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Republic of the Philippines


San Francisco Campus
Northern Poblacion, San Francisco, Cebu
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Name: Jesiel G. Sanchez Date: 10/11/2022
Course, Yr. & Section: BSTM-3A


1. How important the use of internal and external criticism in conducting a historical
research? What grounds should be taken in order to have a better presentation on doing
historical research? (10pts)

- External criticism focuses on the document's veracity. Researchers must ascertain the
accuracy of the content after a document's authenticity has been established (external
criticism) and internal criticism. We study the past for a variety of reasons, including to
learn from past errors. 
The first step in creating a better presentation of historical research is to define the issue
or query that will be looked into. This indicates that the researcher's goal is to describe,
make clear, justify, or correct what has already been done. Finding pertinent sources of
historical information comes next. This calls for the researcher to look for pertinent
source material. Third, evaluating and summarizing the data gleaned from these sources.
Additionally, this implies that the researcher will list and assess the sources that they
were able to find. Last but not least, presenting and interpreting this data requires the
researcher to interpret the data gathered before drawing conclusions about the issue or
hypothesis. This will improve historical research. Through this, your historical research
would be more accurate, exceptional, and brilliant as a result.

2. Discuss how History started as the study of human discipline and how it was also
developed later by two Greek Historian (Thucydides and Herodotus). What are there ways
on writing History? (10 pts.)

- Stories about the past are told in all human cultures. 

The father of Greek historiography and history in general, wrote the Histories in the fifth
century BC, which marked the beginning of the discipline of historiography. Herodotus:
Herodotus, known as the "father of history," is credited with inventing the study of
history. His History of the Greco-Persian Wars is the longest text still in existence in
Ancient Greek. Because he was the first historian to compile and meticulously record
events and write an account, Herodotus is regarded as the founder of history. These
accounts were collected into his single, significant work, The Histories. To create the
records, he drew on his own observations and inquired with the locals. This had an effect
on the veracity of the accounts, but since it was the first work of its kind in Western
literature, the work set a standard for subsequent historical works. He was driven by a
desire to document the ancient. Thucydides also was the most well-known imitator and
critic of Herodotus (who flourished in the 5th century BCE). Herodotus had hoped to
protect the brilliance of the Greeks and barbarians from the ravages of time, but
Thucydides had little brilliance to rejoice in. He only wrote about things he could verify
happened during his lifetime. During the war, he took notes and gathered information,
relying on eyewitness accounts and his own experiences as a general. He refrained from
writing about superstitions, oracles, and myths. He understood that even eyewitnesses
could occasionally be unreliable sources. He made a concerted effort to be accurate, fair,
and unbiased in general. He invented the historical approach that historians now employ.
Republic of the Philippines
San Francisco Campus
Northern Poblacion, San Francisco, Cebu
Email: Email:


3. Who writes History? How accurate can a historian ever hope to be on analyzing the
past events? Discuss fully. (10pts.)

- A historian is someone who is an expert on the past and who studies and writes about
it. The study of all history throughout time, as well as the continuous, methodical
narration and research of historical events as they relate to the human race, are of
interest to historians. A prehistoric historian is one who studies the events that took
place before written history was recorded. Research universities began to appear in
Germany and other countries in the late nineteenth century, and historians began to be
recognized by publications, education, and experience. Using the most reliable sources
gives historians the best chance of accuracy. This involves making assessments of the
sources. When attempting to be accurate about something, I like to consult several
sources. Although complete accuracy may be beyond the capabilities of any human,
historians strive to be as accurate as possible.

4. Kirby was doing historical research on the Battle of Cebu during World War Two. He
found books and documents related to what he researching for. How can then Kirby
applies the External and Internal Criticism to make his research more authentic and
reliable? And why is it important to include the primary and secondary source to his
historical research? Discuss fully. (10pts.)

- By starting to investigate the backgrounds of the authors and fully grasping the overall
context of the documents he has gathered, Kirby can use both external and internal
criticism to make his research more authentic and reliable. Knowing the authors and
their justifications for publishing the documents is crucial. A specialist author should be
more trustworthy than someone who is just regarded as a second-hand source in the
subject area that Kirby is reading about. Additionally, I believe that Kirby is confident in
getting the precise information he needs because he bases his materials on reliable
authors. Additionally, it's important to understand the author's background because
every piece of writing is the result of the author's experiences and beliefs.
Republic of the Philippines
San Francisco Campus
Northern Poblacion, San Francisco, Cebu
Email: Email:


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