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Activities Script Screen Script

Voice off TVC?
MC Good evening ladies and gentlemen and all of our viewers joining us live and online from around the world. I'd like to welcome you all Slide 1
welcome to Swinburne Vietnam's Innovation Space for the End of Fall Semester Awards Ceremony 2022, where we take the opportunity to
guests honour the brightest and best student performances from the last semester.
Academic Ladies and gentlemen, please rise to welcome our Swinburne Vietnam academic leadership team Slide 1
Dr Duan Thank you so much. I would also now like to introduce Dr Trương Công Duẩn, Swinburne Vietnam's Director of Academics to the Slide 1
speech stage to say a few words to our audience.

Thank you very much Dr Duẩn for your inspiring words.

MC Now I would like to introduce our audience to our other members of our leadership team in attendance today. Slide 1
introduces Firstly, Dr Marisha McAuliffe - Director of Student HQ.
awards Dr Trần Thị Bích Hạnh - Course co ordinator for the Business Course
Dr Lê Minh Đức - Course co ordinator for Information Communication Technology Course
Dr Mạch Lệ Thu - Media and communication course representative
We are also joined by a number of the course lecturers today, who are here to show appreciation to our highest performing students

Double Now without further ado I would like to start the awards section of the show. We will start today with an exceptional student who have Slide 2 - 3
awards achieved the top performance in not just 1 but 2 units. So I would like to invite our Academic Director of Swinburne Vietnam, Dr.
Trương Công Duẩn onto stage to congratulate and award this student.

Introduction to Programming
Computer Systems


Business Moving onto our courses, we will start with the Business awards, so could I please invite Dr. Trần Thị Bích Hạnh to the stage and Slide 4
Course present the awards.
Coordinat Our first award in the Business course is for;
Business Marketing Insights - Thiều Đức Anh Slide 5 - 6 - 7 -
Award Marketing Research and Analytics - Nguyễn Phạm Phương Khanh 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
Fundamentals of Marketing - Vũ Lê Minh
Business and Society - Đặng Bảo Châu
Introduction to Management - Lê Hải Sơn
Global and Digital Marketplaces - Lê Uyển Nhi
Internship Business - Lê Hà Anh

Media Congratulations to all the award winners for the Business course, you have had some fantastic performances this last semester. We Slide 12
Course will now move onto our second set of awards and that is for the Media and Communications Course. Firstly I would like to welcome to
Coordinat the stage Dr Pham Binh Duong.
Media Introduction to Media Studies - Nguyễn Hà Anh Slide 13 - 14 -
award Sports/Advertising/Media - Nguyễn Kiều Thanh Tân 15 - 16
Introduction to Public Relations Theory and Practice - Đặng Minh Hằng
Internship Media Comms - Nguyễn Ngân Hạnh
IT Course I would now like to move onto the next portion of our ceremony where we will be honoring the top performers in our ICT course. So Slide 17
Coordinat can I please introduce to our audience Dr Lê Minh Đức the course co-ordinator for Information Communication Technology Course.
IT Award Managing IT Projects - Phạm Lê Yến Chi Slide 18 - 19 -
Data Structures and Patterns - Phạm Khánh Trang 20 -21
Web Development - Nguyễn Vũ Duy Minh
Internship ICT - Phạm Thế Việt
Intermissio We will now be taking a short break to enjoy a song from one of our incedibly talented students, Soundwave will be performing Năm slide 22
n qua đã làm gì. Please enjoy!

Double Thank you very much Dinh Vuong, that was brilliant. slide 23 -24
Global And now, back to the stage, we will come to the award for the students who have achieved the top performance in 2 units in Global
Citizen Citizen Program. So I would like to invite our Academic Director of Swinburne Vietnam, Dr. Trương Công Duẩn onto stage to
Program congratulate and award this student.
Part 1 Level 5 and Level 6
Global And next, congratulations Slide 25 - 26 -
Citizen 27 - 28 - 29 -
Program Level 2 Part 1 - Nguyễn Hoàng Quỳnh Anh 30 - 31
Awards Level 2 Part 2 - An Na
Level 3 Part 1 - Cao Minh
Level 3 Part 2 - Dư Đặng Kim Ngân
Level 4 Part 1 - Nguyễn Minh Hiếu
Level 4 Part 2 - Vũ Nguyễn Long Nhật
Level 5 Part 2 - Hứa Châu Anh

Let's have a round of applause for our Global Citizen awardee.

Vovinam Now we move on to the final award category for this today and that is for our ever popular Vovinam course. Please welcome to the slide 31 -> 32
stage Mr Do Van Phu, our beloved Vovinam instructor to hand out this award.

Aaaaand, for the student who best performed in Vovinam... Congratulations to:

Nguyễn Bình Minh

Closing Thank you to everyone who attended today and congratulations to all of the recipients of the awards I hope your parents and family Slide 33
are proud of you and your performances. Also, thank you to all of our honored Directors, lecturers and Swinburne staff and for every
member of the audience for participating in todays event. We look forward to celebrating with you at all the future award ceremonies
at Swinburne Vietnam.

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