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Name : Olivia Mahulette ( 202121339 )

Class : R2H

 Meeting 9

Corruption is all dishonest actions that take advantage of position or

power to gain personal or other benefits. In Indonesia, acts of corruption are
regulated in Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Non-
Criminal Corruption. Based on the law, corruption is any person who
unlawfully commits an act of enriching himself, another person, or a
corporation that can harm state finances and the state economy. Corruption is
an extraordinary crime. Corruption has eroded trust, weakened democracy,
hampered economic development and exacerbated inequality, poverty and
environmental crises. Corruption cases in Indonesia are still happening. Based
on the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index, Indonesia is ranked 96th out of 180
countries. Meanwhile, based on a survey from the Central Statistics Agency
(BPS) in 2021, the Anti-Corruption Behavior Index is in the range of 3.88%.

The cause of corruption internally comes from oneself or family

encouragement. While the causes of corruption externally come from outside a
person's personal life. The first factor that causes internal and external
corruption is human greed. This greed is classified as an internal cause.
Generally, the perpetrators of corruption are officials or high-ranking officials
who already have a lot of wealth. However, greed and greed give rise to a great
desire to enrich oneself. The second factor is because of a consumptive lifestyle.
Living in big cities will usually encourage a person's lifestyle to be more
consumptive. This lifestyle is often not balanced with what they have. Income
that cannot support a consumptive lifestyle will encourage someone to do
anything to fulfill their desires. One of them is by acts of corruption. The
following factors are due to family encouragement. It is very unfortunate if
someone's acts of corruption are precisely because of encouragement from the
family. Behaviorists say that it is the family environment that strongly
encourages a person to commit corruption. This drive can even beat the good
qualities of people who have become their personal traits. An environment that
should direct and build good morals actually supports a person when he
abuses his power. And there are many other factors that cause someone to
commit a criminal act of corruption.

Preventive and repressive prevention efforts so that acts of corruption no

longer occur are to minimize the causes or opportunities for corruption and to
accelerate the process of taking action against perpetrators of corruption.
Preventive efforts are efforts to prevent corruption which are directed at
minimizing the causes and opportunities for someone to commit acts of
corruption. Detective efforts are efforts directed at detecting cases of corruption
quickly, accurately, and at low cost. So that it can be followed up immediately.
Repressive efforts are efforts that are directed so that every act of corruption
that has been identified can be processed quickly, accurately, and at low cost.
So that the perpetrators can be immediately punished according to the
applicable laws and regulations. Hopefully in the future there will be no more
cases of corruption so that our country becomes a country that is free from
words of corruption.

 Meeting 10
1. What are the five principles of Pancasila?
1. Belief in the one and only God
2. Just and civilized Humanity
3. The Unity of Indonesia
4. Democracy Guided by the Inner Wisdom in the Unaminity Arising
Out of Deliberations Amongst Representatives
5. Social Justice for the whole of the People of Indonesia
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?
Answer : The main idea of paragraph 1 is Pancasila as the basic
philosophy of our Country

3. What does the word “one” in paragraph 1 refer to?

Answer: The word “one” in paragraph 1 is refer to people of Indonesia

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?

Answer: The main idea of paragraph 2 is about religion in Indonesia

5. What does the word “our” in paragraph 2 refer to?

Answer: The word “our” in paragraph 2 is refer to Indonesian citizens

6. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ?

Answer: The main idea of paragraph 3 is about peaceful in relation
between people

7. What does the word “his” in paragraph 3 refer to ?

Answer: The word “his” in paragraph 3 refer to Indonesian citizen

8. What is the main idea of paragraph 4 ?

Answer : The main idea of paragraph 4 is about enemity that should
be avoided

9. What does the word “they” in paragraph 4 refer to ?

Amswer : The word “they” in paragraph 4 refer to citizens

10. Why should enemity be avoided?

Answer :Enemity should be avoided so peace is created in the country

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