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9° ANO – Atividade Avaliativa Bimestral – 2º Bimestre

1. Read the text and answer the

questions: (1,5)

GM FOODS considerable investments are needed since

to produce them, modern biotechnology is
used which requires highly skilled people
and sophisticated equipment. This is why
GM crops are more expensive for farmers
than traditional crops. However, GM crops,
farmers are told, are a far better option
since it takes a shorter time to produce the
desired product.
The Debate over Genetically Modified
Foods Herbicide-resistant GM crops can be
produced to resist herbicide. This means
A tomato that softens more slowly, that farmers could spray these crops with
allowing it to keep longer on the shelf; herbicide and kill the weeds, without
Potatoes that absorb less fat when fried; affecting the crop. In effect, the amount of
changing French fries from junk food into a herbicide used would be reduced.
more nutritional one;
Strawberry crops that can survive frost. […] However, the claims of less herbicide
These are just some of the benefits usage with GM crops have till no/w not
promised by biotechnology. The debate been independently supported by facts.
over its advantages and safety, however,
continues. Better quality foods

Even animals can be genetically modified

Benefits: one side of the debate to grow faster and need less food. They
could be modified to have special traits,
Economical GM supporters tell farmers such as greater milk production in cows.
that they stand to reap enormous profits
from growing GM crops. Initially Risks: the other side of the debate

Environmental impact
In Europe, a strain of sugar beet that was
Little is known about the impact that GM genetically modified to be resistant to a
crops will have on the environment. The particular herbicide has inadvertently
genetic structure of any living organism is acquired the genes to resist another. This
complex and GM crop tests focus on short- was discovered when farmers attempted to
term effects only. There is not enough destroy the crop in Britain, France and the
Netherlands, where it was being tested, and
research yet into their long-term risks or 0.5% of the crop survived. Farmers had to
impact on biodiversity. use more noxious herbicides to remove the
remainder of the plantation.
Dangers of herbicide resistance
Allergies and toxins
Very little scientific information exists about the risk of
GM food on human health. One major report explains
how GM foods could trigger new allergies and contain
toxins that may be harmful. Another concern is disease.
Since some crops are modified using the DNA from
viruses and bacteria, will we see new diseases emerge?
I. The text is about...
by Kerryn Sakko (Abridged and freely adapted) SOURCE:
http://www.actionbioscience.org/biotechn ology/sakko.html
a) traditional crops and how the farmers use

b) GM foods that are herbicide which affect

3. We can say that the fake news
the crops;
according to the text are: (1,5)
c) GM foods and modified animals that are
used only in Europe;

d) Genetically Modified Food and some

characterists about it.

II. Why are GM foods still a

controversial issue?

III. Which dangers can GM foods cause to
people’s health? b)


2. Read the old habits of John and his friends and

complete the sentence with Used to or Didn´t use to:

a) I ____________________( spray) herbicide in my

crops but now, I don´t.

b)The farmers in my region __________________

_______________(ignore) the consequences of on the

c) I__________________(see) only the advantages of

GM crops. 2

d) My friends___________________(not/ have) any

e) I _____________________(travel) to another city

c) a)

4. Look at the chart of Mike´s early ____________________________
memories and answer the question: (1,5) ____________________________

2006 2018
a) Did Mike use to drive a car in 2006? - shy - outgoing
- ride a bike - drive a car
- go to school - go to work


b) Did Mike use to be shy in 2006?


c) Did Mike use to ride a bike in 2018?



5. Compare them before and after. Then, BEFORE AFTER

make sentences using the structures Used
to or Didn’t use to: (1,5) was a janitor rock star

I sometimes talk to_______________.

________________________________ 7. Choose the correct alternative: (1,0)

________________ It’s too hot in here. Let’s refresh
_________ with a drink of cold water.

a) myself
6. Look at the pictures and use the b) yourself
appropriate Reflexive Pronoun. (1,5) c) yourselves
d) ourselves
e) themselves7. Choose the correct
alternative: (1,0)

It’s too hot in here. Let’s refresh

_________ with a drink of cold water.
a) Sarah has
cooked by ____________________ a) myself
b) yourself
c) yourselves
d) ourselves
e) themselves

They don´t care

about_______________only about
the videogame.


Do you believe in________________?


d) My mother was
feeling sorry
for____________________________. HAVE A NICE TEST!


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