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electric tram), Memorie, Speranze e glorie, Ricordi d'

of an alkyl iodide to form quaternary ammonium salts. The

in carving and etching. The old apparatus of hunting and

are entitled) is restricted to one hundred, and the academy

New types of grenades filled with high explosives detonated by

of a complicated idea in the minds of those who are for

exists, candidates having since 1867 merely to be proposed and

grown. Other essential conditions of success will commonly

progress was made in algebra, the talents of the race were

AMBER, a fossil resin much used for the manufacture of

is too often the case, the time devoted to school and books

instances under ether inhalation, the result being only to

attribute by many members of a class that all members of the

is generally by three tiers of hills rising one behind the

former sentiments.'' Alexander returned no answer to these

from the Royal Astronomical Society, and it at once led to

west of Nevers, after a course of 269 m. Its basin has an

1899) is now used as an hotel. Amalfi is first mentioned

one, with more or less successful results; but both John and

AMRAVATI, or AMARAVATI, a ruined city of India in the

upon the Olympian gods and endeavoured to pile Pelion upon Ossa

minister of the French Protestant Church. The contemporary

Alps, thus forcing it to become a purely Italian power. One

conspicuous in the sun. The rays of this star spend close

vigorous and correct; his moral tone that of the period.

lifetime to his child, which must be brought into account by

1662 by J. L. Bausch, a physician of Leipzig, who published

of the heart itself in which aconite is sometimes useful.

employed, for instance, in Assyrian sculpture, so that some

butter-fat contains about 88%, more or less, of ``insoluble

from 1819 to 1900,'' by Thomas M. Owen; and Walter L. Fleming's

Handlinger (Bd. xxiv. afd. 3, 1899); H. Grat zu Solms-Laubach,

in the hill on which the village of S. Vittorino is built

being long sabre-like weapons, protected by a descending

used. In the medieval inventories are sometimes found albae,

influences of season, are very similar to those of its near ally,

1 The name was derived from Fors, a commune in the canton of

buckwheat (ninth in oats) New York was only twenty-first in

Total crop 3,888 3377 121 43 .. 36.3

a tomb; but as there is no trace of a door to a sepulchral

heartily proceeded with it since.'' In 1881 Sir George Airy

Andrew Carnegie, and presented to Mr John Morley, by whom

with joining in a mild expression of regret that the action

(Paris, 1865). The far greater part of his works relate to

architect Jacob van Kempen. It was first given up to royalty

Douglas in the female. This reflexion is usually about 3

the object can be recognized in the figure. If, in an unsharp

information as to the condition, prospects and harvests of

worms, with no near allies in the animal kingdom. Its

in the case of St Bruno. Popes and sovereigns gradually

See Passerini, Gli Alberti di Firenze (1869, 1870); Mancini, Vrita

endeavour is the conclusion that all endeavour is vain and

and as they apply it to but five or six associations, the

exploit was the reduction of Aornus,5 a stronghold perched

of bounds is probably a survival of the same type of rite.

of which occur on a meridional line east of the eastern

affray. In the United States the English common law as to

the fouling of the bottoms of ships by the growth of algae

with its comrades of Vionville, the X corps under General

and in 1522 was appointed professor of Greek at Florence

library composed of 196 cases of MSS. (bibliotheca Palatina)

Besides, the authoritarian Communism of Wilhelm Weitling

setting up friction with the departments whose accounts he

by poverty in technical appliances. There were just as good

vessels, metallurgy in gold, silver and bronze, advanced

exceptions (e.g. the Monte Viso was known to the Romans as

sympathetic ganglia diseased or involved in a mass of fibrous

himself up, or is put up, for the sake of promoting debate,

Durham and Worcester, where the monasteries stand close to the

on the decoration of public places and buildings.

central-fire. Rim-fire cartridges for rifles, revolvers

this period is vol. vi. of Winsor's Narrative and Critical

called by the Chineans Tcha, by other nations Tay,

steeple. The process of vivification is carried out as

E.S.E., and covers an area of about 35 acres. It is enclosed

40s. per quarter, and only twice after 1892 did it exceed 30s.

his elder daughter, Mary, married John, Baron Campbell, and

Chaumont and was again renewed, in 1818, at Aix-la-Chapelle--the

building elsewhere. The matter slumbered, however, till 1858,

mentioned afforded, in the main, a sufficient protection,

This description, quoted from James Clerk Maxwell's article in

generalize this, let S (fig. 3) be the sun, ABCD the earth's

M. E. Combes and M. Tamisier arrived at Massawa in 1835, and

which are ultimately distinct from immediate perception

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