapchat.android
com.zhiliaoapp.musically.go com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.android.server.telecom
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.tencent.widget androidx.appcompat.app
us.zoom.androidlib android.support.v7
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:org.telegram.messenger com.viber.voip
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.changba com.tencent.karaoke
com.app.hero.ui cn.banshenggua.aichang com.meelive.ingkee com.meitu.meipaimv
tv.xiaoka.live com.huajiao com.ccvideo com.hunantv.mglive com.netease.cc
com.duowan.mobile air.tv.douyu.android com.audiocn.kalaok
com.smule.singandroid.test com.vivo.vivokaraoke
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:com.google.android.marvin.talkback
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
initAudioFeatureListListener() PkgList:
11-03 22:29:05.783 1155 1155 D _V_VivoAudioFeatureList:
11-03 22:29:05.793 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl: vivoArtKeeperService
addService start
11-03 22:29:05.794 1155 1678 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.795 1155 1155 I VivoArtKeeperService: artKeeper Service start
11-03 22:29:05.796 1155 1155 D VivoArtKeeperService: updateArtAppEnable = 1
11-03 22:29:05.797 1155 1678 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
data/bbkcore/spring_effect_whitelist_1.0.xml is null,just return file content, no
need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:05.797 1155 1155 E _V_VivoDomainHelperImpl: unregisterReceiver fatal!
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered:
11-03 22:29:05.797 1155 1678 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
data/bbkcore/spring_effect_whitelist_1.0.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.797 1155 1678 D _V_ConfigurationManager: startObserverConfigFile
11-03 22:29:05.797 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl: vivoArtKeeperService is
11-03 22:29:05.798 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBinderServiceImpl: vivoArtKeeperService
addService complete
11-03 22:29:05.800 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 3
11-03 22:29:05.800 1155 1678 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:05.801 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.801 1155 1678 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:05.803 1155 1155 D VBEservice: VBEservice start
11-03 22:29:05.803 1155 1678 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:05.804 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:05.805 1155 1678 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 131586
11-03 22:29:05.805 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:05.805 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: start aesDecrypt
11-03 22:29:05.807 1155 1678 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 2, encryptType= 1, keyType= 1
11-03 22:29:05.808 1155 1678 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:05.809 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:05.810 1155 1678 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 24, outDataLen= 24, keyVersion= 2
11-03 22:29:05.810 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:05.810 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: aesDecrypt consume
time: 4
11-03 22:29:05.810 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 1
11-03 22:29:05.810 1155 1678 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:05.811 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.811 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.811 1155 1678 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 2, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:05.812 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDreamManager
11-03 22:29:05.812 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:05.812 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:05.812 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.813 1155 1525 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.813 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:doze_always_on value:0 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:05.813 1155 1678 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:05.813 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:05.815 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: AddGraphicsStatsService
11-03 22:29:05.820 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartPrintManager
11-03 22:29:05.820 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.822 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartCompanionDeviceManager
11-03 22:29:05.823 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.828 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartRestrictionManager
11-03 22:29:05.828 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.831 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartMediaSessionService
11-03 22:29:05.832 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.838 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:05.842 1155 1155 I _V_VivoSystemServer: startVivoMediaResourceService
11-03 22:29:05.844 1155 1155 D _V_VivoMediaResource: run VivoMonitorClock
11-03 22:29:05.845 1155 1685 D _V_VivoMediaResource: run
11-03 22:29:05.845 1155 1685 D _V_VivoMediaResource: loop
11-03 22:29:05.846 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartMediaRouterService
11-03 22:29:05.847 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:05.849 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartFaceSensor
11-03 22:29:05.849 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.852 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:05.852 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:05.853 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartFingerprintSensor
11-03 22:29:05.854 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.854 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:05.854 1155 1689 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Attempt to launch content provider before system ready
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1689 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.855 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Attempt to launch content provider before system ready
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.856 1155 1691 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:05.857 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartBiometricService
11-03 22:29:05.858 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.861 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartAuthService
11-03 22:29:05.861 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.862 1155 1155 D AuthService: Registering HIDL ID: 0 Modality: 2
Strength: 15
11-03 22:29:05.864 1155 1155 I _V_VivoAuthService: capacitance fingerprint.
11-03 22:29:05.865 1155 1155 I _V_VivoAuthService: create sensor{ID: 0, Strength:
2, Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Illuminator: 0, AntiFake:
0,mDoubleSensor: false}
11-03 22:29:05.865 1155 1155 D AuthService: Registering HIDL ID: 1 Modality: 8
Strength: 4095
11-03 22:29:05.872 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartBackgroundDexOptService
11-03 22:29:05.874 1155 1692 I _V_VivoAuthService: create sensor inter{ID: 0,
Strength: 2, Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Illuminator: 0, AntiFake:
0,mDoubleSensor: false}
11-03 22:29:05.875 1155 1692 D BiometricService: Registering ID: 0 Modality: 2
Strength: 15
11-03 22:29:05.875 1155 1155 I BackgroundDexOptService: run
11-03 22:29:05.875 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartDynamicCodeLoggingService
11-03 22:29:05.875 1155 1692 D BiometricStrengthController: updateStrengths:
revert sensorId=0 to oemStrength=15
11-03 22:29:05.875 1155 1692 I _V_VivoAuthService: create sensor inter{ID: 0,
Strength: 2, Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Illuminator: 0, AntiFake:
0,mDoubleSensor: false}
11-03 22:29:05.876 1155 1692 I _V_VivoAuthService: create sensor inter{ID: 0,
Strength: 2, Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Illuminator: 0, AntiFake:
0,mDoubleSensor: false}
11-03 22:29:05.876 1155 1692 D BiometricService/Sensor: updateStrength:
Before(ID(0), oemStrength: 15, updatedStrength: 15, modality 2, state: 0, cookie:
0, props: ID: 0, Strength: 2, Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0,
Illuminator: 0, AntiFake: 0,mDoubleSensor: false) After(ID(0), oemStrength: 15,
updatedStrength: 15, modality 2, state: 0, cookie: 0, props: ID: 0, Strength: 2,
Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Illuminator: 0, AntiFake:
0,mDoubleSensor: false)
11-03 22:29:05.876 1155 1692 I _V_VivoAuthService: create sensor inter{ID: 0,
Strength: 2, Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Illuminator: 0, AntiFake:
0,mDoubleSensor: false}
11-03 22:29:05.877 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.877 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartShortcutServiceLifecycle
11-03 22:29:05.877 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.878 1155 1692 W _V_SurfaceFlingerChannel: set fingerprint type
failed : java.lang.SecurityException
11-03 22:29:05.878 1155 1692 D _V_SurfaceFlingerChannel: send 30006, value:4,
11-03 22:29:05.879 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:05.880 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartLauncherAppsService
11-03 22:29:05.881 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.884 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartCrossProfileAppsService
11-03 22:29:05.884 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.886 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartPeopleService
11-03 22:29:05.886 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.888 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartMediaMetricsManager
11-03 22:29:05.888 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.891 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartMediaProjectionManager
11-03 22:29:05.891 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.893 1155 1155 D _V_MediaRouter: registerClientAsUser mPackageName
11-03 22:29:05.904 1155 1155 V MediaRouter: Selecting route:
RouteInfo{ name=Telepon, description=null, status=null,
category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistem types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO
ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO
ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
11-03 22:29:05.905 1155 1155 I MediaRouter: Skip setBluetoothA2dpOn():
types=8388615, isPlaybackActive()=false, BT route=null
11-03 22:29:05.906 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartSliceManagerService
11-03 22:29:05.906 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.909 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartStatsCompanion
11-03 22:29:05.917 1155 1678 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 0
11-03 22:29:05.918 1155 1678 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:05.918 1155 1678 D _V_ConfigurationManager: get key from abe
11-03 22:29:05.918 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.918 1155 1678 D _V_ConfigurationManager: effectcipher : true false
11-03 22:29:05.920 1155 1678 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
data/bbkcore/spring_effect_blacklist_1.0.xml costs 122ms!!!
11-03 22:29:05.920 1155 1678 D _V_ConfigurationManager: startObserverConfigFile
11-03 22:29:05.924 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.936 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.942 1155 1155 I TetheringManager:
11-03 22:29:05.943 1155 1155 I TetheringManager: registerTetheringEventCallback
11-03 22:29:05.944 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartStatsPullAtomService
11-03 22:29:05.945 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.945 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartIncidentCompanionService
11-03 22:29:05.945 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.947 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartMmsService
11-03 22:29:05.947 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.948 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartAutoFillService
11-03 22:29:05.948 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.951 1155 1155 E AutofillManagerServiceImpl: Bad service name:
11-03 22:29:05.954 1155 1155 D SystemServer: TranslationService not defined by
11-03 22:29:05.954 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartClipboardService
11-03 22:29:05.954 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.959 1155 1155 D _V_VivoClipboardServiceImpl: clipboardInit
mUserId: 0
11-03 22:29:05.962 1155 1155 D _V_VivoClipboardServiceImpl: initClipsWriteThread
11-03 22:29:05.964 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: AppServiceManager
11-03 22:29:05.964 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.966 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl: startOtherMtkService
11-03 22:29:05.966 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl:
11-03 22:29:05.970 1155 1155 E MtkSystemServerImpl:
com.mediatek.fmradio.FmRadioPackageManager not found
11-03 22:29:05.970 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl: StartPowerHalMgrService
11-03 22:29:05.970 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.971 1155 1155 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance
11-03 22:29:05.971 1155 1155 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance
11-03 22:29:05.972 1155 1155 I PowerHalWrapper: PowerHalWrapper.getInstance
11-03 22:29:05.973 1155 1155 D PowerHalMgrService: Start PowerHalMgrService.
11-03 22:29:05.977 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl: [isWakeupSupport]
11-03 22:29:05.977 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl: V_W_B_S isValidVowConfig
11-03 22:29:05.977 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl: not addService
11-03 22:29:05.978 1155 1155 I MtkSystemServerImpl:
11-03 22:29:05.978 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.981 1155 1155 D MtkTestSimHandler: MtkTestSimHandler setting up
11-03 22:29:05.983 1155 1155 D MtkConnectivitySupplementalService: onStart
11-03 22:29:05.983 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: startTracingServiceProxy
11-03 22:29:05.983 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:05.984 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeLockSettingsServiceReady
11-03 22:29:05.989 1155 1155 I SyntheticPasswordManager: Device does not support
11-03 22:29:05.990 1155 1155 I LockSettingsService: Device doesn't implement
AuthSecret HAL
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 480
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_480
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.994 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.995 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.995 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.995 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.995 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.995 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.995 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.995 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:05.998 1155 1699 D _V_JSONParseHelper: decrypted:
11-03 22:29:05.998 1155 1699 V _V_ClipBoardHistoryDataHelper: false
11-03 22:29:05.998 1155 1699 V _V_ClipBoardHistoryDataHelper: false
11-03 22:29:06.107 1155 1155 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 45 lines
11-03 22:29:06.107 1155 1155 W DevicePolicyManager: Failed to set usb data
signaling state
11-03 22:29:06.107 1155 1155 W SystemServiceManager: Service
com.android.server.devicepolicy.DevicePolicyManagerService$Lifecycle took 112 ms in
11-03 22:29:06.107 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:06.107 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 D WifiService: WifiService onBootPhase
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.108 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 D _V_LocationManagerService: onBootPhase: 480
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.109 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.110 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.110 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.110 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 480 : false
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.111 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 D MtkConnectivitySupplementalService: onBootPhase:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 500
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_500
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.114 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.115 1155 1155 E StatsPullAtomCallbackImpl: Failed to start
PowerStatsService statsd pullers
11-03 22:29:06.115 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.115 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.120 1155 1155 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1000/1155 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 11 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]] callback flags: 0 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:29:06.120 1155 1155 E BatteryStatsService: Could not register
11-03 22:29:06.121 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:06.124 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.124 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.124 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.124 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.124 1155 1155 V HintManagerService: Initializing HintManager
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.125 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.129 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.129 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.129 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.129 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.130 1155 1155 D AppStandbyController: Setting app idle enabled
11-03 22:29:06.134 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:06.135 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.135 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.135 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.143 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.144 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.145 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.145 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.145 1155 1155 V VibratorManagerService: Initializing
VibratorManager service...
11-03 22:29:06.145 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:06.146 1155 1155 V VibratorManagerService: VibratorManager service
11-03 22:29:06.146 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.147 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:06.148 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:06.150 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.150 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.150 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.155 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:06.157 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.157 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.158 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.160 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.160 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.163 1155 1155 D _V_UiModeManager: update night db, isNight = true
11-03 22:29:06.163 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vos_nightmode_state value:1 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:06.164 1155 1155 D _V_UiModeManager: update vos night mode db true,
userId = 0
11-03 22:29:06.167 1155 1155 V _V_VivoUiModeMgrServiceImpl:
mConfiguration.getThemeId():0 mThemeId:34 globalThemeChange:false
11-03 22:29:06.167 1155 1155 D _V_UiModeManager: apply config, mComputedNightMode
= true, mSetUiMode = 33
11-03 22:29:06.168 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=4000200 {1.0 ?
mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 -
720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6 ?fontWeightAdjustment themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:06.195 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc system new
config {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.1 s.7 ?fontWeightAdjustment
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:06.195 1155 1423 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.CONFIGURATION_CHANGED flg=0x70200010 } ordered=false
userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=null
11-03 22:29:06.196 1155 1155 I WindowManager: Override config changes=4000200
{1.0 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.6 ?fontWeightAdjustment themeId=34
themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} for displayId=0
11-03 22:29:06.203 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.203 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.203 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.203 1155 1155 D TestHarnessModeService: Setting up test harness
11-03 22:29:06.203 1155 1155 D TestHarnessModeService: Getting
PersistentDataBlockManagerInternal from LocalServices
11-03 22:29:06.217 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.217 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.218 1155 1155 D AnyMotionDetector: AnyMotionDetector instantiated.
11-03 22:29:06.218 1155 1155 D AnyMotionDetector: mNumSufficientSamples = 63
11-03 22:29:06.220 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:06.221 1155 1155 I DeviceIdleController: updateQuickDozeFlagLocked:
11-03 22:29:06.222 1155 1155 D DeviceIdleController: updateInteractivityLocked:
11-03 22:29:06.222 1155 1155 I DeviceIdleController: becomeActiveLocked,
reason=screen, changeLightIdle=true
11-03 22:29:06.222 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.222 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.223 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.223 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.223 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.223 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.223 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.223 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.223 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.224 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.224 1155 1155 D WifiService: WifiService onBootPhase
11-03 22:29:06.224 1155 1155 D WifiService: WifiService checkAndStartWifi
11-03 22:29:06.225 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.225 1155 1155 I WifiScanningService: Starting wifiscanner
11-03 22:29:06.226 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.229 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.229 1155 1155 I EthernetServiceImpl: Starting Ethernet service
11-03 22:29:06.232 1155 1155 D EthernetTracker: Interface match regexp set to
11-03 22:29:06.235 1155 1155 D Ethernet: Registering NetworkFactory
11-03 22:29:06.236 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for Ethernet
11-03 22:29:06.237 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.237 1155 1155 E IpConfigStore: Error opening configuration file:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/misc/ethernet/ipconfig.txt: open failed:
ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:06.238 1155 1575 E _V_WifiXmlUtil: Unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.238 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.238 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: setvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1155 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1155 D _V_AS.AudioService: setRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: setRingerMode (ringerMode = 0,
callingPackage = AS.AudioService.setRingerModeDelegate)
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1155 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1155 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.239 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:zen_mode_ringer_level value:0 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1155 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: setRingerModeExtAsUser
ringermode:0 userId:0
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1155 D _V_ZenModeHelper: reason = onSystemReady
zenModeEnabled = true mZenModeEnabled = true
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.240 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.241 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.242 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.243 1155 1155 D _V_NotificationService:
DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY:enqueueNotificationWithTag pkg=android
notification=Notification(channel=ZEN_MODE_CHANNEL_LOCK shortcut=null
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x0 color=0x00000000
groupKey=ZEN_GROUP vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) userId =-2
11-03 22:29:06.243 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.243 1155 1706 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:29:06.243 1155 1706 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 E _V_WifiXmlUtil: Unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: setvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.246 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.247 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.247 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.247 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:06.247 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.247 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.247 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.247 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.247 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:zen_mode value:1 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.248 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.249 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.250 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.250 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.250 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.250 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.250 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 E _V_WifiXmlUtil: Unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: setvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.251 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1155 D _V_LocationManagerService: onBootPhase: 500
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.252 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1155 D _V_LocationManagerService: SystemInjector
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.253 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.254 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.254 1155 1575 E _V_WifiXmlUtil: Unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.254 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: setvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.255 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.256 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.257 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:06.258 1155 1155 D _V_LocationManagerService: onSystemReady
11-03 22:29:06.258 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.258 1155 1575 E _V_WifiXmlUtil: Unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.258 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: setvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1155 D MtkLocationExt: MtkLocationExt
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1155 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.259 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1155 W CtaManagerFactory: CtaManagerFactoryImpl not found
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.260 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1155 D LocationManagerService: checkCtaSupport = false
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.261 1155 1155 D LocationManagerService: sMtkLocationManagerService
= com.mediatek.location.MtkLocationExt$LocationManagerService@e92cb4e mCtaSupported
= false
11-03 22:29:06.262 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.262 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.262 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.262 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.262 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.262 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.262 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.262 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 E _V_WifiXmlUtil: Unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: setvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.263 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.264 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorDisplayServiceImpl: register
vivo_color_manager_service service ok
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.265 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.266 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorDisplayServiceImpl: register
vivo_display_enhance service ok
11-03 22:29:06.266 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.266 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.266 1155 1575 E _V_WifiXmlUtil: Unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.266 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: setvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.267 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.268 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.269 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.270 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.270 1155 1575 E _V_WifiXmlUtil: Unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.270 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.270 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.270 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: setvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:06.270 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.270 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.271 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 W WifiXmlUtil: Ignoring unknown value name found:
11-03 22:29:06.272 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: readVivoWifiFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:06.285 1155 1155 V HistoricalRegistry: Interaction before persistence
11-03 22:29:06.287 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.287 1155 1155 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 500 : false
11-03 22:29:06.287 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.288 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.288 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.288 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.288 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.290 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.290 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.290 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.290 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.290 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.290 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.290 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.292 1155 1155 D BluetoothAdapter:
11-03 22:29:06.292 1155 1155 I CompanionDeviceManagerService: initBleScanning()
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.293 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.294 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.295 1155 1155 D PowerHalMgrService: onBootPhase
11-03 22:29:06.295 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.295 1155 1155 D MtkConnectivitySupplementalService: onBootPhase:
11-03 22:29:06.295 1155 1155 D MCSS-Tethering: initialize
11-03 22:29:06.297 1155 1155 D MtkConnectivitySupplementalService: initialize
11-03 22:29:06.297 1155 1155 D [MDC]MtkIpConnectivityMetrics:
MtkIpConnectivityMetrics is created:true
11-03 22:29:06.300 1155 1437 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default
11-03 22:29:06.301 1155 1155 I [MDC]MtkNetPacketMonitor: setPacketCallback
11-03 22:29:06.302 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:06.302 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeWindowManagerServiceReady
11-03 22:29:06.303 1155 1155 I _V_FingerprintUnlockController: onSystemReady()
11-03 22:29:06.303 1155 1155 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onSystemReady (service
11-03 22:29:06.303 1155 1437 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default
11-03 22:29:06.304 1155 1437 I HealthServiceWrapper: health: HealthServiceWrapper
listening to instance default
11-03 22:29:06.307 1155 1713 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default
11-03 22:29:06.309 1155 1437 D StatsPullAtomService: Registering pullers with
11-03 22:29:06.313 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: is talkback in crash
11-03 22:29:06.313 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: isTalkbackOn:false
isShortcutTalkbackOn:false mIsKeyguardShowing:true isTalkbackInCrashServices:false
11-03 22:29:06.317 1155 1421 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:06.317 1155 1155 W InputReader: Device vivo_ts is associated with
11-03 22:29:06.317 1155 1155 W InputReader: Device vivo_ts_fp is associated with
11-03 22:29:06.318 1155 1538 I _V_WallpaperState:
11-03 22:29:06.318 1155 1155 I _V_VivoSystemServer:
11-03 22:29:06.319 1155 1421 D _V_startPhysical: mEnableFlingEffect=false
11-03 22:29:06.321 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:06.321 1155 1437 I StatsPullAtomService: register thermal listener
11-03 22:29:06.323 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakePowerManagerServiceReady
11-03 22:29:06.324 1155 1155 I AttentionDetector: readValuesFromDeviceConfig():
11-03 22:29:06.324 1155 1155 I AttentionDetector: mMaximumExtensionMillis=900000
11-03 22:29:06.324 1155 1155 I AttentionDetector: mPreDimCheckDurationMillis=2000
11-03 22:29:06.324 1155 1155 I AttentionDetector:
11-03 22:29:06.332 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:06.340 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_VivoSensorImpl: setDPCCallback =
com.android.server.display.VivoDisplayPowerControllerImpl$4@ebf45cd, id = local:0
11-03 22:29:06.341 1155 1155 E DisplayPowerController[0]: failed to set up
display white-balance: java.lang.IllegalStateException: cannot find sensor
11-03 22:29:06.341 1155 1155 W DisplayPowerController[0]: Screen brightness nits
configuration is unavailable; falling back
11-03 22:29:06.342 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: com.tencent.mm App not
11-03 22:29:06.342 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: com.tencent.mobileqq
App not found!
11-03 22:29:06.342 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: com.iqoo.engineermode
App not found!
11-03 22:29:06.342 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: the mode acquired from
database mode = 0
11-03 22:29:06.347 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:06.347 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: isWakeLockControlOn =
11-03 22:29:06.351 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_DriverNodeOperate: Exception e =
/system/etc/SensorConfig/RampAnimatorParam_0x00000031.json: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:06.353 1155 1155 E DeviceConfig: Parsing int failed for location_mode
11-03 22:29:06.355 1155 1155 I FaceDownDetector: readValuesFromDeviceConfig():
11-03 22:29:06.355 1155 1155 I FaceDownDetector: mAccelerationThreshold=0.2
11-03 22:29:06.355 1155 1155 I FaceDownDetector: mZAccelerationThreshold=-9.5
11-03 22:29:06.355 1155 1155 I FaceDownDetector: mTimeThreshold=PT1S
11-03 22:29:06.355 1155 1155 I FaceDownDetector: mIsEnabled=true
11-03 22:29:06.356 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:2000000 by: class
com.android.server.power.FaceDownDetector num: 4
11-03 22:29:06.356 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_VRampAnimator: downPoint = [3326, 2513,
1518, 991, 851, 743, 518, 455, 416, 297, 209, 151, 123, 98, 68, 46, 30, 18, 10];
downStep = [31, 18, 12, 8, 7, 6, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]; upPoint =
[839, 2047]; quickUpStep = [59, 172, 161]; quickUpGap = [20, 0, 0]; quickDownStep =
[8, 25, 26, 138]; quickDownGap = [40, 40, 30, 20]; quickPoint = [1966, 1095, 502,
10]; downSec = [[-1.988296489, 10352.07412], [-3.365313653, 14932.03321], [-
5.363819095, 19954.27739], [-8.096774194, 24102.90323], [-9.8, 25790.8], [-
11.40740741, 27158.7037], [-14.97333333, 29808.18667], [-19.55555556, 32181.77778],
[-21.1025641, 32885.66667], [-26.57142857, 35160.71429], [-37.84090909, 38507.75],
[-52.06896552, 41481.41379], [-68.46428571, 43957.10714], [-82.36, 45666.28], [-
114.5666667, 48822.53333], [-168.1818182, 52468.36364], [-248.625, 56168.75], [-
458.3333333, 62460.0], [-586.75, 64771.5]]; useDownStep = 0; lcmFlick = 1;
downKeyBr = 500; downGap1 = 20; downGap2 = 80; upTotalTime = 2800; upLimitCount =
25; pemTotalTime = 10000; dimGap = 20
11-03 22:29:06.356 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_VRampAnimator: lcm = 0x00000031; path
= /system/etc/SensorConfig/RampAnimatorParam.json
11-03 22:29:06.357 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 8, arg1 = 2, arg2 = 0
11-03 22:29:06.358 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 2; mPowerRequest: policy=BRIGHT,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:06.358 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:06.358 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target ON, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:06.359 1155 1472 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no
keyguard service!
11-03 22:29:06.359 1155 1472 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
onScreenTurningOn() screen_init
11-03 22:29:06.360 1155 1472 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onScreenTurningOn
11-03 22:29:06.360 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:06.360 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AntiMisoperation: screenStateChanged = 2
11-03 22:29:06.361 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = -1; mPowerRequest.policy = BRIGHT;
mExitingWindow = false; mJustScreenOntrue
11-03 22:29:06.361 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.039051287; animateBrightness =
0.039051287; rate = 0; state = 2; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:06.362 1155 1472 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
11-03 22:29:06.364 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 2; mPowerRequest: policy=BRIGHT,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:06.364 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:06.364 1155 1721 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.039051287, sdrBacklight=1.0
11-03 22:29:06.364 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target ON, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:06.364 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:06.364 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = BRIGHT; mPowerRequest.policy = BRIGHT;
mExitingWindow = false; mJustScreenOntrue
11-03 22:29:06.365 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.039051287; animateBrightness =
0.039051287; rate = 0; state = 2; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:06.365 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartPermissionPolicyService
11-03 22:29:06.365 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:06.365 1155 1721 D _V_shuangping0705: setOverrideDisplayState :
displayId = 0 ; overrideState = 2 ; mOverridePrimaryState = 2 ;
mOverrideSecondState = 1
11-03 22:29:06.366 1155 1721 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.039051287 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
11-03 22:29:06.366 1155 1423 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed
state: "Layar Bawaan", ON
11-03 22:29:06.366 1155 1721 D _V_VivoLocalDisplayDeviceImpl: -1
setPowerModeForState:ON, isMainDisplay=true, false
11-03 22:29:06.368 1155 1423 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0,
isActive: true
11-03 22:29:06.368 1155 1641 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: mDisplayId = 0
mDisplayOn = 0 displayOn = 1
11-03 22:29:06.368 1155 1641 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 0 state = 1
11-03 22:29:06.369 1155 1641 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 10 state = 0
11-03 22:29:06.369 1155 1647 D _V_CapacityKeyService: mDisplayId =0 rotation = 0
mBrightness =1
11-03 22:29:06.370 1155 1584 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
11-03 22:29:06.371 1155 1584 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
11-03 22:29:06.371 1155 1661 D _V_ProxCaliService: onDisplayChanged display = 0;
Frontstate = 2
11-03 22:29:06.371 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.371 1155 1661 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotificationImpl:
frontDisplayState = 2; backDisplayState = 1
11-03 22:29:06.371 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.371 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.371 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.371 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.372 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.372 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.372 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.372 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.372 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.373 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.373 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.373 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.373 1155 1584 E _V_SlaNetLinkDispatcher: cannot connect to kernel,
please check.
11-03 22:29:06.373 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
changes=DISPLAY_INFO |
11-03 22:29:06.373 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=8,
name='vivo_ts', size 720x1600, orientation 0, mode 1, display id 0
11-03 22:29:06.375 1155 1721 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no
mapping exists.
11-03 22:29:06.375 1155 1477 I _V_VivoDisplayStateService:
onDisplayStateBeginChange: primary-display turns on
11-03 22:29:06.375 1155 1477 W _V_VivoDisplayStateService: draw wake lock is
already released
11-03 22:29:06.375 1155 1721 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no
mapping exists.
11-03 22:29:06.376 1155 1721 I _V_VivoLocalDisplayAdapter: setLcmBacklight
lcmFloat = 0.024420025; setBrightness = 100
11-03 22:29:06.376 1155 1721 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.024420025;
setBrightness = 100
11-03 22:29:06.379 1155 1716 I _V_VivoDisplayOverlayController:
enableDisableBlackOverlayInternal: primary-display enable: false mOverlayAdded:
11-03 22:29:06.381 1155 1477 D _V_VivoDisplayStateService: primary-display
onDisplayStateChanged UNKNOWN to ON backlight: -1 to 100
11-03 22:29:06.383 1155 1472 I _V_VivoPhoneWindowManagerImpl:
onDisplayStateBeginChange: turns on
11-03 22:29:06.383 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 2; mPowerRequest: policy=BRIGHT,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:06.383 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:06.383 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target ON, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:06.383 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakePackageManagerServiceReady
11-03 22:29:06.383 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:06.384 1155 1423 D _V_VivoLocalDisplayAdapter: display Info =
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Layar Bawaan": uniqueId="local:0", 720 x 1600, modeId 1,
defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[]}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities
HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0,
mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported false,
gameContentTypeSupported false, density 300, 269.21 x 269.21 dpi, appVsyncOff
2400001, presDeadline 28600000, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0)
waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 - 445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type INTERNAL, address {port=0},
deviceProductInfo null, state ON, frameRateOverride , brightnessMinimum 0.0,
brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.4, roundedCorners
RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 1515)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 1515)}]},
11-03 22:29:06.384 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = BRIGHT; mPowerRequest.policy = BRIGHT;
mExitingWindow = false; mJustScreenOntrue
11-03 22:29:06.384 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.039051287; animateBrightness =
0.039051287; rate = 0; state = 2; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:06.395 1155 1155 I _V_VivoADBVerifyInstallUtils: regist for
11-03 22:29:06.395 1155 1549 I InputReader: Device reconfigured: id=6,
name='vivo_ts_fp', size 720x1600, orientation 0, mode 4, display id 0
11-03 22:29:06.395 1155 1721 I _V_Sensor_FactoryConfig:
mNotifyLcmBrightnessToDriver = false
11-03 22:29:06.395 1155 1721 E _V_Sensor_FactoryConfig: parseLcmBrightnessJson
11-03 22:29:06.396 1155 1721 E _V_Sensor_JsonObjectOperate: Can't find
11-03 22:29:06.396 1155 1721 I _V_Sensor_FactoryConfig:
/system/etc/SensorConfig/LcmBrightnessLevel.json is null! return!
11-03 22:29:06.398 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 2; mPowerRequest: policy=BRIGHT,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:06.398 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:06.398 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target ON, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:06.398 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:06.398 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = BRIGHT; mPowerRequest.policy = BRIGHT;
mExitingWindow = false; mJustScreenOntrue
11-03 22:29:06.399 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.039051287; animateBrightness =
0.039051287; rate = 0; state = 2; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:06.399 1155 1472 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController: onScreenTurnedOn()
11-03 22:29:06.399 1155 1472 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onScreenTurnedOn (service
11-03 22:29:06.399 1155 1472 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: screenTurnedOn
11-03 22:29:06.399 1155 1723 D _V_CapacityKeyService: called ServiceState is
11-03 22:29:06.400 1155 1472 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:06.400 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: is talkback in crash
11-03 22:29:06.400 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: isTalkbackOn:false
isShortcutTalkbackOn:false mIsKeyguardShowing:true isTalkbackInCrashServices:false
11-03 22:29:06.429 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = -1, arg2 = -1,
name = screen
11-03 22:29:06.430 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteScreenBrightness google br =
255; pem br = 255
11-03 22:29:06.430 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 1, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:06.430 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteScreenBrightness google br = 10;
pem br = 5
11-03 22:29:06.435 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:29:06.439 1155 1573 D _V_BatteryService: HealthHalCallback called,
HealthInfo = {.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline =
false, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage
= 0, .batteryStatus = DISCHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent =
true, .batteryLevel = 31, .batteryVoltage = 3736, .batteryTemperature =
339, .batteryCurrent = -466, .batteryCycleCount = 1, .batteryFullCharge =
4910000, .batteryChargeCounter = 3000, .batteryTechnology = Li-poly},
mShutdownBatteryTemperature = 600
11-03 22:29:06.703 1155 1155 W _V_VivoPKMSDatabaseUtils: permissionmanager not
found android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException:
11-03 22:29:06.706 1155 1724 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.iqoo.secure.provider.secureprovider for user 0
11-03 22:29:06.706 1155 1724 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.iqoo.secure.provider.secureprovider (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:06.706 1155 1484 D _V_VivoPKMSDatabaseUtils: --handleMessage 1006
11-03 22:29:06.715 1155 1579 I HidlServiceManagement: getService: Trying again
for android.hardware.wifi@1.0::IWifi/default...
11-03 22:29:06.718 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: registerSettingsObsever
adbSimulateInit true
11-03 22:29:06.718 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:vivo_monkey_test value:0 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:06.720 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: pkms systemReady.
11-03 22:29:06.721 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: checkComponentStateForCloneUser
11-03 22:29:06.724 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:06.725 1155 1155 I _V_VivoUninstallMgr:
vivo.software.adb.un.install.verify not open.
11-03 22:29:06.725 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: Current country:ID do not need to
regist SIM_STATE_CHANGED receivers
11-03 22:29:06.730 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPmsImpl:
11-03 22:29:06.730 1155 1155 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
packageName:com.vivo.website className:com.vivo.website.feedback.HotQuestionEntry
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:1000 callingPid:1155
11-03 22:29:06.734 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/InterceptUnknownDex.xml is null,just return file content, no need
decrypt file
11-03 22:29:06.734 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/InterceptUnknownDex.xml costs 1ms!!!
11-03 22:29:06.735 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/InterceptUnknownDex.xml
11-03 22:29:06.736 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/Dex2Oat64.xml is null,just return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:29:06.736 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/Dex2Oat64.xml costs 0ms!!!
11-03 22:29:06.736 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/Dex2Oat64.xml
11-03 22:29:06.751 1155 1155 I _V_PackageInstaller: sealAndValidate session
11-03 22:29:06.756 1155 1155 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/user_de/0 with
serial number 0
11-03 22:29:06.757 1155 1155 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/user/0 with serial
number 0
11-03 22:29:06.757 1155 1155 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/system_de/0 with
serial number 0
11-03 22:29:06.757 1155 1155 W UserDataPreparer: Invalid user directory
11-03 22:29:06.757 1155 1155 W UserDataPreparer: Invalid user directory
11-03 22:29:06.758 1155 1155 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/system_ce/0 with
serial number 0
11-03 22:29:06.758 1155 1155 V UserDataPreparer: Found /data/misc_ce/0 with
serial number 0
11-03 22:29:06.761 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Permission ownership changed.
Updating all permissions.
11-03 22:29:06.761 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT:
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.762 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:06.763 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:06.763 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT:
11-03 22:29:06.763 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.763 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.763 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking
11-03 22:29:06.763 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.PACKET_KEEPALIVE_OFFLOAD:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.NETWORK_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_WAKEUP:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking com.mediatek.presence.permission.PRESENCE:
11-03 22:29:06.764 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
android.permission.INTERNET: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@4bc84d6
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@6da9eb2
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
com.android.vending.BILLING: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@8834e44
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS:
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:06.765 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.permission.MIGRATION_CONTENT_PROVIDER:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_OWN_CALLS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.NFC:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PROFILE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.launcher.permission.UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.w4b.permission.BROADCAST:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.w4b.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.permission.REGISTRATION:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.sticker.READ:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CALL_PHONE:
11-03 22:29:06.766 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.vending.BILLING:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:06.767 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.NFC:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.768 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS:
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.769 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DYNAMIC_SYSTEM:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.REBOOT:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.READ_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_LOGS:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.BATTERY_STATS:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.DEVICE_POWER:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.READ_DATA:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.WRITE_DATA:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.SIGN_OR_SYSTEM:
11-03 22:29:06.770 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:06.771 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:06.771 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.READ_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:06.771 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:06.771 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:06.809 1155 1429 D HalDevMgr: IWifi registration notification:
fqName=android.hardware.wifi@1.0::IWifi, name=default, preexisting=false
11-03 22:29:06.812 1155 1579 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi@1.0::IWifi/default
11-03 22:29:06.857 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:06.857 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:06.858 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:06.859 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Attempt to launch content provider before system ready
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.901 1155 1729 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.902 1155 1731 W System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Attempt to launch content provider before system ready
11-03 22:29:06.903 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.903 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.903 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.903 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.903 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.903 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.904 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.904 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.904 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.904 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.906 1155 1731 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:06.907 1155 1481 E DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Package not found:
11-03 22:29:06.907 1155 1481 W DefaultPermGrantPolicy: No such
11-03 22:29:06.914 1155 1732 I _V_VivoWifiStallInfo: Clear wifi stall values
11-03 22:29:06.938 1155 1423 E DisplayModeDirector: Asked about unknown display,
returning empty display mode specs!(id=0)
11-03 22:29:06.938 1155 1423 E DisplayModeDirector: Asked about unknown display,
returning empty display mode specs!(id=0)
11-03 22:29:06.943 1155 1423 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:06.943 1155 1423 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:06.939 1155 1155 W android.display: type=1400 audit(0.0:516): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=85
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
11-03 22:29:06.939 1155 1155 W android.display: type=1400 audit(0.0:517): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=85
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
11-03 22:29:06.947 1155 1423 V ActivityManager: Broadcast: Intent
{ act=android.hardware.display.action.WIFI_DISPLAY_STATUS_CHANGED flg=0x40000010
(has extras) } ordered=false userid=-1 ,pid=1155 ,pkg=android
11-03 22:29:06.955 1155 1635 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcode@1.0::IVcode/default
11-03 22:29:06.957 1155 1635 I _V_VCode/HalEventTransfer: registerReceiver
11-03 22:29:06.967 1155 1423 D _V_IVivoSmartMultiWindowHelper: vivo_multiwindow
11-03 22:29:06.969 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 3
11-03 22:29:06.969 1155 1443 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:06.970 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:06.971 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:06.972 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus changed
11-03 22:29:06.972 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.sipgar.id changed
11-03 22:29:06.972 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.kitkagames.fallbuddies changed
11-03 22:29:06.972 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.instagram.android changed
11-03 22:29:06.972 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid
11-03 22:29:06.973 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package co.brainly changed
11-03 22:29:06.973 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package ru.zdevs.zarchiver changed
11-03 22:29:06.973 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.ss.android.ugc.trill changed
11-03 22:29:06.973 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:06.974 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.facebook.katana changed
11-03 22:29:06.974 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package free.vpn.unblock.proxy.turbovpn changed
11-03 22:29:06.974 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.videos changed
11-03 22:29:06.974 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.docs changed
11-03 22:29:06.974 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.pure.indosat.care changed
11-03 22:29:06.974 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.magazines changed
11-03 22:29:06.974 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red changed
11-03 22:29:06.974 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.gm changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.marvin.talkback changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.chrome changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.carrierlocation changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.webview changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.tts changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.youtube changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.setupwizard changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.tachyon changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.photosgo changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.gms changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.gsf changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.calendar changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.youtube.music changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.searchlite changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.nbu.files changed
11-03 22:29:06.975 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.wellbeing changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.whatsapp changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.assistant changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.vending changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.pushservice changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.maps changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1423 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.smartmultiwindow.manager_smartmultiwindow_state
pkg=com.vivo.smartmultiwindow } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.gallery changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.permissioncontroller changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.bbk.cloud changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.ewarranty changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.launcher3 changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bbkmusic changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.calculator changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.bbk.theme changed
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 131586
11-03 22:29:06.976 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.bbk.updater changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1423 E _V_IVivoSmartMultiWindowHelper: vivo_multiwindow
VivoSmartMultiWindowException-onServiceDisconnected can not bind
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.customtool changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.inputmethod.latin changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.VideoPlayer changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.networkimprove changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.camera changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.facebook.appmanager changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.game changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.SmartKey changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.cota changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.weather changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.captiveportallogin changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.soundrecorder changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.website changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.deskclock changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1423 D _V_VivoFreeformActivityManager: register Freeform
User Switch Observer.
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.incallui changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.bbk.account changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mms changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1423 D _V_VivoFreeformActivityManager: unregister
Freeform User Switch Observer.
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.browser changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.Tips changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media changed
11-03 22:29:06.977 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.weather.provider changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.systemui changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.dialer changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1423 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.facebook.services changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.imanager changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.externalstorage changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.easyshare changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.doubletimezoneclock changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.appstore changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.blockednumber changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.userdictionary changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.packageinstaller changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.calendar changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.contacts changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.mediatek.systemuiresoverlay changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.mediatek.frameworkresoverlay changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.picsart.studio changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package app.source.getcontact changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.lemon.lvoverseas changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.facebook.system changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.notes changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.downloads changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.contacts changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.play.games changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.mobile.legends changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.whatsapp.w4b changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.google.android.apps.photos changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.media.module changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.shell changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bluetooth changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings.intelligence changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.providers.telephony changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.mediatek.ims changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.shopee.id changed
11-03 22:29:06.978 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.pinterest changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.andi.alquran.id changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.stk changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.mms.service changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.pem changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.crontab changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.fingerprintengineer changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.inprocess changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.smartshot changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package android changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: start aesDecrypt
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.daemonService changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.inputdevices changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.mediatek changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.iqoo.aftersale.engineermode changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.faceui changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.server.telecom changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.bbklog changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.phone changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.omacp changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.ons changed
11-03 22:29:06.979 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.mediatek.location.lppe.main changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.settings changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.multinlp changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.networkstack.tethering.inprocess
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1547 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.upslide changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.abe changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1513 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.keychain changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1554 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.localtransport changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.networkstate changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.wallpaperbackup changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.location.fused changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.fingerprintui changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.wapi.wapicertmanager changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1558 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.audiofx changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1526 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.android.cellbroadcastservice changed
11-03 22:29:06.980 1155 1504 I SystemServerTimingAsync: InitThreadPoolExec:Update
app-ops uidState in case package com.vivo.FMRadio changed
11-03 22:29:06.981 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 2, encryptType= 1, keyType= 1
11-03 22:29:06.986 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan%d, up: false
11-03 22:29:06.989 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:06.991 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:07.000 1155 1155 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 4709 lines
11-03 22:29:07.000 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=50000100 {1.54
?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 -
720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:07.000 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 24, outDataLen= 24, keyVersion= 2
11-03 22:29:07.002 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc system new
config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.1 s.9 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:07.002 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:07.003 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: aesDecrypt consume
time: 24
11-03 22:29:07.003 1155 1155 I WindowManager: Override config changes=50000100
{1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.8 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34
themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} for displayId=0
11-03 22:29:07.003 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 1
11-03 22:29:07.003 1155 1443 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:07.005 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 2, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:07.007 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:07.007 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:07.008 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:07.010 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: Ugm.onSystemReady
11-03 22:29:07.014 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: updateForceBackgroundCheck
11-03 22:29:07.015 1155 1155 I SystemServer: Making services ready
11-03 22:29:07.016 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartActivityManagerReadyPhase
11-03 22:29:07.016 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 550
11-03 22:29:07.016 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: OnBootPhase_550
11-03 22:29:07.020 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.022 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
p2p0, up: false
11-03 22:29:07.025 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.025 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.025 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.025 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.025 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.025 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.025 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.027 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.027 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.027 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.028 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
ap0, up: false
11-03 22:29:07.029 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.thermal@2.0::IThermal/default
11-03 22:29:07.031 1155 1155 I ThermalHalWrapper: Thermal HAL 2.0 service
11-03 22:29:07.031 1155 1575 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 382 lines
11-03 22:29:07.031 1155 1575 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal started successfully
11-03 22:29:07.043 1155 1575 I _V_HalDevMgr: Check concurreny mode
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1575 I _V_VivoHotSpotEnhancer: isWifiOn: 1
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1575 I WifiActiveModeWarden: wifiap state is 11
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1575 I _V_VivoHotSpotEnhancer: isTetheringOn: false
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.044 1155 1575 I _V_VivoHotSpotEnhancer: Wifi or tethering working:
false ,concurrency open: false, ext-wifi: false, p2pStatus: false
11-03 22:29:07.045 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.045 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.045 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.045 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.045 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.045 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.045 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.046 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.046 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.046 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.046 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.046 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:07.052 1155 1155 W ActivityManager: Too early to start/bind service
in system_server: Phase=550
11-03 22:29:07.054 1155 1155 W ActivityManager: Too early to start/bind service
in system_server: Phase=550
11-03 22:29:07.057 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.057 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.066 1155 1575 D HalDevMgr: updateRttController: no one is
interested in RTT controllers
11-03 22:29:07.076 1155 1575 E _V_VivoWifiVendorHal: HAL don't support to create
11-03 22:29:07.086 1155 1575 D WifiNl80211Manager: Setting up interface for
client mode: wlan0
11-03 22:29:07.089 1155 1524 E NativeTombstoneManager: Tombstone's UID (0) not an
app, ignoring
11-03 22:29:07.090 1155 1524 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO isTagEnabled=true flags=0x0
11-03 22:29:07.099 1155 1575 I WifiNative: Interface state changed on Iface:
{Name=wlan0,Id=0,Type=STA_SCAN}, isUp=true
11-03 22:29:07.099 1155 1575 I WifiNative: Successfully setup Iface:
11-03 22:29:07.099 1155 1575 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal:
checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null
11-03 22:29:07.099 1155 1575 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal:
checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null
11-03 22:29:07.099 1155 1575 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Method
getKeyMgmtCapabilities is not supported in existing HAL
11-03 22:29:07.099 1155 1575 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal:
checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null
11-03 22:29:07.104 1155 1575 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal:
checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null
11-03 22:29:07.104 1155 1575 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal:
checkHalVersionByInterfaceName: called but mServiceManager is null
11-03 22:29:07.105 1155 1575 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Method
getWpaDriverFeatureSet is not supported in existing HAL
11-03 22:29:07.105 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeManager[wlan0]: entering
11-03 22:29:07.124 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 0
11-03 22:29:07.125 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:07.126 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: get key from abe
11-03 22:29:07.127 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: effectcipher : true false
11-03 22:29:07.133 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/AmsConfigManager_amsconfig_1.0.xml costs 167ms!!!
11-03 22:29:07.134 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/AmsConfigManager_amsconfig_1.0.xml
11-03 22:29:07.136 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.170 1155 1524 E NativeTombstoneManager: Tombstone has invalid
selinux label (u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768�), ignoring
11-03 22:29:07.171 1155 1524 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO isTagEnabled=true flags=0x4
11-03 22:29:07.175 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.180 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager: init
size=19, values=[com.iqoo.secure, com.vivo.safecenter, com.bbk.cloud,
com.bbk.updater, com.vivo.browser, com.mobile.cos.iroaming,
com.eg.android.AlipayGphone, com.vivo.share, com.google.android.gms, com.bbk.theme,
com.unionpay.tsmservice, com.vivo.weather, com.bbk.appstore, com.vivo.customtool,
com.vivo.imanager, com.vivo.gamecube, com.vivo.video.floating, com.vivo.cota,
com.vivo.widget.cleanspeed], uninitialized=false},mForceStopAppStringList =
StringList{name='force_stop_app', size=14, values=[com.android.bbkmusic,
com.android.settings, com.bbk.theme, com.vivo.appstore, com.bbk.appstore,
com.android.providers.downloads, com.android.bbksoundrecorder, com.vivo.smartshot,
com.vivo.browser, com.vivo.email, com.vivo.FMRadio, com.vivo.appfilter,
com.iqoo.trafficupgrade, force_test], uninitialized=false},
mAnrMonitorPackageStringList=StringList{name='anr_monitor_package', size=9,
values=[com.android.systemui, com.bbk.launcher2, com.vivo.upslide,
com.vivo.gallery, com.android.bbkmusic, com.vivo.daemonService, com.android.camera,
com.vivo.browser, anr_test], uninitialized=false},
size=0, values=[], uninitialized=true},
, size=0, values=[], uninitialized=true},
t_dl', size=0, values=[], uninitialized=true},
size=0, values=[], uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:07.180 1155 1575 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hidl.manager@1.0::IServiceManager/default
11-03 22:29:07.183 1155 1575 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Starting supplicant using
11-03 22:29:07.184 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 3
11-03 22:29:07.184 1155 1443 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:07.185 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:07.187 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Successfully triggered
start of supplicant using HIDL
11-03 22:29:07.189 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:07.190 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:07.192 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 131586
11-03 22:29:07.193 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:07.193 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: start aesDecrypt
11-03 22:29:07.196 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 2, encryptType= 1, keyType= 1
11-03 22:29:07.199 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:07.200 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:07.201 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 24, outDataLen= 24, keyVersion= 2
11-03 22:29:07.202 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:07.202 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: aesDecrypt consume
time: 9
11-03 22:29:07.202 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 1
11-03 22:29:07.202 1155 1443 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:07.203 1155 1655 I _V_Sensor_FactoryManager: VivoSensorTest
type=0x208; cmd=22
11-03 22:29:07.204 1155 1655 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:07.204 1155 1655 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 63:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest start ID 0x208 22 2199 0
11-03 22:29:07.205 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 2, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:07.208 1155 1655 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 109:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest end ID 520 ret 0
11-03 22:29:07.208 1155 1655 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:07.208 1155 1655 I _V_Sensor_FactoryManager: VivoSensorTest
type=0x600; cmd=4
11-03 22:29:07.208 1155 1655 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:07.209 1155 1655 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 63:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest start ID 0x600 4 -18 -4
11-03 22:29:07.210 1155 1655 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 109:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest end ID 1536 ret 0
11-03 22:29:07.210 1155 1655 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:07.212 1155 1443 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:07.213 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:07.214 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.232 1155 1524 E NativeTombstoneManager: Tombstone's UID (1040) not
an app, ignoring
11-03 22:29:07.232 1155 1524 I DropBoxManagerService: add
tag=SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE_PROTO isTagEnabled=true flags=0x4
11-03 22:29:07.269 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.273 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:07.274 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:07.309 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.316 1155 1443 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 0
11-03 22:29:07.317 1155 1443 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:07.317 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: get key from abe
11-03 22:29:07.317 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: effectcipher : true false
11-03 22:29:07.318 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/AmsConfigManager_amsfeature_1.0.xml costs 137ms!!!
11-03 22:29:07.318 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/AmsConfigManager_amsfeature_1.0.xml
11-03 22:29:07.319 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager:
mBgstartAllowedServiceStringList size=19
11-03 22:29:07.319 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager: mForceStopAppStringList
11-03 22:29:07.319 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager: mAnrMonitorPackageStringList
11-03 22:29:07.319 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager:
11-03 22:29:07.319 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager:
mBgstartAllowedServiceStringList size=0
11-03 22:29:07.319 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager:
mVivoProtectedBroadcastBlackStringList size=0
11-03 22:29:07.319 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager:
mVivoProtectedBroadcastBlackDlStringList size=0
11-03 22:29:07.320 1155 1443 I _V_AmsConfigManager:
mVivoProtectedBroadcastWhiteStringList size=0
11-03 22:29:07.350 1155 1622 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default
11-03 22:29:07.352 1155 1622 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Completed initialization of
11-03 22:29:07.369 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.388 1155 1575 E SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Can't call setupIface,
ISupplicantStaIface is null for iface=wlan0
11-03 22:29:07.391 1155 1575 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default
11-03 22:29:07.406 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:07.407 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.475 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Newer HAL is found, skip
V1_3 remaining init flow.
11-03 22:29:07.475 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Newer HAL is found, skip
V1_2 remaining init flow.
11-03 22:29:07.475 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Newer HAL is found, skip
V1_1 remaining init flow.
11-03 22:29:07.476 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Newer HAL is found, skip
V1_0 remaining init flow.
11-03 22:29:07.476 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.486 1155 1575 I WifiNative: Successfully switched to connectivity
mode on iface=Iface:{Name=wlan0,Id=0,Type=STA_CONNECTIVITY}
11-03 22:29:07.486 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeManager[wlan0]: entering
ConnectModeState, starting ClientModeImpl
11-03 22:29:07.504 1155 1575 I WifiClientModeImpl: update
11-03 22:29:07.508 1155 1575 D WifiScoreReport: setShouldReduceNetworkScore=false
mNetworkAgent is null? true
11-03 22:29:07.508 1155 1575 V WifiClientModeManager[wlan0]: ClientModeManager
started in role: Role: ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY, RequestorWs: WorkSource{1000
com.android.settings}, ModeListener:
11-03 22:29:07.510 1155 1575 D WifiScanRequestProxy: Sending scan available
broadcast: true
11-03 22:29:07.511 1155 1575 I WifiScanRequestProxy: Scanning is enabled
11-03 22:29:07.511 1155 1575 I WifiScanRequestProxy: Scanning for hidden networks
is enabled
11-03 22:29:07.511 1155 1590 I WifiScanningService: Received a request to enable
scanning, UID = 1000
11-03 22:29:07.516 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal: setMultiStaUseCase(l.3338) failed
{.code = ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
11-03 22:29:07.517 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
setMultiStaPrimaryConnection(l.3304) failed {.code =
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
11-03 22:29:07.518 1155 1575 D WifiCountryCode:
evaluateAllCmmStateAndApplyIfAllReady: {ConcreteClientModeManager{id=28743
iface=wlan0 role=ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY}=true}
11-03 22:29:07.519 1155 1575 D WifiCountryCode: Reading country code from
11-03 22:29:07.520 1155 1575 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to:
11-03 22:29:07.520 1155 1575 D WifiCountryCode: updateCountryCode to null
11-03 22:29:07.525 1155 1590 I WifiScanningService: Created a new impl for wlan0
11-03 22:29:07.525 1155 1575 D WifiNative: onSetCountryCodeSucceeded: ID
11-03 22:29:07.525 1155 1575 I WifiCountryCode: Receive onSetCountryCodeSucceeded
11-03 22:29:07.528 1155 1590 E WifiBackgroundScanStateMachine: invalid max
buckets in scan capabilities 0
11-03 22:29:07.530 1155 1575 D WakeupController: onWifiEnabled()
11-03 22:29:07.530 1155 1575 W WifiClientModeImpl: No cached packet filter to
11-03 22:29:07.531 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: entering
ConnectableState: ifaceName = wlan0
11-03 22:29:07.541 1155 1575 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:07.541 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:07.542 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Start makeIpClient
ifaceName = wlan0
11-03 22:29:07.548 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.610 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.661 1155 1155 W SystemServiceManager: Service
com.android.server.content.ContentService$Lifecycle took 604 ms in onBootPhase
11-03 22:29:07.661 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.661 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.661 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.661 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.661 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.662 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.662 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.662 1155 1155 D BluetoothManagerService: Bluetooth boot completed
11-03 22:29:07.662 1155 1155 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
11-03 22:29:07.666 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl:
updateBluetoothStatePolicy start! vgcstate = 10 override = false currentstate = 10
11-03 22:29:07.666 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl:
getUserTurnOnOffBluetooth userTurnOffBluetooth = true
11-03 22:29:07.666 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.666 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.681 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.681 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.682 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.682 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.682 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.682 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.682 1155 1155 D InputMethodManagerService: --- systemReady
11-03 22:29:07.685 1155 1155 D InputMethodManagerService: --- re-
buildInputMethodList reset = false
11-03 22:29:07.685 1155 1155 D InputMethodManagerService: ------
com.android.server.SystemServer.run:988 com.android.server.SystemServer.main:656
11-03 22:29:07.685 1155 1155 D InputMethodManagerService: Checking
11-03 22:29:07.743 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:07.753 1155 1155 D InputMethodManagerService: Found an input method
LatinIME, settings:
11-03 22:29:07.754 1155 1155 I InputMethodManagerService: Found no valid default
Voice IME. If the user is still locked, this may be expected.
11-03 22:29:07.758 1155 1155 W SystemServiceManager: Service
com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$Lifecycle took 76 ms in
11-03 22:29:07.758 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.759 1155 1155 D SecInputMethodManagerService: --- systemReady
11-03 22:29:07.761 1155 1155 D SecInputMethodManagerService: --- re-
buildInputMethodList reset = false
11-03 22:29:07.761 1155 1155 D SecInputMethodManagerService: ------
ase:415 com.android.server.SystemServiceManager.startBootPhase:235
com.android.server.SystemServer.run:988 com.android.server.SystemServer.main:656
11-03 22:29:07.762 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.762 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.762 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.762 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.762 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.765 1155 1155 I RebootEscrowManager: No reboot escrow data found
for users, skipping loading escrow data
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 D WifiService: WifiService onBootPhase
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.767 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.768 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.768 1155 1155 D _V_LocationManagerService: onBootPhase: 550
11-03 22:29:07.768 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.768 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.768 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.768 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.768 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.770 1155 1155 V WallpaperManagerService:
11-03 22:29:07.774 1155 1155 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.android.systemui uid 10073, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:29:07.775 1155 1155 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1155,
11-03 22:29:07.779 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:07.779 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10073; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:07.779 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10073; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:07.780 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10073; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:07.780 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10073; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:07.780 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10073; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:07.782 1155 1155 W _V_VivoWallpaperManagerServiceImpl: Failed to
notifyWallpaperChanged to SurfaceFlinger
11-03 22:29:07.787 1155 1155 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels +
11-03 22:29:07.796 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 for service
11-03 22:29:07.797 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 1747, arg2 =
10073, str1 = com.android.systemui, str2 = com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:07.813 1155 1155 D skia : SkJpegCodec::onGetPixels -
11-03 22:29:07.815 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:portrait value:0 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:07.816 1155 1155 W _V_VivoWallpaperManagerServiceImpl: Wallpaper
width equals screen width!!!
11-03 22:29:07.819 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:07.822 1155 1155 W SystemServiceManager: Service
com.android.server.wallpaper.WallpaperManagerService$Lifecycle took 53 ms in
11-03 22:29:07.822 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.822 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.822 1155 1612 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 280 lines
11-03 22:29:07.822 1155 1612 I AS.BtHelper: In onSystemReady(), calling
11-03 22:29:07.823 1155 1612 I AS.BtHelper: In resetBluetoothSco(), calling
11-03 22:29:07.823 1155 1612 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker: setBluetoothScoOn: false
11-03 22:29:07.823 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.823 1155 1612 D BluetoothHeadset: Binding service...
11-03 22:29:07.823 1155 1612 W BluetoothManagerService:
bindBluetoothProfileService:Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth is
11-03 22:29:07.823 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.823 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.824 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:adb_enabled value:0 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:07.824 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:adb_wifi_enabled value:0 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:07.824 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1612 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1525 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 550 : false
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.825 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.827 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
11-03 22:29:07.827 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker: onUpdateCommunicationRoute,
preferredCommunicationDevice: null eventSource: resetBluetoothSco
11-03 22:29:07.828 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.828 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.828 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.828 1155 1612 D AS.AudioService: Touch exploration enabled=false
stream override delay is now 0 ms
11-03 22:29:07.828 1155 1612 D AS.AudioService: Accessibility volume enabled =
11-03 22:29:07.828 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.829 1155 1613 D AudioSystem: +setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
11-03 22:29:07.830 1155 1573 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback V1_2: port0
11-03 22:29:07.830 1155 1420 I UsbPortManager: USB port added:
status=UsbPortStatus{connected=false, currentMode=none, currentPowerRole=no-power,
currentDataRole=no-data, supportedRoleCombinations=[no-power:no-data],
contaminantDetectionStatus=2, contaminantProtectionStatus=0}, canChangeMode=true,
canChangePowerRole=false, canChangeDataRole=false, connectedAtMillis=0,
11-03 22:29:07.832 1155 1613 I AS.AudioDeviceInventory:
removePreferredDevicesForStrategySync, strategy: 14
11-03 22:29:07.832 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: MuteKey don't Support
11-03 22:29:07.832 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.833 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.835 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.835 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.835 1155 1612 D AS.AudioServiceExt: onSystemReadyExt()
11-03 22:29:07.835 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:07.836 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1041, arg2 = 0,
name = AudioMix
11-03 22:29:07.837 1155 1612 D AudioSystem: +setParameters():
11-03 22:29:07.838 1155 1155 I AppBindingService: Updating constants with: null
11-03 22:29:07.838 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.838 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.838 1155 1155 D MtkConnectivitySupplementalService: onBootPhase:
11-03 22:29:07.838 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.838 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:07.859 1155 1419 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:07.924 1155 1584 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.925 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.926 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.926 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.926 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:07.926 1155 1584 E _V_SlaNetLinkDispatcher: cannot connect to kernel,
please check.
11-03 22:29:07.937 1155 1612 V BluetoothLeAudioFactoryImpl: onLeAudioSystemReady:
11-03 22:29:07.937 1155 1427 E system_server: Could not write anonymous vdex
/system/framework/oat/arm/mediatek-framework.vdex: Could not open
/system/framework/oat/arm/mediatek-framework.vdex for writing
11-03 22:29:07.939 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:07.940 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: MuteKey don't Support
11-03 22:29:07.942 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10073; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:07.953 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureService: setRingerModeIntHook,
mRingerMode: 0
11-03 22:29:07.954 1155 1766 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:07.954 1155 1766 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:07.955 1155 1768 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:07.956 1155 1768 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:07.964 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
11-03 22:29:07.964 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker: onUpdateCommunicationRoute,
preferredCommunicationDevice: null eventSource: resetBluetoothLeCg
11-03 22:29:07.964 1155 1613 D AudioSystem: +setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Permission ownership changed.
Updating all permissions.
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1613 I AS.AudioDeviceInventory:
removePreferredDevicesForStrategySync, strategy: 14
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:07.966 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT:
11-03 22:29:07.967 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.967 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.967 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking
11-03 22:29:07.967 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder(10110) checking android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.967 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_PRECISE_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.PACKET_KEEPALIVE_OFFLOAD:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.968 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.NETWORK_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_WAKEUP:
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking com.mediatek.presence.permission.PRESENCE:
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.mediatek.ims(1001)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
android.permission.INTERNET: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@4bc84d6
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@6da9eb2
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
com.android.vending.BILLING: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@8834e44
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:07.969 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red(10208) checking
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.permission.MIGRATION_CONTENT_PROVIDER:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_OWN_CALLS:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.970 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.NFC:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_PROFILE:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.USE_FULL_SCREEN_INTENT:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.launcher.permission.UNINSTALL_SHORTCUT:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.w4b.permission.BROADCAST:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.w4b.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.permission.REGISTRATION:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.whatsapp.sticker.READ:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.CALL_PHONE:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking com.android.vending.BILLING:
11-03 22:29:07.971 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.whatsapp.w4b(10002)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider(10132) checking
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS:
11-03 22:29:07.972 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.NFC:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.973 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.youtube(10187) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.ext.services(10205) checking
11-03 22:29:07.974 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: MuteKey don't Support
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS:
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.975 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.976 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:07.976 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:07.976 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DYNAMIC_SYSTEM:
11-03 22:29:07.976 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.REBOOT:
11-03 22:29:07.976 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:07.976 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.dynsystem(1000) checking android.permission.READ_OEM_UNLOCK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.976 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_LOGS:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.BATTERY_STATS:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.DEVICE_POWER:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.READ_DATA:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.WRITE_DATA:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.SIGN_OR_SYSTEM:
11-03 22:29:07.977 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.fuelsummary(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.978 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.978 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.READ_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:07.978 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS:
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.979 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.calendar(10062) checking
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.telephony(1001) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.telephony(1001) checking
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION:
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD:
11-03 22:29:07.980 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.STATUS_BAR:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC_INTERNAL:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.MANAGE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking com.vivo.face.permission.USE_FACE_ENROLL:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.CREATE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking com.vivo.appstore.permission.outer.provider:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking com.vivo.cota.service.access:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking android.permission.MANAGE_DEVICE_ADMINS:
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard(10226) checking
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.onetimeinitializer(10196) checking
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.onetimeinitializer(10196) checking
11-03 22:29:07.981 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.onetimeinitializer(10196) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN:
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.982 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:07.983 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.focaltech.deltadiff(10130) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.983 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.focaltech.deltadiff(10130) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.983 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureService: setRingerModeIntHook,
mRingerMode: 0
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_SELF_UPDATES:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.appstore.permission.SILENT_INSTALL:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.provider.billaccess:
11-03 22:29:07.984 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.FLASHLIGHT:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.SET_ORIENTATION:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_SMS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SMS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_MTP:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.PEERS_MAC_ADDRESS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.provider.notesaccess:
11-03 22:29:07.985 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG:
11-03 22:29:07.986 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.READ_WIFI_CREDENTIAL:
11-03 22:29:07.986 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.REORDER_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:07.986 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking android.permission.BACKUP:
11-03 22:29:07.986 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.configlist_provider:
11-03 22:29:07.986 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.easyshare(10066)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.control.commond:
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 316 lines
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.downloads(10075) checking
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.downloads(10075) checking
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.downloads(10075) checking
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.downloads(10075) checking
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.providers.downloads(10075) checking
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package ru.zdevs.zarchiver(10310)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package ru.zdevs.zarchiver(10310)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package ru.zdevs.zarchiver(10310)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package ru.zdevs.zarchiver(10310)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package ru.zdevs.zarchiver(10310)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.000 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.ilitek.touchscreen.tptest(10151) checking
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking com.vivo.weather.permission.WEATHER_WRITE:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGE_UPDATES:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.weather(10113)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:08.001 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking vivoDaemon.ewarranty.permission.INVOKE_WEBSITE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.exidentifier.provider:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.LOG_COMPAT_CHANGE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.READ_COMPAT_CHANGE_CONFIG:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.OVERRIDE_COMPAT_CHANGE_CONFIG:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking com.vivo.ewarranty.permission.BASE_ACCESS_PERMISSION:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.CALL_PHONE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_SELF_UPDATES:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking com.vivo.appstore.permission.SILENT_INSTALL:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking com.vivo.Tips.permission.SMART_NOTIFICATION:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.READ_LOGS:
11-03 22:29:08.002 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.website(10105)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.SHUTDOWN:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.REORDER_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.DEVICE_POWER:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.INSTALL_SELF_UPDATES:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking com.vivo.appstore.permission.SILENT_INSTALL:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking com.iqoo.secure.permission.START_ACTIVITY:
11-03 22:29:08.003 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.bbkmusic(10146) checking android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER_ADVANCED:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_ALL_DOWNLOADS:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.004 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.RECOVERY:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.bbk.account.permission.READ_ACCOUNTINFO:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.READ_CALENDAR:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.unifiedconfig.provider:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.iqoo.secure.permission.START_ACTIVITY:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_SELF_UPDATES:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.REBOOT:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.SHUTDOWN:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.READ_NETWORK_USAGE_HISTORY:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_USB:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.vivo.permission.WRITE_V_SYSTEM_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.configlist_provider:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.bbk.updater.permission.UpdateTipsService:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.bbk.updater.permission.DownloadReceiver:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.bbk.updater.permission.NetWorkReceiver:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.bbk.updater.permission.ScreenActionRecorder:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.vivo.cota.service.access:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.vivo.permission.GET_COUNTRY_INFO:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.vivo.permission.SET_COUNTRY_INFO:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.action.openhpactivity:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking com.bbk.updater.permission.USE_COMPONENT:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.005 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.updater(10145)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.nttouchscreen.mptest(10118) checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.configupdater(10168) checking
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.configupdater(10168) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.configupdater(10168) checking
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.configupdater(10168) checking
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.configupdater(10168) checking android.permission.UPDATE_CONFIG:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.006 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas(10012) checking com.android.vending.BILLING:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.STOP_APP_SWITCHES:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.READ_LOGS:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.RECOVERY:
11-03 22:29:08.007 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.FACTORY_TEST:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.DEVICE_POWER:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.REBOOT:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode(10229) checking
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.008 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.ewarranty(10152)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.UPDATE_APP_OPS_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.WRITE_DATA:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem.permission.READ_DATA:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking com.vivo.abe.permission.configlist_provider:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.READ_NETWORK_USAGE_HISTORY:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.GET_INTENT_SENDER_INTENT:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking com.vivo.abe.permission.exidentifier.provider:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking com.push.permission.UPSTAGESERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.009 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.vivo.pushservice(10157) checking android.permission.STATUS_BAR_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.andi.alquran.id(10001)
checking com.android.vending.BILLING:
11-03 22:29:08.010 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.systemui.plugin.globalactions.wallet(10199) checking
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.READ_DEVICE_CONFIG:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.WRITE_DEVICE_CONFIG:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.DSE:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.DEVELOPER_GROUP_ID_INFO:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADVERTISE:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.HIDE_NON_SYSTEM_OVERLAY_WINDOWS:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.SEND_SMS:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.SEND_SMS_NO_CONFIRMATION:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.READ_SMS:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.android.vending.permission.C2D_MESSAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.android.vending.billing.IN_APP_NOTIFY.permission.C2D_MESSAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.012 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.READ_GSERVICES:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.providers.gsf.permission.WRITE_GSERVICES:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER_ADVANCED:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.NFC:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.android.vending.INTENT_VENDING_ONLY:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.android.launcher.permission.INSTALL_SHORTCUT:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.STATUS_BAR:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.android.vending.TOS_ACKED:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.INSTANT_APP_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.setupwizard.SETUP_PROGRESS_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_DEVICE_IDLE_TEMP_WHITELIST:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.BATTERY_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.BACKUP:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.CONNECTIVITY_INTERNAL:
11-03 22:29:08.013 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.DUMP:
11-03 22:29:08.014 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.GET_APP_OPS_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_APP_OPS_MODES:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ROLLBACKS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.PACKAGE_VERIFICATION_AGENT:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.SET_HARMFUL_APP_WARNINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.LOADER_USAGE_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.gms.permission.CAR:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID_NOTIFICATION:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID:
11-03 22:29:08.015 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.gms.WRITE_VERIFY_APPS_CONSENT:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.gms.auth.permission.GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_CHANGE:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.partnersetup.permission.WRITE_APP_PROVIDER:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.SUBSTITUTE_NOTIFICATION_APP_NAME:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.READ_RUNTIME_PROFILES:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.REBOOT:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.START_ACTIVITIES_FROM_BACKGROUND:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.android.chrome.permission.SHOW_COMPLIANCE_SCREEN:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_OVERLAY_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.SEND_DEVICE_CUSTOMIZATION_READY:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.android.permission.USE_INSTALLER_V2:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
11-03 22:29:08.016 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.android.vending(10178)
checking com.google.android.finsky.permission.INTERNAL_BROADCAST:
11-03 22:29:08.017 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.pacprocessor(10148) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.017 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.pacprocessor(10148) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.certinstaller(10060) checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.certinstaller(10060) checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.certinstaller(10060) checking android.permission.MANAGE_USERS:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.certinstaller(10060) checking android.permission.ACCESS_ALL_DOWNLOADS:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.certinstaller(10060) checking
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.carrierconfig(10197) checking
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking com.vivo.smartshot.permission.MAIN_FLOAT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking com.vivo.smartshot.permission.STOP_RECORD:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking com.vivo.smartshot.permission.SETTINGS_MENU:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.018 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:08.019 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking com.iqoo.secure.permission.START_ACTIVITY:
11-03 22:29:08.019 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.CAPTURE_AUDIO_OUTPUT:
11-03 22:29:08.019 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.vivo.smartshot(1000)
checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:08.019 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO:
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking
11-03 22:29:08.020 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback(10194) checking android.permission.CAMERA:
11-03 22:29:08.022 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
android.permission.INTERNET: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@4bc84d6
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@6da9eb2
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
com.android.vending.BILLING: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@8834e44
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus(10323) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.023 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
android.permission.CONTROL_VPN: com.android.server.pm.permission.Permission@c54422d
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.024 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package android(1000) checking
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS_PRIVILEGED:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.CALL_PHONE:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.READ_PROFILE:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.WRITE_PROFILE:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.NFC:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.VIBRATE:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.025 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking com.vivo.mms.permission.READ_HELPER_SMS:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package
com.android.contacts(10071) checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking com.vivo.notes.permission.FILE_CLOUD:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.026 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.READ_SMS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SMS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking com.android.browser.permission.READ_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking com.android.browser.permission.WRITE_HISTORY_BOOKMARKS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking com.provider.notesaccess:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking com.vivo.abe.permission.user.conset.record:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking com.bbk.account.permission.receivebroadcast.removeaccount:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.GET_TASKS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL:
11-03 22:29:08.027 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.cloud(10159)
checking com.vivo.notes.permission.NOTES_DB_MANAGER:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking com.vivo.permission.WRITE_V_SYSTEM_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_CACHE_FILESYSTEM:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.FORCE_STOP_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGES:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.CLEAR_APP_USER_DATA:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.SEND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_INTENTS:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_DOWNLOAD_MANAGER_ADVANCED:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.INTERNET:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.WAKE_LOCK:
11-03 22:29:08.028 1155 1155 I PackageManager: Package com.bbk.theme(10136)
checking android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS:
11-03 22:29:08.046 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 374528(19MB) AllocSpace objects, 95(2704KB) LOS objects, 40% free,
28MB/48MB, paused 610us,451us total 172.896ms
11-03 22:29:08.124 1155 1584 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
11-03 22:29:08.124 1155 1584 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
11-03 22:29:08.124 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.124 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.124 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.124 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.124 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.124 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.125 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.125 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.125 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.125 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.125 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.125 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.125 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.125 1155 1584 E _V_SlaNetLinkDispatcher: cannot connect to kernel,
please check.
11-03 22:29:08.143 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 175ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after resolveContentProvider
11-03 22:29:08.143 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 176ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: got app info for user
11-03 22:29:08.143 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 176ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: before checkContentProviderPermission
11-03 22:29:08.143 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 176ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after checkContentProviderPermission
11-03 22:29:08.144 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 176ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: before getProviderByClass
11-03 22:29:08.144 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 177ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after getProviderByClass
11-03 22:29:08.144 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 177ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: before getApplicationInfo
11-03 22:29:08.144 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 177ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after getApplicationInfo
11-03 22:29:08.144 1155 1420 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 176ms android.fg
h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@e17ba5a> m=0
11-03 22:29:08.144 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 177ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: now have ContentProviderRecord
11-03 22:29:08.145 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 178ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: before set stopped state
11-03 22:29:08.145 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 178ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after set stopped state
11-03 22:29:08.145 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 178ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: looking for process record
11-03 22:29:08.145 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 178ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: before start process
11-03 22:29:08.147 1155 1767 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:29:08.148 1155 1767 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:08.149 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 182ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: after start process
11-03 22:29:08.158 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 190ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: updating data structures
11-03 22:29:08.158 1155 1767 W ContentProviderHelper: Slow operation: 191ms so
far, now at getContentProviderImpl: done!
11-03 22:29:08.160 1155 1446 I Watchdog: Interesting Java process com.vivo.abe
started. Pid 1817
11-03 22:29:08.160 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000
for content provider {com.vivo.abe/com.vivo.unifiedconfig.UnifiedConfigProvider}
11-03 22:29:08.161 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 1817, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.abe, str2 = com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:29:08.162 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync:
11-03 22:29:08.162 1155 1433 I SystemServer: WebViewFactoryPreparation
11-03 22:29:08.162 1155 1433 I SystemServerTimingAsync: WebViewFactoryPreparation
11-03 22:29:08.171 1155 1433 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:08.171 1155 1433 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:08.171 1155 1433 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 178038272; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:08.187 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1820:WebViewLoader-
armeabi-v7a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader$RelroFileCreator] for null
11-03 22:29:08.189 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 1820, arg2 =
1037, str1 = WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a, str2 = android
11-03 22:29:08.214 1155 1570 D _V_VivoNpmsImpl:
isAllowUnPrivilegedAppAddAsDefault = false
11-03 22:29:08.215 1155 1570 D _V_VivoNpmsImpl:
isAllowUnPrivilegedAppAddAsDefault = false
11-03 22:29:08.215 1155 1570 D _V_VivoNpmsImpl:
isAllowUnPrivilegedAppAddAsDefault = false
11-03 22:29:08.218 1155 1570 W NetworkPolicy: setRestrictBackgroundUL: already
11-03 22:29:08.233 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10086; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.246 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10103; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.255 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:08.256 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10004; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.260 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10120; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.272 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.273 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10185; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.281 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10315; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.289 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10193; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.293 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10174; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.295 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10116; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.297 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10322; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.300 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10176; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.303 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10210; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.307 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10005; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.309 1155 1418 W PackageManager: Loading a package that does not
exist for the calling user. package=null, user=0
11-03 22:29:08.311 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10084; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.313 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.321 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10001; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.325 1155 1584 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:08.326 1155 1584 E _V_SlaNetLinkDispatcher: cannot connect to kernel,
please check.
11-03 22:29:08.327 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10146; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.333 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10220; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.417 1155 1420 W Looper : Slow delivery took 270ms android.fg
h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@db426e9> m=0
11-03 22:29:08.418 1155 1570 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10002; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.422 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for VcnNetworkProvider
11-03 22:29:08.426 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.431 1155 1418 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:08.473 1155 1419 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:08.508 1155 1819 W ZygoteProcess: Got error connecting to zygote,
retrying. msg= Connection refused
11-03 22:29:08.515 1155 1507 I ActivityManager: Process WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a
(pid 1820) has died: psvc PER
11-03 22:29:08.516 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 1037 pid 1820 in 0ms
11-03 22:29:08.542 1155 1507 I mtkpower_client: Loaded mtkpower HAL service
11-03 22:29:08.546 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
recordProcessDiedEvent() pid:1820,uid:1000,pkgName:android
11-03 22:29:08.546 1155 1507 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 42, arg1 = 1820, arg2 =
1037, name = cleanup
11-03 22:29:08.547 1155 1448 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: notifyAppDied cause
exception:java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void
int)' on a null object reference
11-03 22:29:08.548 1155 1605 D _V_VivoMockLocationRecoveryNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:29:08.548 1155 1421 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: onProcessDied: pid=1820,
11-03 22:29:08.548 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:29:08.549 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: getAppName
11-03 22:29:08.549 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify:
11-03 22:29:08.559 1155 1855 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:08.561 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 1037 pid 1820 in 0ms
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.565 1155 1767 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.580 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.581 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:08.587 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.619 1155 1437 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file
11-03 22:29:08.620 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.625 1155 1488 W PackageManager: Preserving older settings backup
11-03 22:29:08.641 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.670 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.696 1155 1583 E _V_VivoWifiSlaConfigHelper: getConfig nodata
11-03 22:29:08.698 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.699 1155 1583 D _V_WifiQoeAiDetectConfigHelper: no data!
11-03 22:29:08.714 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 17, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:08.723 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.724 1155 1587 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:08.724 1155 1587 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.749 1155 1579 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:08.751 1155 1579 E _V_WifiVcdConfigHelper: getConfig nodata
11-03 22:29:08.769 1155 1887 D _V_IVivoGnssLocationProvider: handleMessage 107
11-03 22:29:08.771 1155 1887 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:08.779 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.794 1155 1507 D GnssLocationProviderJni:
GnssCallbackAidl::gnssSetCapabilitiesCb: 8704u
11-03 22:29:08.794 1155 1507 I GnssManager: gnss capabilities changed to [MSB MSA
11-03 22:29:08.796 1155 1507 D GnssLocationProviderJni:
GnssPowerIndicationCallback::setCapabilitiesCb: 0u
11-03 22:29:08.800 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:08.800 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = GnssVisibilityControl
11-03 22:29:08.803 1155 1420 W Looper : Drained
11-03 22:29:08.806 1155 1887 W _V_GnssConfiguration: nfw: Unable to find
ITelephony interface.
11-03 22:29:08.816 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.819 1155 1887 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168936375; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:08.819 1155 1887 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168936375; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.820 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.823 1155 1887 D LocationManagerService: network provider added
registration from 1000/android[GnssService]/CE3D4FEA -> Request[PASSIVE,
minUpdateInterval=0, hiddenFromAppOps, WorkSource{1000 android}] permissionLevel: 2
permitted: true
11-03 22:29:08.824 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.827 1155 1606 I _V_VivoLocationUtils: --handleMessage 1001
11-03 22:29:08.828 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.830 1155 1887 D LocationManagerService: onProviderEnabledChanged
name: network enabled: false
11-03 22:29:08.830 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.832 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.834 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.835 1155 1887 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl:
notifyLocationOff, package:android provider:network
11-03 22:29:08.836 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.836 1155 1887 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl:
active_check_false: NOT_ENABLED network android
11-03 22:29:08.836 1155 1887 V _V_IVivoGnssLocationProvider: updateEnabled:true
11-03 22:29:08.837 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.837 1155 1887 D GnssLocationProviderJni: gnssSetCapabilitesCb:
11-03 22:29:08.838 1155 1887 I GnssManager: gnss capabilities changed to [MSB MSA
11-03 22:29:08.838 1155 1887 D GnssLocationProviderJni: gnssNameCb:
11-03 22:29:08.838 1155 1887 D GnssLocationProviderJni: gnssSetSystemInfoCb:
11-03 22:29:08.840 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.841 1155 1887 I GnssLocationProviderJni: Unable to initialize
IGnssGeofencing interface.
11-03 22:29:08.841 1155 1887 I GnssLocationProviderJni: Unable to initialize
IGnssNi interface.
11-03 22:29:08.841 1155 1887 D GnssLocationProviderJni: setCapabilitiesCb: 7u
11-03 22:29:08.842 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.842 1155 1507 D GnssLocationProviderJni:
GnssCallbackAidl::gnssSetCapabilitiesCb: 8704u
11-03 22:29:08.843 1155 1855 D GnssLocationProviderJni:
GnssPowerIndicationCallback::setCapabilitiesCb: 0u
11-03 22:29:08.844 1155 1887 E GnssUtilsJni: IGnssBatching init() failed.
11-03 22:29:08.844 1155 1887 I GnssVisibilityControl: Updating non-framework
location access proxy apps in the GNSS HAL to: []
11-03 22:29:08.845 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.845 1155 1887 I GnssBlocklistHelper: Update GNSS satellite
11-03 22:29:08.847 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.849 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.851 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.851 1155 1887 I GnssVisibilityControl: Updating non-framework
location access proxy apps in the GNSS HAL to: [com.vivo.carrierlocation]
11-03 22:29:08.853 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.853 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = GnssVisibilityControl
11-03 22:29:08.854 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:08.856 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.858 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.860 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.863 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:08.872 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.888 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.918 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.936 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.955 1155 1521 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:08.961 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(7)
11-03 22:29:08.962 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(7)
11-03 22:29:08.962 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(7)
11-03 22:29:08.997 1155 1437 D StatsPullAtomService: Registering NetworkStats
pullers with statsd
11-03 22:29:08.998 1155 1508 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:08.999 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:09.001 1155 1155 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 3833 lines
11-03 22:29:09.001 1155 1155 W SystemServiceManager: Service
com.android.server.autofill.AutofillManagerService took 83 ms in onBootPhase
11-03 22:29:09.003 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.003 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.004 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.004 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.005 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.005 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.005 1155 1155 D MtkConnectivitySupplementalService: onBootPhase:
11-03 22:29:09.006 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.006 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.006 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.006 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.006 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.006 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.006 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.006 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartNetworkStack
11-03 22:29:09.007 1155 1155 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking
module android.net.INetworkStackConnector
11-03 22:29:09.008 1155 1155 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking
module in system_server process
11-03 22:29:09.016 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.018 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.018 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.032 1155 1155 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module
service start requested
11-03 22:29:09.032 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: StartTethering
11-03 22:29:09.036 1155 1155 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking
module android.net.ITetheringConnector
11-03 22:29:09.036 1155 1155 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Starting networking
module in system_server process
11-03 22:29:09.042 1155 1155 D ConnectivityModuleConnector: Networking module
service start requested
11-03 22:29:09.042 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:09.042 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeNetworkTimeUpdateReady
11-03 22:29:09.050 1155 1155 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1000/1155 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 56 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]] callback flags: 0 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:29:09.051 1155 1155 I _V_VivoNetworkTimeUpdateServiceImpl: isRtcReset:
false isFirstBoot: false
11-03 22:29:09.051 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeInputManagerServiceReady
11-03 22:29:09.055 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=100 {1.54 ?
mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 -
720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.10 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:09.058 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc com.vivo.abe
new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.11 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34
themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:09.060 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.systemui new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.12 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34
themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:09.063 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc system new
config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.1 s.13 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:09.064 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:09.065 1155 1155 I WindowManager: Override config changes=100 {1.54 ?
mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 -
720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} s.10 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1} for displayId=0
11-03 22:29:09.066 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 303955(20MB) AllocSpace objects, 21(520KB) LOS objects, 35% free,
31MB/48MB, paused 466us,807us total 169.249ms
11-03 22:29:09.075 1155 1167 W System : A resource failed to call close.
11-03 22:29:09.076 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.077 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = WiredAccessoryManager
11-03 22:29:09.077 1155 1423 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
sorEventListener@e0c3552sensor=NULL num: 0
11-03 22:29:09.079 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
changes=DEVICE_ALIAS |
11-03 22:29:09.084 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeTelephonyRegistryReady
11-03 22:29:09.084 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeMediaRouterServiceReady
11-03 22:29:09.085 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeMmsServiceReady
11-03 22:29:09.085 1155 1155 I MmsServiceBroker: Delay connecting to MmsService
until an API is called
11-03 22:29:09.085 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: IncidentDaemonReady
11-03 22:29:09.087 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: NetworkDataControllerService
11-03 22:29:09.089 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:09.090 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: MakeIncrementalServiceReady
11-03 22:29:09.090 1155 1155 W _V_VivoSystemServer: start to HangVivoDebugConfig
11-03 22:29:09.090 1155 1443 D _V_NotificationWhiteListManager: do not apply
11-03 22:29:09.095 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/Hang_Vivo_Debug.xml is null,just return file content, no need decrypt
11-03 22:29:09.096 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/Hang_Vivo_Debug.xml costs 2ms!!!
11-03 22:29:09.096 1155 1155 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/Hang_Vivo_Debug.xml
11-03 22:29:09.097 1155 1155 I _V_VivoSystemServer: startAutoRecoverService
11-03 22:29:09.097 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Starting
11-03 22:29:09.098 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: Failed to write to
11-03 22:29:09.099 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: Failed to write to
11-03 22:29:09.100 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: Failed to write to
11-03 22:29:09.100 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: Failed to write to
11-03 22:29:09.102 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:09.102 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: Failed to write to
11-03 22:29:09.103 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: Failed to write to
11-03 22:29:09.103 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: hung_task_enable:
11-03 22:29:09.103 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: ,hung_task_whitelist:
11-03 22:29:09.103 1155 1923 I _V_HangVivoDebugConfig: ,hung_task_criticallist:
11-03 22:29:09.103 1155 1923 I
_V_HangVivoDebugConfig: ,hung_task_keyword_criticallist:
11-03 22:29:09.103 1155 1923 I
_V_HangVivoDebugConfig: ,hung_task_keyword_whitelist:
11-03 22:29:09.107 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 3
11-03 22:29:09.107 1155 1924 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:09.108 1155 1924 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:09.110 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:09.111 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:09.112 1155 1924 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 131586
11-03 22:29:09.112 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:09.113 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
11-03 22:29:09.113 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:09.113 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: start aesDecrypt
11-03 22:29:09.114 1155 1924 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 3, operateType= 2, encryptType= 1, keyType= 1
11-03 22:29:09.116 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:09.117 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:09.117 1155 1155 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:09.118 1155 1924 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 24, outDataLen= 24, keyVersion= 2
11-03 22:29:09.118 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:09.118 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: aesDecrypt consume
time: 5
11-03 22:29:09.118 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: switch mode of cipher
to 1
11-03 22:29:09.118 1155 1924 E _V_SecurityKey: cms_decrypt: sync device
11-03 22:29:09.119 1155 1924 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [vivoSecurityKeyOperate]
mode= 2, operateType= 7, encryptType= 0, keyType= 0
11-03 22:29:09.121 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: getCurrentUser
11-03 22:29:09.121 1155 1155 I ActivityManager: Current user:0
11-03 22:29:09.121 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ActivityManagerStartApps
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.StartUser-0
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServiceManager: Calling onStartUser 0
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.122 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.123 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.123 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.123 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.123 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:09.123 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.123 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.123 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
11-03 22:29:09.132 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.132 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.132 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.132 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.133 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.137 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.soundrecorder does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.137 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.mediatek.ims
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.137 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.137 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.whatsapp.w4b
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.137 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.137 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.weather.provider does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.137 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.youtube does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.corner does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.ext.services does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.networkstack.overlay.vivo does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.double does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.telephony does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.dynsystem does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.fuelsummary does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.calendar does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.telephony does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.media does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.setupwizard does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.onetimeinitializer does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.ext.shared does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_wide_back does not have legacy
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.location.lppe.main does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.focaltech.deltadiff has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.easyshare
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.abe does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.138 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.pem does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.wallpapercropper does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.SettingsProviderResOverlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.systemuiresoverlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.pdf.reader.pdfviewer.pdfeditor.forandroid does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.focaltouchscreen.sensortest has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.compass
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.networkstack.tethering.inprocess.overlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.ilitek.touchscreen.noisev2 does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.wifi.resources.overlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.documentsui does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.externalstorage does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.crontab
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.htmlviewer does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.fingerprintengineer does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.whatsapp does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.picsart.studio
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.companiondevicemanager does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
android.overlay.vrro does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.139 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.mms.service does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.funtouch.uiengine does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.touchscreen.chipone.icnl9911c does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.downloads does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.networkstack.inprocess does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package ru.zdevs.zarchiver
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.ilitek.touchscreen.tptest does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.weather
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.website
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.systemui.onehanded.gestural does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.cellbroadcastuiresoverlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.bbkmusic does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.networkstack.inprocess.overlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.browser
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.nt36xxxtouchscreen.deltadiff does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.bbk.updater
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.nttouchscreen.mptest does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.configupdater does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.140 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.lemon.lvoverseas does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.modules.permissioncontroller does not have legacy
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.iqoo.user.engineermode does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.ewarranty
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.pushservice does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.andi.alquran.id
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.systemui.plugin.globalactions.wallet does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.google.ar.core
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.vending
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.pacprocessor does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.simappdialog does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.connectivity.resources does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.hole does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.tall does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.networkstack.overlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.certinstaller does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.carrierconfig does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.smartshot
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.marvin.talkback does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threebutton does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
statussaver.statusdownloader.downloadstatus.savestatus does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.141 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package android does not
have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.contacts does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.touchscreen.chipone does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.bbk.cloud does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.timerwidget does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.bbk.theme does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.egg
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.mms
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.mtp
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.ons
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.stk
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.launcher3 does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.backupconfirm does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.instagram.android does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.simpleiconthemeres does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.pinterest does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.statementservice does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.gm does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.142 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.tachyon does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vlife.vivo.wallpaper does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.common does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.daemonService does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.settings.intelligence does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.frameworkresoverlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.pure.indosat.care does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.ringclip has
legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.debug.loggerui
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.searchlite does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_extra_wide_back does not have legacy
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.permissioncontroller does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.setupwizard does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.settings does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.sipgar.id does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.sharedstoragebackup does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.facebook.services does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.imanager
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.printspooler does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.Tips does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.cota does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.143 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.game does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.modules.ext.services does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.incallui has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.gallerygo does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.inputdevices does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.wellbeing does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
android.autoinstalls.config.vivo.devices does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.bips
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.mediatek does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.nbu.files does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.comms does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.iqoo.aftersale.engineermode does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.SmartKey
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.engineercamera does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.docs does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.maps does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.modulemetadata does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
free.vpn.unblock.proxy.turbovpn does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.mobile.legends
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.144 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.threegestural does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.webview does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.faceui
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.onetimeinitializer does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.videoeditor does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.server.telecom does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.syncadapters.contacts does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.cellbroadcastservice does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.bbklog
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.keychain does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.camera
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.chrome
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.unionpay
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.dialer
has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.packageinstaller does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.gms does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.gsf does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.tts does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.ss.android.ugc.trill does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.wifi.resources does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.145 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.calllogbackup does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.partnersetup does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.cameraextensions does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.localtransport does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.videos has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.carrierdefaultapp does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.networkstate does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.theme.font.notoserifsource does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.FrameworkResOverlayExt does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.proxyhandler does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.display.cutout.emulation.waterfall does not have legacy
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.VideoPlayer has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.modules.permissioncontroller.forframework does not have
legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.feedback does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.printservice.recommendation does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.photos does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.calendar does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.doubletimezoneclock does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.managedprovisioning does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.146 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.soundpicker does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.capctrl.service does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.nttouchscreen.getdata does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.facebook.katana
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.callrecorder does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.partnerbookmarks does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
app.source.getcontact does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.facebook.system
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.networkimprove does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.gms.policy_sidecar_aps does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.audiofx
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.photosgo does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.bbk.theme.resources does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.storagemanager does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.touchscreen.chipone.vivo_noise does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.searchgo does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.bookmarkprovider does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.147 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.settings does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.networkstack.overlay does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.multinlp
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.networkstack.tethering.inprocess does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.networkstack.permissionconfig does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.carrierlocation does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.lbs.em2.ui does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.cts.ctsshim does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.modules.modulemetadata.forframework does not have legacy
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.phoneinstructions does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.assistant does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.upslide
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.vpndialogs does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.gallery
has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.notes does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.omacp does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.phone
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.se.go
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.148 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.shell
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.wallpaperbackup does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.blockednumber does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.customtool
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.email.partnerprovider does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.userdictionary does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.media.module does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.setupwizard.searchselector does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.emergency does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.shopee.id does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.hotspot2.osulogin does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.gms.location.history does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.FMRadio
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.location.fused does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.deskclock does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.systemui does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.youtube.music does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
android.overlay.vivoresrro does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.bluetoothmidiservice does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.amap.android.location does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.149 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.appstore
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.fingerprintui does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.facebook.appmanager does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.browser
has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.android.traceur
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.yozo.vivo.office does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.play.games does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.magazines has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.bluetooth does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package co.brainly does not
have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.providers.contacts does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.captiveportallogin does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.vivo.calculator
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.android.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_narrow_back does not have legacy
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.go does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.mediatek.gbaservice does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.wapi.wapicertmanager does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.inputmethod.latin does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.gsma.rcs does
not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.vivo.simplelauncher does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.150 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package com.bbk.account
does not have legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 V StorageManagerService: Package
com.google.android.apps.restore has legacy storage
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 D _V_LockSettingsService: userHandle userId: 0
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.151 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.152 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.152 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.152 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.152 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.152 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.152 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.152 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=32
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=32
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=32
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=32
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=43
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=43
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=43
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=43
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=-2
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=4294967294
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=-2
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1762 W AString : ctor got NULL, using empty string
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=4294967294
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 W AString : ctor got NULL, using empty string
11-03 22:29:09.153 1155 1763 D MediaCodec: createByType,mime is:decoder---
>audio/vorbis from pid:-1
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1762 D MediaCodec: createByType,mime is:decoder---
>audio/vorbis from pid:-1
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1763 I _V_MediaCodec: Constructor 0x67b1b600,log level =
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1762 I _V_MediaCodec: Constructor 0x67b1c400,log level =
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1763 D MediaCodec: Try to init component
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1762 D MediaCodec: Try to init component
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.154 1155 1155 D LocationManagerService: [u0] passive provider
enabled = true
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl:
active_check_false: NOT_ENABLED network android
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 D LocationManagerService: [u0] gps provider enabled
= true
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.155 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorDisplayServiceImpl: onStartUser:
11-03 22:29:09.156 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: isChildrenMode: null
11-03 22:29:09.156 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: isChildrenMode: null
11-03 22:29:09.156 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: isChildrenMode: null
11-03 22:29:09.157 1155 1763 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0x844f1800
11-03 22:29:09.157 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: RGB factor matched
status false for device type value default, supportColorManager value false, color
mode default, use array index 8
11-03 22:29:09.157 1155 1762 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0x844f1a00
11-03 22:29:09.158 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: RGB ratio matched
status false for panel type value lcd, platform value mtk, color mode default, use
array index 0
11-03 22:29:09.158 1155 1772 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
11-03 22:29:09.158 1155 1770 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
11-03 22:29:09.159 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorManagerService:
setColorTemperatureMatrix factor=127 R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:29:09.159 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmDcManager: onStartUser: userHandle=0
11-03 22:29:09.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.159 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.161 1155 1772 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default"
"software" "vivocodec"
11-03 22:29:09.164 1155 1770 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
11-03 22:29:09.165 1155 1772 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
11-03 22:29:09.176 1155 1770 I CCodec : Created component
11-03 22:29:09.177 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
11-03 22:29:09.177 1155 1772 I CCodec : Created component
11-03 22:29:09.177 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
11-03 22:29:09.181 1155 1772 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
11-03 22:29:09.181 1155 1772 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
11-03 22:29:09.182 1155 1772 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.182 1155 1770 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
11-03 22:29:09.182 1155 1772 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.182 1155 1772 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.183 1155 1772 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.183 1155 1772 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.183 1155 1770 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
11-03 22:29:09.184 1155 1770 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.184 1155 1770 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.184 1155 1770 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.185 1155 1770 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.185 1155 1770 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.186 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.187 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: }
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] configure
CCodec AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: int64_t durationUs = 85442
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: int32_t track-id = 1
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: Buffer csd-0 = {
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: 00000000: 01 76 6f 72 62 69 73 00
00 00 00 02 44 ac 00 00 .vorbis.....D...
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 6d a0 07 00
00 00 00 00 b8 01 ....m.........
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: Buffer *csd-1 = 0x61b14300
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: int32_t bitrate = 499821
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-count = 2
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 3
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: int32_t flags = 0
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for channel-mask
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.189 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: }
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] configure
CCodec AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: int64_t durationUs = 30385
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: int32_t track-id = 1
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: Buffer csd-0 = {
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: 00000000: 01 76 6f 72 62 69 73 00
00 00 00 02 44 ac 00 00 .vorbis.....D...
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 e8 03 00
00 00 00 00 b8 01 ..............
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: Buffer *csd-1 = 0x61b142b0
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: int32_t bitrate = 256000
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-count = 2
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 3
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: int32_t flags = 0
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
11-03 22:29:09.191 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for channel-mask
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 499821
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1772 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 D MediaSessionService: onStartUser: 0
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.192 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 256000
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1770 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 499821
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1772 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.193 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.194 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1155 V GameManagerService: Settings file doesn't exists,
skip reading
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 256000
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 3
11-03 22:29:09.195 1155 1770 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.196 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: ssm.onStartUser-
11-03 22:29:09.196 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: startPersistentApps
11-03 22:29:09.196 1155 1770 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.197 1155 1772 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.197 1155 1770 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.197 1155 1772 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.197 1155 1770 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.197 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 22:29:09.198 1155 1772 D C2Store : Using ION
11-03 22:29:09.198 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.200 1155 1772 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#164] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 17 - OK (0)
11-03 22:29:09.201 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.faceui
11-03 22:29:09.201 1155 1736 W GameManagerService: Invalid package config for
com.mobile.legends:[Name:com.mobile.legends Modes: {}]
11-03 22:29:09.203 1155 1770 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#108] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 18 - OK (0)
11-03 22:29:09.203 1155 1736 W GameManagerService: Invalid package config for
com.google.android.play.games:[Name:com.google.android.play.games Modes: {}]
11-03 22:29:09.204 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.android.phone
11-03 22:29:09.204 1155 1736 I GameManagerService: Disabling downscale for
11-03 22:29:09.204 1155 1924 D _V_SecurityKeyProxy: [onValues] resultCode= 0,
outData.length= 0, outDataLen= 0, keyVersion= 0
11-03 22:29:09.204 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.204 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.204 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.204 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 1001; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:09.204 1155 1924 I _V_SecurityKeyProxy: Cipher
secService.vivoSecurityKeyOperate() return 0
11-03 22:29:09.205 1155 1924 D _V_ConfigurationManager: get key from abe
11-03 22:29:09.205 1155 1924 D _V_ConfigurationManager: effectcipher : true false
11-03 22:29:09.205 1155 1772 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#164] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 17 - OK
11-03 22:29:09.206 1155 1772 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#164] Configured output block pool ids 17 => OK
11-03 22:29:09.207 1155 1770 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#108] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 18 - OK
11-03 22:29:09.208 1155 1770 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#108] Configured output block pool ids 18 => OK
11-03 22:29:09.208 1155 1924 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/SystemAutoRecover_AutoRecoverPolicy_2.0.xml costs 106ms!!!
11-03 22:29:09.208 1155 1772 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
11-03 22:29:09.209 1155 1924 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/SystemAutoRecover_AutoRecoverPolicy_2.0.xml
11-03 22:29:09.212 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:09.212 1155 1736 I GameManagerService: Disabling downscale for
11-03 22:29:09.213 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.fingerprintui
11-03 22:29:09.214 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: startHomeOnAllDisplays
11-03 22:29:09.217 1155 1155 I _V_WindowManager: check
1aInfo:ActivityInfo{b9cff96 com.android.settings.FallbackHome} intent:Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x100 }
11-03 22:29:09.219 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:09.219 1155 1155 E _V_WindowManager: check default
home,preferredHome:ActivityInfo{217f22 com.android.launcher3.Launcher}
11-03 22:29:09.220 1155 1155 I _V_WindowManager: rebuilt home to
ActivityInfo{94badb3 com.android.settings.FallbackHome}
11-03 22:29:09.220 1155 1155 I _V_WindowManager: check
2aInfo:ActivityInfo{94badb3 com.android.settings.FallbackHome}
11-03 22:29:09.222 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityTaskManager: ActivityStarter
Factory.obtain:380 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStartController.obtainStarter:121
ntainer:1594 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer$
11-03 22:29:09.224 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:09.227 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:09.231 1155 1155 D _V_ChildrenModeHelper: init type = 0 mContext = 0
11-03 22:29:09.231 1155 1155 I _V_ChildrenModeHelper: checkChildrenMode :enable
is null
11-03 22:29:09.231 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:09.231 1155 1155 I _V_ChildrenModeHelper: childrenModeEnable
(checkChildrenMode) : false
11-03 22:29:09.232 1155 1155 D _V_ChildrenModeHelper: ChildrenModeHelper start
loadData 2
11-03 22:29:09.233 1155 1940 D _V_ChildrenModeHelper: Failed to find
com.vivo.mod.child for user,may be the app has uninstalled
11-03 22:29:09.233 1155 1940 D _V_ChildrenModeHelper: registerReceiverAsUser 317
11-03 22:29:09.234 1155 1772 I _V_MediaCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] output
format changed to: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.234 1155 1772 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 2
11-03 22:29:09.234 1155 1772 I _V_MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.234 1155 1772 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.234 1155 1772 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 3
11-03 22:29:09.234 1155 1772 I _V_MediaCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.235 1155 1660 D _V_ProxCaliService: Start Calibration...., type: 0
11-03 22:29:09.235 1155 1660 D _V_ProxCaliService: startCalibration type 0 when
11-03 22:29:09.235 1155 1659 D _V_ProxCaliService: Start calibration
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1155 D _V_ChildrenModeHelper: filter startfalse
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1659 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1659 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 63:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest start ID 0x20f 25 2199 0
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1770 I _V_MediaCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] output
format changed to: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1770 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 2
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1770 I _V_MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1770 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1770 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 3
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1770 I _V_MediaCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.236 1155 1155 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100
cmp=com.android.settings/.FallbackHome (has extras)} from uid 0 ,pid
11-03 22:29:09.238 1155 1659 D VivoSensorTest_hidl: 109:VivoSensorTest():
VivoSensorTest end ID 527 ret 0
11-03 22:29:09.238 1155 1659 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:29:09.239 1155 1659 D _V_ProxCaliService: enabledrivercali cali_data:
data[0]25 cali_data 2199
11-03 22:29:09.239 1155 1924 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:09.246 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList = ContentValuesList{name='black_window_check_from_input_black',
size=0, values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.246 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList = ContentValuesList{name='black_window_check_from_input_white',
size=0, values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.246 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='black_window_check_from_no_focus_time_out_black', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.247 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='black_window_check_from_no_focus_time_out_white', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.247 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='invalid_window_size_check_from_focus_change_black', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.247 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='invalid_window_size_check_from_focus_change_white', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.247 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='invalid_window_size_check_from_input_black', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.247 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='invalid_window_size_check_from_input_white', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.248 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='transparent_activity_check_from_input_black', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.248 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='transparent_activity_check_from_input_white', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.248 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='transparent_window_check_from_input_black', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.248 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: getContentValuesList
contentValuesList =
ContentValuesList{name='transparent_window_check_from_input_white', size=0,
values={}, uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:09.250 1155 1770 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#108] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.251 1155 1770 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#108] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.251 1155 1772 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#164] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.251 1155 1772 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#164] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.252 1155 1770 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
11-03 22:29:09.253 1155 1772 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
11-03 22:29:09.255 1155 1762 I _V_MediaCodec: Destructor 0x67b1c400
11-03 22:29:09.255 1155 1763 I _V_MediaCodec: Destructor 0x67b1b600
11-03 22:29:09.256 1155 1762 I CCodecBufferChannel: Destructor 0x844f1a00
11-03 22:29:09.256 1155 1763 I CCodecBufferChannel: Destructor 0x844f1800
11-03 22:29:09.273 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=32
11-03 22:29:09.273 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=32
11-03 22:29:09.273 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.273 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.273 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=43
11-03 22:29:09.273 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=43
11-03 22:29:09.274 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.274 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.274 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=-2
11-03 22:29:09.274 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=4294967294
11-03 22:29:09.274 1155 1762 W AString : ctor got NULL, using empty string
11-03 22:29:09.274 1155 1762 D MediaCodec: createByType,mime is:decoder---
>audio/vorbis from pid:-1
11-03 22:29:09.274 1155 1762 I _V_MediaCodec: Constructor 0x763e7800,log level =
11-03 22:29:09.274 1155 1762 D MediaCodec: Try to init component
11-03 22:29:09.275 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=32
11-03 22:29:09.275 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=32
11-03 22:29:09.276 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.276 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.276 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=43
11-03 22:29:09.276 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=43
11-03 22:29:09.276 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.276 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.277 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=-2
11-03 22:29:09.277 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=4294967294
11-03 22:29:09.277 1155 1763 W AString : ctor got NULL, using empty string
11-03 22:29:09.277 1155 1763 D MediaCodec: createByType,mime is:decoder---
>audio/vorbis from pid:-1
11-03 22:29:09.277 1155 1763 I _V_MediaCodec: Constructor 0x763e9400,log level =
11-03 22:29:09.277 1155 1763 D MediaCodec: Try to init component
11-03 22:29:09.277 1155 1762 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0x844f1a00
11-03 22:29:09.278 1155 1958 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
11-03 22:29:09.278 1155 1763 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0x6bdc0600
11-03 22:29:09.278 1155 1959 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
11-03 22:29:09.281 1155 1958 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
11-03 22:29:09.281 1155 1959 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
11-03 22:29:09.286 1155 1958 I CCodec : Created component
11-03 22:29:09.286 1155 1959 I CCodec : Created component
11-03 22:29:09.286 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
11-03 22:29:09.287 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
11-03 22:29:09.290 1155 1959 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
11-03 22:29:09.290 1155 1958 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1959 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1959 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1959 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1958 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1959 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1958 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1959 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1958 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1959 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1958 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.291 1155 1958 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.292 1155 1958 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1958 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.293 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: }
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.294 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: }
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] configure
CCodec AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: int64_t durationUs = 23786
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: int32_t track-id = 1
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: Buffer csd-0 = {
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: 00000000: 01 76 6f 72 62 69 73 00
00 00 00 01 44 ac 00 00 .vorbis.....D...
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 30 a9 03 00
00 00 00 00 b8 01 ....0.........
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: Buffer *csd-1 = 0x78400718
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: int32_t bitrate = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: int32_t flags = 0
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] configure
CCodec AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: int64_t durationUs = 23786
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: int32_t track-id = 1
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: Buffer csd-0 = {
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: 00000000: 01 76 6f 72 62 69 73 00
00 00 00 01 44 ac 00 00 .vorbis.....D...
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 30 a9 03 00
00 00 00 00 b8 01 ....0.........
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: Buffer *csd-1 = 0x78400790
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: int32_t bitrate = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: int32_t flags = 0
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for channel-mask
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for channel-mask
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
11-03 22:29:09.295 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
11-03 22:29:09.296 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.296 1155 1959 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.296 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.296 1155 1958 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1959 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.297 1155 1958 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.298 1155 1958 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.298 1155 1959 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.298 1155 1958 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.298 1155 1958 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.298 1155 1959 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.299 1155 1959 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.299 1155 1958 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#780] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 19 - OK (0)
11-03 22:29:09.300 1155 1959 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#612] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 20 - OK (0)
11-03 22:29:09.301 1155 1958 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#780] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 19 - OK
11-03 22:29:09.301 1155 1958 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#780] Configured output block pool ids 19 => OK
11-03 22:29:09.301 1155 1959 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#612] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 20 - OK
11-03 22:29:09.302 1155 1959 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#612] Configured output block pool ids 20 => OK
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1958 I _V_MediaCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] output
format changed to: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1958 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1958 I _V_MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1958 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1958 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1958 I _V_MediaCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1959 I _V_MediaCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] output
format changed to: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1959 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1959 I _V_MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1959 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1959 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.313 1155 1959 I _V_MediaCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.324 1155 1958 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#780] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.324 1155 1958 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#780] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.325 1155 1959 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#612] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.325 1155 1959 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#612] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.325 1155 1963 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
11-03 22:29:09.327 1155 1762 I _V_MediaCodec: Destructor 0x763e7800
11-03 22:29:09.327 1155 1959 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
11-03 22:29:09.328 1155 1762 I CCodecBufferChannel: Destructor 0x844f1a00
11-03 22:29:09.328 1155 1763 I _V_MediaCodec: Destructor 0x763e9400
11-03 22:29:09.329 1155 1763 I CCodecBufferChannel: Destructor 0x6bdc0600
11-03 22:29:09.347 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=32
11-03 22:29:09.347 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=32
11-03 22:29:09.347 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.347 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.347 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=32
11-03 22:29:09.347 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=32
11-03 22:29:09.347 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.347 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=43
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=43
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=43
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=43
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=-2
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=4294967294
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matching
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 W AString : ctor got NULL, using empty string
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 D MediaCodec: createByType,mime is:decoder---
>audio/vorbis from pid:-1
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 I _V_MediaCodec: Constructor 0x763e9400,log level =
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1763 D MediaCodec: Try to init component
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D system_server: DLEAK reply value=-2
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D MediaCodecList: DLEAK matchIndex=4294967294
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 W AString : ctor got NULL, using empty string
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D MediaCodec: createByType,mime is:decoder---
>audio/vorbis from pid:-1
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 I _V_MediaCodec: Constructor 0x763ea200,log level =
11-03 22:29:09.348 1155 1762 D MediaCodec: Try to init component
11-03 22:29:09.352 1155 1763 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0x844f1800
11-03 22:29:09.352 1155 1966 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
11-03 22:29:09.352 1155 1762 I CCodecBufferChannel: Constructor 0x844f1a00
11-03 22:29:09.352 1155 1967 D CCodec : allocate(c2.android.vorbis.decoder)
11-03 22:29:09.355 1155 1966 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
11-03 22:29:09.356 1155 1967 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
11-03 22:29:09.359 1155 1967 I CCodec : Created component
11-03 22:29:09.359 1155 1966 I CCodec : Created component
11-03 22:29:09.359 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
11-03 22:29:09.359 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
11-03 22:29:09.363 1155 1966 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
11-03 22:29:09.363 1155 1966 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
11-03 22:29:09.363 1155 1966 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.363 1155 1967 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
11-03 22:29:09.363 1155 1966 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1966 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1967 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1966 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1967 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1966 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1967 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1967 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1967 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.364 1155 1967 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: }
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: string input.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: string output.media-type.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.channel-count.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.366 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: }
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] configure
CCodec AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: int64_t durationUs = 23786
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: int32_t track-id = 1
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: Buffer csd-0 = {
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: 00000000: 01 76 6f 72 62 69 73 00
00 00 00 01 44 ac 00 00 .vorbis.....D...
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 30 a9 03 00
00 00 00 00 b8 01 ....0.........
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: Buffer *csd-1 = 0x784007b8
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: int32_t bitrate = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: int32_t flags = 0
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: handleMessage 2
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] configure
CCodec AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: int64_t durationUs = 182539
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: int32_t track-id = 1
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: Buffer csd-0 = {
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: 00000000: 01 76 6f 72 62 69 73 00
00 00 00 01 44 ac 00 00 .vorbis.....D...
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 30 a9 03 00
00 00 00 00 b8 01 ....0.........
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: Buffer *csd-1 = 0x78400768
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: int32_t bitrate = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: int32_t flags = 0
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 I _V_CCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for channel-mask
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 D CCodec : [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: set mLocationMode:3
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: cancelAllNotification
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for channel-mask
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
11-03 22:29:09.368 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.369 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.369 1155 1967 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.369 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.369 1155 1966 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 239920
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 32768
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 D CCodec : }
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1966 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.370 1155 1967 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
11-03 22:29:09.371 1155 1967 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.371 1155 1966 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.371 1155 1967 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.371 1155 1966 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
11-03 22:29:09.372 1155 1966 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#780] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 21 - OK (0)
11-03 22:29:09.373 1155 1967 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#7]
Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 22 - OK (0)
11-03 22:29:09.373 1155 1966 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#780] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 21 - OK
11-03 22:29:09.374 1155 1966 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[c2.android.vorbis.decoder#780] Configured output block pool ids 21 => OK
11-03 22:29:09.374 1155 1967 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#7]
Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 22 - OK
11-03 22:29:09.374 1155 1967 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#7]
Configured output block pool ids 22 => OK
11-03 22:29:09.378 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.378 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.379 1155 1420 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_lcm_brightness value:100 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.380 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.387 1155 1966 I _V_MediaCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] output
format changed to: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.387 1155 1966 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.387 1155 1966 I _V_MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.387 1155 1966 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.387 1155 1966 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.387 1155 1966 I _V_MediaCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.387 1155 1573 D _V_BatteryService: HealthHalCallback called,
HealthInfo = {.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline =
false, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage
= 0, .batteryStatus = DISCHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent =
true, .batteryLevel = 31, .batteryVoltage = 3707, .batteryTemperature =
336, .batteryCurrent = -705, .batteryCycleCount = 1, .batteryFullCharge =
4910000, .batteryChargeCounter = 4000, .batteryTechnology = Li-poly},
mShutdownBatteryTemperature = 600
11-03 22:29:09.388 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:09.389 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.390 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.390 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.391 1155 1967 I _V_MediaCodec: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder] output
format changed to: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
11-03 22:29:09.391 1155 1967 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
11-03 22:29:09.391 1155 1967 I _V_MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/raw"
11-03 22:29:09.391 1155 1967 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
11-03 22:29:09.391 1155 1967 I _V_MediaCodec: int32_t channel-mask = 1
11-03 22:29:09.391 1155 1967 I _V_MediaCodec: }
11-03 22:29:09.393 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme com.android.settings support global theme
11-03 22:29:09.397 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 174042980; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.400 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.401 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.402 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.405 577 577 I ANDROID-VPERF: handle is -10 ,GernerateVivoHandle
pid =1155 tid = 1155
11-03 22:29:09.410 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.412 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.412 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.415 1155 1967 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#7]
MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.415 1155 1967 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.android.vorbis.decoder#7]
MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
11-03 22:29:09.417 1155 1967 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
11-03 22:29:09.418 1155 1966 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
11-03 22:29:09.419 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.419 1155 1763 I _V_MediaCodec: Destructor 0x763e9400
11-03 22:29:09.420 1155 1762 I _V_MediaCodec: Destructor 0x763ea200
11-03 22:29:09.420 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.420 1155 1763 I CCodecBufferChannel: Destructor 0x844f1800
11-03 22:29:09.420 1155 1762 I CCodecBufferChannel: Destructor 0x844f1a00
11-03 22:29:09.420 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.429 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.430 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.430 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.433 1155 1155 D _V_WindowManager: Prepare app transition:
transit=TRANSIT_OPEN mNextAppTransitionRequests=[], mNextAppTransitionFlags=
11-03 22:29:09.433 1155 1155 D _V_BarAnimController: prepareAppTransition 1 0
11-03 22:29:09.437 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.437 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.438 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.439 1155 1155 W VivoTaskImpl: occlude resumeTop canOccclude =
false next.occlude = false
11-03 22:29:09.440 1155 1155 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhichActivity uid = 1000,
stackId = 1, activity = com.android.settings.FallbackHome, pkgName =
com.android.settings, cool = 1
11-03 22:29:09.441 1155 1155 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
isMultiWindowEnterJustDefaultDisplay of false
11-03 22:29:09.442 1155 1155 D _V_WindowManager: Prepare app transition:
transit=TRANSIT_OPEN mNextAppTransitionRequests=[TRANSIT_OPEN],
11-03 22:29:09.442 1155 1155 D _V_BarAnimController: prepareAppTransition 1 0
11-03 22:29:09.446 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.448 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.448 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.449 1155 1155 D _V_RMS-Preload: displayId=0, callingUid=-1,
callingPid=0, requestUid=1000, requestPid=0, requestPkgName=com.android.settings,
requestComponentName=com.android.settings.FallbackHome starter.
11-03 22:29:09.450 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityTaskManager: ActivityStarter
ntainer:1594 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer$
11-03 22:29:09.451 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming: showSystemReadyErrorDialogs
11-03 22:29:09.552 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.552 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.554 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.554 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.555 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.555 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.557 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.557 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.559 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.559 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.560 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.560 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.562 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.562 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.564 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.564 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.565 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.565 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.567 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.567 1155 1423 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 115ms android.display
h=com.android.server.wm.TaskChangeNotificationController$MainHandler c=null m=21
11-03 22:29:09.567 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.568 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.568 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.570 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:09.570 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:09.572 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:09.573 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:09.576 1155 1575 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 3
11-03 22:29:09.577 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 380ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:09.577 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 380ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:09.577 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 for added application com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 22:29:09.577 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 380ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:09.577 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 1938, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.daemonService, str2 = com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 22:29:09.577 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 380ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:09.578 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 378ms so far, now
at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
11-03 22:29:09.582 1155 1940 E _V_ChildrenModeHelper: loadFactoryDefaultConifg
Error : com.vivo.common.utils.ChildrenModeHelper$IllegalConfigException: config
item is : com.bbk.payment.PaymentActivity
11-03 22:29:09.582 1155 1940 E _V_ChildrenModeHelper: loadFactoryDefaultConifg
Error : com.vivo.common.utils.ChildrenModeHelper$IllegalConfigException: config
item is : com.bbk.payment.PaymentRechargeActivity
11-03 22:29:09.582 1155 1940 E _V_ChildrenModeHelper: loadFactoryDefaultConifg
Error : com.vivo.common.utils.ChildrenModeHelper$IllegalConfigException: config
item is : com.bbkmobile.iqoo.payment.PaymentActivity
11-03 22:29:09.583 1155 1423 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.android.settings
11-03 22:29:09.584 1155 1940 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.mod.child for user 0
11-03 22:29:09.585 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:09.585 1155 1575 I WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: disconnectedstate enter
11-03 22:29:09.585 1155 1940 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.mod.child (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:09.583 1155 1155 W WifiHandlerThre: type=1400 audit(0.0:559): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=85
scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
tclass=file permissive=0
11-03 22:29:09.590 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 391ms so far, now
at startProcess: returned from zygote!
11-03 22:29:09.595 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:09.595 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:09.605 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:09.605 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:09.607 1155 1979 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:09.608 1155 1979 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:09.611 1155 1456 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading modem
11-03 22:29:09.612 1155 1419 D _V_VivoDockedStackDividerControllerImpl: delay
checkMinimize for drawing launcher and divider anim in Vos!
11-03 22:29:09.619 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:29:09.624 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for VpnNetworkProvider:0
11-03 22:29:09.625 1155 1594 D _V_VivoNetworkAnalyser: is oversea = true
11-03 22:29:09.628 1155 1421 D _V_VivoRatioControllerUtilsImpl: DEBUG_RATIOLIST:
11-03 22:29:09.631 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: handleConfigChanged()
11-03 22:29:09.632 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: geolocation time zone
detection behavior is not actually enabled
11-03 22:29:09.632 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: Could not determine time zone:
No best telephony suggestion. detectionReason=clearGeolocationSuggestionIfNeeded()
11-03 22:29:09.636 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:09.637 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:29:09.637 1155 1472 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.639 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.639 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:09.639 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.639 1155 1420 W DreamManagerService: Dream
.AlwaysOnDisplay} does not exist
11-03 22:29:09.640 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:29:09.641 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.642 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:09.643 1155 1940 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.mod.child for user 0
11-03 22:29:09.643 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:29:09.644 1155 1940 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.mod.child (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:09.644 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 445ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:09.645 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 446ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:09.645 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
1976:com.vivo.faceui/1000 for added application com.vivo.faceui
11-03 22:29:09.645 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 446ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:09.645 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 1976, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.faceui, str2 = com.vivo.faceui
11-03 22:29:09.645 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 446ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:09.649 1155 1940 D _V_ChildrenModeHelper: loadFilterlist end Cursor
is null
11-03 22:29:09.649 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 447ms so far, now
at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
11-03 22:29:09.651 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.652 1155 1465 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.appfilter.service.VivoBringupManagerService pkg=com.vivo.appfilter
(has extras) } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:09.653 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.653 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.656 1155 1465 D _V_VivoFirewall: IqooSecureDBListener
updateCacheList id=9223372036854775807
11-03 22:29:09.657 1155 1465 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.appfilter.provider.secureprovider for user 0
11-03 22:29:09.657 1155 1465 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.appfilter.provider.secureprovider (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:09.663 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 461ms so far, now
at startProcess: returned from zygote!
11-03 22:29:09.663 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 461ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:09.664 1155 1446 I Watchdog: Interesting Java process
com.android.phone started. Pid 1997
11-03 22:29:09.664 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 462ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:09.664 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
1997:com.android.phone/1001 for added application com.android.phone
11-03 22:29:09.664 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 462ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:09.664 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 1997, arg2 =
1001, str1 = com.android.phone, str2 = com.android.phone
11-03 22:29:09.664 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 462ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:09.664 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 452ms so far, now
at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
11-03 22:29:09.665 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.671 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.671 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.673 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.675 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 177645(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 49(2700KB) LOS objects, 27% free,
35MB/48MB, paused 464us,515us total 160.584ms
11-03 22:29:09.676 1155 1423 I InputManager: Enabling motion classifier because
user switched: feature enabled, long press timeout = 400
11-03 22:29:09.676 1155 1423 I InputClassifier: Enabling motion classifier
11-03 22:29:09.678 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 466ms so far, now
at startProcess: returned from zygote!
11-03 22:29:09.678 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:time_remaining_estimate_millis value:-1
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.679 1155 1999 I InputClassifier: Could not obtain InputClassifier
11-03 22:29:09.680 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:time_remaining_estimate_based_on_usage
value:0 pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.682 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:average_time_to_discharge value:-1
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.683 1155 1855 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.684 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:battery_estimates_last_update_time value:1667489349682
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.685 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.686 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.687 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.692 1155 1855 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 181136395; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.694 1155 1855 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 174042936; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.699 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.700 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.701 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 489ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:09.701 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.702 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 490ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:09.702 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2000:com.vivo.fingerprintui/1000 for added application com.vivo.fingerprintui
11-03 22:29:09.702 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 490ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:09.703 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2000, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.fingerprintui, str2 = com.vivo.fingerprintui
11-03 22:29:09.703 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 491ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:09.703 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 121ms so far, now
at startProcess: asking zygote to start proc
11-03 22:29:09.705 1155 1460 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1155,
11-03 22:29:09.709 1155 1460 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:29:09.710 1155 1460 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.715 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.716 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.716 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.719 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.719 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 137ms so far, now
at startProcess: returned from zygote!
11-03 22:29:09.719 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 137ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:09.720 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 138ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:09.720 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2020:com.android.settings/1000 for top-activity
11-03 22:29:09.720 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 138ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:09.720 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2020, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.android.settings, str2 = com.android.settings
11-03 22:29:09.720 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 138ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:09.721 1155 1485 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: begin init seq num from loc.
11-03 22:29:09.722 1155 1916 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:09.729 1155 1485 W _V_VivoPKMSUtils: init seqNum -1
11-03 22:29:09.733 1155 1485 W _V_VivoPKMSUtils: init seqNum -1
11-03 22:29:09.734 1155 1485 W _V_VivoPKMSUtils: init seqNum -1
11-03 22:29:09.738 1155 1485 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: Do not need check seq Num.
11-03 22:29:09.738 1155 1485 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: after initSeq 0 0 0
11-03 22:29:09.739 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.740 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.743 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.747 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.754 1155 1916 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.757 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.760 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.760 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.769 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.770 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.775 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.780 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 73ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:09.782 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 75ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:09.782 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc 2031:com.vivo.rms/1000
for service {com.vivo.abe/com.vivo.rms.dispatcher.EventReceiverService}
11-03 22:29:09.783 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 76ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:09.783 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2031, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.rms, str2 = com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:29:09.783 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 76ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:09.786 1155 1418 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: listen: E pkg=*** uid=10073
events=[1, 6, 23, 13] notifyNow=false subId=2147483647 myUserId=0 callerUserId=0
11-03 22:29:09.786 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.787 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.788 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.795 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.798 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 10073; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:09.799 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.804 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.804 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.805 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.811 1155 1465 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.launcher2.settings for user 0
11-03 22:29:09.811 1155 1911 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:keyguard_launch_emergency_dialer_state
value:0 pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.813 1155 1465 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.bbk.launcher2.settings (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:09.813 1155 1465 D _V_VivoWidgetAppControllx: cursor null
11-03 22:29:09.815 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.816 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.817 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.818 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.818 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.822 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:09.824 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.825 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.826 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.834 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.835 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.835 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.837 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1041, arg2 = 0,
name = AudioMix
11-03 22:29:09.837 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.839 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: reportShowUiSyncHandle 2020
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: java.lang.Throwable: debug
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
$r8$lambda$auelgeOhCvbItmS_07q5VFEb1ac(Unknown Source:0)
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.844 1155 1965 I _V_VivoBinderProxy: at
11-03 22:29:09.845 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.846 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.847 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.851 1155 1965 I _V_SDS :
recordInfo=com.android.settings/.FallbackHome pid=2020
11-03 22:29:09.852 1155 1965 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
pid:2020,activity:com.android.settings.FallbackHome, package:com.android.settings,
11-03 22:29:09.852 1155 1965 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 1
11-03 22:29:09.852 1155 1965 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
11-03 22:29:09.854 1155 1965 D _V_SlaScenesAnalysis-Main: go init.
11-03 22:29:09.854 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.855 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.855 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.860 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.861 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.865 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.865 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.866 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.867 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.868 1155 1965 D _V_BarAnimController:
appTransitionStateReadyOrTimeout transit=0, state=0,
11-03 22:29:09.870 1155 1965 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:29:09.870 1155 1965 I _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl: activity
state: 0
11-03 22:29:09.876 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: getCommercial
11-03 22:29:09.876 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.877 1155 1965 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:09.877 1155 1965 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=5,
11-03 22:29:09.877 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController: handleAppTransitionReady
mTransitionState = 0 mRemoteAnimState = 0 transit = 0
11-03 22:29:09.878 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.878 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController: appTransitionFinished
11-03 22:29:09.878 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.881 1155 1965 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:09.886 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.889 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.891 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.891 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.892 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.901 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.901 1155 1965 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= 0, outValue
size= 2048, outValueLen= 2048, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:09.902 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:09.902 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.904 1155 1965 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:09.904 1155 1965 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:09.906 1155 1965 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:09.907 1155 1585 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.908 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = SlaScenesAnalysis-Main
11-03 22:29:09.908 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_adjust_brightness_color
value:16776698 pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.910 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_adjust_brightness_start
value:0.0 pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.910 1155 1421 D _V_BluetoothManagerService:
onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=2020, uid=1000, foregroundActivities=true
pkgname=com.android.settings mForgroundAppName:com.android.settings
11-03 22:29:09.911 1155 1421 D _V_VivoGpsStateMachine: getAppNameFromUid
11-03 22:29:09.911 1155 1965 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:09.911 1155 1965 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:09.912 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_adjust_brightness_end
value:0.1297665 pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.912 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: getCommercial: value ===
11-03 22:29:09.913 1155 1421 D _V_VivoUiModeMgrServiceImpl:
onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=2020, uid=1000, foregroundActivities=true
11-03 22:29:09.913 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_adjust_brightness_duration
value:800 pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.913 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:09.914 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:09.914 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: get Phone Lock Field
11-03 22:29:09.914 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:09.914 1155 1508 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=5,
11-03 22:29:09.914 1155 1421 D _V_CapacityKeyService: pakage name is
android.uid.system:1000 with :1000
11-03 22:29:09.914 1155 1421 D _V_CapacityKeyService: foregroundActivities
detected uid=1000 appName=android.uid.system:1000 state=true
11-03 22:29:09.916 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.918 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:09.928 1155 1421 D _V_CapacityKeyService: pakage name is
android.uid.system:1000 with :1000
11-03 22:29:09.928 1155 1421 D _V_CapacityKeyService: foreground:
11-03 22:29:09.930 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.934 1155 1421 D _V_FeatureService: onForegroundActivitiesChanged:
pid=2020, uid=1000, foregroundActivities=true
11-03 22:29:09.938 1155 1421 D _V_FeatureService: handleForgrouneAppChanged
pid:2020, uid:1000 foreground:true mPkgName android.uid.system:1000
11-03 22:29:09.938 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.939 1155 1508 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= 0, outValue
size= 2048, outValueLen= 2048, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:09.940 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:09.940 1155 1508 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:09.941 1155 1437 D CountryDetector: Using custom country detector
class: com.android.server.location.ComprehensiveCountryDetector
11-03 22:29:09.941 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:09.941 1155 1437 E CountryDetector: Could not instantiate the custom
country detector class
11-03 22:29:09.941 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 146
11-03 22:29:09.942 1155 1437 D CountryDetector: Using default country detector
11-03 22:29:09.942 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: notifyForgroundAppChange
pid:2020, uid:1000 foreground:true mPkgName android.uid.system:1000
11-03 22:29:09.943 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 146
11-03 22:29:09.944 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.950 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:09.956 1155 1508 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:09.957 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:09.959 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:09.960 1155 1855 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:finger_simpinpuk value:enable
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.962 1155 1612 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 150939131; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:09.962 1155 1472 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 150939131; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:09.963 1155 1612 D AS.AudioService: Master mono false
11-03 22:29:09.963 1155 1472 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.963 1155 1612 D AS.AudioService: Master balance 0,000000
11-03 22:29:09.964 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:09.964 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: SettingsObserver
onChange:false uri: content://settings/global/zen_mode userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.964 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: MuteKey don't Support
11-03 22:29:09.965 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureService: SettingsObserver onChange:false
uri: content://settings/global/zen_mode userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.965 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureService: SettingsObserver onChange:false
mZenMode: 1
11-03 22:29:09.966 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:system_unlock_state value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.966 1155 1855 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_screen_doze value:0
pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:09.969 1155 1508 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10073 pid=1747
11-03 22:29:09.970 1155 1585 D _V_SlaScenesAnalysis-Main: analysis runnable
interval too short(2,00 hour) since 2022-11-03 20:29:24 wait next time.
11-03 22:29:09.973 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.976 1155 1585 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:09.982 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.991 1155 1585 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:09.992 1155 1585 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:09.993 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = SlaScenesAnalysis-Main
11-03 22:29:09.994 1155 1585 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:09.994 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:09.998 1155 1508 D Face10 : Daemon was null, reconnecting, current
operation: null
11-03 22:29:09.999 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10205; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:10.000 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.002 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.biometrics.face@2.0::IBiometricsFace/default
11-03 22:29:10.002 1155 1155 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 74 lines
11-03 22:29:10.002 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: notifyOrientation =
11-03 22:29:10.003 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
2; pos = 13 value: [1]
11-03 22:29:10.003 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:zen_mode_config_etag value:-1922390224
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.003 1155 1155 D _V_ZenModeHelper: reason = cleanUpZenRules
zenModeEnabled = true mZenModeEnabled = true
11-03 22:29:10.004 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:zen_mode value:1 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.006 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.006 1155 1508 D Face10 : Face HAL ready, HAL ID: 3085963552
11-03 22:29:10.010 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = notification_wake_lock
11-03 22:29:10.014 1155 1155 I _V_VivoFingerprintService: displayId=0, default
displayMetrics=DisplayMetrics{density=1.875, width=720, height=1600,
scaledDensity=1.875, xdpi=269.21, ydpi=269.21}
11-03 22:29:10.015 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.022 1155 1155 I _V_VivoAuthService: create sensor inter{ID: 0,
Strength: 2, Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Illuminator: 0, AntiFake:
0,mDoubleSensor: false}
11-03 22:29:10.024 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:10.025 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Added] {[0]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, new queue
size: 1
11-03 22:29:10.026 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Polled] {[0]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 0
11-03 22:29:10.026 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Starting] {[0]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 0
11-03 22:29:10.026 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Started] {[0]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}
11-03 22:29:10.031 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.033 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.036 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.037 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Added] {[1]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, new queue
size: 1
11-03 22:29:10.038 1155 1687 V BiometricScheduler/Face10: Not idle, current
operation: {[0] FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0,
userId=0}, State: 2
11-03 22:29:10.038 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Added] {[2]
FaceInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, new queue
size: 2
11-03 22:29:10.038 1155 1687 V BiometricScheduler/Face10: Not idle, current
operation: {[0] FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0,
userId=0}, State: 2
11-03 22:29:10.038 1155 1687 W Face10 : Ignoring getFeature, no templates
enrolled for user: 0
11-03 22:29:10.039 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Finishing] {[0]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, success:
11-03 22:29:10.039 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Polled] {[1]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 0
11-03 22:29:10.039 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Starting] {[1]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 0
11-03 22:29:10.039 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Started] {[1]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}
11-03 22:29:10.050 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.058 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.063 1155 1155 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
11-03 22:29:10.063 1155 1155 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
11-03 22:29:10.065 1155 2068 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:10.065 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:10.065 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:10.065 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2081:com.google.android.ext.services/u0a205 for service
11-03 22:29:10.065 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:10.065 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 68ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:10.066 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2081, arg2 =
10205, str1 = com.google.android.ext.services, str2 =
11-03 22:29:10.066 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 69ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:10.066 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:10.068 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.068 1155 1419 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:10.069 1155 1419 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:10.071 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:10.076 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Finishing] {[1]
FaceUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, success:
11-03 22:29:10.077 1155 1155 D WifiP2pService: Wifi enabled=false
11-03 22:29:10.077 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Polled] {[2]
FaceInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 0
11-03 22:29:10.077 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Starting] {[2]
FaceInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 0
11-03 22:29:10.077 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Started] {[2]
FaceInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}
11-03 22:29:10.077 1155 1687 D Biometrics/InternalCleanupClient: Starting
enumerate: {[3] FaceInternalEnumerateClient, proto=6, owner=android, cookie=0,
11-03 22:29:10.078 1155 1155 I _V_VivoClientModeImpl: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION
action: android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED, wifi status: 2
11-03 22:29:10.078 1155 1423 D WifiDisplayController: Received
11-03 22:29:10.079 1155 1155 D WifiP2pService: Wifi enabled=true
11-03 22:29:10.089 1155 1423 D WifiDisplayController: Received
11-03 22:29:10.089 1155 1155 I _V_VivoClientModeImpl: WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION
action: android.net.wifi.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED, wifi status: 3
11-03 22:29:10.090 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: handleMessage,
11-03 22:29:10.090 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: handleMessage
11-03 22:29:10.090 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl:
bindVivoFwTwsService force:false
11-03 22:29:10.090 1155 1155 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1932
11-03 22:29:10.091 1155 1155 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
cmp=com.vivo.tws.vivotws/com.android.vivo.tws.vivotws.service.VivoAdapterService }
U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:10.091 1155 2068 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.vivo.fingerprintui.FingerprintUiService newState:1 userId:0
callingPackage:null callingUid:1000 callingPid:2000
11-03 22:29:10.091 1155 1687 D Biometrics/InternalCleanupClient: onEnumerated,
remaining: 0
11-03 22:29:10.092 1155 1687 V Biometrics/InternalEnumerateClient:
handleEnumeratedTemplate: 0
11-03 22:29:10.092 1155 1687 V Biometrics/InternalEnumerateClient: Matched: false
11-03 22:29:10.092 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for
packages: {}
11-03 22:29:10.092 1155 1687 D Biometrics/InternalCleanupClient: Enumerate
onClientFinished: {[3] FaceInternalEnumerateClient, proto=6, owner=android,
cookie=0, userId=0}, success: true
11-03 22:29:10.092 1155 2068 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
packageName:com.vivo.fingerprintui className:com.vivo.fingerprintui.KeyguardService
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:1000 callingPid:2000
11-03 22:29:10.092 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: [Finishing] {[2]
FaceInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, success:
11-03 22:29:10.093 1155 1423 D WifiP2pService: mInitBinder is
11-03 22:29:10.093 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready
to get health check supported packages. Binding...
11-03 22:29:10.093 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Face10: No operations,
returning to idle
11-03 22:29:10.094 1155 2068 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:10.094 1155 1155 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.ext.services uid 10205, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet
11-03 22:29:10.095 1155 1155 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1155,
11-03 22:29:10.095 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check service is bound
11-03 22:29:10.096 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:10.099 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:10.104 1155 1155 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
11-03 22:29:10.108 1155 2068 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.vivo.fingerprintui.SettingsActivity newState:1 userId:0
callingPackage:null callingUid:1000 callingPid:2000
11-03 22:29:10.114 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10205; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.120 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 181136395; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.123 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 174042936; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.126 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 174042980; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.185 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.194 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:10.199 1155 1155 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
11-03 22:29:10.199 1155 1155 W nsconfig: com.android.networkstack.inprocess: New
config does not match the previously set config.
11-03 22:29:10.247 1155 1155 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1000/1155 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 59 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack.inprocess] ]] callback
flags: 0 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:29:10.249 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:10.253 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:10.264 1155 1155 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class
loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
11-03 22:29:10.282 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:10.282 1155 1155 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config
specified, using platform default
11-03 22:29:10.294 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:fingerprint_running_status value:0
pkg:com.vivo.fingerprintui userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.304 1155 1155 D TetherMain: completeConstruction: E
11-03 22:29:10.305 1155 1155 D TetherMain: completeConstruction: maxDepth=1
11-03 22:29:10.305 1155 1155 D TetherMain: setupInitialStateStack: E
11-03 22:29:10.305 1155 1155 D TetherMain: moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=0
11-03 22:29:10.305 1155 1155 D TetherMain: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:10.305 1155 1155 D TetherMain: completeConstruction: X
11-03 22:29:10.307 1155 2138 D TetherMain: handleMessage: E msg.what=-2
11-03 22:29:10.308 1155 2138 D TetherMain: invokeEnterMethods: InitialState
11-03 22:29:10.309 1155 2138 D TetherMain: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:10.311 1155 1916 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1938,
11-03 22:29:10.312 1155 1916 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.bbk.updater
11-03 22:29:10.312 1155 1916 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10145; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.314 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:10.322 1155 1965 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.323 1155 1965 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.325 1155 1965 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.325 1155 1965 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.327 1155 1965 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:ringermode value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.328 1155 1155 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from
OffloadController uid/pid=1000/1155
11-03 22:29:10.329 1155 2068 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vibratemode value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.329 1155 2068 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.330 1155 2068 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.332 1155 2068 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.332 1155 2068 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.332 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:10.332 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:10.344 1155 2097 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:10.345 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2150:com.bbk.updater:remote/u0a145 for service
11-03 22:29:10.346 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2150, arg2 =
10145, str1 = com.bbk.updater:remote, str2 = com.bbk.updater
11-03 22:29:10.346 1155 1965 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:10.348 1155 1916 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:10.350 1155 1746 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 18, arg1 = 0, arg2 = 0
11-03 22:29:10.362 1155 1461 D _V_CgrpController: setProcessGroupWithFlags
11-03 22:29:10.365 1155 1965 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.smartmultiwindow for user 0
11-03 22:29:10.378 1155 1155 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from
BpfCoordinator uid/pid=1000/1155
11-03 22:29:10.381 1155 1423 D _V_BarAnimController: reset
11-03 22:29:10.381 1155 1423 D _V_BarAnimController: resetRealBars
11-03 22:29:10.381 1155 1423 D _V_BarAnimController: resetRealBarForType
11-03 22:29:10.381 1155 1423 D _V_BarAnimController: resetRealBarForType
11-03 22:29:10.381 1155 1423 D _V_BarAnimController: resetFakeBars
11-03 22:29:10.382 1155 1423 D _V_BarAnimController: resetFakeBarForType
11-03 22:29:10.382 1155 1423 D _V_BarAnimController: resetFakeBarForType
11-03 22:29:10.388 1155 1155 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not clear mBpfDownstream4Map: android.system.ErrnoException: getNextMapKey
failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
11-03 22:29:10.389 1155 1155 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not clear mBpfUpstream4Map: android.system.ErrnoException: getNextMapKey
failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
11-03 22:29:10.390 1155 1155 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not clear mBpfDownstream6Map: android.system.ErrnoException: getNextMapKey
failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
11-03 22:29:10.390 1155 1155 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not clear mBpfUpstream6Map: android.system.ErrnoException: getNextMapKey
failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
11-03 22:29:10.391 1155 1155 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not clear mBpfStatsMap: android.system.ErrnoException: getNextMapKey failed:
EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
11-03 22:29:10.391 1155 1155 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not clear mBpfLimitMap: android.system.ErrnoException: getNextMapKey failed:
EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
11-03 22:29:10.392 1155 1155 E Tethering: [api31.BpfCoordinatorShimImpl] ERROR
Could not clear mBpfDevMap: android.system.ErrnoException: getNextMapKey failed:
EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
11-03 22:29:10.393 1155 1508 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.android.settings
11-03 22:29:10.394 1155 1508 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.396 1155 1421 I _V_FingerprintUnlockController: ***
FingerprintKeyguard connected (yay!)
11-03 22:29:10.396 1155 1911 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.Tips.action.BIND_FREEZE_NOTI_SERVICE
cmp=com.vivo.Tips/.service.TipsFreezeNotiService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:10.400 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 182478738; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.410 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2167:com.android.settings:SettingsExProvider/1000 for content provider
11-03 22:29:10.411 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2167, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.android.settings:SettingsExProvider, str2 = com.android.settings
11-03 22:29:10.412 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:10.413 1155 1155 V WifiManager: registerSoftApCallback:
11-03 22:29:10.414 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:10.416 1155 1155 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1000/1155 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 62 [NetworkRequest
[ TRACK_SYSTEM_DEFAULT id=62, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack.tethering.inprocess] ]] callback flags: 0
priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:29:10.417 1155 1575 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: send
InfoChanged, newInfo: SoftApInfo{bandwidth= 0, frequency= 0, wifiStandard= 0,
mApInstanceIdentifier= null, mIdleShutdownTimeoutMillis= 0}
11-03 22:29:10.417 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:10.420 1155 1575 V WifiManager: SoftApCallbackProxy: send
onConnectedClientsChanged(clients): []
11-03 22:29:10.420 1155 1575 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add acs
feature support
11-03 22:29:10.420 1155 1575 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add client
control feature support
11-03 22:29:10.420 1155 1575 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add SAE
feature support
11-03 22:29:10.420 1155 1155 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 165ms main
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=null m=114
11-03 22:29:10.420 1155 1575 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add MAC
customization support
11-03 22:29:10.420 1155 1575 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add 2.4G
11-03 22:29:10.420 1155 1575 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, add 5G
11-03 22:29:10.421 1155 1575 D ApConfigUtil: Update Softap capability, max client
= 16
11-03 22:29:10.422 1155 1155 E WiredAccessoryManager: No state change.
11-03 22:29:10.423 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.424 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = WiredAccessoryManager
11-03 22:29:10.424 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.425 589 1094 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb874edd0) for
11-03 22:29:10.428 1155 2097 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{6cce48e u0
com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome} task=null
11-03 22:29:10.440 1155 1965 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:10.441 1155 1612 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:10.453 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:fingerprint_support_vivopay value:1
pkg:com.vivo.fingerprintui userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.455 1155 1424 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.456 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:10.457 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw
win=Window{6cce48e u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome}
appearance=0x0 appearanceRegions.fullscreenAppearance=0
appearanceRegions.dockedAppearance=0 isFullscreen=false
11-03 22:29:10.460 1155 1424 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.464 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{6cce48e u0
com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome}: oldVis=4, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:10.470 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:10.471 1155 1965 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.479 1155 1965 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.483 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10145; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.493 589 1094 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb874e920) for
11-03 22:29:10.497 1155 1965 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.android.systemui:6c17b97 u0
ShellDropTarget} task=null
11-03 22:29:10.499 1155 1424 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 158002302; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:10.501 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:10.505 1155 1911 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.android.systemui:b7e81f0 u0
com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper} task=null
11-03 22:29:10.509 1155 1424 V _V_WindowManager: hide:
Window{com.android.systemui:6c17b97 u0 ShellDropTarget}
11-03 22:29:10.510 1155 1424 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.516 1155 1916 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:b7e81f0 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}:
oldVis=0, newVis=0, requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:10.522 1155 1916 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.526 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:10.527 1155 2097 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 84ms so far, now
at attachApplicationLocked: immediately after bindApplication
11-03 22:29:10.527 1155 2097 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 85ms so far, now
at attachApplicationLocked: after updateLruProcessLocked
11-03 22:29:10.527 1155 1424 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 158002302; UID 10073; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:10.528 1155 1916 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.528 1155 1916 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.536 1155 1424 I _V_TaskOrganizerController: onTaskInfoChanged
{ taskId=1
,resizeMode=0 ,topActivityType=2 ,of windowConfiguration={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} }
11-03 22:29:10.536 1155 1424 I _V_TaskOrganizerController: onTaskInfoChanged
{ taskId=2 ,topActivity=null ,resizeMode=2 ,topActivityType=0 ,of
windowConfiguration={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720,
1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} }
11-03 22:29:10.539 1155 1916 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:b7e81f0 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}
11-03 22:29:10.543 1155 1424 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.547 1155 1508 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:b7e81f0 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}:
oldVis=0, newVis=0, requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:10.548 1155 2097 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 106ms so far, now
at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked
11-03 22:29:10.553 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.556 1155 1508 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.574 1155 1155 W TrustManagerService: EXTRA_USER_HANDLE missing or
invalid, value=0
11-03 22:29:10.575 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPKMSUtils: Receive Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.USER_STARTED flg=0x50000010 (has extras) }
11-03 22:29:10.575 1155 1155 I _V_VivoPermManagerImpl: Receive Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.USER_STARTED flg=0x50000010 (has extras) }
11-03 22:29:10.578 1155 1155 V _V_VivoPermManagerImpl: receive broadcast action:
android.intent.action.USER_STARTED, userId: 0
11-03 22:29:10.579 1155 1155 I _V_UserManagerService: calling
11-03 22:29:10.580 1155 1155 D _V_VivoKeyguardOverlayController:
DEBUG_KOC:PMDBListener onReceive intent=Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.USER_SWITCHED flg=0x50000010 (has extras) }
11-03 22:29:10.589 1155 1155 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.597 1155 1155 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.598 1155 1155 I _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl: getDefaultNavBar = 0,
isOverseas = true isVosProduct = true
11-03 22:29:10.599 1155 1155 D _V_VivoWMPHook: onUserSwitched oneKeySwitchOn =
11-03 22:29:10.600 1155 1155 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: updateGameSetting gameModeOn =
true ,activeGame = [null] ,gameList = [null] ,isGameRunning = false
11-03 22:29:10.600 1155 1155 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: onUserSwitched
11-03 22:29:10.601 1155 2068 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{6cce48e u0 com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome}
11-03 22:29:10.601 1155 1155 D _V_VivoInputPolicy:
11-03 22:29:10.602 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming: FinishBooting
11-03 22:29:10.611 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:10.612 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:10.612 1155 1424 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.622 1155 1424 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.624 1155 1424 D _V_RMS-Preload: displayId=0, callingUid=0,
callingPid=0, requestUid=1000, requestPid=2020,
requestPkgName=com.android.settings, requestProcName=com.android.settings,
requestComponentName=com.android.settings.FallbackHome took 1398ms finished.
11-03 22:29:10.625 1155 1424 D _V_RMS-Preload: displayId=0, callingUid=0,
callingPid=0, requestUid=1000, requestPid=2020,
requestPkgName=com.android.settings, requestProcName=com.android.settings,
requestComponentName=com.android.settings.FallbackHome took -1ms finished.
11-03 22:29:10.634 1155 1424 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.641 1155 1423 I _V_FingerprintUnlockController: onBootCompleted()
11-03 22:29:10.644 1155 1911 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:b7e81f0 u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper}:
oldVis=0, newVis=0, requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:10.644 1155 1911 V _V_WindowManager: computeImeTarget when a better
ime target finish drawing
11-03 22:29:10.646 1155 1911 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.647 1155 1418 D Fingerprint21: Daemon was null, reconnecting,
current operation: null
11-03 22:29:10.651 1155 1423 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
11-03 22:29:10.651 1155 1423 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onStartedWakingUp
11-03 22:29:10.651 1155 1423 D _V_VivoLcmDcManager: onStartedWakingUp: why=0
11-03 22:29:10.652 1155 1423 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
11-03 22:29:10.653 1155 1423 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onFinishedWakingUp
11-03 22:29:10.653 1155 1423 D _V_VivoLcmDcManager: onFinishedWakingUp
11-03 22:29:10.654 1155 1546 D _V_VivoWMPHook: The proximiteRegistered is
trueregister is false
11-03 22:29:10.654 1155 1423 W KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurningOn(): no
keyguard service!
11-03 22:29:10.654 1155 1546 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.server.policy.VivoWMPHook$1@df31a25sensor=NULL num: 5
11-03 22:29:10.654 1155 1423 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
onScreenTurningOn() screen_turned_on
11-03 22:29:10.654 1155 1423 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onScreenTurningOn
11-03 22:29:10.655 1155 1423 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController: onScreenTurnedOn()
11-03 22:29:10.655 1155 1423 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onScreenTurnedOn (service
11-03 22:29:10.656 1155 1423 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: screenTurnedOn
11-03 22:29:10.656 1155 1418 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting:
11-03 22:29:10.659 1155 1418 D Fingerprint21: Fingerprint HAL ready, HAL ID:
11-03 22:29:10.660 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 1, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:10.660 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 5, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:10.660 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:10.661 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 17, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:10.661 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Added] {[4]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, new
queue size: 1
11-03 22:29:10.661 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Polled] {[4]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
State: 0
11-03 22:29:10.662 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Starting] {[4]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
State: 0
11-03 22:29:10.662 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Started] {[4]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}
11-03 22:29:10.663 1155 1965 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:navigation_mode value:0
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.665 1155 1423 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #77} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (0
11-03 22:29:10.695 1155 1911 D _V_VivoKeyguardControllerImpl: setKeyguardShown
keyguardShowing = true, aodShowing = false, aodChanged = false, mKeyguardGoingAway
= false ,caller by com.android.server.wm.KeyguardController.setKeyguardShown:181
android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1184 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1143
<bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of
call stack>
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 D _V_ActivityTaskManager: keyguard showing before
screen turning off, take a snapshot
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: Stack is:
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: java.lang.Exception: Debug addToken:
{"keyguard", display 0, acquire at 32735 (now)}
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.696 1155 1911 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:10.697 1155 1911 D ActivityTaskManager: Top Process State changed to
11-03 22:29:10.698 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.700 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = ActivityManager-Sleep
11-03 22:29:10.710 1155 1911 E _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl:
shouldAddStatusBarForMultiWindow error, mPolicy == null or statusBar == null
11-03 22:29:10.718 1155 1480 V _V_VivoPermManagerImpl: begin
verifySystemFixedPermission, userId = 0
11-03 22:29:10.719 1155 1911 D _V_VivoWmsImpl:
clearWallpaperClientForcedVisibility, reason:wallpaper going to invisible
11-03 22:29:10.719 1155 1911 V _V_VivoWmsImpl: updateWallpaperClientVisibility
mForceWpInVisibleTokens size = 0
11-03 22:29:10.720 1155 1911 V _V_VivoDisplayContentImpl:
updateWallpaperClientVisibility true lastForceVis = true
11-03 22:29:10.724 1155 1911 D _V_VivoDockedStackDividerControllerImpl: delay
checkMinimize for drawing launcher and divider anim in Vos!
11-03 22:29:10.732 1155 1419 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.android.launcher3 uid 10158, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:29:10.733 1155 1424 I _V_TaskOrganizerController: onTaskInfoChanged
{ taskId=1
,resizeMode=0 ,topActivityType=2 ,of windowConfiguration={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} }
11-03 22:29:10.733 1155 1419 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1747,
11-03 22:29:10.736 1155 2068 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:29:10.736 1155 2068 I _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl: activity
state: 1
11-03 22:29:10.739 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.739 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:10.740 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.741 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:10.741 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = ActivityManager-Sleep
11-03 22:29:10.742 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.743 1155 2068 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
pid:2020,activity:com.android.settings.FallbackHome, package:com.android.settings,
11-03 22:29:10.744 1155 2068 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 0
11-03 22:29:10.744 1155 2068 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
11-03 22:29:10.745 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:10.745 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:10.749 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.751 1155 1424 V _V_WindowManager: computeImeTarget when a better
ime target finish drawing
11-03 22:29:10.758 1155 1423 D _V_RMS-Preload: displayId=0, callingUid=0,
callingPid=0, requestUid=1000, requestPid=2020,
requestPkgName=com.android.settings, requestProcName=com.android.settings,
requestComponentName=com.android.settings.FallbackHome took -1ms finished.
11-03 22:29:10.760 1155 1423 V ActivityTaskManager: Stopping
ActivityRecord{68e4432 u0 com.android.settings/.FallbackHome t3 d0}:
nowVisible=true animating=false finishing=false
11-03 22:29:10.761 1155 1423 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
pid:2020,activity:com.android.settings.FallbackHome, package:com.android.settings,
11-03 22:29:10.761 1155 1423 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 0
11-03 22:29:10.762 1155 1423 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
11-03 22:29:10.765 1155 1423 I DeviceIdleController: keyguardShowing=true
11-03 22:29:10.766 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{6cce48e u0
com.android.settings/com.android.settings.FallbackHome}: oldVis=0, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:10.766 1155 1419 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.android.launcher3
11-03 22:29:10.771 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 5, arg1 = 1000, arg2 = 0
11-03 22:29:10.775 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.776 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: get Phone Lock buffer
11-03 22:29:10.776 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10158; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:10.776 1155 2097 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:10.776 1155 2097 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=5,
11-03 22:29:10.781 1155 2097 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:10.782 1155 1911 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 47, arg1 = 1, arg2 =
10073, arg3 = 0
11-03 22:29:10.789 1155 2068 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.803 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2231:com.android.launcher3/u0a158 for service
11-03 22:29:10.803 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2231, arg2 =
10158, str1 = com.android.launcher3, str2 = com.android.launcher3
11-03 22:29:10.810 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.810 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:10.812 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:10.812 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:10.814 1155 2068 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:10.819 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:10.824 1155 1613 I AS.BtHelper: In resetBluetoothSco(), calling
11-03 22:29:10.824 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker: setBluetoothScoOn: false
11-03 22:29:10.824 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
11-03 22:29:10.825 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker: onUpdateCommunicationRoute,
preferredCommunicationDevice: null eventSource: resetBluetoothSco
11-03 22:29:10.825 1155 1613 D AudioSystem: +setParameters(): BT_SCO=off
11-03 22:29:10.827 1155 1613 I AS.AudioDeviceInventory:
removePreferredDevicesForStrategySync, strategy: 14
11-03 22:29:10.828 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
requestedCommunicationDevice, device: null mode owner pid: 0
11-03 22:29:10.829 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.829 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: MuteKey don't Support
11-03 22:29:10.842 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureService: setRingerModeIntHook,
mRingerMode: 0
11-03 22:29:10.851 1155 1155 D AccessibilityManagerService: Ignoring non-
encryption-aware service
11-03 22:29:10.853 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:accessibility_enabled value:0 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:10.855 1155 2068 I _V_VivoSoftwareLock: Controller Pid : 1938
11-03 22:29:10.855 1155 2068 I _V_VivoSoftwareLock: isSecureController :
11-03 22:29:10.856 1155 1155 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 255ms main
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$
$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@df9aae8 m=0
11-03 22:29:10.857 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:10.858 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: is talkback in crash
11-03 22:29:10.858 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: isTalkbackOn:false
isShortcutTalkbackOn:false mIsKeyguardShowing:true isTalkbackInCrashServices:false
11-03 22:29:10.858 1155 1421 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 257ms android.ui
c=com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityWaterMark$3@1328d94 m=0
11-03 22:29:10.858 1155 1155 V ConditionProviders: enabling condition provider
for 0:
11-03 22:29:10.859 1155 1155 V ConditionProviders: binding: Intent
{ act=android.service.notification.ConditionProviderService
cmp=com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/.dnd.impl.DndConditionProviderService (has
extras) }
11-03 22:29:10.859 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: is talkback in crash
11-03 22:29:10.860 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: isTalkbackOn:false
isShortcutTalkbackOn:false mIsKeyguardShowing:true isTalkbackInCrashServices:false
11-03 22:29:10.860 1155 1421 W Looper : Slow delivery took 202ms android.ui
c=com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityWaterMark$3@1328d94 m=0
11-03 22:29:10.865 1155 1155 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.apps.wellbeing uid 10174, isRmsPreload = false,
keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:29:10.865 1155 1155 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1155,
11-03 22:29:10.867 1155 2068 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:10.868 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
packageName: com.google.android.apps.wellbeing
11-03 22:29:10.869 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10174; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.869 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10174; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.869 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10174; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.869 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10174; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:10.870 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10174; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:10.870 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:10.870 1155 1155 V NotificationListeners: enabling notification
listener for 0:
11-03 22:29:10.870 1155 1155 V NotificationListeners: binding: Intent
{ act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService
cmp=com.android.launcher3/.notification.NotificationListener (has extras) }
11-03 22:29:10.872 1155 1421 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.877 1155 1421 I _V_FaceUIServiceDelegate: Faceui service binded
11-03 22:29:10.877 1155 1155 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService
cmp=com.android.launcher3/.notification.NotificationListener } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:10.877 1155 1155 W NotificationListeners: Unable to bind notification
listener service: Intent
{ act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService
cmp=com.android.launcher3/.notification.NotificationListener (has extras) } in user
11-03 22:29:10.877 1155 1155 W NotificationListeners: Not binding notification
listener service
ComponentInfo{com.vivo.pushservice/com.vivo.push.util.NotificationMonitor}: service
not found
11-03 22:29:10.878 1155 1916 I _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
VivoController Pid : 1938 amonkey:false
11-03 22:29:10.879 1155 1155 I SystemServerTiming:
11-03 22:29:10.879 1155 1421 W Looper : Drained
11-03 22:29:10.879 1155 1155 V NotificationAssistants: enabling notification
assistant for 0:
11-03 22:29:10.883 1155 1155 V NotificationAssistants: binding: Intent
{ act=android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService
(has extras) }
11-03 22:29:10.885 1155 1155 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.ext.services uid 10205, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet
11-03 22:29:10.887 1155 2068 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:10.891 1155 2068 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:10.893 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10205; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.898 1155 1911 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 47, arg1 = 0, arg2 =
10073, arg3 = 0
11-03 22:29:10.901 1155 1916 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 47, arg1 = 0, arg2 =
10073, arg3 = 0
11-03 22:29:10.904 1155 2097 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= 0, outValue
size= 2048, outValueLen= 2048, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:10.908 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2253:com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/u0a174 for service
11-03 22:29:10.908 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2253, arg2 =
10174, str1 = com.google.android.apps.wellbeing, str2 =
11-03 22:29:10.908 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:10.908 1155 2097 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:10.908 1155 2097 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:10.909 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: onReceive action
11-03 22:29:10.910 1155 1911 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:10.913 1155 1155 W _V_ContentService: The same observer is added
before. Uri=content://settings/system/drive_mode_enabled, observer=627872e,
notifyForDescendants=false, uid=1000, pid=1155, userHandle=0
11-03 22:29:10.915 1155 1155 W _V_ContentService: The same observer is added
before. Uri=content://settings/system/shield_notification_reminder_enabled,
observer=627872e, notifyForDescendants=false, uid=1000, pid=1155, userHandle=0
11-03 22:29:10.916 1155 1155 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: setRingerModeExtAsUser
ringermode:0 userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.917 1155 1155 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: setVibrateSettingAsUser by 0
11-03 22:29:10.918 1155 2097 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:10.919 1155 1613 V AS.AudioDeviceBroker:
onSetForceUse(useCase<FOR_ENCODED_SURROUND>, config<FORCE_NONE>, fromA2dp<false>,
11-03 22:29:10.919 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Master mono false
11-03 22:29:10.920 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Master balance 0,000000
11-03 22:29:10.927 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.938 1155 2097 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:10.938 1155 2097 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:10.942 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:10.943 1155 1855 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:10.943 1155 1855 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:10.945 1155 1855 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:10.946 1155 1418 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:10.947 1155 2068 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10158; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:10.948 1155 1855 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:10.948 1155 1855 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:10.951 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:10.951 1155 1855 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:10.951 1155 1855 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:10.962 1155 1855 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:10.963 1155 1916 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:10.965 1155 1916 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:10.966 1155 1855 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:10.966 1155 1855 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:10.968 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:10.968 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:10.968 1155 1508 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:10.970 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:10.971 1155 1421 I _V_FaceUIServiceDelegate: service connected
11-03 22:29:10.973 1155 1508 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:10.973 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:10.976 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:10.979 1155 2068 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 47, arg1 = 1, arg2 =
10073, arg3 = 0
11-03 22:29:10.981 1155 2097 I _V_FaceUIStateMonitor: get memory FileDescriptor
11-03 22:29:10.987 1155 2097 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.987 1155 2097 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.988 1155 1508 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.989 1155 1508 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.990 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Master mute false, user=0
11-03 22:29:10.991 1155 1855 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:ringermode value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.992 1155 2068 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vibratemode value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.993 1155 2097 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.993 1155 2097 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.993 1155 2117 I _V_VivoFaceServiceImpl: sendCommand cmd: 1016
extra: 0
11-03 22:29:10.995 1155 2117 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.995 1155 2117 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.997 1155 2117 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.997 1155 2117 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.998 1155 2117 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:10.998 1155 2117 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:10.999 1155 2117 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:ringermode value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:10.999 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10174; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:11.000 1155 2117 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vibratemode value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:11.001 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.006 1155 2068 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:11.006 1155 2068 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:11.007 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.007 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:11.008 1155 2097 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:11.008 1155 2097 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:11.009 1155 1508 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:11.009 1155 1508 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:11.010 1155 2117 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:ringermode value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:11.012 1155 2097 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vibratemode value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:11.012 1155 1571 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10174; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:11.012 1155 1855 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeExternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:11.013 1155 1855 D VivoAudioServiceImpl: getRingerModeExternalAsUser
by 0 value:0
11-03 22:29:11.013 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.016 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Mic mute false, user=0
11-03 22:29:11.017 1155 1155 D AS.AudioService: Mic mute false, user=0
11-03 22:29:11.020 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.020 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.020 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.021 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.021 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.021 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.022 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.022 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.022 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.022 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.022 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.023 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.023 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.023 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.024 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.024 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.025 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.025 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.025 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.026 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.026 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.027 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.027 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.029 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.029 1155 1419 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:11.029 1155 1419 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:11.029 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.029 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.029 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.030 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.030 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.031 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.035 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.036 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.036 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.036 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.036 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.037 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.037 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.038 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.038 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.038 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.038 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.038 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.039 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.039 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.039 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.039 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.039 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.039 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.039 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.039 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.040 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.041 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.041 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.041 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.042 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.042 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.042 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.042 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.042 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.042 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.043 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.045 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.047 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.047 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.047 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Added] {[5]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, new
queue size: 1
11-03 22:29:11.047 1155 1687 V BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: Not idle,
current operation: {[4] FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android,
cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 2
11-03 22:29:11.047 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.048 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Added] {[6]
FingerprintInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, new
queue size: 2
11-03 22:29:11.048 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.048 1155 1687 V BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: Not idle,
current operation: {[4] FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android,
cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 2
11-03 22:29:11.048 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.048 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.048 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.049 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.049 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.049 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.049 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Finishing] {[4]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
success: true
11-03 22:29:11.049 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Polled] {[5]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
State: 0
11-03 22:29:11.049 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.049 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Starting] {[5]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
State: 0
11-03 22:29:11.049 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Started] {[5]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1687 D FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient: Already user: -
10000,0, returning
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Finishing] {[5]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
success: true
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Polled] {[6]
FingerprintInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
State: 0
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Starting] {[6]
FingerprintInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
State: 0
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Started] {[6]
FingerprintInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1687 D Biometrics/InternalCleanupClient: Starting
enumerate: {[7] FingerprintInternalEnumerateClient, proto=6, owner=android,
cookie=0, userId=0}
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.050 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.051 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.051 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.051 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.051 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.051 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.051 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.052 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.052 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.052 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.052 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.052 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1687 D Biometrics/InternalCleanupClient: onEnumerated,
remaining: 1
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1687 V Biometrics/InternalEnumerateClient:
handleEnumeratedTemplate: 1666151610
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1687 V Biometrics/InternalEnumerateClient: Matched: true
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1687 D Biometrics/InternalCleanupClient: onEnumerated,
remaining: 0
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1687 V Biometrics/InternalEnumerateClient:
handleEnumeratedTemplate: 1149408361
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1687 V Biometrics/InternalEnumerateClient: Matched: true
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1687 D Biometrics/InternalCleanupClient: Enumerate
onClientFinished: {[7] FingerprintInternalEnumerateClient, proto=6, owner=android,
cookie=0, userId=0}, success: true
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.053 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Finishing] {[6]
FingerprintInternalCleanupClient, proto=7, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
success: true
11-03 22:29:11.054 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: No operations,
returning to idle
11-03 22:29:11.054 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.054 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.054 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.054 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.054 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.054 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.054 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.055 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.055 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.055 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.055 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.055 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.055 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.055 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.055 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.056 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.057 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.057 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.057 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.057 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.057 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.057 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.057 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.058 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.058 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.059 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.059 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.060 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.060 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.060 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.061 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.061 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.061 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.062 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.062 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.062 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.062 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.063 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.063 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.063 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.063 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.063 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.064 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.064 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.064 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.064 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.065 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.065 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.065 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.065 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.065 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.066 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.066 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.067 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.067 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.068 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.068 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.069 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.069 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.069 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.070 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.070 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.071 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.071 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.072 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.072 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.072 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.072 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.072 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.073 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.073 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.073 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.074 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.074 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.074 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.075 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.076 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:11.076 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.077 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.077 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.077 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:11.077 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.077 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.078 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.078 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.078 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.078 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.078 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.079 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.079 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.079 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.079 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.080 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.080 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.080 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.080 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.081 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.081 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.081 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.081 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.082 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.083 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.084 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.084 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.084 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.084 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.084 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.084 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.084 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.085 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.085 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.085 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.085 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.086 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.086 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.086 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.086 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.086 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.087 1155 1443 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.iqoo.secure.provider.secureprovider for user 0
11-03 22:29:11.087 1155 1443 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.iqoo.secure.provider.secureprovider (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:11.087 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.087 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.087 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.087 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.088 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.088 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.088 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.088 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.088 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.088 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.089 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.089 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.089 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.089 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.089 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.090 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.090 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.090 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.090 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.090 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.090 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.091 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.091 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.091 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.091 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.091 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.091 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.092 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.092 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.092 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.093 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.093 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.093 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.093 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.094 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.094 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.094 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.094 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.095 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.095 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.095 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.095 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.095 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.095 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.095 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.096 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.096 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.096 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.096 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.096 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.096 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.096 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.096 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.097 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.097 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.097 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.097 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.097 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.097 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.097 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.098 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.098 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.098 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.098 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.098 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.098 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.098 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.098 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.099 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.099 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.099 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.099 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.099 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.099 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.099 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.100 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.100 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.100 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.100 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.100 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.101 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.101 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.101 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.101 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.101 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.101 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.102 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.102 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.102 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.102 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.102 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.102 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.103 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.103 1155 1155 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:11.103 1155 1155 D _V_AS.AudioService: MuteKey don't Support
11-03 22:29:11.105 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.108 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.111 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.111 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: setRingerModeIntHook,
mRingerMode: 0
11-03 22:29:11.111 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.112 1155 1419 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 47, arg1 = 0, arg2 =
10073, arg3 = 0
11-03 22:29:11.112 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.112 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.113 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.114 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.115 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.115 1155 1916 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 47, arg1 = 0, arg2 =
10073, arg3 = 0
11-03 22:29:11.115 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.116 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.117 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.118 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.119 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.120 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.121 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.121 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.122 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.123 1155 2097 V _V_FeatureService: getAudioFeature
vivo_spkbvm_default_status_exist:status=false; calling from 1747
11-03 22:29:11.123 1155 2097 V _V_FeatureService: tp.get(KEY_VOLUME): null
11-03 22:29:11.123 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.124 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.124 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.125 1155 1916 D AS.AudioService: Volume policy changed:
11-03 22:29:11.126 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.126 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.127 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.128 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.128 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.129 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.131 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.131 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.132 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.133 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.133 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.135 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.135 1155 1916 D AS.AudioService: Volume controller:
11-03 22:29:11.136 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.136 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.137 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.137 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.138 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.139 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.140 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.140 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.141 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.142 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.143 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.144 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.145 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.145 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.146 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.146 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000001 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.147 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.148 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.149 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.150 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.150 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.150 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.151 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.152 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.152 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.153 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.154 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.155 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.156 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.156 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.157 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.158 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.159 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.160 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.161 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.162 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.162 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.163 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.164 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.164 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.165 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.166 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.167 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.167 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.168 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.169 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.171 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.171 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.172 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.173 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.174 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.175 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.176 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.177 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.178 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.179 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.179 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.180 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.181 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.184 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.185 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.185 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.186 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.187 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.188 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.188 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.189 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.190 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.190 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.193 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.194 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.194 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.195 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.196 1155 1419 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.smartmultiwindow for user 0
11-03 22:29:11.196 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.198 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.198 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.199 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.200 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.201 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.201 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.201 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = GsmInboundSmsHandler
11-03 22:29:11.202 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.202 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.203 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.205 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.206 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.206 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.207 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.207 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.209 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.210 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.210 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:11.211 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.211 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.212 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.213 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.214 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.215 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=1000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.216 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=2000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.217 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.217 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.218 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.221 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.223 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=10000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.224 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.226 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.227 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.227 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CdmaInboundSmsHandler
11-03 22:29:11.228 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000001 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.228 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.229 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=40000000 idx=5
11-03 22:29:11.229 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.230 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.231 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.232 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.233 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.234 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.236 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.236 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=10 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.237 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=20 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.238 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=40 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.239 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=80 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.240 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.240 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=100 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.241 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CdmaInboundSmsHandler
11-03 22:29:11.242 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.243 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = GsmInboundSmsHandler
11-03 22:29:11.243 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=200 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.244 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=400 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.244 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=800 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.245 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=1000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.246 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=2000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.247 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=4000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.247 1155 2097 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10158 pid=2231
11-03 22:29:11.248 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.248 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=8000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.248 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.250 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=10000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.251 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=20000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.251 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.252 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=40000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.253 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=40001 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.254 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=80000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.254 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.255 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=100000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.256 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=200000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.257 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=400000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.258 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=800000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.258 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.259 1155 2117 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:11.259 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=1000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.261 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=2000000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.262 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.262 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=4000000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.263 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=8000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.264 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=10000000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.265 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=20000000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.266 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=20000001 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.267 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_VOICE_CALL dev=40000000 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.268 1155 1155 V _V_VivoAudioServiceImpl: getDeltaVolumeForStream:
streamType 1, device: 2, vivoStreamState.getDeltaIndex(device) : 0
11-03 22:29:11.269 1155 1155 V _V_VivoAudioServiceImpl: getDeltaVolumeForStream:
streamType 1, device: 4, vivoStreamState.getDeltaIndex(device) : 0
11-03 22:29:11.271 1155 1155 V _V_VivoAudioServiceImpl: getDeltaVolumeForStream:
streamType 1, device: 8, vivoStreamState.getDeltaIndex(device) : 0
11-03 22:29:11.272 1155 1155 V _V_VivoAudioServiceImpl: getDeltaVolumeForStream:
streamType 1, device: 128, vivoStreamState.getDeltaIndex(device) : 0
11-03 22:29:11.274 1155 1155 V _V_VivoAudioServiceImpl: getDeltaVolumeForStream:
streamType 1, device: 256, vivoStreamState.getDeltaIndex(device) : 0
11-03 22:29:11.275 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:11.276 1155 1855 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10073/1747 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 64 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10073 RequestorUid: 10073 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui] ]] callback
flags: 1 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:29:11.277 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.277 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:11.278 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.279 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.281 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.282 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.283 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.284 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.286 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.287 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.288 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.289 1155 1419 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10073/1747 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 66 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10073 RequestorUid: 10073 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui] ]] callback
flags: 1 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:29:11.290 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.290 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:11.291 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.292 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.293 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.294 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.295 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.297 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.298 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.298 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.298 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.299 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.299 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.300 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.300 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 124107808; UID 1001; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:11.300 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.301 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 124107808; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:11.302 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.303 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.304 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.305 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.306 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.306 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.306 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.307 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.307 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.308 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.309 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.310 1155 1155 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.317 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 182478738; UID 1001; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:11.336 1155 2117 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:11.338 1155 2117 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:11.339 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:11.347 1155 1508 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:telephonyCollectData for user 0
11-03 22:29:11.350 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.350 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.351 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.352 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.354 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.356 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.358 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.360 1155 2117 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:11.360 1155 2117 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:11.367 1155 1419 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:11.398 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.403 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.408 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.417 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.422 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.422 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.423 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:11.423 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.425 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.426 1155 2117 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]}
11-03 22:29:11.428 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.429 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.430 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 151105954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:11.431 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 151105954; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:11.433 1155 1445 E AppOps : attributionTag TZManagerService not
declared in manifest of android
11-03 22:29:11.437 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:11.438 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:11.440 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:11.442 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.443 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.446 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:11.463 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:11.477 1155 1855 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:11.480 1155 1855 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@76e644d
11-03 22:29:11.483 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:11.483 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:11.483 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:11.483 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:11.483 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:11.483 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:11.484 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:11.484 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:11.484 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:11.484 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:11.484 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:11.484 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:11.484 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:11.485 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:11.486 1155 1419 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:radio.data.stall.recovery.action value:0
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:11.509 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.514 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.519 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.523 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.528 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.534 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.542 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.546 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.561 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.567 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.571 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.575 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.579 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.590 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.590 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.590 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 10073, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 10073, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 10073, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.591 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.592 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.593 1155 2117 I StatusBarManagerService: registerStatusBar
11-03 22:29:11.597 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.601 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.608 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 263606(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 27(792KB) LOS objects, 26% free,
35MB/48MB, paused 491us,477us total 166.143ms
11-03 22:29:11.609 1155 1419 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from
DCT-C-0 uid/pid=1001/1997
11-03 22:29:11.612 1155 1167 W System : A resource failed to call release.
11-03 22:29:11.619 1155 1419 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:radio.data.stall.recovery.action value:0
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:11.619 1155 1766 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:11.620 1155 1766 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:11.628 1155 2117 W OverlayManager: service 'idmap' died
11-03 22:29:11.631 1155 1422 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.settings.fullscreenprovider for user 0
11-03 22:29:11.632 1155 1422 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.settings.fullscreenprovider (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:11.632 1155 1422 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.settings.fullscreenprovider for user 0
11-03 22:29:11.632 1155 1422 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.settings.fullscreenprovider (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:11.632 1155 1422 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.settings.fullscreenprovider for user 0
11-03 22:29:11.632 1155 1422 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.settings.fullscreenprovider (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:11.633 1155 1422 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.settings.fullscreenprovider for user 0
11-03 22:29:11.633 1155 1422 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.settings.fullscreenprovider (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:11.636 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.639 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.643 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.646 1155 1916 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:11.646 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.649 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.653 1155 1916 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.654 1155 1855 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:11.657 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.660 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.663 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.663 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.664 1155 1639 D _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: REVICE MSG USER
11-03 22:29:11.664 1155 1639 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: e setting switch
string: 0
11-03 22:29:11.665 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.665 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
2; pos = 9 value: [0]
11-03 22:29:11.665 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
2; pos = 11 value: [0]
11-03 22:29:11.665 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
2; pos = 12 value: [0]
11-03 22:29:11.666 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
2; pos = 10 value: [0]
11-03 22:29:11.666 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
2; pos = 11 value: [0]
11-03 22:29:11.666 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
3; pos = 13 value: [0]
11-03 22:29:11.666 1155 1639 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 13 state = 0
11-03 22:29:11.666 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.668 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.668 1155 1639 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 14 state = 0
11-03 22:29:11.668 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 2; mPowerRequest: policy=BRIGHT,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:11.668 1155 1639 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 15 state = 0
11-03 22:29:11.668 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:11.668 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target ON, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:11.668 1155 1639 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 23 state = 0
11-03 22:29:11.668 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:11.669 1155 1639 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 19 state = 0
11-03 22:29:11.670 1155 1639 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 20 state = 0
11-03 22:29:11.670 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.671 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.671 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = BRIGHT; mPowerRequest.policy = BRIGHT;
mExitingWindow = false; mJustScreenOntrue
11-03 22:29:11.672 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.039051287; animateBrightness =
0.039051287; rate = 0; state = 2; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:11.672 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.672 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.674 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.675 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.676 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.677 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.679 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.680 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.681 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: handleMessage type =
1; pos = 5 value: [0]
11-03 22:29:11.682 1155 1656 I _V_VSensorFusion: mCharge = 0
11-03 22:29:11.682 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.683 1155 1445 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.bbk.updater
11-03 22:29:11.683 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.683 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10145; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:11.684 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:11.685 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.686 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.687 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.689 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.689 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.690 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.691 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.692 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.693 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.693 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=80000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.695 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.696 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.697 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.698 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.699 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.700 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=1000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.701 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.702 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.702 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.704 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.704 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2345:com.bbk.updater/u0a145 for broadcast
11-03 22:29:11.705 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2345, arg2 =
10145, str1 = com.bbk.updater, str2 = com.bbk.updater
11-03 22:29:11.705 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=10000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.707 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.708 1155 1419 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from
DCT-I-0 uid/pid=1001/1997
11-03 22:29:11.709 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=20000001 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.710 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_MUSIC
dev=40000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.712 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.713 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.715 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.717 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.718 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.720 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.721 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.723 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.724 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.725 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.727 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.728 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.729 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.730 1155 1855 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1001/1997 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 70 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]] callback flags: 0 priority:
11-03 22:29:11.730 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.731 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:11.733 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.734 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.738 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.739 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.740 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.741 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.742 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.744 1155 1419 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:11.744 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
11-03 22:29:11.746 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.748 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.749 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.751 1155 2352 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.
11-03 22:29:11.752 1155 1855 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:11.753 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.753 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.754 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=1000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.754 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.756 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.756 1155 1916 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:11.757 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=4000000 idx=7
11-03 22:29:11.759 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.760 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=10000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.761 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.762 1155 1855 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:11.762 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.764 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=20000001 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.764 1155 1916 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:11.765 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex:
STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY dev=40000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.766 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.766 1155 2117 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:11.767 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2 idx=4
11-03 22:29:11.769 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.770 1155 2362 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: BluetoothRouteManager:
getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no service available.
11-03 22:29:11.770 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.772 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.773 1155 2362 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: CallAudioRouteStateMachine:
setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: EARPIECE,
supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null],
supportedBluetoothDevices: []]
11-03 22:29:11.774 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.774 1155 2117 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:11.775 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.776 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.777 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.778 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.779 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.780 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.781 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.782 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.783 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.784 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.785 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.786 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.787 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.788 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.790 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40001 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.791 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=80000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.793 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=100000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.794 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=200000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.797 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=400000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.799 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=800000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.801 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=1000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.801 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.801 1155 2367 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: l11ll1l: Message received:
11-03 22:29:11.802 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=2000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.804 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=4000000 idx=6
11-03 22:29:11.805 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=8000000 idx=15
11-03 22:29:11.807 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=10000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.808 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.809 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=20000001 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.810 1155 1612 I AudioSystem: setStreamVolumeIndex: STREAM_TTS
dev=40000000 idx=10
11-03 22:29:11.812 1155 1612 D AS.AudioService: Master mono false
11-03 22:29:11.813 1155 1612 D AS.AudioService: Master balance 0,000000
11-03 22:29:11.813 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isvivobvmSupport false
11-03 22:29:11.813 1155 1612 D _V_AS.AudioService: SettingsObserver
onChange:false uri: content://settings/global/zen_mode_config_etag userId:0
11-03 22:29:11.814 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.815 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.849 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.855 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.862 1155 1855 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:telephonyCollectData for user 0
11-03 22:29:11.864 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.867 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:11.868 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.868 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:11.868 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:11.868 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:11.869 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.872 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.880 1155 1916 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:11.895 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.913 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.919 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.922 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.928 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:11.930 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.935 1155 2138 D Tethering: onReceive action =
11-03 22:29:11.936 1155 1965 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:radio.data.stall.recovery.action value:0
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:11.937 1155 1965 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]}
11-03 22:29:11.937 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:11.938 1155 1965 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.939 1155 1965 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.940 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:11.940 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:11.941 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:11.941 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:11.942 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:11.944 1155 1965 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.945 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:11.945 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:11.945 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:11.945 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:11.946 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:11.947 1155 1965 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.947 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:11.948 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:11.948 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:11.948 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:11.952 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:11.952 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:11.952 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:11.952 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:11.959 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.964 1155 1916 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:29:11.965 1155 1916 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=2253,
11-03 22:29:11.967 1155 1916 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
packageName: com.google.android.gms
11-03 22:29:11.968 1155 1916 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10179; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:11.968 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10179; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:11.974 1155 1916 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.984 1155 1419 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check supported packages []
11-03 22:29:11.984 1155 1419 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages []
11-03 22:29:11.984 1155 1419 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health
check requested packages
11-03 22:29:11.987 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2416:com.google.android.gms.persistent/u0a179 for service
11-03 22:29:11.987 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.988 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2416, arg2 =
10179, str1 = com.google.android.gms.persistent, str2 = com.google.android.gms
11-03 22:29:11.991 1155 2117 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check requested packages []
11-03 22:29:11.991 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:11.993 1155 2117 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health
check requests, unbinding...
11-03 22:29:12.002 1155 2117 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check service is unbound
11-03 22:29:12.003 1155 1916 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.016 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.021 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.022 1155 1855 I _V_VivoDisplayPolicyImpl: setVivoNavBar true
11-03 22:29:12.022 1155 1855 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0
NavigationBar0} task=null
11-03 22:29:12.030 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: setupClientMode()
ifacename = wlan0
11-03 22:29:12.030 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.034 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.035 1155 2426 E IpClient.wlan0: Failed to set accept_ra to 2
11-03 22:29:12.037 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.040 1155 1916 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.043 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
11-03 22:29:12.044 1155 2138 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0
11-03 22:29:12.045 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:12.049 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
11-03 22:29:12.050 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:12.050 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:12.050 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.050 1155 1855 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:12.051 1155 2138 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0
11-03 22:29:12.051 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
11-03 22:29:12.051 1155 2138 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0
11-03 22:29:12.054 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.061 1155 1965 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10179; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:12.074 1155 2117 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.pushservice
11-03 22:29:12.074 1155 2117 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10157; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:12.075 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10157; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.078 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 10073, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 10073, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1000, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 10073, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.079 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyDataConnectionForSubscriber: callerUid = 1001, subId = -1, phoneId = 1
11-03 22:29:12.080 1155 2097 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.080 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
11-03 22:29:12.080 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController: start
getListFromUCS BackgroundActivityBlack
11-03 22:29:12.085 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.090 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.090 1155 1768 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:12.090 1155 1768 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:12.094 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2451:com.vivo.pushservice/u0a157 for content provider
11-03 22:29:12.094 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2451, arg2 =
10157, str1 = com.vivo.pushservice, str2 = com.vivo.pushservice
11-03 22:29:12.097 1155 1508 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:12.111 1155 1419 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from
DCT-C-1 uid/pid=1001/1997
11-03 22:29:12.127 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:12.128 1155 1855 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:radio.data.stall.recovery.action value:0
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:12.154 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.161 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.163 1155 1443 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.163 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:12.166 1155 1656 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: DIRCET_DISABLE, so
disable prox
11-03 22:29:12.172 1155 1443 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.172 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.177 1155 1575 E WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Error! unhandled
message{ id=53 when=-32ms what=131527 arg1=1
target=com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
11-03 22:29:12.178 1155 1508 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2345
11-03 22:29:12.179 1155 1916 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:12.181 1155 1419 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.182 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.191 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10157; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:12.193 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent start
11-03 22:29:12.193 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.p1.mobile.putong.app.alive.OnepxActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.ss.android.message.sswo.SswoActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=b.a.aa.SiPiSActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=b.a.aa.SiPiActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.taobao.qianniu.module.im.keepalive.QnKeepAliveActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.bianla.remmberstepmodule.keeplive.PixelActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.tencent.weread/moai.daemon.DaemonActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.netqin.ps/com.library.caller.CallerViewActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.mopub.ads.common.special.internal.a.MoPubPixelActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.mopub.ads.common.special.internal.a.MoPubCommonActivity
11-03 22:29:12.194 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.jd.pushsdk.keeplive.onepx.KeepLiveActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.mopub.android.ads.normal.a.MopubPixelActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.ihs.device.permanent.foreground.ForegroundActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.mopub.special.ads.OverActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.sohu.sohuvideo.ui.OnePixelActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.android.leech.ad.LockAdActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.mopub.ads.normal.special.ui.MoPubKeepActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=org.keeplive.onepx.KeepLiveActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.mopub.android.ads.normal.a.MopubCommonActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.thomas.keep.alive.screen.SinglePxActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.michatapp.keepalive.ForegroundActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.tencent.karaoke.module.splash.ui.SplashBaseActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.inner.basic.activity.PActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=cootek.bbase.daemon.core.OnePixelDaemon$OnePixelActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.igexin.sdk.GActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.graymatrix.did.splash.SplashActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.srctechnosoft.eazytype.marathi.free.DummyActivity
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
parseAndAddContent line=com.darkwalls.hd/bsmedia.util.BSMAction
11-03 22:29:12.195 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController:
11-03 22:29:12.196 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController: add bg comp
list for overseas
11-03 22:29:12.196 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController: start
getListFromUCS BackgroundActivityWhite
11-03 22:29:12.198 1155 1443 D _V_VivoBackgroundActivityController: NO DATA in
11-03 22:29:12.199 1155 1916 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
11-03 22:29:12.200 1155 1916 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onKeyguardOccluded false
11-03 22:29:12.200 1155 1916 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0
NotificationShade} task=null
11-03 22:29:12.217 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.218 1155 1419 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.221 1155 1916 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:12.222 1155 1916 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:12.223 1155 2068 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.230 1155 2117 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0
StatusBar} task=null
11-03 22:29:12.233 1155 2068 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.237 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.239 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.243 1155 2068 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.246 1155 2068 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.250 1155 2068 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.253 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.257 1155 1855 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.261 1155 2068 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.265 1155 2068 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.270 1155 2097 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from
DCT-I-1 uid/pid=1001/1997
11-03 22:29:12.274 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:12.274 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:12.280 1155 2097 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1001/1997 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 73 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]] callback flags: 0 priority:
11-03 22:29:12.280 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:12.286 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.295 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.296 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.302 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.343 1155 1965 I _V_ANRManager: Create new log list for pid: 1747
11-03 22:29:12.344 1155 1965 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:12.380 1155 1965 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from
ImsPhoneCallTracker uid/pid=1001/1997
11-03 22:29:12.395 1155 1855 D NetworkStats: registerNetworkStatsProvider from
ImsPhoneCallTracker uid/pid=1001/1997
11-03 22:29:12.424 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener
11-03 22:29:12.442 1155 2068 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2451
11-03 22:29:12.443 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]
11-03 22:29:12.444 1155 2068 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2451
11-03 22:29:12.446 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]
11-03 22:29:12.464 1155 1419 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START
pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:12.465 1155 1419 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@5bd48e7
11-03 22:29:12.475 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:12.475 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:12.475 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:12.476 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLocked
11-03 22:29:12.476 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: getPhoneLockFlag
11-03 22:29:12.476 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:12.476 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:12.476 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:12.476 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: getCommercial
11-03 22:29:12.476 1155 2068 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.477 1155 2068 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=5,
11-03 22:29:12.479 1155 2068 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.491 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:12.494 1155 2068 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= 0, outValue
size= 2048, outValueLen= 2048, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.495 1155 2068 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.495 1155 2068 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:12.496 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.497 1155 2068 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = GsmInboundSmsHandler
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CdmaInboundSmsHandler
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = GsmInboundSmsHandler
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CdmaInboundSmsHandler
11-03 22:29:12.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.500 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.500 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.500 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = notification_wake_lock
11-03 22:29:12.501 1155 2068 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.501 1155 2068 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:12.501 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.502 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.502 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.502 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: getCommercial: value ===
11-03 22:29:12.502 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.502 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.502 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.502 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.502 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.503 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.503 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.503 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.503 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.508 1155 1965 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:12.508 1155 1965 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:12.522 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.523 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CallerInfoCache
11-03 22:29:12.525 1155 2068 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.541 1155 1965 W BluetoothManagerService:
bindBluetoothProfileService:Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth is
11-03 22:29:12.551 1155 1419 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:12.552 1155 1419 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:12.557 1155 1965 D AccountManagerService: Visibility was not
11-03 22:29:12.559 1155 1965 D AccountManagerService: Visibility was not
11-03 22:29:12.561 1155 1965 D AccountManagerService: Visibility was not
11-03 22:29:12.562 1155 1965 D AccountManagerService: Visibility was not
11-03 22:29:12.563 1155 1965 D AccountManagerService: Visibility was not
11-03 22:29:12.564 1155 1965 D AccountManagerService: Visibility was not
11-03 22:29:12.566 1155 2068 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:12.567 1155 2068 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:12.579 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: get Phone Lock buffer
11-03 22:29:12.579 1155 1965 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.579 1155 1965 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=5,
11-03 22:29:12.580 1155 1155 W ratelimit: SystemServer single thread limit 500/s
drop 500 lines
11-03 22:29:12.580 1155 1155 I _V_UserManagerService: writeUserLP:0
11-03 22:29:12.580 1155 1965 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.581 1155 1155 I _V_UserManagerService: verify OK
11-03 22:29:12.587 1155 1155 I _V_UserManagerService: update backup
11-03 22:29:12.593 1155 1965 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= 0, outValue
size= 2048, outValueLen= 2048, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.595 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:12.595 1155 1965 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.595 1155 1965 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:12.597 1155 2117 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2451
11-03 22:29:12.597 1155 1965 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.600 1155 1965 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.600 1155 1965 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:12.601 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:12.601 1155 2068 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.602 1155 2068 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:12.603 1155 2068 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.606 1155 2068 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.606 1155 2068 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:12.607 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:12.608 1155 1419 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.608 1155 1419 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:12.609 1155 1419 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.611 1155 1419 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.612 1155 1419 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:12.612 1155 1965 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.613 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:12.613 1155 2068 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.613 1155 2068 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:12.615 1155 2068 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.618 1155 2068 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.618 1155 2068 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:12.619 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: get Phone Lock Field
11-03 22:29:12.619 1155 1419 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.619 1155 1419 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=5,
11-03 22:29:12.620 1155 2068 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.621 1155 1419 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.625 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: Writing exception to parcel
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
You cannot keep your settings in the secure settings.
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.626 1155 1965 E DatabaseUtils: at
11-03 22:29:12.636 1155 1419 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= 0, outValue
size= 2048, outValueLen= 2048, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.638 1155 1419 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:12.638 1155 1419 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:12.640 1155 1419 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:12.642 1155 1419 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:12.642 1155 1419 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:12.661 1155 1419 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.google.android.gsf.gservices for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.672 1155 2117 I PackageManager: Adding preferred activity
com.android.dialer/.EmergencyDialer callingUid:1001 callingPid: 1997 for user 0:
11-03 22:29:12.702 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.702 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.704 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.704 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.709 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.709 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.710 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.710 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.713 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.715 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.719 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.723 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.726 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.728 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.730 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.733 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.735 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.737 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.740 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.745 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.761 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.761 1155 2117 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:keyguard_background_finger_color value:1
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:12.761 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = GsmCellBroadcastHandler
11-03 22:29:12.770 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.770 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CellBroadcastHandler
11-03 22:29:12.774 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.774 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler
11-03 22:29:12.779 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.781 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.783 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.785 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.790 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.797 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.800 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.801 1155 2068 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.weather.provider for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.821 1155 2068 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:12.826 1155 2117 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10073; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:12.826 1155 2117 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:12.826 1155 2117 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:12.843 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:0,mPreCardNum:0
11-03 22:29:12.843 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:12.843 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:12.850 1155 2117 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]}
11-03 22:29:12.851 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.854 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:12.854 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:12.855 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:12.855 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.855 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:12.856 1155 1155 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:12.856 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:12.858 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:12.859 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:12.860 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:12.867 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.868 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.868 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.869 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.872 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.874 1155 2117 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:12.874 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:12.875 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:12.875 1155 1155 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:12.876 1155 2097 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:12.876 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:12.876 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:12.877 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:12.878 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:12.878 1155 1155 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:12.878 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:12.878 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:12.884 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.884 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.885 1155 1595 D VcnManagementService: new snapshot:
TelephonySubscriptionSnapshot{ mActiveDataSubId=5, mSubIdToInfoMap={},
mPrivilegedPackages={} }
11-03 22:29:12.886 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.886 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.895 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:12.896 1155 1155 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:12.896 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:12.896 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:12.896 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:12.897 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:12.901 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.902 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.902 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.903 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.906 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:msim_mode_setting value:3
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:12.908 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:12.912 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.912 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:12.913 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.913 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:12.914 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.916 1155 2097 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:msim_mode_setting value:3
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:12.918 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: Telephony suggestion received.
currentUserConfig=ConfigurationInternal{mUserId=0, mUserConfigAllowed=true,
mTelephonyDetectionSupported=true, mGeoDetectionSupported=false,
mAutoDetectionEnabled=true, mLocationEnabled=true, mGeoDetectionEnabled=false}
newSuggestion=TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=0, mZoneId='null',
mMatchType=0, mQuality=0, mDebugInfo=[getTimeZoneSuggestion:
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
countryIsoCode=null, Detection
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
11-03 22:29:12.919 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: suggestTelephonyTimeZone
11-03 22:29:12.919 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: geolocation time zone
detection behavior is not actually enabled
11-03 22:29:12.919 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: Best suggestion not good
meZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=0, mZoneId='null', mMatchType=0, mQuality=0,
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
countryIsoCode=null, Detection
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]},
score=0}, detectionReason=New telephony time zone suggested.
suggestion=TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=0, mZoneId='null', mMatchType=0,
mQuality=0, mDebugInfo=[getTimeZoneSuggestion:
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
countryIsoCode=null, Detection
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
11-03 22:29:12.919 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: suggestTelephonyTime
timeSuggestion: TelephonyTimeSuggestion{mSlotIndex='0',
mUtcTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
mDebugInfo=[Sending new time suggestion
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
11-03 22:29:12.920 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: doAutoTimeDetection called,
detectionReason = New telephony time suggested.
mUtcTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
mDebugInfo=[Sending new time suggestion
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
11-03 22:29:12.920 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.920 1155 1420 D _V_ServiceConfigAccessor: configValue:[3, 1]
11-03 22:29:12.920 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: doAutoTimeDetection
originPriorities:[3, 1]
11-03 22:29:12.920 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:12.921 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: validateSuggestionUtcTime
utcTime: TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
elapsedRealtimeMillis: 34959
11-03 22:29:12.922 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.922 1155 1420 D time_detector: Not setting system clock. New time
and system clock are close enough. elapsedRealtimeMillis=34961
newTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000}
cause=Found good telephony suggestion.,
mUtcTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
mDebugInfo=[Sending new time suggestion
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]},
detectionReason=New telephony time suggested.
mUtcTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
mDebugInfo=[Sending new time suggestion
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
systemClockUpdateThreshold=2000 absTimeDifference=796
11-03 22:29:12.922 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = time_detector
11-03 22:29:12.923 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:12.923 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.923 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = time_detector
11-03 22:29:12.924 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: Telephony suggestion received.
currentUserConfig=ConfigurationInternal{mUserId=0, mUserConfigAllowed=true,
mTelephonyDetectionSupported=true, mGeoDetectionSupported=false,
mAutoDetectionEnabled=true, mLocationEnabled=true, mGeoDetectionEnabled=false}
newSuggestion=TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=1, mZoneId='null',
mMatchType=0, mQuality=0, mDebugInfo=[getTimeZoneSuggestion:
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
countryIsoCode=null, Detection
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: suggestTelephonyTimeZone
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: geolocation time zone
detection behavior is not actually enabled
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: Best suggestion not good
meZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=0, mZoneId='null', mMatchType=0, mQuality=0,
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
countryIsoCode=null, Detection
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]},
score=0}, detectionReason=New telephony time zone suggested.
suggestion=TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=1, mZoneId='null', mMatchType=0,
mQuality=0, mDebugInfo=[getTimeZoneSuggestion:
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
countryIsoCode=null, Detection
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: suggestTelephonyTime
timeSuggestion: TelephonyTimeSuggestion{mSlotIndex='1',
mUtcTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
mDebugInfo=[Sending new time suggestion
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: doAutoTimeDetection called,
detectionReason = New telephony time suggested.
mUtcTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
mDebugInfo=[Sending new time suggestion
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D _V_ServiceConfigAccessor: configValue:[3, 1]
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: doAutoTimeDetection
originPriorities:[3, 1]
11-03 22:29:12.925 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: validateSuggestionUtcTime
utcTime: TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
elapsedRealtimeMillis: 34964
11-03 22:29:12.926 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: validateSuggestionUtcTime
utcTime: TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
elapsedRealtimeMillis: 34964
11-03 22:29:12.926 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.928 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = time_detector
11-03 22:29:12.928 1155 1420 D time_detector: Not setting system clock. New time
and system clock are close enough. elapsedRealtimeMillis=34967
newTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000}
cause=Found good telephony suggestion.,
mUtcTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
mDebugInfo=[Sending new time suggestion
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]},
detectionReason=New telephony time suggested.
mUtcTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835, mValue=1667489339000},
mDebugInfo=[Sending new time suggestion
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}})]}
systemClockUpdateThreshold=2000 absTimeDifference=796
11-03 22:29:12.928 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = time_detector
11-03 22:29:12.929 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.930 1155 1916 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0
ScreenDecorOverlay} task=null
11-03 22:29:12.932 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.932 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.935 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.935 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.952 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:device_current_country value:id
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:12.953 1155 2097 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0
ScreenDecorOverlayBottom} task=null
11-03 22:29:12.955 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.955 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.956 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.957 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:12.959 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.961 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.963 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.965 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.966 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:12.967 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.969 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.972 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.973 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:12.973 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:12.974 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:12.974 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:12.974 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:12.974 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:12.974 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:12.974 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:12.974 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.975 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-
2147483648,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[0,0][720,46], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[0,0], mVisible=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:29:12.975 1155 1421 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_fullscreen_flag value:1 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:12.975 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:12.976 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.978 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.980 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.982 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.984 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.984 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:12.986 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.988 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.990 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.992 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.992 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.994 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.995 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.996 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.997 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:12.998 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.000 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.002 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.004 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.007 1155 1421 D _V_FaceUnlockController: setKeyguardService true
(service connected)
11-03 22:29:13.007 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.008 1155 2069 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:13.008 1155 1916 W _V_KeyguardStateMonitor:
(KeyguardState,KeyguardServiceWrapper) onShowingStateChanged showing = true
11-03 22:29:13.009 1155 1916 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: onKeyGuardChange
11-03 22:29:13.009 1155 1916 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
11-03 22:29:13.010 1155 1916 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onKeyguardShown true
11-03 22:29:13.010 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: is talkback in crash
11-03 22:29:13.010 1155 1421 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: isTalkbackOn:false
isShortcutTalkbackOn:false mIsKeyguardShowing:true isTalkbackInCrashServices:false
11-03 22:29:13.011 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.012 1155 1916 D _V_SnapshotWindow: onKeyguardShown(showing:true,
11-03 22:29:13.013 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.015 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.018 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.020 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.022 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.023 1155 2565 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:29:13.023 1155 2565 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:13.025 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.025 1155 1916 D _V_StatusBarManagerService: manageDisableList
userId=0 old what1=0x0 new what=0x1200000 pkg=com.android.systemui mCurrentUserId=0
for update
11-03 22:29:13.027 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.029 1155 1155 D _V_NotificationService:
DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY:enqueueNotificationWithTag pkg=android
notification=Notification(channel=ZEN_MODE_CHANNEL_LOCK shortcut=null
contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x0 color=0x00000000
groupKey=ZEN_GROUP vis=PRIVATE internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) userId =-2
11-03 22:29:13.030 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.032 1155 1155 D BluetoothA2dp: Binding service...
11-03 22:29:13.032 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.035 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.038 1155 1155 D _V_NotificationService: already existed. key=0|
11-03 22:29:13.039 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.039 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = notification_wake_lock
11-03 22:29:13.055 1155 2069 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Revoking permissions from
disabled data services for user:0
11-03 22:29:13.058 1155 2069 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to
enabled data services for user:0
11-03 22:29:13.068 1155 2069 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:13.072 1155 1916 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:6c17b97 u0 ShellDropTarget}: oldVis=4, newVis=4,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:13.080 1155 1508 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.102 1155 1979 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:13.103 1155 1979 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:13.105 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}
11-03 22:29:13.105 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
11-03 22:29:13.118 1155 1916 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.129 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM
name:hide_rotation_lock_toggle_for_accessibility value:0 pkg:com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:13.130 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.132 1155 2069 V _V_WindowManager: freezeDisplayRotationWithReason:
displayId = 0, tmpRotation=0, rotation=0, CallingPid =1747, reason = default
11-03 22:29:13.134 1155 2069 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:accelerometer_rotation value:0
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:13.135 1155 2069 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:user_rotation value:0 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:13.135 1155 2117 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.155 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.155 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:finger_for_bouncer_show value:0 pkg:com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:13.155 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.156 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:13.162 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.180 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.185 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:13.190 1155 2560 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:13.190 1155 2560 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:13.190 1155 2560 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:13.190 1155 2560 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:13.190 1155 2560 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:13.191 1155 2560 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-
2147483648,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[0,0][720,46], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[0,0], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:29:13.206 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}
11-03 22:29:13.213 1155 2560 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[0,0], mVisible=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0][0,0],
mVisible=false}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:29:13.220 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.234 1155 2560 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Revoking permissions from
disabled data services for user:0
11-03 22:29:13.237 1155 1508 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to
enabled data services for user:0
11-03 22:29:13.240 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.260 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.276 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.284 1155 1965 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:13.291 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.307 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:13.334 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.334 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.336 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.336 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.340 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.364 1155 2560 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:13.443 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = notification_wake_lock
11-03 22:29:13.443 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.528 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.528 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.529 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.530 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.534 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.541 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.543 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.545 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.547 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.549 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.551 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.579 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.580 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.580 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.580 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.581 1155 1916 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]}
11-03 22:29:13.582 1155 1916 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:13.589 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:0,mPreCardNum:0
11-03 22:29:13.589 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:13.590 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:13.595 1155 1916 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:13.598 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:13.600 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:13.601 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:13.601 1155 1155 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:13.601 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:13.601 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:13.602 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:13.602 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:13.603 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:13.614 1155 1916 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:13.614 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:13.614 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:13.614 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:13.615 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:13.615 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:13.615 1155 1155 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:13.615 1155 2097 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:13.618 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.618 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.619 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.620 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.622 1155 1965 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:msim_mode_setting value:3
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:13.624 1155 1916 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:13.624 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:13.625 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:13.625 1155 1155 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:13.625 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:13.626 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:13.626 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:13.626 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.628 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:13.628 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:13.630 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.630 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:13.630 1155 1155 E _V_MobileNetworkQosMonitor: mTelephonyManager is
11-03 22:29:13.630 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:13.630 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:13.632 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:13.633 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.633 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:13.633 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:13.639 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.640 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:13.641 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:13.641 1155 2097 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:msim_mode_setting value:3
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:13.641 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.665 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.665 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.666 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.666 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.668 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.670 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.671 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.673 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.675 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.678 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.681 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.683 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.686 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.688 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.690 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.692 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.694 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.696 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.698 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.700 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.702 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.704 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.706 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.708 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.709 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.710 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.712 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.713 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.714 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:13.714 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.716 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.720 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.723 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.726 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.726 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.729 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.730 1155 1508 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:13.731 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.732 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.733 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.734 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.736 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.739 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.741 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.744 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.746 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.749 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.763 1155 2097 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Revoking permissions from
disabled data services for user:0
11-03 22:29:13.765 1155 2097 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to
enabled data services for user:0
11-03 22:29:13.846 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.847 1155 1965 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1747,
11-03 22:29:13.851 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.860 1155 1965 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.upslide
11-03 22:29:13.861 1155 1965 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:13.862 1155 1508 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:13.866 1155 2097 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1747,
11-03 22:29:13.888 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2601:com.vivo.upslide/1000 for service
11-03 22:29:13.889 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2601, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.upslide, str2 = com.vivo.upslide
11-03 22:29:13.909 1155 1155 V _V_NotificationClassifyManager: save notification
classify config.
11-03 22:29:13.935 1155 1508 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}: oldVis=4, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:13.945 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:13.948 1155 1423 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.951 1155 1508 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} updateControlForTarget
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}
11-03 22:29:13.954 1155 1508 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateControlForTarget
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}
11-03 22:29:13.961 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw
win=Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade} appearance=0x0
appearanceRegions.fullscreenAppearance=0 appearanceRegions.dockedAppearance=0
11-03 22:29:13.983 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:13.987 1155 1965 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Revoking permissions from
disabled data services for user:0
11-03 22:29:13.989 1155 1965 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to
enabled data services for user:0
11-03 22:29:14.037 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.038 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.038 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.038 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.048 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.053 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=46
11-03 22:29:14.065 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:14.066 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:14.066 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:14.067 1155 1965 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:29:14.070 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.070 1155 1965 D _V_BarAnimController: shouldChangeDrawState,
return false for Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar}
11-03 22:29:14.070 1155 1421 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_fullscreen_flag value:0 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:14.072 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:14.082 1155 1508 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:14.089 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.106 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.109 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:14.109 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:14.113 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:14.118 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.123 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
11-03 22:29:14.124 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
11-03 22:29:14.131 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.141 1155 1424 V _V_WindowManager: computeImeTarget when a better
ime target finish drawing
11-03 22:29:14.149 1155 1424 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} updateControlForTarget
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}
11-03 22:29:14.153 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.153 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.156 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
11-03 22:29:14.156 1155 1508 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:14.163 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.164 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.168 1155 1508 V _V_WindowManager: computeImeTarget when a better
ime target finish drawing
11-03 22:29:14.171 1155 1508 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateControlForTarget
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}
11-03 22:29:14.174 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.174 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.188 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.188 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.195 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.195 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.201 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:14.202 1155 1930 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb7866b58 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/20
11-03 22:29:14.202 1155 1930 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 1
11-03 22:29:14.205 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.205 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.206 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 228457(12MB) AllocSpace objects, 21(584KB) LOS objects, 27% free,
35MB/48MB, paused 562us,508us total 198.696ms
11-03 22:29:14.216 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.216 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.248 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.258 1155 2069 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.chimera.BoundService.START dat=chimera-
cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:14.258 1155 2560 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:14.268 1155 1916 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@abcabc9
11-03 22:29:14.276 1155 1916 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:14.280 1155 1916 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:14.284 1155 2560 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:14.287 1155 2560 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:navigation_gesture_slide_back value:0
pkg:com.vivo.upslide userId:0
11-03 22:29:14.296 1155 1508 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:14.299 1155 1916 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:14.303 1155 1508 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:14.306 1155 1916 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:14.355 1155 2560 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.chimera.BoundService.START dat=chimera-
cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:14.356 1155 2069 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@dbf820b
11-03 22:29:14.373 1155 1508 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:14.435 1155 2560 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:14.436 1155 2560 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:14.437 589 663 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb84e0360) for
11-03 22:29:14.439 1155 2069 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.vivo.upslide:c2a9ab7 u0
SideSlideDisplayPanel} task=null
11-03 22:29:14.461 1155 1508 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.vivo.upslide:45c29af u0
SideSlideGestureBar-Left} task=null
11-03 22:29:14.474 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:14.475 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: Listener sub: 5
11-03 22:29:14.476 1155 1437 E StatsPullAtomService: subInfo of subId 5 is
invalid, ignored.
11-03 22:29:14.480 1155 1570 W NetworkPolicy: Missing subscriberId for subId 5
11-03 22:29:14.482 1155 1508 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.vivo.upslide:2619fa7 u0
SideSlideGestureBar-Right} task=null
11-03 22:29:14.483 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:1,mPreCardNum:0
11-03 22:29:14.484 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:14.488 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: onPreciseCallStateChanged
mActiveSubId: -1
11-03 22:29:14.488 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: onPreciseCallStateChanged
foregroundState: -1 ringingState: -1
11-03 22:29:14.491 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState: SubID
onPreciseCallStateChanged() fstate:-1,bstate:-1,rstate:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-
11-03 22:29:14.491 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState: SubID
onPreciseCallStateChanged() mSubLastPhoneState:-1
11-03 22:29:14.495 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:14.495 1155 2069 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{com.vivo.upslide:8c091ec u0
SideSlideGestureBar-Bottom} task=null
11-03 22:29:14.496 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.508 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.509 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:14.524 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:14.525 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:14.525 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:14.544 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:14.545 1155 1508 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:14.546 1155 2560 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:14.556 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:14.556 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:14.556 1155 2097 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.smartmultiwindow.util_recent pkg=com.vivo.smartmultiwindow } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:14.559 1155 1855 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: listen: E pkg=*** uid=10073
events=[23] notifyNow=true subId=2147483647 myUserId=0 callerUserId=0
11-03 22:29:14.560 1155 1855 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 182478738; UID 10073; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:14.561 1155 1916 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:is_register_animation value:0
pkg:com.vivo.upslide userId:0
11-03 22:29:14.564 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:multi_sim_data_call value:5
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:14.564 1155 1916 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:c2a9ab7 u0 SideSlideDisplayPanel}: oldVis=0, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:14.568 1155 1155 D WifiService: resetting networks as default data
SIM is changed
11-03 22:29:14.568 1155 1916 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.568 1155 1916 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.569 1155 1575 D WifiService: resetting carrier networks since SIM
was changed
11-03 22:29:14.570 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:14.570 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:14.571 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:14.571 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:14.571 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:14.571 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:14.573 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.573 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.576 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.576 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.578 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.578 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.578 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:14.579 1155 1887 W _V_GnssConfiguration: nfw: VGC not config.
11-03 22:29:14.579 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.579 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.581 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.581 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.582 1155 1437 E StatsPullAtomService: subInfo of subId 5 is
invalid, ignored.
11-03 22:29:14.582 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.582 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.584 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.584 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.585 1155 1570 W NetworkPolicy: Missing subscriberId for subId 5
11-03 22:29:14.586 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:14.588 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:14.589 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.589 1155 1508 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ cmp=com.android.vivo.tws.vivotws/.service.VivoAdapterService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:14.589 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: Listener sub: 4
11-03 22:29:14.590 1155 1437 E StatsPullAtomService: subInfo of subId 4 is
invalid, ignored.
11-03 22:29:14.590 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.590 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:45c29af u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Left}: oldVis=0, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=34, requestedHeight=1529
11-03 22:29:14.591 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.591 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.592 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.593 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.594 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.594 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.594 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.594 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.596 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.596 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.597 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.598 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.600 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.601 1155 1570 W NetworkPolicy: Missing subscriberId for subId 4
11-03 22:29:14.601 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.602 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.602 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.603 1155 1965 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:14.603 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.603 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.603 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:1
11-03 22:29:14.603 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:14.604 1155 1575 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 5
11-03 22:29:14.604 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.604 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.606 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:2619fa7 u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Right}: oldVis=0, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=34, requestedHeight=1529
11-03 22:29:14.606 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.606 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.607 1155 1965 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:14.607 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.607 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.609 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.609 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.609 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.609 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.610 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.610 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.610 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.612 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.612 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.613 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.613 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.613 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: onPreciseCallStateChanged
mActiveSubId: -1
11-03 22:29:14.613 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: onPreciseCallStateChanged
foregroundState: -1 ringingState: -1
11-03 22:29:14.614 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.614 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.615 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.618 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.618 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.619 1155 1855 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1001/1997 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 76 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]] callback flags: 0 priority:
11-03 22:29:14.620 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.620 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.620 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:14.621 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.621 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.621 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:14.622 1155 1855 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:8c091ec u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Bottom}: oldVis=0, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=25
11-03 22:29:14.622 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.622 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.622 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState: SubID
onPreciseCallStateChanged() fstate:-1,bstate:-1,rstate:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-
11-03 22:29:14.623 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState: SubID
onPreciseCallStateChanged() mSubLastPhoneState:-1
11-03 22:29:14.624 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:14.625 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.625 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.626 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.626 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.627 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.628 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.629 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.629 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 2097 W Binder : at
11-03 22:29:14.630 1155 1575 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 3
11-03 22:29:14.631 1155 1575 W WifiNetworkSuggestionsManager: SIM state is
11-03 22:29:14.633 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.633 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.634 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.634 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.635 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.635 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.637 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.637 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.638 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.638 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.639 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:14.640 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:14.640 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.640 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.641 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.642 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.642 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.643 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.643 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.644 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.644 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.644 1155 2069 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: listen: E pkg=*** uid=10073
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9] notifyNow=true subId=5 myUserId=0 callerUserId=0
11-03 22:29:14.645 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.645 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.646 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.646 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.647 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:14.647 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:14.649 1155 1855 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:45c29af u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Left}: oldVis=8, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=34, requestedHeight=1529
11-03 22:29:14.653 1155 1575 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 4
11-03 22:29:14.654 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.654 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.658 1155 1508 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: listen: E pkg=*** uid=10073
events=[13] notifyNow=true subId=5 myUserId=0 callerUserId=0
11-03 22:29:14.660 1155 1855 I DefaultPermGrantPolicy: Granting permissions to
enabled ImsServices for user:0
11-03 22:29:14.661 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:2619fa7 u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Right}: oldVis=8, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=34, requestedHeight=1529
11-03 22:29:14.665 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.666 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.671 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:8c091ec u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Bottom}: oldVis=8, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=25
11-03 22:29:14.675 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.675 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.678 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CallerInfoCache
11-03 22:29:14.678 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.698 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:45c29af u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Left}: oldVis=8, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=34, requestedHeight=1529
11-03 22:29:14.701 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.701 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.706 1155 1855 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:2619fa7 u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Right}: oldVis=8, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=34, requestedHeight=1529
11-03 22:29:14.708 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.708 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.713 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:8c091ec u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Bottom}: oldVis=8, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=0, requestedHeight=25
11-03 22:29:14.717 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.717 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.730 1155 1855 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.vivo.upslide:8c091ec u0 SideSlideGestureBar-Bottom}: oldVis=8, newVis=8,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=25
11-03 22:29:14.735 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:14.735 1155 1855 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:14.744 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.745 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.745 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.746 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.747 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.756 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.780 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.780 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.782 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.782 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.783 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.790 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.805 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.806 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.806 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.806 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.825 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.826 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.826 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.826 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.835 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.835 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.836 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.836 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:14.869 1155 2097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 1001; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:14.881 1155 1855 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: listen: E pkg=*** uid=10073
events=[36] notifyNow=true subId=5 myUserId=0 callerUserId=0
11-03 22:29:14.910 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.942 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.958 1155 1508 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: listen: E pkg=*** uid=10073
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9] notifyNow=true subId=4 myUserId=0 callerUserId=0
11-03 22:29:14.959 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:14.968 1155 2097 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: listen: E pkg=*** uid=10073
events=[13] notifyNow=true subId=4 myUserId=0 callerUserId=0
11-03 22:29:15.055 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.073 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.091 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.116 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:15.117 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:15.132 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.155 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.155 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.156 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.157 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.203 1155 1930 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb7868818 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/24
11-03 22:29:15.203 1155 1930 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb78686d8 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/24
11-03 22:29:15.203 1155 1930 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb7868bd8 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 6/24
11-03 22:29:15.203 1155 1930 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb7868958 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/34
11-03 22:29:15.203 1155 1930 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0xb7866c98 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 2/7 (recycle/alloc) - 5/22
11-03 22:29:15.203 1155 1930 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 5,
evicted: 5
11-03 22:29:15.246 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.247 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.248 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.248 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.265 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.302 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.302 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.303 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.303 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.385 1155 2097 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:15.386 1155 1818 D _V_ANRManager: totaltime = 5000
11-03 22:29:15.386 1155 1818 I _V_ANRManager: Create new dump time for pid: 1747
11-03 22:29:15.426 1155 1818 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started
dumping process 1747
11-03 22:29:15.429 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(addr: -> ************)(cap: CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub -> SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub )(subAddr:
-> ************)]
11-03 22:29:15.429 1155 2097 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:15.439 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:15.555 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.559 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.644 1155 1766 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:15.644 1155 1766 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:15.654 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(addr: -> ************)(cap: CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub -> SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub )(subAddr:
-> ************)]
11-03 22:29:15.654 1155 2560 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:15.658 1155 1443 E _V_EmergencyBroadcastManager: start
11-03 22:29:15.665 1155 1443 E _V_EmergencyBroadcastManager: end
11-03 22:29:15.705 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:15.714 1155 2560 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:flashlight_available value:1
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:15.715 1155 2560 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:flashlight_enabled value:0
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:15.844 1155 2097 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ cmp=com.vivo.upslide/com.vivo.card.service.CardService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:15.846 1155 2097 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10073 pid=1747
11-03 22:29:15.847 1155 2560 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ cmp=com.android.launcher3/.keyguardstatechanged.service.UnlockAnimService } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:15.849 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:15.863 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_https_url value: pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:15.864 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_http_url value: pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:15.865 1155 1155 D WifiService: Country code changed to :id
11-03 22:29:15.865 1155 1155 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: id
11-03 22:29:15.865 1155 1155 D WifiCountryCode: updateCountryCode to ID
11-03 22:29:15.870 1155 1155 D WifiNative: onSetCountryCodeSucceeded: ID
11-03 22:29:15.870 1155 1155 I WifiCountryCode: Receive onSetCountryCodeSucceeded
11-03 22:29:15.871 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:15.872 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:15.882 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: Telephony suggestion received.
currentUserConfig=ConfigurationInternal{mUserId=0, mUserConfigAllowed=true,
mTelephonyDetectionSupported=true, mGeoDetectionSupported=false,
mAutoDetectionEnabled=true, mLocationEnabled=true, mGeoDetectionEnabled=false}
newSuggestion=TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=0, mZoneId='Asia/Jakarta',
mMatchType=3, mQuality=1, mDebugInfo=[findTimeZoneFromCountryAndNitz:
countryIsoCode=id, nitzSignal=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835,
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
lookupResult=OffsetResult{mTimeZone(ID)=Asia/Jakarta, mIsOnlyMatch=true}, Detection
11-03 22:29:15.882 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: suggestTelephonyTimeZone
11-03 22:29:15.882 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: geolocation time zone
detection behavior is not actually enabled
11-03 22:29:15.882 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: No need to change the time
zone; device is already set to newZoneId., newZoneId=Asia/Jakarta, cause=Found good
meZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=0, mZoneId='Asia/Jakarta', mMatchType=3, mQuality=1,
mDebugInfo=[findTimeZoneFromCountryAndNitz: countryIsoCode=id,
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
lookupResult=OffsetResult{mTimeZone(ID)=Asia/Jakarta, mIsOnlyMatch=true}, Detection
reason=handleCountryDetected("id")]}, score=3}, detectionReason=New telephony time
zone suggested. suggestion=TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=0,
mZoneId='Asia/Jakarta', mMatchType=3, mQuality=1,
mDebugInfo=[findTimeZoneFromCountryAndNitz: countryIsoCode=id,
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
lookupResult=OffsetResult{mTimeZone(ID)=Asia/Jakarta, mIsOnlyMatch=true}, Detection
11-03 22:29:15.918 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.919 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.920 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.920 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.948 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.955 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.955 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.956 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:15.956 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:15.989 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:16.054 1155 1916 D _V_LockSettingsService: checkVoldPassword password
is empty
11-03 22:29:16.057 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:16.059 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 10073, arg2 =
1747, name = show keyguard
11-03 22:29:16.067 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:16.069 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:16.116 1155 1916 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ cmp=com.android.launcher3/.keyguardstatechanged.service.UnlockAnimService } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:16.120 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.121 1155 1768 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:16.122 1155 1768 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:16.194 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=80000000 {1.54
?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 -
720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.14 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.201 1155 1420 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.204 1155 1420 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.208 1155 1508 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:16.209 1155 1507 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:16.211 1155 1420 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.219 1155 1420 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.220 1155 1508 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:16.224 1155 1420 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.228 1155 2068 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:16.229 1155 1420 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.231 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.upslide new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.15 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.232 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.pushservice new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.16 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.233 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.google.android.gms.persistent new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp
w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.17 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.233 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.bbk.updater new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.18 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.234 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.google.android.apps.wellbeing new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp
w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.19 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.235 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.launcher3 new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.20 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.235 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.settings:SettingsExProvider new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr
sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.21 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.236 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.bbk.updater:remote new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.22 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.237 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.google.android.ext.services new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp
w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.23 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.238 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc com.vivo.rms
new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.24 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.238 1155 1155 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:16.238 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.settings new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.25 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.239 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.fingerprintui new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.26 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.239 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.phone new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.27 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.240 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.faceui new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.28 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.241 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.daemonService new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.29 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.241 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc com.vivo.abe
new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.30 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.242 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.systemui new config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.31 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.243 1155 1420 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc system new
config {1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.32 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:16.244 1155 1420 I WindowManager: Override config changes=80000000
{1.54 ?mcc?mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night
finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.14 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1} for displayId=0
11-03 22:29:16.250 1155 2138 D Tethering: onReceive action =
11-03 22:29:16.254 1155 2068 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:16.258 1155 1420 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 174042980; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:16.274 1155 1420 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.275 1155 1420 D _V_BarAnimController: shouldChangeDrawState,
return false for Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar}
11-03 22:29:16.284 1155 1420 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 102ms android.fg
h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.om.OverlayManagerService$
$ExternalSyntheticLambda2@84cec0d m=0
11-03 22:29:16.287 1155 1155 V PackageManager: Sending package changed:
package=android components=[android]
11-03 22:29:16.294 1155 1420 D CompanionDeviceManagerService:
onPackageModified(packageName = android)
11-03 22:29:16.297 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:16.298 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: Failed to parse
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.303 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: Failed to parse
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: null
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 W CompanionDeviceManagerService: at
11-03 22:29:16.304 1155 1420 I CompanionDeviceManagerService: Read associations
from disk: {0=[]}
11-03 22:29:16.306 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.306 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:16.306 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.306 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:29:16.307 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:16.307 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:29:16.322 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.341 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.346 1155 1420 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.permissioncontroller uid 10204, isRmsPreload = false,
keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:29:16.347 1155 1420 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1155,
11-03 22:29:16.347 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:29:16.348 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.350 1155 1420 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
packageName: com.google.android.permissioncontroller
11-03 22:29:16.351 1155 1420 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10204; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:16.351 1155 1420 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10204; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:16.351 1155 1420 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10204; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:16.351 1155 1420 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10204; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:16.352 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10204; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:16.353 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.357 1155 1965 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish:
11-03 22:29:16.357 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
11-03 22:29:16.369 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2692:com.google.android.permissioncontroller/u0a204 for service
11-03 22:29:16.369 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2692, arg2 =
10204, str1 = com.google.android.permissioncontroller, str2 =
11-03 22:29:16.374 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.387 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:16.387 1155 2560 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:16.390 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:16.400 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:16.402 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.405 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.406 1155 1507 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:16.417 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.420 1155 1507 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:16.422 1155 2560 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:16.423 1155 1507 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.430 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.434 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
11-03 22:29:16.438 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.440 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}
11-03 22:29:16.442 1155 1507 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10204; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:16.449 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:16.450 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.472 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.489 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.514 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.539 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.552 1155 1507 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:16.553 1155 1507 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:16.554 1155 1507 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:16.555 1155 1507 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:16.555 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.556 1155 1965 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:16.557 1155 2560 D _V_AS.AudioService: getRingerModeInternal by user
0,current user 0
11-03 22:29:16.565 1155 1437 D AccessibilityManagerService: Ignoring non-
encryption-aware service
11-03 22:29:16.566 1155 1437 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:accessibility_enabled value:0 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:16.580 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.604 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:16.604 1155 2560 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:16.606 1155 1507 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10204 callingPid:2692
11-03 22:29:16.606 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:16.611 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.624 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.637 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:16.649 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:16.649 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:16.651 1155 1818 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping
process 1747
11-03 22:29:16.654 1155 1818 D _V_ANRManager: Done with pid 1747 in 1267ms
11-03 22:29:16.654 1155 1818 D _V_ANRManager: dumpProcessFiles add:
11-03 22:29:16.723 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:16.727 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_https_url value: pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:16.727 1155 1155 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_http_url value: pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:16.728 1155 1155 D WifiService: Country code changed to :id
11-03 22:29:16.728 1155 1155 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: id
11-03 22:29:16.728 1155 1155 D WifiCountryCode: updateCountryCode to ID
11-03 22:29:16.728 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: Telephony suggestion received.
currentUserConfig=ConfigurationInternal{mUserId=0, mUserConfigAllowed=true,
mTelephonyDetectionSupported=true, mGeoDetectionSupported=false,
mAutoDetectionEnabled=true, mLocationEnabled=true, mGeoDetectionEnabled=false}
newSuggestion=TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=1, mZoneId='Asia/Jakarta',
mMatchType=3, mQuality=1, mDebugInfo=[findTimeZoneFromCountryAndNitz:
countryIsoCode=id, nitzSignal=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=21835,
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
lookupResult=OffsetResult{mTimeZone(ID)=Asia/Jakarta, mIsOnlyMatch=true}, Detection
11-03 22:29:16.728 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: suggestTelephonyTimeZone
11-03 22:29:16.728 1155 1420 D _V_time_zone_detector: geolocation time zone
detection behavior is not actually enabled
11-03 22:29:16.729 1155 1420 D time_zone_detector: No need to change the time
zone; device is already set to newZoneId., newZoneId=Asia/Jakarta, cause=Found good
meZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=0, mZoneId='Asia/Jakarta', mMatchType=3, mQuality=1,
mDebugInfo=[findTimeZoneFromCountryAndNitz: countryIsoCode=id,
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
lookupResult=OffsetResult{mTimeZone(ID)=Asia/Jakarta, mIsOnlyMatch=true}, Detection
reason=handleCountryDetected("id")]}, score=3}, detectionReason=New telephony time
zone suggested. suggestion=TelephonyTimeZoneSuggestion{mSlotIndex=1,
mZoneId='Asia/Jakarta', mMatchType=3, mQuality=1,
mDebugInfo=[findTimeZoneFromCountryAndNitz: countryIsoCode=id,
mValue=NitzData{mOriginalString=22/11/03,15:28:59+28,0, mZoneOffset=25200000,
mDstOffset=0, mCurrentTimeMillis=1667489339000, mEmulatorHostTimeZone=null}},
lookupResult=OffsetResult{mTimeZone(ID)=Asia/Jakarta, mIsOnlyMatch=true}, Detection
11-03 22:29:16.733 1155 1155 D WifiNative: onSetCountryCodeSucceeded: ID
11-03 22:29:16.733 1155 1155 I WifiCountryCode: Receive onSetCountryCodeSucceeded
11-03 22:29:16.735 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:16.735 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:16.974 1155 1924 D _V_SystemAutoRecoverService: start checking class
11-03 22:29:17.033 1155 2069 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:17.034 1155 2069 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:17.118 1155 1423 W _V_VivoWmsImpl: WAITING_FOR_DRAWN_TIMEOUT: for
unfrozen android.uid.systemui:10073
11-03 22:29:17.126 1155 1979 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:17.127 1155 1979 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:17.142 1155 1508 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10073 pid=1747
11-03 22:29:17.144 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:17.158 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:17.158 1155 1508 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:17.161 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:17.278 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:17.278 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:17.285 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.287 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.295 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:17.305 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:17.308 1155 2068 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:17.309 1155 2068 D _V_InsetsStateController: onInsetsModified
newState = InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false} } from Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0
11-03 22:29:17.312 1155 2068 D _V_WindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw
win=Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade} appearance=0x0
appearanceRegions.fullscreenAppearance=0 appearanceRegions.dockedAppearance=0
11-03 22:29:17.316 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.319 1155 1423 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:29:17.320 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.322 1155 2068 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:17.325 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: Received from
keyguard isKeyguarActive = false
11-03 22:29:17.326 1155 2068 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.326 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.326 1155 2722 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10073 pid=1747
11-03 22:29:17.328 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:17.330 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:17.335 1155 2068 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.344 1155 2068 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onKeyguardMsgChanged
keyguard_status 1
11-03 22:29:17.344 1155 2097 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:finger_for_bouncer_show value:1 pkg:com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:17.345 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:17.346 1155 2722 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:17.349 1155 2117 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10073 pid=1747
11-03 22:29:17.350 1155 2722 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.358 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.362 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:17.365 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.371 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:17.372 1155 2069 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:17.375 1155 2069 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.376 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:17.376 1155 1965 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:17.377 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.379 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:17.383 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.384 1155 1965 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onKeyguardMsgChanged
keyguard_status 2
11-03 22:29:17.384 1155 2069 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:finger_for_bouncer_show value:0 pkg:com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:17.385 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:17.385 1155 2722 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:17.388 1155 2722 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.393 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.396 1155 2722 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:17.400 1155 2722 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.405 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.406 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 10073, arg2 =
1747, name = show keyguard
11-03 22:29:17.406 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.409 1155 1561 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:17.410 1155 1561 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:17.413 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.424 1155 1965 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:17.530 1155 1444 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/config_white_list_1.0.xml is null,just return file content, no need
decrypt file
11-03 22:29:17.531 1155 1444 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/config_white_list_1.0.xml costs 2ms!!!
11-03 22:29:17.531 1155 1444 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
startObserverConfigFile /data/bbkcore/config_white_list_1.0.xml
11-03 22:29:17.532 1155 1444 E _V_VivoBinderProxy: mConfigStringlist
StringList{name='config_whitelist', size=0, values=[], uninitialized=true}
11-03 22:29:17.545 1155 2117 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:17.549 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.643 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.644 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:17.657 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:17.658 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:17.681 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.753 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
11-03 22:29:17.754 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
11-03 22:29:17.757 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:17.770 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.773 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.790 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.808 1155 1965 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:navigation_mode value:0
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:17.823 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:17.823 1155 2117 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:17.826 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:17.827 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.907 1155 1965 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:17.916 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.935 1155 1965 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:17.974 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming: FinishBooting
11-03 22:29:17.975 1155 1965 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:17.977 1155 1965 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:17.978 1155 1423 I ActivityManager: About to commit checkpoint
11-03 22:29:17.980 1155 1423 I SystemServiceManager: Starting phase 1000
11-03 22:29:17.980 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming: OnBootPhase_1000
11-03 22:29:17.980 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.980 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.980 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.980 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.981 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.981 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.981 1155 1423 E PowerStatsService: Failed to start
PowerStatsService loggers
11-03 22:29:17.981 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.981 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.981 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.981 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.982 1155 1423 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:low_power value:0 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:17.985 1155 1423 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:17.985 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.985 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.985 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.985 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.986 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.986 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.986 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.987 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.988 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.988 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.988 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.988 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.988 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.988 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.988 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.989 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.990 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.990 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.990 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.990 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.990 1155 1521 D AppStandbyController: Loading headless system app
cache. appIdleEnabled=true
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.991 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.992 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.992 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.992 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.992 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.995 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.995 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.995 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.995 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.995 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1556 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about init,
mBootCompleted=true, mDaemonConnected=true
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1556 D StorageManagerService: Thinking about reset,
mBootCompleted=true, mDaemonConnected=true
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1423 D TestHarnessModeService: Completing Test Harness
Mode setup.
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1556 I StorageSessionController: Started resetting
external storage service...
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1556 I StorageSessionController: Finished resetting
external storage service
11-03 22:29:17.996 1155 1556 I StorageManagerService: Resetting vold...
11-03 22:29:17.997 1155 1523 D RollbackManager:
11-03 22:29:17.998 1155 1556 I StorageManagerService: Reset vold
11-03 22:29:18.004 1155 1522 I PackageWatchdog: Scheduling 10 polls to check and
mitigate native crashes
11-03 22:29:18.012 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.012 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.012 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.013 1155 1423 V _V_VDPMS: resetStatusBarDisabled
11-03 22:29:18.014 1155 1423 V _V_VDPMS: onBootCompleted
11-03 22:29:18.014 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.014 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.014 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.014 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.014 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.014 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.015 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.015 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.015 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.015 1155 1423 D WifiService: WifiService onBootPhase
11-03 22:29:18.015 1155 1423 D WifiService: WifiService PHASE_BOOT_COMPLETED
11-03 22:29:18.015 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.015 1155 1575 D WifiService: Handle boot completed
11-03 22:29:18.016 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.016 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.017 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.017 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.017 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.017 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.017 1155 1423 D _V_LocationManagerService: onBootPhase: 1000
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.018 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.019 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.019 1155 1423 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.car.networking.bluetoothWhiteList for user 0
11-03 22:29:18.019 1155 1423 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.car.networking.bluetoothWhiteList (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:18.019 1155 1423 E _V_UsbDeviceManager: Whitelist keywords cursor is
11-03 22:29:18.020 1155 1575 I WifiScoreCard: Installing MemoryStore
11-03 22:29:18.020 1155 1575 I WifiHealthMonitor: Installing MemoryStore
11-03 22:29:18.021 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.022 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockManager: isPhoneLocked
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLocked
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: getPhoneLockFlag
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockManager: isPhoneLocked
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLocked
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: getPhoneLockFlag
11-03 22:29:18.023 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:18.024 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:18.024 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:18.024 1155 1420 I UsbDeviceManager: Setting USB config to charging
11-03 22:29:18.025 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.025 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.025 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.026 1155 1423 D SoundTriggerService: onBootPhase: 1000 : false
11-03 22:29:18.026 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.026 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.026 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.026 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.026 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.027 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.027 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.031 1155 1423 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168936375; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:18.032 1155 1423 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168936375; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:18.038 1155 1423 D LocationManagerService: passive provider added
registration from 1000/android[SensorNotificationService]/3C4EFA57 ->
Request[PASSIVE, minUpdateInterval=+30m0s0ms, minUpdateDistance=100000.0,
WorkSource{1000 android}] permissionLevel: 2 permitted: true
11-03 22:29:18.038 1155 1606 I _V_VivoLocationUtils: --handleMessage 1001
11-03 22:29:18.038 1155 1423 D LocationManagerService: registration onActive from
uid: 1000 package: android
11-03 22:29:18.041 1155 1423 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 73144566; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:18.042 1155 1423 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 73144566; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:18.048 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:18.048 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:18.051 1155 2741 E WifiMemoryStoreAccessBase: More answers than we
11-03 22:29:18.052 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:18.053 1155 1423 I _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl:
updateActiveListeners, registrations cnt: 1
11-03 22:29:18.054 1155 1423 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl: provider
request: passive ProviderRequest[@0]
11-03 22:29:18.054 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.054 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.054 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.055 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.055 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.055 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.055 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.058 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.058 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.059 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 D MtkConnectivitySupplementalService: onBootPhase:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 D GameManagerService: onBootCompleted
11-03 22:29:18.063 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.064 1155 1965 V _V_FeatureService: getAudioFeature
vivo_spkbvm_default_status_exist:status=false; calling from 1747
11-03 22:29:18.064 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: Registering NetworkFactory
11-03 22:29:18.064 1155 1423 D AppSearchStatsCollector: atoms registered
11-03 22:29:18.064 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.064 1155 1423 I ActivityManagerTiming:
11-03 22:29:18.065 1155 1423 D ActivityManagerTiming: TotalBootTime took to
complete: 21529ms
11-03 22:29:18.065 1155 1423 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Shutdown requested
11-03 22:29:18.065 1155 1423 I SystemServerTiming: WaitInitThreadPoolShutdown
11-03 22:29:18.065 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: Registering
11-03 22:29:18.065 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for WifiNetworkFactory
11-03 22:29:18.065 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: Registering
11-03 22:29:18.065 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory
11-03 22:29:18.066 1155 1965 V _V_FeatureService: tp.get(KEY_VOLUME): null
11-03 22:29:18.067 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Got NetworkProvider Messenger
for OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory
11-03 22:29:18.068 1155 2117 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:29:18.070 1155 1965 W KernelCpuUidFreqTimeBpfMapReader: Failed to start
11-03 22:29:18.070 1155 1423 D SystemServerInitThreadPool: Shutdown successful
11-03 22:29:18.074 1155 1423 I ActivityManager: User 0 state changed from BOOTING
11-03 22:29:18.074 1155 1423 W ActivityManager: UserLifecycleEvent 4 received
without an active userJourneySession.
11-03 22:29:18.080 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:18.082 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:18.082 1155 2097 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:18.086 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:18.087 1155 1423 D StorageManagerService: unlockUserKey: 0
isFileEncryptedNativeOrEmulated: true hasToken: false hasSecret: false
11-03 22:29:18.089 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.089 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.089 1155 1423 D StorageManagerService: Not unlocking user 0's CE
storage yet because a secret is needed
11-03 22:29:18.090 1155 1556 D _V_FBEWarnNotice: Go to show fbe notice..
11-03 22:29:18.090 1155 1556 I _V_FBEWarnNotice: hide encryption notification,
user: UserHandle{0} id:9
11-03 22:29:18.098 1155 1965 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:navigation_mode value:0
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:18.098 1155 1575 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.configstore@1.0::IVivoConfigStore/default
11-03 22:29:18.098 1155 1423 W ActivityManager: UserLifecycleEvent 5 received
without an active userJourneySession.
11-03 22:29:18.100 1155 1575 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:vivo_wifi_sar_dsi value:-1 pkg:android
11-03 22:29:18.103 1155 1575 I WifiService: onDriverCountryCodeChanged ID
11-03 22:29:18.104 1155 2069 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.104 1155 2069 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.106 1155 1556 D _V_NotificationService:
DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY:enqueueNotificationWithTag pkg=android
opPkg=androidtag=fbe_warn_notificate notification=Notification(channel=SECURITY
shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x2
color=0x00000000 vis=PUBLIC internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) userId =0
11-03 22:29:18.107 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.111 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:18.113 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10139 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.114 1155 1556 I _V_FBEWarnNotice: showing fbe_notice 101021 for 0
11-03 22:29:18.114 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.115 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = notification_wake_lock
11-03 22:29:18.116 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:18.118 1155 2722 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.120 1155 1575 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature
set: f8139bc881459
11-03 22:29:18.122 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.122 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.125 1155 1575 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming supported
with capabilities: max num blocklist bssid=16 max num allowlist ssid=8
11-03 22:29:18.132 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:18.134 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.135 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.138 1155 2722 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.138 1155 1575 E WifiScoringParams: Invalid frequency(-1), using 5G
as default rssi array
11-03 22:29:18.139 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:18.139 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.141 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.142 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.142 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:18.142 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:18.144 1155 1423 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 179ms android.display
h=com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService$H c=null m=37
11-03 22:29:18.145 1155 1423 D ColorDisplayService: setUp: currentUser=0
11-03 22:29:18.147 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:18.150 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: getColorMode ---mode=-
11-03 22:29:18.151 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10011 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.151 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: isChildrenMode: null
11-03 22:29:18.151 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10007 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.151 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: isChildrenMode: null
11-03 22:29:18.152 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: RGB factor matched
status false for device type value default, supportColorManager value false, color
mode default, use array index 8
11-03 22:29:18.153 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10084 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.153 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.153 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: RGB ratio matched
status false for panel type value lcd, platform value mtk, color mode default, use
array index 0
11-03 22:29:18.153 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10209 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.153 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService:
setColorTemperatureMatrix factor=127 R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:29:18.154 1155 1423 D ColorDisplayService:
onNightDisplayAutoModeChanged: autoMode=0
11-03 22:29:18.154 1155 1423 I ColorDisplayService: Turning off night display
11-03 22:29:18.154 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: isChildrenMode: null
11-03 22:29:18.155 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: isChildrenMode: null
11-03 22:29:18.155 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: RGB factor matched
status false for device type value default, supportColorManager value false, color
mode default, use array index 8
11-03 22:29:18.155 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10195 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.156 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10193 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.156 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10185 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.156 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10171 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.156 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10208 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.156 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10315 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.156 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack.inprocess] ]
11-03 22:29:18.156 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.157 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10073 RequestorUid: 10073 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui] ]
11-03 22:29:18.157 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.157 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10179 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.157 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10073 RequestorUid: 10073 RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui] ]
11-03 22:29:18.157 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 1000 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.157 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
[ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.157 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10220 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.158 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10178 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.158 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10211 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.158 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10192 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.158 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.158 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10188 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.158 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10123 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.158 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=37, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=43, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=45, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=41, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=74, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=49, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=25, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=27, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=31, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.159 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.160 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: RGB ratio matched
status false for panel type value lcd, platform value mtk, color mode default, use
array index 0
11-03 22:29:18.160 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=23, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.160 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=51, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.160 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService:
setColorTemperatureMatrix factor=127 R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:29:18.160 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=60, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack.inprocess] ]
11-03 22:29:18.160 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=57, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.160 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.162 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=65, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui] ]
11-03 22:29:18.162 1155 1423 D ColorDisplayService: Setting bright color
reduction level: 50
11-03 22:29:18.162 1155 1423 W DisplayPowerController[0]: No brightness mapping
available to recalculate splines
11-03 22:29:18.162 1155 1423 W DisplayPowerController[0]: No brightness mapping
available to recalculate splines
11-03 22:29:18.163 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: setUp: currentUser=0
mUserActivated=false mAutoMode=0
11-03 22:29:18.163 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.167 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=71, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.167 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService:
isNotificationEnable:false notificationCount=0
11-03 22:29:18.167 1155 1423 D _V_VivoColorManagerService: isChildrenMode: null
11-03 22:29:18.167 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=47, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.167 1155 1423 D _V_VivoLcmDcManager: setUp userHandle=0
mSupportDcMatrix=false mSupportLm=falsemSupportLcdLm=false
11-03 22:29:18.167 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=67, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui] ]
11-03 22:29:18.168 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=12, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.168 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.168 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=53, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.168 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.169 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=21, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.170 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=29, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.170 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=77, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.170 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=55, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.170 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=39, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.171 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=37, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.171 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=43, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.171 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=45, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.171 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=41, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.171 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=74, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.172 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=49, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.172 1155 1423 W WindowManager: Window freeze timeout expired.
11-03 22:29:18.172 1155 1423 W WindowManager: Force clearing orientation change:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0}
11-03 22:29:18.174 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=25, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.174 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=27, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.174 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=31, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.174 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.174 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.174 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=35, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.174 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=23, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.175 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=51, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.175 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=60, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.networkstack.inprocess] ]
11-03 22:29:18.175 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=57, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.175 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=65, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui] ]
11-03 22:29:18.176 1155 1590 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:18.176 1155 1423 D _V_ColorDisplayService: applyTint level=100, from:
R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:29:18.176 1155 1423 D _V_ColorDisplayService: applyTint level=100, to:
R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:29:18.177 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=71, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.177 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=47, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.177 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=67, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.systemui] ]
11-03 22:29:18.177 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=12, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.177 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.178 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=53, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.178 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=33, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.178 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=21, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.178 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=29, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.178 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=77, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.android.phone] ]
11-03 22:29:18.178 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=55, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.178 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=39, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:18.187 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.187 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.198 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.200 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:18.208 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.220 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.221 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:18.221 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.238 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.241 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.241 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.242 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:18.244 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.254 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.256 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.257 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:18.272 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.273 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:18.274 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.278 1155 2068 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.280 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.283 1155 1965 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.entitlement.o2.EntitlementService pkg=com.vivo.entitlement } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:18.294 1155 2068 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.307 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.309 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:18.329 1155 1155 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for
locked/gone/disabled user 0
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.340 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.342 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.348 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.351 1155 1965 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onKeyguardMsgChanged
keyguard_status 1
11-03 22:29:18.351 1155 1419 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:finger_for_bouncer_show value:1 pkg:com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:18.353 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:18.363 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.372 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:18.388 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.405 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.460 1155 2097 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:18.460 1155 1419 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:18.465 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.465 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.465 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.492 1155 1419 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:18.505 1155 2097 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@84a8ca9
11-03 22:29:18.522 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = notification_wake_lock
11-03 22:29:18.523 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.528 1155 2722 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.entitlement.o2.EntitlementService pkg=com.vivo.entitlement } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:18.537 1155 1965 W ProcessCpuTracker: Failed to stat(/proc/2754):
android.system.ErrnoException: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:18.537 1155 1965 W ProcessCpuTracker: Skipping unknown process pid
11-03 22:29:18.570 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.570 1155 2097 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.595 1155 1965 W ProcessCpuTracker: Failed to stat(/proc/2756):
android.system.ErrnoException: stat failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:29:18.595 1155 1965 W ProcessCpuTracker: Skipping unknown process pid
11-03 22:29:18.599 1155 1165 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 305866(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 68(4700KB) LOS objects, 38% free, 37MB/61MB,
paused 789us,627us total 614.730ms
11-03 22:29:18.612 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=79
11-03 22:29:18.615 1155 1167 W System : A resource failed to call close.
11-03 22:29:18.615 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.615 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.627 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.627 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.662 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:18.663 1155 2117 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.voconfig.bridge for user 0
11-03 22:29:18.663 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:18.667 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
11-03 22:29:18.674 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:18.674 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:18.676 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
11-03 22:29:18.781 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.790 1155 2117 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.chimera.BoundService.START dat=chimera-
cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:18.793 1155 2117 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@7b2776f
11-03 22:29:18.884 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.889 1155 1965 E system_server: DMA-BUF heaps not supported, read
ION heap total instead.
11-03 22:29:18.890 1155 1965 E system_server: Invalid file format:
11-03 22:29:18.893 1155 1965 E system_server: Unable to access:
/sys/kernel/dmabuf/buffers: No such file or directory
11-03 22:29:18.894 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:18.924 743 826 I _V_vivo_daemon:vivo_bootcomplete: ---check
system_pid = 1155, zygote_pid = 528, zygote64_pid = 0
11-03 22:29:18.953 1155 1573 D BBKEngineerUtileService:
11-03 22:29:18.967 1155 1155 D BBKEngineerUtileService: sendBroadcastFromAtcid
intent: Intent { act=vivo.intent.action.factory_mode_state flg=0x5000000 (has
extras) }
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.factory_mode_state from system 1155:system/1000 pkg android
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.971 1155 1155 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:18.991 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.004 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.020 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:19.020 1155 1419 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:19.023 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:19.029 1155 2097 W Settings: Setting notification_bubbles has moved
from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure,
returning read-only value.
11-03 22:29:19.059 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.111 1155 1559 I _V_VivoLockSettingsServiceImpl: notifyLockValue:0,
updateSilentValue: 0
11-03 22:29:19.112 1155 1559 I _V_VivoLockSettingsServiceImpl: get db is 0,return
11-03 22:29:19.113 1155 1559 I _V_StringOperateUtil: vivoOperateString enter.
operateType= 3
11-03 22:29:19.116 1155 1559 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.sectee@1.0::ISecTee/default
11-03 22:29:19.125 1155 1559 I _V_StringOperateUtil: Cipher
secService.vivoOperateString() return 0
11-03 22:29:19.136 1155 1559 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:com.bbk.updater.silent value:0
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:19.139 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.144 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.151 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:19.153 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:19.245 1155 1659 D _V_ProxCaliService: Stop calibration
11-03 22:29:19.257 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:19.257 1155 1508 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:19.265 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:19.304 1155 1573 D _V_BatteryService: HealthHalCallback called,
HealthInfo = {.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline =
false, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage
= 0, .batteryStatus = DISCHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent =
true, .batteryLevel = 31, .batteryVoltage = 3715, .batteryTemperature =
336, .batteryCurrent = -700, .batteryCycleCount = 1, .batteryFullCharge =
4910000, .batteryChargeCounter = 5000, .batteryTechnology = Li-poly},
mShutdownBatteryTemperature = 600
11-03 22:29:19.305 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.307 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: onReceive action
11-03 22:29:19.308 1155 1155 D _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService:
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED! charge disconnected!
11-03 22:29:19.309 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 4 state = 0
11-03 22:29:19.310 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:29:19.312 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:29:19.313 1155 1155 I DeviceIdleController: updateChargingLocked:
11-03 22:29:19.361 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.366 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.371 1155 2117 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:19.383 1155 2117 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:19.386 1155 2117 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:19.390 1155 2117 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:19.400 1155 1508 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:19.402 1155 2117 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:19.405 1155 1508 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:19.408 1155 2117 D _V_FeatureVolume: SPKBVM: isSupportSpkBVMCase
11-03 22:29:19.418 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:finger_simpinpuk value:enable
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:19.472 1155 1419 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:19.475 1155 1733 D _V_VivoDisplayManagerServiceImpl:
acquireColorLockInternal: lock = 163550419, tag= keyguard-blur, uid = 1747, pid =
11-03 22:29:19.477 1155 1733 D _V_VivoDisplayManagerServiceImpl:
shouldSetColorMode : true
11-03 22:29:19.477 1155 1733 D _V_VivoDisplayManagerServiceImpl: colorLock NO.0:
keyguard-blur packagename = com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:19.487 1155 2138 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:19.490 1155 1579 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:29:19.516 1155 2117 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility true
11-03 22:29:19.518 1155 2117 D _V_InsetsStateController: onInsetsModified
newState = InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false} } from Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0
11-03 22:29:19.525 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw
win=Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade} appearance=0x0
appearanceRegions.fullscreenAppearance=0 appearanceRegions.dockedAppearance=0
11-03 22:29:19.539 1155 1423 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:29:19.545 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.545 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.550 1155 2117 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:19.554 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.554 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.559 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.559 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:19.565 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.569 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:19.569 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.570 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.570 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.572 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.574 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.577 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.579 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.580 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:19.581 1155 1508 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:19.582 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.584 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.585 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.585 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.587 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.589 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.591 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.593 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.593 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:19.594 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.597 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:19.599 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.599 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.600 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.602 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.602 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.602 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:19.603 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.605 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:19.606 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:19.606 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.609 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.610 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.611 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.612 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.613 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.614 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.615 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.616 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.618 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.619 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: get Phone Lock buffer
11-03 22:29:19.620 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:19.620 1155 1508 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=5,
11-03 22:29:19.622 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:19.623 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.623 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.626 1155 1419 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:19.630 1155 1419 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.630 1155 1419 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.640 1155 1508 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= 0, outValue
size= 2048, outValueLen= 2048, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:19.642 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.642 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.642 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:19.643 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:19.643 1155 1508 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:19.644 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:19.645 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:19.647 1155 1508 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:19.648 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:19.648 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.648 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.650 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:19.650 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:19.650 1155 1508 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:19.652 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:19.656 1155 1508 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:19.656 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:19.659 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:19.659 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:19.659 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService:
11-03 22:29:19.659 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:19.660 1155 1508 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:19.663 1155 1508 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:19.667 1155 1508 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:19.667 1155 1508 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:19.670 1155 1766 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:19.671 1155 1766 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:19.711 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:19.713 1155 1508 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
11-03 22:29:19.713 1155 1508 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
11-03 22:29:19.715 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
11-03 22:29:19.715 1155 1590 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:19.716 1155 2138 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0
11-03 22:29:19.725 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.749 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:19.798 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.799 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.801 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.802 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.816 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.818 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.819 1155 1575 W UnsafeUtil: platform method missing - proto
runtime falling back to safer methods: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
sun.misc.Unsafe.copyMemory [class java.lang.Object, long, class java.lang.Object,
long, long]
11-03 22:29:19.821 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.822 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.824 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:19.825 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.827 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.831 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.878 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:19.878 1155 1575 D SmartWifiScorer[wlan0]: bssidStateInfo
11-03 22:29:19.879 1155 1575 D SmartWifiScorer[wlan0]: key: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT
"NONE rssi: -35 rssiScore: 49 throughput: 135 throughputScore: 37 network5GScore: 0
sameBssidScore: 0 latestSelectScore: 0 internetStateScore: 100 maxNetSpeedScore: 0
isSettingsConnect: false final score: 186
11-03 22:29:19.884 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:19.891 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.892 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:19.893 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:19.895 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:19.896 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.899 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:19.899 1155 1575 D SmartWifiScorer[wlan0]: bssidStateInfo
11-03 22:29:19.899 1155 1575 D SmartWifiScorer[wlan0]: key: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT
"NONE rssi: -35 rssiScore: 49 throughput: 135 throughputScore: 37 network5GScore: 0
sameBssidScore: 0 latestSelectScore: 0 internetStateScore: 100 maxNetSpeedScore: 0
isSettingsConnect: false final score: 186
11-03 22:29:19.905 1155 1575 D WifiScoreReport: setShouldReduceNetworkScore=false
mNetworkAgent is null? true
11-03 22:29:19.908 1155 2722 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1001/1997 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 82 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.mediatek.ims] ]] callback flags: 0 priority:
11-03 22:29:19.911 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:19.912 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:19.914 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.916 1155 1508 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1001/1997 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 84 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.mediatek.ims] ]] callback flags: 0 priority:
11-03 22:29:19.916 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.918 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:19.930 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
11-03 22:29:19.933 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:19.933 1155 2138 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0
11-03 22:29:19.933 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:19.936 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.937 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:19.938 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
11-03 22:29:19.939 1155 2138 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0
11-03 22:29:19.940 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:19.940 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:19.940 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:19.944 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
11-03 22:29:19.945 1155 2138 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0
11-03 22:29:19.952 1155 1575 I WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Connecting with
0c:**:**:**:f2:8c as the mac address
11-03 22:29:19.954 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: connectToNetwork "RimbaRaya
HOTSPOT "NONE isAscii=true
11-03 22:29:19.954 1155 1575 D _V_VivoSupplicantStaIfaceHal: wifi_shield_enable !
= 1
11-03 22:29:19.956 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:19.957 1155 1575 I SupplicantStaIfaceHal: addSupplicantStaNetwork via
11-03 22:29:19.965 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:19.969 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.970 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:19.971 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:19.972 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:19.974 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.977 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.981 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: The target security
params: Security Parameters:
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: Type: 0
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: Enabled: true
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: KeyMgmt: NONE
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: Protocols: WPA RSN
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: AuthAlgorithms:
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: PairwiseCiphers:
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: GroupCiphers:
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: GroupMgmtCiphers:
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: SuiteBCiphers:
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: RequirePmf: false
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: IsAddedByAutoUpgrade:
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: IsSaeH2eOnlyMode: false
11-03 22:29:19.983 1155 1575 D SupplicantStaNetworkHal: IsSaePkOnlyMode: false
11-03 22:29:19.984 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.987 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.991 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.994 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.996 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:19.998 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.000 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.002 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.005 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.005 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:20.006 1155 1575 E _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: failed to unregister
receiver java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered:
11-03 22:29:20.006 1155 1575 D WifiCountryCode:
evaluateAllCmmStateAndApplyIfAllReady: {ConcreteClientModeManager{id=28743
iface=wlan0 role=ROLE_CLIENT_PRIMARY}=false}
11-03 22:29:20.007 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.007 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=83, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.mediatek.ims] ]
11-03 22:29:20.008 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=83, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.mediatek.ims] ]
11-03 22:29:20.008 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg: com.mediatek.ims] ]
11-03 22:29:20.008 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=85, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.mediatek.ims] ]
11-03 22:29:20.008 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=85, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.mediatek.ims] ]
11-03 22:29:20.008 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.010 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.012 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.015 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.017 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.020 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.022 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.024 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.027 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.030 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.032 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.035 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.040 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.042 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: Receiver
11-03 22:29:20.042 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController:
11-03 22:29:20.042 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:20.042 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:20.042 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: receive broadcast intent,
action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
11-03 22:29:20.042 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: transitionTo:
11-03 22:29:20.042 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: new
destination call exit/enter
11-03 22:29:20.042 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController:
setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.043 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController:
moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=2
11-03 22:29:20.043 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController:
moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=2,startingIndex=2,Top=DisconnectedState
11-03 22:29:20.043 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:20.043 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:20.046 1155 1155 D SarControllerService: StateChangeReceiver
11-03 22:29:20.046 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.046 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: powerState 4,
mForceUpdateState = false
11-03 22:29:20.047 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: not boot completed, so do
not react
11-03 22:29:20.048 1155 1155 D _V_VivoWifiGameService: action receive
11-03 22:29:20.049 1155 1732 I _V_VivoWifiStallInfo: Clear wifi stall values
11-03 22:29:20.051 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.056 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, false
11-03 22:29:20.057 1155 2138 D Tethering: ignore interface down for wlan0
11-03 22:29:20.057 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
11-03 22:29:20.057 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: false
11-03 22:29:20.058 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: true
11-03 22:29:20.059 1155 2722 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x5002010 (has extras) } on
bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:20.059 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: true
11-03 22:29:20.061 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
11-03 22:29:20.066 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:20.066 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:20.066 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:20.067 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:20.068 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:20.068 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:20.079 1155 2722 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:20.082 1155 1965 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.SIM_CARD_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x5002010 (has extras) }
on bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:20.095 1155 1575 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent
NetworkAgentInfo{network{100} handle{432902426637} ni{WIFI CONNECTING extra: }
Score(60 ; KeepConnected : 0 ; Policies : IS_UNMETERED) lp{{LinkAddresses: [ ]
DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI
LinkDnBandwidth>=72000Kbps Specifier: <WifiNetworkAgentSpecifier
[WifiConfiguration=, SSID="RimbaRaya HOTSPOT ", BSSID=48:62:76:16:14:48, band=1,
mMatchLocalOnlySpecifiers=false]> TransportInfo: <SSID: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT ",
BSSID: 48:**:**:**:14:48, MAC: 0c:**:**:**:f2:8c, Security type: 0, Supplicant
state: ASSOCIATED, HE Eight Max VHT Spatial Streams Supported AP: false, Eight Max
VHT Spatial streams support: false, Wi-Fi standard: 4, RSSI: -127, Link speed: -
1Mbps, Tx Link speed: -1Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 72Mbps, Rx Link speed: -
1Mbps, Max Supported Rx Link speed: 72Mbps, Frequency: 2412MHz, Net ID: 4, Metered
hint: false, score: 0, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1>
OwnerUid: 1000 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT "]}}
11-03 22:29:20.099 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:20.100 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:20.100 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:20.101 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isSimLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:20.101 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:20.102 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: get Phone Lock Field
11-03 22:29:20.102 1155 2722 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:20.102 1155 2722 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=5,
11-03 22:29:20.104 1155 2722 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:20.113 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: Sim state is ready, return
original context.
11-03 22:29:20.113 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.113 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.113 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.113 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.113 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.114 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.115 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:20.115 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:20.115 1155 1575 D NetworkMonitor/100: setInitialState:
11-03 22:29:20.120 1155 2722 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= 0, outValue
size= 2048, outValueLen= 2048, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:20.122 1155 2722 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: checkContext PackageName
11-03 22:29:20.122 1155 2722 I VivoPhoneLockUtils: fieldOperate enter cmd=7,
11-03 22:29:20.124 1155 2722 I android_os_HwBinder: HwBinder: Starting thread
pool for getting: vendor.vivo.hardware.vcustom@1.0::ICustom/default
11-03 22:29:20.126 1155 2722 D VivoPhoneLockUtils: [onNotify] result= -2,
outValue size= 0, outValueLen= 0, outData= 0
11-03 22:29:20.127 1155 2722 E VivoPhoneLockUtils: [ctor]
11-03 22:29:20.128 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/100: completeConstruction: E
11-03 22:29:20.128 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/100: completeConstruction:
11-03 22:29:20.128 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/100: setupInitialStateStack: E
11-03 22:29:20.128 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:20.128 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:20.128 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/100: completeConstruction: X
11-03 22:29:20.130 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI]
11-03 22:29:20.130 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=-2
11-03 22:29:20.130 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:20.130 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:20.131 1155 1575 W libc : Access denied finding property
11-03 22:29:20.132 1155 1575 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_https_url value:
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:20.132 1155 1575 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:captive_portal_http_url value:
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:20.132 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.132 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.133 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.134 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.135 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: Receiver
11-03 22:29:20.135 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController:
11-03 22:29:20.135 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: receive broadcast intent,
action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
11-03 22:29:20.135 1155 1155 D SarControllerService: StateChangeReceiver
11-03 22:29:20.135 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:20.135 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:20.135 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:20.136 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:20.136 1155 1155 D _V_VivoWifiGameService: action receive
11-03 22:29:20.136 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.136 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: powerState 4,
mForceUpdateState = false
11-03 22:29:20.137 1155 1732 I _V_VivoWifiStallInfo: Clear wifi stall values
11-03 22:29:20.139 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:20.139 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.139 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: not boot completed, so do
not react
11-03 22:29:20.140 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.142 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.142 1155 1575 D _V_VivoClientModeImpl:
11-03 22:29:20.144 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.146 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.147 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.149 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.152 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.154 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.157 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.158 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:20.160 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.160 1155 1768 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:20.161 1155 1768 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:20.161 1155 1575 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: trying to add 7 for wlan0
11-03 22:29:20.162 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.164 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.165 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:20.166 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.168 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.170 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.171 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:20.172 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.175 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.177 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.179 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.182 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.184 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.187 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.189 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.192 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.194 1155 1155 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: setupReceiver
11-03 22:29:20.195 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1579 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1579 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: Wlan0 L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:20.197 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:20.201 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.206 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.207 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for [100
WIFI] to Score(60 ; Policies : 4)
11-03 22:29:20.207 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:20.208 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:false, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTING,
11-03 22:29:20.209 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI]
11-03 22:29:20.216 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:20.217 1155 2722 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x5002010 (has extras) } on
bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:20.221 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:20.225 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:20.225 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: updateNetworkScore for [100
WIFI] to Score(60 ; Policies : 4)
11-03 22:29:20.225 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:20.225 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:20.225 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:20.225 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:20.225 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:20.225 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:20.226 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:20.226 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:20.226 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:20.226 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:20.226 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:false, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:OBTAINING_IPADDR,
11-03 22:29:20.236 1155 2722 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.SIM_CARD_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x5000010 (has extras) }
on background queue
11-03 22:29:20.237 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:20.237 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:20.237 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:20.238 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isSimLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:20.238 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:20.247 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.248 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.249 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.249 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.270 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network
11-03 22:29:20.271 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:20.273 1155 1593 W ConnectivityService: Exception adding interface:
android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Machine is not on the network (code 64)
11-03 22:29:20.277 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.278 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:20.282 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:20.286 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:20.291 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:20.293 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:20.298 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.299 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: l2key: Wb99ea733c14bd461 lease
address: / lease expiry: 1667491733382 current time: 1667489360299
11-03 22:29:20.299 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=19
11-03 22:29:20.299 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:20.299 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:20.300 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:20.302 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:20.303 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST
ciaddr= request= serverid=null
11-03 22:29:20.303 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPREQUEST 454ms later
11-03 22:29:20.308 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:20.309 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:20.383 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.384 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.385 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.386 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:20.481 1155 2722 I _V_ANRManager: Add log successfully, pid = 1747
11-03 22:29:20.482 1155 1818 D _V_ANRManager: totaltime = 10000
11-03 22:29:20.491 1155 1818 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: started
dumping process 1747
11-03 22:29:20.500 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
ccmni0, up: true
11-03 22:29:20.505 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.506 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged ccmni0, true
11-03 22:29:20.507 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MWIRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:20.677 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 119
11-03 22:29:20.678 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 119
11-03 22:29:20.707 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler
11-03 22:29:20.708 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.708 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MWIRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:20.709 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.709 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = CellBroadcastHandler
11-03 22:29:20.709 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.711 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = GsmCellBroadcastHandler
11-03 22:29:20.711 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:20.758 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:20.759 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST
ciaddr= request= serverid=null
11-03 22:29:20.759 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPREQUEST 1050ms later
11-03 22:29:21.017 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:21.184 1155 1979 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:21.184 1155 1979 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:21.204 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:21.204 1155 1965 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:21.211 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:21.368 1155 2068 D AS.AudioService: Volume controller visible: false
11-03 22:29:21.443 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:21.444 1155 1965 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:21.450 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:21.475 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:21.519 1155 1818 I system_server: libdebuggerd_client: done dumping
process 1747
11-03 22:29:21.521 1155 1818 D _V_ANRManager: Done with pid 1747 in 1037ms
11-03 22:29:21.521 1155 1818 D _V_ANRManager: dumpProcessFiles add:
11-03 22:29:21.558 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:21.560 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.562 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.562 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.570 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.571 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:21.572 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.573 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.723 1155 1965 I PackageManager: Replacing preferred activity
com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity callingUid:1001 callingPid: 1997 for
user 0:
11-03 22:29:21.728 1155 1965 I PackageManager: Replacing preferred activity
com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity callingUid:1001 callingPid: 1997 for
user 0:
11-03 22:29:21.731 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: mVivoCustomMonitor
11-03 22:29:21.737 1155 2068 I PackageManager: Replacing preferred activity
com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity callingUid:1001 callingPid: 1997 for
user 0:
11-03 22:29:21.741 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: mVivoCustomMonitor
11-03 22:29:21.746 1155 1508 I PackageManager: Replacing preferred activity
com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity callingUid:1001 callingPid: 1997 for
user 0:
11-03 22:29:21.746 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: mVivoCustomMonitor
11-03 22:29:21.757 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: mVivoCustomMonitor
11-03 22:29:21.766 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:21.767 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.768 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.770 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.778 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.779 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.780 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:21.780 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:21.810 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:21.811 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST
ciaddr= request= serverid=null
11-03 22:29:21.812 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPREQUEST 1815ms later
11-03 22:29:21.971 1155 2068 D ConditionProviders: Disabling component
11-03 22:29:21.986 1155 2068 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #206} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (43
11-03 22:29:21.995 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.130 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:22.132 1155 1965 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:22.137 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:22.190 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:22.192 1155 1688 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:22.278 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:22.279 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:22.406 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:22.406 1155 2068 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:22.413 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub
Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:22.499 1155 1508 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START
pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:22.500 1155 1508 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@d2e739e
11-03 22:29:22.531 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.532 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:22.533 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:22.533 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.536 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.536 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:22.538 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.539 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = SmsCommonEventHelp
11-03 22:29:22.540 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:22.541 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.543 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.544 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = SmsCommonEventHelp
11-03 22:29:22.570 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.571 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:22.572 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:22.572 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.574 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.574 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:22.575 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.575 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = NitzSignalInputFilterPredicateFactory
11-03 22:29:22.654 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:22.657 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.657 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:22.661 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:22.663 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.672 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.673 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:22.702 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:22.704 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.706 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:22.707 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:22.712 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.738 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.739 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:22.740 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.793 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.794 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.795 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.797 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.799 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.810 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.811 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.813 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.814 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.821 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.822 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.823 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.825 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.827 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.833 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.835 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.837 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.841 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.842 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.843 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.845 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.846 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.856 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.862 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.866 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.868 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:22.868 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:22.869 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.023 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=3 {1.54
510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 -
720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.33 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.036 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.google.android.permissioncontroller new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr
sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.34 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.038 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.upslide new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.35 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.040 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.pushservice new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.36 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.041 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.google.android.gms.persistent new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp
w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.37 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.043 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.bbk.updater new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.38 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.046 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.google.android.apps.wellbeing new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp
w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.39 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.047 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.launcher3 new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.40 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.048 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.settings:SettingsExProvider new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr
sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.41 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.049 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.bbk.updater:remote new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.42 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.051 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.google.android.ext.services new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp
w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.43 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.052 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc com.vivo.rms
new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long
port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.44 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.055 1155 2069 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:23.060 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.settings new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.45 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.062 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.fingerprintui new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.46 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.063 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.phone new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.47 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.064 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.faceui new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp
230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 -
720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.48 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.065 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.vivo.daemonService new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.49 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.067 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc com.vivo.abe
new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long
port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.50 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.073 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc
com.android.systemui new config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp
h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h
winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521)
mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.51 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.074 1155 1965 I ActivityTaskManager: Sending to proc system new
config {1.54 510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port
night finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.52 fontWeightAdjustment=0
themeId=34 themeParameter=0 nightModeLevel = -1}
11-03 22:29:23.082 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Override config changes=3 {1.54
510mcc1mnc [in_ID] ldltr sw500dp w500dp h1016dp 230dpi lrg long port night finger -
keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 -
720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600) mWindowingMode=fullscreen
mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined
mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.33 fontWeightAdjustment=0 themeId=34 themeParameter=0
nightModeLevel = -1} for displayId=0
11-03 22:29:23.083 1155 2138 D Tethering: onReceive action =
11-03 22:29:23.091 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: isSafeVolumeSupport true
11-03 22:29:23.091 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureConfig: getSafeVolumeIndex 11
11-03 22:29:23.092 1155 1612 D AS.AudioService: onConfigureSafeVolume
safeMediaVolumeEnabled =true mSafeMediaVolumeIndex=110 safeMediaVolumeBypassfalse
11-03 22:29:23.097 1155 1612 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:audio_safe_volume_state value:3
pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:23.106 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.106 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.118 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.119 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.120 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.121 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.124 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.129 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.129 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:23.135 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.135 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.143 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.146 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.147 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.149 1155 1965 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:23.154 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.154 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.164 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.164 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.169 1155 2069 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=79
11-03 22:29:23.171 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.172 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.173 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.174 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.177 1155 2069 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.177 1155 2069 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.181 1155 2117 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:23.184 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.184 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.190 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.191 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.194 1155 2069 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:23.199 1155 2069 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.200 1155 2069 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.201 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:23.202 1155 1690 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:23.207 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.207 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.208 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:23.215 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.216 1155 1965 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.231 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:23.231 1155 1579 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:23.231 1155 1579 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: Wlan0 L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:23.231 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:23.231 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:23.231 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:23.231 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:23.231 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:23.232 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:23.290 1155 2117 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10179; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:23.291 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:23.297 1155 2117 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=79
11-03 22:29:23.298 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.299 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.302 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.304 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.305 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.305 1155 1965 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:msim_mode_setting value:3
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:23.317 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:23.317 1155 2117 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:23.321 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.322 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.324 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.325 1155 1965 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver
11-03 22:29:23.325 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.326 1155 1965 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10201; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:23.327 1155 1965 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10201; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:23.328 1155 1965 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10201; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:23.328 1155 1965 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10201; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:23.329 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10201; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:23.339 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.339 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.340 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.341 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.343 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.344 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.345 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.346 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.350 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.352 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.355 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.361 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.362 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.363 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.363 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.367 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2810:com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/u0a201 for broadcast
11-03 22:29:23.368 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2810, arg2 =
10201, str1 = com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver, str2 =
11-03 22:29:23.371 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.372 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.375 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.375 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.380 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.381 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.384 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.387 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.389 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.389 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.390 1155 2117 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:23.391 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.393 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.394 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.405 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.409 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.414 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.414 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.415 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.415 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.416 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.418 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.419 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.422 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.424 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.426 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.430 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.434 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.440 1155 2069 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:23.451 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.451 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.452 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.452 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.456 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10201; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:23.477 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.477 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.478 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.478 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.498 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.500 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.501 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.515 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:23.519 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.519 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.521 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.521 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.523 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.523 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.525 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.525 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.529 1155 2117 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:msim_mode_setting value:3
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:23.533 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.536 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.538 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.541 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.544 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.547 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.550 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.550 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.554 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.554 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.555 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.556 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.558 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.560 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.563 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.582 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.582 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.583 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.584 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.595 1155 2069 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1001/1997 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 88 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST
id=88, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: IMS&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN Specifier:
<TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 4]> Uid: 1001 RequestorUid: 1001 RequestorPkg:
com.mediatek.ims] ]] callback flags: 0 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:29:23.596 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:23.597 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:false, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:OBTAINING_IPADDR,
11-03 22:29:23.598 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.598 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.601 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.603 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.604 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.605 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:23.616 1155 2117 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish:
11-03 22:29:23.616 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.621 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:23.629 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:23.629 1155 2117 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:23.629 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST
ciaddr= request= serverid=null
11-03 22:29:23.632 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPREQUEST 4313ms later
11-03 22:29:23.633 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.634 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.636 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.637 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.651 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.652 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MWIRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:23.742 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.744 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.774 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.775 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.776 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:23.776 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:23.821 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(cap: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg
SimSub -> CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub )]
11-03 22:29:23.821 1155 2117 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:23.828 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:23.869 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService:
read_private_dns_mode:null, change:3
11-03 22:29:23.870 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService:
11-03 22:29:23.870 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService:
11-03 22:29:23.871 1155 1593 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:29:23.872 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: reportVcode:
[private_dns_default_mode:null] [private_dns_fallback:off] [from:boot]
[private_dns_specifier:null] [private_dns_mode:null]
11-03 22:29:23.946 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MWIRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:23.947 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.025 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(cap: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg
SimSub -> CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub )]
11-03 22:29:24.025 1155 2069 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:24.031 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:24.063 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.064 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = SmsCommonEventHelp
11-03 22:29:24.065 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = SmsCommonEventHelp
11-03 22:29:24.065 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.067 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:24.068 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.090 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.090 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.093 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.093 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.099 1155 2069 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=com.mediatek.internal.stk.command flg=0x2010
cmp=com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver (has extras) } on bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:24.103 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.104 1155 2069 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=com.android.internal.stk.command flg=0x2010
cmp=com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver (has extras) } on bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:24.105 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.106 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.108 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.208 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 113
11-03 22:29:24.209 1155 1728 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 113
11-03 22:29:24.234 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.332 1155 2117 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:24.407 1155 2069 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]}
11-03 22:29:24.410 1155 2069 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyServiceStateForSubscriber: callback.onServiceStateChanged
r={callingPackage=*** callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]} subId=5 phoneId=0
state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1625, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mOperatorAlphaLong=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=****
rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026
mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=010
mAlphaLong=TELKOMSEL mAlphaShort=TELKOMSEL mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null}
voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false
mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0}
dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mCi=18369026 mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000
mMcc=510 mMnc=010 mAlphaLong=TELKOMSEL mAlphaShort=TELKOMSEL mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 3 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=****
rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsIwlanPreferred=false, Ril Voice Regist state=1, Ril Data Regist state=1,
VoiceRejectCause=-1, DataRejectCause=-1, IwlanRegState=1, CellularVoiceRegState=0,
CellularDataRegState=0, RilCellularDataRegState=1, CellularDataRoamingType=0,
11-03 22:29:24.412 1155 2069 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@73efb99
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=5 phoneId=0
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]}
11-03 22:29:24.414 1155 2069 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyServiceStateForSubscriber: callback.onServiceStateChanged
r={callingPackage=*** callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@73efb99
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=5 phoneId=0
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]} subId=5 phoneId=0
state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1625, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mOperatorAlphaLong=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=****
rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026
mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=010
mAlphaLong=TELKOMSEL mAlphaShort=TELKOMSEL mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null}
voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false
mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0}
dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mCi=18369026 mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000
mMcc=510 mMnc=010 mAlphaLong=TELKOMSEL mAlphaShort=TELKOMSEL mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 3 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=****
rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsIwlanPreferred=false, Ril Voice Regist state=1, Ril Data Regist state=1,
VoiceRejectCause=-1, DataRejectCause=-1, IwlanRegState=1, CellularVoiceRegState=0,
CellularDataRegState=0, RilCellularDataRegState=1, CellularDataRoamingType=0,
11-03 22:29:24.415 1155 2069 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@8dd523f
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=4 phoneId=1
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]}
11-03 22:29:24.418 1155 2069 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:24.420 1155 2069 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:24.421 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:24.421 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:24.422 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:24.422 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:24.422 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:24.432 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:24.432 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:24.433 1155 2069 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:24.437 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:24.438 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:24.439 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:24.456 1155 1568 D NetworkStats: RAT type listener registered for sub
11-03 22:29:24.463 1155 1568 D NetworkStats: RAT type listener registered for sub
11-03 22:29:24.471 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:24.471 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:24.473 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:24.474 1155 2069 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:24.474 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.474 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:24.474 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:24.474 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:24.475 1155 1437 I StatsPullAtomService: subId 5 added into
historical sub list
11-03 22:29:24.477 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.478 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:24.478 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.479 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:24.480 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:24.481 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.482 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.483 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.484 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.485 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:24.485 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:24.485 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:24.485 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:24.489 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.504 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.505 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.505 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.507 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.509 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.510 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.510 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.511 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.511 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.511 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.513 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.526 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.527 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.527 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.535 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.535 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.538 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.539 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.548 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.550 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.550 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.555 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.556 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.559 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.568 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.569 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.569 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.577 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.578 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.585 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.595 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.596 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.596 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.600 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.606 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]}
11-03 22:29:24.607 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.607 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@73efb99
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=5 phoneId=0
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]}
11-03 22:29:24.607 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.608 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@8dd523f
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=4 phoneId=1
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]}
11-03 22:29:24.610 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.611 1155 1419 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyServiceStateForSubscriber: callback.onServiceStateChanged
r={callingPackage=*** callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@8dd523f
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=4 phoneId=1
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]} subId=4 phoneId=1
state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1625, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mOperatorAlphaLong=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=****
rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026
mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=01
mAlphaLong=INDOSAT mAlphaShort=INDOSAT mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null}
voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false
mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0}
dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=51001 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mCi=18369026 mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000
mMcc=510 mMnc=01 mAlphaLong=INDOSAT mAlphaShort=INDOSAT mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 2 mEmcBearerSupport = 2 } nrState=****
rRplmn=51001 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsIwlanPreferred=false, Ril Voice Regist state=1, Ril Data Regist state=1,
VoiceRejectCause=-1, DataRejectCause=-1, IwlanRegState=1, CellularVoiceRegState=0,
CellularDataRegState=0, RilCellularDataRegState=1, CellularDataRoamingType=0,
11-03 22:29:24.614 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:24.617 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:24.618 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:24.619 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:24.620 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:24.620 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:24.620 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:24.621 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.622 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.623 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.624 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:24.624 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:24.624 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:24.625 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:24.628 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:24.632 1155 1437 I StatsPullAtomService: subId 4 added into
historical sub list
11-03 22:29:24.634 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.634 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.637 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.638 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:24.638 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:24.639 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:24.639 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:24.639 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:24.639 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:24.641 1155 1419 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:24.641 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:24.642 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:24.642 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:24.642 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:24.644 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:24.644 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:1--signal:true
11-03 22:29:24.644 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:24.644 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=1
11-03 22:29:24.645 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.646 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.646 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.646 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.646 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.647 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.647 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.649 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.654 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.654 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.658 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.658 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.658 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.659 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.659 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.663 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.664 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.664 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.665 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.667 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.667 1155 1965 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=com.mediatek.internal.stk.command flg=0x2010
cmp=com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver (has extras) } on bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:24.668 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.668 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.669 1155 2560 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=com.android.internal.stk.command flg=0x2010
cmp=com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver (has extras) } on bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:24.672 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.673 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.673 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.674 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.675 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.676 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.678 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.678 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:24.681 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.682 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.682 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.684 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.684 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.686 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.687 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.687 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:24.690 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.691 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.691 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.692 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:24.692 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.693 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.699 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.700 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.703 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.713 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.714 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.715 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.720 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.720 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.722 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.731 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.732 1155 1155 I _V_VDPMS: mHandler msg = 10
11-03 22:29:24.732 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.732 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.737 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.745 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.746 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.748 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.756 1155 1437 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.757 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:24.758 1155 1437 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.767 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.776 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.792 1155 1419 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x5002010 (has extras) } on
bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:24.794 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:24.794 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:24.794 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:24.795 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:24.795 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:24.795 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:24.804 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:24.804 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:24.804 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:24.805 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isSimLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:24.805 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:24.811 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.822 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:24.822 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:24.828 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:24.829 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:24.829 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:24.830 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.836 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.845 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.858 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.868 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.880 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.887 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.897 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:24.897 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.897 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.898 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:24.899 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.911 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.918 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.927 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.935 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.943 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.973 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.980 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:24.980 1155 1965 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:24.983 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:24.985 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.990 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.994 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:24.998 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.006 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.012 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.017 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.018 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.019 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:25.021 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.024 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.025 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.026 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.049 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:25.049 1155 1419 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:25.051 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:25.075 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 181658987; UID 10073; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:25.096 1155 2117 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:volte_subscription1 value:0 pkg:com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:29:25.096 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:25.165 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.166 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.168 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.169 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.172 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.174 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.176 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.203 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.207 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.208 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.209 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.211 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.230 1155 1419 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x5002010 (has extras) } on
bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:25.232 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:25.232 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:25.233 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:25.233 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:25.234 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:25.234 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:25.244 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.245 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.250 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.252 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.256 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:25.256 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:25.256 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:25.257 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isSimLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:25.258 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:25.265 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.265 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.266 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.266 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.300 1155 1534 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = *alarm*
11-03 22:29:25.302 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:25.306 1155 2426 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.307 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = *alarm*
11-03 22:29:25.309 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:25.310 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
11-03 22:29:25.310 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPDISCOVER 470ms later
11-03 22:29:25.401 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:25.402 1155 1419 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:25.406 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:25.465 1155 1568 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.466 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:25.471 1155 1568 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.481 1155 1568 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.484 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:25.485 1155 1568 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.493 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.493 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:25.494 1155 1419 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:25.498 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:25.509 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.569 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.570 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.572 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.573 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.576 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.578 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.579 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.615 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:25.615 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:25.620 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:25.620 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:25.620 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:25.622 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.623 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.624 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.625 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.635 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.635 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.636 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.636 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.670 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.670 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.671 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.672 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.673 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.690 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:25.700 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.700 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.702 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.703 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.709 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.709 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.710 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.711 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.716 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 369321(24MB) AllocSpace objects, 36(1872KB) LOS objects, 39% free,
36MB/60MB, paused 2.232ms,731us total 221.635ms
11-03 22:29:25.747 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.747 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.748 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.749 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.750 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.753 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.754 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.783 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:25.784 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
11-03 22:29:25.784 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPDISCOVER 941ms later
11-03 22:29:25.805 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.805 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.806 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.807 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.853 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:25.853 1155 1419 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:25.858 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:25.911 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(addr: ************ -> )(subAddr: ************ -> )]
11-03 22:29:25.912 1155 1419 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:25.915 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:25.945 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.946 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.947 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.949 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.952 1155 1419 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x15002010 (has extras) }
on fgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:25.957 1155 1575 E WifiCarrierInfoManager: Carrier config is missing
for: 5
11-03 22:29:25.957 1155 1575 E WifiCarrierInfoManager: Carrier config is missing
for: 4
11-03 22:29:25.958 1155 1575 D WifiService: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED, active
subId: 5
11-03 22:29:25.966 1155 1419 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=com.android.internal.stk.session_end flg=0x2010
cmp=com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver (has extras) } on bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:25.977 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.977 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.978 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:25.978 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:25.982 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 5 queried, returning: null
11-03 22:29:25.984 1155 1887 W _V_GnssConfiguration: nfw: VGC not config.
11-03 22:29:25.996 1155 1916 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10201 callingPid:2810
11-03 22:29:26.000 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.000 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.002 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.002 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.018 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.019 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.020 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.021 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.022 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.027 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.031 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.031 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.031 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.031 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.145 1155 2722 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]}
11-03 22:29:26.146 1155 2722 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyServiceStateForSubscriber: callback.onServiceStateChanged
r={callingPackage=*** callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]} subId=5 phoneId=0
state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1625, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mOperatorAlphaLong=Merdeka!, mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=****
rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026
mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[-1] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=010
mAlphaLong=TELKOMSEL mAlphaShort=TELKOMSEL mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null}
voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false
mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0}
dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mCi=18369026 mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[-1] mBandwidth=20000
mMcc=510 mMnc=010 mAlphaLong=TELKOMSEL mAlphaShort=TELKOMSEL mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 3 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=****
rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsIwlanPreferred=false, Ril Voice Regist state=1, Ril Data Regist state=1,
VoiceRejectCause=-1, DataRejectCause=-1, IwlanRegState=1, CellularVoiceRegState=0,
CellularDataRegState=0, RilCellularDataRegState=1, CellularDataRoamingType=0,
11-03 22:29:26.147 1155 2722 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@73efb99
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=5 phoneId=0
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]}
11-03 22:29:26.148 1155 2722 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyServiceStateForSubscriber: callback.onServiceStateChanged
r={callingPackage=*** callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@73efb99
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=5 phoneId=0
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]} subId=5 phoneId=0
state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1625, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mOperatorAlphaLong=Merdeka!, mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=****
rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026
mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[-1] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=010
mAlphaLong=TELKOMSEL mAlphaShort=TELKOMSEL mAdditionalPlmns={} mCsgInfo=null}
voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo { mCssSupported=false
mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0 mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0}
dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false},
NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME
roamingType=NOT_ROAMING accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0
emergencyEnabled=false availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:
{ mCi=18369026 mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[-1] mBandwidth=20000
mMcc=510 mMnc=010 mAlphaLong=TELKOMSEL mAlphaShort=TELKOMSEL mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 3 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=****
rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsIwlanPreferred=false, Ril Voice Regist state=1, Ril Data Regist state=1,
VoiceRejectCause=-1, DataRejectCause=-1, IwlanRegState=1, CellularVoiceRegState=0,
CellularDataRegState=0, RilCellularDataRegState=1, CellularDataRoamingType=0,
11-03 22:29:26.149 1155 2722 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@8dd523f
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=4 phoneId=1
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]}
11-03 22:29:26.150 1155 2722 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:26.151 1155 2722 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:26.152 1155 2722 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:26.153 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:26.153 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:26.153 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:26.153 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:26.153 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:26.154 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:26.155 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:26.156 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:26.160 1155 2722 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:26.162 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:26.164 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:26.164 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:26.165 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.165 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:26.166 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:26.167 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:26.167 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:26.168 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:26.169 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:26.169 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:26.180 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:26.180 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.182 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:26.182 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.187 1155 2560 W OverlayManager: service 'idmap' died
11-03 22:29:26.190 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.194 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:26.195 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.195 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.196 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.198 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.209 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:26.209 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:26.211 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:26.211 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:26.211 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:26.211 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:26.231 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:26.242 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:26.271 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:26.271 1155 1579 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:26.271 1155 1579 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: Wlan0 L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:26.271 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:26.272 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:26.272 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:26.272 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:26.273 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:26.274 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:26.332 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:26.332 1155 2117 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:26.335 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:26.363 1155 1472 I PowerManagerService: Powering off display group
due to timeout (groupId= 0, uid= 1000)...
11-03 22:29:26.364 1155 1472 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to timeout
(uid 1000)...
11-03 22:29:26.366 1155 1472 I PowerManagerService: setWakefulnessLocked = Dozing
11-03 22:29:26.369 1155 1717 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ cmp=com.bbk.facewake/.FaceWakeService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:26.370 1155 1718 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
11-03 22:29:26.371 1155 1718 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onStartedGoingToSleep 3
11-03 22:29:26.373 1155 1472 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.376 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 2; mPowerRequest: policy=DIM,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:26.378 1155 2117 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:fingerprint_running_status value:1
pkg:com.vivo.fingerprintui userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.379 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:26.382 1155 2722 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:startApp_from_keyguard value:0
pkg:com.android.systemui userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.384 1155 1718 W _V_SnapshotWindow: KeyguardShowing
TopFullscreenOpaqueWin invalid
11-03 22:29:26.385 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:26.387 1155 1155 D _V_TrustManagerService: aggregateIsTrusted -
isTrustAllowedForUser = false
11-03 22:29:26.388 1155 1155 D _V_TrustManagerService: aggregateIsTrusted -
isTrustAllowedForUser = false
11-03 22:29:26.389 1155 1538 I _V_SnapshotWindow: StartedGoingToSleep show end
11-03 22:29:26.390 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target ON, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:26.390 1155 1718 D _V_VivoLcmDcManager: onStartedGoingToSleep: why=3
11-03 22:29:26.391 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:26.392 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = BRIGHT; mPowerRequest.policy = DIM;
mExitingWindow = false; mJustScreenOnfalse
11-03 22:29:26.393 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 7.0E-5; animateBrightness = 7.0E-5;
rate = 600; state = 2; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:26.399 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteScreenBrightness google br = 0;
pem br = 0
11-03 22:29:26.402 1155 1472 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.405 1155 1718 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
onFinishedGoingToSleep(2, false)
11-03 22:29:26.405 1155 1718 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onFinishedGoingToSleep 2
11-03 22:29:26.405 1155 1718 D _V_VivoLcmDcManager: onFinishedGoingToSleep: why=2
11-03 22:29:26.407 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:26.408 1155 2722 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:26.412 1155 1472 W DreamManagerService: Dream
.AlwaysOnDisplay} does not exist
11-03 22:29:26.413 1155 1472 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping display group
(groupId=0, uid=1000)...
11-03 22:29:26.413 1155 1472 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
11-03 22:29:26.414 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:26.415 1155 1472 I PowerManagerService: setWakefulnessLocked = Asleep
11-03 22:29:26.415 1155 1472 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.416 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_VRampAnimator: oldCurrent = 100; current
= 99; currentFloat = 0.038598083; target = 11; animate = 99; rate = 600; gap = 20;
step = 1; scale = 1.0
11-03 22:29:26.420 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 1; mPowerRequest: policy=OFF,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:26.421 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:26.424 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target OFF, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:26.427 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:26.434 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 1; mPowerRequest: policy=OFF,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:26.434 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:26.434 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target OFF, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:26.434 1155 1721 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= -1.0; mInvisibleBright = -1.0; mActualLcm = 0; mTargetLcm = 11; mPemScale = 1.0;
mOriginBrightness = 7.0E-5
11-03 22:29:26.435 1155 1472 I DisplayPowerController[0]: Blocking screen off
11-03 22:29:26.435 1155 1721 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=-1.0, sdrBacklight=-1.0
11-03 22:29:26.435 1155 1721 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = -1.0 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
11-03 22:29:26.439 1155 1721 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no
mapping exists.
11-03 22:29:26.439 1155 1472 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
onScreenTurningOff() screen_turned_on
11-03 22:29:26.440 1155 1721 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no
mapping exists.
11-03 22:29:26.442 1155 1721 I _V_VivoLocalDisplayAdapter: setLcmBacklight
lcmFloat = 0.0; setBrightness = 0
11-03 22:29:26.442 1155 1472 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onScreenTurningOff
11-03 22:29:26.442 1155 1472 I DisplayPowerController[0]: Unblocked screen off
after 8 ms
11-03 22:29:26.443 1155 1721 I _V_VivoLightsService: lcmFloat = 0.0;
setBrightness = 0
11-03 22:29:26.443 1155 1420 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:vivo_lcm_brightness value:0 pkg:android userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.446 1155 2722 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10073 pid=1747
11-03 22:29:26.449 1155 1645 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: e setting switch
string: 0
11-03 22:29:26.450 1155 1423 D _V_VivoLocalDisplayAdapter: display Info =
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Layar Bawaan": uniqueId="local:0", 720 x 1600, modeId 1,
defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[]}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities
HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0,
mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported false,
gameContentTypeSupported false, density 300, 269.21 x 269.21 dpi, appVsyncOff
2400001, presDeadline 28600000, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0)
waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 - 445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type INTERNAL, address {port=0},
deviceProductInfo null, state ON, frameRateOverride , brightnessMinimum 0.0,
brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.4, roundedCorners
RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 1515)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 1515)}]},
11-03 22:29:26.450 1155 1477 D _V_VivoDisplayStateService: primary-display
onDisplayStateChanged ON to ON backlight: 100 to 0
11-03 22:29:26.450 1155 1423 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: mDisplayId = 0
mDisplayOn = 1 displayOn = 0
11-03 22:29:26.451 1155 1477 I _V_VivoDisplayStateService: onDisplayStateChanged:
primary-display turns off, alwaysOnEnabled = false, suppressed = false
11-03 22:29:26.451 1155 2722 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateVisibility false
11-03 22:29:26.452 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:26.453 1155 2722 D _V_InsetsStateController: onInsetsModified
newState = InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false} } from Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0
11-03 22:29:26.454 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 8, arg1 = 1, arg2 = 2
11-03 22:29:26.454 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = -1, arg2 = -1,
name = screen
11-03 22:29:26.455 1155 1423 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: e setting switch
string: 0
11-03 22:29:26.455 1155 1423 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 2 state = 256
11-03 22:29:26.455 1155 1423 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 0
type = 0 state = 0
11-03 22:29:26.456 1155 2878 D _V_CapacityKeyService: called ServiceState is
11-03 22:29:26.460 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.server.power.FaceDownDetector@8ee9d1dsensor=NULL num: 4
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 1437 I system_server: Using smaps_rollup for pss
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.461 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.462 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:26.463 1155 2722 D _V_WindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw
win=Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade} appearance=0x0
appearanceRegions.fullscreenAppearance=0 appearanceRegions.dockedAppearance=0
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1645 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.vivo.services.touchscreen.TouchScreenService$2 num: 4
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: Stack is:
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: java.lang.Exception: Debug addToken:
{"ScreenOff", display 0, acquire at 48503 (now)}
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.465 1155 1472 W _V_VivoStack: at
11-03 22:29:26.467 1155 1472 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController:
onScreenTurnedOff() screen_turning_off
11-03 22:29:26.468 1155 1472 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onScreenTurnedOff
(service connected)
11-03 22:29:26.478 1155 2068 I ActivityManager: Process com.vivo.faceui (pid
1976) has died: pers PER
11-03 22:29:26.478 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 1000 pid 1976 in 0ms
11-03 22:29:26.479 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 1000 pid 1976 in 0ms
11-03 22:29:26.480 1155 1508 W _V_VivoDisplayStateService: primary-display
FaceDozeIcon died
11-03 22:29:26.481 1155 1423 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=false},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,0][0,0], mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:29:26.482 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.483 1155 1423 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.484 1155 1477 I _V_VivoDisplayStateService: primary-
display:UDFingerprint request overlay show = true
11-03 22:29:26.490 1155 1716 I _V_VivoDisplayOverlayController:
enableDisableBlackOverlayInternal: primary-display enable: true mOverlayAdded:
11-03 22:29:26.490 1155 1472 D _V_AccessibilityWaterMark: screenTurnedOff
11-03 22:29:26.491 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:26.492 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl: onAutoBrightness
[0, -1.0] false, sceen off
11-03 22:29:26.492 1155 1421 E _V_FaceUIServiceDelegate: service disconnected 1
11-03 22:29:26.492 1155 1916 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:26.493 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_FingerprintController:
notifyFingerprintFloat lux = -1.0; br = -1.0; flag = 0
11-03 22:29:26.493 589 2474 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb84e0090) for
11-03 22:29:26.493 1155 1546 D _V_VivoWMPHook: The proximiteRegistered is
falseregister is true
11-03 22:29:26.493 1155 1546 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:20000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.server.policy.VivoWMPHook$1 num: 3
11-03 22:29:26.493 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AntiMisoperation: screenStateChanged = 1
11-03 22:29:26.494 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = DIM; mPowerRequest.policy = OFF; mExitingWindow
= false; mJustScreenOnfalse
11-03 22:29:26.496 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.0; animateBrightness = 0.0; rate
= 0; state = 1; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:26.498 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.498 1155 1916 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.498 1155 1916 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.503 1155 1472 I _V_VivoPhoneWindowManagerImpl:
onDisplayStateBeginChange: turns off
11-03 22:29:26.505 1155 1721 I _V_Sensor_PemBrightness: getPemBrightness originBr
= -1.0; mInvisibleBright = -1.0; mActualLcm = 0; mTargetLcm = 11; mPemScale = 1.0;
mOriginBrightness = 7.0E-5
11-03 22:29:26.505 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 1; mPowerRequest: policy=OFF,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:26.506 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:26.506 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target OFF, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:26.506 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:26.506 1155 1721 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=OFF, backlight=-1.0, sdrBacklight=-1.0
11-03 22:29:26.507 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = OFF; mPowerRequest.policy = OFF; mExitingWindow
= false; mJustScreenOnfalse
11-03 22:29:26.507 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.0; animateBrightness = 0.0; rate
= 0; state = 1; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:26.507 1155 1721 D _V_shuangping0705: setOverrideDisplayState :
displayId = 0 ; overrideState = 1 ; mOverridePrimaryState = 2 ;
mOverrideSecondState = 1
11-03 22:29:26.508 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.510 1155 1721 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = -1.0 ;
mOverrideState = 1 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
11-03 22:29:26.511 1155 1716 D _V_VivoFloatWindowManager:
bindWindowToActivityRecordIfNeeded, win=Window{android:a390722 u0
VivoDisplayOverlay} task=null
11-03 22:29:26.513 1155 1721 D _V_VivoLocalDisplayDeviceImpl: ON
setPowerModeForState:OFF, isMainDisplay=true, false
11-03 22:29:26.514 1155 1716 D _V_InsetsController: VivoDisplayOverlay
onControlsChanged {}
11-03 22:29:26.514 1155 1716 D _V_InsetsController: VivoDisplayOverlay
onFrameChanged: Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
11-03 22:29:26.515 1155 2068 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
service com.vivo.faceui/.FaceUIService in 0ms for persistent
11-03 22:29:26.516 1155 1916 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:26.516 1155 2069 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onKeyguardMsgChanged
keyguard_status 2
11-03 22:29:26.519 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:29:26.519 1155 1965 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:finger_for_bouncer_show value:0 pkg:com.android.systemui
11-03 22:29:26.519 1155 1423 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed
state: "Layar Bawaan", OFF
11-03 22:29:26.520 1155 1647 D _V_CapacityKeyService: mDisplayId =0 rotation = 0
mBrightness =1
11-03 22:29:26.521 1155 1661 D _V_ProxCaliService: onDisplayChanged display = 0;
Frontstate = 1
11-03 22:29:26.521 1155 1661 I _V_Sensor_NativeNotificationImpl:
frontDisplayState = 1; backDisplayState = 1
11-03 22:29:26.521 1155 1916 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.521 1155 1423 I InputManager-JNI: Viewport [0] to add: local:0,
isActive: false
11-03 22:29:26.522 1155 1916 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.532 1155 2722 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.532 1155 2722 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.535 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.536 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:26.536 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
changes=DISPLAY_INFO |
11-03 22:29:26.537 1155 1549 I InputReader: Disabling vivo_ts (device 8) because
the associated viewport is not active
11-03 22:29:26.537 1155 1549 I InputReader: Disabling vivo_ts_fp (device 6)
because the associated viewport is not active
11-03 22:29:26.540 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.541 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.547 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:29:26.548 1155 1622 D _V_BatteryService: HealthHalCallback called,
HealthInfo = {.chargerAcOnline = false, .chargerUsbOnline =
false, .chargerWirelessOnline = false, .maxChargingCurrent = 0, .maxChargingVoltage
= 0, .batteryStatus = DISCHARGING, .batteryHealth = GOOD, .batteryPresent =
true, .batteryLevel = 31, .batteryVoltage = 3719, .batteryTemperature =
337, .batteryCurrent = -617, .batteryCycleCount = 1, .batteryFullCharge =
4910000, .batteryChargeCounter = 6000, .batteryTechnology = Li-poly},
mShutdownBatteryTemperature = 600
11-03 22:29:26.548 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
2000, name = com.vivo.fingerprintui:PowerUtils
11-03 22:29:26.549 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:26.550 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteScreenBrightness google br = 0;
pem br = 0
11-03 22:29:26.550 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.550 1155 2722 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.550 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.550 1155 2722 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.551 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.551 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.552 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.552 1155 2068 W ActivityManager: Re-adding persistent process
ProcessRecord{e40c979 1976:com.vivo.faceui/1000}
11-03 22:29:26.553 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.553 1155 1716 I WindowManager: Relayout Window{android:a390722 u0
VivoDisplayOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0, requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1600
11-03 22:29:26.558 1155 1716 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.559 1155 1716 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.562 1155 1716 I BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:48300000000,api:0,p:-
1,c:1155) connect: controlledByApp=false
11-03 22:29:26.562 1155 1423 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
sorEventListener@e0c3552sensor=NULL num: 0
11-03 22:29:26.563 1155 1424 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 158002302; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:26.565 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:26.566 1155 1716 I BLASTBufferQueue:
[ViewRootImpl[VivoDisplayOverlay]#0] constructor()
11-03 22:29:26.569 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.569 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.569 1155 1716 D _V_InsetsController: VivoDisplayOverlay
onControlsChanged {}
11-03 22:29:26.575 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.575 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.580 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.580 1155 1508 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.584 1155 1716 I BufferQueueProducer:
[ViewRootImpl[VivoDisplayOverlay]#0(BLAST Consumer)0]
(id:48300000000,api:2,p:1155,c:1155) connect: api=2 producerControlledByApp=true
11-03 22:29:26.585 1155 2560 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:29:26.588 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.588 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.592 1155 2068 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 42, arg1 = 1976, arg2 =
1000, name = startold
11-03 22:29:26.593 1155 2068 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.faceui
11-03 22:29:26.597 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.597 1155 2560 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.600 1155 2068 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:26.605 1155 1716 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1:
Invalid argument
11-03 22:29:26.609 1155 1155 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 149ms main
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.app.LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$
$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@584736e m=0
11-03 22:29:26.610 1155 1421 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 122ms android.ui
c=android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection@9a4da0f m=0
11-03 22:29:26.611 1155 1421 D _V_VivoWMPHook: proxiity sensor change keySwitchOn
is false
11-03 22:29:26.611 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:26.612 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
recordProcessDiedEvent() pid:1976,uid:1000,pkgName:com.vivo.faceui
11-03 22:29:26.613 1155 2879 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x15002010 (has extras) }
on fgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:26.615 1155 1421 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: onProcessDied: pid=1976,
11-03 22:29:26.615 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:29:26.615 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: getAppName
11-03 22:29:26.615 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify:
11-03 22:29:26.619 1155 1605 D _V_VivoMockLocationRecoveryNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:29:26.622 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:26.626 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.626 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.629 1155 1716 D _V_WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow:
Window{android:a390722 u0 VivoDisplayOverlay} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
11-03 22:29:26.633 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.634 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.643 1155 2117 D AS.AudioService: Volume controller visible: false
11-03 22:29:26.649 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:software_lock_password_right value:0
pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.650 1155 1424 I _V_VivoWindowStateImpl: Force hiding visibility
changed, visible = false, win = Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0
11-03 22:29:26.650 1155 1424 V _V_VivoDisplayContentImpl: Now policy hidden by
force hiding: Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0}
11-03 22:29:26.650 1155 1424 I _V_VivoWindowStateImpl: Force hiding visibility
changed, visible = false, win = Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0
11-03 22:29:26.650 1155 1424 V _V_VivoDisplayContentImpl: Now policy hidden by
force hiding: Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}
11-03 22:29:26.650 1155 1424 I _V_VivoWindowStateImpl: Force hiding visibility
changed, visible = false, win = Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar}
11-03 22:29:26.650 1155 1424 V _V_VivoDisplayContentImpl: Now policy hidden by
force hiding: Window{com.android.systemui:b9dbdcf u0 StatusBar}
11-03 22:29:26.650 1155 1424 I _V_VivoWindowStateImpl: Force hiding visibility
changed, visible = false, win = Window{com.android.systemui:b7e81f0 u0
11-03 22:29:26.650 1155 1424 V _V_VivoDisplayContentImpl: Now policy hidden by
force hiding: Window{com.android.systemui:b7e81f0 u0
11-03 22:29:26.652 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.654 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
2000, name = com.vivo.fingerprintui:PowerUtils
11-03 22:29:26.654 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: mUserActivityTimeout set to 7000
11-03 22:29:26.655 1155 1424 D _V_WindowManager: Window
Window{com.android.systemui:bb76d83 u0 NotificationShade}, its type = 2040, causing
the syswin = true
11-03 22:29:26.655 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:26.659 1155 2722 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=com.android.internal.stk.session_end flg=0x2010
cmp=com.android.stk/.StkCmdReceiver (has extras) } on bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:26.660 1155 1911 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10201 callingPid:2810
11-03 22:29:26.660 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:26.661 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 76ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:26.661 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 77ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:26.661 1155 1887 W _V_GnssConfiguration: nfw: VGC not config.
11-03 22:29:26.661 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2883:com.vivo.faceui/1000 for restart com.vivo.faceui
11-03 22:29:26.662 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 78ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:26.662 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2883, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.faceui, str2 = com.vivo.faceui
11-03 22:29:26.662 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 78ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:26.663 1155 1575 E WifiCarrierInfoManager: Carrier config is missing
for: 5
11-03 22:29:26.663 1155 1733 D _V_VivoDisplayManagerServiceImpl:
releaseColorLockInternal: lock= 163550419 [keyguard-blur], packageName =
11-03 22:29:26.664 1155 1733 D _V_VivoDisplayManagerServiceImpl:
shouldSetColorMode : false
11-03 22:29:26.664 1155 1418 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.vivo.action.SHOW_SOFTWARE_LOCK_RELOCK flg=0x10
pkg=com.vivo.smartmultiwindow (has extras) } pkgName:com.vivo.smartmultiwindow
11-03 22:29:26.664 1155 1575 E WifiCarrierInfoManager: Carrier config is missing
for: 4
11-03 22:29:26.664 1155 1575 D WifiService: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED, active
subId: 5
11-03 22:29:26.671 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 5 queried, returning: null
11-03 22:29:26.673 1155 1155 D _V_FeatureService: onReceive action
11-03 22:29:26.674 1155 1155 D _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService:
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED! charge disconnected!
11-03 22:29:26.674 1155 1155 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 4 state = 0
11-03 22:29:26.674 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:29:26.674 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:29:26.675 1155 1155 I DeviceIdleController: updateChargingLocked:
11-03 22:29:26.700 1155 1421 D _V_VivoSmartwakeKeyHandler: smartwake screen
11-03 22:29:26.727 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:26.727 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
11-03 22:29:26.729 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPDISCOVER 1929ms later
11-03 22:29:26.741 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: Receiver
11-03 22:29:26.741 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:26.741 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:26.741 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:26.741 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:26.741 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:26.749 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.749 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.750 1155 1155 I _V_VNOILNMS: ===VNOILNMS n=0 VideoStates=false
NoticeStates=false flag_red=0 flag_green=0 mScreenOn=false
11-03 22:29:26.751 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.751 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.752 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: receive broadcast intent,
action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
11-03 22:29:26.752 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: clearUp
11-03 22:29:26.753 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: register VivoMotionSensor
11-03 22:29:26.753 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66540
strType=android.sensor.vivomotion_detect delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.server.location.VivoNlpPowerMonitor$1 num: 0
11-03 22:29:26.754 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 25, arg1 = 94, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:26.757 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: ScreenOff: true
11-03 22:29:26.762 1155 1155 D AudioSystem: +setParameters(): screen_state=off
11-03 22:29:26.764 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.764 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.765 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:26.765 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.770 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:26.770 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:26.774 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:26.775 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:26.775 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:26.776 1155 1721 D SurfaceControl: Excessive delay in setPowerMode()
11-03 22:29:26.777 1155 1721 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 1 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = -1.0 ;
mOverrideState = 1 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
11-03 22:29:26.778 1155 1423 D _V_VivoLocalDisplayAdapter: display Info =
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Layar Bawaan": uniqueId="local:0", 720 x 1600, modeId 1,
defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[]}], colorMode 0, supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities
HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[], mMaxLuminance=500.0,
mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported false,
gameContentTypeSupported false, density 300, 269.21 x 269.21 dpi, appVsyncOff
2400001, presDeadline 28600000, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0)
waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0
- 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 - 445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type INTERNAL, address {port=0},
deviceProductInfo null, state OFF, frameRateOverride , brightnessMinimum 0.0,
brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.4, roundedCorners
RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 85)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85, center=Point(635, 1515)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85, center=Point(85, 1515)}]},
11-03 22:29:26.778 1155 1477 D _V_VivoDisplayStateService: primary-display
onDisplayStateChanged ON to OFF backlight: 0 to 0
11-03 22:29:26.779 1155 1472 D _V_DisplayPowerController[0]: updatePowerState:
mProximity = Unknown; mScreenOffBecauseOfProximity = false; powerKeyWake = false;
mWaitingForNegativeProximity = false; state = 1; mPowerRequest: policy=OFF,
useProximitySensor=false, screenBrightnessOverride=NaN, useAutoBrightness=false,
screenAutoBrightnessAdjustmentOverride=NaN, screenLowPowerBrightnessFactor=1.0,
blockScreenOn=false, lowPowerMode=false, boostScreenBrightness=false,
dozeScreenBrightness=NaN, dozeScreenState=UNKNOWN, lightUpNow=false
11-03 22:29:26.779 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
setProximitySensorEnabled = false
11-03 22:29:26.779 1155 1472 D DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange to target OFF, displayId = 0
11-03 22:29:26.779 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerController[0]:
animateScreenStateChange end
11-03 22:29:26.780 1155 1472 I _V_Sensor_AnimateBrightness: mAutoMode = 1;
mOpeningAutoMode = false; changeBy = com.android.systemui; autoEnable = false;
waitFirstLux = false; mOldPolicy = OFF; mPowerRequest.policy = OFF; mExitingWindow
= false; mJustScreenOnfalse
11-03 22:29:26.780 1155 1472 I _V_DisplayPowerControllerImpl:
animateScreenBrightnessImpl origin brightness = 0.0; animateBrightness = 0.0; rate
= 0; state = 1; slowChange = false
11-03 22:29:26.780 1155 1472 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:26.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerState: receive:
android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF mScreenOn:true
11-03 22:29:26.780 1155 1155 D _V_VivoColorDisplayServiceImpl: receive:
11-03 22:29:26.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: power off esd
11-03 22:29:26.781 1155 1155 D _V_VivoLcmSre: power off sre
11-03 22:29:26.782 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerState: receive: mScreenOn=false
11-03 22:29:26.783 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: handleMessage MSG_POWER_OFF
11-03 22:29:26.785 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: handlePowerOff
11-03 22:29:26.785 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: setSensorStatus mEsdEnable=true
enable=false mIsAlgoUnder=false
11-03 22:29:26.785 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: unregisterProSensor: unregister pro
sensor mRegisterPro=true
11-03 22:29:26.785 1155 1629 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.server.display.color.VivoLcmEsd$1@42fd240sensor=NULL num: 5
11-03 22:29:26.786 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:26.788 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 8, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:26.788 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: note what = 26, arg1 = 94, arg2 =
11-03 22:29:26.789 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: unregisterAccelerometerSensor:
already unregister acc sensor mRegisterAcc=false
11-03 22:29:26.789 1155 1629 D _V_VivoLcmEsd: unregisterAccelerometerSensor:
already unregister acc sensor
11-03 22:29:26.791 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_AutoInfoManager: action =
11-03 22:29:26.794 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:26.795 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:26.795 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_CurveOptimizedTime: need OptimizedCurve,
11-03 22:29:26.799 1155 1155 D _V_ProxCaliService: receive action =
11-03 22:29:26.804 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 22:29:26.804 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:0,uid:0
11-03 22:29:26.810 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:26.810 1155 2069 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_adjust_brightness_color
value:16776698 pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.811 1155 1155 D DeviceIdleController: updateInteractivityLocked:
11-03 22:29:26.811 1155 1155 D DeviceIdleController:
becomeInactiveIfAppropriateLocked(): isScreenBlockingInactive=false
(mScreenOn=false, WAIT_FOR_UNLOCK=true, mScreenLocked=true) mCharging=false
11-03 22:29:26.812 1155 2560 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_adjust_brightness_start
value:0.0 pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.813 1155 2069 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_adjust_brightness_end
value:0.1297665 pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.814 1155 2069 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_adjust_brightness_duration
value:800 pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.822 1155 1482 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: onReceive intent:Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF flg=0x50200010 } allStartHiddenApp:[]
11-03 22:29:26.822 1155 1155 D _V_VivoWifiGameService: action receive
11-03 22:29:26.822 1155 1482 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: onReceive intent:Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF flg=0x50200010 } allStartHiddenApp:[]
11-03 22:29:26.823 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:26.825 1155 1155 V InputMethodMenuController: Hide switching menu
11-03 22:29:26.828 1155 1155 V InputMethodMenuController: Hide switching menu
11-03 22:29:26.830 1155 1887 D _V_IVivoGnssLocationProvider: receive broadcast
intent, action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF
11-03 22:29:26.851 1155 2722 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:faceunlock_screen_doze value:0
pkg:com.vivo.faceui userId:0
11-03 22:29:26.863 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:26.867 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:26.870 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:26.872 1155 1575 E WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Error! unhandled
message{ id=253 when=-6ms what=131527
target=com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler }
11-03 22:29:26.872 1155 2722 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:26.879 1155 1155 D TrustManagerService: Removing dead TrustListener.
11-03 22:29:26.879 1155 1155 D _V_TrustManagerService: aggregateIsTrusted -
isTrustAllowedForUser = false
11-03 22:29:26.915 1155 2722 D AS.AudioService: Volume controller visible: false
11-03 22:29:26.971 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:27.173 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:27.173 1155 2560 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:27.177 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:27.249 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:27.250 1155 2560 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:27.254 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:27.280 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:27.280 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:27.342 1155 2722 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:multi_sim_voice_call value:-1
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:27.352 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
setUserSelectedOutgoingPhoneAccount: no change to voice sub
11-03 22:29:27.381 1155 1421 I _V_FaceUIServiceDelegate: Faceui service binded
11-03 22:29:27.381 1155 2560 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:multi_sim_sms value:5
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:27.390 1155 2560 W _V_VivoDisplayStateService: primary-display
register module denied/FaceDozeIcon is already registered
11-03 22:29:27.393 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:27.395 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:27.396 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:27.398 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:27.403 1155 1445 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{82eb429 u0 com.vivo.pushservice/com.vivo.core.AbeCoreService}
11-03 22:29:27.403 1155 1445 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast
11-03 22:29:27.418 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10145 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:27.418 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10145, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:27.418 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [10145]
11-03 22:29:27.420 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10145; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:27.420 1155 1445 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast
11-03 22:29:27.429 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [10145]
11-03 22:29:27.430 1155 1421 I _V_FaceUIServiceDelegate: service connected
11-03 22:29:27.433 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:27.435 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:27.437 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:27.437 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:27.440 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:27.445 1155 1508 I _V_FaceUIStateMonitor: get memory FileDescriptor
11-03 22:29:27.453 1155 1508 I _V_VivoFaceServiceImpl: sendCommand cmd: 1016
extra: 0
11-03 22:29:27.475 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:27.476 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:27.522 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:shutdown_after_optimization value:0
pkg:com.bbk.updater userId:0
11-03 22:29:27.559 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:27.559 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=1000, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:27.559 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10145]
11-03 22:29:27.569 1155 2722 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:27.570 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10145]
11-03 22:29:27.571 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:27.582 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10174 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:27.582 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10174, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:27.582 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10145, 10174]
11-03 22:29:27.585 1155 2722 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10174; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:27.586 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10145, 10174]
11-03 22:29:27.587 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:27.622 1155 2722 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.contextmanager.service.ContextManagerService.START
pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:27.624 1155 1508 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@d412d16
11-03 22:29:27.705 1155 2560 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2345
11-03 22:29:27.706 1155 2560 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2345
11-03 22:29:27.710 1155 2117 W ServiceManager: Permission failure:
android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10145 pid=2345
11-03 22:29:27.723 1155 2117 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:27.753 1155 1911 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2345
11-03 22:29:27.754 1155 1911 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2345
11-03 22:29:27.824 1155 1579 D _V_VivoClientModeImpl: setVivoGameingMode: false
11-03 22:29:27.825 1155 1575 D _V_VivoClientModeImpl: M_CMD_SET_GAMING_MODE
message.arg1:0, oldGamingMode:false, oldRoamMode:true, rssi:-38, current
11-03 22:29:27.825 1155 1575 D _V_VivoClientModeImpl: M_CMD_SET_GAMING_MODE
newGamingMode:false, newRoamMode:true
11-03 22:29:27.833 1155 1423 D ColorDisplayService: Setting saturation level: 100
11-03 22:29:27.837 1155 2722 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:27.838 1155 2560 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@22b2123
11-03 22:29:27.885 1155 1911 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10174 callingPid:2253
11-03 22:29:27.894 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10174 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:29:27.907 1155 1423 D ColorDisplayService: Setting saturation level: 100
11-03 22:29:27.907 1155 1423 D _V_ColorDisplayService: applyTint level=150, from:
R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:29:27.907 1155 1423 D _V_ColorDisplayService: applyTint level=150, to:
R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:29:27.909 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10174 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:29:27.927 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:29:27.928 1155 1155 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: receive
11-03 22:29:27.933 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:29:27.937 1155 1155 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
packageName: com.google.android.marvin.talkback
11-03 22:29:27.938 1155 1155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10194; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:27.939 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10194; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:27.941 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10194 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:27.941 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10194, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:27.941 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10145, 10174, 10194]
11-03 22:29:27.941 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10145, 10174, 10194]
11-03 22:29:27.942 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:27.966 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2934:com.google.android.marvin.talkback/u0a194 for broadcast
11-03 22:29:27.967 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2934, arg2 =
10194, str1 = com.google.android.marvin.talkback, str2 =
11-03 22:29:27.971 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:28.028 1155 2560 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:28.048 1155 2560 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10194; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:28.063 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:28.063 1155 2722 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:28.070 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:28.157 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:28.157 1155 2722 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:28.161 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:28.198 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.198 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.200 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.200 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.205 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.206 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.206 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.207 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.235 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.236 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.237 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.238 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.245 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.245 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.246 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.247 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.260 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10103 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:28.260 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10103, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:28.260 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10194]
11-03 22:29:28.263 1155 1911 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.android.deskclock
11-03 22:29:28.264 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10103; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:28.265 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10103; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:28.265 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10103; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:28.266 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10103; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:28.267 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10103; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:28.269 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10194]
11-03 22:29:28.270 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:28.293 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2951:com.android.deskclock/u0a103 for broadcast
11-03 22:29:28.295 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2951, arg2 =
10103, str1 = com.android.deskclock, str2 = com.android.deskclock
11-03 22:29:28.296 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.296 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.300 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.302 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.306 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.310 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.312 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.316 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.320 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.323 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.336 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.338 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.339 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.339 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.370 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.371 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.373 1155 1911 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:28.373 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.374 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.378 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.380 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.383 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.393 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10103; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:28.418 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.419 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.420 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.420 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.437 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.437 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:28.452 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:28.452 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.460 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.460 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.461 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.462 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.465 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.469 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.472 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.544 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.545 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.545 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.546 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.596 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.598 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.599 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.600 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.601 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.602 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.603 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.604 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.605 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.613 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.613 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:28.615 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.618 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.619 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.619 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.625 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.638 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.658 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.661 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:28.662 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
11-03 22:29:28.664 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPDISCOVER 3631ms later
11-03 22:29:28.674 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.674 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.675 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.676 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.681 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.689 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.690 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.692 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.692 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.695 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.714 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.715 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.716 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.717 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.719 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.723 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.726 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.729 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.729 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 10103, arg2 =
2951, name = AlarmClock
11-03 22:29:28.730 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.733 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.735 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.738 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.761 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.761 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.762 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.762 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.779 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.780 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.782 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.783 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.787 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.789 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.791 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.805 1155 1911 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=com.android.deskclock.ALARM_CHANGED flg=0x10
pkg=com.android.deskclock } send by ApplicationInfo{1c6c86a com.android.deskclock}
should with permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:29:28.807 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 10103, arg2 =
2951, name = AlarmClock
11-03 22:29:28.807 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.823 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1001 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:28.823 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=1001, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:28.823 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10194]
11-03 22:29:28.825 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.825 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.826 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:28.826 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:28.828 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10194]
11-03 22:29:28.830 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:28.897 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(addr: ************ -> )(subAddr: ************ -> )]
11-03 22:29:28.897 1155 2117 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:28.902 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:28.972 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:28.980 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}(cap: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg
SimSub -> SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub )]
11-03 22:29:28.981 1155 2117 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:28.985 1155 2117 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:29.029 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.030 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.031 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.033 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.039 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.039 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.040 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.041 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.281 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.281 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.283 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.284 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.302 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.307 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.307 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.422 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:29.423 1155 2560 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:29.430 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:29.468 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.469 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.470 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.471 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.474 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.498 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.500 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.519 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.519 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.520 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.522 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.524 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.528 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.532 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.535 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.538 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.541 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.545 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.567 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.569 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.571 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.572 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.596 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.597 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.598 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.598 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.601 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.605 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.609 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.610 1155 1911 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:st2 value:51638 pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:29.612 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:29.612 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.615 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.620 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.623 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.630 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.633 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.636 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.639 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.653 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.654 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.656 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.657 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.657 1155 1911 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:29:29.678 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.679 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.680 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.681 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.684 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.685 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.687 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.687 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.688 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.689 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.690 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.691 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.696 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:29.698 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.699 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.699 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:29.972 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:29.984 1155 2560 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]}
11-03 22:29:29.987 1155 2560 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyServiceStateForSubscriber: callback.onServiceStateChanged
r={callingPackage=*** callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@67df833
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=2147483647
phoneId=-1 events=[1, 6, 23, 13]} subId=5 phoneId=0
state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1625, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mOperatorAlphaLong=Merdeka!, mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT OOREDOO,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=****
rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026
mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=010
mAlphaLong=INDOSAT OOREDOO mAlphaShort=INDOSAT OOREDOO mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo
{ mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0
mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=510010
isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026 mPci=417
mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=010
mAlphaLong=INDOSAT OOREDOO mAlphaShort=INDOSAT OOREDOO mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 3 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=****
rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsIwlanPreferred=false, Ril Voice Regist state=1, Ril Data Regist state=1,
VoiceRejectCause=-1, DataRejectCause=-1, IwlanRegState=1, CellularVoiceRegState=0,
CellularDataRegState=0, RilCellularDataRegState=1, CellularDataRoamingType=0,
11-03 22:29:29.989 1155 2560 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@73efb99
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=5 phoneId=0
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]}
11-03 22:29:29.992 1155 2560 D _V_TelephonyRegistry:
notifyServiceStateForSubscriber: callback.onServiceStateChanged
r={callingPackage=*** callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@73efb99
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=5 phoneId=0
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]} subId=5 phoneId=0
state={mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),
mChannelNumber=1625, duplexMode()=1, mCellBandwidths=[20000],
mOperatorAlphaLong=Merdeka!, mOperatorAlphaShort=INDOSAT OOREDOO,
isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), getRilVoiceRadioTechnology=14(LTE),
getRilDataRadioTechnology=14(LTE), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1,
mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1,
mIsEmergencyOnly=false, isUsingCarrierAggregation=false,
mNetworkRegistrationInfos=[NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS transportType=WLAN
registrationState=NOT_REG_OR_SEARCHING roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=UNKNOWN rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[] cellIdentity=null voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls = 0
isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 1 mEmcBearerSupport = 1 } nrState=****
rRplmn=null isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=CS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[VOICE,SMS,VIDEO] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026
mPci=417 mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=010
mAlphaLong=INDOSAT OOREDOO mAlphaShort=INDOSAT OOREDOO mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=VoiceSpecificRegistrationInfo
{ mCssSupported=false mRoamingIndicator=0 mSystemIsInPrl=0
mDefaultRoamingIndicator=0} dataSpecificInfo=null nrState=**** rRplmn=510010
isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}, NetworkRegistrationInfo{ domain=PS
transportType=WWAN registrationState=HOME roamingType=NOT_ROAMING
accessNetworkTechnology=LTE rejectCause=0 emergencyEnabled=false
availableServices=[DATA] cellIdentity=CellIdentityLte:{ mCi=18369026 mPci=417
mTac=64014 mEarfcn=1625 mBands=[3] mBandwidth=20000 mMcc=510 mMnc=010
mAlphaLong=INDOSAT OOREDOO mAlphaShort=INDOSAT OOREDOO mAdditionalPlmns={}
mCsgInfo=null} voiceSpecificInfo=null
dataSpecificInfo=android.telephony.DataSpecificRegistrationInfo :{ maxDataCalls =
16 isDcNrRestricted = false isNrAvailable = false isEnDcAvailable = false
LteVopsSupportInfo : mVopsSupport = 3 mEmcBearerSupport = 3 } nrState=****
rRplmn=510010 isUsingCarrierAggregation=false}], mNrFrequencyRange=0,
mOperatorAlphaLongRaw=INDOSAT, mOperatorAlphaShortRaw=INDOSAT,
mIsIwlanPreferred=false, Ril Voice Regist state=1, Ril Data Regist state=1,
VoiceRejectCause=-1, DataRejectCause=-1, IwlanRegState=1, CellularVoiceRegState=0,
CellularDataRegState=0, RilCellularDataRegState=1, CellularDataRoamingType=0,
11-03 22:29:29.993 1155 2560 D _V_TelephonyRegistry: r = {callingPackage=***
callerUid=10073 binder=android.os.BinderProxy@8dd523f
onOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListenererCallback=null subId=4 phoneId=1
events=[1, 17, 21, 7, 23, 8, 9]}
11-03 22:29:29.997 1155 2560 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:29.999 1155 2560 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:30.000 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:30.000 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:30.001 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:30.002 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:30.002 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:30.007 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
ProcessRecord{1dad663 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73} (pid=1747, uid=10073)
requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:30.007 1155 2560 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:30.008 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:30.008 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:30.008 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:30.009 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:30.011 1155 2560 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:30.012 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:30.013 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:30.013 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:30.013 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:30.020 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.022 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper:
11-03 22:29:30.023 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: Num:0--signal:true
11-03 22:29:30.024 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: in multiple timezone
11-03 22:29:30.024 1155 1652 D _V_LocationUpdateHelper: handleSignalChanged --
signal=true --Num=0
11-03 22:29:30.025 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.026 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.027 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.041 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.042 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.042 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.042 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.076 1155 1911 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x89000010 (has
extras) } to com.android.providers.blockednumber/.BlockedNumberInitReceiver
requires android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED due to sender null (uid 1000)
11-03 22:29:30.080 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10145 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:29:30.095 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10174 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:29:30.103 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:30.103 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.104 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: handleMessage,
11-03 22:29:30.104 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: handleMessage
11-03 22:29:30.104 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl:
bindVivoFwTwsService force:false
11-03 22:29:30.105 1155 1155 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1932
11-03 22:29:30.106 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:30.107 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.107 1155 1155 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
cmp=com.vivo.tws.vivotws/com.android.vivo.tws.vivotws.service.VivoAdapterService }
U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:30.113 1155 2879 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10174 callingPid:2253
11-03 22:29:30.128 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.130 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.133 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10179 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:30.133 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10179, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:30.133 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10179, 10194]
11-03 22:29:30.133 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.134 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.147 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10179, 10194]
11-03 22:29:30.150 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:30.163 1155 2722 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=2416,
11-03 22:29:30.167 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.168 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.168 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.168 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.171 1155 2722 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
packageName: com.google.android.gms
11-03 22:29:30.172 1155 2722 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10179; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:30.174 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10179; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:30.179 1155 1508 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish:
11-03 22:29:30.201 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
2974:com.google.android.gms/u0a179 for service
11-03 22:29:30.201 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 2974, arg2 =
10179, str1 = com.google.android.gms, str2 = com.google.android.gms
11-03 22:29:30.262 1155 2722 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:30.323 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.325 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.327 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.328 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.331 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.335 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.339 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.372 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.372 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.373 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.373 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.392 1155 1508 I BroadcastQueue: Delay finish:
11-03 22:29:30.401 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.403 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.405 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.407 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.409 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.409 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.411 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.412 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.438 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.438 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.439 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.440 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.496 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.499 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.500 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.518 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.519 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.520 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.520 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.585 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.586 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.586 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.587 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.617 1155 1911 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.google.android.gsf.gservices for user 0
11-03 22:29:30.696 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.698 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:30.828 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.828 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.831 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.833 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.850 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.851 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.851 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.853 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.967 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:30.968 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.969 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.970 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:30.972 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:31.073 1155 1508 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x5002010 (has extras) } on
bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:31.075 1155 1570 I NetworkPolicy: INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED from system uid 1001 pkg null
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.111 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED from system uid 1001 pkg null
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.113 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:31.115 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:31.115 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:31.116 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isSimLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:31.116 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:31.140 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:31.141 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:31.141 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:31.141 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.141 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:31.142 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:31.142 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:31.144 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.144 1155 1155 D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was
11-03 22:29:31.145 1155 1575 D WifiService: resetting carrier networks since SIM
was changed
11-03 22:29:31.146 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.146 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.147 1155 1575 W WifiNetworkSuggestionsManager: SIM state is
11-03 22:29:31.148 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:31.152 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.152 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.164 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.164 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.166 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.166 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.173 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:31.174 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.174 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.176 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.176 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.177 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.177 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.184 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.184 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.188 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.188 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.190 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.190 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.193 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.193 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.195 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.195 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.196 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.196 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.206 1155 1575 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 6
11-03 22:29:31.237 1155 1590 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:31.369 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:31.369 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:31.379 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:31.380 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:31.380 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:31.414 1155 1508 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED flg=0x5002010 (has extras) } on
bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED from system uid 1001 pkg null
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.435 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.436 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:31.436 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:31.436 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED from system uid 1001 pkg null
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:31.437 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isSimLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:31.438 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:31.487 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:31.499 1155 1570 I NetworkPolicy: INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED
11-03 22:29:31.502 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:31.502 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:31.502 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:31.502 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:31.503 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: received
11-03 22:29:31.503 1155 1155 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:29:31.506 1155 1155 D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was
11-03 22:29:31.507 1155 1575 D WifiService: resetting carrier networks since SIM
was changed
11-03 22:29:31.508 1155 1575 W WifiNetworkSuggestionsManager: SIM state is
11-03 22:29:31.513 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.513 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.519 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.519 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.520 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.521 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.522 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.522 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.525 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.529 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.531 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.531 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.532 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.532 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.536 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.536 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.538 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.538 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.540 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.540 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.540 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.540 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.542 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.542 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.543 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.543 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.544 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.545 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:31.545 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:31.549 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.553 1155 1575 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 6
11-03 22:29:31.556 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.568 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:31.586 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:31.586 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.588 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:31.589 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.591 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.593 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.594 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.602 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:31.644 1155 2722 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.voconfig.bridge for user 0
11-03 22:29:31.696 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.698 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.699 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.700 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.704 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.769 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:31.770 1155 1508 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:31.772 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:31.783 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:31.785 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.786 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.788 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:31.862 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:31.862 1155 1911 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:31.867 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:31.972 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:31.990 1155 2560 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #352} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (104
11-03 22:29:31.999 1155 2722 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.voconfig.bridge for user 0
11-03 22:29:32.179 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.180 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.182 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.183 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.197 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.198 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.199 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.200 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.206 1155 2722 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_SIGNAL_RESET flg=0x10002010
cmp=com.android.carrierdefaultapp/.CarrierDefaultBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
on fgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:32.212 1155 1445 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.android.carrierdefaultapp
11-03 22:29:32.213 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10091; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:32.214 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10091; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:32.215 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10091; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:32.215 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10091; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:32.217 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10091; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:32.221 1155 1911 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_SIGNAL_RESET flg=0x10002010
cmp=com.android.carrierdefaultapp/.CarrierDefaultBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
on fgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:32.240 1155 2560 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.entitlement.o2.EntitlementService pkg=com.vivo.entitlement } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:32.247 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3015:com.android.carrierdefaultapp/u0a91 for broadcast
11-03 22:29:32.248 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 3015, arg2 =
10091, str1 = com.android.carrierdefaultapp, str2 = com.android.carrierdefaultapp
11-03 22:29:32.256 1155 1911 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.entitlement.o2.EntitlementService pkg=com.vivo.entitlement } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:32.281 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:32.283 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:32.299 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:32.299 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
11-03 22:29:32.301 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPDISCOVER 8450ms later
11-03 22:29:32.331 1155 1911 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:32.347 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10091; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:32.378 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Got pending lease:
android.net.networkstack.DhcpResults@a225af1 DHCP server / Vendor info
null lease 3600 seconds Servername
11-03 22:29:32.394 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: dhcpResults2String results is ||24|0|0|||||
11-03 22:29:32.394 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: sendDhcpOfferBroadcast
dhcpResults2String ||24|0|0|||||
11-03 22:29:32.401 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.405 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:42,
11-03 22:29:32.406 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPREQUEST
ciaddr= request= serverid=
11-03 22:29:32.406 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: will retry DHCPREQUEST 549ms later
11-03 22:29:32.426 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Confirmed lease:
android.net.networkstack.DhcpResults@6075ee DHCP server / Vendor info
null lease 3600 seconds Servername
11-03 22:29:32.428 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.432 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.449 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.451 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.458 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.464 1155 2426 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :67
11-03 22:29:32.469 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:32.469 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.469 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.470 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.472 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: Receiver
11-03 22:29:32.473 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.474 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController:
11-03 22:29:32.474 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:32.474 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:32.474 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.474 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: receive broadcast intent,
action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
11-03 22:29:32.475 1155 1155 D SarControllerService: StateChangeReceiver
11-03 22:29:32.475 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: powerState 4,
mForceUpdateState = false
11-03 22:29:32.476 1155 1732 I _V_VivoWifiStallInfo: Clear wifi stall values
11-03 22:29:32.477 1155 1593 E ConnectivityService: Exception in
networkAddRouteParcel for non-gateway: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Machine
is not on the network (code 64)
11-03 22:29:32.477 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.478 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: not boot completed, so do
not react
11-03 22:29:32.478 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Scheduling renewal in 1799s
11-03 22:29:32.478 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Scheduling rebind in 3149s
11-03 22:29:32.478 1155 1155 D _V_VivoWifiGameService: action receive
11-03 22:29:32.478 1155 2426 D DhcpClient: Scheduling expiry in 3599s
11-03 22:29:32.478 1155 1593 E ConnectivityService: Exception in
networkAddRouteParcel for gateway: android.os.ServiceSpecificException: Machine is
not on the network (code 64)
11-03 22:29:32.482 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.482 1155 2426 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.484 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:32.489 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.490 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.491 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.493 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.494 1155 1575 D _V_VivoClientModeImpl: CaptivePortalCheckState
enter captivePortalCheckEnabled:true, isLastSelected:false, mOldWifiInfo:null,
state:OBTAINING_IPADDR, isValid:false, hasCheckedFailed:false,
isCaptivePortalChecked:false, isWifiSettings:true
11-03 22:29:32.499 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.499 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.499 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:32.500 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.504 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.504 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.504 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.504 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.504 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.504 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.504 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoConnectTipsTimes
11-03 22:29:32.504 1155 1155 D VivoWifiConfiguration: clearVivoStatusCodeCounter
11-03 22:29:32.509 1155 1575 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: trying to add 1 for wlan0
11-03 22:29:32.509 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=19
11-03 22:29:32.509 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: Receiver
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1155 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController:
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: transitionTo:
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: receive broadcast intent,
action: android.net.wifi.STATE_CHANGE
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: new
destination call exit/enter
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController:
setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo:
11-03 22:29:32.510 1155 1155 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor:
11-03 22:29:32.511 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: invokeExitMethods:
11-03 22:29:32.511 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController:
moveTempStackToStateStack: i=0,j=2
11-03 22:29:32.511 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController:
moveTempStackToStateStack: X mStateStackTop=2,startingIndex=2,Top=ConnectedState
11-03 22:29:32.511 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:32.511 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 100 to [/, /, /]
11-03 22:29:32.511 1155 1155 D SarControllerService: StateChangeReceiver
11-03 22:29:32.512 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 100 to [/, /, /] flags 3
11-03 22:29:32.513 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: add dns provided for
11-03 22:29:32.513 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: powerState 4,
mForceUpdateState = false
11-03 22:29:32.514 1155 1651 D SarControllerService: not boot completed, so do
not react
11-03 22:29:32.516 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.518 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:32.519 1155 1732 D VivoWifiWatchdogStateMachine: mInternetChecker not
ready. register it
11-03 22:29:32.520 1155 1732 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.521 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoDBManager: loadWifiCommonInfo
11-03 22:29:32.522 1155 1583 E _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: maybeAddBssid in
11-03 22:29:32.523 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.523 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.523 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.524 1155 1155 D _V_VivoWifiGameService: action receive
11-03 22:29:32.524 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.525 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.526 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.526 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.527 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.527 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.529 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.529 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.530 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.530 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.530 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.532 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.532 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.534 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.534 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.535 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.535 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.537 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.537 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.538 1155 1508 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.android.carrierdefaultapp.URLHandlerActivity newState:2 userId:0
callingPackage:null callingUid:10091 callingPid:3015
11-03 22:29:32.538 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.538 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.539 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.539 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.540 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.541 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:32.542 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.542 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.545 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=19
11-03 22:29:32.545 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.545 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.545 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI]
11-03 22:29:32.547 1155 1575 W WifiScoreReport: Cannot start external scoring
netId=100 currentNetId=100 currentNetCapabilities=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities:
USPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=12000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=30000Kbps
Specifier: <WifiNetworkAgentSpecifier [WifiConfiguration=, SSID="RimbaRaya HOTSPOT
", BSSID=48:62:76:16:14:48, band=1, mMatchLocalOnlySpecifiers=false]>
TransportInfo: <SSID: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT ", BSSID: 48:**:**:**:14:48, MAC:
0c:**:**:**:f2:8c, Security type: 0, Supplicant state: COMPLETED, HE Eight Max VHT
Spatial Streams Supported AP: false, Eight Max VHT Spatial streams support: false,
Wi-Fi standard: 4, RSSI: -38, Link speed: 65Mbps, Tx Link speed: 65Mbps, Max
Supported Tx Link speed: 72Mbps, Rx Link speed: 13Mbps, Max Supported Rx Link
speed: 72Mbps, Frequency: 2412MHz, Net ID: 4, Metered hint: false, score: 60,
CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1> SignalStrength: -38
OwnerUid: 1000 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT "] sessionId=1008
11-03 22:29:32.550 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.552 1155 1593 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100,
[,,,], [], 1800, 25, 776, 64, 0, 0, ,
11-03 22:29:32.556 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:32.557 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.558 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.561 1155 2560 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.android.carrierdefaultapp.URLHandlerActivity newState:2 userId:0
callingPackage:null callingUid:10091 callingPid:3015
11-03 22:29:32.562 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=13
11-03 22:29:32.562 1155 1593 W DnsManager: updatePrivateDns(100,
11-03 22:29:32.562 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.563 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 100 to [/, /, /, /]
11-03 22:29:32.564 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 100 to [/, /, /, /] flags 3
11-03 22:29:32.566 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.566 1155 1593 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100,
[,,,], [], 1800, 25, 776, 64, 0, 0, ,
11-03 22:29:32.575 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface wlan0 to network
11-03 22:29:32.582 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.594 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 100 to [/, /, /, /]
11-03 22:29:32.594 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 100 to [/, /, /, /] flags 3
11-03 22:29:32.595 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.596 1155 1593 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100,
[,,,], [], 1800, 25, 776, 64, 0, 0, ,
11-03 22:29:32.607 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.610 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.611 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:32.614 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.624 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.626 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:32.626 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.630 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=19
11-03 22:29:32.631 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.632 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.634 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.642 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWlanLogHelper: InternetCheckManager handle
NetworkChecker COMPLETE event:isCaptivePortal: isSuccessful()=true isPortal()=false
RedirectUrl=null isPartialConnectivity()=false
11-03 22:29:32.643 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=1
11-03 22:29:32.643 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.644 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.645 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: transitionTo:
11-03 22:29:32.645 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: new destination
call exit/enter
11-03 22:29:32.646 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100:
setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=2,curStateInfo:
11-03 22:29:32.646 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:32.646 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:32.646 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:32.646 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:32.647 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:32.648 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [23 : null → 100,
60 : null → 100, 45 : null → 100, 43 : null → 100, 37 : null → 100, 62 : null →
100, 49 : null → 100, 31 : null → 100, 47 : null → 100, 33 : null → 100, 85 : null
→ 100, 1 : null → 100, 39 : null → 100, 29 : null → 100, 25 : null → 100, 35 : null
→ 100, 67 : null → 100, 53 : null → 100, 41 : null → 100, 51 : null → 100, 12 :
null → 100, 57 : null → 100, 55 : null → 100, 83 : null → 100, 27 : null → 100,
74 : null → 100, 71 : null → 100, 65 : null → 100, 21 : null → 100]
11-03 22:29:32.648 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.648 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=6
11-03 22:29:32.648 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: EvaluatingState
11-03 22:29:32.648 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: transitionTo:
11-03 22:29:32.649 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: new destination
call exit/enter
11-03 22:29:32.649 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100:
setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo:
11-03 22:29:32.649 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:32.649 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:32.649 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:32.653 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Switching to new default
network for: uid/pid:1000/1155 activeRequest: 1 callbackRequest: 1 [NetworkRequest
[ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]] callback flags: 1 priority: 2147483647 using
NetworkAgentInfo{network{100} handle{432902426637} ni{WIFI CONNECTED extra: }
Score(60 ; KeepConnected : 0 ; Policies : TRANSPORT_PRIMARY&IS_UNMETERED)
lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses:
[ fe80::460d:f4:a5da:9273/64, ] DnsAddresses: [
/,/,/,/ ] Domains: null MTU: 0
ServerAddress: / TcpBufferSizes:
1730560,3461120,6922240,524288,1048576,4525824 Routes: [ fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu
0, -> wlan0 mtu 0, -> wlan0 mtu 0 ]}}
nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities:
LinkDnBandwidth>=30000Kbps Specifier: <WifiNetworkAgentSpecifier
[WifiConfiguration=, SSID="RimbaRaya HOTSPOT ", BSSID=48:62:76:16:14:48, band=1,
mMatchLocalOnlySpecifiers=false]> TransportInfo: <SSID: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT ",
BSSID: 48:**:**:**:14:48, MAC: 0c:**:**:**:f2:8c, Security type: 0, Supplicant
state: COMPLETED, HE Eight Max VHT Spatial Streams Supported AP: false, Eight Max
VHT Spatial streams support: false, Wi-Fi standard: 4, RSSI: -38, Link speed:
65Mbps, Tx Link speed: 65Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 72Mbps, Rx Link speed:
13Mbps, Max Supported Rx Link speed: 72Mbps, Frequency: 2412MHz, Net ID: 4, Metered
hint: false, score: 60, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1>
SignalStrength: -38 OwnerUid: 1000 AdminUids: [1000] SSID: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT "]}}
11-03 22:29:32.654 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:32.654 1155 1911 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:32.658 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.659 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:32.662 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiPacketFilterHelper: cannot get packet
filter config, use default config: 06FE 0002 00EE
11-03 22:29:32.670 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.672 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:32.675 1155 3050 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :0
11-03 22:29:32.675 1155 3051 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :0
11-03 22:29:32.678 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.683 1155 3050 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :0
11-03 22:29:32.684 1155 3051 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :0
11-03 22:29:32.685 1155 2741 D WifiMemoryStoreImpl: Set cluster G87ed37ab8aeebc84
for Wb99ea733c14bd461: SUCCESS
11-03 22:29:32.690 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.690 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.691 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.691 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.693 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.693 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.693 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.696 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.696 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.698 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.699 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.699 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.699 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.700 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.700 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.700 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.701 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.702 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.702 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:32.703 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.703 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.705 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.705 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.706 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.706 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.708 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.708 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.711 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.712 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.713 1155 2138 D UpstreamNetworkMonitor: New default Internet
network: 100
11-03 22:29:32.713 1155 2138 D TetherMain: handleMessage: E msg.what=5
11-03 22:29:32.714 1155 2138 D TetherMain: processMsg: InitialState
11-03 22:29:32.714 1155 2138 E TetherMain: - unhandledMessage: msg.what=5
11-03 22:29:32.715 1155 1155 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :0
11-03 22:29:32.715 1155 2138 D TetherMain: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.715 1155 2741 D WifiMemoryStoreImpl: Set cluster G87ed37ab8aeebc84
for W87ed37ab8aeebc84: SUCCESS
11-03 22:29:32.718 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.719 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.719 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.719 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.720 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.720 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.720 1155 3050 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_DNS
connectivitycheck.gstatic.com 48ms OK
11-03 22:29:32.721 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:29:32.721 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.721 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.721 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.722 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.722 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.722 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.722 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:32.724 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ProbingState
11-03 22:29:32.725 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: EvaluatingState
11-03 22:29:32.725 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: MaybeNotifyState
11-03 22:29:32.725 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.725 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.731 1155 1919 D NetworkTimeUpdateService: New default network 100;
checking time.
11-03 22:29:32.732 1155 1155 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :0
11-03 22:29:32.732 1155 1919 D _V_VivoNetworkTimeUpdateServiceImpl:
onPollNetworkTime event == 3
11-03 22:29:32.732 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:32.732 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.732 1155 1919 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:32.734 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkTimeUpdateService
11-03 22:29:32.734 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:32.734 1155 1919 D NetworkTimeUpdateService: Stale NTP fix; forcing
11-03 22:29:32.739 1155 3051 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_DNS
connectivitycheck.gstatic.com 68ms OK
11-03 22:29:32.742 1155 1919 I _V_VivoNtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh start to get
11-03 22:29:32.745 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.747 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:false, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:32.750 1155 1575 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 15
11-03 22:29:32.750 1155 3050 W UnsafeUtil: platform method missing - proto
runtime falling back to safer methods: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
sun.misc.Unsafe.copyMemory [class java.lang.Object, long, class java.lang.Object,
long, long]
11-03 22:29:32.755 1155 1919 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:32.755 1155 1919 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:32.757 1155 1579 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.appstore.download for user 0
11-03 22:29:32.757 1155 1579 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.bbk.appstore.download (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:32.762 1155 3050 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:32.762 1155 3050 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:32.762 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:32.767 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Sending CONNECTED broadcast
for type 1 [100 WIFI] isDefaultNetwork=true
11-03 22:29:32.768 1155 1593 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1578
11-03 22:29:32.770 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:29:32.773 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.782 1155 2138 D Tethering: onReceive action =
11-03 22:29:32.791 1155 3050 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :443
11-03 22:29:32.792 1155 1582 D _V_SlaStateMachine: isBinded vivobrowser :false
11-03 22:29:32.800 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI]
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: android.system.ErrnoException: socket
failed: EPROTONOSUPPORT (Protocol not supported)
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at libcore.io.Linux.socket(Native
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.802 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.803 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.803 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.803 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.803 1155 1584 W System.err: at
11-03 22:29:32.803 1155 1584 E _V_SlaNetLinkDispatcher: cannot connect to kernel,
please check.
11-03 22:29:32.803 1155 3051 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :80
11-03 22:29:32.807 1155 1155 I SyncManager: Loaded persisted syncs: 97 periodic
syncs, 0 oneshot syncs, 114 total system server jobs, JobStats: FirstLoad:
134/101/97 LastSave: -1/-1/-1
11-03 22:29:32.813 1155 2138 D Tethering: Tethering got CONNECTIVITY_ACTION:
[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "RimbaRaya
HOTSPOT ", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
11-03 22:29:32.816 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:32.816 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ProbingState
11-03 22:29:32.816 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: deferMessage: msg=20
11-03 22:29:32.817 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.817 1155 2138 D TetherMain: handleMessage: E msg.what=3
11-03 22:29:32.818 1155 2138 D TetherMain: processMsg: InitialState
11-03 22:29:32.818 1155 2138 E TetherMain: - unhandledMessage: msg.what=3
11-03 22:29:32.818 1155 2138 D TetherMain: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.824 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:32.824 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:32.824 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:32.824 1155 1579 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:32.824 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isPhoneLockedEnable === 0
11-03 22:29:32.824 1155 1579 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: Wlan0 L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:32.824 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:29:32.824 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:32.825 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:29:32.825 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.825 1155 1732 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.825 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: isSimLockedEnable
11-03 22:29:32.825 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPhoneLockService: Overseas Device
11-03 22:29:32.830 1155 1155 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: setupReceiver
11-03 22:29:32.838 1155 1732 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:32.839 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2634) failed
{.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = }
11-03 22:29:32.843 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168936375; UID 1001; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:32.848 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168936375; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:32.853 1155 2069 D LocationManagerService: network provider added
registration from 1001/com.mediatek.ims/6ADBF3D6 -> Request[@+1s0ms LOW_POWER,
hiddenFromAppOps, WorkSource{1001 com.mediatek.ims}] permissionLevel: 2 permitted:
11-03 22:29:32.854 1155 1606 I _V_VivoLocationUtils: --handleMessage 1001
11-03 22:29:32.857 1155 2069 D LocationManagerService: onProviderEnabledChanged
name: network enabled: false
11-03 22:29:32.858 1155 2069 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl:
notifyLocationOff, package:com.mediatek.ims provider:network
11-03 22:29:32.859 1155 2069 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl:
active_check_false: NOT_ENABLED network com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:29:32.859 1155 1422 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.ext.services uid 10205, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet
11-03 22:29:32.875 1155 1819 W UsageStatsService: Failed to query usage stats for
locked user 0
11-03 22:29:32.889 1155 2560 W ActivityManager: Receiver with filter
android.content.IntentFilter@6d0d953 already registered for pid 2451, callerPackage
is com.vivo.pushservice
11-03 22:29:32.894 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.908 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:32.913 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10157; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:32.915 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:29:32.915 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ProbingState
11-03 22:29:32.915 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: EvaluatingState
11-03 22:29:32.916 1155 1919 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :80
11-03 22:29:32.916 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: MaybeNotifyState
11-03 22:29:32.916 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.916 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.919 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:32.919 1155 1507 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:32.932 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:32.939 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:29:32.939 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ProbingState
11-03 22:29:32.939 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: EvaluatingState
11-03 22:29:32.940 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: MaybeNotifyState
11-03 22:29:32.940 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:32.940 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:32.951 1155 2722 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_SIGNAL_RESET flg=0x10002010
cmp=com.android.carrierdefaultapp/.CarrierDefaultBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
on fgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:32.964 1155 2879 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_SIGNAL_RESET flg=0x10002010
cmp=com.android.carrierdefaultapp/.CarrierDefaultBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
on fgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:32.967 1155 3051 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_HTTP
http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204 time=197ms ret=204
request={Connection=[close], User-Agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.32 Safari/537.36]}
headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Connection=[close], Content-Length=[0],
Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy=[cross-origin], Date=[Thu, 03 Nov 2022 15:29:33 GMT],
X-Android-Received-Millis=[1667489372963], X-Android-Response-Source=[NETWORK 204],
X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-Millis=[1667489372917]}
11-03 22:29:32.972 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:32.975 1155 2722 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.android.carrierdefaultapp.URLHandlerActivity newState:2 userId:0
callingPackage:null callingUid:10091 callingPid:3015
11-03 22:29:32.995 1155 2879 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.pushservice.ips value:
pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:32.997 1155 2722 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.android.carrierdefaultapp.URLHandlerActivity newState:2 userId:0
callingPackage:null callingUid:10091 callingPid:3015
11-03 22:29:33.006 1155 2560 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.entitlement.o2.EntitlementService pkg=com.vivo.entitlement } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:33.031 1155 2560 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.entitlement.o2.EntitlementService pkg=com.vivo.entitlement } U=0:
not found
11-03 22:29:33.080 1155 2722 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.push.recon_timestamp value:1667489373078
pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:33.081 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:33.295 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 342993(20MB) AllocSpace objects, 63(3032KB) LOS objects, 36% free,
38MB/60MB, paused 742us,713us total 213.927ms
11-03 22:29:33.296 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:33.296 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:33.304 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:33.305 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:33.305 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:33.306 1155 3050 D NetworkMonitor/100: PROBE_HTTPS
https://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204 time=536ms ret=204
request={Connection=[close], User-Agent=[Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.32 Safari/537.36]}
headers={null=[HTTP/1.1 204 No Content], Alt-Svc=[h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-
29=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q050=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-Q046=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-
Q043=":443"; ma=2592000,quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="46,43"], Connection=[close],
Content-Length=[0], Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy=[cross-origin], Date=[Thu, 03 Nov
2022 15:29:33 GMT], X-Android-Received-Millis=[1667489373293], X-Android-Response-
Source=[NETWORK 204], X-Android-Selected-Protocol=[http/1.1], X-Android-Sent-
11-03 22:29:33.309 1155 3049 D NetworkMonitor/100: isCaptivePortal:
isSuccessful()=true isPortal()=false RedirectUrl=null isPartialConnectivity()=false
11-03 22:29:33.309 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=16
11-03 22:29:33.309 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ProbingState
11-03 22:29:33.310 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: transitionTo:
11-03 22:29:33.310 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: new destination
call exit/enter
11-03 22:29:33.310 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100:
setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo:
11-03 22:29:33.310 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeExitMethods:
11-03 22:29:33.314 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeExitMethods:
11-03 22:29:33.315 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.315 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeExitMethods:
11-03 22:29:33.316 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:33.316 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:33.316 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:33.316 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100:
moveDeferredMessageAtFrontOfQueue; what=20
11-03 22:29:33.317 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:33.317 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:33.317 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:33.317 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:33.317 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:33.317 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=15
11-03 22:29:33.317 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg:
11-03 22:29:33.318 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: transitionTo:
11-03 22:29:33.319 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: new destination
call exit/enter
11-03 22:29:33.319 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100:
setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo:
11-03 22:29:33.319 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeExitMethods:
11-03 22:29:33.319 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:33.319 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:33.319 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:33.323 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isMobile false
11-03 22:29:33.324 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifi true
11-03 22:29:33.324 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: [100 WIFI] validation passed
11-03 22:29:33.325 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.326 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.328 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.328 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.329 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.331 1155 1603 D VivoNlpPowerMonitor: Network
connected/capabilities updated. Available networks count: 1
11-03 22:29:33.331 1155 1603 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl: VNPM: exitLPM,
11-03 22:29:33.332 1155 1603 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: network 100 is onAvailable
, ready to exit. Available networks count: 1
11-03 22:29:33.333 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.335 1155 1887 V _V_IVivoGnssLocationProvider:
11-03 22:29:33.335 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = *location*:GnssLocationProvider
11-03 22:29:33.349 1155 1887 D _V_GnssNetworkConnectivityHandler: network = 100,
lostNetwork = null
11-03 22:29:33.351 1155 1887 I GnssNetworkConnectivityHandler:
updateNetworkState, state=CLOSED, connected=true, network=100,
capabilities=[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities:
LinkDnBandwidth>=30000Kbps TransportInfo: <SSID: <unknown ssid>, BSSID:
02:**:**:**:00:00, MAC: 02:**:**:**:00:00, Security type: 0, Supplicant state:
COMPLETED, HE Eight Max VHT Spatial Streams Supported AP: false, Eight Max VHT
Spatial streams support: false, Wi-Fi standard: 4, RSSI: -38, Link speed: 65Mbps,
Tx Link speed: 65Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 72Mbps, Rx Link speed: 65Mbps,
Max Supported Rx Link speed: 72Mbps, Frequency: 2412MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint:
false, score: 60, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1>
SignalStrength: -38 SSID: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT "], apn: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT ",
availableNetworkCount: 1
11-03 22:29:33.355 1155 2879 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1000/1155 asUid: 10157 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 89
[NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=90, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]] callback flags: 0 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:29:33.355 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.356 1155 1887 I GnssLocationProvider: WakeLock acquired by
11-03 22:29:33.357 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:33.357 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:33.357 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:29:33.358 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:33.358 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:33.359 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 5 to list
11-03 22:29:33.360 1155 1155 D _V_Sensor_PhoneState: add 4 to list
11-03 22:29:33.360 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.362 1155 1819 E GnssPsdsDownloader: No Long-Term PSDS servers were
specified in the GnssConfiguration
11-03 22:29:33.363 1155 1819 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.365 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = *location*:PsdsDownload
11-03 22:29:33.365 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mCardNum:2,mPreCardNum:2
11-03 22:29:33.365 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState:-1,mSubLastPhoneState:-1,mode:0
11-03 22:29:33.365 1155 1664 D _V_VivoAudioPolicyTelephonyState:
onProcessSubscriptionsChanged() mMainLastPhoneState & mSubLastPhoneState reset
11-03 22:29:33.366 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = *location*:GnssLocationProvider
11-03 22:29:33.366 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = *location*:PsdsDownload
11-03 22:29:33.390 1155 1603 V VivoNlpPowerMonitor: Relevant network capabilities
unchanged. Capabilities: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities:
LinkDnBandwidth>=30000Kbps TransportInfo: <SSID: <unknown ssid>, BSSID:
02:**:**:**:00:00, MAC: 02:**:**:**:00:00, Security type: 0, Supplicant state:
COMPLETED, HE Eight Max VHT Spatial Streams Supported AP: false, Eight Max VHT
Spatial streams support: false, Wi-Fi standard: 4, RSSI: -38, Link speed: 65Mbps,
Tx Link speed: 65Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 72Mbps, Rx Link speed: 65Mbps,
Max Supported Rx Link speed: 72Mbps, Frequency: 2412MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint:
false, score: 60, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1, IsPrimary: 1>
SignalStrength: -38 SSID: "RimbaRaya HOTSPOT "]
11-03 22:29:33.395 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.408 1155 1507 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.push.ips_attempts value:0
pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:33.410 1155 1418 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.push.attempts value:0
pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:33.418 1155 2560 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.push.fixed_delay value:1
pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:33.432 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 100 to [/, /, /, /]
11-03 22:29:33.432 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 100 to [/, /, /, /] flags 3
11-03 22:29:33.435 1155 1593 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(100,
[,,,], [], 1800, 25, 776, 64, 0, 0, ,
11-03 22:29:33.439 1155 1593 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendStickyBroadcast:1578
11-03 22:29:33.442 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [90 : null → 100]
11-03 22:29:33.443 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.446 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.446 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.451 1155 2560 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.pushservice.account value:
pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:33.456 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.456 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.457 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.458 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.460 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.461 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.462 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.462 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.463 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.463 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.465 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.465 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.467 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.467 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.468 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.468 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.469 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.469 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.470 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.470 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.472 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.472 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.473 1155 1418 W AccountManagerService: User 0 data is locked.
callingUid 10157
11-03 22:29:33.474 1155 1575 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:33.478 1155 1418 W AccountManagerService: User 0 data is locked.
callingUid 10157
11-03 22:29:33.480 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.480 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.481 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.481 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.483 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.483 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.486 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.486 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.488 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.488 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.488 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.489 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.489 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.490 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.490 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.493 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.493 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.493 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.494 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.494 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.494 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.495 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.495 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.495 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.496 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.496 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.497 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.498 1155 1575 D _V_WifiXmlUtil: writeVivoFeatureValue
11-03 22:29:33.498 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.502 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.503 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10157 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:33.503 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=90, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:33.503 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=90, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:29:33.507 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.512 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.512 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:33.515 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.518 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.521 1155 1507 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.528 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.528 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MWIRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:33.536 1155 1507 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.536 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MWIRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:33.537 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: REGISTER -85, sending [-85] to [100 WIFI]
11-03 22:29:33.538 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.538 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.540 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.541 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:33.544 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Re-program RSSI
thresholds for CMD_START_RSSI_MONITORING_OFFLOAD: [-85, 127], curRssi=-38 ret=0
11-03 22:29:33.545 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.545 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:33.548 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:33.548 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.557 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: REGISTER -88, sending [-88, -85] to [100 WIFI]
11-03 22:29:33.559 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.559 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.561 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:33.561 1155 1507 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:33.566 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:33.568 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Re-program RSSI
thresholds for CMD_START_RSSI_MONITORING_OFFLOAD: [-85, 127], curRssi=-38 ret=0
11-03 22:29:33.569 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: REGISTER -75, sending [-88, -85, -75] to [100 WIFI]
11-03 22:29:33.570 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.571 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.575 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.579 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:33.581 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Re-program RSSI
thresholds for CMD_START_RSSI_MONITORING_OFFLOAD: [-75, 127], curRssi=-38 ret=0
11-03 22:29:33.582 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: REGISTER -78, sending [-88, -85, -78, -75] to [100
11-03 22:29:33.583 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.583 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.586 1155 1507 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.586 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:33.591 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Re-program RSSI
thresholds for CMD_START_RSSI_MONITORING_OFFLOAD: [-75, 127], curRssi=-38 ret=0
11-03 22:29:33.598 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: REGISTER -85, sending [-88, -85, -78, -75] to [100
11-03 22:29:33.599 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.599 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.607 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Re-program RSSI
thresholds for CMD_START_RSSI_MONITORING_OFFLOAD: [-75, 127], curRssi=-38 ret=0
11-03 22:29:33.608 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: REGISTER -88, sending [-88, -85, -78, -75] to [100
11-03 22:29:33.608 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.609 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.610 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.610 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:33.619 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: REGISTER -75, sending [-88, -85, -78, -75] to [100
11-03 22:29:33.619 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.619 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MwiRIL
11-03 22:29:33.619 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.620 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.625 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Re-program RSSI
thresholds for CMD_START_RSSI_MONITORING_OFFLOAD: [-75, 127], curRssi=-38 ret=0
11-03 22:29:33.629 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService:
updateSignalStrengthThresholds: REGISTER -78, sending [-88, -85, -78, -75] to [100
11-03 22:29:33.630 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:33.630 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:33.638 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Re-program RSSI
thresholds for CMD_START_RSSI_MONITORING_OFFLOAD: [-75, 127], curRssi=-38 ret=0
11-03 22:29:33.640 1155 2879 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.pushservice.sdk value:
pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:33.649 1155 1575 D WifiClientModeImpl[wlan0]: Re-program RSSI
thresholds for CMD_START_RSSI_MONITORING_OFFLOAD: [-75, 127], curRssi=-38 ret=0
11-03 22:29:33.691 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:33.691 1155 2879 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:33.695 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:33.710 1155 2069 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
11-03 22:29:33.712 1155 2069 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
11-03 22:29:33.713 1155 1420 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface:
wlan0, up: true
11-03 22:29:33.713 1155 2138 D Tethering: interfaceStatusChanged wlan0, true
11-03 22:29:33.714 1155 1590 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:33.721 1155 1590 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out RimbaRaya
HOTSPOT 48:62:76:11:f5:68
11-03 22:29:33.721 1155 1590 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 1 scan results.
11-03 22:29:33.731 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MWIRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:33.731 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.738 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = MWIRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:33.738 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.740 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:29:33.744 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.744 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.746 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.746 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.752 1155 2879 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x15002010 (has extras) }
on fgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:33.753 1155 1575 D VivoWifiConfiguration: getvivoAutoLogin 2
11-03 22:29:33.777 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.779 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.780 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:33.781 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.793 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 5 queried, returning: null
11-03 22:29:33.803 1155 1418 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10201 callingPid:2810
11-03 22:29:33.817 1155 1575 D WifiService: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED, active
subId: 5
11-03 22:29:33.841 1155 1887 W _V_GnssConfiguration: nfw: VGC not config.
11-03 22:29:33.848 1155 1919 D _V_VivoDomainHelperImpl: Create Repo List By
11-03 22:29:33.853 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.853 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = GnssVisibilityControl
11-03 22:29:33.854 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = GnssVisibilityControl
11-03 22:29:33.854 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.856 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.857 1155 1919 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:33.858 1155 1919 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
11-03 22:29:33.876 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.902 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:29:33.902 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:29:33.902 1155 1919 D Linux : [Posix_connect Debug]Process
system_server :443
11-03 22:29:33.903 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=10, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 22:29:33.903 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:33.919 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.919 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:33.923 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.934 1155 1593 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.936 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:33.936 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:33.937 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=19
11-03 22:29:33.937 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:29:33.937 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:33.938 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:33.946 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.948 1155 1418 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:33.948 1155 1418 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:33.952 1155 1418 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:33.960 1155 1570 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing
NTP fix
11-03 22:29:33.973 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:34.007 743 826 I _V_vivo_daemon:vivo_bootcomplete: ---check
system_pid = 1155, zygote_pid = 528, zygote64_pid = 0
11-03 22:29:34.054 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:34.054 1155 2879 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:34.058 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:34.096 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.096 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.097 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.098 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.103 1155 2068 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x15002010 (has extras) }
on fgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:34.127 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.128 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.130 1155 1919 D _V_VivoNtpTrustedTime: resultData from http is
11-03 22:29:34.130 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.131 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.133 1155 1418 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10201 callingPid:2810
11-03 22:29:34.137 1155 1919 I _V_VivoNtpTrustedTime: currentTime from http is
TimeResult{mTimeMillis=1667489374325, mElapsedRealtimeMillis=56167,
11-03 22:29:34.138 1155 1919 I _V_VivoNtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh from http is
11-03 22:29:34.138 1155 1919 I _V_VivoNtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh cost time: 291
11-03 22:29:34.139 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 5 queried, returning: null
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.android.intent.action.NTP_TIMES from system 1155:system/1000 pkg android
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.142 1155 1919 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:34.143 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.143 1155 1919 I _V_VivoNtpTrustedTime: Send sticky broadcast to
nitz: TimeResult{mTimeMillis=1667489374325, mElapsedRealtimeMillis=56167,
11-03 22:29:34.144 1155 1919 I _V_NtpTrustedTime: forceRefresh success
11-03 22:29:34.144 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.145 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.145 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.146 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.146 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.147 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.147 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.148 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.148 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.149 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.149 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.150 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.150 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.150 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.151 1155 1919 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:34.153 1155 1919 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.154 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.154 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.154 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.155 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: suggestNetworkTime
mValue=1667489374325}, mDebugInfo=[Origin: NetworkTimeUpdateService. event=3]}
11-03 22:29:34.155 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: doAutoTimeDetection called,
detectionReason = New network time suggested.
=56167, mValue=1667489374325}, mDebugInfo=[Origin: NetworkTimeUpdateService.
11-03 22:29:34.156 1155 1420 D _V_ServiceConfigAccessor: configValue:[3, 1]
11-03 22:29:34.156 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: doAutoTimeDetection
originPriorities:[3, 1]
11-03 22:29:34.156 1155 1420 D _V_time_detector: validateSuggestionUtcTime
utcTime: TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=56167, mValue=1667489374325},
elapsedRealtimeMillis: 56195
11-03 22:29:34.157 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.157 1155 1420 D time_detector: Not setting system clock. New time
and system clock are close enough. elapsedRealtimeMillis=56196
newTime=TimestampedValue{mReferenceTimeMillis=56167, mValue=1667489374325}
cause=Found good network suggestion.,
lis=56167, mValue=1667489374325}, mDebugInfo=[Origin: NetworkTimeUpdateService.
event=3]}, detectionReason=New network time suggested.
=56167, mValue=1667489374325}, mDebugInfo=[Origin: NetworkTimeUpdateService.
event=3]} systemClockUpdateThreshold=2000 absTimeDifference=197
11-03 22:29:34.157 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkTimeUpdateService
11-03 22:29:34.158 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = time_detector
11-03 22:29:34.158 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = time_detector
11-03 22:29:34.158 1155 1420 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.159 1155 1575 D WifiService: ACTION_CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED, active
subId: 5
11-03 22:29:34.165 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.166 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.171 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.172 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.191 1155 1887 W _V_GnssConfiguration: nfw: VGC not config.
11-03 22:29:34.199 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.199 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = GnssVisibilityControl
11-03 22:29:34.200 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = GnssVisibilityControl
11-03 22:29:34.200 1155 1887 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.265 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.265 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.266 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.267 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.286 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.286 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.287 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.288 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.320 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.321 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.322 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.322 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.327 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:34.327 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.329 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = RILJ_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:34.329 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.330 1155 2560 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:34.354 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.354 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.355 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.356 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.365 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.365 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.366 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.366 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.445 1155 2068 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent
NetworkAgentInfo{network{101} handle{437197393933} ni{MOBILE[LTE] CONNECTING
extra: ims} Score(45 ; KeepConnected : 0 ; Policies : IS_UNMETERED)
lp{{InterfaceName: ccmni0 LinkAddresses: [ 2407:0:30e4:5ff1:1:2:75d0:5389/64 ]
DnsAddresses: [ ] PcscfAddresses: [ /2407:0:0:45::10c,/2407:0:0:45::50c ] Domains:
null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,2097152
Routes: [ ::/0 -> :: ccmni0 mtu 0,2407:0:30e4:5ff1::/64 -> :: ccmni0 mtu 0 ]}}
nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities:
NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=14Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=14Kbps Specifier:
<TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 4]> SubscriptionIds: {4}]}}
11-03 22:29:34.451 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: Sim state is ready, return
original context.
11-03 22:29:34.451 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.452 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.453 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.453 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.453 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.453 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.453 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.453 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: E
11-03 22:29:34.453 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: addStateInternal: X stateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.453 1155 2068 D NetworkMonitor/101: setInitialState:
11-03 22:29:34.456 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/101: completeConstruction: E
11-03 22:29:34.457 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/101: completeConstruction:
11-03 22:29:34.457 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/101: setupInitialStateStack: E
11-03 22:29:34.457 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/101: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:34.457 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/101: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:34.457 1155 1593 D NetworkMonitor/101: completeConstruction: X
11-03 22:29:34.457 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: E msg.what=-2
11-03 22:29:34.457 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:34.457 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:34.458 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: [101 CELLULAR]
11-03 22:29:34.512 1155 2069 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
11-03 22:29:34.517 1155 1430 D _V_VivoCbsService: startCotaServiceImpl
mStartCotaCount=1, mStartCotaPhoneId=0
11-03 22:29:34.517 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: [101 CELLULAR]
11-03 22:29:34.520 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:34.520 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:34.521 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:34.521 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Adding iface ccmni0 to
network 101
11-03 22:29:34.532 1155 1430 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=1155,
11-03 22:29:34.534 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 101 to []
11-03 22:29:34.534 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 101 to [] flags 2
11-03 22:29:34.535 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: addDnsServer for
11-03 22:29:34.535 1155 1430 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.cota
11-03 22:29:34.536 1155 1593 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(101,
[], [], 1800, 25, 520, 64, 0, 0, , [])
11-03 22:29:34.536 1155 1430 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10116; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:34.537 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10116; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:34.538 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.541 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.542 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.542 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.542 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.543 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.543 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.543 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:34.544 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.544 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.545 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.547 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.547 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.548 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.549 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.549 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.549 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.550 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.550 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.550 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:29:34.559 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:34.559 1155 1593 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.562 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: E msg.what=19
11-03 22:29:34.562 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:34.562 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:34.565 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: E msg.what=1
11-03 22:29:34.565 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:34.566 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3099:com.vivo.cota/u0a116 for service
11-03 22:29:34.566 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 3099, arg2 =
10116, str1 = com.vivo.cota, str2 = com.vivo.cota
11-03 22:29:34.567 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: transitionTo:
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: new destination
call exit/enter
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101:
setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=2,curStateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [88 : null → 101]
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: E msg.what=6
11-03 22:29:34.568 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: processMsg: EvaluatingState
11-03 22:29:34.569 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: Network would not satisfy
default request, not validating
11-03 22:29:34.569 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: transitionTo:
11-03 22:29:34.569 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: new destination
call exit/enter
11-03 22:29:34.569 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101:
setupTempStateStackWithStatesToEnter: X mTempStateStackCount=1,curStateInfo:
11-03 22:29:34.569 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: invokeExitMethods:
11-03 22:29:34.570 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: invokeExitMethods:
11-03 22:29:34.570 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:34.570 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:false, networkType:0, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:34.570 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: moveTempStackToStateStack:
11-03 22:29:34.570 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: moveTempStackToStateStack: X
11-03 22:29:34.570 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: invokeEnterMethods:
11-03 22:29:34.574 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:34.584 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isMobile true
11-03 22:29:34.585 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: onNetworkTested mobile
11-03 22:29:34.587 1155 1593 D WifiService: notifyMobileNetworkValidInfo true
11-03 22:29:34.587 1155 1593 D _V_VivoWifiServiceImplExt:
notifyMobileNetworkValidInfo true
11-03 22:29:34.587 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifi false
11-03 22:29:34.587 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isExtWifi false
11-03 22:29:34.587 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: [101 CELLULAR] validation
11-03 22:29:34.589 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: E msg.what=20
11-03 22:29:34.589 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:29:34.589 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: processMsg: DefaultState
11-03 22:29:34.589 1155 3096 D NetworkMonitor/101: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:34.590 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:34.594 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.594 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:34.594 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:0, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:34.595 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.600 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.602 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.602 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.609 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 101 to [/]
11-03 22:29:34.609 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: Setting DNS servers for
network 101 to [/] flags 2
11-03 22:29:34.610 1155 1593 D DnsManager: sendDnsConfigurationForNetwork(101,
[], [], 1800, 25, 520, 64, 0, 0, , [])
11-03 22:29:34.611 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:34.612 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.612 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.616 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.617 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.618 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.653 1155 1418 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:34.668 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10116; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:34.759 1155 1418 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:rtt_calling_mode value:0
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:34.762 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.763 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.766 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.767 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.768 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.781 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.782 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.831 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.831 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.835 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.836 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.836 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.836 1155 1418 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:29:34.843 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.843 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.847 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.849 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.849 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.850 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.855 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.855 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.857 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.858 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.860 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.865 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.865 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.867 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.869 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.872 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.878 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.878 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.880 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.881 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.882 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.888 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:34.889 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.890 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.934 1155 1911 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.vivo.pushservice uid 10157, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:29:34.960 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.961 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.962 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.962 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.973 556 615 I libPerfCtl: xgfGetFPS pid:1155 fps:-1
11-03 22:29:34.988 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.989 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.991 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:34.991 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:34.992 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10116; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:34.992 1155 1911 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:34.994 1155 2097 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.pushservice.back_up
l3GwuDf0Jo8ZrE+ pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:35.144 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:35.144 1155 2097 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:35.147 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:35.223 1155 1418 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:29:35.223 1155 1418 I _V_PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account
11-03 22:29:35.228 1155 1418 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:29:35.489 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:29:35.489 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:29:35.489 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=10, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 22:29:35.490 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:35.523 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.523 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.533 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.535 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.537 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.537 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.542 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.542 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:35.546 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.548 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.549 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.654 1155 2722 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:rtt_calling_mode value:0
pkg:com.android.phone userId:0
11-03 22:29:35.657 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.657 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.661 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.661 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.663 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.674 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.675 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.711 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.711 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.713 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.713 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.714 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.725 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.727 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.729 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.730 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.731 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.733 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.738 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.740 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.743 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.743 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.745 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.747 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.748 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.750 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.752 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.753 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.757 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.758 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.760 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.761 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.764 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.766 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMS_RILA
11-03 22:29:35.766 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.768 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.838 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.838 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.840 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.842 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.848 1155 2097 D _V_VivoCbsService: startCotaServiceImpl
mStartCotaCount=2, mStartCotaPhoneId=1
11-03 22:29:35.864 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.865 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.866 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.866 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.894 1155 2722 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:35.899 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:35.939 1155 1911 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:35.944 1155 1418 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:35.970 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:29:35.971 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:29:35.972 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=10, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 22:29:35.972 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:35.987 1155 2722 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START
pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:35.993 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.994 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.996 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:35.996 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.997 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.997 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.999 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:35.999 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.004 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.004 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.004 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.005 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.028 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.029 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.033 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.033 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.036 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.037 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.037 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.037 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.072 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:36.086 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.086 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.087 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.088 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.128 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.129 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.130 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.130 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.133 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.136 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.139 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.142 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.145 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.147 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.149 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.171 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.172 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.173 1155 1418 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:36.173 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.173 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.195 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.197 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.197 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.198 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.199 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.201 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.204 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.209 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:36.212 1155 1911 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:36.216 1155 1911 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:36.235 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.236 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.238 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.239 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.240 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:36.243 1155 2069 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:36.307 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:36.312 1155 2722 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:36.382 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.382 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.384 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.385 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.400 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.400 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.404 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.404 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.411 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.412 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.413 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.414 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.426 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.427 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.428 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.429 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.621 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:36.621 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.690 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.691 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.693 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.694 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.698 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.698 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.699 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.700 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.723 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.724 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.728 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.728 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.736 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.736 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.737 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.737 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.810 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.811 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.812 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.813 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.816 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.818 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.822 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.825 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.828 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.831 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.834 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.862 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.862 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.863 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.864 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.892 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.892 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.894 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.894 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.897 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.899 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.901 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:36.943 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.943 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.944 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:36.945 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.064 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.065 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.066 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.067 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.084 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.085 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.086 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.086 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.090 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.091 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.092 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.093 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.104 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.104 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.106 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.106 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.247 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.248 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.249 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.250 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.280 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.281 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.281 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.283 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.283 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.284 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.284 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.285 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.288 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:37.288 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:37.310 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.311 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.311 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.312 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.317 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = IMSRIL_ACK_WL
11-03 22:29:37.317 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.322 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.323 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.324 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.325 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.330 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.330 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.331 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.332 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.353 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.355 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.356 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.359 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.359 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.359 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.360 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.362 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.364 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.368 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.369 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.370 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.381 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.382 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.383 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.383 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.515 1155 1580 D _V_VivoWifiLocation: need to rebind.
11-03 22:29:37.516 1155 1580 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1932
11-03 22:29:37.516 1155 1580 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=vivo.intent.action.AI_ENGINE_SCENE_SERVICE pkg=com.vivo.aiengine } U=0: not
11-03 22:29:37.532 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.534 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.535 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.536 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.554 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.555 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.556 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.556 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.575 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.577 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.579 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.579 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.583 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.583 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.586 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.587 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.749 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.750 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.753 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.755 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.773 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.774 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.774 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.776 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.787 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.788 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.792 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.793 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.964 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.965 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.966 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.966 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.968 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:37.969 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.973 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:37.975 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.146 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.147 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.148 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.149 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.151 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.152 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.156 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.157 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.202 1155 2069 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.gcm.nts.SchedulerService newState:1 userId:0
callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:2974
11-03 22:29:38.208 1155 2069 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ flg=0x89000010 pkg=com.google.android.gms
cmp=com.google.android.gms/.gcm.nts.SchedulerService (has extras) } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:38.335 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.335 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.336 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.338 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.338 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.339 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.341 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.343 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.510 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.511 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.512 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.513 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.519 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.520 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.523 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.524 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.578 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:38.579 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:38.579 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:0, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:38.608 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.608 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 10179, arg2 =
2416, name = GCM_CONN_ALARM
11-03 22:29:38.611 1155 2069 D _V_VivoWifiInjector: com.google.android.gms
getScanResults, ignore the location switch restrictions
11-03 22:29:38.651 1155 2069 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.chimera.BoundService.START dat=chimera-
cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:38.652 1155 2069 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@7fa0956
11-03 22:29:38.655 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10179; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:38.656 1155 2069 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:38.664 1155 2069 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.chimera.BoundService.START dat=chimera-
cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:38.668 1155 2722 D _V_VivoWifiInjector: com.google.android.gms
getScanResults, ignore the location switch restrictions
11-03 22:29:38.672 1155 2722 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@2d25dd7
11-03 22:29:38.696 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.696 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.698 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.699 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.701 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:29:38.701 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:29:38.702 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.702 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=10, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 22:29:38.702 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:38.702 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.703 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.704 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.872 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.872 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.874 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.874 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.875 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:38.876 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.879 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:38.884 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.051 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.052 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.053 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.053 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.055 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.055 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.057 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.058 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.226 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.227 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.228 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.230 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.242 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.243 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.244 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.248 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.435 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.436 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.437 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.437 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.438 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.438 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.439 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.440 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.479 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.480 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.481 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.482 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.482 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.483 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.484 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.486 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.566 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.566 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.566 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.566 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.568 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.569 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.570 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.571 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.589 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.589 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.590 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.591 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.595 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.596 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.597 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.598 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.660 1155 1418 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:29:39.700 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.701 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.703 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.704 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.722 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.722 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.725 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.727 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.829 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.829 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.830 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.830 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.834 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.834 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.837 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.838 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.910 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.911 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.912 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.912 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.914 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.914 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.916 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.917 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.935 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.935 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.936 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.937 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.938 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:39.942 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.943 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:39.944 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.042 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.043 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.045 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.049 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.050 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.050 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.051 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.052 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.149 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.149 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.151 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.155 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.155 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.156 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.156 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.157 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.236 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.237 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.238 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.238 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.240 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.243 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.244 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.244 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.258 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.259 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.259 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.260 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.261 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.261 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.263 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.264 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.458 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.458 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.460 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.460 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.462 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.462 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.464 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.465 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.672 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:40.676 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.676 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.677 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.678 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.679 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.680 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.681 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.683 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.724 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.724 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 10179, arg2 =
2416, name = GCM_READ
11-03 22:29:40.735 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.736 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 10179, arg2 =
2416, name = GCM_READ
11-03 22:29:40.740 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:40.745 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.746 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 10179, arg2 =
2416, name = GCM_READ
11-03 22:29:40.748 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:40.751 1155 2722 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:40.753 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 10179, arg2 =
2416, name = GCM_CONN_ALARM
11-03 22:29:40.754 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.756 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 10179, arg2 =
2416, name = GCM_READ
11-03 22:29:40.757 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.768 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:40.770 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:40.907 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.908 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.909 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.909 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.912 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:40.916 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.922 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:40.923 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.031 1155 1418 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START
pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:41.136 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.136 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.137 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.138 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.140 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.141 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.143 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.144 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.369 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.369 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.370 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.371 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.373 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.374 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.376 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.377 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.602 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.603 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.603 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.604 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.606 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.607 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.608 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.610 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.802 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.802 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.803 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.804 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.806 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.808 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.812 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.815 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.912 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.914 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.914 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.917 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.923 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:41.924 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.926 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.928 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:41.934 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 22:29:41.935 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.contacts.sim for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.935 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.contacts.sim (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.935 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.vivo.contacts.sim for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.935 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.vivo.contacts.sim (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.936 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 22:29:41.936 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 22:29:41.938 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 22:29:41.938 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 22:29:41.939 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.939 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.940 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.940 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.940 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.940 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.940 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.941 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.941 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.941 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.941 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.941 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.942 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.942 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.942 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.942 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.942 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.942 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.943 1155 2378 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.contacts for user 0
11-03 22:29:41.943 1155 2378 W ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
com.android.contacts (user not unlocked)
11-03 22:29:41.943 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 22:29:41.943 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 22:29:42.140 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.141 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.144 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.144 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.148 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.150 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.152 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.154 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.290 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:42.291 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:42.436 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.439 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.440 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.441 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.443 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.445 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.448 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.450 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.513 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.515 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.518 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.520 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.521 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.530 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.531 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.531 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.561 1155 2069 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #453} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (43
11-03 22:29:42.741 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.742 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.744 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.744 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.774 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.778 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.780 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.781 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.785 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.788 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.790 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.793 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.795 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.830 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.832 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:42.833 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:42.835 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.006 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.009 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.011 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.013 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.014 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.017 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.025 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.027 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.042 1155 1911 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:29:43.169 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.170 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.171 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.172 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.175 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.177 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.180 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.182 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.209 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.211 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.212 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.212 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.213 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.214 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.217 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.218 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.435 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.436 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.438 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.439 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.443 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.446 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.448 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.451 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.474 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:43.474 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:43.475 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:43.475 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:43.478 1155 1534 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.479 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = *alarm*
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: Hit PackageManager exception
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor:
android.content.pm.PackageManager$NameNotFoundException: No module info for
package: com.android.wifi
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.481 1155 1575 E WifiHealthMonitor: at
11-03 22:29:43.482 1155 1534 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=android.vivo.kpi.data flg=0x10 } send by
ApplicationInfo{bb8ed2e com.android.phone} should with permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
android.vivo.kpi.data from system uid 1001 pkg com.android.phone
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.483 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:43.484 1155 1534 I _V_BroadcastQueue: Broadcast intent Intent
{ act=android.vivo.kpi.data flg=0x2010 } on bgKeyApp queue
11-03 22:29:43.484 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:43.485 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:43.487 1155 1575 I WifiVendorHal: Driver: 1_0_1-"20221009110643"
Firmware: t-neptune-mp-soc1_0e1-1909-tc19sp-CERVINO_SOC1_0_E1_ASIC-20220308031202
11-03 22:29:43.515 1155 1575 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 8
11-03 22:29:43.675 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.676 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.677 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.679 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.681 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:43.683 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.688 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:43.691 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.063 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.065 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.066 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.067 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.070 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.072 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.075 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.076 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.123 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.125 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.126 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.128 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.131 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.133 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.134 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.135 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.311 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.313 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.316 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.317 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.320 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.322 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.325 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.326 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.515 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.518 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.519 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.521 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.522 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.523 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.526 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.528 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.735 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.736 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.737 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.738 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.739 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.740 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.742 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.743 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.961 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.962 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.962 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.963 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.966 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:44.967 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.969 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:44.970 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.176 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.177 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.178 1155 1445 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{8d14893 u0 com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsIntentOperationService}
11-03 22:29:45.179 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.180 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.182 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.183 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.187 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.190 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.385 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.387 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.388 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.390 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.391 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.392 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.396 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.398 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.579 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.579 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.581 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.582 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.583 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.588 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.589 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.590 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.747 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.748 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.749 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.750 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.754 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.758 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.759 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.760 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.974 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.975 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.975 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.976 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.978 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:45.979 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.980 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:45.981 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.037 1155 1911 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:29:46.211 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.211 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.212 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.213 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.215 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.215 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.217 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.218 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.265 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.266 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.266 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.266 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.269 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.269 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.271 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.271 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.407 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.408 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.410 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.410 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.422 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.422 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.423 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.424 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.561 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.562 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.563 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.563 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.564 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.564 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.565 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.565 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.785 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.786 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.786 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.787 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.787 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.788 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.789 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.789 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.838 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.838 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.839 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.839 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.840 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.840 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.841 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.842 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.975 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.975 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.976 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:46.976 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.977 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.977 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.978 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:46.979 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.114 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.115 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.116 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.116 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.116 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.117 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.118 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.118 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.292 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:47.293 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:47.395 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.396 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.396 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.398 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.398 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.399 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.400 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.401 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.448 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.449 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.450 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.450 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.451 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.451 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.452 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.453 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.482 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:47.482 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10145, timeNow=69521
11-03 22:29:47.482 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Time to remove uid 10145:
11-03 22:29:47.482 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10145, delay=2598
11-03 22:29:47.600 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:47.600 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=1000, timeNow=69639
11-03 22:29:47.600 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Time to remove uid 1000:
11-03 22:29:47.600 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=1000, delay=333
11-03 22:29:47.600 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:47.600 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10174, timeNow=69639
11-03 22:29:47.600 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Time to remove uid 10174:
11-03 22:29:47.600 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10174, delay=2495
11-03 22:29:47.677 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.678 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.678 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.679 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.682 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.682 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.684 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.684 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.831 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.886 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.886 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.889 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.889 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.914 1155 1445 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{87f3ec1 u0
11-03 22:29:47.916 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.917 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.917 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.918 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.918 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.919 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.920 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.920 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.937 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:47.938 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.939 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.939 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:47.971 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:47.971 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=1000, timeNow=70010
11-03 22:29:47.971 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 1000 from temp
11-03 22:29:47.971 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1001, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10179, 10194]
11-03 22:29:47.984 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1001, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10179, 10194]
11-03 22:29:47.989 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:47.989 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10194, timeNow=70028
11-03 22:29:47.989 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10194 from temp
11-03 22:29:47.989 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1001, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:29:47.999 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1001, 10103, 10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:29:48.002 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:29:48.002 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:48.003 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:29:48.007 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:48.127 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.128 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.128 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.129 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:48.130 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:48.131 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.132 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.133 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.269 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:48.269 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10103, timeNow=70308
11-03 22:29:48.269 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10103 from temp
11-03 22:29:48.269 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1001, 10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:29:48.276 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1001, 10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:29:48.280 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:29:48.280 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:48.320 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.321 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.321 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.322 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:48.323 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:48.324 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.325 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.326 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.546 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.547 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.548 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.548 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:48.551 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:48.551 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.553 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.553 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.685 1155 2069 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:48.685 1155 2069 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:48.772 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.773 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.774 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.774 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:48.776 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:48.777 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.778 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.779 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:48.861 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:48.861 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=1001, timeNow=70900
11-03 22:29:48.862 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 1001 from temp
11-03 22:29:48.862 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:29:48.871 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:29:48.874 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:29:48.874 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:49.003 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.003 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.004 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.005 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.006 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.007 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.008 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.009 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.134 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.135 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.135 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.136 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.143 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.144 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.145 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.146 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.342 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.342 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.343 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.343 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.345 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.345 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.347 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.347 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.443 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.444 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.445 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.445 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.447 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.447 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.448 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.449 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.462 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.462 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.463 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.464 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.465 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.466 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.467 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.467 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.665 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.665 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.666 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.667 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.679 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.679 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.680 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.681 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.877 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.878 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.879 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.879 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.881 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:49.883 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.889 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:49.890 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.118 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:50.118 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10145, timeNow=72157
11-03 22:29:50.118 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10145 from temp
11-03 22:29:50.118 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [10174, 10179]
11-03 22:29:50.124 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [10174, 10179]
11-03 22:29:50.128 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:50.128 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10174, timeNow=72167
11-03 22:29:50.128 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10174 from temp
11-03 22:29:50.128 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [10179]
11-03 22:29:50.134 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.135 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.136 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.136 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.138 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [10179]
11-03 22:29:50.138 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.139 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.140 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.140 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.145 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:29:50.146 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:50.146 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:29:50.146 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10179, timeNow=72185
11-03 22:29:50.146 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10179 from temp
11-03 22:29:50.146 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to []
11-03 22:29:50.152 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to []
11-03 22:29:50.155 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:29:50.156 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:50.157 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:29:50.157 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:50.189 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.190 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.190 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.190 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.192 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.193 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.194 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.195 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.390 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.391 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.391 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.392 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.394 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.394 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.396 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.396 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.591 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.592 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.592 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.592 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.594 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.595 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.596 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.597 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.735 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.735 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.737 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.737 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.739 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.740 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.741 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.742 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.793 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.793 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.794 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.795 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.796 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.797 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.798 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.799 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.996 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.997 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:50.998 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:50.998 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.000 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.001 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.003 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.004 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.208 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.209 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.211 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.211 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.216 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.217 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.220 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.221 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.433 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.435 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.436 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.437 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.439 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.440 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.443 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.445 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.654 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.655 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.656 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.657 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.661 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.662 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.665 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.666 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.876 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.878 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.879 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.879 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.887 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:51.888 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.892 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:51.893 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.113 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.114 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.115 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.116 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.122 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.124 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.128 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.130 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.293 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:52.294 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:52.338 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.339 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.341 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.341 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.345 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.347 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.349 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.350 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.535 1155 1603 D _V_VivoNlpPowerMonitor: mIsNetworkAvailable: true,
validated: true, partial: false
11-03 22:29:52.564 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.565 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.567 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.567 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.575 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.576 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.581 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.583 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.823 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.824 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.826 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.826 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.832 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.834 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.837 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.838 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.869 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.938 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:52.939 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.941 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:52.942 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.130 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.131 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.134 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.135 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.138 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.141 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.142 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.144 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.146 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.146 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.147 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.148 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.207 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.209 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.210 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.210 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.211 1155 1445 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for:
ServiceRecord{b858eef u0 com.google.android.gms/.gcm.GcmService}
11-03 22:29:53.211 1155 1445 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast
11-03 22:29:53.213 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.214 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.216 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.220 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.231 1155 1445 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #470} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (13
11-03 22:29:53.237 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1001 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:53.238 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=1001, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:53.238 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1001]
11-03 22:29:53.238 1155 1445 I BroadcastQueue: Resuming delayed broadcast
11-03 22:29:53.246 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1001]
11-03 22:29:53.248 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:53.273 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10116 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:53.274 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10116, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:53.274 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1001, 10116]
11-03 22:29:53.285 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1001, 10116]
11-03 22:29:53.287 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:53.299 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:53.300 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:53.308 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:53.309 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:53.333 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:53.333 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=1000, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:53.334 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10116]
11-03 22:29:53.336 1155 2069 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.crontab
11-03 22:29:53.338 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:53.340 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10116]
11-03 22:29:53.343 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:53.352 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.352 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.353 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.354 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.362 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=21
11-03 22:29:53.367 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:29:53.384 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=14, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 22:29:53.385 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:29:53.388 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 53ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:29:53.389 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:29:53.389 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3163:com.vivo.crontab/1000 for broadcast
11-03 22:29:53.389 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 55ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:29:53.390 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 3163, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.crontab, str2 = com.vivo.crontab
11-03 22:29:53.390 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 56ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:29:53.392 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.394 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.397 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.398 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.516 1155 2069 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=vivo.Stk.session_ended flg=0x10 (has extras) } send by
ApplicationInfo{a1cadd5 com.android.phone} should with permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.Stk.session_ended from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.517 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.528 1155 1911 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=vivo.Stk.session_ended flg=0x10 (has extras) } send by
ApplicationInfo{a1cadd5 com.android.phone} should with permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.Stk.session_ended from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.529 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:29:53.530 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.531 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.535 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.536 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.539 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.542 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.546 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.547 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.560 1155 1911 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
packageName:com.android.stk className:com.android.stk.StkLauncherActivityOther2
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:1001 callingPid:1997
11-03 22:29:53.561 1155 2722 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:st2 value:75598 pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:53.562 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:53.593 1155 1911 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
packageName:com.android.stk className:com.android.stk.StkLauncherActivityOther1
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:1001 callingPid:1997
11-03 22:29:53.601 1155 1911 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:st2 value:75635 pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:29:53.602 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:53.624 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.625 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.627 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.628 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.642 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.642 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.644 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.645 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.656 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.659 1155 1911 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:bootcompleted value:1 pkg:com.vivo.crontab userId:0
11-03 22:29:53.661 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:29:53.699 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 7
11-03 22:29:53.703 1155 1418 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:poweron_time value:-1
pkg:com.vivo.crontab userId:0
11-03 22:29:53.714 1155 1418 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:poweroff_time value:-1
pkg:com.vivo.crontab userId:0
11-03 22:29:53.738 1155 1911 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:offline_time value:-1
pkg:com.vivo.crontab userId:0
11-03 22:29:53.776 1155 2722 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:crontab_time value:-1
pkg:com.vivo.crontab userId:0
11-03 22:29:53.785 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10131 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:53.786 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10131, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:53.786 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10116, 10131]
11-03 22:29:53.788 1155 2722 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.customtool
11-03 22:29:53.788 1155 2722 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10131; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:53.789 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10131; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:53.793 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10116, 10131]
11-03 22:29:53.794 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:53.818 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3189:com.vivo.customtool/u0a131 for broadcast
11-03 22:29:53.818 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 3189, arg2 =
10131, str1 = com.vivo.customtool, str2 = com.vivo.customtool
11-03 22:29:53.855 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.857 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.859 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.861 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.864 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.865 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.868 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.870 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.897 1155 1911 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:53.914 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10131; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:53.931 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.932 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.934 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.935 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.938 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:53.938 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.940 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:53.941 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.080 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.080 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.082 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.082 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.085 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.086 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.088 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.099 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.124 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:29:54.131 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10120 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:29:54.131 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10120, delay=20000
11-03 22:29:54.132 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10116, 10120, 10131]
11-03 22:29:54.135 1155 1418 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.notes
11-03 22:29:54.137 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10120; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:54.138 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10120; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:29:54.140 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10116, 10120, 10131]
11-03 22:29:54.141 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:29:54.167 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
3211:com.vivo.notes/u0a120 for broadcast
11-03 22:29:54.168 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 3211, arg2 =
10120, str1 = com.vivo.notes, str2 = com.vivo.notes
11-03 22:29:54.197 1155 2722 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing
service com.vivo.pushservice/com.vivo.push.sdk.service.UpstageService from
pid=3189, uid=10131 requires com.push.permission.UPSTAGESERVICE
11-03 22:29:54.207 1155 1418 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing
service com.vivo.pushservice/com.vivo.push.sdk.service.UpstageService from
pid=3189, uid=10131 requires com.push.permission.UPSTAGESERVICE
11-03 22:29:54.212 1155 1418 W ActivityManager: Permission Denial: Accessing
service com.vivo.pushservice/com.vivo.push.sdk.service.UpstageService from
pid=3189, uid=10131 requires com.push.permission.UPSTAGESERVICE
11-03 22:29:54.229 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.230 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.231 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.232 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.232 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.233 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.234 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.235 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.240 1155 1911 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:29:54.262 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10120; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:29:54.304 1155 2097 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.pushservice.back_up
l3GwuDf0Jo8ZrE+ pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:29:54.509 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.510 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.513 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.514 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.516 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.516 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.518 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.519 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.537 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.538 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.540 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.540 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.543 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.544 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.545 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.546 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.642 1155 2722 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:54.669 1155 2097 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:29:54.723 1155 1911 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:54.734 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.734 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.736 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.736 1155 2722 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :3211
11-03 22:29:54.736 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.738 1155 1911 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :3211
11-03 22:29:54.739 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:54.740 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.741 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.745 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.746 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.751 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:54.778 1155 1911 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START
pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found
11-03 22:29:54.786 1155 1911 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@e1f444d
11-03 22:29:54.799 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:29:54.801 1155 2097 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:29:54.805 1155 1911 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 22:29:54.821 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Target SDK mismatch: receiver
ActivityInfo{7f6c13 com.google.android.gms.gcm.ServiceAutoStarter} targets 33 but
delivery restricted to [0, 23] broadcasting Intent
{ act=android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE flg=0x4200010 (has extras) } from
android (pid=1155, uid=1000) to com.google.android.gms/.gcm.ServiceAutoStarter
11-03 22:29:54.848 1155 2097 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:bbk_update_notice value:0
pkg:com.bbk.updater userId:0
11-03 22:29:54.854 1155 2097 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=launcher.action.CHANGE_APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION_NUM flg=0x10
pkg=com.android.launcher3 (has extras) } send by ApplicationInfo{1c794e5
com.bbk.updater} should with permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:29:54.864 1155 2097 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:bbk_update_notice value:0
pkg:com.bbk.updater userId:0
11-03 22:29:54.866 1155 2097 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=launcher.action.CHANGE_APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION_NUM flg=0x10
pkg=com.android.launcher3 (has extras) } send by ApplicationInfo{1c794e5
com.bbk.updater} should with permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:29:54.867 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:29:54.867 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:54.868 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:0, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:29:54.872 1155 1568 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.873 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:54.896 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:54.896 1155 1568 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.905 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.905 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = *alarm*
11-03 22:29:54.961 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.962 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:54.967 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.967 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.968 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.968 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.970 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:54.972 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.976 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.977 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:54.985 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1155, name = NetworkStats
11-03 22:29:54.987 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.200 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.201 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.202 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.204 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.209 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.211 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.215 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.217 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.444 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.445 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.446 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.447 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.452 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.454 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.459 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.462 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.689 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.691 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.692 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.693 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.698 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.701 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.703 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.703 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.943 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.944 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.946 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.947 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.950 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:55.953 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.955 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:55.957 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.041 1155 1418 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:29:56.198 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.200 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.201 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.203 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.206 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.209 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.211 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.212 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.368 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.369 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.372 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.373 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.392 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.395 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.398 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.401 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.611 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.612 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.613 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.613 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.620 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.624 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.626 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.629 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.898 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.900 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.903 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.905 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.909 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.911 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.914 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.916 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.970 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.971 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.974 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.976 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.978 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:56.980 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.983 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:56.986 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.206 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:57.208 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.210 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.211 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.245 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:57.247 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.250 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.253 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.296 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:29:57.298 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:29:57.460 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.462 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.464 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.464 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:57.470 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:57.473 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.478 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.480 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.767 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.768 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.769 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:57.770 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.774 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:57.776 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.782 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.784 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.843 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.845 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.845 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:57.847 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.851 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:57.854 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.857 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:57.861 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.043 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.045 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.051 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.053 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.069 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.070 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.073 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.073 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.079 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.081 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.085 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.087 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.109 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.112 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.113 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.114 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.143 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.295 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.297 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.297 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.298 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.301 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.304 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.307 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.310 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.443 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.445 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.446 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.448 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.450 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.452 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.454 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.455 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.517 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.520 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.521 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.522 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.523 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.526 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.528 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.530 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.740 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.742 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.743 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.743 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.746 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.749 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.751 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.753 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.960 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.960 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.962 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.966 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.969 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:58.974 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.977 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:58.979 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.193 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.194 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.195 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.196 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:59.202 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:59.205 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.207 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.208 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.420 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.421 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.422 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.422 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:59.425 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:59.427 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.432 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.433 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.644 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.645 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.646 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.647 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:59.650 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:59.652 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.655 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.656 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.829 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.830 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.831 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:59.832 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.836 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:29:59.838 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.842 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:29:59.844 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.001 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:00.001 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:30:00.066 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.067 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.069 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.070 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.074 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.076 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.079 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.081 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.299 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.303 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.304 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.309 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.313 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.316 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.317 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.565 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.567 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.568 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.570 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.570 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.573 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.575 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.577 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.891 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.892 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.894 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.895 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.898 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.900 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.903 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.906 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.946 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.947 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.949 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.950 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.954 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:00.956 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.958 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:00.960 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.087 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.088 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.091 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.093 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.116 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.119 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.126 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.129 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.286 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.287 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.288 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.290 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.292 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.295 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.298 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.299 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.612 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.613 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.614 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.615 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.617 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.619 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.622 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.624 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.683 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.685 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.686 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.687 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.688 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.690 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.692 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.693 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.850 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.851 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.852 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.853 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.860 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:01.863 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.867 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:01.868 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.026 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.027 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.029 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.030 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.035 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.038 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.041 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.042 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.253 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.254 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.257 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.257 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.261 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.265 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.267 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.269 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.299 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:30:02.300 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:30:02.318 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.319 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.320 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.320 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.324 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.326 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.330 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.334 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.576 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.577 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.580 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.580 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.585 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.587 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.590 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.591 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.832 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.834 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.834 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.837 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.843 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:02.846 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.849 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:02.851 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.091 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.093 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.095 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.096 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.099 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.101 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.104 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.105 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.113 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.216 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:30:03.217 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:30:03.218 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=14, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 22:30:03.218 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:30:03.260 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.261 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.263 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.264 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.297 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.304 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.305 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.324 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.325 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.326 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.327 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.331 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.334 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.336 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.337 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.537 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.538 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.541 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.542 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.546 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.549 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.555 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.556 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.647 1155 1488 V PackageManager: Sending package changed:
package=com.android.stk components=[com.android.stk.StkLauncherActivityOther2,
11-03 22:30:03.658 1155 1420 D CompanionDeviceManagerService:
onPackageModified(packageName = com.android.stk)
11-03 22:30:03.660 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:30:03.660 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:30:03.673 1155 1530 I RoleService: Granting default roles...
11-03 22:30:03.681 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:30:03.682 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:30:03.684 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:30:03.686 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:30:03.687 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.693 1155 1911 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10179; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:03.697 1155 1530 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.permissioncontroller uid 10204, isRmsPreload = false,
keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:30:03.703 1155 1530 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #565} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (66
11-03 22:30:03.709 1155 1530 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10204; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:03.714 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.727 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.742 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:03.742 1155 1418 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:30:03.743 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.752 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:30:03.755 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
11-03 22:30:03.761 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.784 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.784 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.785 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.787 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.787 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.790 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:03.793 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.794 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.795 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:03.818 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.871 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.895 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.925 1155 1420 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.permissioncontroller uid 10204, isRmsPreload = false,
keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:30:03.930 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.965 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:03.998 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:04.020 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.022 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.026 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.028 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.029 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:04.030 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.040 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.042 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.043 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.068 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:04.080 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 371136(19MB) AllocSpace objects, 54(3540KB) LOS objects, 36% free,
38MB/60MB, paused 1.064ms,397us total 241.692ms
11-03 22:30:04.111 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:04.123 1155 1855 I PackageManager: Replacing preferred activity
com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity callingUid:10204 callingPid: 2692 for
user 0:
11-03 22:30:04.132 1155 1855 I PackageManager: Replacing preferred activity
com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity callingUid:10204 callingPid: 2692 for
user 0:
11-03 22:30:04.132 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: mVivoCustomMonitor
11-03 22:30:04.141 1155 1418 I PackageManager: Replacing preferred activity
com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity callingUid:10204 callingPid: 2692 for
user 0:
11-03 22:30:04.141 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: mVivoCustomMonitor
11-03 22:30:04.148 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: mVivoCustomMonitor
11-03 22:30:04.150 1155 2068 I PackageManager: Replacing preferred activity
com.android.mms/.ui.ComposeMessageActivity callingUid:10204 callingPid: 2692 for
user 0:
11-03 22:30:04.155 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:04.166 1155 1155 V _V_VDPMS: mVivoCustomMonitor
11-03 22:30:04.177 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:04.183 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.184 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.188 1155 3265 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.189 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.197 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:30:04.203 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.205 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.207 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.208 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.406 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.408 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.410 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.411 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.414 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.415 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.417 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.418 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.691 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.754 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.756 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.756 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.757 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.765 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.768 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.770 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.773 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.830 1155 1419 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START
pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found
11-03 22:30:04.832 1155 2097 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@6b623b2
11-03 22:30:04.946 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.947 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.948 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.949 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.977 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:04.980 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.982 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:04.985 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.188 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.189 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.190 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.192 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:05.196 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:05.199 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.203 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.204 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.479 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.481 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.483 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:05.485 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.487 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:05.490 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.493 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.556 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.558 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:05.560 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.561 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.564 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:05.566 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.570 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.571 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.782 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.784 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.785 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:05.785 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.790 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:05.793 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.795 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:05.796 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.009 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.009 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.010 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.011 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.014 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.016 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.018 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.019 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.047 1155 2069 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:30:06.159 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.160 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.161 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.163 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.165 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.167 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.169 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.171 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.201 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.202 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.204 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.207 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.210 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.212 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.214 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.216 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.429 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.430 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.433 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.434 1155 2097 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.440 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.442 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.444 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.445 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.643 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.643 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.646 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.646 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.649 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.650 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.651 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.652 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.849 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.850 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.851 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.851 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.853 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:06.855 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.857 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:06.858 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.067 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.069 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.070 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.071 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.073 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.077 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.079 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.080 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.135 1155 1155 I _V_VDPMS: mHandler msg = 10
11-03 22:30:07.299 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.299 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.300 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.302 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.303 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:30:07.304 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:30:07.307 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.309 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.311 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.313 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.493 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.494 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.495 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.497 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.499 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.502 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.504 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.506 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.713 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.715 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.717 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.718 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.722 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.725 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.728 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.730 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.940 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.941 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.942 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.943 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.951 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:07.954 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.955 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:07.957 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.167 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.213 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.299 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.299 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.302 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.303 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.467 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.468 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.470 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.470 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.505 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.506 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.507 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.508 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.511 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.514 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.517 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.518 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.576 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.577 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.578 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.580 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.585 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.588 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.589 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.591 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.748 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.750 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.751 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.751 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.785 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.788 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.790 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.792 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.807 1155 1902 D _V_GnssConfiguration: reloadGpsProperties
11-03 22:30:08.833 1155 1902 W _V_GnssConfiguration: nfw: VGC not config.
11-03 22:30:08.930 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.934 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.939 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.941 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.945 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:08.948 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.949 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:08.953 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.148 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: readConfig
11-03 22:30:09.173 1155 1443 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:30:09.180 1155 3271 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:30:09.184 1155 1443 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:30:09.188 1155 3271 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: init Config
fileId:51 identified:three_finger_config fileVersion:51
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: <?xml version="1.0"
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager:
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: <notinterceptapps>
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: <item
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: <item
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: </notinterceptapps>
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: parse config from str
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: <?xml version="1.0"
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager:
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: <notinterceptapps>
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: <item
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: <item
11-03 22:30:09.205 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: </notinterceptapps>
11-03 22:30:09.207 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager:
mDisableInterceptDuringGame = true
11-03 22:30:09.209 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: not intercept touch
app = WindowInfo{ packageName = com.antutu.ABenchMark, title =
11-03 22:30:09.209 1155 1443 D _V_ThreeFingerConfigManager: not intercept touch
app = WindowInfo{ packageName = com.ludashi.benchmark, title =
11-03 22:30:09.211 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: readConfigFromDB
11-03 22:30:09.219 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.221 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.222 1155 1443 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:30:09.226 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.226 1155 3271 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:30:09.227 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.229 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.230 1155 1443 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:30:09.231 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.233 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.234 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.235 1155 2879 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: init Config fileId:48
identified:forceback fileVersion:48
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <?xml version="1.0"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <enable>true</enable>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <forcebacklist>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.tencent.mm" title="com.tencent.mm.ui.LauncherUI" backcount="4"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.tencent.mm" title="com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.ChattingUI"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.tencent.mm" title="com.tencent.mm.plugin.profile.ui.ContactInfoUI"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.ss.android.ugc.aweme.main.MainActivity" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.ss.android.article.video.activity.SplashActivity" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.yxcorp.gifshow.detail.PhotoDetailActivity" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.tencent.tim" title="com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.autonavi.minimap" title="com.autonavi.map.activity.NewMapActivity"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.cpic.sxbxxe" title="com.primeton.emp.client.activity.RnActivity"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.eg.android.AlipayGphone.AlipayLogin" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.tencent.mm.plugin.remittance.ui.RemittanceBusiUI" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.snda.wifilocating" title="com.lantern.launcher.ui.MainActivityICS"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.demo.backkeytest" title="com.demo.backkeytest.MainActivity"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: </forcebacklist>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_list>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.bbk.launcher2" title="com.bbk.launcher2.Launcher"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.vivo.browser" title="com.vivo.browser.MainActivity"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.UCMobile" title="com.uc.browser.InnerUCMobile"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.baidu.searchbox" title="com.uc.browser.InnerUCMobile"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.tencent.mtt" title="com.tencent.mtt.MainActivity"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: </ignore_report_list>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: parse config from str
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <?xml version="1.0"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <enable>true</enable>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <forcebacklist>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.tencent.mm" title="com.tencent.mm.ui.LauncherUI" backcount="4"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.tencent.mm" title="com.tencent.mm.ui.chatting.ChattingUI"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.tencent.mm" title="com.tencent.mm.plugin.profile.ui.ContactInfoUI"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.ss.android.ugc.aweme.main.MainActivity" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.ss.android.article.video.activity.SplashActivity" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.yxcorp.gifshow.detail.PhotoDetailActivity" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.tencent.tim" title="com.tencent.mobileqq.activity.SplashActivity"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.autonavi.minimap" title="com.autonavi.map.activity.NewMapActivity"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.cpic.sxbxxe" title="com.primeton.emp.client.activity.RnActivity"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.eg.android.AlipayGphone.AlipayLogin" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.tencent.mm.plugin.remittance.ui.RemittanceBusiUI" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
title="com.facebook.katana.activity.ImmersiveActivity" backcount="3"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.snda.wifilocating" title="com.lantern.launcher.ui.MainActivityICS"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <window
packagename="com.demo.backkeytest" title="com.demo.backkeytest.MainActivity"
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: </forcebacklist>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager:
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_list>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.bbk.launcher2" title="com.bbk.launcher2.Launcher"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.vivo.browser" title="com.vivo.browser.MainActivity"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.UCMobile" title="com.uc.browser.InnerUCMobile"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.baidu.searchbox" title="com.uc.browser.InnerUCMobile"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: <ignore_report_window
packagename="com.tencent.mtt" title="com.tencent.mtt.MainActivity"/>
11-03 22:30:09.280 1155 1443 D _V_ForceBackManager: </ignore_report_list>
11-03 22:30:09.289 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.290 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.292 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.292 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.295 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.297 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.299 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.449 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.450 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.452 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.453 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.455 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.458 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.461 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.462 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.612 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.613 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.615 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.616 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.619 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.621 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.624 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.626 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.912 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.913 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.915 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.915 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.918 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.921 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.923 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.925 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.948 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.950 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.953 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:09.953 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.955 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.956 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.964 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:09.966 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.113 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: handleMessage,
11-03 22:30:10.113 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl: handleMessage
11-03 22:30:10.114 1155 1155 D _V_VivoBluetoothManagerServiceImpl:
bindVivoFwTwsService force:false
11-03 22:30:10.115 1155 1155 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1932
11-03 22:30:10.116 1155 1155 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
cmp=com.vivo.tws.vivotws/com.android.vivo.tws.vivotws.service.VivoAdapterService }
U=0: not found
11-03 22:30:10.202 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.203 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:10.206 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.208 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.211 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:10.213 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.215 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.218 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.462 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.464 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.466 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.467 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:10.471 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:10.472 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.474 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.478 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.723 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.724 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.725 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.725 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:10.731 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:10.734 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.738 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.740 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.782 1155 2879 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:10.782 1155 2879 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:30:10.979 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.980 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.981 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.981 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:10.988 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:10.991 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.994 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:10.996 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.200 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.201 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:11.201 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.202 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.204 1155 3271 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:11.206 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.209 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.210 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.446 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.448 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:11.449 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.450 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.453 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:11.456 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.458 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.459 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.699 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.700 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.702 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.702 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:11.709 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:11.711 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.715 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.717 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.876 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:11.879 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.880 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:11.881 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:12.306 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:30:12.307 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:30:13.250 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:13.264 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:30:13.264 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=1001, timeNow=95303
11-03 22:30:13.265 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 1001 from temp
11-03 22:30:13.265 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10116, 10120, 10131]
11-03 22:30:13.293 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.295 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10116, 10120, 10131]
11-03 22:30:13.296 1155 3271 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:30:13.299 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:30:13.299 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10116, timeNow=95338
11-03 22:30:13.299 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10116 from temp
11-03 22:30:13.299 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10120, 10131]
11-03 22:30:13.301 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.302 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.309 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10120, 10131]
11-03 22:30:13.313 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:30:13.314 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:13.315 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:30:13.315 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:13.355 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.356 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.356 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.357 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:13.371 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:30:13.371 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=1000, timeNow=95410
11-03 22:30:13.371 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Time to remove uid 1000:
11-03 22:30:13.371 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=1000, delay=753
11-03 22:30:13.394 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=21
11-03 22:30:13.395 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:30:13.413 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=0, tcp
packets received=0, latest tcp fail rate=-1, consecutive dns timeout count=0
11-03 22:30:13.416 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:30:13.472 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:13.473 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.476 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.478 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.536 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.536 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:13.538 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.539 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:13.806 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:30:13.806 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10131, timeNow=95845
11-03 22:30:13.806 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10131 from temp
11-03 22:30:13.806 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10120]
11-03 22:30:13.816 1155 1521 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #582} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (9
11-03 22:30:13.817 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10120]
11-03 22:30:13.821 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:30:13.822 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:14.144 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:30:14.144 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=1000, timeNow=96183
11-03 22:30:14.144 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 1000 from temp
11-03 22:30:14.145 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [10120]
11-03 22:30:14.149 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [10120]
11-03 22:30:14.152 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:30:14.152 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10120, timeNow=96191
11-03 22:30:14.152 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10120 from temp
11-03 22:30:14.152 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to []
11-03 22:30:14.165 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to []
11-03 22:30:14.168 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:30:14.169 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:14.170 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:30:14.175 1155 1521 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10120; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:30:14.176 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:44.713 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:44.716 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:44.716 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:44.717 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:44.721 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:44.735 1155 1523 E AtomicFile: Failed to sync file output stream
11-03 22:30:44.738 1155 2068 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
11-03 22:30:44.739 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:30:44.739 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=1000, delay=20000
11-03 22:30:44.739 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000]
11-03 22:30:44.761 1155 2117 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:44.773 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10103; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:44.778 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:44.781 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 10103, arg2 =
2951, name = AlarmClock
11-03 22:30:44.784 1155 1155 D DevicePolicyManager:
11-03 22:30:44.785 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000]
11-03 22:30:44.787 1155 1155 I _V_Sensor_AutoInfoManager: action =
11-03 22:30:44.788 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:44.790 1155 1155 W SyncManager: Clock is valid now.
11-03 22:30:44.797 1155 3269 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=com.android.deskclock.ALARM_CHANGED flg=0x10
pkg=com.android.deskclock } send by ApplicationInfo{1c6c86a com.android.deskclock}
should with permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:30:44.799 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:44.802 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10073 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:30:44.803 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10073, delay=20000
11-03 22:30:44.803 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10073]
11-03 22:30:44.803 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10073]
11-03 22:30:44.806 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 10103, arg2 =
2951, name = AlarmClock
11-03 22:30:44.806 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:44.807 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:30:44.807 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10073 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:30:44.807 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10103 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:30:44.807 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10103, delay=20000
11-03 22:30:44.807 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103]
11-03 22:30:44.807 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103]
11-03 22:30:44.808 1155 2117 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:44.808 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:44.808 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10120 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:30:44.808 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10120, delay=20000
11-03 22:30:44.808 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10120]
11-03 22:30:44.809 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10120]
11-03 22:30:44.810 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:44.814 1155 1658 I _V_Sensor_MinimumBrightness: updateSunTime sunrise
= 6.15; mSunset = 16.9
11-03 22:30:44.903 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10145 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:30:44.904 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10145, delay=20000
11-03 22:30:44.904 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10120, 10145]
11-03 22:30:44.906 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10120, 10145]
11-03 22:30:44.907 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:44.930 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10174 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:30:44.931 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10174, delay=20000
11-03 22:30:44.931 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10120, 10145, 10174]
11-03 22:30:44.940 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10120, 10145, 10174]
11-03 22:30:44.943 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:44.977 1155 1423 D ColorDisplayService: Setting saturation level: 100
11-03 22:30:44.978 1155 1423 D _V_ColorDisplayService: applyTint level=150, from:
R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:30:44.978 1155 1423 D _V_ColorDisplayService: applyTint level=150, to:
R=1.0 G=1.0 B=1.0
11-03 22:30:45.033 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10179 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:30:45.033 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10179, delay=20000
11-03 22:30:45.033 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10120, 10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:30:45.038 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10120, 10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:30:45.039 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:45.068 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10116 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:30:45.069 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10116, delay=20000
11-03 22:30:45.069 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10116, 10120, 10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:30:45.070 1155 1508 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10116; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:45.071 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 10073, 10103, 10116, 10120, 10145, 10174, 10179]
11-03 22:30:45.073 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:30:45.080 1155 1155 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:45.085 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:45.095 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:30:45.101 1155 1508 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:45.111 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:30:45.114 1155 1508 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:30:45.115 1155 1508 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:45.154 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000
for broadcast {com.vivo.pem/com.vivo.pem.core.hide.io.PemReceiver}
11-03 22:30:45.156 1155 1446 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 41, arg1 = 3278, arg2 =
1000, str1 = com.vivo.pem, str2 = com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:30:45.553 1155 3269 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:30:45.559 1155 3269 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:app_standby_enabled value:1
pkg:com.vivo.pem userId:0
11-03 22:30:45.560 1155 3269 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:adaptive_battery_management_enabled
value:1 pkg:com.vivo.pem userId:0
11-03 22:30:45.604 1155 3269 V _V_VivoStats: noteInner what = 10003, arg1 = 1651,
arg2 = 50303
11-03 22:30:45.623 1155 3269 V _V_VivoStats: noteInner what = 10001, arg1 = 0,
arg2 = 0
11-03 22:30:45.624 1155 1455 D _V_VivoStats: connectPEM, mTryConnect = 10
11-03 22:30:45.625 1155 1455 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.bindService:1932
11-03 22:30:45.634 1155 1455 D _V_VivoStats: result = true
11-03 22:30:45.643 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:45.644 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: onServiceConnected name =
11-03 22:30:45.645 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1155 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:45.647 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 44, arg1 = 1001, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:45.648 1155 1454 V _V_VivoStats: noteWhich 43, arg1 = 1000, arg2 =
1997, name = *telephony-radio*
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[0] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[1] = false
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[2] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[3] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[4] = false
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[5] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[6] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[7] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[8] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[9] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[10] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[11] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[12] = true
11-03 22:30:45.649 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[13] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[14] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[15] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[16] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[17] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[18] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[19] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[20] = false
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[21] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[22] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[23] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[24] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[25] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[26] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[27] = false
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[28] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[29] = false
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[30] = false
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[31] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[32] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[33] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[34] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[35] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[36] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[37] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[38] = false
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[39] = false
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[40] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[41] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[42] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[43] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[44] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[45] = true
11-03 22:30:45.650 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[46] = true
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[47] = true
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[48] = true
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[49] = true
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[50] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[51] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[52] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[53] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[54] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[55] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[56] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[57] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[58] = false
11-03 22:30:45.651 1155 1155 D _V_VivoStats: run[59] = false
11-03 22:30:45.667 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:45.668 1155 1965 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo:
Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=127702 mSleepTimeMs=35888
mIdleTimeMs=71388 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 299] mRxTimeMs=4240}
11-03 22:30:45.679 1155 3269 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:45.681 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:30:45.684 1155 3269 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:46.022 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:46.040 1155 1965 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo:
Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=128078 mSleepTimeMs=36119
mIdleTimeMs=71531 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 299] mRxTimeMs=4241}
11-03 22:30:46.041 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:30:46.043 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:46.171 1155 1508 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:brightness_for_pem value:0
pkg:com.vivo.pem userId:0
11-03 22:30:46.543 1155 3265 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:46.546 1155 3265 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:46.548 1155 3265 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:46.563 1155 2069 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:pem_htp_thred value:43-52-58-1000-1000-1000
pkg:com.vivo.pem userId:0
11-03 22:30:46.564 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:30:46.566 1155 2069 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings success:true,
table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:pem_htp_thred value:43-62-65-1000-1000-1000
pkg:com.vivo.pem userId:0
11-03 22:30:46.567 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:30:46.660 1155 2069 I _V_VivoStats: Unrecognized network state,
what:30002, arg1:32, arg2:1
11-03 22:30:46.680 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:46.704 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:30:46.705 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:30:46.705 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:0, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:30:46.799 1155 2069 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:46.804 1155 1418 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:powermonitor value:1 pkg:com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:30:46.814 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:30:46.814 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:30:46.826 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168936375; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:46.827 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168936375; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:30:46.829 1155 1418 D LocationManagerService: passive provider added
registration from 1000/com.vivo.pem/E37682F7 -> Request[PASSIVE,
minUpdateInterval=0, WorkSource{1000 com.vivo.pem}] permissionLevel: 2 permitted:
11-03 22:30:46.830 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:46.831 1155 1606 I _V_VivoLocationUtils: --handleMessage 1001
11-03 22:30:46.832 1155 1418 D LocationManagerService: registration onActive from
uid: 1000 package: com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:30:46.834 1155 2069 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 154167, curTime = 128873
11-03 22:30:46.834 1155 2069 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 73144566; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.pstart from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.837 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:30:46.838 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 73144566; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:30:46.850 1155 1418 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:pempsmstate value:0 pkg:com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:30:46.852 1155 1418 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:pemMonsterState value:0 pkg:com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:30:46.920 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:30:46.921 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:30:46.921 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=0, tcp
packets received=0, latest tcp fail rate=-1, consecutive dns timeout count=0
11-03 22:30:46.921 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:30:47.861 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:47.926 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:48.042 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:48.114 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:48.549 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:48.551 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:48.564 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:48.575 743 826 I _V_vivo_daemon:vivo_bootcomplete: ---check
system_pid = 1155, zygote_pid = 528, zygote64_pid = 0
11-03 22:30:48.864 1155 2069 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:30:48.865 1155 2069 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 130903
11-03 22:30:48.888 1155 2069 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:30:48.902 1155 2069 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.android.launcher.speedup.provider for user 0
11-03 22:30:48.931 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.bbk.updater)
11-03 22:30:48.932 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.bbk.updater])
11-03 22:30:48.933 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.vivo.pushservice)
11-03 22:30:48.934 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.vivo.pushservice])
11-03 22:30:48.936 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.vivo.cota)
11-03 22:30:48.936 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.vivo.cota])
11-03 22:30:48.939 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = android)
11-03 22:30:48.939 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [android])
11-03 22:30:48.940 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.vivo.appstore)
11-03 22:30:48.940 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.vivo.appstore])
11-03 22:30:48.942 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.vivo.customtool)
11-03 22:30:48.942 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.vivo.customtool])
11-03 22:30:48.943 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.google.android.gms)
11-03 22:30:48.943 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.google.android.gms])
11-03 22:30:48.944 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.vivo.game)
11-03 22:30:48.945 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.vivo.game])
11-03 22:30:48.946 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.bbk.cloud)
11-03 22:30:48.946 1155 1418 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.bbk.cloud])
11-03 22:30:48.947 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.android.mms)
11-03 22:30:48.947 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.android.mms])
11-03 22:30:48.948 1155 1507 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.vivo.imanager)
11-03 22:30:48.949 1155 1507 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.vivo.imanager])
11-03 22:30:48.950 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.amap.android.location)
11-03 22:30:48.950 1155 3265 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.amap.android.location])
11-03 22:30:48.951 1155 1507 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApp(name = com.bbk.account)
11-03 22:30:48.952 1155 1507 I DeviceIdleController:
addPowerSaveWhitelistApps(name = [com.bbk.account])
11-03 22:30:48.955 1155 3265 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:49.375 1155 1507 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:30:49.631 1155 3269 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:30:49.632 1155 3269 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 131671
11-03 22:30:49.634 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:49.771 1155 2068 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:30:49.787 1155 1612 D _V_FeatureService: SettingsObserver onChange:false
uri: content://com.vivo.pem.provider/installedgamesandvideos userId:0
11-03 22:30:49.870 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:30:49.887 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 129
11-03 22:30:49.887 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: pem volume type list
11-03 22:30:49.888 1155 1730 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 129
11-03 22:30:49.894 1155 3334 W Binder : Outgoing transactions from this process
11-03 22:30:49.894 1155 3334 W Binder : java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:30:49.894 1155 3334 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:49.894 1155 3334 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:49.894 1155 3334 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:49.894 1155 3334 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:49.894 1155 3334 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:49.894 1155 3334 W Binder : at
11-03 22:30:49.899 1155 3334 D _V_FeatureService: pkgname =
com.kitkagames.fallbuddies ,audiotype = 2 ,attribute = 0
11-03 22:30:49.899 1155 3334 D _V_FeatureService: pkgname =
com.mobile.legends ,audiotype = 2 ,attribute = 0
11-03 22:30:49.899 1155 3334 D _V_FeatureService: pkgname =
com.lemon.lvoverseas ,audiotype = 1 ,attribute = 0
11-03 22:30:49.899 1155 3334 D _V_FeatureService: pkgname =
com.android.VideoPlayer ,audiotype = 1 ,attribute = 0
11-03 22:30:49.899 1155 3334 D _V_FeatureService: pkgname =
com.google.android.youtube ,audiotype = 1 ,attribute = 0
11-03 22:30:49.899 1155 3334 D _V_FeatureService: pkgname =
com.google.android.videos ,audiotype = 1 ,attribute = 0
11-03 22:30:49.900 1155 3334 D _V_FeatureService: onVolumeTypeListUpdate!
11-03 22:30:49.901 1155 3334 V _V_ServiceProxy: static initilize of ServiceProxy
11-03 22:30:49.930 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:31:13.553 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: stepLightIdleStateLocked:
11-03 22:31:13.553 1155 1534 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:31:13.553 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
11-03 22:31:13.570 1155 1507 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
11-03 22:31:13.571 1155 1534 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 368850, curTime = 155610
11-03 22:31:13.572 1155 1534 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.PEM_ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.587 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:31:13.600 1155 1534 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:31:13.601 1155 1534 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 155640
11-03 22:31:13.609 1155 1521 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:31:13.609 1155 1521 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 155648
11-03 22:31:13.610 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Moved to LIGHT_STATE_IDLE.
11-03 22:31:13.610 1155 1521 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:31:13.611 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(3)
11-03 22:31:13.622 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:31:13.728 1155 3269 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2345
11-03 22:31:13.729 1155 2069 I _V_VivoCommonService: get info binder pid is :2345
11-03 22:31:13.786 1155 1521 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:31:13.922 1155 3270 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:31:14.001 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:31:14.002 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:31:14.420 1155 3264 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:bbk_update_notice value:0
pkg:com.bbk.updater userId:0
11-03 22:31:14.423 1155 3264 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=launcher.action.CHANGE_APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION_NUM flg=0x10
pkg=com.android.launcher3 (has extras) } send by ApplicationInfo{1c794e5
com.bbk.updater} should with permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:31:14.426 1155 3264 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:vivo_update_available value:0
pkg:com.bbk.updater userId:0
11-03 22:31:14.428 1155 3264 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:vivo_update_version value:
pkg:com.bbk.updater userId:0
11-03 22:31:14.430 1155 3264 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:vivo_update_patch_type value:0
pkg:com.bbk.updater userId:0
11-03 22:31:14.433 1155 3264 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:process_active_update_available value:0
pkg:com.bbk.updater userId:0
11-03 22:31:14.453 1155 3264 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:31:14.456 1155 3264 W StorageManagerService: No primary storage defined
yet; hacking together a stub
11-03 22:31:15.529 1155 1534 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:31:15.529 1155 1534 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 157568
11-03 22:31:15.544 1155 3264 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
11-03 22:31:15.789 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
/data/bbkcore/NotificationIntercept_notification_intercept_1.0.xml is null,just
return file content, no need decrypt file
11-03 22:31:15.790 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager: parse config file
/data/bbkcore/NotificationIntercept_notification_intercept_1.0.xml costs 4ms!!!
11-03 22:31:15.790 1155 1443 D _V_ConfigurationManager:
11-03 22:31:16.029 1155 3264 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2447e14 com.vivo.pem/1000 BTopFgs #625} whose proc state 2 is better
than process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7
(36 skipped)
11-03 22:31:16.124 1155 3264 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_GLOBAL name:screen_off_frozen_enable value:1
pkg:com.vivo.pem userId:0
11-03 22:31:16.564 1155 3270 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.service.START
pkg=com.google.android.gms } U=0: not found
11-03 22:31:16.565 1155 3270 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@673d4b2
11-03 22:31:18.698 1155 1534 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:31:18.698 1155 1534 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 160737
11-03 22:31:18.716 1155 3270 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
11-03 22:31:19.221 1155 3270 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:31:19.257 1155 3270 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:31:19.283 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 22:31:19.283 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 22:31:19.284 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=0, tcp
packets received=0, latest tcp fail rate=-1, consecutive dns timeout count=0
11-03 22:31:19.284 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:31:20.878 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:31:20.878 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:31:20.879 1155 1534 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:31:20.879 1155 1534 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 162918
11-03 22:31:20.894 1155 1916 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
11-03 22:31:20.896 1155 3264 D _V_LocationManagerService: getPermittedLocation
11-03 22:31:20.896 1155 3264 D _V_LocationManagerService: getPermittedLocation
11-03 22:31:20.896 1155 3264 D _V_LocationManagerService: incoming coarse
location: null
11-03 22:31:20.897 1155 3264 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl: report_loc:
corse, loc:null
11-03 22:31:20.897 1155 3264 D _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl:
getlastlocation: com.mediatek.ims location:null
11-03 22:31:20.902 1155 1916 V _V_VivoLocationProviderManagerImpl:
active_check_false: NOT_ENABLED network com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:31:20.905 1155 3264 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:31:20.926 1155 3264 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 22:31:28.430 1155 1534 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:31:28.430 1155 1534 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 170469
11-03 22:31:28.442 1155 3264 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
11-03 22:31:28.981 1155 1443 E _V_EmergencyBroadcastManager: start
11-03 22:31:28.988 1155 1443 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:31:28.994 1155 3264 W _V_ContentProviderHelper: Failed to find
provider:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystemes for user 0
11-03 22:31:28.998 1155 3264 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:31:29.101 1155 1443 E _V_EmergencyBroadcastManager: end
11-03 22:31:29.343 1155 3264 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:31:34.981 1155 1534 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:31:34.982 1155 1534 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 177020
11-03 22:31:35.001 1155 3264 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
11-03 22:31:38.361 1155 1155 W Looper : Slow delivery took 241ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.internal.os.BinderCallsStats$1@5097bac m=0
11-03 22:31:38.361 1155 1534 W _V_AlarmAlign: Do not set to kernel
11-03 22:31:38.361 1155 1534 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= -111, curTime = 180400
11-03 22:31:38.404 1155 3264 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: resumed
from suspend
11-03 22:31:38.952 1155 3264 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:31:39.035 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:31:39.035 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 22:31:39.300 1155 3264 I BatteryStatsService: In wakeup_callback: suspend
11-03 22:32:03.389 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:03.400 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:03.401 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:32:03.401 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification: mTimePeriod is null
11-03 22:32:03.427 1155 1423 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
sorEventListener@e0c3552sensor=NULL num: 0
11-03 22:32:03.460 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:03.461 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:32:03.487 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:2000000 by: class
com.android.server.power.FaceDownDetector num: 4
11-03 22:32:03.492 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:32:03.512 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:03.514 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:32:03.565 1155 3341 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:32:03.625 1155 1629 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:1000000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.server.display.color.VivoLcmEsd$1 num: 5
11-03 22:32:03.648 1155 1660 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:32:03.650 1155 1660 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:32:03.652 1155 1659 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:32:03.655 1155 1659 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
11-03 22:32:03.685 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:32:03.723 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:03.731 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:03.838 1155 1721 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no
mapping exists.
11-03 22:32:03.841 1155 1721 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no
mapping exists.
11-03 22:32:03.845 1155 1716 E _V_VivoDisplayOverlayController: sendTransaction
failed ! Exception is : java.lang.SecurityException
11-03 22:32:03.849 1155 1546 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.server.policy.VivoWMPHook$1@df31a25sensor=NULL num: 6
11-03 22:32:03.865 1155 1645 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.vivo.services.touchscreen.TouchScreenService$2@604debesensor=NULL num:
11-03 22:32:04.463 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:04.464 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:32:04.488 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:04.490 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:32:04.509 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:04.509 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:32:04.519 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:04.519 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:32:05.201 1155 1549 I mtkpower_client: Loaded mtkpower HAL service
11-03 22:32:05.355 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:5 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2421 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:5
11-03 22:32:05.355 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:32:05.355 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:32:05.355 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:32:05.355 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:32:05.355 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.608 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.609 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:05.995 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:32:05.995 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:32:05.995 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:32:05.995 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:32:05.995 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:32:05.995 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:32:06.780 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:06.799 1155 1427 E system_server: Could not write anonymous vdex
/system/framework/oat/arm/mediatek-framework.vdex: Could not open
/system/framework/oat/arm/mediatek-framework.vdex for writing
11-03 22:32:06.815 1155 1427 E system_server: Could not write anonymous vdex
/system/framework/oat/arm/mediatek-framework.vdex: Could not open
/system/framework/oat/arm/mediatek-framework.vdex for writing
11-03 22:32:06.828 1155 1965 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.048 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.050 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.181 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.182 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.action.KEYGUARD_STATE_CHANGED from system 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73
pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.204 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.action.KEYGUARD_STATE_CHANGED from system 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73
pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.205 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.271 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
nsor.vivomotion_detect num: 1
11-03 22:32:07.285 1155 2560 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.pem.wallpaper from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:07.597 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:08.393 1155 1631 E BackupPasswordManager: Unable to read backup pw
11-03 22:32:08.394 1155 1631 E BackupPasswordManager: Unable to read saved backup
pw hash
11-03 22:32:08.527 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.527 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.527 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.527 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.527 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.527 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.527 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.527 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.529 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.529 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.529 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.529 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.530 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.530 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.530 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.530 1155 3450 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for ID
11-03 22:32:08.590 1155 1965 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:08.615 1155 1965 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:08.842 1155 1155 E JobScheduler.Component: Job exists for non-
existent package: com.google.android.apps.speechservices
11-03 22:32:09.127 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:32:09.128 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:32:09.128 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:32:09.816 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:10.123 1155 1155 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: *** Uncaught remote exception!
(Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: java.lang.RuntimeException:
android.os.RemoteException: Couldn't get targetSdkVersion for package
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: at
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: at
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: at
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: Caused by: android.os.RemoteException:
Couldn't get targetSdkVersion for package com.android.accelerometergraph
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: at
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: at
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: at
11-03 22:32:10.506 1155 3307 E JavaBinder: ... 1 more
11-03 22:32:11.159 1155 3265 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:32:12.861 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:13.030 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.030 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.034 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.035 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.035 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.035 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.036 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.036 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.040 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.041 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.041 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.041 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.041 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.042 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.042 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.042 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.042 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.042 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.137 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.137 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.137 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-common/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.137 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.138 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.138 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/system/vgc-project/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.138 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.138 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.139 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.139 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.139 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.139 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.140 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.140 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.140 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cota/cust/carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.141 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : config file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_config.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.141 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : StringList file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_stringList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.141 1155 1428 E _V_VGC : cust list file
/vgc/cota/cust/project_carrier/51001V01/vgc_custList.xml not exit!!
11-03 22:32:13.184 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:32:14.341 1155 4140 E _V_ArpPeer: waitForArpReply timeout and close
11-03 22:32:14.833 1155 1548 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:14.885 1155 1418 D InputMethodManagerService: ---
calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10158 system uid = 1000
calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
11-03 22:32:14.885 1155 1418 V InputMethodManagerService: Client requesting input
be hidden
11-03 22:32:14.886 1155 1455 I _V_JEPH : moveInterval = 50,mTotalMove=0
11-03 22:32:14.895 1155 3271 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:32:14.910 1155 1418 D _V_ChildrenModeHelper: filter startfalse
11-03 22:32:14.911 1155 1418 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.whatsapp/.Main bnds=[429,669][568,868]} from uid 10158 ,pid
11-03 22:32:14.911 1155 1418 I _V_VivoAmsUtils: send message.
11-03 22:32:14.928 1155 1418 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SECURE name:encrypted_app_secondary_or_full
value:com.whatsapp pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:32:14.928 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
11-03 22:32:14.929 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:32:14.932 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:0, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:32:14.932 1155 1418 I _V_ActivityTaskManager: ActivityStarter
Factory.obtain:380 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStartController.obtainStarter:121
android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1179 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1143
android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative:-2 android.os.BinderProxy.transact:595
11-03 22:32:14.934 1155 1418 D _V_ChildrenModeHelper: filter startfalse
11-03 22:32:14.934 1155 1418 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0
{act=vivo.intent.action.SOFTWARE_LOCK_PASSWORD flg=0x10000000
cmp=com.android.settings/com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity (has extras)}
from uid 1000 ,pid 1938,realCallingUid:1000,realCallingPid:1938
11-03 22:32:14.935 1155 1418 I _V_VivoAmsUtils: send message.
11-03 22:32:14.937 1155 1418 I _V_VivoAmsUtils: remove message.
11-03 22:32:14.937 1155 1418 I _V_VivoAmsUtils: send vivo message.
11-03 22:32:14.938 1155 1418 I _V_VivoAmsUtils: remove vivo message.
11-03 22:32:14.947 577 577 I ANDROID-VPERF: handle is -10 ,GernerateVivoHandle
pid =1155 tid = 1418
11-03 22:32:14.957 1155 1418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 174042980; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:32:14.965 1155 1418 D _V_WindowManager: Prepare app transition:
transit=TRANSIT_OPEN mNextAppTransitionRequests=[], mNextAppTransitionFlags=
11-03 22:32:14.965 1155 1418 D _V_BarAnimController: prepareAppTransition 1 0
11-03 22:32:14.967 1155 1418 W VivoTaskImpl: occlude resumeTop canOccclude =
false next.occlude = false
11-03 22:32:14.971 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:14.975 1155 1418 D _V_ActivityTaskManager:
setWillCloseOrEnterPip:ActivityRecord{22b6924 u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t4
d0} lastFocusedRootTask:Task{68b8fd0 #1 displayId=0 type=home ?? U=0 visible=true
mode=fullscreen translucent=false sz=1} this:Task{69b1d42 #5 displayId=0
type=standard I=com.android.settings/com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity U=0
visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1}
11-03 22:32:14.981 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:14.991 1155 1418 D _V_RMS-Preload: displayId=0, callingUid=1000,
callingPid=1938, requestUid=1000, requestPid=0,
requestPkgName=com.android.settings, requestProcName=com.android.settings,
requestComponentName=com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity starter.
11-03 22:32:14.993 1155 3269 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:recent_touch_package_name
value:com.whatsapp pkg:com.vivo.daemonService userId:0
11-03 22:32:14.994 1155 1418 I _V_VivoAmsUtils: remove message.
11-03 22:32:14.994 1155 1418 I _V_VivoAmsUtils: send vivo message.
11-03 22:32:14.996 1155 1418 I _V_VivoAmsUtils: remove vivo message.
11-03 22:32:15.006 1155 3982 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo:
Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=217038 mSleepTimeMs=109806
mIdleTimeMs=86466 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 299] mRxTimeMs=4310}
11-03 22:32:15.013 1155 3264 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:15.021 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:32:15.025 1155 2117 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:15.027 1155 3265 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:15.027 1155 3265 I _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl: activity
state: 1
11-03 22:32:15.028 1155 3265 W VivoTaskImpl: occlude resumeTop canOccclude =
false next.occlude = false
11-03 22:32:15.029 1155 3265 D _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl:
isMultiWindowEnterJustDefaultDisplay of false
11-03 22:32:15.030 1155 3265 D _V_WindowManager: Prepare app transition:
transit=TRANSIT_OPEN mNextAppTransitionRequests=[TRANSIT_OPEN],
11-03 22:32:15.030 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController: prepareAppTransition 1 0
11-03 22:32:15.032 1155 3265 W ActivityTaskManager: Tried to set launchTime (0) <
mLastActivityLaunchTime (31887)
11-03 22:32:15.033 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController:
setActivityVisibilityBeforeCommit ActivityRecord{c37c78d u0
com.android.settings/com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity t5 d0} null
11-03 22:32:15.034 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController:
setActivityVisibilityBeforeCommit ActivityRecord{c37c78d u0
com.android.settings/com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity t5 d0}
ActivityRecord{22b6924 u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t4 d0}
11-03 22:32:15.035 1155 3265 D _V_FakeBarSurfaceControl-FakeStatusBar:
preCapture, w=720 h=46 posx=0 posy=0 bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 46)
11-03 22:32:15.035 1155 3265 D _V_FakeBarSurfaceControl-FakeGestureBar:
preCapture, w=720 h=79 posx=0 posy=1521 bounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 79)
11-03 22:32:15.036 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController: fillFakeBarsWithContent
11-03 22:32:15.041 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController:
setActivityVisibilityBeforeCommit ActivityRecord{c37c78d u0
com.android.settings/com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity t5 d0}
ActivityRecord{22b6924 u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t4 d0}
11-03 22:32:15.042 1155 3265 I _V_SDS :
recordInfo=com.android.settings/com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity pid=2020
11-03 22:32:15.043 1155 3265 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
package:com.android.settings, mProcessCreatePacknull
11-03 22:32:15.043 1155 3265 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 1
11-03 22:32:15.043 1155 3265 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
11-03 22:32:15.057 1155 3265 D _V_SlaScenesAnalysis-Main: already inited.
11-03 22:32:15.057 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController:
setActivityVisibilityBeforeCommit ActivityRecord{c37c78d u0
com.android.settings/com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity t5 d0}
ActivityRecord{22b6924 u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t4 d0}
11-03 22:32:15.063 1155 3265 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 181136395; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:32:15.064 1155 3265 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 174042936; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:32:15.065 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:32:15.065 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController:
appTransitionStateReadyOrTimeout transit=8, state=0,
11-03 22:32:15.065 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:32:15.066 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:32:15.067 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController: isStateSuitable splitMode =
false, isFreeformPerform = false
11-03 22:32:15.068 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController: STATE_TRANSITION_INITIAL
update topOpening = ActivityRecord{c37c78d u0
com.android.settings/com.vivo.settings.secret.PasswordActivity t5 d0} topClosing =
ActivityRecord{22b6924 u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t4 d0}
11-03 22:32:15.068 1155 3265 D _V_BarAnimController: fillFakeBarsWithContent
11-03 22:32:15.069 1155 3265 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:15.070 1155 3265 I _V_VivoActivityTaskManagerServiceImpl: activity
state: 0
11-03 22:32:15.073 1155 1542 D _V_BarAnimController: mCaptureRunnable run
11-03 22:32:15.077 1155 3265 I _V_TaskOrganizerController: onTaskInfoChanged
{ taskId=1
,topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.android.launcher3/com.android.launcher3.Launcher} ,r
esizeMode=2 ,topActivityType=2 ,of windowConfiguration={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720,
1600) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 46 - 720, 1521) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600)
mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=home
mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} }
11-03 22:32:15.079 1155 3265 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
pid:2231,activity:com.android.launcher3.Launcher, package:com.android.launcher3,
11-03 22:32:15.079 1155 3265 I PowerHalWrapper: state: 0
11-03 22:32:15.080 1155 3265 I PowerHalWrapper: amsBoostNotify
11-03 22:32:15.085 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:32:15.125 1155 1542 I BufferQueueProducer: [bbq-adapter#1(BLAST
Consumer)1](id:48300000001,api:2,p:1155,c:1155) connect: api=2
11-03 22:32:15.128 1155 1542 I BufferQueueProducer: [bbq-adapter#1(BLAST
Consumer)1](id:48300000001,api:2,p:1155,c:1155) disconnect: api 2
11-03 22:32:15.141 1155 1542 I BufferQueueProducer: [bbq-adapter#2(BLAST
Consumer)2](id:48300000002,api:2,p:1155,c:1155) connect: api=2
11-03 22:32:15.142 1155 1542 I BufferQueueProducer: [bbq-adapter#2(BLAST
Consumer)2](id:48300000002,api:2,p:1155,c:1155) disconnect: api 2
11-03 22:32:15.142 1155 1542 D _V_BarAnimController: mCaptureRunnable done
11-03 22:32:15.146 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:32:15.147 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 418ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 22:32:15.147 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 418ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 22:32:15.147 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
4223:com.vivo.appstore/u0a64 for service
11-03 22:32:15.147 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 418ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 22:32:15.147 1155 1421 D _V_BluetoothManagerService:
onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=2020, uid=1000, foregroundActivities=true
pkgname=com.android.settings mForgroundAppName:com.android.settings
11-03 22:32:15.148 1155 1421 D _V_VivoGpsStateMachine: getAppNameFromUid
11-03 22:32:15.152 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 419ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 22:32:15.153 1155 1421 D _V_VivoUiModeMgrServiceImpl:
onForegroundActivitiesChanged: pid=2020, uid=1000, foregroundActivities=true
11-03 22:32:15.154 1155 1421 D _V_CapacityKeyService: pakage name is
android.uid.system:1000 with :1000
11-03 22:32:15.154 1155 1421 D _V_CapacityKeyService: foregroundActivities
detected uid=1000 appName=android.uid.system:1000 state=true
11-03 22:32:15.154 1155 1421 D _V_CapacityKeyService: pakage name is
android.uid.system:1000 with :1000
11-03 22:32:15.154 1155 1421 D _V_CapacityKeyService: foreground:
11-03 22:32:15.155 1155 1421 D _V_FeatureService: onForegroundActivitiesChanged:
pid=2020, uid=1000, foregroundActivities=true
11-03 22:32:15.155 1155 1421 D _V_FeatureService: handleForgrouneAppChanged
pid:2020, uid:1000 foreground:true mPkgName android.uid.system:1000
11-03 22:32:15.156 1155 4262 D _V_CapacityKeyService: called ServiceState is
11-03 22:32:15.156 1155 1421 D _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: background:
android.uid.system:1000foreground: android.uid.system:1000
11-03 22:32:15.156 1155 1421 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 28 state = 0
11-03 22:32:15.156 1155 1421 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 29 state = 0
11-03 22:32:15.157 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage submit msg: 146
11-03 22:32:15.158 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: notifyForgroundAppChange
pid:2020, uid:1000 foreground:true mPkgName android.uid.system:1000
11-03 22:32:15.159 1155 3307 W ActivityTaskManager: MANAGE_ACTIVITY_STACKS is
deprecated, please use alternative permission: MANAGE_ACTIVITY_TASKS
11-03 22:32:15.161 1155 1977 D _V_FeatureService: FeatureEventHandler-
>handleMessage end msg: 146
11-03 22:32:15.162 1155 1155 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 409ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.content.SyncManager$
$ExternalSyntheticLambda4@a7ffbc m=0
11-03 22:32:15.162 1155 3984 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 273428, curTime = 217201
11-03 22:32:15.163 1155 3984 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:32:15.163 1155 3984 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 224394, curTime = 217202
11-03 22:32:15.164 1155 3984 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:32:15.183 1155 1658 I _V_Sensor_AutoAppManager: uidName =
android.uid.system:1000; topName = com.android.settings; processName =
com.android.settings; foregroundActivities = true
11-03 22:32:15.204 1155 3271 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10064; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:32:15.225 1155 3271 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 65ms so far, now
at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked
11-03 22:32:15.266 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:32:15.298 1155 1423 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 217ms android.display
h=com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService$H c=<recycled
PooledLambda@7395af2> m=0
11-03 22:32:15.298 1155 1423 W Looper : Slow delivery took 345ms android.display
h=com.android.server.wm.TaskChangeNotificationController$MainHandler c=null m=8
11-03 22:32:15.301 1155 1423 V ActivityTaskManager: Stopping
ActivityRecord{22b6924 u0 com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t4 d0}: nowVisible=true
animating=true finishing=false animatingContainer=ActivityRecord{22b6924 u0
com.android.launcher3/.Launcher t4 d0}
11-03 22:32:15.305 1155 3265 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 273428, curTime = 217343
11-03 22:32:15.305 1155 3265 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:32:15.305 1155 3265 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 224394, curTime = 217344
11-03 22:32:15.305 1155 3265 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:32:15.305 1155 1155 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 143ms main
h=android.os.Handler c=com.android.server.content.SyncManager$
$ExternalSyntheticLambda4@2fe343e m=0
11-03 22:32:15.322 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:32:15.389 1155 2117 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 22:32:15.415 1155 1508 I _V_VivoAuthService: create sensor inter{ID: 0,
Strength: 2, Type: 4, X: 0, Y: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Illuminator: 0, AntiFake:
0,mDoubleSensor: false}
11-03 22:32:15.419 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Added] {[9]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}, new
queue size: 1
11-03 22:32:15.419 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Polled] {[9]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
State: 0
11-03 22:32:15.419 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Starting] {[9]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
State: 0
11-03 22:32:15.419 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Started] {[9]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0}
11-03 22:32:15.420 1155 1687 D FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient: Already user:
0,0, returning
11-03 22:32:15.424 1155 1687 D _V_VivoFingerprint21: auth type: 0
11-03 22:32:15.425 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Added] {[10]
VivoFingerprintAuthenticationClient, proto=3, owner=com.android.settings, cookie=0,
userId=0}, new queue size: 1
11-03 22:32:15.425 1155 1687 V BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: Not idle,
current operation: {[9] FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android,
cookie=0, userId=0}, State: 2
11-03 22:32:15.425 1155 1687 D BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: [Finishing] {[9]
FingerprintUpdateActiveUserClient, proto=1, owner=android, cookie=0, userId=0},
success: true
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.677 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:15.803 1155 1508 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:32:15.866 1155 1687 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
num: 4
11-03 22:32:15.904 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:15.946 1155 1687 E BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: Unable to cancel
authentication, null operation
11-03 22:32:16.370 1155 4360 E GED : Failed to get GED Log Buf, err(0)
11-03 22:32:16.437 1155 4360 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyFrameComplete error:
undefined symbol: fbcNotifyFrameComplete
11-03 22:32:16.437 1155 4360 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyNoRender error: undefined
symbol: fbcNotifyNoRender
11-03 22:32:16.438 1155 4360 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.HANDLE_PRIVACY_LIST from system 2020:com.android.settings/1000
pkg com.android.settings
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.489 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.513 1155 1423 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:16.568 1155 1687 E Fingerprint21: onAcquired for non-acquisition
client: null
11-03 22:32:16.702 1155 3983 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.PRIVACY_APP_STATE_CHANGE from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.855 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:16.972 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:32:16.975 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:32:16.976 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:32:18.142 1155 3984 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:18.194 1155 3984 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:18.948 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:19.463 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:19.549 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 22:32:19.588 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:19.590 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:19.590 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 22:32:19.591 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 22:32:19.591 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 22:32:19.594 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 22:32:19.643 1155 2378 E AppOps : attributionTag not declared in manifest
of com.android.server.telecom
11-03 22:32:19.787 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 22:32:19.787 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 22:32:20.729 1155 1745 E SyncManager: Job params not found for 100022
11-03 22:32:21.287 1155 1422 E BluetoothManagerService: BLE app running stay in
BLE ON state
11-03 22:32:22.001 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:22.794 1155 1924 E _V_IFE : input exception report: exception
source:{com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity} subtype:8 reason =
11-03 22:32:23.784 1155 3270 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:32:25.033 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:25.642 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:28.067 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:28.083 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:32:28.083 1155 1579 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:32:28.083 1155 1579 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: Wlan0 L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:32:28.083 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:32:28.084 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:32:28.084 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:32:28.084 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:32:28.158 1155 3307 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.162 1155 3307 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.166 1155 3307 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.172 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.177 1155 3307 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.180 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.183 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.186 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.188 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.191 1155 3307 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.194 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.196 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.198 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.201 1155 2069 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.207 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.210 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:28.213 1155 3307 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.commom.init from system 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.669 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.commom.init from system 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:29.670 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:30.452 1155 2097 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:30.494 1155 2097 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:30.662 1155 1155 E LPPeService: [11][sensor]
SensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_PRESSURE) is not supported
11-03 22:32:30.662 1155 1155 E LPPeService: [11][sensor]
SensorManager.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE) is not supported
11-03 22:32:31.080 1155 5086 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:32:31.095 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:32.706 1155 1579 E _V_VivoWifiScanPolicy: updateFuzzyLocationAppList
failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown URL
11-03 22:32:32.758 1155 1579 E _V_VivoSmartWifiConstantsHelper: getConfig nodata
11-03 22:32:32.816 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:32:32.845 1155 1652 E _V_LocationUpdateHelper: no TimeZone config data
11-03 22:32:32.970 1155 3271 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:32.975 1155 3307 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:32.978 1155 3307 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:32.980 1155 3271 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:32.981 1155 3271 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:33.099 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:32:33.110 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: MissedCallNotifierImpl:
reloadAfterBootComplete: user=0
11-03 22:32:33.111 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: MissedCallNotifierImpl:
reloadAfterBootComplete: user=0
11-03 22:32:33.135 1155 1155 E _V_Telecom: Utils: isSupportSosProtocalPolicy
11-03 22:32:33.136 1155 1155 E _V_Telecom: Utils:
showSosPrivacyPolicyNotification context is null
11-03 22:32:34.126 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:34.430 1155 1419 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:32:34.714 1155 1508 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.android.mms
11-03 22:32:34.959 1155 2097 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.android.mms
11-03 22:32:35.534 1155 3307 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:35.559 1155 3307 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:36.016 1155 3984 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:32:37.165 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.malice.update.all from system 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.326 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.malice.update.all from system 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.327 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:37.632 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 22:32:37.632 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:37.633 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:37.633 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 22:32:37.633 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 22:32:37.633 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 22:32:37.634 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 22:32:37.685 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 22:32:37.685 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 22:32:37.841 1155 1658 E AppOps : attributionTag sensor not declared in
manifest of android
11-03 22:32:38.231 1155 2879 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:38.259 1155 2879 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:32:38.922 1155 2069 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.mms.service.action.resend_pending_mms from system
1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg com.android.phone
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:38.934 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:40.204 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.behavior.alarm from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:41.397 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:42.680 1155 1579 E _V_VivoWifiBlockScanResults: getConfig nodata
11-03 22:32:42.741 1155 1579 E _V_VivoWifiQpowerPolicy: getConfig nodata
cursor.getCount 0
11-03 22:32:42.745 1155 1579 E _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: getConfig nodata
cursor.getCount 0
11-03 22:32:42.985 1155 2879 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:42.986 1155 3271 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:42.988 1155 3307 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:42.990 1155 3307 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:42.991 1155 3307 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:43.236 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:43.352 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 22:32:43.370 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:43.370 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:43.371 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 22:32:43.371 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 22:32:43.372 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 22:32:43.372 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 22:32:43.690 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 22:32:43.690 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 22:32:43.690 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 22:32:43.690 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:43.691 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:43.691 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 22:32:43.691 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 22:32:43.691 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 22:32:43.691 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 22:32:43.734 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 22:32:43.734 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 22:32:43.735 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 22:32:43.735 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:43.736 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:43.736 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 22:32:43.736 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 22:32:43.736 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 22:32:43.736 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 22:32:43.775 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 22:32:43.775 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.613 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:45.720 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 22:32:45.721 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:45.721 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:32:45.721 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 22:32:45.721 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 22:32:45.722 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 22:32:45.723 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 22:32:45.842 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 22:32:45.842 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 22:32:46.267 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:49.301 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:52.334 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:52.784 1155 1579 E _V_VivoWifiITOHelper: getConfig nodata
cursor.getCount 0
11-03 22:32:53.001 1155 3307 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:53.004 1155 2560 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:53.006 1155 2560 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:53.007 1155 3307 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:53.008 1155 2560 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:32:55.362 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:55.623 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:32:56.853 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 22:32:58.390 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:01.424 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:03.015 1155 2068 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:03.016 1155 1507 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:03.017 1155 1507 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:03.018 1155 1507 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:03.019 1155 1916 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:03.331 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:33:03.332 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:33:04.450 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:04.771 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:05.623 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:06.980 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 22:33:07.477 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:10.503 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.audiofx.hifi.config from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.audiofx
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:12.492 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:13.026 1155 2722 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:13.028 1155 2722 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:13.031 1155 3269 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:13.032 1155 3269 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:13.033 1155 1916 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:13.430 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.432 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.435 1155 1965 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 342867, curTime = 275474
11-03 22:33:13.435 1155 1965 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:33:13.436 1155 1965 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 275889, curTime = 275475
11-03 22:33:13.436 1155 1965 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:33:13.442 1155 3340 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 342867, curTime = 275481
11-03 22:33:13.442 1155 3340 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:33:13.442 1155 3340 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 275889, curTime = 275481
11-03 22:33:13.442 1155 3340 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:33:13.442 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.443 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.453 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.454 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.454 1155 3340 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.common.appdoctor.AppDoctorProvider newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:2974
11-03 22:33:13.461 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.462 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.470 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.543 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.575 1155 1165 W system_server: Suspending all threads took:
11-03 22:33:13.580 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:13.602 1155 2722 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 280604, curTime = 275641
11-03 22:33:13.602 1155 2722 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:33:13.602 1155 2722 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 275889, curTime = 275641
11-03 22:33:13.602 1155 2722 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:33:13.604 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:13.604 1155 1579 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:13.604 1155 1579 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: Wlan0 L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:13.604 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:13.605 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:33:13.605 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:33:13.605 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:33:13.613 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 509740(18MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(268KB) LOS objects, 28% free,
43MB/60MB, paused 665us,6.984ms total 202.330ms
11-03 22:33:13.616 1155 1167 W System : A resource failed to call close.
11-03 22:33:13.617 1155 1167 W System : A resource failed to call close.
11-03 22:33:13.625 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.670 1155 2560 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:33:13.674 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:13.677 1155 1965 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:33:14.330 1155 7632 E _V_ArpPeer: waitForArpReply timeout and close
11-03 22:33:14.332 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:33:16.612 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:19.284 1155 3307 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 336848, curTime = 281323
11-03 22:33:19.284 1155 3307 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:33:19.286 1155 3307 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 281668, curTime = 281325
11-03 22:33:19.286 1155 3307 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:33:19.310 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.328 1155 1855 D BiometricService: canAuthenticate: User=0,
Caller=0, Authenticators=255
11-03 22:33:19.328 1155 1855 D BiometricService/PreAuthInfo: Package:
com.google.android.gms Sensor ID: 0 Modality: 2 Status: 1
11-03 22:33:19.329 1155 1855 D BiometricService/PreAuthInfo:
getCanAuthenticateInternal Modality: 2 AuthenticatorStatus: 1
11-03 22:33:19.329 1155 1855 D AuthService: canAuthenticate, userId: 0,
callingUserId: 0, authenticators: 255, result: 0
11-03 22:33:19.394 1155 1488 V PackageManager: Sending package changed:
11-03 22:33:19.398 1155 1420 D CompanionDeviceManagerService:
onPackageModified(packageName = com.google.android.gms)
11-03 22:33:19.403 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:33:19.403 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:33:19.417 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:33:19.418 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:33:19.418 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.422 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 22:33:19.422 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 22:33:19.430 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:33:19.432 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.438 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
11-03 22:33:19.439 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.445 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.447 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.447 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme com.android.contacts support global theme
11-03 22:33:19.456 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.458 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme com.android.dialer support global theme
11-03 22:33:19.468 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.470 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme com.android.mms support global theme
11-03 22:33:19.482 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.483 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.538 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.548 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.553 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.564 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.604 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.611 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.613 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.616 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.PEM_ELAPSED_REALTIME from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.630 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:19.642 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:19.650 1155 1603 D _V_VIVORsaForLocation: E:
11-03 22:33:19.651 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:19.652 1155 1579 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:19.652 1155 1579 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: Wlan0 L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:19.652 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:19.653 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:33:19.653 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:33:19.653 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:33:19.733 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.743 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.776 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.784 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.793 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.819 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.866 1155 3340 D BiometricService: canAuthenticate: User=0,
Caller=0, Authenticators=255
11-03 22:33:19.867 1155 3340 D BiometricService/PreAuthInfo: Package:
com.google.android.gms Sensor ID: 0 Modality: 2 Status: 1
11-03 22:33:19.867 1155 3340 D BiometricService/PreAuthInfo:
getCanAuthenticateInternal Modality: 2 AuthenticatorStatus: 1
11-03 22:33:19.867 1155 3340 D AuthService: canAuthenticate, userId: 0,
callingUserId: 0, authenticators: 255, result: 0
11-03 22:33:19.893 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:19.974 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.132 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.179 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.186 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.239 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.244 1155 3340 D BiometricService: canAuthenticate: User=0,
Caller=0, Authenticators=255
11-03 22:33:20.245 1155 3340 D BiometricService/PreAuthInfo: Package:
com.google.android.gms Sensor ID: 0 Modality: 2 Status: 1
11-03 22:33:20.245 1155 3340 D BiometricService/PreAuthInfo:
getCanAuthenticateInternal Modality: 2 AuthenticatorStatus: 1
11-03 22:33:20.245 1155 3340 D AuthService: canAuthenticate, userId: 0,
callingUserId: 0, authenticators: 255, result: 0
11-03 22:33:20.281 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.358 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.471 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.507 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.545 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.594 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.636 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.640 1155 1548 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.672 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.688 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.717 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.774 1155 1455 I _V_JEPH : moveInterval = 135,mTotalMove=0
11-03 22:33:20.803 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.850 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.927 1155 1548 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:20.955 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:21.000 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:21.013 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:21.043 1155 3340 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:21.046 1155 1455 I _V_JEPH : moveInterval = 119,mTotalMove=0
11-03 22:33:21.066 1155 3265 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 336848, curTime = 283105
11-03 22:33:21.066 1155 3265 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:33:21.067 1155 3265 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 306848, curTime = 283105
11-03 22:33:21.067 1155 3265 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:33:21.097 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:21.143 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:21.225 1155 2879 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:33:21.226 1155 2879 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:33:21.315 1155 2722 D InputMethodManagerService: hide the small icon for
the input method
11-03 22:33:21.322 1155 2722 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.google.android.inputmethod.latin:a3def5a u0 InputMethod}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1540
11-03 22:33:21.369 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:33:21.372 1155 2879 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.google.android.inputmethod.latin:a3def5a u0 InputMethod}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=720, requestedHeight=1540
11-03 22:33:21.379 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:33:21.391 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 22:33:21.431 1155 2879 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.google.android.inputmethod.latin:a3def5a u0 InputMethod}
updateVisibility false
11-03 22:33:21.432 1155 2879 D _V_InsetsStateController: onInsetsModified
newState = InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,976][720,1600], mVisible=false} } from Window{69d02e8 u0
11-03 22:33:21.434 1155 2879 D _V_InsetsSourceProvider:
Window{com.android.systemui:9937862 u0 NavigationBar0} updateControlForTarget
Window{69d02e8 u0 com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.Conversation}
11-03 22:33:21.436 1155 2879 D _V_WindowManager: updateSystemUiVisibilityLw
win=Window{69d02e8 u0 com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.Conversation} appearance=0x0
appearanceRegions.fullscreenAppearance=0 appearanceRegions.dockedAppearance=0
11-03 22:33:21.437 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:33:21.442 1155 1423 D _V_InsetsStateController: onPostLayout newState =
InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1600),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 46 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(275, 0 -
445, 46), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
density={1.875} cutoutSpec={M -85,0 L 85, 0 L 22, 46 L -22, 46 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0}}}}, mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft,
radius=85, center=Point(85, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 85)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=85,
center=Point(635, 1515)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=85,
center=Point(85, 1515)}]}, mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static
bounds=Rect(582, 0 - 700, 46) rotation=0}, mSources= { InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_STATUS_BAR, mFrame=[0,0][720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR, mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_LEFT_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0][0,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_GESTURES, mFrame=[720,0][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_MANDATORY_GESTURES, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,83], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_MANDATORY_GESTURES,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_LEFT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][-2147483648,1600], mVisible=true},
InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,0][720,46],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_RIGHT_DISPLAY_CUTOUT,
mFrame=[2147483647,0][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource:
{mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_DISPLAY_CUTOUT, mFrame=[0,2147483647][720,1600],
mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_TOP_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT, mFrame=[0,0]
[720,60], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_BOTTOM_TAPPABLE_ELEMENT,
mFrame=[0,1521][720,1600], mVisible=true}, InsetsSource: {mType=ITYPE_IME,
mFrame=[0,976][720,1600], mVisible=false} }
11-03 22:33:21.467 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:33:21.469 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:33:21.476 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:33:21.479 1155 1855 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:9d80463 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: oldVis=0,
newVis=0, requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:33:21.491 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:33:21.501 1155 1855 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:33:21.533 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:33:21.535 1155 3340 I WindowManager: Relayout
Window{com.android.systemui:7671f71 u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: oldVis=0, newVis=0,
requestedWidth=719, requestedHeight=85
11-03 22:33:21.547 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:33:21.561 1155 3340 D InputMethodManagerService: ---
calledFromForegroundUserOrSystemProcess ? calling uid = 10220 system uid = 1000
calling userId = 0, foreground user id = 0, calling pid =
11-03 22:33:21.561 1155 3340 D InputMethodManagerService: IME window vis: 0
active: 0 inv: 0 displayId: 0
11-03 22:33:21.607 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
7972:com.vivo.game/u0a119 for broadcast
11-03 22:33:21.617 1155 3340 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService
NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(uid/pid:10150/6411, android.os.BinderProxy@a7ae3fc)
11-03 22:33:21.619 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
recordProcessDiedEvent() pid:6411,uid:10150,pkgName:com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem
11-03 22:33:21.696 1155 2722 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10119; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:21.765 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:21.782 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:33:21.782 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10139, timeNow=283821
11-03 22:33:21.782 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10139 from temp
11-03 22:33:21.782 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10065, 10116, 10119, 10169, 10179, 10187, 10189,
10196, 10204, 10220]
11-03 22:33:21.894 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:21.949 1155 1911 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.008 1155 1911 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:1000/1155 asUid: 10119 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 188
[NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=189, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]] callback flags: 0 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:33:22.010 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [189 : null →
11-03 22:33:22.012 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:33:22.012 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:0, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:33:22.017 1155 2722 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:33:22.018 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10119 RequestorUid: 1000 RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:33:22.019 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=189, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:33:22.019 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=189, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: android] ]
11-03 22:33:22.025 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:33:22.025 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10065, timeNow=284064
11-03 22:33:22.025 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10065 from temp
11-03 22:33:22.025 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10116, 10119, 10169, 10179, 10187, 10189, 10204,
11-03 22:33:22.031 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10116, 10119, 10169, 10179, 10187, 10189, 10204, 10220]
11-03 22:33:22.033 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(15)
11-03 22:33:22.033 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:33:22.064 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.120 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.122 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.128 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10119 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:33:22.143 1155 1916 I ActivityManager: Killing
6491:com.google.android.apps.youtube.music/u0a184 (adj 985): empty #17
11-03 22:33:22.149 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.152 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10097 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:33:22.152 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10097, delay=20000
11-03 22:33:22.152 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10116, 10119, 10169, 10179, 10187, 10189,
10204, 10220]
11-03 22:33:22.189 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10184 pid 6491 in 42ms
11-03 22:33:22.189 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.204 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.247 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10120 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:33:22.247 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10120, delay=20000
11-03 22:33:22.247 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10169, 10179, 10187,
10189, 10204, 10220]
11-03 22:33:22.248 1155 1419 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.notes
11-03 22:33:22.248 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10120; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:22.249 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10120; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:33:22.252 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10169, 10179, 10187, 10189,
10204, 10220]
11-03 22:33:22.253 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:33:22.283 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.332 1155 3894 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.vivo.config.ConfigService pkg=com.volte.config (has extras) } U=0: not
11-03 22:33:22.337 1155 3894 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:33:22.419 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.468 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.609 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.646 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.660 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:22.682 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiAntModePolicy: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:22.682 1155 1579 D _V_WifiHistoryInfoController: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:22.682 1155 1579 D _V_VCD_WIFI_2: Wlan0 L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:22.682 1155 1579 D _V_VivoWifiMimoDetect: L2InfoCallback
11-03 22:33:22.683 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:33:22.683 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:33:22.683 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:33:22.725 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.733 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.739 1155 3307 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.749 1155 2560 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:33:22.762 1155 2560 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is true
11-03 22:33:22.841 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1001 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:33:22.843 1155 3307 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: true,
packageName: com.vivo.omacp
11-03 22:33:22.844 1155 3307 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:22.844 1155 3307 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:22.845 1155 3307 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 1001; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:22.845 1155 3307 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 1001; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:33:22.851 1155 3307 I ActivityManager: Killing
6763:com.google.android.configupdater/u0a168 (adj 985): empty #17
11-03 22:33:22.860 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10168 pid 6763 in 4ms
11-03 22:33:22.864 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
8102:com.vivo.omacp/1001 for broadcast
11-03 22:33:22.931 1155 1916 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:33:22.941 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:22.941 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10120 pid 8044 in 0ms
11-03 22:33:23.039 1155 2879 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:23.041 1155 1916 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:23.042 1155 2879 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:23.043 1155 1916 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:23.045 1155 2879 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:23.063 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:33:23.063 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10204, timeNow=285102
11-03 22:33:23.063 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10204 from temp
11-03 22:33:23.063 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10179, 10187, 10189,
11-03 22:33:23.070 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10179, 10187, 10189, 10220]
11-03 22:33:23.071 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:33:23.071 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10189, timeNow=285110
11-03 22:33:23.071 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Removing uid 10189 from temp
11-03 22:33:23.071 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10179, 10187, 10220]
11-03 22:33:23.102 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.108 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 22:33:23.114 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 1000 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:33:23.118 1155 1916 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:23.151 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10157 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:33:23.151 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10157, delay=20000
11-03 22:33:23.151 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10157, 10179, 10187,
11-03 22:33:23.155 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10157, 10179, 10187, 10220]
11-03 22:33:23.157 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:33:23.167 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 22:33:23.176 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.219 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10105, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10157, 10179, 10187,
11-03 22:33:23.220 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:33:23.222 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.228 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.229 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.231 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
8139:com.vivo.website/u0a105 for broadcast
11-03 22:33:23.233 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.235 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.239 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.241 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.284 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.288 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.291 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.293 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.296 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.299 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.302 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.303 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.304 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.305 1155 2879 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:33:23.421 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.547 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.549 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.554 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.556 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.558 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.560 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.563 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.564 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.566 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.567 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.570 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.573 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.574 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.575 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.577 1155 3894 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.678 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.688 1155 3269 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.757 1155 3307 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:23.835 1155 3269 I ActivityManager: Killing
6589:com.google.android.calendar/u0a185 (adj 945): empty #17
11-03 22:33:23.842 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10105, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10157, 10179, 10187,
10220, 10280]
11-03 22:33:23.848 1155 3307 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=launcher.action.CHANGE_APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION_NUM flg=0x10
(has extras) } send by ApplicationInfo{cd19862 com.vivo.website} should with
permissions for security!!!
11-03 22:33:23.855 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
8201:com.facebook.katana/u0a280 for broadcast
11-03 22:33:23.860 1155 3307 I ActivityManager: Killing
7033:com.google.android.onetimeinitializer/u0a196 (adj 975): empty #17
11-03 22:33:23.862 1155 3265 I _V_SettingsProvider: insert settings
success:false, table:SETTINGS_SYSTEM name:com.vivo.pushservice.back_up
l3GwuDf0Jo8ZrE+ pkg:com.vivo.pushservice userId:0
11-03 22:33:23.865 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(6)
11-03 22:33:23.865 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10187, timeNow=285904
11-03 22:33:23.865 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: Time to remove uid 10187:
11-03 22:33:23.866 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10187, delay=1856
11-03 22:33:23.866 1155 1521 D DeviceIdleController: handleMessage(13)
11-03 22:33:23.913 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
recordProcessDiedEvent() pid:6589,uid:10185,pkgName:com.google.android.calendar
11-03 22:33:23.914 1155 1605 D _V_VivoMockLocationRecoveryNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:33:23.914 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 22:33:23.914 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 22:33:23.914 1155 1421 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: onProcessDied: pid=6589,
11-03 22:33:23.916 1155 2560 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:33:23.918 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyProcessDiedEvent() pid:6589,uid:10185,died:true
11-03 22:33:23.922 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:33:23.924 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyNotificationShownEvent() pid:6589,uid:10185,shown:false
11-03 22:33:23.924 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:6589,uid:10185
11-03 22:33:23.928 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10196 pid 7033 in 0ms
11-03 22:33:23.928 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10196 pid 7033 in 0ms
11-03 22:33:23.929 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10185 pid 6589 in 0ms
11-03 22:33:23.930 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: getAppName
11-03 22:33:23.930 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify:
11-03 22:33:23.932 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10280; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:24.016 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:24.238 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10280 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:33:24.242 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10280 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:33:24.244 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10280 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:33:24.247 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10280 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:33:24.251 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10280 to temp
whitelist. New entry: false
11-03 22:33:24.255 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Adding AppId 10211 to temp
whitelist. New entry: true
11-03 22:33:24.255 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController:
postTempActiveTimeoutMessage: uid=10211, delay=20000
11-03 22:33:24.255 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting activity manager
temp whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10105, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10157, 10179,
10187, 10211, 10220, 10280]
11-03 22:33:24.256 1155 2560 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
packageName: com.google.android.apps.docs
11-03 22:33:24.257 1155 2560 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10211; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:24.257 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10211; state: ENABLED
11-03 22:33:24.258 1155 2560 I ActivityManager: Killing
7057:com.google.android.packageinstaller/u0a65 (adj 975): empty #17
11-03 22:33:24.264 1155 1421 D DeviceIdleController: Setting wakelock temp
whitelist to [1000, 1001, 10097, 10105, 10116, 10119, 10120, 10157, 10179, 10187,
10211, 10220, 10280]
11-03 22:33:24.297 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 22:33:24.298 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyProcessDiedEvent() pid:7057,uid:10065,died:true
11-03 22:33:24.300 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 22:33:24.300 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 22:33:24.300 1155 1421 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: onProcessDied: pid=7057,
11-03 22:33:24.301 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:33:24.301 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: getAppName
11-03 22:33:24.301 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify:
11-03 22:33:24.301 1155 1605 D _V_VivoMockLocationRecoveryNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:33:24.306 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10065 pid 7057 in 42ms
11-03 22:33:24.306 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10065 pid 7057 in 0ms
11-03 22:33:24.315 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyNotificationShownEvent() pid:7057,uid:10065,shown:false
11-03 22:33:24.316 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:7057,uid:10065
11-03 22:33:24.320 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:24.356 1155 2560 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10211; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:33:24.577 1155 1548 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:24.629 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: E
11-03 22:33:24.629 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: processMsg:
11-03 22:33:24.629 1155 1583 D _V_WifiHistoryQualityUtil: getRssiLevel -45,
11-03 22:33:24.629 1155 1583 D WifiHistoryInfoController: handleMessage: X
11-03 22:33:24.701 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:99 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:526 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:99
11-03 22:33:24.702 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:33:24.702 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:33:24.703 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:33:24.704 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:33:24.704 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:33:24.832 1155 1419 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #3934} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (769
11-03 22:33:24.867 1155 2722 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:33:24.868 1155 2560 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:33:24.889 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:33:25.231 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:33:25.231 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:33:25.231 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:33:25.232 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:33:25.232 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:33:25.233 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.623 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:25.694 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:28.727 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:29.895 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:33:29.896 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:33:29.897 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:33:31.753 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:33.052 1155 3894 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:33.055 1155 3341 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:33.060 1155 3894 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:33.063 1155 3341 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:33.064 1155 3894 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:34.775 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:34.894 1155 1445 E libprocessgroup: Error encountered killing process
cgroup uid 10192 pid 7469: No such process
11-03 22:33:36.220 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:33:37.818 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:40.843 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:42.258 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:118 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:281 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:118
11-03 22:33:42.258 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:33:42.259 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:33:42.259 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:33:42.259 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:33:42.259 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:33:42.540 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:33:42.541 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:33:42.541 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:33:42.541 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:33:42.541 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:33:42.541 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:33:43.070 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:43.073 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:43.074 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:43.076 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:43.077 1155 2097 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:43.271 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:123 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:378 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:123
11-03 22:33:43.272 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:33:43.272 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:33:43.272 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:33:43.273 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:33:43.273 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:33:43.651 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:33:43.651 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:33:43.651 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:33:43.652 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:33:43.652 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:33:43.652 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:33:43.898 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:46.299 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:132 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:322 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:132
11-03 22:33:46.300 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:33:46.300 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:33:46.300 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:33:46.301 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:33:46.301 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.420 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:46.625 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:33:46.625 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:33:46.625 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:33:46.625 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:33:46.626 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:33:46.626 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:33:46.917 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:49.948 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:51.383 1155 2560 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:33:52.132 1155 3307 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.whatsapp
11-03 22:33:52.370 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:33:52.371 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:33:52.525 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:33:52.970 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:53.081 1155 3265 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:53.083 1155 2560 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:53.084 1155 2560 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:53.085 1155 2560 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:53.086 1155 2560 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.PRIVACY_APP_STATE_CHANGE from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.453 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:53.498 1155 3265 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:33:53.540 1155 3265 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:33:53.560 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:33:53.561 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:33:53.561 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:33:54.228 1155 3265 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:33:54.247 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:33:54.248 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:33:54.248 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:33:55.178 1155 3265 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:33:55.205 1155 3265 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:33:55.471 1155 1423 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:33:55.702 1155 3270 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:33:56.003 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:57.391 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:57.525 1155 3894 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:33:57.634 1155 1819 E SettingsToPropertiesMapper:
idu.mbaby,0,com.vlocker.locker,0,com.znxh.hyhuo,0,com.yixia.xiaokaxiu,0 exceeds
system property max length.
11-03 22:33:58.939 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 5 queried, returning: null
11-03 22:33:58.952 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 4 queried, returning: null
11-03 22:33:59.022 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:33:59.077 1155 1687 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
num: 4
11-03 22:33:59.085 1155 1687 E BiometricScheduler/Fingerprint21: Unable to cancel
authentication, null operation
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.HANDLE_PRIVACY_LIST from system 10861:com.android.settings/1000
pkg com.android.settings
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.115 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:33:59.156 1155 4360 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
11-03 22:33:59.208 1155 10085 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:33:59.234 1155 10085 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:33:59.517 1155 1687 E Fingerprint21: onAcquired for non-acquisition
client: null
11-03 22:33:59.538 1155 1418 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:00.222 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 22:34:00.962 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195 callingPid:11126
11-03 22:34:00.969 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195 callingPid:11126
11-03 22:34:00.974 1155 1916 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
e newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195 callingPid:11126
11-03 22:34:00.978 1155 1916 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
roundSyncJobService newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195
11-03 22:34:00.983 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.apps.dynamite.DynamiteDeepLink newState:2 userId:0
callingPackage:null callingUid:10195 callingPid:11126
11-03 22:34:00.984 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
llActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195
11-03 22:34:00.988 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
tActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195 callingPid:11126
11-03 22:34:00.988 1155 1419 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
roomActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195
11-03 22:34:00.989 1155 1916 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
ty newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195 callingPid:11126
11-03 22:34:00.990 1155 10085 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
nceUrlHandlerActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195
11-03 22:34:00.991 1155 1916 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
nceGatewayActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195
11-03 22:34:00.992 1155 3340 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
ntNewUrlHandlerActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195
11-03 22:34:00.993 1155 1418 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
gsActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10195
11-03 22:34:01.021 1155 1419 I RescueParty: Starting to observe: [android],
updated namespace: telephony
11-03 22:34:01.022 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:34:01.028 1155 1437 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing
new packages
11-03 22:34:01.029 1155 1437 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the
following packages to monitor [android]
11-03 22:34:01.029 1155 1437 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated
11-03 22:34:01.029 1155 1437 I PackageWatchdog: Not pruning observers, elapsed
time: 0ms
11-03 22:34:01.029 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for
packages: {}
11-03 22:34:01.029 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready
to get health check supported packages. Binding...
11-03 22:34:01.029 1155 1437 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file
11-03 22:34:01.032 1155 1419 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed:
receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to com.google.android.gms/.stats.service.DropBoxEntryAddedReceiver
11-03 22:34:01.034 1155 1445 W BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed:
receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED flg=0x10 (has
extras) } to
11-03 22:34:01.035 1155 1155 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.ext.services uid 10205, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet
11-03 22:34:01.047 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check service is bound
11-03 22:34:01.047 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for
packages: {}
11-03 22:34:01.047 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready
to get health check supported packages. Binding...
11-03 22:34:01.047 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Not binding to
service, service already connecting
11-03 22:34:01.052 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check service is connected
11-03 22:34:01.052 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service
initialized, syncing requests
11-03 22:34:01.053 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for
packages: {}
11-03 22:34:01.053 1155 1155 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health
check supported packages
11-03 22:34:01.053 1155 3984 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.054 1155 3984 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.063 1155 1855 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check supported packages []
11-03 22:34:01.063 1155 1855 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages []
11-03 22:34:01.063 1155 1855 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health
check requested packages
11-03 22:34:01.065 1155 1855 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check requested packages []
11-03 22:34:01.066 1155 1855 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health
check requests, unbinding...
11-03 22:34:01.071 1155 1855 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check service is unbound
11-03 22:34:01.071 1155 3984 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.073 1155 10085 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.203 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.206 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.225 1155 3984 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.236 1155 10085 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.770 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10145 pid 10194 in 0ms
11-03 22:34:01.778 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
recordProcessDiedEvent() pid:10194,uid:10145,pkgName:com.bbk.updater
11-03 22:34:01.779 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyProcessDiedEvent() pid:10194,uid:10145,died:true
11-03 22:34:01.779 1155 1605 D _V_VivoMockLocationRecoveryNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:34:01.780 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 22:34:01.780 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 22:34:01.780 1155 1421 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: onProcessDied: pid=10194,
11-03 22:34:01.780 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: handleMessage 1
11-03 22:34:01.780 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: getAppName com.bbk.updater
11-03 22:34:01.780 1155 1608 D _V_VivoLocationNotify: appName:com.bbk.updater
11-03 22:34:01.790 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyNotificationShownEvent() pid:10194,uid:10145,shown:false
11-03 22:34:01.790 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:10194,uid:10145
11-03 22:34:01.803 1155 3270 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.805 1155 3270 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.814 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:01.826 1155 3270 I RescueParty: Starting to observe:
[com.android.launcher3], updated namespace: launcher
11-03 22:34:01.826 1155 1437 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: observing
new packages
11-03 22:34:01.827 1155 1437 D PackageWatchdog: rescue-party-observer added the
following packages to monitor [com.android.launcher3]
11-03 22:34:01.827 1155 1437 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing state, reason: updated
11-03 22:34:01.827 1155 1437 I PackageWatchdog: Saving observer state to file
11-03 22:34:01.827 1155 1155 V SettingsProvider: Notifying for 0:
11-03 22:34:01.839 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for
packages: {}
11-03 22:34:01.839 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service not ready
to get health check supported packages. Binding...
11-03 22:34:01.840 1155 1155 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.ext.services uid 10205, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet
11-03 22:34:01.850 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check service is bound
11-03 22:34:01.852 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check service is connected
11-03 22:34:01.852 1155 1155 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Service
initialized, syncing requests
11-03 22:34:01.852 1155 1155 I PackageWatchdog: Syncing health check requests for
packages: {}
11-03 22:34:01.852 1155 1155 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health
check supported packages
11-03 22:34:01.855 1155 3270 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check supported packages []
11-03 22:34:01.855 1155 3270 D PackageWatchdog: Received supported packages []
11-03 22:34:01.855 1155 3270 D ExplicitHealthCheckController: Getting health
check requested packages
11-03 22:34:01.856 1155 3270 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check requested packages []
11-03 22:34:01.857 1155 3270 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: No more health
check requests, unbinding...
11-03 22:34:01.860 1155 3270 I ExplicitHealthCheckController: Explicit health
check service is unbound
11-03 22:34:01.866 1155 3270 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:01.874 1155 1548 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:01.880 1155 3270 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: interceptKeyTq keycode=4
interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=2b000002
11-03 22:34:01.882 1155 3270 W _V_VivoInputPolicy:
interceptKeyBeforeQueueingForVivo isGameRunning = false ,keyguardActive =
false ,lastDoubleKey = 0 ,keyCode = 4 ,down = true ,canceled = false
11-03 22:34:01.882 1155 3270 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: mGlobalPowerKeyTriggered =
false mGlobalVolumeUpKeyTriggered = false mGlobalVolumeDownKeyTriggered = false
mGlobalAiKeyTriggered = false
11-03 22:34:01.883 1155 3270 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: checkBaseRequirement
inJected : false
11-03 22:34:01.884 1155 3270 D WindowManager: performHapticFeedbackLw =
true ,effectId = 1
11-03 22:34:01.885 1155 3270 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController: keyCode: 4,
action: 0
11-03 22:34:01.886 1155 3270 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onKeyEvent 4 action 0
11-03 22:34:01.889 1155 3270 D _V_KeyCombinationManager: interceptKey keycode:4
count:0 down:true interactive:true eventTime:245677 downTimes:0
11-03 22:34:01.889 1155 3270 I WindowManager: process interceptKeyBeforeQueueing
result = 1
11-03 22:34:01.890 1155 1548 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:01.890 1155 1548 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: interceptKeyTi keyCode=4
down=true repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false canceled=false
11-03 22:34:01.892 1155 1548 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: intercept win =
Window{com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.Conversation} owningPackage=com.whatsapp
11-03 22:34:01.897 1155 1855 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 330634, curTime = 323935
11-03 22:34:01.897 1155 1855 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:34:01.937 1155 9147 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.940 1155 9147 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.960 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:01.970 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.971 1155 1855 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:01.976 1155 1548 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:01.977 1155 1455 I _V_JEPH : moveInterval = 98,mTotalMove=0
11-03 22:34:01.983 1155 9147 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: interceptKeyTq keycode=4
interactive=true keyguardActive=false policyFlags=2b000002
11-03 22:34:01.984 1155 9147 W _V_VivoInputPolicy:
interceptKeyBeforeQueueingForVivo isGameRunning = false ,keyguardActive =
false ,lastDoubleKey = 0 ,keyCode = 4 ,down = false ,canceled = false
11-03 22:34:01.984 1155 9147 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: mGlobalPowerKeyTriggered =
false mGlobalVolumeUpKeyTriggered = false mGlobalVolumeDownKeyTriggered = false
mGlobalAiKeyTriggered = false
11-03 22:34:01.985 1155 9147 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: checkBaseRequirement
inJected : false
11-03 22:34:01.985 1155 9147 D _V_FingerprintUnlockController: keyCode: 4,
action: 1
11-03 22:34:01.986 1155 9147 D _V_FaceUnlockController: onKeyEvent 4 action 1
11-03 22:34:01.986 1155 9147 D _V_KeyCombinationManager: interceptKey keycode:4
count:0 down:false interactive:true eventTime:245782 downTimes:1
11-03 22:34:01.987 1155 9147 I WindowManager: process interceptKeyBeforeQueueing
result = 1
11-03 22:34:01.987 1155 1548 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:01.988 1155 1548 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: interceptKeyTi keyCode=4
down=false repeatCount=0 keyguardOn=false canceled=false
11-03 22:34:01.990 1155 1548 D _V_VivoInputPolicy: intercept win =
Window{com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.Conversation} owningPackage=com.whatsapp
11-03 22:34:02.022 1155 7196 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object 'a913426
PopupWindow:6a462c1 (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the
input manager!
11-03 22:34:02.025 1155 3270 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.internal.mobdog (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:02.029 1155 3270 W _V_PackageManager: ## return empyt for Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.COMMIT flg=0x10
pkg=com.google.android.apps.mobileutilities (has extras) }
11-03 22:34:02.035 1155 1855 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 330634, curTime = 324074
11-03 22:34:02.035 1155 1855 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:34:02.035 1155 1855 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 329073, curTime = 324074
11-03 22:34:02.035 1155 1855 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:34:02.038 1155 1855 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:02.040 1155 1424 D _V_BarAnimController:
updateRecentsAnimInputConsumer show=false
11-03 22:34:02.048 1155 1423 D SuperResolutionWindowController: :
SuperResolutionWindowController windowsChanged size = 0
11-03 22:34:02.081 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.malice.update.id from system 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.108 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.malice.update.id from system 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.109 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.233 1155 1423 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:02.264 1155 1423 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.PRIVACY_APP_STATE_CHANGE from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.341 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:02.983 1155 1855 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:03.094 1155 1965 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:03.096 1155 1418 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:03.098 1155 3270 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:03.100 1155 3270 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:03.102 1155 3270 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:03.117 1155 1155 E DeviceConfig: Parsing int failed for location_mode
11-03 22:34:03.337 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:34:03.338 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.PRIVACY_APP_STATE_CHANGE from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.369 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:03.392 1155 10085 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:03.412 1155 10085 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:03.675 1155 10085 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:04.625 1155 3984 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:04.650 1155 3984 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:04.868 1155 7196 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:04.905 1155 7196 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:04.941 1155 1419 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:05.111 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:05.237 1155 1419 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:05.566 1155 3340 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:05.587 1155 3340 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:05.602 1155 1687 E Fingerprint21: Stopping background authentication,
top: com.android.launcher3 currentClient: {[14]
VivoFingerprintAuthenticationClient, proto=3, owner=com.android.settings, cookie=0,
11-03 22:34:05.621 1155 1687 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
num: 4
11-03 22:34:05.781 1155 4360 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
11-03 22:34:05.841 1155 1418 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:06.710 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:188 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2549 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:188
11-03 22:34:06.710 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:34:06.710 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:34:07.775 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:07.775 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:07.775 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:34:07.776 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:34:07.776 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:34:07.776 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:34:07.922 1155 1855 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:08.145 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:09.049 1155 3307 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:09.072 1155 3307 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:34:10.048 1155 1549 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
11-03 22:34:11.062 1155 3894 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:11.172 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:11.177 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 22:34:11.595 1155 1911 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:11.637 1155 1424 E system_server: No package ID ff found for ID
11-03 22:34:11.640 1155 5086 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:13.113 1155 3271 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:13.114 1155 1419 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:13.116 1155 1419 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:13.117 1155 1419 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:13.118 1155 3341 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:13.419 1155 1549 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
11-03 22:34:13.919 1155 2879 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:14.219 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:14.364 1155 11890 E _V_ArpPeer: waitForArpReply timeout and close
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:15.630 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:16.555 1155 1418 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:17.366 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:20.421 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:23.062 1155 2560 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:34:23.125 1155 5086 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:23.129 1155 5086 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:23.130 1155 2560 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:23.132 1155 5086 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:23.134 1155 3894 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:23.456 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:25.207 1155 5086 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:25.635 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:34:26.069 1155 2560 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:26.246 1155 5086 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
11-03 22:34:26.489 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:29.528 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:32.572 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:33.139 1155 2068 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:33.141 1155 1965 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:33.143 1155 1965 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:33.146 1155 1965 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:33.148 1155 2068 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:33.969 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:211 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2281 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:211
11-03 22:34:33.970 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:34:33.970 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:34:33.970 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:34:33.971 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:34:33.971 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:34:34.626 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:34.627 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:34.627 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:34:34.627 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:34:34.627 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:34:34.627 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:34:34.729 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:216 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2541 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:216
11-03 22:34:34.730 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:34:34.730 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:34:34.730 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:34:34.730 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:34:34.730 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:34:34.740 1155 2117 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:34.997 1155 1965 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:35.001 1155 1965 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:35.029 1155 1965 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:35.600 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:35.880 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:35.880 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:35.880 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:34:35.880 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:34:35.880 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:34:35.881 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:34:36.044 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:221 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:1982 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:221
11-03 22:34:36.044 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:34:36.044 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:34:36.044 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:34:36.044 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:34:36.044 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:34:36.136 1155 1965 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:36.322 1155 1916 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:36.326 1155 1916 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:36.911 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:36.911 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:36.911 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:34:36.911 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:34:36.911 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:34:36.912 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:34:37.079 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:226 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2446 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:226
11-03 22:34:37.079 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:34:37.080 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:34:37.080 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:34:37.080 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:34:37.080 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:34:37.148 1155 7196 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:37.151 1155 1916 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:37.184 1155 7196 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:34:38.545 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:38.545 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:34:38.545 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:34:38.545 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:34:38.545 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:34:38.546 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:34:38.637 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:41.672 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:43.154 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:43.156 1155 2117 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:43.160 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:43.165 1155 2117 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:43.170 1155 2117 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:44.711 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:47.736 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:50.783 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:53.165 1155 1916 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:53.167 1155 1916 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:53.169 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:53.171 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:53.175 1155 2117 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:34:53.824 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:56.862 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:34:59.901 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:02.959 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:03.174 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:35:03.179 1155 7196 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:35:03.184 1155 1916 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:35:03.186 1155 1916 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:35:03.190 1155 1418 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/pids_protect: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:35:03.343 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:35:03.349 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:35:06.001 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:09.036 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:12.063 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:14.400 1155 12460 E _V_ArpPeer: waitForArpReply timeout and close
11-03 22:35:15.101 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:15.646 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:35:17.533 1155 1965 E system_server: Invalid file format:
11-03 22:35:17.538 1155 1965 E system_server: Unable to access:
/sys/kernel/dmabuf/buffers: No such file or directory
11-03 22:35:18.148 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:21.184 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:24.052 9629 10284 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP >[10:0x63413640]
state=ACQUIRED 0x6a5626e0 frame=1155 [ 576x1024: 576,32315659]
11-03 22:35:24.063 9629 10284 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP >[10:0x63413640]
state=ACQUIRED 0x6a5626e0 frame=1155 [ 576x1024: 576,32315659]
11-03 22:35:24.098 9629 10284 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [10:0x63413640]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6a5626e0 frame=1155 [ 576x1024: 576,32315659]
11-03 22:35:24.110 9629 10284 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [10:0x63413640]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6a5626e0 frame=1155 [ 576x1024: 576,32315659]
11-03 22:35:24.155 9629 10284 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [10:0x63413640]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6a5626e0 frame=1155 [ 576x1024: 576,32315659]
11-03 22:35:24.227 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:24.598 9629 10284 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [10:0x63413640]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6a5626e0 frame=1155 [ 576x1024: 576,32315659]
11-03 22:35:24.650 9629 10284 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [10:0x63413640]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6a5626e0 frame=1155 [ 576x1024: 576,32315659]
11-03 22:35:24.697 9629 10284 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [10:0x63413640]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6a5626e0 frame=1155 [ 576x1024: 576,32315659]
11-03 22:35:27.275 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:30.314 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:33.355 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:36.393 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:39.444 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:41.275 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:35:41.278 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:35:42.485 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:45.536 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:48.574 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:51.614 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:51.703 1155 11179 E GnssPsdsDownloader: No Long-Term PSDS servers were
specified in the GnssConfiguration
11-03 22:35:53.656 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:236 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2333 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:236
11-03 22:35:53.656 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:35:53.658 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:35:53.660 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:35:53.661 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:35:53.661 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:35:53.746 1155 1965 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:35:53.923 1155 2117 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:35:53.924 1155 3341 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:35:54.649 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:35:54.976 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:35:54.976 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:35:54.976 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:35:54.976 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:35:54.976 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:35:54.977 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:35:55.111 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:241 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2358 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:241
11-03 22:35:55.111 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:35:55.112 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:35:55.112 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:35:55.112 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:35:55.113 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:35:55.242 1155 1965 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:35:55.405 1155 3341 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:35:55.406 1155 3341 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:35:55.419 1155 3341 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:35:57.473 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:35:57.473 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:35:57.473 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:35:57.474 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:35:57.474 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:35:57.475 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:35:57.674 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:00.702 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:01.808 1155 1965 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:36:01.847 1155 1965 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:36:01.920 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:36:01.922 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:36:01.923 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:36:02.032 1155 3983 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.ss.android.ugc.trill
11-03 22:36:02.153 1155 2097 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:36:03.339 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:36:03.340 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:36:03.743 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:05.370 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:253 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2323 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:253
11-03 22:36:05.371 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:36:05.371 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:36:05.371 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:36:05.372 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:36:05.372 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:36:06.063 1155 1461 E JNITool : Error getting pid for '0'
11-03 22:36:06.111 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:36:06.113 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:36:06.113 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:36:06.352 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:36:06.352 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:36:06.352 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:36:06.779 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:06.945 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:36:06.945 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:36:06.945 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:36:06.945 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:36:06.946 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:36:06.946 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:36:07.103 1155 3340 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:36:08.709 1155 3264 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:36:08.836 1155 5086 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:36:09.801 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:10.843 1155 5086 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:36:10.859 1155 5086 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:36:11.406 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:36:11.849 1155 8638 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:36:12.821 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:14.372 1155 13094 E _V_ArpPeer: waitForArpReply timeout and close
11-03 22:36:15.850 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:16.351 1155 3269 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:16.518 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:18.886 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:21.913 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:24.937 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:25.642 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:36:27.977 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:31.024 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:31.076 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:288 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2473 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:288
11-03 22:36:31.076 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:36:31.076 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:36:31.076 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:36:31.077 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:36:31.077 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:36:31.404 1155 2068 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:36:33.552 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:36:33.552 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:36:33.552 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:36:33.553 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:36:33.553 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:36:33.553 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:36:34.065 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:34.325 1155 2068 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:36:36.075 1155 1549 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
11-03 22:36:36.469 1155 2068 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:36.472 1155 3269 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:37.098 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:37.316 1155 1549 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
11-03 22:36:38.461 1155 3270 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:38.978 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:40.131 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:43.170 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:43.816 1155 3270 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:43.861 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:46.217 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:49.254 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:51.035 1155 3984 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:51.448 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:51.468 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:51.516 1155 3984 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:52.293 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:52.317 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:52.828 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:52.830 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:52.998 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:53.032 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:53.085 1155 3340 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:53.734 1155 3340 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:53.736 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:53.757 1155 3984 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:54.491 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:55.340 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:36:55.575 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:56.070 1155 3264 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:56.690 1155 3264 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:57.052 1155 3984 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:57.546 1155 3984 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:58.203 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:36:58.403 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:37:00.488 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:37:00.488 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:37:01.168 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:01.169 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:01.170 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:37:01.437 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:37:01.640 1155 3984 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:37:02.676 1155 3264 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:37:03.013 1155 3264 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:37:03.077 1155 3340 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:37:03.336 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:37:03.338 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:37:03.402 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:37:04.491 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:37:04.946 1155 2068 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:37:05.242 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:311 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:520 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:311
11-03 22:37:05.242 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:37:05.242 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:37:05.242 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:37:05.243 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:37:05.243 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:37:05.660 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:05.660 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:05.660 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:37:05.660 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:37:05.660 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:37:05.660 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:37:05.825 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:316 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2289 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:316
11-03 22:37:05.825 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:37:05.826 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:37:05.826 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:37:05.826 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:37:05.826 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:37:05.890 1155 2068 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:37:06.002 1155 8638 E _V_AS.AudioService: isMotorModeSupportPlayback
pkgname is com.instagram.android
11-03 22:37:06.526 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:06.526 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:06.526 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:37:06.526 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:37:06.526 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:37:06.527 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:37:07.524 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:37:08.707 1155 2068 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:37:08.736 1155 2068 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:37:09.450 1155 7196 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:37:10.569 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:37:11.819 1155 8638 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:37:11.845 1155 8638 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:37:11.882 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:11.887 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:11.887 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:37:12.197 1155 3264 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:37:12.956 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:341 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2077 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:341
11-03 22:37:12.956 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:37:12.956 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:37:12.956 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:37:12.957 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:37:12.957 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:37:13.610 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:37:13.630 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:1000000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.server.display.color.VivoLcmEsd$2 num: 4
11-03 22:37:13.733 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:13.733 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:13.733 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:37:13.734 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:37:13.734 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:37:13.734 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:37:13.830 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.server.display.color.VivoLcmEsd$2@9b494b7sensor=NULL num: 5
11-03 22:37:13.863 1155 3264 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
11-03 22:37:13.922 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:346 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2174 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:346
11-03 22:37:13.922 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:37:13.922 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:37:13.922 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:37:13.922 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:37:13.923 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:13.998 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.000 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:14.359 1155 14307 E _V_ArpPeer: waitForArpReply timeout and close
11-03 22:37:15.019 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:15.019 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:15.019 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:37:15.019 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:37:15.019 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:37:15.019 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:37:15.187 556 627 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:351 hint:1155
pid:577 duration:2259 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:351
11-03 22:37:15.188 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
11-03 22:37:15.188 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
11-03 22:37:15.188 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
11-03 22:37:15.188 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1408300, param:0
11-03 22:37:15.188 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.330 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.331 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:15.509 1155 1855 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
11-03 22:37:16.640 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:37:17.449 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:17.449 556 627 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: -1 -1 -1
11-03 22:37:17.449 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:-
11-03 22:37:17.449 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1404300 param:0
11-03 22:37:17.449 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1408300 param:0
11-03 22:37:17.450 556 627 I libPowerHal: [PD] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:-1
11-03 22:37:17.893 1155 1721 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no
mapping exists.
11-03 22:37:17.910 1155 1721 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no
mapping exists.
11-03 22:37:17.943 1155 1546 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:20000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.server.policy.VivoWMPHook$1 num: 4
11-03 22:37:17.951 1155 5086 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:37:17.954 1155 1645 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:8
strType=android.sensor.proximity delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.vivo.services.touchscreen.TouchScreenService$2 num: 4
11-03 22:37:17.957 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:17.959 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:17.960 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:37:17.995 1155 14323 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:37:17.997 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:17.998 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:17.998 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:37:18.022 1155 1421 E _V_FaceUIServiceDelegate: service disconnected 2
11-03 22:37:18.023 1155 1423 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
sorEventListener@e0c3552sensor=NULL num: 0
11-03 22:37:18.036 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.server.power.FaceDownDetector@8ee9d1dsensor=NULL num: 6
11-03 22:37:18.057 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: Service ServiceRecord{d14938a u0
com.vivo.faceui/.FaceUIService} in process ProcessRecord{e40c979
2883:com.vivo.faceui/1000} not same as in map: ServiceRecord{13597c0 u0
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.145 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73 pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.149 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.PRIVACY_APP_STATE_CHANGE from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.159 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.action.KEYGUARD_STATE_CHANGED from system 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73
pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.301 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.action.KEYGUARD_STATE_CHANGED from system 1747:com.android.systemui/u0a73
pkg com.android.systemui
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.302 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:18.326 1155 1155 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66540
strType=android.sensor.vivomotion_detect delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.android.server.location.VivoNlpPowerMonitor$1 num: 0
11-03 22:37:18.355 1155 1629 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=com.android.server.display.color.VivoLcmEsd$1@42fd240sensor=NULL num: 5
11-03 22:37:18.598 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:25.649 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:32.044 1155 3264 E _V_rms : writeFile fail
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/enable java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/block/zram0/zram_wb/enable: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:35.658 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:37:55.668 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:03.349 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:38:03.355 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.807 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:35.846 1155 2117 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:36.290 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:36.295 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:36.356 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:36.362 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:36.493 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:36.498 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:36.583 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:36.588 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.PEM_ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.510 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.685 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.686 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:46.712 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:49.392 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:38:49.392 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:38:55.094 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:55.099 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:55.184 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:55.189 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:55.301 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:55.305 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:55.364 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:55.372 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:55.510 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:55.517 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:55.582 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:38:55.586 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:38:55.696 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:03.338 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:39:03.339 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action_screen_off_alarm from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:35.793 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:39:48.826 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:39:48.827 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:40:03.338 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:40:03.339 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:40:03.372 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:40:03.373 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:40:03.373 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.384 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.405 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:40:14.801 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:14.807 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:14.871 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:14.875 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:14.990 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:14.997 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:15.058 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:15.062 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:17.979 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:17.984 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:18.065 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:18.072 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:18.207 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:18.211 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:18.268 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:18.272 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:18.429 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:18.434 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:40:18.508 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:40:18.513 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:02.650 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:03.011 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:03.015 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:03.074 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:03.079 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:03.220 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:03.230 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:03.294 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:03.298 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:03.329 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:41:03.331 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:15.788 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.PEM_ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.694 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.823 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:16.824 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:20.866 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:20.871 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:20.960 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:20.964 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:21.082 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:21.086 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:21.146 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:21.150 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:21.326 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:21.331 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:21.401 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:21.405 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:25.796 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:35.806 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:37.715 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:41:37.716 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:41:39.169 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:39.174 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:39.245 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:39.249 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:39.388 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:39.393 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:39.476 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:39.480 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.456 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.475 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:41:56.828 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:56.832 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:56.908 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:56.911 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:57.066 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:57.070 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:57.133 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:57.137 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:57.274 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:57.277 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:57.347 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:41:57.350 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:41:58.348 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:42:03.343 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:42:03.344 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:05.813 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:15.805 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.PEM_ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:17.991 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:42:23.031 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:23.036 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:23.095 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:23.100 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:23.241 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:23.246 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:23.330 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:23.335 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:27.225 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:42:27.226 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:42:39.492 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:42:39.496 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:42:39.497 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:42:39.859 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:39.862 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:39.918 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:39.922 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:40.033 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:40.037 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:40.094 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:40.098 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:40.252 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:40.258 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:42:40.326 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:42:40.335 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:43:03.333 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:43:03.334 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:43:04.673 1155 15215 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/app/vivoUserEngineerMode/vivoUserEngineerMode.apk!
classes2.dex.Expected: 3276552176, actual: 581728013
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:05.831 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:13.856 1155 15215 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/app/vaem/vaem.apk.Expected: 78528762, actual: 3826272103
11-03 22:43:13.864 1155 15215 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/app/vaem/vaem.apk.Expected: 78528762, actual: 3826272103
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.PEM_ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:18.204 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:20.528 1155 15215 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/app/NetworkState/NetworkState.apk.Expected: 836971211, actual:
11-03 22:43:21.848 1155 15215 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/ManagedProvisioning.apk.Expected:
3738013818, actual: 3668825434
11-03 22:43:30.077 1155 15215 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/priv-app/VivoOffice/VivoOffice.apk.Expected: 2993632091, actual:
11-03 22:43:31.487 1155 15215 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/priv-app/RcsSDK/RcsSDK.apk.Expected: 2312127040, actual: 450426778
11-03 22:43:43.768 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:43:43.858 1155 3983 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:43:45.987 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:43:46.086 1155 3983 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.908 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.911 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:46.963 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:43:55.870 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.437 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.475 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:01.965 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:01.970 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:02.030 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:02.034 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:02.173 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:02.178 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:02.246 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:02.250 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:03.347 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:44:03.349 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:44:06.017 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:44:16.128 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:44:16.131 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:44:17.072 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:44:17.088 1155 1419 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:44:17.451 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:17.456 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:17.515 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:17.521 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:17.641 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:17.646 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:17.710 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:17.714 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:19.106 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:44:19.159 1155 3265 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:44:39.117 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:44:43.919 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:43.922 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:43.984 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:43.986 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:44.103 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:44.108 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:44.194 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:44:44.198 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:45.876 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:48.865 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:44:48.867 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:44:48.868 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:44:55.887 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:03.344 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:45:03.349 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:45:04.100 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:45:04.126 1155 10085 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:45:05.637 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:45:05.637 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:45:06.224 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:45:06.242 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:45:06.246 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:45:06.246 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:45:06.274 1155 10085 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:45:19.560 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:45:19.579 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:45:21.624 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:45:21.673 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:45:37.987 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:45:38.006 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:45:40.038 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:45:40.082 1155 10085 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:45:51.765 1155 11179 E GnssPsdsDownloader: No Long-Term PSDS servers were
specified in the GnssConfiguration
11-03 22:45:52.640 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:45:52.659 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:45:54.719 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:45:54.788 1155 3264 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.740 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:58.758 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:45:59.180 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:45:59.186 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:45:59.278 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:45:59.284 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:45:59.396 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:45:59.402 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:45:59.466 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:45:59.470 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:45:59.634 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:45:59.638 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:45:59.701 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:45:59.705 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:46:03.343 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:46:03.345 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:46:14.755 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.057 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:17.059 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:46:54.538 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:46:54.540 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:47:03.340 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:47:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:47:04.595 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:47:04.621 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:47:06.686 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:47:06.762 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:47:18.457 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:47:18.476 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:47:20.504 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:47:20.558 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.245 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.279 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:47:29.644 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:29.647 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:29.726 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:29.731 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:29.909 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:29.914 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:29.983 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:29.989 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:39.408 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:47:39.434 1155 3264 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:47:40.568 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:47:40.616 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:47:47.177 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:47.183 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:47.301 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:47.309 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:47.438 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:47.444 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:47.517 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:47.521 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:47.674 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:47.679 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:47.740 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:47:47.744 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:47:53.951 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:47:53.953 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:47:59.536 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:47:59.541 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:47:59.542 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:47:59.583 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:47:59.598 1155 3269 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:48:01.542 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:48:01.592 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:48:03.338 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:48:03.338 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:48:21.686 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:25.966 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.195 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:48:47.199 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:03.338 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:49:03.339 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.798 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:07.822 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:49:08.210 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:08.214 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:08.277 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:08.281 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:08.390 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:08.396 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:08.470 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:08.476 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:14.595 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:49:14.614 1155 3894 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:49:15.431 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:49:16.690 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:49:16.734 1155 5086 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:49:25.888 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:25.893 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:25.966 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:25.971 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:26.093 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:26.099 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:26.162 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:26.166 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:26.332 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:26.336 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:26.400 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:49:26.404 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:49:36.698 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:49:42.844 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:49:42.850 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:50:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:50:03.343 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:50:05.680 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:50:05.682 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:50:05.683 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:50:14.437 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:50:14.457 1155 3894 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:50:16.508 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:50:16.559 1155 2879 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:50:29.694 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:50:29.711 1155 5086 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.521 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.550 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:50:31.727 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:50:31.761 1155 3894 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:50:31.989 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:31.995 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:32.047 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:32.051 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:32.148 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:32.152 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:32.214 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:32.220 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:32.381 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:50:32.382 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:50:32.705 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:50:32.708 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:50:32.709 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:50:48.832 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:48.836 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:48.918 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:48.922 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:49.029 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:49.033 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:49.090 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:49.096 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:49.240 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:49.245 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:49.307 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:50:49.311 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:50:51.809 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:51:03.344 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:51:03.346 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:51:06.074 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:51:06.093 1155 3307 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:51:08.167 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:51:08.219 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.373 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:17.376 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.085 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.122 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:51:24.519 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:24.523 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:24.582 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:24.589 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:24.694 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:24.698 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:24.757 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:24.762 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:28.189 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:51:39.458 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:51:39.482 1155 1855 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:51:41.569 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:51:41.610 1155 2879 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:51:50.614 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:50.619 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:50.676 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:50.680 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:50.754 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:50.759 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:50.831 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:50.835 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:51.042 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:51.047 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:51:51.107 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:51:51.114 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:01.547 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:52:03.346 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:52:03.347 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:06.047 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:17.301 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:52:17.311 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:52:19.358 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:52:19.414 1155 7196 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:52:20.935 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:52:20.963 1155 1418 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:52:21.100 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:52:21.183 1155 2097 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:52:21.270 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:52:21.271 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.564 1155 1418 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.595 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:23.987 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:23.992 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:24.050 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:24.055 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:24.144 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:24.148 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:24.212 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:24.218 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:36.059 1155 2722 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:37.833 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:52:37.852 1155 2560 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:52:39.878 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:52:39.923 1155 7196 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:52:41.982 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:41.986 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:42.055 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:42.062 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:42.141 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:42.145 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:42.200 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:42.207 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:42.405 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:42.412 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:42.471 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:52:42.477 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:46.042 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:52:52.223 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:52:52.249 1155 2097 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:52:54.272 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:52:54.353 1155 7196 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:53:03.337 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:53:03.339 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:06.054 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:10.777 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:53:10.783 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.555 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.576 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:11.701 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:53:11.704 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:53:11.704 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:53:11.979 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:11.983 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:12.061 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:12.065 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:12.201 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:12.204 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:12.298 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:12.302 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:15.143 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:53:15.156 1155 1855 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:53:17.168 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:53:17.208 1155 2722 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:26.052 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:45.668 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:45.673 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:45.731 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:45.735 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:45.846 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:45.850 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:45.909 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:45.914 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:46.063 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:46.069 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:46.151 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:53:46.156 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:53:47.528 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.023 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:01.051 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:54:01.076 1155 2560 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:54:01.430 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:01.437 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:01.530 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:01.536 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:01.656 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:01.661 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:01.719 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:01.722 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:02.823 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:02.827 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:02.887 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:02.891 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:02.999 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:03.004 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:03.087 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:54:03.101 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:03.106 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:03.128 1155 3984 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:54:03.340 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:54:03.340 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:54:42.379 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:42.384 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:42.455 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:42.461 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:42.566 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:42.572 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:42.646 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:42.651 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:44.289 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:54:44.302 1155 8638 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.055 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:46.312 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:54:46.342 1155 3984 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.262 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:54:57.596 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:57.600 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:57.673 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:57.677 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:57.810 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:57.816 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:57.895 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:57.900 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:58.094 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:58.097 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:58.166 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:54:58.170 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:54:59.667 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:54:59.669 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:55:03.339 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:55:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:55:07.437 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:55:07.452 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:55:07.800 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:55:07.804 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:55:07.860 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:55:07.864 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:55:08.064 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:55:08.070 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:55:08.170 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:55:08.174 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:55:09.434 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:55:09.476 1155 3269 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:55:32.397 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:55:32.399 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:55:32.399 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:55:34.695 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:55:34.699 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:55:34.769 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:55:34.773 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:55:34.930 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:55:34.935 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:55:35.019 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:55:35.024 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:56:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:56:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:56:08.973 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:56:08.977 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.579 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.580 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:17.603 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: Could not read
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: java.io.FileNotFoundException:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
libcore.io.Linux.open(Native Method)
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: at
11-03 22:56:44.229 1155 17956 E MemoryPressure: ... 6 more
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: ANR in
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: PID: 17854
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: Reason: Broadcast of Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.phenotype.UPDATE flg=0x30
enotype.ConfigurationUpdatedReceiver_Receiver (has extras) }
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: Frozen: false
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: Load: 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: ----- Output from
/proc/pressure/memory -----
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.07
avg300=0.18 total=13099961
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.01
avg300=0.04 total=5213827
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: ----- End output from
/proc/pressure/memory -----
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager:
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: ----- Output from cpu online
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: CPU usage from 67302ms to 0ms ago
(2022-11-03 22:55:36.792 to 2022-11-03 22:56:44.094):
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 68%
2416/com.google.android.gms.persistent: 44% user + 23% kernel / faults: 486 minor 2
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 41% 1155/system_server: 34%
user + 7.5% kernel / faults: 672 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 10% 1507/Binder:1155_3: 9%
user + 1.8% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 7.1% 2722/Binder:1155_E: 5.8%
user + 1.3% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 5.3% 8638/Binder:1155_1E:
4.5% user + 0.8% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 5% 9147/Binder:1155_1F: 4.1%
user + 0.8% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 3.1% 10085/Binder:1155_20:
2.6% user + 0.4% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 2.9% 2879/Binder:1155_F: 2.4%
user + 0.5% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 2.5% 2069/Binder:1155_A: 2.1%
user + 0.4% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 1.9% 1165/HeapTaskDaemon:
1.8% user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 1% 3340/Binder:1155_16: 0.8%
user + 0.2% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 1155/system_server: 0.1%
user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 1445/ActivityManager:
0.1% user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 1437/android.bg: 0% user
+ 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 1454/batterystats-ha: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 2560/Binder:1155_D: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 5086/Binder:1155_1C: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 1508/Binder:1155_4: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1455/vivo_stats: 0% user +
0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1461/OomAdjuster: 0% user
+ 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1421/android.ui: 0% user +
0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1587/MobileNetworkQo: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 3984/Binder:1155_1B: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1420/android.fg: 0% user +
0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1472/PowerManagerSer: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1488/PackageManager: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1593/ConnectivitySer: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1640/TouchCntlThread: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1652/time-zone-monit: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 2785/NetworkMonitor/: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1166/ReferenceQueueD: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1426/watchdog: 0% user +
0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1439/FreezerManager_: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1446/ActivityManager: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1447/ActivityManager: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1448/ActivityManager: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1460/rms: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1462/NativeOom: 0% user +
0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1548/InputDispatcher: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1619/HwBinder:1155_4: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1665/VivoAudioPlayba: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 7196/Binder:1155_1D: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: +0% 17956/AnrConsumer: 0% user
+ 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 15%
16740/com.bbk.iqoo.logsystem: 14% user + 1% kernel / faults: 178 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 7.3% 1747/com.android.systemui:
5.2% user + 2.1% kernel / faults: 17 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 2.9%
17136/com.ss.android.ugc.trill: 2.6% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 173 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 2.4% 1997/com.android.phone:
1.7% user + 0.6% kernel / faults: 34 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 2% 589/surfaceflinger: 0.8%
user + 1.2% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.8% 1291/mtkfusionrild: 0.5%
user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 5 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.7%
17083/com.ss.android.ugc.trill:push: 0.6% user + 0% kernel / faults: 2 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.6%
2974/com.google.android.gms: 0.5% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 2270 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.4% 253/exe_cq/0: 0% user +
0.4% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.4%
16858/com.google.android.apps.docs: 0.3% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 3 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.4% 304/ipi_cpu_dvfs_rt: 0%
user + 0.4% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 743/vivo_daemon: 0% user +
0.2% kernel / faults: 620 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 1175/gsm0710muxd: 0.1%
user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 48 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 3278/com.vivo.pem: 0.1%
user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 12 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 526/statsd: 0.2% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 2031/com.vivo.rms: 0.1%
user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 1/init: 0.1% user + 0.1%
kernel / faults: 38 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.2% 194/pbm: 0% user + 0.2%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1%
955/vendor.vivo.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@3.1-service: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 1739/hif_thread: 0% user +
0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 1817/com.vivo.abe: 0.1%
user + 0% kernel / faults: 31 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 15640/kworker/7:0H-
kblockd: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 346/kworker/u16:8-
ged_fence: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 10/rcu_preempt: 0% user +
0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 139/kswapd0: 0% user +
0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 400/servicemanager: 0%
user + 0% kernel / faults: 42 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 1738/main_thread: 0% user
+ 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 15264/kworker/u17:1-
rx6_worker: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 15751/kworker/6:0-events:
0% user + 0.1% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 239/kworker/u16:2-kverityd:
0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 242/psl_thd: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 527/netd: 0% user + 0%
kernel / faults: 15 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
544/android.hardware.health@2.1-service: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 74 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 552/merged_hal_service: 0%
user + 0% kernel / faults: 78 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 14247/kworker/7:0-kdmflush:
0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 15746/kworker/6:0H-kblockd:
0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 17353/kworker/4:2-events: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 17457/kworker/5:1H-kblockd:
0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 369/ueventd: 0% user + 0%
kernel / faults: 132 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 398/logd: 0% user + 0%
kernel / faults: 1 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 489/f2fs_gc-252:10: 0% user
+ 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1188/volte_imcb: 0% user +
0% kernel / faults: 29 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1567/kworker/u17:6-
rx5_worker: 0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1740/rx_thread: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
3731/com.vivo.doubletimezoneclock: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
14546/com.google.android.inputmethod.latin: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 25 minor
12 major
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
465/android.system.suspend@1.0-service: 0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 488/f2fs_discard-25: 0% user
+ 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 528/zygote: 0% user + 0%
kernel / faults: 45 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 534/ip6tables-restore: 0%
user + 0% kernel / faults: 216 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1178/volte_stack: 0% user +
0% kernel / faults: 19 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1938/com.vivo.daemonService:
0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 2 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 15438/kworker/0:0-events: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 15695/kworker/5:0-events: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
17763/com.google.android.apps.assistant: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 4 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 9/ksoftirqd/0: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 32/ksoftirqd/4: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 37/ksoftirqd/5: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 42/ksoftirqd/6: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 238/battery_thread: 0% user
+ 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 265/kworker/3:2-events: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 399/lmkd: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 403/psimon: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 478/kworker/1:2-events: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 533/iptables-restore: 0%
user + 0% kernel / faults: 165 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
554/vendor.factory.hardware.vivoem@1.0-service: 0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
556/vendor.mediatek.hardware.mtkpower@1.0-service: 0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 605/mcDriverDaemon: 0% user
+ 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 686/mtk_wmtd: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 867/thermal: 0% user + 0%
kernel / faults: 2 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
897/vendor.mediatek.hardware.pq@2.2-service: 0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 1182/volte_ua: 0% user + 0%
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
3511/com.google.process.gservices: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 4 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 4223/com.vivo.appstore: 0%
user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% 15220/kworker/4:1H-kblockd:
0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0%
17042/com.google.android.apps.restore: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 15 minor
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: +0%
17854/com.google.android.apps.subscriptions.red: 0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: +0% 17900/kworker/7:2H: 0% user
+ 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 18% TOTAL: 13% user + 5% kernel +
0% iowait + 0.1% softirq
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: CPU usage from 1607895ms to
1607895ms ago (1970-01-01 07:00:00.000 to 1970-01-01 07:00:00.000) with 0% awake:
11-03 22:56:44.427 1155 17956 E ActivityManager: 0% TOTAL: 0% user + 0% kernel
11-03 22:56:44.548 1155 5086 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 22:56:44.563 1155 3340 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10185; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:56:45.005 1155 1855 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10185/17981 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 309 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10185 RequestorUid: 10185 RequestorPkg: com.google.android.calendar] ]]
callback flags: 0 priority: 2147483647
11-03 22:56:45.006 1155 1593 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [310 : null →
11-03 22:56:45.007 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:1, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:56:45.008 1155 1593 D _V_VivoConnectivityService: isWifiPoorLink:false,
nai.everValidated:true, networkType:0, networkDetailedState:CONNECTED,
11-03 22:56:45.010 1155 1575 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10185 RequestorUid: 10185 RequestorPkg: com.google.android.calendar] ]
11-03 22:56:45.012 1155 1575 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=310, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.google.android.calendar] ]
11-03 22:56:45.013 1155 1575 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=310, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.google.android.calendar] ]
11-03 22:56:45.019 1155 1855 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143231523; UID 10185; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:56:45.089 1155 9147 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ act=com.google.android.gms.inappreach.service.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
U=0: not found
11-03 22:56:45.091 1155 9147 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@bd6eed6
11-03 22:56:45.094 1155 5086 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
apterService newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10185
11-03 22:56:45.095 1155 5086 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
stReceiver newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10185
11-03 22:56:45.150 1155 5086 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10179; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:56:45.234 1155 5086 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 1827545, curTime = 1687273
11-03 22:56:45.234 1155 5086 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:56:45.236 1155 5086 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 1809278, curTime = 1687275
11-03 22:56:45.236 1155 5086 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:56:45.236 1155 5086 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 1827545, curTime = 1687275
11-03 22:56:45.236 1155 5086 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 22:56:45.236 1155 5086 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 1809278, curTime = 1687275
11-03 22:56:45.236 1155 5086 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 22:56:45.264 1155 3983 I ActivityManager: Killing
16470:com.google.android.apps.searchlite/u0a176 (adj 965): empty #17
11-03 22:56:45.268 1155 1165 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying
GC freed 607784(18MB) AllocSpace objects, 13(2564KB) LOS objects, 21% free,
48MB/62MB, paused 741us,922us total 228.910ms
11-03 22:56:45.312 1155 1447 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10176 pid 16470 in 43ms
11-03 22:56:45.340 1155 9147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10195; state: DISABLED
11-03 22:56:45.400 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:56:45.401 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:56:45.402 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:56:47.417 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:57:03.330 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:57:03.331 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:57:07.963 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:57:07.968 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:57:08.049 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:57:08.053 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:57:08.192 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:57:08.197 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:57:08.293 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:57:08.298 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:46.166 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:56.174 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:57:57.874 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:57:57.877 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:58:03.337 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:58:03.337 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.513 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:05.857 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:58:05.861 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:58:05.931 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:58:05.934 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:58:06.007 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:58:06.011 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:58:06.066 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:58:06.071 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:58:06.244 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:58:06.250 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:58:06.320 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:58:06.327 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:36.192 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:38.441 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:58:38.463 1155 1508 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:58:40.501 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:58:40.561 1155 3983 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.737 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.739 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:47.760 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:58:57.305 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:58:57.306 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:59:00.948 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:59:00.949 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:59:00.950 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 22:59:03.340 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 22:59:03.345 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 22:59:07.413 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:07.418 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:07.472 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:07.476 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:07.591 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:07.595 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:07.660 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:07.666 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:10.403 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:59:10.418 1155 10085 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:59:10.869 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:10.873 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:10.955 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 22:59:10.992 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:10.996 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:11.352 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:11.356 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:11.579 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:11.589 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:12.412 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:59:12.447 1155 1508 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:16.218 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:18.771 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:18.774 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:18.850 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:18.855 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:18.987 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:18.992 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:19.085 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:19.089 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:28.674 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:59:28.703 1155 3982 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:59:30.778 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:59:30.836 1155 3894 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:59:32.551 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:59:32.563 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:0, bootpEndOffset:287
11-03 22:59:33.120 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:0, bootpEndOffset:287
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:46.224 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 22:59:48.164 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:48.169 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:48.237 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:48.241 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:48.384 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:48.389 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:48.445 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:48.450 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:48.586 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:48.591 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:48.654 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 22:59:48.658 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 22:59:51.642 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 22:59:51.665 1155 1508 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 22:59:53.704 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 22:59:53.747 1155 1508 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 22:59:53.762 1155 1607 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:59:53.766 1155 18800 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 22:59:53.767 1155 1607 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 22:59:56.374 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:59:56.377 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 22:59:56.378 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:00:03.344 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:00:03.345 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:00:13.758 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:00:26.276 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:00:26.294 1155 3982 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:00:28.372 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:00:28.413 1155 2069 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.163 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.182 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:44.521 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:00:44.527 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:00:44.599 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:00:44.604 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:00:44.774 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:00:44.778 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:00:44.848 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:00:44.854 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:00:46.207 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:00:46.213 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.uconfig.REPORT_DATA from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.355 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.performance.intent.ACTION_DATA_CHECK from system uid 1000 pkg
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.375 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.messagecenter.exception from system 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.985 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.abe.messagecenter.exception from system 1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:50.986 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:51.377 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 23:00:52.408 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:00:56.251 1155 1855 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:00.689 1155 10085 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:01.024 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:01.030 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:01.113 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:01.117 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:01.229 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:01.233 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:01.290 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:01.296 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:01.451 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:01.456 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:01.523 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:01.527 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:03.266 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:01:03.292 1155 1419 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:01:03.344 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:01:03.346 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:01:03.628 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:03.633 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:03.698 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:03.701 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:03.828 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:03.833 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:03.898 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:03.902 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:04.316 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:04.321 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:04.395 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:04.399 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:04.571 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:04.581 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:04.643 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:04.651 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:05.321 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:01:05.378 1155 2097 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:16.236 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.909 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.913 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:17.940 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:01:25.393 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:01:43.760 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:43.764 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:43.833 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:43.838 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:43.922 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:43.929 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:43.986 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:01:43.990 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:01:45.625 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:01:45.629 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:01:46.126 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:01:46.142 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:01:46.145 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:01:46.145 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:01:46.150 1155 2879 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:01:47.317 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:01:48.184 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:01:48.222 1155 2879 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.373 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.420 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:02:01.743 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:02:01.746 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:02:01.826 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:02:01.831 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:02:01.932 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:02:01.938 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:02:01.997 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:02:02.002 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:02:02.207 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:02:02.212 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:02:02.276 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:02:02.283 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:02:03.344 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:02:03.345 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:02:10.390 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:02:10.413 1155 3264 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:02:12.276 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:02:12.319 1155 3264 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:02:21.423 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:02:21.442 1155 10085 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:02:23.462 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:02:23.505 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:02:43.501 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:02:44.404 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:02:44.423 1155 3894 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:02:44.544 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:02:44.571 1155 2097 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:02:57.927 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:02:57.948 1155 1419 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:02:59.995 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:03:00.033 1155 3894 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:03:00.928 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:00.934 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:00.993 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:00.998 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:01.132 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:01.136 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:01.207 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:01.213 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:01.537 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:01.542 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:01.616 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:01.621 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:01.737 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:01.745 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:01.800 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:01.804 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:01.954 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:01.960 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:02.043 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:03:02.048 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:03:03.350 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:03:03.352 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:03:20.034 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:03:34.535 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:03:34.536 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:46.295 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.016 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:48.020 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:56.303 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:03:58.587 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:03:58.603 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:04:00.642 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:04:00.697 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:04:03.337 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:04:03.338 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:04:20.704 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:04:34.027 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:04:34.028 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:04:34.178 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:34.181 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:34.244 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:34.248 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:34.314 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:04:34.315 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:04:34.316 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:04:34.368 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:34.372 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:34.473 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:34.477 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:36.914 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:04:36.929 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:04:37.289 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:37.292 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:37.352 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:37.355 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:37.491 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:37.498 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:37.581 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:37.585 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:38.961 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:04:38.997 1155 2560 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:04:49.115 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:49.122 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:49.197 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:49.202 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:49.311 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:49.316 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:49.370 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:49.374 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:49.683 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:49.688 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:49.759 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:49.763 1155 3894 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:49.861 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:49.867 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:49.926 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:49.931 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:50.103 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:50.111 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:50.180 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:04:50.184 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:04:59.007 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:05:03.351 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:05:03.355 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:05:16.321 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:05:16.340 1155 1916 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:05:18.406 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:05:18.458 1155 2560 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.393 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.441 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:05:25.802 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:25.807 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:25.863 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:25.871 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:25.981 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:25.985 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:26.052 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:26.056 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:38.403 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:05:42.854 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:42.859 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:42.941 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:42.945 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:43.050 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:43.057 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:43.112 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:43.117 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:43.269 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:43.273 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:43.340 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:43.343 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:45.727 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:05:45.750 1155 3307 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:05:46.092 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:46.096 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:46.151 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:46.156 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:46.252 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:46.259 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:46.319 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:46.324 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:47.334 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:47.339 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:47.394 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:47.399 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:47.483 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:47.487 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:47.551 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:05:47.555 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:05:47.784 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:05:47.829 1155 3264 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:05:51.786 1155 11179 E GnssPsdsDownloader: No Long-Term PSDS servers were
specified in the GnssConfiguration
11-03 23:06:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:06:03.343 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:06.349 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:07.821 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:16.358 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.173 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:18.176 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:21.919 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:06:21.937 1155 2097 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:06:22.852 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:06:22.857 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:06:23.989 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:06:24.041 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.354 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.388 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:34.739 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:34.743 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:34.796 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:34.801 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:34.904 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:34.908 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:34.972 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:34.976 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:42.920 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:06:42.933 1155 2879 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:06:44.011 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:06:44.071 1155 1419 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:06:44.919 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:44.923 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:44.992 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:44.996 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:45.065 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:45.070 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:45.132 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:45.140 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:45.337 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:45.341 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:45.398 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:06:45.403 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:06:45.671 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:06:45.674 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:06:45.674 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:06:56.364 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:03.340 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:07:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:07:04.954 1155 1855 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:07:04.962 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:07:04.979 1155 1855 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:07:05.111 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:07:05.141 1155 2560 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:07:05.414 1155 3270 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:07:05.430 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:07:05.552 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:07:05.594 1155 1855 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:07:12.407 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:07:12.408 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:07:12.419 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:07:12.420 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:07:12.421 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
android.intent.action.auto_curve.optimized from system uid 1000 pkg android
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:18.388 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:27.659 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:07:29.340 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:36.372 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:38.268 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:07:38.293 1155 1419 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:07:40.380 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:07:40.434 1155 2560 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:07:51.952 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:07:51.971 1155 3307 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:07:54.026 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:07:54.079 1155 3264 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:07:56.378 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:03.346 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:08:03.347 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:08:14.065 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.344 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:08:48.346 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:09:01.290 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:09:01.296 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:09:03.346 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:09:03.347 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:09:25.890 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:09:25.913 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:09:26.454 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:09:27.964 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:09:28.005 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:09:47.977 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:09:50.825 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:09:50.825 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:09:52.528 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:09:52.533 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:09:52.533 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:10:03.343 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:10:03.344 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:10:05.801 1155 2560 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:10:05.814 1155 2560 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:10:06.336 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:10:07.850 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:10:07.885 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:10:27.897 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:11:03.345 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:11:03.346 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.PEM_ELAPSED_REALTIME from system uid 1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.394 1155 1534 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.537 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:18.541 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:20.406 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst/libwhatsapp.so
11-03 23:11:20.407 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst/libc++_shared.so
11-03 23:11:20.612 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libaospbugfixmerged.so
11-03 23:11:20.619 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libxplat_third-
11-03 23:11:20.619 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libcoldstart.so
11-03 23:11:20.619 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libbreakpad.so
11-03 23:11:20.620 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libaddressspace.so
11-03 23:11:21.685 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path
11-03 23:11:21.686 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libreliabilitymerged.so
11-03 23:11:21.686 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libprofilostandalone.so
11-03 23:11:21.687 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libfba-merged.so
11-03 23:11:21.688 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path
11-03 23:11:21.688 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libmaveric-jni.so
11-03 23:11:21.689 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libxra-merged.so
11-03 23:11:21.689 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libreliablemediamonitor.so
11-03 23:11:21.689 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libmediapipeline.so
11-03 23:11:21.690 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libIGL.so
11-03 23:11:21.690 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libnative_oomscorereader.so
11-03 23:11:21.690 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libmediacodechooks_jni.so
11-03 23:11:21.690 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libimagesmerged.so
11-03 23:11:21.691 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libchipsetmerged.so
11-03 23:11:21.691 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libdexload.so
11-03 23:11:21.691 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.facebook.katana/lib-compressed/libappstatelogger2.so
11-03 23:11:21.696 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path
11-03 23:11:21.697 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path
11-03 23:11:21.697 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.tethering/javalib/service-connectivity.jar
11-03 23:11:21.697 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /system/framework/services.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.permission/javalib/service-permission.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /system/framework/ethernet-service.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /system/framework/vivo-services.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.media/javalib/service-media-s.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /system/framework/services-adapter.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.wifi/javalib/service-wifi.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.tethering/javalib/vivo-service-connectivity.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.os.statsd/javalib/service-statsd.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.appsearch/javalib/service-appsearch.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.wifi/javalib/vivo-service-wifi.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /system/framework/mediatek-framework.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /system/framework/com.android.location.provider.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /system/framework/soc-services.jar
11-03 23:11:21.698 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /apex/com.android.scheduling/javalib/service-scheduling.jar
11-03 23:11:21.907 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:11:21.909 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:11:21.910 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:11:23.314 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.instagram.android/lib-compressed/libfbaudiomerged.so
11-03 23:11:23.315 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path
11-03 23:11:23.315 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.instagram.android/lib-compressed/libfssync.so
11-03 23:11:23.315 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.instagram.android/lib-compressed/librtgqlsdk-lite.so
11-03 23:11:23.316 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.instagram.android/lib-compressed/libmediacodechooks_jni.so
11-03 23:11:23.316 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.instagram.android/lib-compressed/libredexsharedmerged.so
11-03 23:11:23.316 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.instagram.android/lib-compressed/libdvclient.so
11-03 23:11:23.317 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.instagram.android/lib-compressed/libdistractutil.so
11-03 23:11:23.398 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path /data/data/com.whatsapp.w4b/files/decompressed/libs.spk.zst/libc+
11-03 23:11:23.632 1155 20416 E DynamicCodeLogger: Could not infer CE/DE storage
for path
11-03 23:11:23.768 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:26.480 1155 3340 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:11:27.824 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:11:27.854 1155 2722 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:11:29.873 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:11:29.907 1155 2722 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:11:39.689 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:11:39.690 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:11:51.736 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:11:51.753 1155 1911 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:11:53.754 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:11:53.769 1155 3984 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:11:59.693 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.693 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.694 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.694 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.695 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.696 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.696 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.706 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.707 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.707 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.707 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.708 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.708 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:11:59.708 1155 21245 E DataManager: Shortcut no longer found
11-03 23:12:03.334 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:12:03.334 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:12:12.408 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:12:12.410 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:12:12.410 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:12:13.774 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:12:16.133 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:12:16.145 1155 3271 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:12:16.221 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:12:16.257 1155 1916 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:16.481 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:24.315 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:12:31.275 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:12:31.294 1155 5086 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:12:33.261 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:12:33.338 1155 2069 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.369 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.402 1155 1916 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:12:33.822 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:33.826 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:33.926 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:33.931 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:34.125 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:34.129 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:34.209 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:34.212 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:51.407 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:51.415 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:51.552 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:51.556 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:51.654 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:51.657 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:51.704 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:51.707 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:51.875 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:51.880 1155 1916 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:51.977 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:12:51.980 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:12:53.308 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:12:58.897 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:12:58.897 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:13:03.324 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:13:03.325 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:13:03.341 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:13:03.342 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:13:03.342 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.834 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:18.860 1155 5086 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:19.286 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:13:19.291 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:13:19.410 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:13:19.415 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:13:19.646 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:13:19.652 1155 2722 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:13:19.761 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:13:19.766 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:13:22.433 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:13:22.453 1155 1916 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:13:24.460 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:13:24.480 1155 1419 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:13:44.472 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.685 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.686 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:13:48.712 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:03.331 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:14:03.333 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:14:05.111 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:14:05.129 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:14:05.547 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:05.553 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:05.659 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:05.664 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:05.788 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:05.795 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:05.863 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:05.868 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:07.159 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:14:07.185 1155 3265 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:14:20.153 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:20.157 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:20.229 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:20.232 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:20.369 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:20.372 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:20.465 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:20.470 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:20.664 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:20.670 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:20.767 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:20.772 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:25.566 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:25.570 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:25.644 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:25.647 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:25.853 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:25.857 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:25.920 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:14:25.923 1155 3265 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:14:27.151 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:14:34.947 1155 20393 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/app/vivoUserEngineerMode/vivoUserEngineerMode.apk!
classes2.dex.Expected: 3276552176, actual: 581728013
11-03 23:14:44.937 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:14:44.952 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.529 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:46.929 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:14:46.962 1155 3271 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:14:47.797 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:14:47.803 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:14:56.533 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:15:03.333 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:15:03.334 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:15:06.960 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:15:18.950 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:15:18.954 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:15:19.014 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:15:19.017 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:15:19.160 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:15:19.164 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:15:19.236 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:15:19.240 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:15:26.120 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:15:26.133 1155 3265 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:15:26.492 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:15:26.497 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:15:26.572 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:15:26.576 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:15:26.734 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:15:26.737 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:15:26.813 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:15:26.816 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:15:28.169 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:15:28.200 1155 1507 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:15:48.167 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:16:03.333 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:16:03.334 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:16:07.010 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:16:07.010 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:16:18.741 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:16:18.743 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:16:18.743 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.863 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.864 1155 3983 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:18.891 1155 3271 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:19.027 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:19.031 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:19.144 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:19.147 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:19.301 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:19.304 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:19.383 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:19.386 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:25.793 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:25.797 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:25.883 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:25.889 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:25.979 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:25.983 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:26.066 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:26.071 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:26.293 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:26.302 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:26.418 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:16:26.424 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:16:38.652 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:16:38.668 1155 3983 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:16:40.658 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:16:40.695 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:16:40.704 1155 1607 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:16:40.707 1155 1706 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:16:40.707 1155 1607 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
11-03 23:16:57.096 1155 1488 E _V_VivoPmsImpl:
interceptPackageInstallWithBlackList packageName:com.google.android.gms
installerPackageName:com.android.vending originatingUid:-200 packageNameUid:10179
11-03 23:16:57.190 1155 1488 E _V_VivoUserDataPreparerImpl: notifySpeedUpNow took
65 ms.
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: Failure starting process
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: java.lang.SecurityException:
Package com.google.android.gms is currently frozen!
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:16:58.740 1155 1445 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:03.332 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:17:03.333 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:17:09.573 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:09.576 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:09.644 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:09.647 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:09.766 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:09.770 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:09.828 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:09.832 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:14.380 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:17:14.767 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:14.769 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:14.817 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:14.820 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:14.906 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:14.910 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:14.977 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:14.980 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:15.385 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:15.388 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:15.455 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:15.458 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:15.607 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:15.610 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:15.712 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:17:15.716 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.data.saver.apps.removed from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.379 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.data.saver.apps.added from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.563 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:34.629 1155 1155 I Telecom : l11111111: Package
com.google.android.gms is not tracked.: SSH.oR@AAA
11-03 23:17:34.631 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: InCallController:
updateCarModeForConnections: car mode apps:
11-03 23:17:35.010 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:17:36.195 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: Error in reading cgroup procs
from ProcessRecord{a9885fc 7587:com.android.vending/u0a178}
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: java.io.IOException: read failed:
ENODEV (No such device)
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: Caused by:
android.system.ErrnoException: read failed: ENODEV (No such device)
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
libcore.io.Linux.readBytes(Native Method)
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:38.875 1155 1437 E ActivityManager: ... 13 more
11-03 23:17:39.246 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.applicationbehaviorengine.power.refreshList from system
1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:39.855 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:40.985 1155 1916 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:17:44.579 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:17:44.856 1155 7196 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:17:44.862 1155 7196 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:17:45.267 1155 5086 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2947305
11-03 23:17:45.267 1155 5086 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:45.267 1155 5086 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2947306
11-03 23:17:45.267 1155 5086 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:45.273 1155 5086 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.338 1155 1155 I TransportClient: BackupTransportService#14:
Notifying [PFTBT.run()] transport = IBackupTransport
11-03 23:17:45.343 1155 23633 I PFTBT : Full backup completed with status: 0
11-03 23:17:45.344 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.346 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 23:17:45.346 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 23:17:45.346 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=55, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 23:17:45.346 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 23:17:45.360 1155 23633 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:45.360 1155 23633 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 2
11-03 23:17:45.361 1155 23633 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true
11-03 23:17:45.363 1155 23633 I PFTBT : Full data backup pass finished.
11-03 23:17:45.364 1155 23633 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.365 1155 23633 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Released
11-03 23:17:45.365 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.368 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.381 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.385 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.394 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.394 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:45.394 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000
11-03 23:17:45.394 1155 1155 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Beginning
scheduled full backup operation
11-03 23:17:45.396 1155 1155 D PFTBT : backupmanager pftbt token=61147915
11-03 23:17:45.397 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.398 1155 1155 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Acquired
11-03 23:17:45.408 1155 23650 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:45.449 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.465 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 23:17:45.465 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 23:17:45.466 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=55, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 23:17:45.466 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 23:17:45.503 1155 2879 D BackupTransportManager: Transport
com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService updated its attributes
11-03 23:17:45.580 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.594 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=17
11-03 23:17:45.594 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 23:17:45.594 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=-1, tcp
packets received=55, latest tcp fail rate=-1
11-03 23:17:45.594 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 23:17:45.596 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.606 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.616 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.636 1155 1745 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:45.680 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.700 1155 2068 D BackupTransportManager: Transport
com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService updated its attributes
11-03 23:17:45.702 1155 1155 I TransportClient: BackupTransportService#15:
Notifying [PFTBT.run()] transport = IBackupTransport
11-03 23:17:45.705 1155 23650 I PFTBT : Full backup completed with status: 0
11-03 23:17:45.714 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.722 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.723 1155 23650 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:45.723 1155 23650 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 2
11-03 23:17:45.723 1155 23650 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true
11-03 23:17:45.731 1155 23650 I PFTBT : Full data backup pass finished.
11-03 23:17:45.740 1155 23650 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.740 1155 23650 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Released
11-03 23:17:45.742 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.953 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.971 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:45.974 1155 1155 I TransportClient: BackupTransportService#16:
Notifying [PFTBT.run()] transport = IBackupTransport
11-03 23:17:46.189 1155 5086 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.240 1155 1916 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.243 1155 2879 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948281
11-03 23:17:46.243 1155 2879 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.243 1155 2879 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948282
11-03 23:17:46.243 1155 2879 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.243 1155 2879 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948282
11-03 23:17:46.243 1155 2879 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.243 1155 2879 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948282
11-03 23:17:46.243 1155 2879 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.257 1155 1155 I TransportClient: BackupTransportService#17:
Notifying [PFTBT.run()] transport = IBackupTransport
11-03 23:17:46.260 1155 23673 I PFTBT : Full backup completed with status: 0
11-03 23:17:46.271 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.274 1155 1911 D BackupTransportManager: Transport
com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService updated its attributes
11-03 23:17:46.279 1155 23673 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:46.281 1155 23673 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 2
11-03 23:17:46.293 1155 23673 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true
11-03 23:17:46.293 1155 1419 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948318
11-03 23:17:46.293 1155 1419 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.293 1155 1419 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948332
11-03 23:17:46.293 1155 1419 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.298 1155 1419 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948337
11-03 23:17:46.298 1155 1419 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.298 1155 1419 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948337
11-03 23:17:46.298 1155 1419 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.299 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.300 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.302 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.307 1155 2068 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948346
11-03 23:17:46.307 1155 2068 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.307 1155 2068 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948346
11-03 23:17:46.307 1155 2068 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.317 1155 1911 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:46.326 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.328 1155 23673 I PFTBT : Full data backup pass finished.
11-03 23:17:46.329 1155 23673 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.329 1155 23673 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Released
11-03 23:17:46.329 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.332 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.337 1155 2879 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:46.349 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.360 1155 1745 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:46.375 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.376 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:46.376 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000
11-03 23:17:46.376 1155 1155 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Beginning
scheduled full backup operation
11-03 23:17:46.377 1155 1155 D PFTBT : backupmanager pftbt token=235ccf1b
11-03 23:17:46.378 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.383 1155 1155 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Acquired
11-03 23:17:46.384 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.385 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.389 1155 23684 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:46.399 1155 1419 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:46.406 1155 1508 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948445
11-03 23:17:46.406 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.406 1155 1508 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948445
11-03 23:17:46.406 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.408 1155 1508 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.410 1155 2879 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:46.415 1155 1419 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.backup.component.D2dMigrateFlowActivity newState:2
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:46.429 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.495 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.496 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.498 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.502 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.502 1155 1155 I TransportClient: BackupTransportService#18:
Notifying [PFTBT.run()] transport = IBackupTransport
11-03 23:17:46.503 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.507 1155 23684 I PFTBT : Full backup completed with status: 0
11-03 23:17:46.510 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.512 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.524 1155 23684 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:46.524 1155 23684 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 2
11-03 23:17:46.525 1155 23684 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true
11-03 23:17:46.531 1155 23684 I PFTBT : Full data backup pass finished.
11-03 23:17:46.533 1155 23684 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.535 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.538 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.540 1155 23684 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Released
11-03 23:17:46.544 1155 1745 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:46.552 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.553 1155 1419 D BackupTransportManager: Transport
com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService updated its attributes
11-03 23:17:46.554 1155 3270 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.560 1155 3270 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.571 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.582 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.585 1155 2068 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948624
11-03 23:17:46.585 1155 2068 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.585 1155 2068 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948624
11-03 23:17:46.585 1155 2068 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.593 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.593 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:46.593 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000
11-03 23:17:46.593 1155 1155 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Beginning
scheduled full backup operation
11-03 23:17:46.601 1155 2068 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948640
11-03 23:17:46.602 1155 2068 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.602 1155 1155 D PFTBT : backupmanager pftbt token=1b67011d
11-03 23:17:46.602 1155 2068 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948641
11-03 23:17:46.602 1155 2068 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.602 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.603 1155 1155 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Acquired
11-03 23:17:46.604 1155 2068 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2948643
11-03 23:17:46.604 1155 2068 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:46.604 1155 2068 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2948643
11-03 23:17:46.604 1155 2068 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:46.606 1155 2068 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:46.612 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:17:47.304 1155 23697 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:47.304 1155 23697 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 2
11-03 23:17:47.304 1155 23697 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true
11-03 23:17:47.310 1155 2722 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 2951742, curTime = 2949343
11-03 23:17:47.311 1155 2722 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:17:47.311 1155 1911 D BackupTransportManager: Transport
com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService updated its attributes
11-03 23:17:47.312 1155 2722 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 3, when
= 8302039, curTime = 2949351
11-03 23:17:47.312 1155 2722 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 3
11-03 23:17:47.314 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.314 1155 23697 I PFTBT : Full data backup pass finished.
11-03 23:17:47.315 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.316 1155 23697 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.316 1155 23697 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Released
11-03 23:17:47.319 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.320 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.339 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.340 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.350 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.351 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.353 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.354 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:47.354 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000
11-03 23:17:47.354 1155 1155 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Beginning
scheduled full backup operation
11-03 23:17:47.357 1155 1155 D PFTBT : backupmanager pftbt token=1e376d21
11-03 23:17:47.357 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.358 1155 1155 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Acquired
11-03 23:17:47.358 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.360 1155 1488 V PackageManager: Sending package changed:
11-03 23:17:47.364 1155 1745 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:47.365 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.377 1155 23719 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:47.384 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.385 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.424 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.445 1155 1571 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.456 1155 1420 D CompanionDeviceManagerService:
onPackageModified(packageName = com.google.android.gms)
11-03 23:17:47.459 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 23:17:47.460 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 23:17:47.471 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 23:17:47.472 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 23:17:47.478 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.481 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme com.android.contacts support global theme
11-03 23:17:47.481 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkShouldBindGms mcc:510,
mFakeMcc:-1, isOversea:true
11-03 23:17:47.482 1155 1603 D _V_VivoServiceWatcher: checkPackageExists
com.google.android.gms true
11-03 23:17:47.486 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.490 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.512 1155 1423 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.517 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.523 1155 1549 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
11-03 23:17:47.540 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.542 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme com.android.dialer support global theme
11-03 23:17:47.544 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:17:47.552 1155 9147 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.581 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.593 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.602 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl:
initPackageSupportGlobalTheme com.android.mms support global theme
11-03 23:17:47.613 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.626 1155 2722 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.644 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.651 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.652 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.671 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.674 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.675 1155 1745 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:47.688 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.706 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.721 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.727 1155 3270 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.749 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.771 1155 1155 I TransportClient: BackupTransportService#21:
Notifying [PFTBT.run()] transport = IBackupTransport
11-03 23:17:47.783 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.784 1155 23719 I PFTBT : Full backup completed with status: 0
11-03 23:17:47.786 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.819 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 23:17:47.819 1155 23719 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:47.819 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 23:17:47.819 1155 23719 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 2
11-03 23:17:47.820 1155 23719 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true
11-03 23:17:47.826 1155 23719 I PFTBT : Full data backup pass finished.
11-03 23:17:47.835 1155 23719 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.836 1155 23719 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Released
11-03 23:17:47.838 1155 7196 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.847 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.849 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.869 1155 1418 D BackupTransportManager: Transport
com.google.android.gms/.backup.BackupTransportService updated its attributes
11-03 23:17:47.876 1155 1420 W Looper : Slow delivery took 209ms android.fg
h=android.os.Handler c=<recycled PooledLambda@fec0942> m=0
11-03 23:17:47.894 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.898 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.899 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
11-03 23:17:47.899 1155 1155 V BackupManagerConstants:
getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000
11-03 23:17:47.899 1155 1155 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Beginning
scheduled full backup operation
11-03 23:17:47.900 1155 1155 D PFTBT : backupmanager pftbt token=70b82423
11-03 23:17:47.901 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:47.901 1155 1155 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Acquired
11-03 23:17:47.913 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.915 1155 23729 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:47.926 1155 1609 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.938 1155 5086 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.941 1155 5086 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.942 1155 5086 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
imeraActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179
11-03 23:17:47.943 1155 2068 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.944 1155 1419 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: mCallingPidFilter=22993,
11-03 23:17:47.946 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:47.946 1155 1419 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
packageName: com.google.android.gms
11-03 23:17:47.947 1155 1419 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10179; state: DISABLED
11-03 23:17:47.948 1155 2068 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.949 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10179; state: ENABLED
11-03 23:17:47.952 1155 1916 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.constellation.GcmBroadcastReceiver newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.954 1155 1508 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.constellation.ui.ApiConsentActivity newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.955 1155 1507 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
ity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.958 1155 1507 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
ivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.964 1155 1419 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:47.991 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:48.002 1155 1419 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.google.android.gms.drive.deprecation.UpgradeDialogActivity newState:1
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:22993
11-03 23:17:48.020 1155 1419 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:48.027 1155 1418 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:48.039 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:48.055 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 109ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
11-03 23:17:48.056 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:48.056 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
11-03 23:17:48.056 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
23730:com.google.android.gms.unstable/u0a179 for service
11-03 23:17:48.056 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
11-03 23:17:48.056 1155 1446 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
11-03 23:17:48.058 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:48.068 1155 1745 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:48.075 1155 5086 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:17:48.080 1155 1437 D _V_VivoBaseResourcesImpl: isSupportThemeCustom =
11-03 23:17:48.081 1155 1745 D _V_RMS-Preload: setRmsPreload
pkgName:com.google.android.gms uid 10179, isRmsPreload = false, keepQuiet =false
11-03 23:17:50.905 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:17:50.930 1155 1507 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:17:53.098 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:17:53.187 1155 3265 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:17:53.188 1155 3265 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:17:55.896 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:17:55.896 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:17:58.953 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:17:58.955 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:17:58.955 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:18:02.840 1155 1155 E TransportClient: BackupTransportService#39:
Service disconnected: client UNUSABLE
11-03 23:18:03.332 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:18:03.332 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:18:04.861 1155 1745 E SyncManager: SYNC_OP_STATE_INVALID: disallowed by
11-03 23:18:04.872 1155 1745 E SyncManager: SYNC_OP_STATE_INVALID: disallowed by
11-03 23:18:04.891 1155 1745 E SyncManager: SYNC_OP_STATE_INVALID: disallowed by
11-03 23:18:04.905 1155 1745 E SyncManager: SYNC_OP_STATE_INVALID: disallowed by
11-03 23:18:04.937 1155 1745 E SyncManager: SYNC_OP_STATE_INVALID: disallowed by
11-03 23:18:04.966 1155 1745 E SyncManager: SYNC_OP_STATE_INVALID: disallowed by
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:06.617 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:08.619 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 23:18:08.653 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:18:08.654 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:18:08.655 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 23:18:08.655 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 23:18:08.656 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 23:18:08.656 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 23:18:09.451 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 23:18:09.451 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 23:18:11.091 1155 5086 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:18:11.128 1155 3307 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:18:12.121 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 23:18:12.123 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:18:12.123 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:18:12.124 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 23:18:12.124 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 23:18:12.124 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 23:18:12.124 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 23:18:12.161 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 23:18:12.161 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 23:18:13.129 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:18:13.174 1155 2722 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:18:13.495 1155 20393 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/app/vaem/vaem.apk.Expected: 78528762, actual: 3826272103
11-03 23:18:13.502 1155 20393 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/app/vaem/vaem.apk.Expected: 78528762, actual: 3826272103
11-03 23:18:18.597 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 23:18:18.597 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:18:18.599 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:18:18.599 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 23:18:18.599 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 23:18:18.600 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 23:18:18.600 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 23:18:18.667 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 23:18:18.667 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 23:18:20.682 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: receive START_QUERY
11-03 23:18:20.689 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:18:20.706 1155 2378 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
11-03 23:18:20.706 1155 2378 E _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader:
isSimContactsUpdateDone , can't find the provider so return default!
11-03 23:18:20.707 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile begin
11-03 23:18:20.707 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: StrokeUtils: file is already exist
11-03 23:18:20.707 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: doQuery
sendDataToSqlFromAssetFile end
11-03 23:18:20.751 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: MsgAndCallLoader: onContactsLoaded
11-03 23:18:20.752 1155 2378 I _V_Telecom: ContactsLoader: run done....
11-03 23:18:23.920 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 5 queried, returning: null
11-03 23:18:23.933 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 4 queried, returning: null
11-03 23:18:25.888 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:18:33.338 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:18:39.795 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.179 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.189 1155 1419 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.209 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:40.226 1155 1507 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:18:40.341 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:18:40.824 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:18:40.827 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:18:40.934 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:18:40.938 1155 2069 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:18:41.096 1155 2069 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:18:41.143 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:18:41.148 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:18:41.249 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:18:41.254 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.980 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:48.981 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:49.005 1155 2069 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:53.925 1155 1745 E SyncManager: Job params not found for 100118
11-03 23:18:53.945 1155 1745 E SyncManager: Job params not found for 100121
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:18:56.628 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:03.333 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:19:03.333 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:19:09.903 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:19:23.043 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:19:23.053 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:19:25.005 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:19:25.085 1155 2068 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:19:34.906 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:19:34.907 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.502 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:19:35.739 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:19:35.741 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:19:35.741 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:19:35.938 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:19:35.944 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:19:36.011 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:19:36.015 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:19:36.142 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:19:36.147 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:19:36.236 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:19:36.242 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:19:51.578 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:19:51.589 1155 3341 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:19:53.571 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:19:53.644 1155 1508 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:20:03.336 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:20:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:20:13.333 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:13.337 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:13.438 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:13.441 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:13.544 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:13.547 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:13.620 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:13.626 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:13.790 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:13.796 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:13.911 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:13.918 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:29.228 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:20:29.241 1155 8638 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:20:29.578 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:29.582 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:29.684 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:29.689 1155 3983 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:29.796 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:29.803 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:29.882 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:29.887 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:30.817 1155 1965 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112855
11-03 23:20:30.817 1155 1965 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.817 1155 1965 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112856
11-03 23:20:30.817 1155 1965 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.825 1155 1508 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10179; state: ENABLED
11-03 23:20:30.828 1155 1508 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112867
11-03 23:20:30.828 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.834 1155 8638 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:24054
11-03 23:20:30.836 1155 3983 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10179 callingPid:24054
11-03 23:20:30.840 1155 8638 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.843 1155 1507 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.846 1155 1507 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.846 1155 1508 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112885
11-03 23:20:30.846 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.863 1155 1445 I _V_ActivityManager: isSystemApp: false,
packageName: com.google.android.apps.wellbeing
11-03 23:20:30.864 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10174; state: DISABLED
11-03 23:20:30.864 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10174; state: DISABLED
11-03 23:20:30.864 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10174; state: DISABLED
11-03 23:20:30.864 1155 1445 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10174; state: ENABLED
11-03 23:20:30.865 1155 1446 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10174; state: ENABLED
11-03 23:20:30.866 1155 8638 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112904
11-03 23:20:30.866 1155 8638 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.867 1155 3983 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112905
11-03 23:20:30.867 1155 3983 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.867 1155 1507 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.869 1155 1507 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.870 1155 3983 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112909
11-03 23:20:30.870 1155 3983 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.872 1155 1508 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112911
11-03 23:20:30.872 1155 1508 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.874 1155 1965 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112913
11-03 23:20:30.874 1155 1965 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.878 1155 1965 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.879 1155 8638 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.881 1155 8638 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.884 1155 3983 V _V_AlarmAlign: setLocked to kernel, type = 2, when
= 3117781, curTime = 3112922
11-03 23:20:30.884 1155 3983 D AlarmManagerService: inside native alarm timerfd
set Alarm Type = 2
11-03 23:20:30.885 1155 3983 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.891 1155 1446 I ActivityManager: Start proc
24948:com.google.android.apps.wellbeing/u0a174 for broadcast
11-03 23:20:30.915 1155 1965 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
packageName:com.facebook.katana className:com.facebook.mqttlite.MqttService
newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10280 callingPid:21681
11-03 23:20:30.930 1155 8638 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving
Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to
com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/.CellBroadcastReceiver requires
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
11-03 23:20:30.936 1155 1155 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:20:30.977 1155 8638 D _V_VivoCommonService: doCommonJob
isFeatureSupportmsg is false
11-03 23:20:31.229 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:20:31.295 1155 1965 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:46.648 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:20:51.384 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:51.392 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:51.554 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:51.558 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:51.689 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:51.692 1155 1965 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:20:51.788 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:20:51.792 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:21:01.560 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 5 queried, returning: null
11-03 23:21:01.574 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 4 queried, returning: null
11-03 23:21:03.355 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:21:03.355 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:21:04.626 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:21:12.380 1155 1155 E DeviceConfig: Parsing int failed for location_mode
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.136 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.138 1155 3265 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:19.161 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:23.797 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:21:23.797 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:32.534 1155 2068 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:21:33.161 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:21:33.165 1155 2068 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:21:33.264 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:21:33.267 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:21:33.474 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:21:33.478 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:21:33.579 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:21:33.582 1155 1507 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:21:53.993 1155 1488 E _V_VivoPmsImpl:
interceptPackageInstallWithBlackList packageName:com.ss.android.ugc.trill
installerPackageName:com.android.vending originatingUid:-200 packageNameUid:10315
11-03 23:21:54.100 1155 1488 E _V_VivoUserDataPreparerImpl: notifySpeedUpNow took
62 ms.
11-03 23:21:57.311 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:21:57.326 1155 1911 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:21:59.311 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:21:59.357 1155 10085 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:22:03.352 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:22:03.353 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:16.654 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:22:19.361 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:22:29.189 1155 10085 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:22:29.210 1155 1418 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:22:29.586 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:22:29.590 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:22:29.710 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:22:29.714 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:22:29.838 1155 1418 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:22:29.844 1155 1418 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:22:29.951 1155 1418 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:22:29.956 1155 1418 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:22:31.194 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:22:31.230 1155 2722 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:22:54.629 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:23:02.815 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:23:02.816 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:23:03.327 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:23:03.327 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:23:03.353 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:23:03.354 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:23:03.354 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.272 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.276 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.294 1155 2560 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:23:49.469 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:23:49.471 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:23:49.471 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:24:03.337 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:24:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:24:16.088 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.data.saver.apps.removed from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.230 1155 3894 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.384 1155 1155 I Telecom : l11111111: Package
com.ss.android.ugc.trill is not tracked.: SSH.oR@AAE
11-03 23:24:16.401 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: InCallController:
updateCarModeForConnections: car mode apps:
11-03 23:24:16.626 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.data.saver.apps.added from system
1938:com.vivo.daemonService/1000 pkg com.vivo.daemonService
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:16.760 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:17.354 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 23:24:17.677 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.applicationbehaviorengine.power.refreshList from system
1817:com.vivo.abe/1000 pkg com.vivo.abe
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:21.779 1155 2097 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
android.intent.action.NETWORK_SET_TIMEZONE from system 1155:system/1000 pkg android
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.522 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
android.intent.action.NETWORK_SET_TIMEZONE from system 1155:system/1000 pkg android
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:29.524 1155 1652 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:30.615 1155 20393 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/app/NetworkState/NetworkState.apk.Expected: 836971211, actual:
11-03 23:24:34.938 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:24:34.939 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:24:34.939 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:46.711 1155 1507 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:24:50.456 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 23:24:51.692 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:24:51.693 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:25:02.287 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 23:25:03.332 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:25:03.332 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:25:11.780 1155 20393 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/priv-app/ManagedProvisioning/ManagedProvisioning.apk.Expected:
3738013818, actual: 3668825434
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:16.719 1155 1911 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:17.988 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:25:17.995 1155 3271 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:25:18.113 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:25:18.117 1155 2097 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:25:18.278 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:25:18.281 1155 3341 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:25:18.380 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:25:18.384 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:36.718 1155 1965 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:38.168 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:25:38.170 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:25:38.170 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:25:43.578 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:46.710 1155 1419 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:25:49.604 1155 1155 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: DefaultDialerCache:
Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now com.android.dialer
11-03 23:25:53.183 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:25:53.208 1155 3340 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:25:54.178 1155 1461 E libprocessgroup: AddTidToCgroup failed to write
'30544'; fd=99: Invalid argument
11-03 23:25:54.178 1155 1461 E libprocessgroup: Failed to add task into cgroup
11-03 23:25:55.240 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:25:55.283 1155 3894 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:26:03.330 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:26:03.330 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:06.720 1155 1508 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:08.527 1155 1508 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 5 queried, returning: null
11-03 23:26:08.537 1155 3982 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 4 queried, returning: null
11-03 23:26:14.163 1155 1479 E VerityUtils: Failed to measure fs-verity, errno 1:
11-03 23:26:15.262 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.401 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.404 1155 8638 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:19.429 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:20.799 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:26:20.805 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:22.984 1155 3984 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.014 1155 3264 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:23.021 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:26:23.044 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:26:23.126 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:26:23.128 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:26:23.128 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:26:23.431 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:26:23.435 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:26:23.517 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:26:23.521 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:26:23.638 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:26:23.642 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:26:23.720 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:26:23.725 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:26:25.003 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:26:25.045 1155 3984 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:26:45.051 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:26:46.718 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:01.817 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:27:01.821 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:27:01.905 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:27:01.910 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:27:02.061 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:27:02.066 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:27:02.155 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:27:02.160 1155 3269 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:27:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:27:03.341 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:06.727 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.071 1155 20393 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/priv-app/VivoOffice/VivoOffice.apk.Expected: 2993632091, actual:
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:16.734 1155 3982 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:27:21.081 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:27:21.096 1155 3269 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:27:23.085 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:27:23.133 1155 3982 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:27:29.288 1155 20393 E system_server: Dex checksum does not match for
dex: /system/priv-app/RcsSDK/RcsSDK.apk.Expected: 2312127040, actual: 450426778
11-03 23:27:54.698 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:27:59.332 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:27:59.343 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:27:59.429 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:27:59.738 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:27:59.742 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:27:59.832 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:27:59.836 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:27:59.960 1155 3269 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:28:00.018 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:28:00.022 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:28:00.101 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:28:00.104 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:28:03.344 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:28:03.350 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:28:09.696 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:28:09.697 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:28:24.706 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:26.766 1155 3269 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.557 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.559 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:49.584 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:28:57.167 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:28:57.171 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:28:57.253 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:28:57.257 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:28:57.366 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:28:57.370 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:28:57.451 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:28:57.455 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:29:03.331 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:29:03.332 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:29:20.389 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:29:20.417 1155 2879 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:29:22.377 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:29:22.429 1155 8638 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:29:27.506 1155 3307 E system_server: Invalid file format:
11-03 23:29:27.509 1155 3307 E system_server: Unable to access:
/sys/kernel/dmabuf/buffers: No such file or directory
11-03 23:29:33.221 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:29:33.228 1155 2426 E DhcpPacket: bootpBeginOffset:0, bootpEndOffset:287
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:36.773 1155 2879 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:38.814 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:29:38.815 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:29:40.544 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:29:40.546 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:29:40.546 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:29:42.423 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.422 1155 9147 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:29:54.459 1155 1911 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:29:54.479 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:29:54.843 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:29:54.848 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:29:54.930 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:29:54.933 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:29:55.095 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:29:55.099 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:29:55.175 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:29:55.179 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:29:56.350 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:29:56.350 1155 1456 E KernelCpuSpeedReader: Failed to read cpu-freq:
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state: open failed: ENOENT (No
such file or directory)
11-03 23:29:56.350 1155 1456 E system_server: Cannot read thread CPU times for
PID 1155
11-03 23:29:56.455 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:29:56.502 1155 3984 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:30:03.330 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:30:03.335 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:30:06.927 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:06.931 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:07.005 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:07.009 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:07.162 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:07.168 1155 3984 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:07.249 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:07.252 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:16.540 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:30:24.941 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:30:24.958 1155 3307 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.pem.temperature_has_changed from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.792 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:26.997 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:30:27.087 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:30:47.002 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.108 1155 3270 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:47.513 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:47.520 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:47.586 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:47.590 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:47.792 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:47.796 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:47.871 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:47.876 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:48.004 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:48.008 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:48.087 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:48.092 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.mtkbandsignal from system 1997:com.android.phone/1001 pkg
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.023 1155 7196 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:30:59.057 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: TelecomServiceImpl:
isInEmergencyCall: false
11-03 23:30:59.084 1155 3270 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
requestLocationUpdatesLocked com.mediatek.ims
11-03 23:30:59.442 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:59.452 1155 3340 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:59.524 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:59.528 1155 9147 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:59.708 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:59.715 1155 3307 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:30:59.806 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:30:59.813 1155 7196 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:31:01.088 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:31:01.191 1155 9147 E _V_VivoRequestRecordData: test
11-03 23:31:03.339 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:31:03.339 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.706 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.vivo.powercontrol from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.708 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
action.topinfo from system 3278:com.vivo.pem/1000 pkg com.vivo.pem
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:19.730 1155 3307 E ActivityManager: at
11-03 23:31:21.143 1155 1575 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1208) failed {.code =
ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
11-03 23:31:27.727 1155 1155 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
11-03 23:31:27.727 1155 1155 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
11-03 23:31:28.122 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:31:28.127 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:31:28.204 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:31:28.209 1155 8638 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:31:28.369 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:31:28.374 1155 2879 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:31:28.455 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify
Service}, ***, UserHandle{0}]
11-03 23:31:28.458 1155 3264 I _V_Telecom: Telecom: VivoCallsManager:
handlePhoneAccountChanged: phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, ***, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=1}] GroupId: ***]
11-03 23:31:36.593 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 23:31:36.594 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyForegroundServicesEvent() pid:31752,uid:10178,serviceType:0
11-03 23:31:36.599 1155 8638 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=com.android.vending.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE_LOGGING flg=0x10
eiver (has extras) } send by ApplicationInfo{4f951ca com.android.vending} should
with permissions for security!!!
11-03 23:31:38.493 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_GET/SET_SF_STATE IOCTL,cmd=
1074294797, lParam=0.
11-03 23:31:38.494 1155 1426 D AES : AEEIOCTL_RT_MON_Kick IOCTL,cmd=
2147774474, lParam=300.
11-03 23:31:38.967 1155 2879 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{18e8c6b system/1000 ImpFg #21782} whose proc state 4 is better than
process ProcessState{e3c93c8 com.vivo.rms/1000 pkg=com.vivo.abe} proc state 7 (25
11-03 23:31:39.305 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: E msg.what=21
11-03 23:31:39.305 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: processMsg: ValidatedState
11-03 23:31:39.311 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: isDataStall: result=0, tcp
packets received=0, latest tcp fail rate=-1, consecutive dns timeout count=0
11-03 23:31:39.311 1155 2785 D NetworkMonitor/100: handleMessage: X
11-03 23:31:40.983 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:31:41.007 1155 2879 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 222
trun off
11-03 23:31:41.594 1155 8638 I ActivityManager: Background started FGS: Allowed
[callingPackage: com.android.vending; callingUid: 10178; uidState: TRNB; intent:
Intent { act=com.google.android.finsky.BIND_DOWNLOAD_SERVICE
pkg=com.android.vending (has extras) }; code:ACTIVITY_STARTER;
allingUid:-1>; targetSdkVersion:33; callerTargetSdkVersion:33;
startForegroundCount:0; bindFromPackage:null]
11-03 23:31:41.596 1155 1421 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 23:31:41.599 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyForegroundServicesEvent() pid:31752,uid:10178,serviceType:0
11-03 23:31:41.602 1155 8638 D _V_NotificationService:
DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY:enqueueNotificationWithTag pkg=com.android.vending
opPkg=com.android.vendingtag=null notification=Notification(channel=maintenance-v2
shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0xa
color=0xff01875f actions=2 vis=SECRET internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) userId =0
11-03 23:31:41.604 1155 8638 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 23:31:41.605 1155 8638 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 23:31:41.605 1155 8638 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 23:31:41.605 1155 8638 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 23:31:41.615 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyNotificationShownEvent() pid:31752,uid:10178,shown:false
11-03 23:31:41.615 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:31752,uid:10178
11-03 23:31:41.631 1155 7196 W _V_VivoAmsImpl: ****vivo protected
broadcast:Intent { act=com.android.vending.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE_LOGGING flg=0x10
eiver (has extras) } send by ApplicationInfo{4f951ca com.android.vending} should
with permissions for security!!!
11-03 23:31:41.631 1155 1445 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 23:31:41.631 1155 1445 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 23:31:41.632 1155 1445 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 23:31:41.632 1155 1445 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 23:31:41.639 1155 2879 D _V_NotificationService:
DEBUG_OVERRIDE_NOTIFY:enqueueNotificationWithTag pkg=com.android.vending
opPkg=com.android.vendingtag=null notification=Notification(channel=maintenance-v2
shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0xa
color=0xff01875f actions=2 vis=SECRET internalType=0 internalPriority=0
internalGroupPriority=0 internalFlag=0) userId =0
11-03 23:31:41.642 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyNotificationShownEvent() pid:31752,uid:10178,shown:false
11-03 23:31:41.643 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:31752,uid:10178
11-03 23:31:41.649 1155 2879 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 23:31:41.649 1155 2879 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 23:31:41.650 1155 2879 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
11-03 23:31:41.650 1155 2879 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
scheduleReportPlaybackEvent() what:6,delay:10
11-03 23:31:41.661 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
handlerPlaybackPolicyNotificationShownEvent() pid:31752,uid:10178,shown:false
11-03 23:31:41.661 1155 1665 D _V_VivoAudioPlaybackPolicy:
updateAudioPolicyAppState() pid:31752,uid:10178

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