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International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

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Exploring the impact of public transport strikes on

travel behavior and traffic congestion

Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter & William Young

To cite this article: Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter & William Young
(2018): Exploring the impact of public transport strikes on travel behavior and traffic congestion,
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2017.1419322

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2017, VOL. 0, NO. 0, 1–11

Exploring the impact of public transport strikes on travel behavior and traffic
a,b a
Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc , Graham Currie , Chris De Gruytera, and William Youngc
Public Transport Research Group, Monash Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; bThe University of Danang
– University of Science and Technology, Danang, Vietnam; cDepartment of Civil Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Public transport (PT) disruption can occur due to various factors such as malfunctions and breakdowns of Received 5 April 2017
vehicles, power outages, and personnel strikes. This paper explores the network-wide impacts of PT strikes Revised 15 December 2017
(train, tram, and bus strikes) on traffic congestion in Melbourne, Australia using a network modeling Accepted 16 December 2017
approach. A primary survey aimed to investigate the mode shift of users when each public transport KEYWORDS
mode ceases was conducted with 648 public transport users in May 2016. Findings show that train Congestion; network-wide;
withdrawal was expected to result in 43% of users shifting to car. Smaller yet significant shifts to car was personnel strikes; public
Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] at 00:56 13 January 2018

also expected with bus withdrawal (34%) and tram withdrawal (17%). Based on the survey results and the transport; transport model;
use of a four-step transport model, train withdrawal was expected to increase the number of severely withdrawal
congested road links by 130% and reduce the average travel speed from 48 km/h to 39 km/h (20%
decrease). Bus and tram withdrawal was also found to increase congestion although the result was less
severe. Future research should investigate the switching behavior in actual withdrawal events and explore
the long-term effects of public transport withdrawal.

1. Introduction
Traffic congestion is a major issue in the daily lives of com- have occurred more frequently in several large cities around
muters, especially those living in big cities. As the number of the world. For example, in 2015, Melbourne’s PT system expe-
vehicles on the road network grows, congestion has an rienced tram and train strikes, as unions negotiated working
increasing direct effect on commuters. For example it is conditions. However, as strikes only occur on an irregular basis,
expected that congestion costs in Australian cities could be only limited research has explored the effects of PT strikes on
over $20 billion AUD by 2020 (Garnaut, 2012). In order to travellers (Exel & Rietveld, 2001). In addition, since strikes can
reduce the effect of traffic congestion, public transport (PT) demonstrate how PT acts to relieve congestion, we only have a
offers a method of increasing person throughput. In Mel- limited understanding of these benefits due to the limited
bourne, PT carries over 9% of travel and this figure is research in this area. Thus, it is important to investigate the
expected to increase in the future (BITRE, 2015). The value of behavioral reaction of users to PT withdrawal and their effects
PT in terms of traffic congestion relief is often graphically on transit and road traffic congestion. Based on the findings,
demonstrated when strikes causing a withdrawal of PT occur. appropriate remedial actions can be proposed and imple-
The withdrawal of an entire PT system or an individual PT mented to better mitigate the impact on the transport system.
mode can be expected to have significant effects on traffic For example, in The Hague, the government allowed travellers
congestion as a share of PT users may shift to car (Blumstein to park on downtown bus lanes and tramways in the event of a
& Miller, 1983, Exel & Rietveld, 2001, Exel & Rietveld, 2009). PT strike. In New York, on-street parking was banned to
Other users could switch to nonmotorized modes such as increase road capacity through the city during a strike (Exel &
cycling or walking. For those who cannot find an appropriate Rietveld, 2001).
alternative mode, they might cancel their trips. In the event of This paper aims to explore how PT users change their
a PT mode withdrawal, a number of PT users would be travel behavior if individual PT modes cease in the short term
expected to switch to other PT modes that still operate. This (a full-day strike on a weekday). The network-wide impact of
mode shift would put pressure on other PT modes as the each PT mode withdrawal on traffic congestion is also
number of passengers suddenly increases during withdrawal. investigated.
PT service withdrawal can result from a variety of factors The paper is organized as follows: a review of available
including malfunctions and breakdowns, power outages, and research regarding the behavioral reactions of PT users when
labor strikes (Pnevmatikou et al., 2015). Recently, PT strikes PT withdrawal occurs. Research on impacts on traffic is then

CONTACT Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc Public Transport Research Group, Monash Institute of Transport Studies, Monash University,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3800.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

presented. This is followed by a description of Melbourne’s PT grade-separated services (such as trains) are considerably effec-
system as the context for this research. The research methodol- tive at reducing congestion. Similarly, the research of Laval
ogy is presented. Results are then described. The final section et al. (2004) pointed out that there were severe traffic problems
concludes with major findings, policy implications, and makes on roads when a disruption of the Bay Area Rapid Transit
suggestion for further research in this area. (BART) system in San Francisco occurred. The absence of
BART services on major East Bay corridors would generate
morning traffic queues stretching 26 miles with 9 mi/hr speeds,
2. Background
and afternoon queues stretching 31 miles with 11 mi/hr speeds.
Although the withdrawal of PT, particularly PT strikes, has More recently, Moylan et al. (2016) investigated the impacts of
occurred more frequency in recent years (Exel & Rietveld, rapid transit in the San Francisco Bay Area region on roadway
2001), studies in this area are very limited. Exel and travel demand and travel time when PT services are suspended
Rietveld (2001) reviewed 13 studies of PT strikes between during a strike. In order to estimate the lower bound of the
1966 and 2000 in Europe and the United States to explore impact, they compared traffic volumes, which were collected
the behavioral reaction of PT users. The impact of PT from a system of 2,000 buried-loop-detector stations on free-
strikes varies depending on the type of strike, usual travel ways during the strike, against observations from the same
patterns, and the policy response. They found that when time and day of week throughout the year. In contrast, the
PT ceases, PT users would switch to car (ranging from upper bound of the impact was measured using an experiment.
20%–67% of PT users), switch to other modes (23%–51%), They assumed that all PT users with access to a car would shift
or cancel their trips (15%–67%). Exel and Rietveld (2009) to driving alone. A nonparametric modeling technique was
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carried out secondary analysis on data collected from 976 then used to compare the travel time distributions associated
people who had planned to travel by train on the day of a with the traffic volume and travel demand. They found that at
national rail strike in the Netherlands in 2004. The main the network level, the impact of the BART strike was not signif-
purpose of their study was to explore the behavioral reac- icant. However, on roads running parallel to PT services, there
tions of train travellers to a rail strike and investigate the were significant delay, particularly in the peak periods.
characteristics of travellers and trips that affect the chosen Morning peak conditions on a parallel road (Highway 24) were
alternative. They found that 24% of train travelers shifted nearly at the 80th percentile of annual volume-weighted travel
to car as a driver, 14% shifted to another mode, and 18% times.
decided to reschedule their trips to another day. Overall, Aftabuzzaman et al. (2010b) explored the impacts of
44% of trips were cancelled on that day. Factors affecting individual PT modes (train, tram, and bus) on traffic con-
the behavioral reactions of PT users in the event of a PT gestion relief in Melbourne. They used a four-step transport
withdrawal have also been explored in a number of studies model and assumptions relating to the diversion of PT
(Exel & Rietveld, 2009, Pnevmatikou et al., 2015). users to car when PT is removed. From secondary research,
There has been a number of studies assessing the impact of they suggested that on average 32% of PT users would shift
PT strikes on traffic congestion. Lo and Hall (2006) explored to car if PT was not available. This fixed value was also
the impact of PT strikes that took place in Los Angeles over a applied for individual PT modes if they were separately
35-day period in October and November 2003. Traffic condi- removed. The modeling was based on removing the PT sys-
tions during the strike were measured to understand how PT tem from the network and reallocating of transit trips to
affects congestion experienced by car drivers. They measured car travel. They found that Melbourne’s train operations
the traffic speed on freeways before and after the strike by using have the greatest impact on congestion relief across all sub-
various sensors. They found that there was a traffic speed urbs, reducing the number of congested links by 23%. This
decrease of 20% during the strike. Using the same method, was followed by bus and tram which reduced the number
Adler and van Ommeren (2016) assessed the congestion relief of congested links by 13% and 9% respectively. As can be
benefit of PT with the use of quasinatural experimental data on seen from this research, only a negative impact of PT with-
multiple PT strikes which took place over the period from 2001 drawals on traffic congestion (the mode shift from PT to
to 2011 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. They found that car speed car) was concerned.
within the city reduced by around 10% while there was a reduc- It can be seen that there has been a lack of comprehen-
tion of approximately 3% for highways during a citywide strike. sive method that can be used to estimate the congestion
Another assessment on the effects of PT strikes was conducted impact of PT strikes. This paper builds on the analytical
by Bauernschuster et al. (2017). By analysing 71 one-day strikes process used by Aftabuzzaman et al. (2010b) in estimating
in PT from 2002 to 2011 in five largest cities in Germany, travel the impact of individual PT mode withdrawal on traffic
time was found to increase by 9.3%. congestion. However, this research incorporates the results
Anderson (2013) explored whether PT strikes generate a of a field survey of PT users to determine how mode shift
much larger congestion impact than earlier estimates using a to car would vary in different parts of the city (inner, mid-
choice model and data from a sudden strike in 2003 by Los dle, and outer). This method is considered to be more pre-
Angeles PT workers. A regression discontinuity design was cise as changes in travel behavior are accounted for
used to calculate the travel delay if PT is not available. He found spatially (Nguyen et al., 2015). In addition, the positive
that the average highway delay would increase by 47% during impacts of PT withdrawals on traffic congestion such as
peak hours when PT ceases, particularly adjacent to rail corri- the removal of at-grade rail crossings and tram operations
dors (Lo and Hall, 2006). This indicates that high quality, are also considered in this study.

3. Research context suburbs are primarily serviced by bus. Buses normally operate
in mixed traffic conditions although there are several exclusive
3.1. Melbourne’s PT system
bus lanes provided for premium bus services.
Melbourne has a population of 4.42 million people over nearly
2,000 km2. The Central Business District (CBD) plays a domi-
3.2. Spatial unit of analysis
nant role for many forms of retailing, employment, and recrea-
tion. Like other cities in Australia, Melbourne has a high Local Government Areas (LGAs) are the base unit of analysis
dependency on the automobile with a total of 3.6 million pri- used in this study. There are 31 LGAs in Melbourne (VicRoads,
vate vehicle trips per day. Melbourne has an integrated public 2005) which are grouped into three categories: inner (4 LGAs),
transport system that extends from the city center in all direc- middle (14 LGAs), and outer (13 LGAs). These are shown in
tions, with trains, trams, and buses offering comprehensive PT Figure 2.
services. The PT system in Melbourne carries 9% of all trips
within the metropolitan area, or 11% when expressed in terms
4. Study methodology
of passenger kilometers (Currie & Burke, 2013). As shown in
Figure 1, Melbourne’s PT system consists of train, tram, and This section describes the methodology developed to estimate
bus services. the impact of individual PT mode withdrawal on traffic conges-
Melbourne’s metropolitan train network consists of 16 lines tion. Firstly, the method used to estimate mode shift to car is
with a total length of 372 km (track length of 830 km). The net- presented. Secondly, the method used for assessing the net-
work is primarily at-grade, with more than 170 level crossings. work-wide impact of PT withdrawal on traffic congestion is
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Melbourne’s train network carried more than 230 million pas- described.
senger trips in 2014 (DOT, 2014).
Tram is a major form of public transport in Melbourne, with
4.1. Primary research
250 km of tram track and 25 routes. It is the largest urban tram-
way network in the world (Currie et al., 2012). Tram is the sec- Strikes do not occur often, a survey was carried out to investi-
ond most used form of public transport in Melbourne after the gate the behavioral reaction of PT users if PT was not available
commuter railway network, with 183 million passenger trips in for their last PT trip in the weekday morning peak (a hypotheti-
2015 (PTV, 2015). The majority of the tram network is located cal situation). This period was chosen as the morning peak has
in the inner city area. the highest level of traffic congestion so the effect of PT strikes
Melbourne has a total of 346 bus routes carring over 127 mil- is expected to be the highest during this period. The online sur-
lion passenger trips in 2015 (PTV, 2015). While the city relies vey of PT users across metropolitan Melbourne (inner, middle,
on a radial train network and inner city tram network, the outer and outer) was conducted in April 2016. A sampling frame

Figure 1. Public transport network in Melbourne.

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Figure 2. Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Melbourne.

targeting spatial spread and demographics characteristics 2. The second part of the questionnaire was designed to get
(gender and age) was used to make sure the representativeness information regarding the context of the last PT trips
of the collected sample. The aim of the survey was to under- that respondents undertook such as the locations that
stand the behavioral reaction of PT users in the event of a PT they started and ended their trips, trip purpose, station
withdrawal. Respondents who used PT in the weekday morning accessibility as well as the weather conditions during
peak were asked about the impact of individual PT mode with- their trips. In order to get information about the origin
drawal and their likely change in travel behavior. and destination, PT users were asked to provide the
Firstly, an email was sent to all members of a market address and postcode of the location that they started
research panel inviting them to take part in the study by and ended their trip. With this information, the
answering an online questionnaire. In the email invitation, researchers could estimate trip distance and identify
each panel member was given a link to access the questionnaire. whether a trip was to the CBD, the area which is
A reminder email was sent to those who had not accessed the expected to have a high level of traffic congestion and
questionnaire one week after the initial email was sent. Data high parking costs, or not by using GIS.
was collected over a three-week period during autumn and 3. In the last part of the questionnaire, participants were
therefore reflected autumn travel behavior. A total of 3,559 peo- asked to imagine that the PT modes that they used in the
ple accessed the survey in which 648 respondents (18.2%) last PT trips were not available for the whole day and
passed a screening process. Only regular PT users who used PT they were notified about this disruption. Respondents
last week in the weekday morning peak (7 am–9 am) were eligi- were then asked about their likely behavioral reactions
ble to access the survey. Out of the 648 respondents, 443 users after considering carefully the advantages and disadvan-
confirmed that they used the train, 234 users used the tram, tages of each alternative transport modes such as travel
and 187 users used the bus for their last PT trips (some travel- cost and travel time. A choice-set including eight
lers used multiple PT modes). options: take other PT modes, drive a car, take a lift, take
There are three main parts in the questionnaire: socioeco- taxi/Uber, cycle, walk, cancel trip, and other was pro-
nomic characteristics, PT trip characteristics, and flexibility in vided (Table 1).
travel behavior. This questionnaire was designed based on the These respondents were asked to describe their behavioral
results of a qualitative research which explored the mode shift reactions in the event of each PT mode closure. From the
of PT users in the event of a PT withdrawal (Nguyen-Phuoc results of the survey, the share of mode shift to other travel
et al., 2016). modes for inner, middle, and outer areas could be estimated.
1. The socioeconomic part of the survey gathers informa- This research has assumed that PT user diversion to car
tion on gender, age, vehicle ownership, driver’s license when each PT mode ceases would have an impact on traffic
ownership, number of adults with a drivers’ license in congestion. It is clear that the mode shift to a car as a driver
the household and weekly income. would directly increase the number of car trips on the road

Table 1. Questions about mode shift used in the questionnaire.

For train users For tram users For bus users

If only the train system was no longer available for the If only the tram system was no longer available for the If only the bus system was no longer available for the
whole day of your last public transport trip. How whole day of your last public transport trip. How whole day of your last public transport trip. How
would you travel to your destination for that trip would you travel to your destination for that trip would you travel to your destination for that trip
(choose only one major transport mode)? (choose only one major transport mode)? (choose only one major transport mode)?
Considering carefully the advantages and Considering carefully the advantages and Considering carefully the advantages and
disadvantages of each alternative transport modes disadvantages of each alternative transport modes disadvantages of each alternative transport modes
such as travel cost and travel time. such as travel cost and travel time. such as travel cost and travel time.
a. take tram a. take train a. take train
b. take bus b. take bus b. take tram
c. drive a car c. drive a car c. drive a car
d. take a lift d. take a lift d. take a lift
e. take taxi/Uber e. take taxi/Uber e. take taxi/Uber
f. cycle f. cycle f. cycle
g. walk g. walk g. walk
h. cancel trip h. cancel trip h. cancel trip
i. other i. other i. other

network (diversion to walking or cycling is not considered to at-grade rail crossings on traffic is not significant. Thus, in the
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directly influence congestion). However, in the case of switch- event of a train or bus strike, the mode shift from train or bus
ing to a car as a passenger, this may or may not influence traffic to private car will contribute to the increase in the level of traf-
congestion. For example, Litman (2004) argued that some car fic congestion. The removing of at-grade rail crossings and bus
users can spend a significant amount of time driving children stop operations has no effect on reducing congestion.
to school, family members to work, and elderly relatives on Regarding the effect of tram withdrawal on traffic, Nguyen-
errands (chauffeuring trips). These trips can be particularly Phuoc et al. (2017b) found that tram operations have both posi-
inefficient if drivers are required to make an empty return trip tive and negative effects on traffic congestion. The negative
which can contribute to congestion. For the purpose of this effects of trams include the impact of low tram speeds, the
modeling analysis, it is assumed that half of all car passenger impact of curbside tram stops on nonexclusive tram rights-of-
trips involve chauffeuring (Aftabuzzaman et al., 2010a). Thus, way, and the occupation of priority tram lanes on semiexclusive
the car mode shift share contributing to traffic congestion if PT tram rights-of-way. This figure is significant (Nguyen-Phuoc
operations cease would be the sum of the share of mode shift to et al., 2017b). If tram withdrawal occurs, the impacts of low
car as driver and a half of the share of mode shift to car as tram speeds and curbside tram stops on traffic flow are
passenger. removed. It is assumed that vehicles cannot use priority tram
lanes in the event of tram strikes since the ground level of pri-
ority tram lanes may differ to that of normal traffic roads or
4.2. Modeling the impact of individual PT mode
priority tram lanes are separated by barriers. Thus, when
modeling the impact of tram withdrawal, the approach needs
A modeling procedure was developed to explore the impact of to consider both the positive and negative effects of tram with-
individual PT mode withdrawal on traffic congestion. The pro- drawal on traffic congestion.
cedure adopted an assumption regarding PT user diversion to The modeling of PT strike congestion effects undertaken in
car and a conventional four-step transport model (the Victo- this research includes the following major steps (Figure 3):
rian Integrated Transport Model, or VITM). The modeling In the scenario of “Base case” or “With PT”:
analysis was carried out for weekday morning peak (7 am –  Identify the level of congestion on the road network with
9 am). the operation of all PT modes. The negative effects of
VITM is a conventional four-step transport model used to tram operations on vehicle traffic flow (the impact of low
estimate travel demand in the Australian state of Victoria. The tram speeds, the impact of curbside tram stops on nonex-
model is implemented in a Cube software platform. In VITM, clusive tram rights-of-way) are modeled in this stage by
the road network is represented by a set of links (66,848 links) integrating the results of microsimulation, which models
and nodes (28,499 nodes), divided into 2,959 zones. Nodes usu- the impact of trams on a road link, into VITM (Nguyen-
ally represent an intersection or a change in road characteris- Phuoc et al., 2017b).
tics, while links represent the segments of actual roads in the  Estimate the PT demand for each zone (train trip matrix,
network. VITM contains a number of submodels which work tram trip matrix, and bus trip matrix) by conducting a PT
together to create the required output for each link such as assignment process.
speed, volume, and travel time. In the scenario of “Train withdrawal”, buses and trams still
In order to simplify the modeling, it is assumed that train operate:
operations and bus operations have no negative impacts on  Determine the additional car trips caused by train service
generating traffic congestion. This assumption is consistent withdrawal (multiply the train trip matrix by the share of
with the findings of the research conducted by Nguyen-Phuoc mode shift to car for inner, middle, and outer areas, which
et al. (2017a) which show that the network-wide impact of is calculated from the survey).
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Figure 3. The process for estimating travel demand in each scenario.

 Add the additional car trip matrix to the existing car trip In the scenario of “Tram withdrawal,” trains and buses still
matrix to create a new car trip matrix that represents the operate:
impact of train withdrawal.  The negative impacts of trams on creating traffic conges-
 Assign this new car matrix to the road network to esti- tion are not modeled.
mate the level of congestion after train operations are  Determine the additional car trips caused by tram service
removed. withdrawal (multiply the tram trip matrix by the share of
In the scenario of “Bus withdrawal,” trains and trams still mode shift to car for inner, middle, and outer areas).
operate:  Add the additional car trip matrix to the existing car trip
 Calculate the additional car trips caused by bus service matrix to create a new car trip matrix that represents the
withdrawal (multiply the bus trip matrix by the share impact of tram withdrawal.
of mode shift to car for inner, middle, and outer  Assign this new car matrix to the road network to esti-
areas). mate the level of congestion in the event of a tram strike.
 Add the additional car trip matrix to the existing car trip A comparison of the level of congestion between the two
matrix to create a new car trip matrix that represents the scenarios, “Base case” and “Train withdrawal,” is undertaken to
effect of bus withdrawal. understand the effect of train withdrawal on traffic congestion.
 Assign this new car matrix to the road network to esti- The impacts of tram and bus withdrawal were also estimated
mate the level of congestion after bus strikes occur. using a similar process.

Figure 3 describes the process to estimate the congestion Table 3. PT mode distribution of users in Melbourne.
impacts of individual PT withdrawals. Survey VISTA Modeled in VITM

No. % No. % No. %

5. Results and discussion
Train 441 68.1 1,193 68.7 214,511 76.7
The results are presented in two parts. The findings from the Tram 239 36.9 431 24.8 77,418 27.7
Bus 190 29.3 467 26.9 81,247 29.0
field survey are presented first, followed by the results of the Total* 648 1,737 279,688
modeling which detail the impact of PT withdrawal on traffic

congestion. Total is not 100% because a number of users travelled by multiple PT modes.

5.1. Primary research high proportion of train users would shift to car as a driver
(39.4%), particularly in outer areas where the mode shift is
5.1.1. Respondent characteristics
55.0%. The number of users switching to other PT modes
A total of 648 respondents completed the survey, comprised 323
(tram and bus) accounts for around 40% of train users in total.
males (49.8%) and 325 females (50.2%) (Table 2). The highest
Nonmotorized modes were chosen by less than 5% of train
proportion (23.1%) of respondents was 30–39 year olds, closely
users, while 6.6% said that they would cancel their trips.
followed by 18–29 year olds (21.8%), and 40–49 year olds
In the event of a tram withdrawal, 34% of tram users would
(20.5%). Users aged from 50 to 59 years accounted for the lowest
switch to train, while only 12% would shift to bus. In the inner
proportion of respondents (16.5%). A Chi-squared test was
Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] at 00:56 13 January 2018

city, a relatively high proportion of tram users would choose to

conducted to compare the gender and age distribution between
walk (25.2%), which is much higher than the proportion which
the sample and Melbourne’s PT user population from the 2011
would choose to walk in the event of a train withdrawal (2.7%).
Census. The results of the chi-square test showed that there was
The number of tram users who would shift to car as a driver
no significant difference and that the sample is therefore
accounted for only 15%.
representative of the broader PT user population.
The highest share of bus users 28.9% would shift to car as a
Table 3 presents the use of each PT mode among survey
driver as a result of a bus withdrawal. This is followed by mode
respondents. This indicates that the highest proportion of users
shift to train (23.5%) and tram (11.8%). Only 11% of bus users
travelled by train (68.1%), followed by tram (36.9%) and bus
would choose to walk while around 9% would cancel their trips.
(29.3%). These proportions are generally consistent with the
Table 4 also shows the share of mode shift to car when indi-
analysis of PT users in the Victorian Integrated Survey of
vidual PT modes cease. Train withdrawal is expected to gener-
Travel and Activity (VISTA) and the modeled outcome from
ate the highest mode shift to car (42.7%). This is followed by
VITM. Given that train is the most utilized PT mode in Mel-
bus withdrawal and tram withdrawal with 33.5% and 16.7%
bourne, the withdrawal of train services is expected to generate
respectively. These figures are substantially different for each
the largest effect on traffic congestion of all PT modes.
part of metropolitan Melbourne, reflecting the traffic character-
Figure 4 shows the spatial distribution of the PT trip origins
istics of those areas (Nguyen et al., 2015). For example, in the
of survey respondents. Train trips are distributed across all
event of a train withdrawal, mode shift to car in outer areas is
parts of Melbourne while a high proportion of tram trips are
nearly triple that for the inner city. In contrast, mode shift to
within inner city. Respondents travelling by bus tend to make
car in outer areas is the lowest if tram operations cease, reflect-
trips from the middle and outer areas rather than in inner city.
ing the predominance of the tram network in the inner and
middle areas. These figures are used in the four-step transport
5.1.2. Mode shift model (VITM) to examine the expected changes in traffic con-
Based on the survey results, Table 4 provides information about gestion during PT withdrawal.
the stated behavioral reactions to each PT mode withdrawal
among PT users. In the event of a train withdrawal, a relatively
5.2. Modeling results

Table 2. Demographic profile of respondents. Table 5 shows the increase in the number of car trips caused by
individual PT mode strikes in the AM peak period
Survey Census*
(7am–9am). It can be seen that the number of car trips increase
Number of Proportion Expected Proportion Chi- by over 7% in the event of a train strike while this figure is 1%
Characteristic respondents (n) (%) value (n) (%) squared x2 and 2% for tram and bus strikes respectively.
Gender Male 323 49.8 322 49.7 0.0031
Table 6 reveals the impact of individual PT mode with-
Female 325 50.2 326 50.3 0.0031 drawal on Melbourne’s road network. A comparative assess-
Age 18–29 141 21.8 152 23.5 0.8582 ment of all measures indicates the following:
30–39 150 23.1 127 19.6 3.5267  Train withdrawal causes an increase of over 130% in the
40–49 133 20.5 122 18.8 0.9098
50–59 107 16.5 102 15.7 0.2336 number of severely congested links while the withdrawal
60C 117 18.1 145 22.4 6.7009 of trams and buses results in an increase of only 7.3% and
Total 648 100 648 100
17.2% respectively.

Population with a journey to work by PT in Melbourne (2011 Census).  There is an increase in the number of vehicles experienc-
x2Gender ð0:062Þ < x2Critical (6.635), x2Age ð12:229Þ < x2Critical ð13:227Þ, p-value D 0.01. ing congestion when train, tram, and bus cease
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Figure 4. Distribution of PT trip origins among respondents.

(considering the impact of each PT mode separately) of withdrawal of tram or bus services. Figure 5 illustrates the spa-
57.5%, 2.8%, and 8.8% respectively. tial distribution of congested links in the “Base case” scenario
 Train withdrawal increases total delay on the road net- and “PT withdrawal” scenario. This shows that there is a con-
work by 87.1%, whereas tram and bus withdrawal siderable increase in traffic congestion, particularly in the inner
increases delay by only 2% and 8.2% respectively. and middle areas in the event of a train strike. Given the
 Average travel speed decreases from 47.9 km/h to 38.6 increase in the number of car trips caused by bus strikes dou-
km/h as a result of train withdrawal. Similarly, the travel bles that caused by tram strikes, the traffic congestion effect of
speed also deceases when tram or bus operations cease. bus strikes is more than three times than that of tram strikes.
However the level of reduction is relatively low (0.8% and This is because the removal of trams has higher impact on
3.0% respectively). reducing traffic congestion, particularly on roads with tram
 When train services are not available, actual travel time operations.
per kilometer increases by nearly 73%. This is much
higher than the increase in travel time in the event of a
tram or bus withdrawal (1.7% and 6.6% respectively). 6. Discussion and conclusion
Overall, it can be seen that train withdrawal results in a This paper has investigated the impact of individual PT mode
much higher impact on traffic congestion compared to the withdrawals, which occur due to personnel strikes, on travel

Table 4. Behavioral response of PT users when each PT mode ceases in the short term.
Train (%) (n D 433) Tram (%) (n D 234) Bus (%) (n D 187)

Behavioral reactions Inner Middle Outer Total Inner Middle Outer Total Inner Middle Outer Total

Train — — — — 29.3 37.5 43.6 34.2 28.2 26.8 18.2 23.5

Tram 45.5 21.2 4.1 20.7 — — — — 28.2 8.5 6.5 11.8
Bus 14.3 21.8 20.5 19.4 11.4 13.9 12.8 12.4 — — — —
Car as driver 18.8 37.2 55.0 39.4 13.8 19.4 10.3 15.0 23.1 32.4 28.6 28.9
Car as passenger 4.5 6.4 8.2 6.6 1.6 5.6 5.1 3.4 2.6 8.5 13.0 9.1
Taxi/uber 3.6 1.9 1.2 2.1 4.9 1.4 5.1 3.8 0.0 4.2 1.3 2.1
Cycle 6.3 1.3 0.6 2.3 7.3 2.8 2.6 5.1 7.7 0.0 2.6 2.7
Walk 2.7 2.6 1.2 2.1 25.2 11.1 10.3 18.4 5.1 9.9 15.6 11.2
Cancel the trip 2.7 7.1 8.8 6.6 4.9 5.6 7.7 5.6 5.1 8.5 10.4 8.6
Other 1.8 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.6 2.8 2.6 2.1 0.0 1.4 3.9 2.1
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Mode shift to car* 21.1 40.4 59.1 42.7 14.6 22.2 12.9 16.7 24.4 36.7 35.1 33.5

Mode shift to car D mode shift to car as driver C 0.5 £ mode shift to car as passenger.

Table 5. Increase in the number of car trips due to PT strikes in the AM peak to affect mode shift to car in the event of PT strikes. Mode shift
period. would be different for cities with different characteristics (Exel
Additional car trip caused New & Rietveld, 2001) which leads to the difference in the traffic
Car trip by mode shift from PT car trip Increase (%) congestion impact of PT strikes.
Train withdrawal 1,309,476 93,181 1,402,657 7.1 In the event of a train or bus withdrawal, a high proportion
Tram withdrawal 1,309,476 12,656 1,322,132 1.0 of PT users (29%–39%) would switch to driving a car. This is
Bus withdrawal 1,309,476 26,069 1,335,545 2.0 because the majority of train and bus users have long distance
trips which cannot be taken by nonmotorized modes such as
cycling or walking. Shifting to other PT modes is not always an
behavior and traffic congestion. A literature review revealed appropriate alternative, particularly for users living in outer
that most studies exploring the impact of PT withdrawal on areas where PT services limited. In contrast, during a tram
congestion have adopted simple assumptions on car diversion withdrawal, a high share of tram users (47%) would switch to
from PT. The share of mode shift to car has been used in a train and bus as trams operate mostly in inner and middle areas
number of mathematical and simulation modeling studies to where other PT modes can be accessed easily. Walking is also
examine the effect of PT withdrawal on congestion. However, chosen by many tram users (18%) because a large proportion
due to the lack of primary data, prior studies assumed that of trips taken by tram are within walking distance.
either all PT users would shift to car, or that a total fixed share Based on the share of mode shift to car for inner, middle,
would shift based on secondary data. These methodologies are and outer areas, a transport network modeling (VITM) was
considered limited and simplistic. In this study, a primary sur- undertaken to examine the impact of individual PT mode with-
vey was designed based on the findings of a qualitative research
Downloaded by [ECU Libraries] at 00:56 13 January 2018

drawal on traffic congestion. The network-wide impact of train

conducted by Nguyen-Phuoc et al. (2016) to measure changes and bus strikes on traffic congestion is firstly explored in this
in PT user behavior if PT ceases in the short term. The findings study by considering the negative effect of mode shift to car on
showed that when individual PT mode withdrawal occurs, a traffic. The positive effects of train strike is not taken into
high proportion of users (35%–47%) would switch to other PT account as these effects are not significant as explored in a
modes. Other users would shift to car as a driver (15%–39%) or study conducted by Nguyen-Phuoc et al. (2017a). On the other
a passenger (3%–9%), taxi/Uber (2%–4%) or a nonmotorized hand, the effect of tram strikes is modeled by considering both
mode (4%–24%). Only a small group (6%–9%) would choose the positive and negative effect of tram strikes. The negative
to cancel their trips. However, due to the ethics requirements, effect of tram strikes is estimated by using mode shift to car
PT users who are under 18 years old were not selected to partic- which was obtained from a field survey and varied for regions.
ipate in the survey. In fact, a proportion of people in this age This differs to the method used by Nguyen-Phuoc et al.
group use PT to travel to school and they are likely to switch to (2017b) which used the fixed mode shift obtained from second-
private car as a passenger in the event of a PT strike. Thus, ary data for all areas. Additionally, the positive effect of tram
mode shift from PT to car explored in the survey addressing strikes is modeled by considering only the removal of tram
only adults who have a higher chance of switching to car would operations in mixed traffic. The priority tram lanes are not con-
be overestimated. This potentially leads to overestimation of sidered to return to general purpose lanes in the event of tram
the traffic congestion impact of PT strikes. In further research, strikes as there is the difference in elevation between tram lanes
this bias needs to be addressed to increase the accuracy for the and normal traffic lanes.
developed methods. Overall, train withdrawal shows the highest impact on traffic
The mode shift to travelling by a car when PT is removed is congestion, followed by bus and tram withdrawal. A key reason
influenced by a set of factors such as driver’s license, car owner- is that train is used by the majority of PT users (approximately
ship, health concerns, the number of vehicles in a household, 70%) and the share of mode shift to car is higher than that for
trip destination (in the CBD or not), and station accessibility tram and bus withdrawal. The increase in car trips associated
(Nguyen-Phuoc et al., 2017c). Age and gender were not found with train withdrawal can therefore lead to significant impacts

Table 6. Impact of individual PT mode withdrawal on the road network.

Train withdrawal Tram withdrawal Bus withdrawal

Measure Base case Difference (%) Difference (%) Difference (%)

Number of severely congested road links (V/C> D 0.9) (Semcog, 2011) 2,125.0 4,945.0 132.7 2,280.0 7.3 2,491.0 17.2
Number of moderately congested road links (V/C>0.8) (Semcog, 2011) 1,931.0 2,172.0 12.5 1,992.0 3.2 2,069.0 7.1
Length of congested road links (km) 1,173.9 2,104.3 79.3 1,221.1 4.0 1,315.6 12.1
Congested road links (%) 9.1 16.4 79.3 9.5 4.0 10.3 12.1
Number of vehicles experiencing congestion (millions) 16.94 26.68 57.5 17.41 2.8 18.43 8.8
Vehicle distance travelled (million veh-km) 15.02 17.06 13.5 15.09 0.5 15.32 1.9
Vehicle time travelled (million veh-hr) 0.38 0.72 86.5 0.39 2.0 0.42 8.1
Total delay on road network (million veh-hr) 22.84 42.73 87.1 23.31 2.0 24.71 8.2
Average travel speed (km/h) 47.9 38.6 -19.5 47.5 -0.8 46.5 -3.0
Actual travel time per km (min/km) 1.82 3.16 73.1 1.86 1.7 1.95 6.6

Notes: V/C: volume to capacity ratio D traffic volume divided by road capacity.
The t-test is used to test the significant of these above measures. The p-value for all of measures is less than 0.001.
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Figure 5. Distribution of congested road links in Melbourne.

on traffic congestion. This is consistent with the findings of congestion during PT strikes. Other policies could be proposed
Anderson (2013) who showed that grade-separated services such as allowing vehicles to travel or park in priority bus lanes
(such as trains) are considerably effective in reducing conges- or tram lanes if these PT modes cease, thereby increasing road
tion than other PT modes. capacity during strikes. In cities which have bike-sharing sys-
The congestion effect of PT strikes varies for different cities tems, they should be free in the event of a PT strike as it can
based on mode shift from PT to car. This figure was found to encourage mode shift from car users and reduce the level of
depend on the traffic characteristics of each areas (Nguyen- congestion. Increasing the number of real time passenger infor-
Phuoc et al., 2017c). For example, Melbourne which has a mation systems is another measure to build sustainable trans-
much higher car ownership rate than Amsterdam so when PT portation system, particularly in the event of a PT strike.
strikes occur, the congestion effect of PT strikes in Melbourne Different types of information prejourney, enroute, and post-
is higher than that in Amsterdam. journey, which can be provided by using appropriate channels
The key contributions of this paper are: before and during a journey, is extremely valuable for the road
 Understand the changes in travel behavior among PT users as it can affect their travel behavior (Beecroft &
users when each PT mode ceases in the short term. Pangbourne, 2015, Papangelis et al., 2016). Finally, the govern-
 Develop a more precise method to explore the network- ment should take strong balanced actions to avoid potential PT
wide effect of individual PT mode withdrawal on traffic strikes where feasible. PT systems are commonly considered to
congestion by considering the spatial distribution of be the most sustainable motorized transportation systems.
expected mode shift to car as well as the removal of the Given a short-term PT strike is not strong enough to break a
congestion creation impacts of PT operations in the event travel pattern or behavior, it can have a negative effect on the
of PT withdrawals. future use of PT of a group of users, particularly infrequent
 Determine which PT mode trike has the most impact on users who can shift to their common transport modes easily or
traffic congestion. Based on that, appropriate policies young travellers who can choose other modes someday (Exel &
could be proposed to deal with it. Rietveld, 2001). Therefore, what experiences with PT will shape
The results of this paper can help authorities and policy an image in users which can enhance or reduce the use of PT.
makers to estimate the effect of individual PT mode withdrawal The developed model can be applied for other cities to assess
on traffic congestion. From that, a measure or a number of the congestion effects of PT strikes. The model adopted a four-
measures can be better targeted to deal with these issues. For step transport model and the mode shift from PT to car.
instance, the frequency of alternative PT modes can be Recently, transport network models have been developed and
increased in areas experiencing the high levels of traffic used in most major cities to predict the flow of vehicles on the

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