Bhr20303 Osha A1 Report

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1.0 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1
Figure 1.1 IOI Mall Puchong.........................................................................................1
2.0 TYPE OF HAZARDS FOUND IN IOI MALL PUCHONG..................................................2
2.1 Overflowing of Rubbish.............................................................................................2
Figure 2.1.1 Sheela with the potential hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall
Puchong......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Elevator....................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2.2.1 Hamizah with the potential hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall
Puchong......................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Open Maintenance Without Any Protection.............................................................5
Figure 2.3.1 Amira with the potential hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall
Puchong......................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Abandon Electric Equipment.....................................................................................7
Figure 2.4.1 Umairah with the potiental hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall
Puchong......................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 LIFT.............................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.5.1 Fazirah with the potential hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall
Puchong......................................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Cracked Roads.......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2.6.1 Aarthi with the potential hazard at the parking of IOI Mall Puchong . 10
3.0 Suggestions to Improve...............................................................................................11
3.1 Suggestion for the problem of Overflowing of Rubbish........................................11
3.2 Suggestion for Escalator Problem..........................................................................11
3.3 Suggestion for Open Maintenance Without Protection Problem..........................13
3.4 Suggestion for Abandon Electrical Equipment Problem.......................................14
3.5 Suggestion for Lift Problem.....................................................................................14
3.6 Suggestion for Cracked Roads Problem................................................................16
4.0 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................... 17
5.0 REFERENCES............................................................................................................... 18


Figure 1.1 IOI Mall Puchong

The area that we have chosen for our assignment 1 is the IOI Mall. Puchong. The mall is developed
by the IOI Properties Group Berhad. Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia's IOI Mall Puchong is a shopping
centre. It is divided into two sections, the Old Wing and the New Wing. It now has around 250 shops,
with more on the way. The Old Wing also has an outdoor and a rooftop parking lot, while the New
Wing has a basement parking lot. It is close to the IOI Puchong Jaya LRT Station, which was just
completed. The IOI Mall Puchong first opened its doors in 1996. It was constructed to service the
small population of Puchong at the time.

Prior to getting renamed ON in March 2012, the Old Wing of the mall was operated by Jusco, a
subsidiary of ON. In 2009, a new wing was added to the facility. As a result, new tenants such as
Padini Concept Store and Brands Outlet have moved in. The mall's design was influenced by Spanish
and Colonial architecture. The mall began renovations in December 2017, with parts of the mall being
updated to a modern architectural design and all main lighting fixtures being replaced with LED

Celebrity Fitness was also relocated to the new wing's second level, while Padini and Uniqlo were
relocated to the ground floor. On the first floor, there was also a new food street featuring stores
including A&W and Go Noodle House. Parts of the mall have reopened, with the entire project
expected to be completed by the end of 2018. With Sports Direct and Reka Play Gym, the ancient
Ampang Superbowl area has been transformed into a digital hub in 2019.



2.1 Overflowing of Rubbish

Figure 2.1.1 Sheela with the potential hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall Puchong

There are many safety issues in IOI Mall, Puchong and one of it is the overflowing of rubbish in the
toilet. From the photo above, we can see that the garbage bin in the toilet is full of rubbish and started
to overflow. It is necessary very unhygienic for those who will be using the toilet as this overflowing
of rubbish that is not being cleared might cause bacterial infection. This is because the overflowing of
garbage bin will cause the breeding of insects and bacteria.

On the other hand, the overflowing of the rubbish will cause air pollution to happen in the toilet of the
mall. As toxins are transmitted from the lungs into other areas of the body, one of the consequences of
overflowing rubbish is air pollution, which causes a variety of respiratory ailments and other negative
health impacts.

Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane are some of the hazardous chemicals found in waste-
contaminated air. Plus, the workers at the IOI Mall might be exposed to health risk with direct
handling as infections, chronic diseases, and accidents are all concerns that waste collection workers
face when picking up and handling overflowing garbage.


2.2 Elevator

Figure 2.2.1 Hamizah with the potential hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall
Puchong. Apart from elevator, escalator is also used as a means of vertically transporting people
from one level of a shopping mall building to another. It is a moving staircase made up of a motor-
driven chain of individually connected steps on a track that cycles on a pair of parallel tracks that keep
them horizontal. The escalators will continue to move in an unending cycle, with no stops unless
manually halted for a short period of time.

Since then, escalators are seen anywhere in public facilities – including our chosen shopping mall, IOI
Mall Puchong, as they are convenient in managing large volumes of customers or pedestrians in
places such as shopping malls or subways and/or splitting up sudden flood of people during rush
hours and/or weekends. However, despite them being convenient and helpful to the people’ lives,
their commonness may contribute to users’ lack of attentiveness especially on children or elders.

On the escalator, we tend to be distracted either by our phone, talking with friends or family members,
the surrounding, etc. and such distraction would bring potential hazard/risk to them when using it. The
distraction may lead to the users Tripping and Falling due to lose of balance or footing, or their
bottom pants/skirts/shoelaces Get Stuck in the Gap Between the Stairs and the Landing
Platform. Moreover, the tripping and falling can also happened

because of the escalator itself, whereby if the speed difference between the escalator’s handrail and
the device is more than the standard deviation, it will cause the handrail to pull the user’s arm that
lead to he/she falls.

Plus, if the handrail stops out of the blue, the same type of hazard will happen to the user as per
mentioned before. In addition to that, hazard also happen if the machine stops or starts at unexpected
reasons. This action may cause the users to lose their balance and fall on the steps or on other users in
front or at the back. Even worst, someone’s finger especially young kids with smaller fingers could
crush or sheering between handrail and the handrail frame of the escalator. Such hazard happened due
to the improper installation where there are gaps more than the standards requirement of the
balustrade interior panels.

These hazards would not only happen to the customers visiting the shopping mall but to the workers
as well, especially to those who are working as maintenance for the escalator. When the escalator is
malfunction, it is the job for the maintenance workers to fix it back to fully function, and during that
time, potential hazards could be happening. One of the potential hazards the workers may face is
Electrocution due to damaged electrical cords or exposed wires. Other than that, Cutting or
Pinching from the sharp edges of skirt guard or the escalator floor plates. Workers also may Fall
from Height if they are working on the open sides of the escalator truss that could lead to several
injuries such as broken back, hand, head or worst, death. Plus, if the work to repair the escalator takes
longer than usual, it bounds to lead the place to become messy with equipment and loose cables
surrounded them and because of that, workers might Trip and Fall.

Not only that, oil stain that is not immediately wipe off would also cause not only the maintenance
workers but also other workers for the shopping mall to slip and fall as well. Lastly, when repairing
the escalator, it usually involves of the workers carrying or picking up the heavy material or parts of
the escalator such as the landing or floor plat. Plus, the workers need to be in a posture that is far too
comfortable for them to be either crouching/sitting for too long, bending over, standing up, or others.
These bad postures as well as heavy lifting would cause the workers to face the hazard of

2.3 Open Maintenance Without Any Protection

Figure 2.3.1 Amira with the potential hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall Puchong.

Among the other safety problems that exist and have been identified in the shopping mall of IOI Mall
Puchong is Open Maintenance Without Any Protection. This problem is identified as a process
of repairing facilities in the shopping mall that is done openly and does not put any protection that
works to prevent the occurrence of any possible injuries to people around. This problem will be
described more clearly in the next paragraph.

What we have found, during the repair process, the responsible parties of the shopping mall or even
the technician is not responsible in protecting the area from free access that should be avoided during
the repair process, especially for the surrounding customers. The existence of this shortage is due to
the fact that there is no use of portable temporary hoarding wall that must be used even though it
includes a process that is as simple as possible. Thus, there will be the possibility of accidents and
unnecessary injuries that can affect both the technician and the surrounding customers. For a general
example, a customer passes by the area and accidentally gets his foot stuck on the electrical wire
which causes him to fall and be injured, even that customer will be at risk of getting an electric shock
by any chance. This can happen to both adult and young customers. There is no denying that even the
unwanted customer access can affect the repairing process from running smoothly.

Not to forget that based on our observations, we found that the technician was not wearing a complete
safety uniform as they only wore plain t-shirts and pants while doing their jobs. It is a basic
knowledge and appropriate that every job that includes a process such as repairing should have
equipment with appropriate clothes or uniforms, gloves and all other equipment that can protect them
from injury during their work process. This is because they are the first parties who will be exposed to
electrical handling risks such as electric shock and burns from contact with live parts, as well as injury
from exposure to arcing, fire from faulty electrical equipment or installations.
When those accident occurs, then it will have a negative impact on the shopping mall management
which basically creates a situation where the shopping mall will be considered unsafe for customers to
visit. Last but not least, this safety problem is also categorized in electrical safety where it is a hazard,
as it has the potential to cause harm. Therefore, it is important to be managed properly with the
required careful management, attention to detail and technical competence in order to reduce or avoid
the risk of injuries and accidents.

2.4 Abandon Electric Equipment

Figure 2.4.1 Umairah with the potiental hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall Puchong

One of the safety issues in IOI City Mall, Puchong is the abandoned electric equipment. From the
photo above, we can see that the electrical equipment is leaving there publicly without any
precaution’s signs. When it comes to electrical equipment, it is extremely harmful just because there is
no flame does not guarantee there is no a risk of fire.

For those who are not familiar or acquainted with it, especially the children, they may be at danger
from this abandoned electrical equipment. As we all know, every person has the feelings of curiosity
towards something, thus some folks may be fascinating about the equipment and will reach out to
touch it without thinking. However, if an unfortunate incident occurs and one of the electrical
equipment malfunctions, resulting in a fire or electric sparks it may have an impact on the people and
potentially result in death from the electric shock.

2.5 LIFT

Figure 2.5.1 Fazirah with the potential hazard in the shopping mall of IOI Mall Puchong

Lift at IOI Mall Puchong is out of service. What might make a lift to stop working? The most well-
known justification behind a lift to quit running is the power failure. This might be because of a
structure wide blackout or it very well may be a short out that makes power be sliced
straightforwardly to the lift while the remainder of the structure go on without issue. Most frequently,
the issue is a short out, which could be preventable.

Second common of lift problem is engine failure. Assuming the engine that keeps the lift running
all over separates out of the blue, the lift will likewise quit working. The motor may basically break
down or portions of it could separate or wear. This is a valid justification to keep an eye on it
consistently and to supplant any parts that require substitution.

Thirdly would be the oil contamination. Smidgens of metal can be delivered over the long run on
the off chance that the engine isn't consistently assessed. This can cause issues inside the engine and
at last reason it to quit working by and large. Some other sort of defilement in the oil can likewise
cause issues and will demolish your engine. Very much like a vehicle, the oil should be spotless.
Other than that, operating system failure is also considered as one of the common lift problems to be
occurred. Assuming the working framework on the lift quits working, this can bring about issues, for
example, the entryway not opening when the lift arrives at the right floor, or it might make it difficult
to get to the right floor. In any case, you end up adhered inside and incapable

to open the entryways. In close to 100% of cases, the issue has been preventable and might have been
halted with the right support. That is the reason having specialists mind your lift is so exceptionally
Moving on, to the potential hazard that could happened to workers especially in this case where the
lift is broken or malfunction and needs to be repair in order for the machine to work back as normal,
toward maintenance workers. One of the hazards that the workers may face is Falling Down the
Shaft While Working On the Elevator. This thing could happen due to the lack of attentiveness
where workers are too focused on their work or distracted while attempting to move materials or
equipment, they might unintentionally walk backwards into an open lift shaft. If the shaft is not
properly covered or barricaded with safety nets or guardrails, the workers would fall easily down the
shaft and this could result in lifetime injuries, paralysis, or death.

Plus, since the lift shafts are narrow and long, fall victims may suffer scrapes, bruises, and fractured
bones as a result of slamming against the shaft's sidewalls and floor. In fact, if a worker does not have
appropriate safety equipment, he or she would face the injuries such as spinal fracture, head trauma,
brain injuries, and even death as a result of falling from such a great height. Apart from that, workers
also faced the potential hazard of them Getting Caught in Between the Door or Other Moving
Parts when repairing the lift. This hazard could be a fatal one for the workers if parts of their body
such as head and neck to be trapped between the lift cage and door.

Last but not least, Electric Shock or Electrocution is also considered as potential hazard for
workers that are responsible in repairing the lift. Working on an electrically powered component such
as the lift, workers need to be dealing a lots with wires and cables. Hence, if the crews of maintenance
did not have the proper training on electrical hazards and how to handle them, they may get
electrocuted or electric shock from the wires and cables. The electrocution might lead to them
experiencing a painful muscle spasm that can be strong enough to even break their bones or dislocate
their joints. This hazard can also be fatal especially since lift can also has some areas with high

2.6 Cracked Roads

Figure 2.6.1 Aarthi with the potential hazard at the parking of IOI Mall Puchong

The last safety issue we found at the shopping mall of IOI Mall Puchong is the cracked roads.
According to the photo that have been shown, we clearly can see that the roads at this mall have been
cracked and it has been left out like that without a proper repair. This kind of situation is very
dangerous for the drivers, either customers that come to visit the shopping mall or the employees
working there, especially for two wheelers.

They might fall from the motorcycle when they are using that road because the crack looks literally
deeper than usual. Early detection of road cracks is important because preventative road maintenance
and efficient corrective actions may be implemented before the problem gets too serious and the
pavement breaks. This road is also not safe for children if they use so because they will be not aware
of this issue and they might be injured as well because of this.

3.0 Suggestions to Improve
3.1 Suggestion for the problem of Overflowing of Rubbish
As a company's manager or employer, it is very crucial for actions to be taken must take for anything
that may risks the safety and health of the consumers. This is since if the company does not take
safety seriously, the company's reputation may suffer. As a result, numerous recommendations are
made regarding one of the safety and health concerns that arose in the IOI City Mall in Puchong
which is the overflowing of rubbish.

One of the suggestions is Improvise the Cleaning Schedule for The Staffs. This is because
with the high number of customers visiting the mall, it is necessary for the cleaners to clean up and
clear the rubbish in the dustbin at least 4 to 5 hours once. Hence, this will avoid the overflow of the
rubbish from the dustbin which could prevent many health issues from occurring and at the same time
to maintain the reputation of the mall.

Last but not least, with the suggestion of Placing a Bigger Size of Dustbin especially in the toilet
and increase the number of dustbins. This is because most of the people who visits the toilet will use
the toilet roll. The amount of other type of rubbish and toilet rolls will fulfill the compartment in the
dustbin. So, it will be more convenient if bigger dustbins are provided as it will take a longer time to
be full. The more number of dustbins will be convenient for people to throw rubbish.

3.2 Suggestion for Escalator Problem

Under the Malaysian laws of Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) that related to the
usage and operation of escalators as well as lifts, Sections 15 and 18 of OSHA revealed owner or
building management are responsible in ensuring escalators and/or lifts are safe to be use by the
people. Hence, to ensure from potential hazards such as tripping and failing, clothes entangle between
the floor panel, and others from happening when using the escalator, owner or building management
Could Display Signs That Give Out Warning of the potential hazards or rules of use on the
glass panel near the entrance and/or exit of the escalator.

Some of the examples in a safety sign would be small children must be held firmly by their parents
when using the escalator, those who are wearing loose clothing should keep them clear of the
escalator steps/combs and sides, emergency contact if accident truly happened, and others. However,
it also needs to be keep in mind that too many safety signs as well advertising signs that would usually
place on the glass panel would create the risk of diverting the users’ attention on that rather than
focusing of their safety on the escalator. Thus, those

Safety Signs Can Also Be Made into Audible Warnings whenever users approach the
entrance of the escalator and also exiting it.

Plus, this next approach would be an even better approach in which Workers That Are Near to
The Escalator, for instance security operatives, and trained in identifying potential hazards to Warn
Users On Their Safety While Using the Moving Machine. However, such approach is not
likely to be reasonable practice in most shopping malls. In addition to that, to avoid clothes getting
stuck in between the floor panels, the Escalator Should Be Occupied with Deflector Brush
Or Rubber Lining. This helps to minimize the risk of loose clothing, shoes, and other items to get

Not only that, a step demarcation light is also suggested to be put between steps and at both sides of
the escalator with LED or green fluorescent light as a way to guide the users upon entry and exiting
the moving machine. Other than, under the Section 20 and 21 of OSHA where manufacturers,
suppliers, and designers have the responsibilities of ensuring the escalators are safe to be use for
public. Thus, following on such law and regulation, they already list out the requirements on how to
repair or handle a malfunction escalator. For example, when removing floor plates of the escalator, It
Is Suggested for The Maintenance Workers to Follow the Manufacturer’s
Recommendations on how to do so. This is primarily because they are the ones who build the
moving walking machine and thus, they know the ins and outs of it.

Moreover, workers are advisable to Refrain Themselves from Jumping Straight Away into
The Pit or The Machine Room of the Escalator if they are not qualified or trained to do such
jobs or not fully equipped with safety gears. Owner or building management needs to ensure that only
authorized persons and those who are responsible for carrying out the maintenance/repair allowed to
enter the pit/machine room. To avoid the risk of ergonomic to the workers, it is suggested for them to
Take a Break in Between the Repairing, Changes Their Posture Once in A While, And
Avoid Twisting the Body Too Much when handling the steps.

Removing the oil stain and/or debris or tidying up the repairing area would also help to avoid the
hazard of slipping/tripping and falling. The cleaning should take place after the equipment has been
taken out of use at a frequency defined by the risk assessment. Plus, if the machine is under
maintenance, it is recommended to Place a Safety Barricade at the entrance and exit of escalators.
This is to give a warning to others that the escalator is under maintenance and those who are not
involved in the maintenance and repairing of the machine should not be trespassing on that place.
Last but not least, they should Wear Fall Protection Gear to

avoid the hazard of workers falling from height when working on the open sides of the escalator.

3.3 Suggestion for Open Maintenance Without Protection Problem

In order to maintain and protect the safety of those customers who visit the shopping mall, it is very
important for those responsible, especially the management of the shopping mall to carry out their
duties and responsibilities in prioritizing the safety of their shopping mall area which is crucial for
them to maintain the company's reputation and performance from the elements of negative impact
related to safety and security around customers. With that, we include some suggestions to solve the
problem that can be done to avoid the emergence of safety issues in the shopping mall.

The first suggestion is to Close the Certain Area That Need to Be Repair during the repair
process by using a portable temporary hoarding wall that actually known as a temporary structure
installed around a certain construction site and will be taken down once the work is finished. The
portable one are more convenient to be used inside the shopping mall as it usually manufactured using
corrugated galvanized steel sheet. This portable temporary hoarding wall is often used to form a
private and safe perimeter fence during demolition and construction works as a protector or fort
between certain area.

Besides it also helps in preventing runoff from a dusty area that is important to protect the nearby
environment and passers-by from any debris or dirt that is disturbed on the site. In fact, it will help
solve the shopping mall main problem of the free customer access to the repair area by blocking
customers from using the route to the area using the portable temporary hoarding wall as the border.

The second suggestion will be relating to the Wearing of Complete Safety Clothing that is
important to be practiced for those working in skill streams such as the technician as they are required
to wear safety clothing known as personal protective equipment that will be equipped with safety
uniforms, gloves and other protection for the eyes, head, legs and other body parts. Basically it will
protect them against any physical harm or hazards that the environment may present. It is important
because it exists as a preventative measure for industries that are known to be more hazardous. In fact,
the management of the shopping mall can require the technicians who work for them to wear a
complete PPE so that safety standards and procedures are complied with.

As a short conclusion, the suggestions given are important to take into account to ensure the safety of
the shopping mall area and customers every time the repair process runs. But it is important to ensure
that all other suggestions that can be made to maintain safety in the

shopping mall are based on current needs and need to ensure that every safety measure is monitored
and improved if necessary.

3.4 Suggestion for Abandon Electrical Equipment Problem

For this type of problem, the first suggestion is to Regularly Lock and Seal the Electrical
Equipment in A Specific Room or Space That Is Not Accessible to The Public. The
worker then takes possession of the lock's key, ensuring that only he or she has the ability to open it
and activate the machine. This prevents a machine from being accidentally started when it is in a
dangerous state as well as avoid the unprofessional people to touch the electrical equipment freely.

Other than that, is to Keep a Warning or Precautions Sign Near Electrical Equipment at
All Times. Warning sign is a sort of sign that signals the presence of a potential hazard, impediment,
or condition that necessitates immediate attention. Therefore, the electrical equipment needs to
constantly surrounding with the warning sign in order avoid injury and to ensure that employees and
visitors are informed of potential dangers and hazards to a certain things or environment. Hence, they
will pledge and commit to keep a safe distance from it at all times.

The last suggestion is to Ensure the Electric Equipment Is Unplugging. Unplugging an

appliance is safer than leaving it plugged in. It not only saves you money because plugged-in
equipment requires electricity even when they are turned off, but it also protects them from
overheating and power surges. Normally, the overheating happens when there too much heat and can
cause electrical problems When the equipment become overheating it may cause a lot of bad
consequences such as damage to the circuit components and can result in a fire, explosion, or injury.

3.5 Suggestion for Lift Problem

Our ideas to stay away from lift issue at IOI Mall Puchong is Regular Maintenance. They ought to
unquestionably ensure have standard check-ups and support really looks at done on it. An entirely
working lift might wind up having a difficult issue that could bring about a breakdown sooner, rather
than later. At the point when upkeep is ineffectively done or isn't done as regularly as it ought to be,
lifts will generally separate. This kind of crisis can bring about additional expenses as they attempt to
sort it out last moment and deal with individuals who were caught inside the lift. There might be
claims now and again, contingent upon the circumstance and everything might have been forestalled
by having somebody come in and investigate the lift at regular intervals.


Ordinary examinations are most certainly a piece of caring for your lifts. To try not to issues or have
anybody get injured, they should guarantee that everything is minded routinely. It is likewise smart to
record every single examination, so they can show the desk work in the event that anything occurs.

Users of the lift for the most part are genuinely minor things, for example, the lift halting excessively
suddenly or buttons being more earnestly to push. However, indeed, even little issues ought to be
dealt with rapidly. They are an indication that the framework should be investigated and fixed. All
things considered, on the off chance that one piece of the lift is not working, then, at that point, it is
conceivable to take a gander at different regions before somebody stalls out in the lift. With the right
upkeep and backing, they shouldn't need to manage a lift catching anybody. In any case, would it be
advisable for it happen, it is crucial to have an arrangement set up.

Other than that, practically all lift accidents or fatalities could be stayed away from with the Correct
Safety Training. Such preparation would likewise incorporate what security hardware should be
utilized while dealing with or around lifts. Gloves, hardhats and built up footwear are an absolute
necessity. These things, as well as an individual fall capture framework, ought to be given by
development organizations to their workers. This is on the grounds that, wellbeing preparing is urgent
for laborers acquiring a strong information on security points related with their positions. In the event
that security is not made expressly pertinent to workers' positions, they will be at more serious gamble
for injury, ailment or worst case scenario, died.

3.6 Suggestion for Cracked Roads Problem
One suggestion is to hire road builders and repair the cracked roads. The cracked roads should be
repaired when it is being small. This is because, there would be many cars and motorcycles crossing
all the while so the management should repair the cracked roads so it should be a smooth surface to
travel. Moreover, if people walk along that road, they also will not get hurt and slip because of the
cracked roads. People will feel safe for their rides or walks along the road.

Secondly, the suggestion would be using a better mold of roads. This is because nowadays sometimes
the things are getting mixed with not quality material. The managers should check on the raw
materials that used to build the roads so that it doesn’t get cracked very easily. More likely, they can
also choose a better contractor for building the route or repairing when it gets damaged. This kind of
things will help the management to save the cost of maintenance of the roads.

OSHA recommends that each event cooperatively set up place of work-particular protection
requirements. The business enterprise also establishes schooling packages for occupational protection
and health employees. OSHA sets protection and health standards for plenty work environments and
guarantees that employers follow the ones standards.

Some standards are written for precise industries, as illustrated with the aid of unsafe waste workers’
non-public protecting device. OSHA issues directives that tell employers how to observe OSHA
standards. These directives element the jobs of Compliance Safety and Health Officers, or CSHO’s,
who're tasked with OSHA requirements enforcement.

These trained protection and health experts put in force requirements for trendy enterprise, maritime
professions, and fitness-related creation issues. CSHOs interface with the Whistleblower Protection
Program. This program prohibits retaliation towards employees who contact OSHA approximately
place of job dangers.


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John Honovich (2017), Technician Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guide, IPVM,
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Kurt’s Rubbish Removal (2020), 5 Simple Ways to Deal with Office Rubbish, Retrieved

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La Grazia (2021), Article 36 – Escalator Mechanical Hazards – The Escalator Accidents,

Retrieved from: accidents/


5.8 Article/Website

La Grazia (2021), Article 38 – Escalators Risks & Hazards – Slipping, Tripping, or Falling,
Retrieved from: falling/

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MCR Safety (2020), PPE: Definition, Meaning, Gear, and Equipment, MCR Safety Website,
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Method Statement HQ (n.d.), Possible Causes of Rock Crack and Defect – Road
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Mike Sopp (2020), Escalator Safety, Croner-i, Retrieved from:

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PROACTIVESAFETY (2015), Dangers of Elevator Maintenance and Installation,

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Grading Rubric for Writing Assignment Report


A (4) B (3) C (2) D/F (1) SCORE

1.Focus: Purpose Purpose is clear Shows Shows limited No awareness

awareness of awareness of purpose

2. Main idea Clearly presents There is a main Vague sense of a No main idea
a main idea and idea supported main idea, weakly
supports it throughout most supported throughout
throughout the of the paper. the paper.
3. Organization: Well-planned and Good overall There is a sense of No sense of
Overall well-thought out. organization, organization, although organization
Includes title, includes the main some of the
introduction, organizational organizational tools
statement of main tools. are used weakly or
idea, transitions missing
and conclusion.

4. Content Exceptionally Well-presented Content is sound and Content is not

well-presented and argued; solid; ideas are sound
and argued; ideas are present but not
ideas are detailed, particularly developed
detailed, well- developed and or supported; some
developed, supported with evidence, but usually
supported with evidence and of a generalized
specific evidence details, mostly nature.
& facts, as well specific.
as examples and
specific details.

5. Grammar & Excellent A few errors in Shows a pattern of Continuous

Mechanics grammar, grammar, errors in spelling, errors
spelling, syntax spelling, syntax grammar, syntax
and punctuation. and punctuation, and/or punctuation.
but not many. Could also be a sign
of lack of proof-

TOTAL /20x?


4 3 2 1

Participation Group member Group member Group member Group member did
participated fully participated most of participated but not participate,
and the time wasted time
wasted time, or
was always on task and was on task regularly and/ or worked on
in class. most of the time. was rarely on task.
unrelated material.

Feedback Group member Group member Group member Group member did not
offered detailed, offered constructive occasionally offered offer constructive or
constructive feedback when constructive useful feedback.
feedback when appropriate. feedback, but
appropriate. sometimes the
comments were
inappropriate or not
Cooperation Group member Group member Group member Group member often
treated others usually treated others sometimes treated treated others
respectfully and respectfully and others disrespectfully disrespectfully and/or
shared the work shared the work load and/or did not share did not share the work
load fairly. fairly. the work load fairly. load fairly.

Write the number of the description that fits each group members’ participation in the box under the
collaboration skill. Include your own name in the list.

 4—Student is functioning at a high level and does not need to improve;

 3—Student is working well within the group but has a few areas which could be improved;
 2—Student is making an attempt to work well but needs to improve in some areas;
 1—Student does not seem to be trying to work well with the group and needs to improve a great deal



SHEELA A/P 3 3 3 9
NUR AMIRA 3 3 3 9
AARTHI 3 3 3 9







1 2 3 4

CONTENT The speaker says practically The speaker includes some The speaker focuses The speaker provides a variety
nothing. The speaker focuses irrelevant content. The speaker primarily on relevant of types of content appropriate
Did the presentation have primarily on irrelevant content. wanders off the topic. The content. The speaker sticks for the task, such as details and
valuable material? The speaker appears to ignore speaker uses words and to the topic. The speaker examples and various forms of
the listener and the situation. concepts which are adapts the content in a evidence.
inappropriate for the general way to the listener The speaker adapts the
knowledge and experiences of and the situation. content in a specific way to
the listener the listener and situation.

DELIVERY The volume is so low and the The volume is too low or too The volume is not too low The speaker delivers the
rate is so fast that you cannot loud and the rate is too fast or or too loud and the rate is message in a confident, poised,
Did the presenters understand most of too slow. The not too fast or too slow. enthusiastic fashion.
Speak clearly? the message. The pronunciation and enunciation The pronunciation and The volume and rate varies to
pronunciation and are unclear. The speaker enunciation are clear. The add emphasis and interest.
Did the group engage the enunciation are very exhibits many disfluencies, speaker exhibits little Pronunciation and enunciation
audience? unclear. The speaker such as “uhm”, “ahs”, “or”, disfluency, such as “ahs”, are very clear.
appears uninterested. “you know”. The listener is “uhm”.
Was it obvious the
distracted by problems in the
material had been delivery of the message and
rehearsed? has difficulty understanding the
words in the message.

ORGANIZATION The message is so The organization of the The message is organized. The message is overtly
disorganized you cannot message is mixed up and The listener has no difficulty organized. The speaker helps
Was the presentation well understand most of the random. The listener must understanding the sequence the listener understand the
organized and easy to message. make some assumptions and relationships among the sequence and relationship of
follow? about the sequence and ideas in the message. The ideas by using organizational
relationship of ideas. ideas in the message can aids such as announcing the
outline easily. topic, previewing the
organization, using transitions,
and summarizing.

CREATIVITY Repetitive with little or no Little or no variation, material Some originality apparent, Very original presentation of
variety, insufficient use of presented with little originality good variety and blending of material, captures the
Did the presenters show his materials/media or interpretation. materials/media audience’s attention
or her creativity during the

LENGTH OF Too long or too short, or Within five to six minutes of Within seven to ten Within 15 minutes of allotted
PRESENTATION above or below the allotted allotted time. minutes of allotted time. time.
Did the presentation finish
or complete within the
allotted time?


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