Bazaar Entrepreneurship

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2022 NATIONAL SINING TANGHALAN (A Showcase of Marketable Products and Performances) | COMPONENT AREA _| Entrepreneurship [KEYSTAGE Key Stages Three (3) & Four (4) EVENT TITLE Bazaar (Product, Services and Business Pitch Presentation) NO.OF | PARTICIPANT/S 4 participants (2 JHS and 2 SHS) TIME ALLOTMENT | 1 day set-up (Day 0), 3 days judging: 1 day for Service and 1 day for Product Display & 1 day for Business Pitch Presentation PERFORMANCE The learners prepare a business plan collaboratively. STANDARD ‘The learners present their business plan. 21% CENTURY | Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking SKILL/S oe | DESCRIPTION “Applying the principles of entrepreneurship and showcasing the products and services of schools /learning centers of the region. ‘CRITERIA FOR | Criteria ] Percentage ASSESSMENT | | Product Creativity 40% ‘+ Originality of design, ideas, graphics, presentation, harmony, and balance + Us Cohesive * Adherence tothe guidelines of2 services (3%) + Adherence tothe guidelines of 10-15 products G%) + Products are presented organized according to category (4%) Marketing Strategies for Products and Services 30% + Employs varied market strategies to attract customers/ buyers Cleanliness and Orderliness — Fluency of Com ion Skills | ee | Total Service | Cohesive Presentation + Adherence tothe guidelines of2 services (396) + Adherence tothe guidelines of 10-15 products 6%) Products are presented/ organized according to category (4%) ‘Marketing Strategies for Products and Services ‘+ Employs varied market strategies to attract customers) buyers + Cleanliness and Orderliness 10% Fluency of Communication Skills 10% Total 100% Business Pitch "Completeness of the Elements (may be simplified) | 30% Presentation + Introduction | |e Problem | + Target Market | } + Solution ‘+ Marketing and Sales Strategy | + Management Team | |__+ Investments and Funding —| | Fluency of Communication Skills 20% |__+ Clear and concise explanation of eas _ Presentation of the Pitch Deck 20% | © Appealing infographic content (font, size, color) © Coherence with the ff \ ‘a. platform ie, plain ppt pitch without pre- recorded video as presenter b, time allotment (2-3 minutes) maximum of 10 slide decks creativity Mastery of the Content 30% | | Total 100% Best Booth Award — | Criteria Percentage (Special award) Relevance to the theme 25% Physical Set-up in adherence to the existing 35% | guidelines _ Creativity and innovativeness 30% Cleanliness __ — 10% | Total 100% J. Event Rules and Mechanics A. General 1. Allofficially enrolled learners with LRN are eligible to join only one event. 2, Participating regions shall be given one (1) day on Day 0 to set-up their | products and materials needed for the services in the stall provided by the host region. 3. Only the student-participants and coach are allowed inside the stall during | the judging, ‘The Event Administrator will let the Regional Focal Persons draw lots to determine their respective stall during the solidarity meeting (Day 0). . Each learner - participant should wear appropriate attire with no identification of the region, ‘The host region will provide the booth per participating region with the same dimensions. . There will be a separate venue for the business pitch presentation to be determined by the host i Po Hy 4, | | judges. 15 to be presented to the judges with DTI- Republic Act 3720 Labeling Law. 3. Products to be displayed inside the stall are only those produced by the students in the schools within the region. 4, Each learner- participant will go through an interview and deliberation of B, Products and Services 1, Judging of products will be on day 1 and services will be on day 2 2. Types of products to be displayed shall be a minimum of 10 and maximum of brochure and proper label complying C. Business Pitch Presentation 1. Each learner- participant will go through a presentation (2-3 minutes), an interview (5 minutes) and deliberation of judges. 8. The area should be cleaned Immediately after the event. 9. The winning regions will be determined by getting the average points of the | three sub-events such as: product presentation, servi pitch deck presentation based on the specific criteria mentioned above. Special awards will be given as BEST IN BAZAAR BOOTH. 10, There will be four coaches for the bazaar which includes the teachers of 2 JHS participants and 2 SHS participants, presentation and IL Resource Requirements Event Supplies, Participants Host Host Region Tools and School/Venue | Equipment | ‘A. Materials / Supplies * Display board None |? Stall (same size | forall regions) Stall Size (8'x8’) B.Tools /Equipment | *Extension cords |*LCD projector | * Electrical and * Products for and water outlet | display screen/SMART TV | *4 Tables | * Lighting fixtures * 6 Chairs * Tools, equipment and materials | appropriate to the services to be delivered - * Laptop — [e Bazaar Areaper —_| None |* 8X8 for Region product *8'X8" for __| services D. Others PPE “* Utility expenses Prepared by: AUHOR: CAGUIA Education Program Supervisor JONAL’ MBRONA Education Program Supervisor CAR ue Cg pal pr ey om

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