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Procrastinators have always a reasons.

Making habit is not about making routine.20/01
It's not because I'm doing it but rather we must do it. 21/01
Human nature always tends to look around himself like he is. 23/01
When one extracts happiness from doing a work then automatically he tends to indulge in that
work habitually. 24/01
It is good to ignite the fire of jealousy if it leads to a better end.24/01
Self-awareness is the key factor or first footstep of immense wisdom.25/01
If you ever consider me a normal then remind yourself you're an abnormal. Likewise, if you
consider me a different kind or abnormal to this world then I believe you're normal and better
than others.25/01
It is always good to do good things.26/01
We all feel that we're living the life but if we engrossed within ourselves then we will find and feel
that we're actually killing the life.26/01
Behind patriotism, there is a fragmentation.27/01
You don't know the root if you believe at fragmentation.27/01
Unill there is selfishness, there is fragmentation.27/01
Without criticism there's no developments and improvements.28/01
There are only few fortunate who have the divinity to enjoy about nature's melodious
It is true that you must try to think positively at every bad situation but if something hurts your
sentiment then you can't think positively at that moment.28/01
Happiness is the key to all. It leads to stability.28/01
You are always at a perfect moment to start something new.28/01
Everyday is an insatiable day if you could not able to fulfill it completely with your happiness
It is always the best to prioritise the things or work that will give you happiness.28/01
None of a day is there for you rather you are there for a day to make it yourself.29/01
When you have narrow eyes then even the greatest of the opportunity lying front of you couldn't
be seen.29/01
It is not compulsory to have specific reasons for everything.30/01
My each and every product and expression is my philosophy.30/01
We being a petty human have an astonishing tendency to contradict our values.31/01
We at the pinnacle of our teenage tends to be some kind of narcissistic personality who wants to
have money much in his hand.31/01
If you have time then do your intended work now because next moment you won't have any
time to do so.01/02
You mustn't be there for everyone, let you be for your true self that's much more than
Read not to complete the book rather to understand the book.01/02
Thinking gives you a psychological stability whereas working gives you a bodily stability.02/02
World roams about nothing and nothing.07/02
Life is all about mixing up of feelings and tiresome fallacious manipulation of mind.07/02
The greatest obstacles in your life is not your outsiders but it is your limitation that you have
limited over yourself.09/02
If you ever don't find happiness along with peoples then remember you need solitude to get
It is a human behavioral tendency to not to act in a way he thinks.11/02
Live this transient life to become happy rather than to become a worldy successful one.11/02
The greatest blessings of The Creator is to have a philosopher in your own place.11/02
Think in such a way that it won't give you any stress.11/02
When your start up is not good then the whole of the project has some type of deformity.12/02
When everything goes out of sight only then the real sight comes to exist to fulfill your fullest
If you consider money being the prime factor then you are always at the state of sorrow.21/02
The damn excuses are always there to save our superiority complex.01/03
Everything in this existence is something, nothing more than that.02/03
Nowadays, Man doesn't smells like a man.02/03
The words of a lady are the greatest swords of persuasion.04/03
We all are living in theories.05/03
We are living in between : We know and we don't know.05/03
If you are serious then only you can be determined.05/03
Don't try to input your damn philosophy on others.06/03
If your happiness givers are not related to involvement of people then your involvement with the
people are mere foolish move.06/03
Isolation from the world is the hardest and greatest decision for extroverts.06/03
The extension of my philosophy might be confined to me only as it is always hard to
comprehend by myself. 21/03
Analyse to be determined.21/03
Deformities are there at almost everything but you just need to look what good it can do or has
done. 24/03
It is good to try but not to try. 24/03
The more above you reach, the more cooler you will be.28/03
Think and act done accordingly what harmony is.19/04
The world roams carrying prejudice.10/05
To be a sentimental is a curse.12/05
If you can yourself then you can analyse everyone better than anyone.12/05
If you really yearn for you to be answered then first you need to/must arouse the great
passionate intensity from within to be answered.28/05
Mitigate completely the barriers of prejudiced perception.19/05
As little by little, I am becoming older, the more I am realising that I am becoming out of this me
and I am.01/06
If a man does not uplift himself from idle conversations then he is nowhere.22/06
A man most often deceived by his own words.20/06
Neither anyone is rich nor poor, they are just trapped in between the comparison.23/06
I don't feel any irrational by seeing someone crying over one's death because the world is full of
You might get a general idea of a creation but never the root. You are the root of yourself; not of
When you start being responsible to your own self then you start losing the interest of worldly
Would everyone please stop blaming intellectual? The world itself seems to be deluded by the
weaker sections of emotional ones! I'd rather prefer to be an intellectual rather than an
emotional one! 17/07
The one who can manipulate his own mind is the real thinker. 15/08
Without contradicting one's own perspective and values by himself, life would be meaningless.
Contradiction is the essence of life.

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