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Abrahamic Religions

4000 BC 3000 BC 2000 BC 1000 BC 0 AD 1000 2000 3000 4000


Adam and Eve

The Flood

Time of Abraham and the Patriarchs

Issac is born

Abrahamic Covenant

Time in Egypt

Time of the Judges

Torah Compiled

Time of the Prophets

King David' Reign

Israelite Kingdoms

Construction of the First Temple

King Solomon's Reign

Babylonian Exile

Destruction of the First Temple

Jews Part of the Persian Empire

Construction of the Second Temple

Jews Part of Macedonian Empire

Jews Part of Ptolemaic Empire

Jews Part of Seleucid Empire

Maccabean Revolt

Hasmonean State in Judea

Jews are Part of the Roman Empire
Reconstruction of the Temple

Time of Jesus' Life

First Jewish Revolt Against Rome

Romans Destroy Second Temple

Second Jewish Revolt Against Rome

Mishnah Compiled

Jerusalem Ruled by Byzantine Empire

Jerusalem Talmud Compiled

Jerusalem Under Muslim Rule

Crusaders Take Jeruslalem

Jerusalem Ruled By Crusaders

Jerusalem Under Muslim Rule

Saladin Recaptures Jerusalem

Fourth Lateran Council

Jerusalem is Part of the Ottoman Empire

Jerusalem Under British Mandate

Adolf Hitler Comes to Power in Germany

The Holocaust

Arab-Israeli War

Israel Declares Independence

Split Jordan/Israeli Rule of Jerusalem

Israeli Control of Jerusalem

Palestinian-Israeli Conflict


The Birth of Christ

Teachings of Christ
Christianity Proliferates Around the World

The Crucifixion of Christ

The Conversion of Paul

The Council of Jerusalem

The New Testament is Written

Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity

Edict of Milan

Time of the First 7 Ecumenical Councils

Christianity made Official Religion of Roman Empire

Great Schism

First Crusade

Second Crusade

Third Crusade

Fourth Crusade

Western Schism

Fall of Constantinople to Turks

Spanish Inquisition

Luther posts 95 Theses

Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy

King James Version of the Bible Produced

First Great Awakening

Second Awakening begins

Second Vatican Council


Birth of Ishmael

Development of Muhammad's Islamic Message
Muhammad's Life

Muhammad receives his revelation

Caliph Uthman writes the Quran

Conquest of Spain

Muslims Respond to the Christian Crusades

Constantinople Renamed Istanbul

Muslims are expelled from Spain

Shi'ite Islam becomes official religion of Persia

Muslim expansion into Europe and North America


Adam and Eve Traditional date of creation of Adam and Eve, according to creationist timeline.
3760 BCE

The Flood Noah loads the ark with 2 of every animal, and God saves them from the flood.
2150 BCE God makes a new covenant with Noah to never flood the world again.

Time of Abraham and the Patriarchs This includes Abraham's covenant with God, and also the birth of Isaac and
2000 BCE - 1500 BCE Ishmael.

Issac is born
1897 BCE

Abrahamic Covenant God makes his covenant with Abraham

1743 BCE

Time in Egypt In this time, the Jews were held slaves by the Egyptians and eventually God freed
1500 BCE - 1280 BCE them by using the plagues and Moses.

Time of the Judges During this period, individual judges guided the Hebrew people.
1200 BCE - 1050 BCE

Torah Compiled In this time period the Torah was compiled.
1200 BCE - 400 BCE

Time of the Prophets God sends prophets to guide the Hebrew people. The coming of the Messiah is
1050 BCE - 450 BCE foretold.

King David' Reign David reigns and writes the Book of Psalms.
1010 BCE - 970 BCE

Israelite Kingdoms This is the time period that includes the 12 tribes and the two kingdoms. The
1000 BCE - 586 BCE Northern Kingdom is the Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom is the
Kingdom of Judah.

Construction of the First Temple

970 BCE - 931 BCE

King Solomon's Reign King Solomon reigns and writes the Books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Wisdom, and
970 BCE - 931 BCE Sirach, along with the Song of Solomon.

Babylonian Exile
586 BCE - 538 BCE

Destruction of the First Temple Beginning of the Babylonian exile.

586 BCE

Jews Part of the Persian Empire

538 BCE - 332 BCE

Construction of the Second Temple

520 BCE - 515 BCE

Jews Part of Macedonian Empire

332 BCE - 305 BCE

Jews Part of Ptolemaic Empire

305 BCE - 198 BCE

Jews Part of Seleucid Empire

198 BCE - 141 BCE

Maccabean Revolt Jewish revolt against restrictions on Jewish practices and the desecration of the
166 BCE - 160 BCE Temple.

Hasmonean State in Judea

141 BCE - 37 BCE

Jews are Part of the Roman Empire

63 BCE - 330 CE

Reconstruction of the Temple Herod begins to rebuild the Temple.

20 BCE

Time of Jesus' Life Jesus is born and preaches to the Jewish people.
4 BCE - 30 CE

First Jewish Revolt Against Rome

66 CE - 73 CE

Romans Destroy Second Temple

70 CE

Second Jewish Revolt Against Rome

132 CE - 135 CE

Mishnah Compiled Jewish oral law is Compiled by Judah the Prince.

200 CE

Jerusalem Ruled by Byzantine Empire

330 CE - 638 CE

Jerusalem Talmud Compiled

368 CE

Jerusalem Under Muslim Rule

638 CE - 1099 CE

Crusaders Take Jeruslalem Crusader capture the city and massacre thousands of Jews.
1099 CE

Jerusalem Ruled By Crusaders
1099 CE - 1187 CE

Jerusalem Under Muslim Rule

1187 CE - 1453 CE

Saladin Recaptures Jerusalem

1187 CE

Fourth Lateran Council Persecution of Jews in Protestant Europe.

1215 CE

Jerusalem is Part of the Ottoman Empire

1453 CE - 1917 CE

Jerusalem Under British Mandate

1917 CE - 1948 CE

Adolf Hitler Comes to Power in Germany

1933 CE

The Holocaust
1939 CE - 1945 CE

Arab-Israeli War
1948 CE

Israel Declares Independence

1948 CE

Split Jordan/Israeli Rule of Jerusalem

1948 CE - 1967 CE

Israeli Control of Jerusalem

1967 CE - present

Palestinian-Israeli Conflict There is currently a conflict over the Gaza Strip, both countries think that they have
1990 CE - Present claim to it.


The Birth of Christ This is the birth of Jesus Christ from the virgin Mary. Jesus is raised in the town of
4 BCE Nazareth

Teachings of Christ During this time Christ taught his principles and wisdom.
27 CE - 30 CE

Christianity Proliferates Around the World Christianity is spread around the world.
30 CE

The Crucifixion of Christ This is the death of Christ.

30 CE

The Conversion of Paul Saul, a persecutor of Christians, is converted in a confrontation with God, and
35 CE goes on to become one of the greatest disciples of Christianity.

The Council of Jerusalem This meeting determined that Gentile converts to Christianity did not have to
49 CE follow most of the Laws of Moses

The New Testament is Written The entirety of the New Testament is written by various different authors.
50 CE - 150 CE

Emperor Constantine's conversion to Christianity

312 CE

Edict of Milan Establishes official toleration of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

313 CE

Time of the First 7 Ecumenical Councils

325 CE - 793 CE

Christianity made Official Religion of Roman Empire

380 CE

Great Schism
1054 CE

First Crusade Peoples crusade, called for the freeing the Holy Lands. 1st Crusade led by Count
1096 CE - 1099 CE Raymond IV of Toulouse and proclaimed by many wandering preachers.

Second Crusade Crusaders prepared to attack Damascus. 2nd crusade led by Holy Roman
1144 CE - 1155 CE Emperor Conrad III and by King Louis VII of France

Third Crusade Led by Richard Lionheart of England, made a truce with Saladin.
1187 CE - 1192 CE

Fourth Crusade 4th Crusade led by Fulk of Neuil French/Flemish advanced on Constantinople.
1212 CE

Western Schism Schism created when French cardinals declared Pope Urban VI invalid, electing
1378 CE - 1417 CE their own pope, Clement VII.

Fall of Constantinople to Turks

1453 CE

Spanish Inquisition Founded by Ferdinand and Isabella

1478 CE - 1834 CE

Luther posts 95 Theses This is the catalyst for the Protestant Reformation.
1517 CE

Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy

1543 CE

King James Version of the Bible Produced

1611 CE

First Great Awakening

1730 CE

Second Awakening begins

1797 CE

Second Vatican Council

1962 CE - 1965 CE


Birth of Ishmael
1911 BCE

Development of Muhammad's Islamic Message

570 CE - 1258 CE

Muhammad's Life
570 CE - 632 CE

Muhammad receives his revelation

610 CE

Caliph Uthman writes the Quran

650 CE

Conquest of Spain
711 CE

Muslims Respond to the Christian Crusades Retake much of the progress of the Holy Land Crusades
1095 CE - 1258 CE

Constantinople Renamed Istanbul Constantinople was captured by Muslims, and later became the Ottoman capitol.
1453 CE

Muslims are expelled from Spain

1492 CE

Shi'ite Islam becomes official religion of Persia

1501 CE

Muslim expansion into Europe and North America

1945 CE - Present


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