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Instructions: Read the following case and identify how the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

CASE STUDY: The Development of Whale Shark Interaction in Donsol

The municipality of Donsol in the province of Sorsogon in the eastern part of the Philippines was a sleepy
town with basically zero exposure to tourism up to the late 1990s. It gained modest fame when large
congregations of whale sharks were discovered by outsiders. Although the locals have been living in
harmony with whale sharks, they never had an inkling that the gentle giants would make their town a
famous tourist destination. On the second year that the whale sharks were announced to the world,
thousands of tourists have already visited Donsol to swim with the giant sharks.
It was clear that tourism has become a major industry in the area. Thus efforts were made in order to
properly develop the tourism product and get its full socioeconomic benefits while minimizing the
unexpected impacts of the industry on the people and the environment of Donsol.
The development of the tourism product in the area underwent the process of product development.
It was clear that the main tourism product for Donsol would be the whale sharks that annually appear in
the municipality’s area in the months of January till May. This gave a concern to the planners that whale
shark is a highly seasonal product and that other resources in the area will also have to be developed in
order to make tourism a really significant development industry. Thus, the beaches, waterfalls, rivers,
and nearby islands were also included in the overall tourism product development of Donsol.
It was also discovered that the rivers in the municipality host large congregations of fireflies that could
be promoted to visitors. It was then determined that firefly-watching could become a potential major
tourism product in the area.
Market sources, segments, and sizes were determined in order to come up with a projection on the
potential market types and sizes that may visit the area for whale shark interaction. It was determined
that the major market source for the whale sharks would be the domestic market with the majority
coming from Metro Manila (which has a population size of 10 million and serves as the major economic
hub of the country).
Donsol can also get a good percentage of the foreign market as the type of whale shark interaction is
considered an almost unique and world-class tourism product.
Based on the type of activity required to take part in whale shark interaction, the market type ideal for
Donsol would include:
 Allocentric (having one’s interest and attention centered on other persons) travelers who have a
good amount of adventurism and are willing to stay in the rustic facilities of Donsol.
 Young and middle-aged market who will most likely be able to swim with the whale sharks.
Since the whale sharks can provide good publicity and marketing opportunity for the destination, other
market types may be attracted to visit the area. Thus, other attraction such as the beaches and
waterfalls will be made available for people who cannot swim with the animals.
It was clear that the whale sharks will be the priority tourism product of the destination.
To counter seasonality of the whale sharks, firefly-watching, and scuba diving were deemed as priority
products of Donsol, with the former attracting the mass market and the latter attracting the niche, dive
To ensure the proper development of the natural resources, product development was focused on the
concept of ecotourism.
Donsol did not have to undergo test marketing as the product is considered a major tourist magnet.
In order to fully understand the quality of whale shark interaction, a series of product evaluation
participated by the local communities, scientists, and tourism outfits were conducted. This was to ensure
that the quality of resource will be maintained when tourists start coming in large numbers to Donsol.
Based on the evaluation, appropriate policies and guidelines were formulated to control the potential
impacts of tourism.
With the appropriate policies and guidelines, and proper product development (including manpower
training), whale shark interaction was launched as an ecotourism product in Donsol. It did not have to
undergo extensive (and potentially expensive) marketing as there was already great interest in the
product since the whale sharks were discovered in the area.

Libosado, C. M., & Bosangit, C. A. (2007). Introduction to tourism: a comprehensive guide to the travel
and tourism industry, p.101-103. Pasic City: Anvil Publishing, Inc.

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