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“ Never underestimate the difference you can make in the lives of others. Step
forward, reach out, and help. Reach out to someone that might need a lift.” This quotation
perfectly captures Dr. Pedro T. Orata's generosity and selfless acts for Urdaneta City
University (UCU). He demonstrated how the spirit of volunteerism and service penetrates
his heart, mind, and actions. With his sincere affection for the people and the community,
he supported the transformation and construction of a community college with top-notch
education that is accessible to rural areas. He contributes to the community in many ways.
By establishing this, a lot of people, including professionals and different organizations,
recognized the college and helped it raise a lot of money through donations. Additionally,
Dr. Orata served as university president at Urdaneta Community College from 1966 until
his death in 1989 without receiving a salary.

Every Filipino has a role for bayanihan, therefore UCU is vital for the students in
our community to develop their futures and realize their aspirations. Others will argue that
education is not essential for future development but rather street smart or possessing a
variety of strategies. I am aware that this is partially true, but they are mistaken to argue
that education is unimportant because without it, we will not be able to develop our street
smart and learn how to strategize for the future. So, many thanks to Dr. Orata and the
entire UCU family for giving every student who has a desire the opportunity they deserve,
in addition to providing the necessary resources.

A local institution like UCU is essential to the community since it not only aids in
students' education and knowledge acquisition, but also helps to shape their futures and
the futures of their entire neighborhood. The adage "Education is the key to success" may
sound overused and cliché, but it is actually true because it is your ladder to grow as a
person, not just in educational attainment, but as for yourself. This is because in school,
we not only learn the value of knowledge, but also acquire the necessary skills to prepare
us for the future. We may use these skills for many years to come in our endeavors.

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