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Read the Parable of the

Prodigal Son. What is the
message of the parable in
relation to human acts? Write
your reflections on and insights
drawn from the parable.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son emphasized the prominence
of repentance, forgiveness, and acceptance. Human acts are
those that are carried out voluntarily – with free will and with
full knowledge, yet occasionally we make mistakes that lead
us down the wrong path in life. In the parable, the prodigal son
symbolizes those who make sins – us, people, while the older
brother symbolizes those that follow and obey God’s rulings.
The father symbolizes God. This parable demonstrated to us
that, as sinners, we have the freedom to behave however we
like, and that most of the time, we are abusing that privilege.
We sinners conduct our lives according to our will even when
we are aware that what we are doing is against God's will, just
like the prodigal son who frittered away his inheritance and
spent everything his father gave him. Therefore, when we hit
rock bottom for defying God's plan, we shall return to Him and
confess our wrongdoings and unwise choices. God will
welcome us with open arms and without a doubt pardon us,
His children, for what we did when we turn from our sins. He
views our regret as the moment of our rebirth, which is
something to be joyful about. This suggests that it is never too
late to make changes to the way we live so that serving Him is
the purpose of everything we do. He will redeem us if we
choose to follow Him and repent from our sins; He will never
refuse to pardon anybody who asks for it. This revealed to us
that those who have always obeyed God need not be envious
of the celebration He has planned for their brothers who have
repented of their sins since they will inherit the paradise God
has prepared. Instead, they ought to find acceptance and feel
rejoiced at the fact that one of their siblings is turning to God
and being delivered from living an unrighteous life. God will
never abandon us when we decide to seek His guidance, even
though we may occasionally make the wrong decisions in life.

2. Individual reflection on a most

recent personal dilemma: How
did I decide and what did I
actually do during the most
important moral experience in
my past year? A particular thing
that you do?

I've recently been faced with a choice between giving up the
virtue of honesty if I say "yes" to my suitor despite the fact that
my parents are against it or the virtue of fairness if I say "no" to
my suitor because he has been waiting for me for a long time
and it would be unfair to make him wait any longer. I decided
to seek God's guidance because I firmly believe that He knows
what's best for me, and I did so by releasing all of my worries
and anxieties regarding this matter. I prayed for it fervently. I
asked those in my immediate vicinity for advice because I
need to know how they perceive my dilemma and I want to
know their thoughts on this matter. Furthermore, I gave serious
thought to my own actions and the possible outcomes of my
decisions. I weighed my two options and concluded which one
would make me feel more at ease. I also looked at the
scenarios I was putting myself in and took all the factors into
account. After all of that, I eventually made a choice that I will
never look back on – choosing the latter among my

Kathleen Joy A. Foliente

M3 k

Make your own model of Stages of Moral Development
applying the principle of Lawrence Kohlberg


My parents instilled in us as children a
Behavior is influenced by number of manners and norms that we
consequences. The person will must abide by, such as not interfering with
comply in order to avoid being the conversations of elders or performing
punished. our household chores as directed. If we

disobeyed, we would be beaten with a belt
or a slipper. On occasion, we are
forbidden from playing outside and must
remain inside. The thing I dislike the most
about my mother is that anytime we defy
her, she won't speak to me or utter a
single word to me. My mind is educated to
only obey my parents, and as a result, it
shapes my behavior in order to escape
such repercussions.


I once had a desperate need to make a Consequences once again
poster but I am terrible at drawing and dictate behavior. The
matching colors. But my cousin, who is person concentrates on
excellent at artwork, needed someone like getting rewards or meeting
me to write a poem. In essence, we must needs themselves
pursue the exact opposite of our passion.
She loves to sketch, and I love to write
poetry. So I struck a bargain that was
advantageous to both of us. I satisfied my
demands by writing poetry for her and
having her create a poster for me.


Instead of playing or interacting with my
Behavior is influenced by social acceptance.
cousins, I am always the one who assists
What is judged proper is that which pleases
my aunts in washing the dishes and
or aids others, what is approved by others,
helping them prepare our meals every time
and which strengthens reciprocal
there is an occasion. As this will
connections such as trust, loyalty, respect,
strengthen gratitude and appreciation, I
and appreciation. The individual seeks to
believe it is what everyone prefers and
keep or win the affection and acceptance of
approves of. I want to be regarded as a
others by acting in a "good person" manner.
good niece and daughter. I have always

had this way of thinking; therefore, I

continue to act in accordance with their
expectations even now. Every time they
express their admiration and gratitude for
me, which is what I seek from them, it
makes me feel better. This, in my opinion,
improves my relationships with them as


As that street is closer to my school, I
once had to cross it quickly because I The laws and social norms
didn't want to be late for class. However, govern behavior. The
there isn't a pedestrian lane there and person now considers a
crossing isn't permitted, but some people wider perspective, that of
are still doing it. To find a pedestrian lane, societal laws. Making moral
I still had a few blocks to go. Even though decisions involves more
I wanted to cross that street right away, I than just taking someone's
hesitated. I have to follow the law and the close relationships into
regulation not to cross that particular account. The person holds
roadway, or else I risk getting into an the view that laws and rules
accident and ruining my life. Not only that, uphold social order, which is
but I also run the risk of endangering the something that should be
driver's life. I simply made my way to the protected.
right junction as a result.


When I was still in junior high school, our
Individual rights dictate behavior. The intramurals usually lasted for about two
person sees laws and regulations as weeks since they were inclusive and
adaptable tools for advancing human goals. included exciting events or activities that
That is, there are regulations that can be encouraged all students to participate in as
broken in the right circumstances. When much physical activity as possible.
laws conflict with people's constitutional Accordingly, the supreme student
rights and the interests of the majority, they government enacted a rule mandating that
do not benefit society and should be we dress in the color designated for each
replaced with alternatives. grade level for two weeks, or however long

the school intramural is going on. We don't
feel good dressing in the same color every
day for two weeks because not all pupils
can afford to do so. The majority's interests
are at odds with this regulation, which also
interferes with students' freedom of dress.
They should be replaced with alternatives
because they do not benefit the public. As a
result, the SSG has replaced this legislation
by requiring students to wear the
designated color only on the first day of
intramural sports.


Our teacher assigned us to keep an eye on each of Kohlberg claims that this is the
our classmates' punctuality and marked absent highest level of functioning. He
those who came in late by more than 5 minutes. As asserted that certain people,
the class's president, I asked the secretary to though, will never achieve this
monitor students who arrived late and asked the level. At this point, one's self-
vice president to step in if the secretary was unable selected ethical rules of
to. Our VP once noted our secretary as being conscience guide the proper
absent after she came in late by only 6 minutes. course of conduct. These ideas
She was granted an excuse by the secretary, who are general in scope and
claimed in an appeal that she needed to return abstract in nature. This method of
home after approaching the school because she decision-making entails
had an urgent urge to poop. Our VP disapproved considering the viewpoints of
and maintained that she was only adhering to the each individual or group who
classroom rules. I, as the class president, had to may be impacted by the choice.
step in. I believe that rules can only be righteous if

they are based on fairness, and this entails a duty

to disregard unfair rules. Although we have laws to
follow, I consider the regulation unfair in this
particular situation, I think we should have
compassion for others. I recognize that our VP is
simply following the rules, and I equally recognize
that our secretary is unable to risk going to school
while suffering. I took into account the
perspectives of both parties and also made sure
they were aware of one another's perspectives. In
the end, I decided to let just this one go, marking
her merely as late and not absent. Our VP insists
that if this situation occurs to any of our classmates
again, they must notify us online if they will be more
than 5 minutes late.


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