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We Solve the Kingdom's Most 6..

Critical Wastewater Challenges.

Altaaqa Alt~native Solutions offers comprehensive, rellabl e and tailored services for waste water
disposal and treated effluent man~ement, catering to major industrial citie~ municipalities, and
private pwjects, as well u commercial organizations, across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Our solutlons Include extended atratlon, membrane biorHctortrHtment, multlmedla

filtration a nd more.

We can offer advancedT-MBBR sewage treatment system.This system greatly reduces plant
footprint, e~ rgy requirement, plant odoor and produces minimal sludge. We can also retrofit this
T·MBBR to Increase capacity and ensure treated water quality wit h minimal change to the rest of
your existing plant.

We can provide BOO (build own, operate) solutions. eliminating the need for Initial in~ stment by
th e customerandredudngc ustom er risk. We ,analsoprovide EPC(Engineerlng,Procurement.
Construction)solutlonswithanoptional operationandmaintenancecontractto ensureyou
plant remains in first dass condit ion ma~lmlzing its operational life.

Cu.tom en can also benefit from Altaaqa Alternative Solut,on• power solar and water ,upplJ
solutions res111!,ng1nacomplete1111htysol11t,onw1thaslnglepo!ntofcontact
Toaddressall1011rwaterdeJahnat1onq11erles pleasecontactourtechnlcalandbus,nendeve1op-
mentteamat 6002444425

TH 0126ll7-60SO [XT 14591212512259

E nc,I bus,neu@altaaqacom

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