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1. Read the text and choose the most appropriate option: (1,5)

a) Van Gogh was born in Holland and didn’t express his emotions.
b) He loved sunflowers and painting his emotions.
c) He painted in colors but he preferred black and white.

2. Complete according to the FIRST CONDITIONAL: (2,0)

a) If you_______________(study) more, you__________________(get) a better

b) Your mother___________(read) that book if your brother_______________(buy)
it to her.

c) If my friend_______________(call) me tomorrow, I_________________(invite)
him to come to the party.
d) He_____________(move) in January if he _______________________(receive)
that promotion.
e) If your parents___________(get divorced), they_________________(be)

3. Create appropriate complements for each sentence: (2,0)

a) If our teacher gives me another test, _________________________________.

b) If I sleep late tonight, _____________________________________________.
c) If my parentes travel, _____________________________________________.
d) My best friend will listen to music if___________________________________.
e) I won’t watch a movie if____________________________________________.

4. Match the first part of the sentence on the left with the correct ending on the
right. (1,5)

5. Put the words in the correct order to make conditional sentences. (1,5)

Example: works will she hard boss give a the raise if her

The boss will give her a raise if she works hard.

1. we if is cancel the bad will the weather game


2. she car if will doesn’t take the start bus her

3. I am your will if come to I not party busy


4. if will umbrella it take rains I an


5. if put will in fridge you the go don’t milk the it sour


6. Choose the correct alternative: (1,5)

If he is lost,...

a) he will ask for help.

b) he will asked for help.
c) he will asking for help.

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