LESSON PLAN Expressions of Ability Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

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Teacher’s Name Isna Wildi Alayda

Date/Time Thursday
School SMPN 4 Muaro Jambi
Class VIII B
Focus Writing and Speaking
Topic Expression of Abilities
Knowing how to ask and respond
Learning’s Goal
someone’s ability
Unit Length 2 x 40 minutes

Teaching Context
 Students : Junior High School grade 8th 20 students
 Ages : 14-15 Years Old
 The Approximate Proficiency : Beginner to Intermediate
 Reason for Taking This Class : This class is a part of the curriculum
Learning Objectives:
 Describing sentence structure and linguistic elements in expressions of abilities.
 Applying the expression of abilities in social context to ask and respond the ability of
 Comparing the expressions of ability and inability.
Learning Material:
 Oral text and written text about expressing the ability and inability.
 Some expressions to ask and respond the ability of someone and themselves.
Focus of each writing and speaking activity listed in the table below:
 Pre-teaching : Explaining about the goals of the materials, Brainstorming
(knowing the vocabularies that will be used in learning
 Teaching Activities : Grammar rules, Memorized, Peer Corrections, Scrambled
 Post-teaching : Reinforcement for students, conclusion.

Teaching Aids:
- Whiteboard - Boardmarker
- Laptop
- In focus - Speaker
Any anticipated and problems:
- Teacher will explained the materials by themselves.
- Textbook
- Internet Sources

Internet Sources
Juniardi, W. (2022, Agustus 25). Quipper Blog. Retrieved from Expressing Ability: Fungsi,
Contoh Kalimat & Dialog - Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8:
Liveworksheets. (2020). Retrieved from Modal verbs worksheets and online exercises:
Tapuih, P. (2017, Agustus 18). Paja Tapuih English Updates. Retrieved from Expressing
Ability and Disability beserta contoh terlengkap:

The meaning of expression of ability and inability
Expressions of ability is an expression which we can use to express when we can do
something that others ask. This expression also can be used as a statement to state someone’s
ability. We can state ourselves or someone’s ability and inability in various ways:
1. Can
This expression is used to state an ability of ourselves or someone else which can
prove by the person 100 % in real life situation. When we want to use this expression,
we also have the form of sentences which is grammatically correct:
 Subject + can + Verb
The first form is showing that someone can do something that others ask/want.
Meanwhile, below this paragraph is a form of sentences that shows someone cannot
do something that others ask/want:
 Subject + cannot/can’t + Verb
For Example
1) Laila can speak English fluently (stating someone’s ability)
2) Putri cannot play piano very well (stating someone’s inability)
2. Be able to
This expression is also used to state an ability of ourselves or someone else. There is
form sentences when we want to use this expression:
 Subject + tobe (is/am/are) + able to + verb
This form is used to state an ability of ourselves or someone else in present situation.
In this meeting, we will learn the present situation first and the second meeting we
will learn the past situation. Below this paragraph is the form of sentences that states
an inability of ourselves or someone else:
 Subject + tobe (is/am/are) + not + able to + verb
For example
1) He is able to eat spicy food (shows an ability of someone else)
2) Dira allergic with seafood, so she is not able to eat shrimp (shows an inability of
someone else)

Various ways to ask someone’s ability:

 Can + Subject + verb
 Tobe (is/am/are) + Subject + able to + verb
For example  I might be able to…
1) Can you speak english fluently?  I can…
2) Are you able to eat spicy food?  (Yes), no problem…
 Can you go to…?  I know how to…
 Are you good at…? Responding Disability:
 Is he able to…?  I cannot…
 Do you think you can…?  I am not good at…
 Do you know anything  I have no idea how…
about…?  I am not sure I can/know
Responding Ability from the lists of how to…
questions above:  I don’t know anything
 I can… about…
 I am pretty good at the
Activity, Type and Progression Duration Resources
Pre Teaching 10 Minutes Lecturer
1. Teacher enters the classroom
and greetings the students.
2. Teacher instruct the
chairperson to pray together.
3. Teacher check students’
4. Teacher explain about the
goals of this meetings.
Core Activities 60 Minutes Lecturer, Textbook and
1. Teacher invites the student to Question and Internet Sources.
give their opinion about Answer,
“What is Expressions of Discussion.
2. Teacher explain about the
purpose of expression of
3. Teacher explain about how
the expressions that will
mostly used in this materials.
4. Teacher explain the form of
sentences in expressions of
5. Teacher invites students to
make a sentence that shows
about their ability to do
6. Teacher explain about how to
ask & respond expressions of
7. Teacher instruct the students
to make a group.
8. Teacher give to the students
workheets about the
9. Students are allowed to ask
anything when discussing
their task.
10. Teacher instruct the students
to do a presentation about the
result of their task group.
Closing Activities 10 Minutes Lecturer,Questio
1. Teacher give a feedback and n and Answer.
reinforcement from students’
2. Teacher ask the students
about what they have learnt
in this meetings.
3. Teacher conclude the
materials and give a
homework from this
4. Teacher close the class and
leave the class.

Assesment Rubric of Meetings 1

1. Type/Assesment Technique
- Attitude Assesment during learning process.
- Spoken Test : Stating, Asking and Responding Ability.
- Written Test : Write a sentence about expressing students’ ability with the right
form of sentences.

2. Type of Instrument
- Affective Aspect : Observation.
- Cognitive Aspect : Multiple Choice and Essay.
- Psychomotor Aspect : Writing and Presentation.

3. Examples of The Instrument

- Scrambled Sentences (can – He – write – a – beautiful poem).
- Make a sentence that shows about their ability to do something with the right form of
a) I can cook fried rice (Subject + can + verb).
b) I am able to finish mathematics assignment (Subject + tobe (is/am/are) + verb).
- Presentate the result of their discussion in group (the task is complete the sentence
with can/can’t and matching some sentences about asking & responding ability.
Rubric Assesment
A. Affective Assesment
No. Aspect Criteria Score
1 Politeness Always showing good manners. 5
Sometimes showing good manners. 4
Never showing good manners. 3
2 Honest Always showing honest attitude. 5
Sometimes showing honest attitude. 4
Never showing honest attitude. 3
3 Confidence Always brave to give an opinion, answer 5
teachers’ question and asking questions.
Sometimes brave to give an opinion, answer
teachers’ question and asking questions. 4

Never brave to give an opinion, answer

teachers’ question and asking questions. 3

Affective Aspect
No Students’ Name Total Grade
Politeness Honest Confidence




Formula: Grade = × 100

B. Cognitive Assesment
Key Answers
No Answers Score
1 D 1
2 D 1
3 A 1
4 C 1
5 D 1
6 C 1
7 C 1
8 D 1
9 C 1
10 C 1
Total 10

Grade = ×100

Key Answers
No Answers Score
2 Picture 2 2
He can climb the tree
He is able to climb the tree
3 Picture 3 2
She can ride a horse
She is able to ride a horse
4 Picture 4 2
They can dance beautifully
They are able to dance beautifully
Total 6

Grade = ×100

Psychomotor Aspect
 Writing
No. Aspect Criteria Score
1 Structure Really can make and arrange sentence 5
Sentence according with the right form of sentences.
Know a little to make and arrange sentence 4
according with the right form of sentences.
Lack of knowing how to make and arrange 3

sentence according with the right form of

2 Word Choices Really can choose the appropriate words 5
according with the questions’ situation.
Know a little to choose the appropriate 4
words according with the questions’
situation. 3

Lack of knowing how to choose the

appropriate words according with the
questions’ situation.
 Speaking
No. Aspect Criteria Score
1 Fluency Very fluent to speak in english. 5
Fluent enough, only stop a second while 4
speaking in english.
Not very fluent and stop for a long time 3
while speaking in english;.
2 Pronunciation Almost perfect. 5
Having some mistakes but does not interfere 4
with meaning.
Many mistakes and interfere with meaning. 3

Psychomotor Aspect
No Students’ Name Total Grade
Writing Speaking




Formula: Grade = × 100

Subjects : English

Material : Expressions of Ability

Class/Semester : VIII/I

Time Allocation : 15 Minutes

Group :

Members of Group :

A. Learning Objectives
 After following this meetings, students are expected to be able to describe sentence
structure and linguistic elements in expressions of abilities.
 After following this meetings, students are expected to be able to apply the expression
of abilities in social context to ask and respond the ability of someone.
 After following this meetings, students are expected to be able to compare the
expressions of ability and inability.

B. Activity Steps
a. Make 3 groups that consists of 5-6 people.
b. Read the material about expressions of ability while working on the worksheets
that already shared by the teacher.
c. Discuss the answer with your friends in group.
d. Pin the answer on our “English Corner”.
C. Discussion Results
Exercise 1

Complete the text with the appropriate modal verbs (can/can’t)

You (1) ………… enter the museum without a ticket. You (2) …………. buy tickets online
or at the ticket counter next to the entrance. You (3) ……………. look at the artworks, but
you (4) …………… touch it. You (5) …………….. ask staff members about the art, but you
(6) ……………. bring food/drink into the museum.

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences with can and a verb from the box.
Then match the questions and answers.

* play (2x) * speak * ride * use * cook * drive *

1. ( f ) Can you play the piano ? (example)

2. ( ) _________ you _______________ any other languages?
3. ( ) _________ you _______________ the guitar?
4. ( ) _________ you _______________ a motorbike ?
5. ( ) _________ you _______________ a computer ?
6. ( ) _________ you _______________ Italian food ?
7. ( ) _________ you _______________ a car ?
a. Yes I can. French and Spanish.
b. Yes I can, but I can’t program one.
c. No, I can’t. I think they’re dangerous.
d. No, I can’t, but I love eating it.
e. No, I can’t, but I can play the piano.
f. Yes I can. I like playing Mozart.
g. Yes I can. I have a Fiat Punto.

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