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Act: (First Scene) nakatingin si lorraine sa bintana habang umuulan

Camera angle: First: Back Shot

If pwede malinaw muna siya. Basta

may picture na ganito yung shot.

Camera angle: Second shot

Nakaharap na sayo yung camera
like nung nasa pic pero medyo side
view then you look up.

Camera angle: low shot angle

while walking towards the couch

Camera angle: Pag nakapunta na

sa couch, ganto yung shot, mas
maganda sana kung may kumot
pero kung ganto lang ayos na din

Then take a shot na nagpapakita

na nag scroll ka sa phone mo:
shoulder shot
Then doon na mag faflash yung infomercial

Informercial Script :

Stephanie: Aren't you confused why our weather conditions change so quickly? From sunny to
falling rain that quick and being hot again after the rain. Isn't like a mood that changes without
knowing why. 

Stephanie: Let me tell you something that might help you... (ung actor mag aact sya ng shhhh) 

Stephanie: Over the past few decades, climate Change has captivated the world's attention.
The warming of the Earth’s temperature is due to a phenomenon called the greenhouse effect.
The three largest greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.  When
sunlight enters our atmosphere, some of the sun’s heat is trapped by the gas, and some
bounces back out into space. By trapping that heat, our atmosphere keeps Earth warm enough
to live on. Without it, our planet would be very cold, like Mars. 

Stephanie: But everything exceed in what you need can cause damage. That is why Earth's
climate is being triggered. According to Tereza Pultavora, Earth is trapping twice as much heat
as it did in 2005. Very likely climate change was due to humans. 

Stephanie: This leads to such effects to our lives without us knowing these effects. It can affect
people directly such as increased respiratory and cardiovascular disease, injuries, premature
deaths related to extreme weather, water-borne diseases and even heat related illnesses. Long-
term climate change consequences are expected to include decreasing sea ice and increased
permafrost thawing, increased heat waves and heavy precipitation, and diminished water
supplies in semi-arid regions.

Ericka: For us to lessen the worse we can start: 

Keep fossil fuels in the ground.
 Fossil fuels include coal, oil and gas. The more that are extracted and burned, the worse
climate change will get. All countries need to move their economies away from fossil fuels as
soon as possible.
Invest in renewable energy.
 Changing our main energy sources to clean and renewable energy is the best way to stop
using fossil fuels. These include technologies like solar, wind, wave, tidal and geothermal
Restore nature to absorb more carbon.
 The natural world is very good at cleaning up our emissions, but we need to look after it.
Planting trees in the right places or giving land back to nature through ‘rewilding’ schemes is a
good place to start. 
Protect forests.
 Forests are crucial in the fight against climate change, and protecting them is an important
climate solution. Cutting down forests on an industrial scale destroys giant trees which could be
sucking up huge amounts of carbon. 
Protect the oceans.
 Oceans also absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to keep
our climate stable. But many are overfished, used for oil and gas drilling or threatened by deep
sea mining. Protecting oceans and the life in them is ultimately a way to protect ourselves from
climate change.
Reduce how much people consume. 
Our transport, fashion, food and other lifestyle choices all have different impacts on the climate.
Reducing consumption of these products might be hard, it’s most certainly worth it. Reducing
overall consumption in more wealthy countries can help put less strain on the planet.
Reduce plastic. 
Plastic is made from oil, and the process of extracting, refining and turning oil into plastic. It
doesn’t break down quickly in nature so a lot of plastic is burned, which contributes to
Reduce your carbon footprint. 
There are plenty of ways you can live more sustainably. Make sure the lights are off if you are
the last to leave the classroom, take shorter showers, and consume less meat and dairy
products are all good ways you can reduce your personal footprint.
Educate yourself.
They say that knowing is half the battle, which is why being educated on the effects of climate
change goes a long way. While advocating for change and getting involved is important, it is
vital that you know the reasons behind doing so. Knowing will help you be able to make more
informed decisions and make sustainable changes in your behaviour and lifestyle.

There so many ways to help our mother earth ( sigh "yet we havent done any" palm face) 

“Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about
climate change. Today we have no excuse.“


(pagkatapos panoorin yung infomercial, babangon si Loraine mula sa pagkakahiga then lalabas
siya sa bahay nila)
(Pagkalabas na pagkalabas ni loraine mahihirapan siyang huminga)

(arc shot ft pov shot: ipapakita yung mga nakikita ni loraine like mga taong nakabreathing mask
then mga wala ng tubig etc)

(While pinapakita yoon nag shishift parin yung camera kay loraine showing na mas nahihirapan
na siyang huminga then walk a few step then collapse)

Yung magbablack then siguro siren na bg music (???) then bubukas yung screen na parang
isang tao na nagmulat ng mata dun ipapakita na panaginip lang yon

Hahawakan ulit ni loraine yung phone niya then makikita niya is adveertisement na

Advertisement script:


Tired carrying too much plastic and looking for an affordable bag? Here, we have _____ , an
environment-friendly tote bag! Made from 100% recyclable and biodegradable material! Very
convenient to use because it is foldable which allows it to fit almost anywhere! Show your love
to our planet! Purchase one of these now with your favorite color! Bili na sa shopee! Salamat
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Since malamig na non, papatayin ni loraine yung electric fan to reduce energy consumption
then black ulit na screen

Loraine: We only have one planet to live in, and it is the earth. We need to wake up and unite to
protect and save our planet now because later is too late.

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