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9° ANO – Atividade Avaliativa Bimestral –

“But the deck is dramatically stacked against

4º Bimestre them. Most 16-year-olds are simply not ready for
the challenges of being a parent, emotionally and
1. Read the text and answer the questions: financially.”
(1,0) Aggie, who’s from Quincy, Massachusetts, wasn’t
ready. When she learned she was pregnant, her
mind raced with questions she didn’t have the
In 2010, when Aggie Ferguson answer to. “I was devastated,” said Aggie. “I was
told her boyfriend that she was thinking, ‘What am I going to do?’; ‘How am I
pregnant, he vowed to stand by going to support the baby?’; ‘How am I going to
her. He wanted to stay together finish my education?”
and have a family, he said. But At first, Aggie and her boyfriend tried to make
his enthusiasm for fatherhood their relationship work. She moved in with him for
quickly faded after he learned a month. But after she discovered he was
Aggie was expecting a girl. “He brought me unfaithful, she packed her bags and returned
flowers at the ultrasound”, Aggie now 18. “But home to live with her mother.
when he found out I was having a girl, he lost When her daughter Mia was born in 2011,
interest. He wanted a son. He just tossed the Aggie’s boyfriend didn’t bother to show up at the
flowers at me and told me he’d meet me outside.” hospital. Now twenty months old, Mia has only
Like Aggie, most of the 820,000 teenagers who seen her father a handful of times – mostly in
get pregnant each year in the US face court, where Aggie has had to go to force him pay
motherhood frightened and alone. child support. Absentee fathers are hardly
“There are many young mothers working hard, uncommon. In fact, nearly 80% of fathers of
struggling, and trying to do right by their children born to teen mothers do not marry the
children,” says Bill Albert, spokesperson for the mothers. Teens moms like Aggie are often forced
National campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. to take the role of both mother and father.
Aggie misses the freedom she once had to ride
horses, play basketball, and go to parties with
friends. Even though Aggie has family to help her,
she’s reluctant to ask. “It’s not my mom’s
responsibility to take care of my child,” Aggie
says. “It’s mine.”

By Haren Fanning, in CHOICES, February 2013 (abridged and


I. Why did Aggie’s boyfriend change his attitude about her pregnancy?

a) Because she was expecting twins.

b) Because she was expecting a boy
c) Because she was expecting a girl
d) Because she had lost his baby.

II. Although they tried to make things work, why did Aggie end up leaving her boyfriend?

a) Because she's decided to abort their baby.
b) Because she discovered he was with someone else during their relationship.
c) Because he didn't want to get married.

2. Analyse the graph and complete the gaps: (1,0)

* L.B. : live births

By analyzing the number of LB to mothers aged 10 to 14 years in the period from 2000 to 2011, an
increase was found in ______________________________________________ while other Brazilian
macroregions showed decline, e.g. ___________________________

In Brazil as a whole, there was an increase of 5.0% in the number of LB to mothers aged from
__________________, and a 19.1% decline among mothers in the age range from

3. Circle the correct option: (1,5)

a) Young teenage girls usually don´t think / are thought before having a child.

b) Their health and education are affected / affect when this circumstance occurs.

c) Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to make decisions about their sexual and
reproductive health and well-being. They really are suffered / suffer the consequences

d) Pregnant girls often drop out / are dropped out of school, limiting opportunities for future employment
and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

4. Complete the sentences using the Simple Present Passive: (1,5)


The answering machine _______________ (make) by Calvin.


Deforestation _______________________ (call) Progress by some humans.


The boy _______________________ (worth) a million for his mother.

5. Read the sentences and write (A) ACTIVE VOICE or (P) PASSIVE VOICE: (1,5)

a) _______ Louise made the coffee.

b) _______ The coffee was made by Louise.

c)_______ The package was advertised by the travel agent.

d) _______ The travel agent advertised the package.

e) _______ Jogging is done by many people for exercise.

f) ________French is spoken in Niger.

g) ______He has been to Italy.

h) ______Their house has been demolished.

i) ________ The kitchen is being cleaned right now.

j)________ My laundry will be washed by Sam.

6. Change the sentences to Passive Voice: (1,5)

a)Many people begin new projects in January.

b) The Chinese discovered acupuncture thousands of years ago.
c)The police locked up the criminals
d) They also speak German at EU meetings
e)The robbers made up the story.

7. What's the correct form of the Passive Voice below? (1,0)

" I washed the car with my favorite T-shirt today."

a) The car is washed with my favorite T-shirt today.

b) The car has been washed with my favorite T-shirt today.

c) The car was washed with my favorite T-shirt today.

d) The car is being washed with my favorite T-shirt today.

e) The car was being washed with my favorite T-shirt today.

8. Read the excerpt given and take a look on the image. Then, explain the relation between the song
and The Berlin Wall. (1,0)

“Wind of Change” came out as part of the Scorpions’ hit album “Crazy World” on 25 November 1990. It has
since been featured on a number of their live and compilation albums.

“...Theworld is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change”

Scorpions – Wind of Change





Have a nice test!

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