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Gilo, Elmie P.

Mathematics in the Modern World

Seas and oceans are the most important of the earth and it plays a very important role to
support our life. It is containing some forms of life or the other at very part sea provides
livelihood to many people especially fisherman and villages on the seashore, this is home
to a lot of life forms of some are very important for humans, because of its high demand
and nutrition of all.
The clouds are the combination of ice with dust that settled in the atmosphere. Some
clouds may create an attractive view on human eyes. Everyone must witness is that of
dark clouds covering the sky and the sun not being visible. Sometime the clouds would
disappear or move away and the sunlight would again brighten up the sky.

Rocks are interest and quality in many fields of work, rocks are those that solid a molten
mixture of rock forming minerals and usually volatiles such steam and gases.
Sand the quality sticks together when appropriate amount of water is used in the
combination. Sand art is making different shapes through sand modelling it is mostly
created by children, it has the ability to covey different intended message it is also need
lot of patience to build it structures as a joy time activity.

Land is a mixture of inorganic and organic materials. It provides services like agricultural
productivity. Land is one of the most valuable resources for mankind as well as one of the
nature most precious gift that sustain life as well as providing resources to human beings.

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