Is Used To Refer To Crime Fiction.) .: English Download

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25 LESSON 47 (Reading 9) FORM 5 Amanah

SUBJECT English DATE / DAY 21.9.22 Wed
UNIT 6 TIME 12.15-1.35
TOPIC Crime Duration 80 minutes
THEME People and Culture
21ST CENTURY LEARNING Choose an item. LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS: Words/phrases related to crime/reading
TECHNIQUE(S) for gist multiple matching
Main: 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Complementary: 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a
appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning range of appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning
Main: 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on Complementary: 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information
awide range of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topicsand some
unfamiliar topics
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
 Read and skim the crime story and find out who could the killer be.
 Read and scan the crime story and find out which six sentences fits each gap in the article.
English Download
Student’s Book p69-71, Teacher’s Book p64-66
 Ask pupils to look at Activity 2 on p69 of the Student’s Book.
 Ask them to solve the mystery. Tell them that one of the pictures is a big clue.
 Ask pupils to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do.
 Ask pupils to read the title and ask them what Whodunnit? means (It means 'Who done/did it?' and
 is used to refer to crime fiction.).
 Ask pupils to skim read the text and look for the answer. Explain to pupils that they do not need to read in detail at this
stage as they will have the opportunity to do so later.
 Tell them that they do not need to read the missing sentences yet either.
 Pupils do the task individually and discuss with a partner before checking answer as a class.
( Student’s book p70 Activity 2)
 Ask pupils to read the instructions and check that they understand what they have to do.
 Ask pupils to read the sentences and explain anything they don't understand.
DEVELOPMENT  Encourage pupils to use the tips from the Download box when doing the task.
 Pupils work individually to fit the sentences to the gaps.
 They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. (Student’s book p71 Activity 3)
 Ask pupils to read the instructions and they understand what they have to do.
 Ask pupils to read the words in the orange box and the sentences and explain anything they don't understand.
 Check pronunciation by saying each of the words in the orange box to the pupils and asking them repeat after you. Correct
where necessary.
 Point out to pupils that some of the words may not be in the correct form and will need to be change.
 Pupils work individually to complete the task,
 They then check their answers in pairs before checking as a class. (Student’s book p71 Activity 4)
 Play Pictionary on the whiteboard.
 Divide the class into two.
POST-LESSON  Ask for a volunteer. Give the volunteer one crime word, i.e. ‘stealing’ and ask them to draw a picture on the board to
describe the word. The class have to guess the word. The half that guesses the word first gets the point. The volunteer can
choose a new volunteer.
By amount of teacher’s support:
Low-proficiency pupils
- pupils complete the tasks(s) with teacher’s guidance
N High-proficiency pupils
- pupils complete the tasks(s) on their own
TEACHER’S _____ out of ______ pupils achieved the learning objectives.
REFLECTION _____ pupils were given remedial treatment.

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