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BENG 4711





4 BENG1 S1



INSYIRAH B021910097




1.0 Objectives

i. To design experiment procedure for different load measurement

ii. To measure the reflection coefficient and return loss of different load

2.0 List of equipments and components

i. Spectrum analyzer
ii. 50 ohm , open and short pin

3.0 Introduction

Impedance matching is frequently a significant aspect of the overall design process

for a microwave component or system. Figure 1 depicts an impedance matching network put
between a load impedance and a transmission line to demonstrate the basic concept of
impedance matching.

FIGURE 1: A lossless network matching an arbitrary load impedance to a transmission line.

To reduce needless power loss, the matching network is ideally lossless, and is normally
constructed so that the impedance perceived while peering into the matching network is Z0.
Reflections on the transmission line to the left of the matching network will thus be removed,
even though there will normally be many reflections between the matching network and the
load. Tuning is another term for this operation. Impedance matching or tuning is crucial for
several reasons, including:

a) Maximum power is delivered when the load is matched to the line (assuming the generator
is matched), and power loss in the feed line is minimized.
b) Impedance matching sensitive receiver components (antenna, low-noise amplifier, etc.)
may improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the system.
c) Impedance matching in a power distribution network (such as an antenna array feed
network) may reduce amplitude and phase errors.

A matching network can always be found as long as the load impedance, ZL, has a positive
real component. There are several types of matching networks accessible, each of which is
dependent on the design and performance of practical matching networks. The following
factors may be relevant in selecting a particular matching network:

a) Complexity—As with most engineering solutions, the simplest design that satisfies the
required specifications is generally preferable. A simpler matching network is usually
cheaper, smaller, more reliable, and less lossy than a more complex design.
b) Bandwidth—Any type of matching network can ideally give a perfect match (zero
reflection) at a single frequency. In many applications, however, it is desirable to match a
load over a band of frequencies. There are several ways of doing this, with, of course, a
corresponding increase in complexity.
c) Implementation—Depending on the type of transmission line or waveguide being used,
one type of matching network may be preferable to another. For example, tuning stubs
are much easier to implement in waveguide than are multisection quarter-wave
d) Adjustability—In some applications the matching network may require adjustment to
match a variable load impedance.

4.0 Results

50 Ohm

Frequency (Hz) V min (V) V max (V) VSWR

V max
V min
1.0 G 8.06 mV 11mV 1.365
1.5 G 9 mV 12 mV 1.333
2.0 G 15 mV 18 mV 1.200
2.5 G 14.3 mV 16.1 mV 1.126
3.0 G 13.5 mV 16.8 mV 1.244

Frequency (Hz) V min (V) V max (V) VSWR

V max
V min
1.0 G 1.99 mV 17 mV 8.543
1.5 G 2.8 mV 20.5 mV 7.231
2.0 G 2.1 mV 28 mV 13.333
2.5 G 2 mV 27 mV 13.500
3.0 G 2.5 mV 26.5 mV 10.600


Frequency (Hz) V min (V) V max (V) VSWR

V max
V min
1.0 G 2.5 mV 18.8 mV 7.520
1.5 G 2.7 mV 18.3 mV 6.778
2.0 G 2.5 mV 31.5 mV 12.600
2.5 G 2 mV 29 mV 14.500
3.0 G 3.8 mV 27 mV 7.105
5.0 Discussion

Based on the obtained results, it can be seen that when connected with 50Ω load resistor, the
VSWR ratio is almost around 1:1. Theoretically, the ratio for matched load is exactly 1:1.
However, in practice, since there might be a slight error when reading the spectrum analyser
or slight losses in the transmission line, the perfect ratio of 1:1 is really hard to achieve. Then,
when frequency was increased, the VSWR slightly decreased. Eventually, the obtained
VSWR could be practically accepted as all of the values are near 1:1.

As for the open circuit load, theoretically the value of VSWR would be infinity because all
the energy sent would be reflected back. In practical, a small amount of energy would be
radiated at the end of the open circuit line. Short circuit load also would theoretically result in
infinity VSWR because there is not voltage across short circuit. Usually, a ratio of 10:1, 20:1
or larger ratio indicates open circuit or short circuit condition. The VSWR for short circuit
and open circuit slightly increased as frequency was increased.

It also can be observed that the VSWR of 50Ω load are more constant. This is because the
maximum amplitude in the standing wave or anti node is the same as the minimum amplitude
or node through the time. Short circuit and open circuit on the other hand would have
different difference in the node and anti-node at certain time.

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