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Mathematical Mindset Practice 1: Growth Mindset Culture

Beginning Developing Expanding

Brain and belief

Brain and belief Belief messages are messages are given in a
Mindset messages are never given occasionally meaningful way “I know
Messages given or only to or too generically you can do this”, “As
some students you learn this a
pathway forms in your

Praise is focused on Effort, ideas, and

Praise is sometimes
Praising the answers rather than strategies are
focused on effort consistently
Learning Process effort and progress and process
in thinking recognized and

Students talk about Students convey a

Students’ some students being Students show self-
mix of confidence belief and confidence
Mindsets “math people” and and doubt in
some not themselves

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Mathematical Mindset Practice 2: Nature of Mathematics

Beginning Developing Expanding

Tasks are
mathematically rich in
Tasks are relatively
Open Rich tasks are reasoning
closed, emphasizing
occasionally used opportunities,
Tasks procedures with
allowing for different
little reasoning
approaches and

Maths work does Students use and share

Reasoning Occasionally multiple different ideas, visuals,
not include methods and visuals
and Multiple reasoning, visuals, and methods & use
are elicited and
Perspectives or multiple ownership words - e.g.
explored “my method”

Strong emphasis on Occasional emphasis

Depth Over on speed, Emphasis is on depth,
speed, memorization, creativity, visuals, and
Speed and correct answers memorization, and
correct answers mathematical beauty

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Mathematical Mindset Practice 3: Challenge & Struggle

Beginning Developing Expanding

Complete and correct work is emphasized,Mistakes

mistakesare Mistakes
discouraged students are comfortable sharing even if unsure
not explored

Students expect and rely on Struggle is valued -

At teacher assistance
times struggle when they at
is celebrated, struggle
others students aree.g.
led to a solution
“This is the best
Struggle & Persistence
time for brain grts
owth.” Studen
persist longer.

Questions are open and encourage multiple methods, ways of seeing and thinking
Questions are low- challenge or
questions are occasionally used

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Mathematical Mindset Practice 4: Connections & Collaboration

Beginning Developing Expanding

Connections between
ideas, methods, and
Mathematical Maths is presented as Connections are representations are
a set of disconnected implied but seldom highlighted and explored
Connections ideas discussed through visuals,
movement, and

Students collaborate
Student discussion is
Connecting in Student discussion is and build off each
encouraged but only other’s ideas and all
Small Groups not encouraged some students take part students are

Class discussion is Students talk

encouraged - e.g. “Does directly to each
Connecting as No opportunities for
anyone want to respond other; the teacher is
whole class discussion
a Whole to ’s idea?”, but just one member of
Class most interactions are the mathematical
teacher-student community

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Mathematical Mindset Practice 5: Assessment

Beginning Developing Expanding

Assessment is used
Standards based
Harsh grading; formatively - e.g. verbal,
Nature of grading - with
grading on a curve, written, and ongoing
feedback on
Feedback ranking, no feedback on specific
standards met.
revisions, punitive learning goals.
Revisions are Revisions are
allowed. encouraged.

Frequency of Grades and

Testing and tests/quizzes Grades and other
summative measures Learning culture with
Grading are frequent,
are only given at the diagnostic feedback
performance culture
end of unit

Assessment includes Formative assessment

Multiple Assessment is based valuing a broad form
on tests, quizzes, and more
Forms of multidimensional of mathematics - e.g.
homework. Focus in on example visuals,
Assessment answers only. evidence of learning,
not only answers making sense,
multiple methods

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