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News research July 14, 2011 Master List Number 1 Title Japan s Prime Minister Calls for complete

Phase out of nuclear Power 2 Aquamarine Power Unveils Oyster 800 Wave energy generator 3 LifeEdited: Home electronics and entertainment 4 Soft memory device opens door to new Biocompatible electronic 5 News 1 Title: Japan s Prime Minister Calls for complete Phase out of nuclear Power Date: July 14, 2011 Category: nuclear & policy Website name: Inhabita Photo: July 14, 2011 7/110714101513.htm July 14, 2011 edited-home-electronics-entertainment.php July 13, 2011 ls-oyster-800-wave-energy-generator-exclusivephotos/ Date July 14, 2011 Link ls-for-complete-phase-out-of-nuclear-power/ Tag

Description: Apparently after the nuclear crisis triggered in Fukushima by the tsunami, most people have been living under the shadow of the disaster and an alarm has been set in the high level of Japan government, regarding to the issue of phasing out the nuclear power in Japan. In the end, the

countrys Prime Minister has finally addressed Japans energy future. In a statement released yesterday, Naoto Kan said that his country should learn from the disaster and phase out its use of nuclear power.


News 2 Title: Aquamarine Power Unveils Oyster 800 Wave energy generator Date: July 13, 2011 Category: Hydro energy & technology Website name: Inhabitat Photo:

Description: Aquamarine Power s new Oyster 800 wave energy generator, which can generate 7.875 MW power has been built in Scotland and this heralded a landmark achievement in renewable energy technology and a great contribution to develop a wide range of low carbon energy technology in the world. Minister Alex Salmond attended to the commission and gave his celebration words to this new aquamarine power design. Link: e-photos/ News 3 Title: LifeEdited: Home electronics and entertainment

Date: July 14, 2011 Website name: Treehugger Photo:

Description: To minimize the contradiction between high tech and low impact, the LifeEdited apartment and its inhabitants are knuckling the technical problems in both business and leisure requirement. The prior goal for the company is to simplify the setup as much as possible, such as making the new devices digitizing as much media as possible. There are three main topics which demonstrate the improvement they have made for the green electronics : streaming media, Green projects and hiding the speakers and receivers. Link: News 4 Title: Soft memory device opens door to new Biocompatible electronics Date: July 14, 2011 Category: Biology and technology Website name: Science Daily Photo:


Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a memory device that is soft and functions well in wet environments -- opening the door to a new generation of biocompatible electronic devices. The mechanism of the device is similar with conventional electronic device, using binary language to log the information. In the future, transplanting such memory device into human s brain is no longer a hard topic for scientist. Link: News 5 Title: New Way to Store Sun's Heat: Modified Carbon Nanotubes Can Store Solar Energy Indefinitely, Then Be Recharged by Exposure to the Sun Date: July 14, 2011 Category: Solar and technology Website Name: Science Daily Photo:

Description: A novel application of carbon nanotubes, developed by MIT researchers, shows promise as an innovative approach to storing solar energy for use whenever it's needed. The mechanism of the application involves the knowledge of material and structure, which indicates that thermo-chemical storage of solar energy uses a molecule whose structure changes when
exposed to sunlight, and can remain stable in that form indefinitely. After nudged by a stimulus, the molecule can quickly snap back to its other form, releasing its stored energy in a burst of heat.


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