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CS 454 Revision 0 7.

Assessment of masonry arches

Table 7.3.1a Authorised axle loads and spacings for normal and restricted traffic
Single Double axle bogie Triple axle bogie
Assessment live axle
loading level Axle load Axle load Range of axle Axle load Range of axle
(tonnes) (tonnes) spacing s (m) (tonnes) spacing (m)
8 1.00 ≤ s < 1.30 7 s < 2.60
Normal traffic 11.5 9.5 1.30 ≤ s < 1.80 8 s ≥ 2.60
10 s ≥ 1.80 - -
33 tonnes 11.5 9.5 s ≥ 1.30 - -
26 tonnes 11.5 9.5 s ≥ 1.30 - -
18 tonnes 11.5 - - - -
Fire engines group
10 - - - -
13 tonnes 9 - - - -
10 tonnes 7 - - - -
7.5 tonnes 5.5 - - - -
Fire engines group
5 - - - -
3 tonnes 2 - - - -
Table 7.3.1b Characteristic axle weight conversion factors for masonry arches
Loading Location Conversion factors
No axle lift-off With axle lift-off
Single axle - 1.0 -
Axle 1 1.0 1.5
Double axle bogie[1]
Axle 2 1.0 0.5
Axle 1 1.0 1.5
Axle 2
Triple axle bogie[2] 1.0 1.0
(middle axle)
Axle 3 1.0 0.5
Note 1: Conversion factor values for axles 1 and 2 of the double-axle bogie are interchangeable.
Note 2: Conversion factor values for axles 1 and 3 of the triple-axle bogie are interchangeable.

7.3.2 Axle lift-off should be assessed where there are any of the following conditions:
1) a vertical road alignment with significant changes from positive to negative gradient over a short
distance (e.g. a humped back bridge);
2) arch located at the bottom of a hill or on a straight length of road where approach speeds are likely
to be high;
3) irregularities in road surface on the arch.
7.3.3 Where the assessment is being carried out specifically for bogies with air or fluid suspension, axle
lift-off may be omitted.
7.3.4 Masonry arches with spans over 20m should be assessed for normal traffic as represented by ALL
model 2 based on a loaded length equal to half of the arch span.
NOTE ALL model 2 is applied separately from the single axle, double axle and triple axle bogies that are
applicable for all spans. Both load models are applicable for spans over 20m.


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