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MW/ecow® ‘econ Technology Co,.Ud WECON IIOT PRODUCTS and SOLUTIONS ype tmecon ovata we-concemenien Ema sasr@wo-conzemen soe Bling Are Stare Pak Furbo Flan. Ching Mancina Cote ‘28 Baking Fara Sotears Parc Fuou Fianna & Carte) Veco’ oe Focan Soa EN F wo | C€| Fe a ines 2021 Ean \WECON TECHNOLOGY Co, LTD Al Rights Reserved What WECON IloT can do? [okoto} wa) eco Industrial loT Platform Operators— { your atom provides a perectdedeatd loT soliton fora Ienos of muses sien a= Special Equipment Safety dusty ioigent Agree, Tower Cranes, Sam Paring, ote, bt ‘gees enormous chaonges In solving te ist one mis” acess ‘ation, cng vary of PLC brands and usor sees, how {ot ther date ocomes the most cumbersome. Sn necassary aS V-NET V-NET Developing various Industrial IoT application on users’ demand on V-NET. See — Saale. cnet vt Porat posten = cennors ‘equipment with sysiems, possible lo make it Roma an Sen sera ae coon — Penn La ro snaps cota 7 i V-BOX 5 series.E series H series V-Box) ALweroag eomine foment empmatmetnTaehee apindare meet am Ie, 03/18 — V-NET Applications V-BOX Evan you as far away from tho factory. in cass of beet? 20-" wemONeT TL EON ‘morgen. witout your engineers, V-B0X could suppor PLC roma download, dabug reso any prelers > 8s BO cnn ght ta po eer cna) Sicncue kul you your ents have MES, ERP, SCADA, oporaton ‘connecting various PLC-controledproducion and martonance systome or prvala duds, cu do et equpment wih systems, posse tomate automat now now to mate fea con systems doc connect manage {Saomatedpoducton saver. NET of sutable 0 xe Paneer) BOX can support ne appicaton modes. 30 sie hardware of to Industral tat of Tangs. ee on nelepnsable nfomaton exchange ‘and protzalconvrson doves for IT oaue platiorm fo communicate wih be stom In addton, WECON LOM sore romols 10 meaue can cormruncate docty wih VOX, wiheut PLC, ard implamorts simple ole conto and analog sequen ung edge computeg. GE nro ~ ‘ ~ © Each V-8OX can ut any of the Crus Mode, VINET System and Dats Mapping {© Cloud Mode canbe exchanged o VNET Systom; (© Dale Mapping features supported in al Vox, {© Chu platorm nt requed in Dat Mapping Mode Cloud-Mode and Data-Mapping Features Sern ‘Syncing data in devios wth on-demand coud platiorm drecy under Cus Moe. Cloud-Mode Features 1 Independent confguatonfunningprocas:conguation process refer o tho process rogue for device conscted {2the coud pat. Contguraion satus abled when Kt completes. Rung proces I for data schvonzaton whieh koops updating 1 Developer: Syncing dala in devices wth on-demand coud platform by using LUA srt according to MOTT Stucre, 1m Bultsn PLC praca: Syecing data by choosing sulle PLC prosoet, 1m Markt potato: Only he Bax in Cou Made cou connact targeted loud ptf, Cloud-Mode Configuration Center, © Convenient en ast remote eoniguaon, no mater where the VOX eck on the mause to congue ‘@ Bult contguraion management function, save mule configurations for quik use af the VOX; (© Configuraton canter canbe embadaes int natal oT plato on Cous-Mee {© Coniguraing V.8OX by using mins USB ofa roa rato {© Enable remote configuration estes on dem, aK . Third party ae — platform mart Cloud-Mode Configuration Data-Mapping Communicating wi MESISCADA system with proper confgurao, no coud platform and inert aque 1 Syncing data between dtrent PLC protools by using LUA srt, rete reponse, 1 Conigure Osta. Mapping features rom ether local rea or arate network 1 Conver a varity of PLC proaco nto stanéaraprtoco suchas Modbus 1 Convert variety of PLC praca ino spectyproloclinesng MOTT, WEBSERVEICE 1 DataMapping fates supporid in all V-B0X mades incuing NET Mode and Cloue-Mede 0). = | ssw | este | nse | Na FVEtamst WFvENemet Pinas wih optocoupler 2reay utp com CoMe:RsmaRsias —REZBREAZARSAAS ote UNETICoue Mode YNETiCud Mace ‘astMeopng YANETICius ede ‘Raamapina Not: sects med ‘Rata. aping supsoree Selo POO.ON Ss serasenagn, SaelPotPatbon, EEE VPN Poetic YPN Passau serps som MOTT MoDBUS To te ‘Sreeconts contruots vansmsslon 00 PLC roel supped Le, PLGIMMIVEDNetrs LM snes 1 meduassuppred fr local eocaton 5 vrenauopone al 4G equney arden theory Plane cone wini formate O xe Specifications Specifications Mec sv ste sre 5c a £00 -——_ — _ = = a = = = = = ‘on = =o = > = == aes oem a —— cone 4 = a « a a bebe = a = = — _ rene = =a = = = — = = fete — Cortgueon dowel hand ves, “cantante soto eae vee = 0. | x 10/18 | Specifications Installation Dimensions Ne | V-BOX S-00/AG/SG Unit: mm oo th 1 H-00/WF/4G/AG 12/18 | ‘Aste county pays mare and more atanton to envronmerta rtecton tis an nevable ond in he hosting industy {ose elecrety instead of cos, Elocrte bose tonal 6 iesasingly demanding for safely. ervrormerialpotacion and energy saving. inteigont anol, are carvelzad managomont and convaniontprosuetion management are beromng rare aha mere Upen ‘ood 19 moniter the dewcot satus and feline data, to realize online monterng and metering of he eating ‘Seton. The equipment aire shoul be reported nay, andres onl and mantenanes ean be vey permed Basod on environmental proterton andintligont managment devices data needs fo be uploads to hs information ‘anager system, whe can bo montero, neintaned, and sosewved wits rpninteraces and mip Sovion 0 ‘otewe remote operation WECON oT V-80x sauton Fealzasremete montorng, imely gets equipment fature message, and optimizes management. Intetigent rome contol ‘The clon conguaion can tie ance mantarg ard dao, nly ath a eae aumant oeaion fates neovsteoficeney of cess spraor Marana. Ifo devs aes, e darn mesoye cou be srt bile AP, WeChat ond En Devices operation records ane ene tts ee ae ee ed Deen ee eee ee ee ee eee) ee Lf ‘rygen making equpmont uses a separation tachclogy produce oxygen, which is widely used in industria oxygon prodicion, somenie oxygen prosucton and medical oxygen preducion. At presen, to pefossiona requrcments Srygon preducton egupment are going higher, end abclr qulty convo fe rues. Fast startup. lw energy onaumpin, Smplb and flexible operator, network monfonng, fale montonn, and mata Working roe are rocestary. Nowa enzo ihe stoma prosucionrosant and eal so Ingrnan and eansmigson a tn uo) a producto Ine ton aque proses cas, cal planing pores ans easing he et onrecton ane manager’ wine hd pay lato Rea:ime menitatng of deta. Ofine vansmission fnsuras that ata avaysonine and works stably ian unatended ste oth VNET system and mobile APP ca realize remota cont and gata management Along 38 thor tea nekwrk whether you sre ona tusinese trp ora mootng, you ean canal he peraing aus ofthe dovn anys, anyone Sa gene eee ee ae eer Bate eee ee oe eet te ts ie | Itcan canaty mentor, ug, upgrade, and maintain the ld equpmant of varousprojacts saterea ‘hroughout the county or aba. Tecincal engineers an romctaly doug equpmant, foci sevice costs {nd improve managaren:aticency FRocarding equipment lam infomation. Though ‘arm nateaon( such as WeChat € mil ntteaton, find smart APP) improv the tovbeshoatng ‘tisarey,uparase equipment alarm management and ‘mantonanoe manegemon. a eee ed oe eee Se ae ee pee tert aneee d Data-Mapping Application Cloud-Mode Application Erinn) 14 more manufacng compares have Bsgun to invest in Ign’ atonaton ene equa eng marl boron Ravan pao caps re eo ua “Ina most etal pat of neligantdavceconil the inkage between devices (2M: Machineto- Machina), data Intaracton aetween tne davies andthe mantoing syst (ZS: Machine System), ‘Te Enkagebotwoon deics conto, nly ane device (PLC) s operated, another devices (PLC) flow tho main one {© Whon main producin ine rans, rest of production ines als run sycrvancusy. (© Data's itracing between multe devees, a5 well as muiple producto ines \V.80x Data Mapping Mode can realize data inoracton between diferent brands of PLCs, and ean aso role data Irieracton botweon MES system and SCADA sytem ane equipment. witout any cloud patom. The mappang mode Provides the achiealseutans ot WM and M23. Tao mapping modes Local Mapping ang Network Mapping Local mapping: Multple COM port ana singe V.Sox, each COM port canbe connect to dant contol devs. Data itrecion can be feizod fom dviees connected by dllerent CON port, seh coo, dala read and wit By tng LUA sarge B1 Instrument At PLO BM Instrument Network mapping: Realize mutual conto and éatanoracton of ultple COM pots between muss V-BOX by this Inode: Syrehronaus montosng ane operator ao et V3 ut nor 28 ya 2c aa Prd an btn et PL ane, a, ‘mtaimaun Sncapp ace 6/8 | = Background What is Cloud-Mode? V.NET and Wa SCADA ae basic coud platforms that cannot moat complex requiramerts. Cloud Mode can work ‘eth exporonced software companies nvriaus nausis to compat sic prooes| Requras sled programing ality, ata can only bo saved on own serve, V-BOX needs to connect wih this sorver ‘ster local area neon supporto ‘hare are mary choices for loT platform Inthe market We cou cooperate wih the loT service provides a Cloud-Mass wich prove mare choos for endvsars. WECON V-B0X CloudMode, can qucey acess tht paty coud ltrs trough simple conigaon and wing Lis stots When ine dowd Service's upgrades, the davies neece fo adut the data calacton and repaning loge AS long a5 the contgutaton is modes trough the Clouaage, tt benice can be upgrades without upgrading DS ‘imvare In gona. BOX Clout-Mode le mare fxs and vests tan athe sia resus nthe marke © tis not passin to gue desed solution by general devess management plato, (© The universal devios management platforms cannot be 100% ft the unique operation mode and workow ofthe cntrpies, (© Many knds of pub or private protocols are applied in the detbuod fold davies, so the universal software isnot posh lo be compale wit al doves; (© The brand patorm operates unser the companys rand, andthe universal pater requ secondary development 1 inte fla of nut commmunicabon, MATT fe wellsnown land accoptd by snausors. VBOX can bo connectad th ‘onderand coud plaform by using MOTT n CoubMode. 1 ferent rls for aunensicaton,calleebon, ana reporing of Corot cloud parm proves 1 E.sly implement requements by LUA sei I Usors can experienc the functions they neo on ferent ators, 16/18 | f PLC Protocols Supported od Mat MedBUSAGCH Sos, Modu Ae [or rr ecm Patan I escrito ssn rca [= oes Jatin Ait A Ay i oan ent MITFKNOPROTOCOL. MT FXNOPROTOCOLERWFX). MT FAN 1/8 — ff PLC Protocols Supported ‘Sena 57.208 SraiEmurat, Samer 57-206 2), Sane \MTITIET MELSEC PROTOCOL, WT LE CPUMELSEC PROTOCOL. MIT su Eran tones Ene OF, Alana EraetP.0F1 oxox Feraenera) Ne Mad TOP Sil Fen). Nees TEP Maso EYENCE STOOP, KEYENCE K/7SOEt 18/18 |

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