Activities CADI

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Prepositions of place = Use on with the names of streets and avenues: The bookstore is on Center Street. The theater is on Park Avenue. 1 Across from is another way of saying opposite: The library is across from the theater. = The library is opposite the theater. Choose the correct words. A: Excuse me. Is there a post office around here? es, there is. It’s in /@n)Maple Street. : Where on Maple? B: It's in /@i)the corner of Maple Street and Second Avenue. A: Next from / to Charlie’s Restaurant? es, that's right. It's across the street(from)/ to the Windsor Hotel. : Thanks. Oh, and where is the bank? B: It's on Oak Street (GetweenY next to the hospital and police station. Great. Thanks very much. u're welcome. Directions 1 Walk up/Go up mean the same thing. Walk down/Go down also mean the same thing Jenna doesn't know Manhattan at all. Correct Jenna's directions. Write the opposite of what she says. 1. Cal How do | get to Washington Square Park? Jenna Walk up Fifth Avenue. You _No, don't walk up Fifth Avenue. Walk down Fifth Avenue. 2. Cal Howcan | get to the Empire State Building? Jenna Turn right on 32nd Street. You Wak down on 32rd spres+.. 3. Cal How do | get to Bryant Park from Rockefeller Center? Jenna Go down Sixth Avenue. You Goup aah +he same +Ahg Sher A/ahos Jenna It'son the left. You G0 down also maan +a sama Ang 4. Cal Howdo! get to Central Park? Jenna Walk down Eighth Avenue. You _walk up Elgar AVehve ‘| The future with be going to & Use am/is/are + going to + base form for the future: We're going to have dinner with my parents tonight. 1 In questions with be going to, the be verb comes before the subject: Is he going to buy me a gift? A Complete Matthew's story. Use the correct form of be going to and the verbs in parentheses. Tomorrow is joing tobe (be) a very exciting day. It’s my birthday, and my friends and 1yare gang 4-0 calahva+é (celebrate), In the morning, Stephen and |_yA ré golng +o droVa (drive) to the beach. Our friend Rosa ES gotng +e 8+ (meet) us there. We dle galhy +2 $+4¥a# (stay) at the beach for a few hours. Thenwe 2 golng 40 had (have) lunch at my favorite restaurant. After lunch, Stephen 2% going +6 (go), to work, and Rosa and |_0.f'e g6tng 4@ (see) a movie. After the movie, we Pe ve 96 (go) to our fend #hilip’s house. He __ 18 g@tng 46 (make) his special homerfade pizza for Rosa and me. wo Write questions. Then look at part A and answer the questions. 1. Matthew / celebrate / with his family? Q Is Matthew going to celevrate with his family? A: No, he's going to celebrate with his friends. 2. Stephen and Matthew / ride their bikes / to the beach? O:Es Spaphan and Marpfet going ride pfpir bikes +0 +e beac ky A: Ho, he’s nor going +e ride +helr bikes +o +he beach 3. the ree he “Prjands ave ton A 2 Qa: £5 yqands @ lunch at yaspauranty a: No, +fay going haa lunch ar +h work 4, Rosa and Matthew / go to a museum? a £s Rosa ahd May-p-Aow golns 40 4 fusausy a: No, +falr_golhg +0 4 par 5. Rosa and Matthew / have pizza / at a restaurant? a: £5 Qosa and Mar+hew golng +o have plaza at 4 raspaurany? Ho, +helr goihg +o have plaza ar @ brary 2 Wh-questions with be going to = Use is in questions with Who as the subject: Who's going to be there? (nov: Who-are going te-be-there?) Complete the conversation with the correct form of be going to. ‘A: What are___you going todo (do) this weekend? B: | GANG +0 have) a very busy weekend. My friend Amir is_gothg 4-0 (visit) me, andwe are golhg 4-0 (spend) the weekend in the city. A:That'snice. @F@ you. GANG FO (tay) in ahotel? B: No, we FE hO-- gothg 4-olstay) with our friend Lara. And Lara 4S golhg +0 (have) a big party on Saturday night. A: Really? And who _{yO’S godhg +0 (bo) at the party? Do you know any of Lara's friends? B: No, I don't. But Amir and |_ywe Fe godhg_4-0 (meet) everyone on Saturday night. 11 Have + noun; feel + adjective = For most health problems, use a/an: | have acold. | have an earache. With flu, use the: Ihave the flu. (ot: Hheve-e-fltz) Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box. I think I have a fever. Thanks. feel awful, actually. Yes. I'm going to call my doctor in a few minutes. Yes, I do. And I have a stomachache, too. Hi, Vanessa. How are you? A: Hi, Vanessa. How are you? B: I'm terrific, thanks. How about you? A: E feel awful aerodlly. B: Oh, no! What's the matter? A: © pink ¢ have FeVer. B: That's too bad. Do you have a headache? A: _ Yas, i da. And d haVe 4 spomachacta, +00. B: Are you going to see a doctor? A: Yas, {im gaihg -o call my doctor tha Fay mlnuz-as. B: Well, feel better soon. A: Thanks. 2 Imperatives lm Use the base form of the verb in affirmative imperatives: Go home and rest, Ms. Lake. '= Use don't + base form of the verb in negative imperatives. The form doesn’t change: Don’t go to work today, Ms. Lake. Read the situations. Give the people advice. Use the phrases in the box. ¥ drink coffee in the evening eat any cold food exercise today or tomorrow take an antacid take two aspirins work too hard 4. Dave: “I can’t sleep at night.” Don't drink coffee in the evening. 2. : "Ihave aheadache." _ Den’¢ +aka pul aspirins- 3. Lucia: “| work 12 hours a day.” Don’ werk p00 fard. 4. William: “My legs hurt.” Doh’ do excercise poday or pamarrow. 5. ho: "I have a toothache.” Doh'+ aap any cold Foot. 6. Fatima: “I have an awful stomachache." __Deh'+ ala an anpacdd. 1 Future with present continuous and be going to = Use the present continuous to talk about something that is happening now: What are you doing? I'm studying. You can also use the present continuous with time expressions to talk about the future: What are you doing tomorrow? I'm working. 1§ Use be going to to talk about the future: I'm going to see an old school friend ‘tomorrow. A Read the sentences. Are they present or future? Write P or F. 1. Why are you wearing shorts? It's cold. P. 2. What are you wearing to the party on Friday? _?. 3. What are you doing this weekend? _F 4, What are you doing? Can you please see who's at the door? _F 5. Are you going to see a movie tonight?__P. B Complete the conversations. Use be going to. 4. A: What are you and Tony going to do. (do) tonight? B: We _ te galhg +e (try) the new Chinese restaurant. Do you want to come? A: I'd love to. What time do you _ba gang +a (go)? B: We _ #8 4hg +9 _ (meet) at Tony’s house at 7:00. And don’t forget an umbrella The weather forecast says it #4 gang +o _ (rain) tonight. 2. A: Where do you a gong +o (go) on vacation this year? B: | ba going +o (visit) my cousins in Paris. It ba galhg +o (be) great! A: Well, |_ba naz gang (not go) anywhere this year. | __ gang +o (stay) home. B: That's not so bad. Just think about all the money you ang +o ba (save)! ‘1 Comparisons with adjectives AEE=SKE Use the comparative form (adjective + -eror more + adjective) to compare two people, places, or things: Which river is longer, the Nile or the Amazon? The Nile is longer than the Amazon. Use the superlative form (the + adjective + -est or the most + adjective) to compere three or more people, places, or things: Which river is the longest: the Nile, the Amazon, or the Mississippi? The Nile is the longest river in the world. m You can use a comparative or superlative without repeating the noun: Which country islarger, Canada or China? Canada is larger. What's the highest waterfall in the world? Angel Falls is the highest. Write questions with the words. Then look at the underlined words, and write the answers. ‘1. Which desert / dry / the Sahara or the Atacama? Q: Which desert is drier, the Sahara or the Atacama? A: The Atacamais drierthan the Sahara. 2. Which island / large / Greenland, New Guinea, or Honshu? Q: wich island As largs, Greenland, Yow Gunea, or Honshuf A: Grostlard 4s mora larga +Ran +f op fers. 3. Which island / small / New Guinea or Honshu? Q: Wicd istnad As small, Now Garaa ar Honshe? A: Hotshu ds more sill fan Now Gulraa. 4. Which U.S. city/ large / Los Angeles, Chicago, or New York? 0; WeA UG Ary is more large, LA, Cileago, or Naw York? A: _ Hats York 4s mora larga Cileago and 4. 5. Which ocean / deep / the Atlantic or the Pacific? OQ; Well ccaan ds mora dap fe Alpanple or fa PactPle? A: Thi Pacific us mora daap fan +fa Aylandie. 2 Questions with how @ Use high to describe mountains and waterfalls: How high is Mount Fuji? Angel Falls is 979 meters high. Use tall to describe buildings: How tall is the Empire State Building? (nor: Howhighris the Empire State Buitcing?) Complete the questions with the phrases in the box. There is one extra phrase. How big Howcold /Howdeep Howhigh How tall 4. Q: Howdeep _ is Lake Baikal? A: It's 1,642 meters (5,387 feet) at its deepest point. 2.Q: How Ma is Alaska? A: It's 1,717,900 square kilometers (663,300 square miles). 3. Q:; How Mais Denali? A: It's 6,190 meters (20,310 feet) high. 4.Q: Howl +All _ isthe Tokyo Sxytree? At It is 634 meters (2,080 feet) tall ‘Tl There is, there are; one, any, some @ Don't use a contraction in a short answer with Yes: |s there a hotel near here? Yes, there is. (Nor: Yes;there's) = Use some in affirmative statements and any in negative statements: There are some grocery stores in my neighborhood, but there aren't any restaurants. Use any in most questions: Are there any nice stores around here? Complete the conversations. Choose the correct words. 41. ACG) Are there any supermarkets in this neighborhood? No, shore aren't, but there are one / some on Main Street A: And(@)/ are there a post office near here? S, there's (Ghere is,)'s across from the bank. re 2. Al Are there a gas station around here? B: a) there are one behind the shopping center. A; Greallandare there @ Kangoffee shops nearby? B: Yes, there's a good one / some in the shopping center. 2 Quantifiers; how many and how much AEZ=OEG) = Use a lot with both count and noncount nouns: Are there many traffic lights on First Avenue? Yes, there are a lot. Is there much traffic? Yes, there’s a lot. 1 Use any - not none ~ in negative statements: How much traffic is there on your street? There isn’t any. = There’s none. (vot: Thereisn't none.) = Use How many with count nouns: Hew many beoks do you have? & Use How much with noncount nouns: How much traffic is there? A Complete the conversations. Choose the correct words. 1. Aris therany) much traffic in your city? Well, theresa few (little) 2. A: Are thereany) mua hotspots around here? B: No, there aren't many 3. A: How many (How much) Therkisy are 3 1et How much noise is much (rone)It’s very qui B Write questions with the words in parentheses. Use much or many. urants are there in your neighborhood? here in your city? 4. A:_ls there much pollution in your neighborhood? (pollution) No, there isn’t. My neighborhood is very clean. 2. A: £5 pare mock parks dn your talgiborhood (parks) B: Yes, there are. They're great for families 3. A: Es phere much cle Wi your nal afboorood? (crime) There’s none. it’s a very safe part of the city. Es ¢Hore many laurdromaes tn your talgtbortood? (laundromats) There aren't any. A lot of people have their own washing machines 1 Simple past a 1 Use did with the base form — not the past form — of the main verb in questions: How did you spend the weekend? (vor: How-dic-yot-spent. . 2) 18 Use didn’t with the base form in negative statements: We didn’t go shopping. (oT: We-didn't went shopping) Complete the conversation. A Did you have _ (have) a good weekend? B: Yes, | ce | didn’ Save (have) a great time. My sister and | wo (go) shopping on Saturday. We _ i¢h’r (spend) all day at the mall. AL dé you buy: (buy) anything special? B: 1 didn’+ (buy) anewlaptop. And|__d¢ (get) some naw clothes, too. A: Lucky you! What clothes _ lf you __huxdkg___ (buy!? B: Well,|___¢i¢n'+ ___ (need) some new boots.|__¢idh’+__(get) some great ones at Great Times Department Store. What about you? What __¢#f you gdhg +o (do) on Saturday? A: |_dldn’+ de (not, do) anything special. |__ arty (stay) home and x +0 (work) around the house. Oh, but!“ +9 (see) a really good movie onTV.Andthen! dg +e (make) dinner with my mother. | actually __eally _(enjoy) the day. 2 Past of be € ™ Present Past amis —> was Rewrite the sentences. Find another way to write each sentence using was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t and the words in parentheses. 4. Bruno didn’t come to class yesterday. (in class) Bruno wasn't in class yesterday. 2. He worked all day. (at work) Ha wlas worked al day 3. Bruno and his co-workers worked on Saturday, too. (at work) frono and Als coworkors wera woried on Sapurday 4. They didn’t go to work on Sunday. (at work) Ta waran’ + 92 +0 wark ah Suntay 5. Did Bruno stay hore on Sunday? (at home) Did Bruno wash'y sary Rema cn Sunday? 6. Where did Bruno go on Sunday? (on Sunday) Waren’ did Grote go oh Sunday? 7. He and his brother went to a baseball game. (at a baseball game) Ha and As bropfar was +o a basobal gama 8. They stayed at the park until 7:00. (at the park) The sprayed ay fe park wasm’y vty il 7308 ‘1 Adverbs of frequency Adverbs of frequency (always, almost always, usualy, often, sometimes, hardly ever, almost never, never) usually come before the main verb: She never plays tennis. | almost always eat breakfast. our Adverbs of frequency usually come after the verb be: I'm always late 1 Usually and sometimes can begin a sentence: Usually | walk to work. Sometimes | exercise in the morning. 1m Some frequency expressions usually come at the end of a sentence: every day, once a week, twice a month, three times a year: Do you exercise every day? | exercise three times a week. Put the words in order to make questions. Then complete the answers with the words in parentheses. 4. you what weekends usually do do on Q: What do you usually do on weekends? Ail Often play spores on wlealan’s (often / play sports) 2. ever you gojogging do witha friend Q: Do jou aVar ge Joana with a Oran’ A: No, dim alsiays go Joaging alohs (always / alone) 3. you play do basketball how often Q: Has of pan fo You pak basket bal A: | play four +imes a wack (four times a week) 4, doyou what intheevening usually do Q: ghar do you scaly doth fe evening? A: My family and | go onttho almesy always dn +f aVantng {almost always / go online) 5. go howoften you do to the gym QO: How of pan do you ge +o +84 aymt A: | never go +0 hs 3kR (never) 2 Questions with how; short answers '§ Don’t confuse good and well. Use the adjective good with be and the adverb well with other verbs: How goed are you at soccer? aut How well do you play soccer? Complete the questions with How and a word from the box Then match the questions and the answers. good long often well 41. Hawi o&+an do youlift weights? a. Not very well, but | love it. 2. Haw well do you play basketball? A b. About six hours a week. 3. How gr’ are youat volleyball? c. Not very often. I prefer martial arts. 4, _ Has jong do you spend at the gym?__ 8 d. Pretty good, but | hate it. ‘1 Simple present questions; short answers 1 Use do + base form for yes/no questions and short answers with I/you/welthey: De I/you/we/they like rock? Yes, /you/we/they do. No, I/you/we/they don’t. Use does in yes/no questions and short answers with he/she/it: Does he/she rock? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t. ™ Use don’t and doesn’t + base form for negative statements: | don’t like horror movies. He doesn’t ¢ action movies. = Remember: Don't add ~s to the base form: Does she like rock? (Nor: Boes-shetikes rock?) 1 Subject pronouns (I, you, he, sho, it, we, they) usually come before a verb. Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) usually come after a verb: He likes her, but she doesn’t like him. A Complete the questions and short answers. 41. A: __Doyou play _ (play) a musical instrument? B: Yes, Ido . | play the guitar. 2. A: Doos fe Wke (like) Carrie Underwood? B: No, He deasn'+ _. John doesn’t like country music. 3. A: Daas sfa Nka (like) talk shows? B: Yes, fa doas__. Lisa is a big fan of them. 4. A: Doss fa wayeA (watch) the news on TV? B: Yes, He doas . Kevin and | watch the news every night. 5. A: 00 you Wke (like) hip-hop? B: No, _£ doh’+ _. But | love R&B. 6. A:de you Hsten_¢ollisten to) jazz? B: No, = dante . But my parents listen to a lot of classical music. B Complete the sentences with object pronouns. 4. We don't listen to hip-hop because we really don’t like it. We love your voice. Please sing for _Us These sunglasses are great. Do you like Tham _? Who is that man? Do you know _ 4m? Beth looks great in green. It’s a really good color for _ Her fees 2 Preferences; comparisons with adjectives AIEEE] 1 For adjectives with one syllable or adjectives of two syllables ending in -y, add -er to form the comparative: cheap —> cheaper; nice — nicer; big —> bigger, pretty —> prettier. 1 For adjectives with two syllables not ending in -y or adjectives of three or more syllables, use more + adjective to form the comparative: stylish —> more stylish, expensive > more expensive. A Write the comparatives of these adjectives. 1. attractive more attractive 5. interesting fora thparasy ing 2. happy Hore hagplar 6. reasonable _ ara reasonable 3. exciting fore axtedying 7. sad fore sadder 4, friendly Hora Fendilar 8. warm Hore warmar 1] Simple present Wh-questions and statements Statements im Verbs with he/she/it end in -s: He/She walks to school. sur I/You/We/They walk to school. @ Have, go, and do are irregular with he/she/it: She has a class at 1:00. He goes to school at night. She does her homewerk before school. Wh-questions @ Use does in questions with he/she/it and do with all the others: Where does he/she/it live? Where do Vyou/we/they live? Don’t add -s to the verb: Where does she live? (Nor:-Where-does she tives?) Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. 1.A:1 have (have) goodnews! Mona Has._—_—_(have) a new job. How Boas she Like (like) it? : She Loves (love) it. The hours are great. she Starr (start)? (start) at ten and FunNsh (finish) at four. 2A: you de (do)? B: I'ma teacher. A: What do you aged (teach)? peach (teach) Spanish and English. A; Really? My sister __peacfas___(teach) English, too. 2 Time expressions = Use in with the morning/afternoon/evening. Use at with night: He goes to school in ‘the afternoon and works at night. 8uT: on Friday night. = Use at with clock times: She gets up at 7:00 m= Use on with days: He gets up early on weekdays. She has class on Mondays, Complete the conversation with time expressions from the box. You can use some words more than once. at early in on until A: How's your new job? B: | love it, but the hours are difficult. | start work ap 6:30 .m., and | work ued 3:30. A: That's interesting! | work the same hours, but | work ay night. | start ap 630 in the evening and finish ar 3:30 fn the morning. B: Wow! What time do you get up? A: Well, | get home ar 4:30 and go tobed at 5:30. And | sleep hed 2:00. But | only work on weekends, so it's OK. What about you? B: Oh, | work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And I get up early = around 5:00 a.m. OM ‘1 Statements with be; posses: e adjectives = Don't confuse contractions of be with possessive adjectives: You're a student. Your class is English 1. (nor: You're-clessis-English-t.) He’s my classmate. His name is Ricardo, (vor: He’snameis Ricardo.) Choose the correct words. 1. This @Y are Dulce Castelo Ghe/ Her a new student from Santo Domingo. 2. My name am /@Sergio Ga)/ He's from Brazil 3. My brother and | is /@Bstudents here@Oupy We're names are Nate and Chad. 4 His Kento. He's /@l§ 19 years old 5. J Their in my EngMish classQe’>Y Its a big class. 2 Wh-questions with be 1m Uso What to ask about things: What's in your bag? Use Where to ask about places: Where's your friend from? Use Who to ask about people: Who's your teacher? Use What ... like? to ask for a description: What's your friend like? Match the questions with the answers. 4. Who'sthat? a. They're really nice. 2. Where's your teacher? a b. She's from South Korea 3. What are your friends like? _& ¢. They're my brother and sister. 4. Where's she from? d. His name is Daniel. 5. Who ere they? _¢ e. He's in class. 6. What's hisname?_¢ . That's our new classmate. 3 Yes/No questions and short answers with be MEH = Use short answers to answer yes/no questions. Don't use contractions with short answers with Yes: Are you from Mexico? Yes, I am. (Nor: ¥es-tm) Complete the conversations. 1. A:__Arethey _ in your class? B: No, +iey hat. They're in English 2. 2. A: Hi! Are jrou in this class? B: Yes, dam . I'm a new student here. are yav___ from the United States? No, We are nar. We're from Calgary, Canada. Hi, Monica. ara you _ free? B: No, 4am rap. I'm on my way to class. ‘A: That's the new student. __s fa from Paraguay? No, fi ds hae. He’s from Uruguay. 6. A: 4s sfa___from Indonesia? B: Yes, _ sf Is . She's from Jakarta.

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