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Term People/Places Imp.

Monarchy Russian Empire – regarding the 1917-1922 – Initial time period
area conquered by the Russian of revolution
Bolshevik Establishment Duma – Russian Parliament October Revolution of 1917
Prerogative Nicholas II – Leader of Russia Russian Revolution of 1905
prior to event
Communist Party Provisional Government Bloody Sunday
rubles Vladimir Lenin 1915 – A rejection of a better
government from the tsar
Subsistence power Red Guards 1916 – Assassination of
serfdom St. Petersburg Russo-Japanese War
Conscription Petrograd Great retreat of 1915
Divine Right Rasputin Putilov March on 7 March
Fundamental State Laws Alexander Guchkov July Days
October Manifesto Okhrana Russian Civil War of 1918
Desertion in WWI Malaya Vishera July 16, 1918 – Execution of Tsar
Plundering in WWI Nikolai Ruzsky
February Revolution
Constitutional Democratic Party Tauride Palace
Socialist Revolutionary Party Lavr Kornilov
Marxist Revolution Kerensky
State and Revolution Romanov Family
Red Army Russian Orthodox Church
Revolutionary Tribunals

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Cheka


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