United Nations Goals Assignment Bethers

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Ben Bethers

IB English
Moosman Period 2
December 20, 2022

United Nations Goals Assignment

1. Sustainability Goals:
I chose the “Ending Poverty In All Forms” goal to analyze. As I began going through this
page, it became immediately apparent that they were focusing on statistical information. I
realized that they focused on informing their audience about the state of poverty around
the world using these statistics. I would also say that there is a secondary motive to gain
support for this initiative supported by the use of these large statistics. By emphasizing
the enormous scope of this issue, the United Nations successfully convinces its audience
that this is something that is a threat to all humanity and therefore needs to be fought by
all of humanity.

2. International Peace and Security Paragraphs:

The different aspects of this web page are very effective in explaining how the different
parts of the United Nations are important and able to maintain some level of peace and
security world wide. I think that the overall explanations of the functions and powers of
the Security Council and the General Assembly help the reader feel important and
informed to some level. This way of presenting the information makes the reader feel like
they are part of the larger whole. I also think that the videos give the reader a very nice
visual look into the functioning of the United Nations, it is very interesting compared to
the walls of text.

I think that there are certain aspects of this webpage which are effective in truly
convincing the average reader that the United Nations is a force for peace and good in the
world. I think that the Life of a Peacekeeper in the Democratic Republic of Congo was
particularly effective. I think that this video also gives the audience a very human look
behind the policy and bureaucracy of this worldwide organization. The personal look into
this peacekeeper and how he mentions his daughter and personal life makes the reader
feel more connected to the United Nations foundation.

3. Statute of the International Court of Justice:

I think that the aspect I admire most about this charter is that it pins the judges on the
court overall with moral responsibility and fairness. The charter overall points out a
higher moral responsibility that judges have in their position. It restricts the judges from
practicing politics while they are in office and it states that they have a high moral
responsibility to judge with integrity. I think that this does much to improve the
reputation of the United Nations, because it gives the audience trust that the organization
is founded on basic moral principles and decency.

4. Common Agenda Report:

The structure of this web page is very short and to the point. The web page attempts to
rally humanity under this flag to save itself by pointing out the threats that loom over us. I
think that this is an effective strategy because, as we have seen in many famous war and
propaganda, the strongest way to rally humanity seems to be to establish a common
enemy, and in this case it is the overall threat of the breakdown of humanity. I think that
they are definitely using very loaded words but it is overall an effective choice.

After they establish a threat, they use the rally point they have created to push for twelve
initiatives. Out of all of these, I think that number three, “Promote peace and prevent
conflicts”, was my favorite out of all of them. Especially with recent conflicts like that in
Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Syria, this goal has much urgency behind it. I like how this
goal has many different aspects of it, mainly prevention, through efficient use of
resources. Using land in a smarter way, reacting differently to violence, and protecting
the weakest among us are all good causes that people can rally behind. One comment I
will make is that the poster overall does seem to be pushing a certain agenda. Especially
the part where it mentions funding being diverted to different areas of the United Nations,
it feels like the United Nation is fighting against itself for money and resources rather
than creating a united front against the collapse of humanity.

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