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(1) What is schizophrenia?

Ans. Schizophrenia refers to a class of disorders in which severe distortion of reality

occurs. Thinking, perception, and emotion may deteriorate; the individual may withdraw
from social interaction; and the person may display bizarre behaviour.

(2) What are the major features of schizophrenia?

Ans. Major features of schizophrenia are:
● Decline from a previous level of functioning.
● Disturbances of thought and speech.
● Delusion
● Hallucinations and perceptual disorders.
● Emotional disturbances.
● Withdrawal.

(3) Distinguish b/w delusions & hallucinations.

Ans. Hallucinations are sensory experiences that one perceives as real when they’re actually
not. They can be caused by medications, substance use, or certain medical or mental health
conditions. On the other hand, delusions are beliefs that are obviously false. They’re symptoms
of a disturbance in thinking.

(4) Look at the pictures of cats drawn by a schizophrenic on p580. Remembering our definition
of creativity as "novel but appropriate (to the demands of the task or situation), would you call
these pictures creative?
Ans. These pictures drawn by the person suffering from schizophrenia are creative as although
there is a severe distortion in the reality that they perceive, they still have the agency to deviate
from what they usually see in their surroundings, just like a person not exhibiting abnormal

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