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Name : Rena Yuliana

NIM : E1D020173

Class : 5-TP5


When the first date with you

Where the date is on Sunday

Where the sun has risen, Sunday

I feel very excited to meet you

24/7 I thougt only of you all day

The first date I’ve been waiting

I don’t know how this feeling

It feels like become a special day

I don’t know what you did to me

I feel happy you are my boyfriend

And I am lucky to be your girlfriend

Do you also feel the same as me

Hum Hum after a lot of thinking

Finally all night I just stay up

When the sun hasn’t woken up

Why is one day can feel so long

I think about you every night boy

I feel very excited to date you

Tomorrow I will get to see you

And I don’t know what to say

I am trying to imagine how we do it

The day I get to meet you, Sunday

The day I have waiting for, Sunday

I can’t wait to meet you and do it

I will make a plan for you darling

I don’t think I can sleep today

And tomorrow is the date day

Which is the day I’ve been dreaming

I keep looking in the mirror

My hearts keeps beating more

Feels like I can’t say no more

My everyday like a filmmaker

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