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Christian Alcaparas

Readings in Philippine History

Asynchronous Activity

1. What is the historical and social context of the Philippines during 1986?

During the year 1986 in the Philippines, a succession of historical political events took place. It was
the year when a massive transition happened in the country in terms of political and social agenda.
February of year 1986, the former President, Ferdinand Marcos Sr. has just been disposed of his
position of dictatorship. He was replaced by the first ever female president of the Philippines,
Corazon Aquino. This replacement took place through a peaceful and non-violent revolution, the
1986 people power EDSA revolution. This is the major event that defined the country’s desire to fight
for freedom and democracy during that year.

2. What is the intention of the speech?

The major intention of the speech is to promote democracy. Former President Corazon Aquino’s
speech contains a brief summary of the current political and social setting in the Philippines during
those times mainly emphasizing the importance of freedom and democracy in such country as well
as, agenda regarding economic development and human rights. The speech is also intended to thank
the United States of America for the aid they provided during the revolution and campaign against
the Marcos regime.

3. Why US Congress invited former President Corazon Aquino as their guest speaker?

I think the US Congress invited the former President Corazon Aquino as their guest speaker because
it would be relevant if it would be her. With all the events that happened in the Philippines during
that year and the previous years’, with all the conflicts, campaigns, snap election, and revolution won
by Cory, it would be just right for her to deliver a speech before the US congress.

4. How does the speech beneficial to Filipinos during 1986?

The speech by former president Cory Aquino during the US congress in the year 1986 would be very
beneficial to Filipinos. This speech promotes democracy and freedom mainly containing all the
events, experiences, sufferings, losing and winning of every Filipino in behalf of the country. With
this, every other country will recognize the Philippines as the one who fought for their own freedom
and for democracy gaining their support for necessary matters.

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