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Reliable education classes - Vashi


Reliable optics merrys TIME:  1 hour 30 minutes

education XI-SCI Zen : Physics
MARKS:  25
classes - Vashi Optics,


1. All Questions are compulsory.
2. Numbers on the right indicate full marks.

Section A
Q.1 Select and Write the correct answer. (4)

1. Which of the following aberration NOT occur for spherical mirrors?

A) Chromatic aberration B) Coma
C) Distortion D) Spherical aberration
2. As per recent understanding light consists of
A) Rays B) Waves
C) Corpuscles D) Photons obeying the rules of waves
3. Two plane mirrors are inclined at angle 40º between them. Number of images seen of a tiny object kept
between them is
A) Only 8 B) Only 9
C) 8 or 9 D) 9 or 10
360 360
n= θ
− 1 or n = θ

n= − 1 = 8 n=36040−1=8    (At angle bisector)
sh n

Va t i o
or n = 40
= 9 orn=36040=9     (At any other pt)

4. A concave mirror of curvature 40 cm, used for shaving purposed produces image of double size as that of
s - uca

the object. Object distance must be

A) 10 cm only B) 20 cm only
C) 30 cm only D) 10 cm or 30 cm
sse ed

R = –40 cm, f = –20 cm

m = + 2 (erect)

m = f−u m=ff−u

cla ble

∴2= −20−u

∴ −40 − 2u = −20 ∴−40−2u=−20

               −2u = 20 −2u=20


                     u = −10 u=−10



Q.2 Answer the following. (3)

1. What is lateral magnification in mirror?
Ans :

magnification : Ratio of linear size vof image to that of the object, measured perpendicular to the principal axis, is
defined as the lateral magnification m = u m=vu

For any position of the object, a convex mirror always forms virtual, erect and diminished image, m < 1. In the case of a
concave mirror it depends upon the position of the object.

2. Define absolute refractive index and relative refractive index. Explain in brief with an illustration for each.
Ans :

refractive index of a medium is defined as the ratio of speed of light in vacuum to that in the given medium.
p g g
n= v
where c and
v are respective speeds of light in vacuum and in the medium. As n is the ratio of some physical quantities, it is
a unit less and dimensionless physical quantity.Medium having greater value of n is called optically denser. An optically
denser medium
need not be physically

denser.Refractive index of medium 2 with respect to medium 1 is defined as the ratio of speed of
light v1 in medium 1 to its speed v2 in medium

n v
Thus, 1 n 2 = n 2 = v1 1n2=n2n1=v1v2

1 2

3. State mirror formula.

Ans :
= V
1 = 1
and f = 2

Section B
Attempt any Four
Q.3 What is power and focal length if many lenses are kept in contact with each other? (2)
Ans :
We can
have a number of thin lenses in contact with each other having common principal axis. Focal power of such
combination is given by the algebraic addition (by considering ± signs) of individual focal powers.
∴ f1 = Σ( f1 ) = f1 + f1 + f1 +. . . . ∴1f1=Σ(1f1)=1fi+1f2+1f3+....

1 1 i 2 3

= P 1 + P 2 + P 3 . . . . . . = ΣP i = P =P1+P2+P3......=ΣPi=P

For only two thin lenses, separated in air by distance d,

1 1 1 d
= f1
+ f2
− f1f2
= P 1 + P 2 − d P P
1 2 = P 1f=1f1+1f2−df1f2=P1+P2−dP1P2=P

Q.4 What is a terrestrial telescope and an astronomical telescope? (2)

Ans :
1. For
terrestrial telescopes the objects to be seen are on the Earth, like mountains, trees,players playing a match in a
stadium, etc. In such case, the final image must be erect.
2. Eye lens used for this purpose must be concave and such
a telescope is popularly called a binocular. A variety of
binoculars use three convex lenses with proper separation.
3. The third lens again inverts the second intermediate image
and makes final image erect with respect to the object. In this
text we shall be discussing astronomical telescope.
4. For an astronomical telescope, the objects to be
seen are planets, stars, galaxies, etc. In this case there is no necessity of
erect image. Such telescopes use convex lens as eye lens.
sh n
Va t i o
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Q.5 Describe spherical aberration for spherical lenses. What are different ways to minimize or eliminate it? (2)
Ans :

aberration : Longitudinal spherical aberration, transverse spherical aberration and circle of least confusion are
defined in the same manner as that for spherical mirrors.

sse ed
cla ble


Methods to reduce/eliminate spherical aberration of lenses :

1. Cheapest method to reduce the spherical aberration is to use
a plano-convex or planoconcave
lens with curved side facing the incident rays (real object) Reversing it

increase the aberration appreciably.


2. Certain ratio of radii of curvature for a given refractive index almost eliminates the
spherical aberration. For n = 1.5, the ratio is R 1 = 16 and for n = 2it is 15

3. Use of two thin converging lenses separated by distance equal to difference between their focal lengths
with lens of larger
focal length facing the incident rays considerably reduces spherical aberration.
4. Spherical aberration of a convex lens is positive (for real image), while that of
a concave lens is negative. Thus a suitable
combination of them (preferably a double convex lens of smaller focal length and a plano-concave lens of greater focal
length) can completely eliminate spherical aberration.
Q.6 Give position and magnification for concave mirror. (2)

Ans :
  Concave mirror (if negative)  
Position of Position of Real (R) or Linear
Virtual (V)

u =∞ v=f R m=0
u>2f 2f>v>f R m<1
u=2f v=2f R m=1
2f > u > f v>2f R m>1
u=f v=∞ R m=∞
u<f v > u V m>1

Q.7 A glass slab thickness 2.5 cm having refractive index 5/3 is kept on an ink spot. A transparent beaker of (2)
very thin bottom, containing water of refreactive index 4/3 up to 8 cm,is kept on the glass block.
Calculate apparent depth of the ink spot when seen from the outside air.
Ans :
t1 = 2.5
cm         t2 = 8cm
n 1 = 53

n 2 = 43 n1=53n2=43
To find : Apparent depth


Apparent depth =
Real Depth
t1 t2

= n + n =t1n1+t2n2
1 2

= 2.55
+ 84 =2.553+843
3 3

= 2.5×35
+ 8×3
= 1.5 + 6

∴ ∴  Apparent

depth = 7.5 cm
A car uses a convex mirror
of curvature 1.2 m as its rear-view mirror. A minibus of cross section 2.2 m ×
Q.8 (2)
2.2 m is 6.6 m away from the mirror. Estimate the image size.
Ans :
: sh n
R = + 1.2

i.e f = 0.6m

u = –6.6 m

Va t i o
Object size
= 0 = 2.2m × 2.2m
To find : Image size = I

Sol: Magnification = m
= OI = f−u IO=ff−u

s - uca

I 0.6
∴ 2.2 = 0.6+6.6 ∴I2.2=0.60.6+6.6

∴ 2.2 = 0.6
= 12 ∴I2.2=0.67.2=112

∴ I = 2.212
∴ ∴ I = 0.1833 m

sse ed

Section C
Attempt any Two
Q.9 Obtain the expressions for magnifying power and the length of an astronomical telescope under normal (3)
cla ble

Ans :
1. Objective

of focal length fo focusses the parallel incident beam at a distance fo from the objective giving an inverted image
AB. For normal adjustment, the eye lens is soadjusted that the intermediate image AB happens to be at the focus of the eye
2. Rays refracted beyond the eye lens form a parallel beam inclined at an angle b with the principal axis resulting into the

image also at infinity.

∴ ∴ Angular magnification
or magnifying power,
β tan β ( BA
) ( BA )

M = α ≅ tan α = BA = BAePeB

( B) ( )

Po fo

∴M= fe

Length of the telescope for normal adjustment is L = fo + fe

3. Under the allowed limit of length objective of maximum
possible focal length fo and eye lens of minimum possible focal
length fe can be chosen for maximum magnifying power.
Under what conditions is total internal reflection
possible? Explain it with a suitable example. Define
Q.10 (3)
critical angle of incidence and obtain an expression for it.
Ans :
1. Figure shows refraction of light emerging from a denser medium into a rarer medium for various angles of incidence.
2. The angles of refraction in the rarer medium are larger than the corresponding angles of incidence. At a particular angle

of incidence
ic in the denser

medium, the corresponding angle of refraction in the rarer medium is 90o.
3. For angles of incidence greater than ic, the angle of refraction become larger than 90o and the ray does not enter into
rarer medium at all but it's reflected totally into the denser medium. This is called total internal reflection. The
corresponding angle of
incidence ic in the denser
medium is called critical angle.
4. Critical angle for a pair of refracting medica can be defined

as that angle of incidence in the denser medium for which the
angle of refraction in the rarer medium 90o.
5. Let m be the relative refractive index of denser

medium with respect to the rarer. Applying Snell's law at the critical angle
of incidence, ic, we can write,

Q.11 Estimate the number of images produced if a tiny object is kept in between two plane mirrors inclined (3)
at 35o, 36o, 40o and 45o
Ans :
a) ∠ ∠
Q = 35º
∴ n = Abs (
360 )

= 360
≅ 10.3 =36035≅10.3 sh n
∴ ∴  No. of images = 10

b) ∠ ∠ Q = 36º

Va t i o
∴ n = 36036

1 = 10 − 1 ∴n=36036−1=10−1
∴ ∴ No. of images = 9

c) ∠ ∠ Q = 40º (off angle

∴ n = 360

− 1 = 10 − 1 ∴n=36036−1=10−1
s - uca

∴ ∴ No. of images = 9

∠ ∠ Q = 40º (off angle

∴ n = 36040

− 1 = 9 − 1 ∴n=36040−1=9−1
∴ ∴ No. of images = 8

d) ∠ ∠ Q = 45º

sse ed

∴ n = 36045

1 = 8 − 1 ∴n=36045−1=8−1
∴ ∴  No. of images = 7

Section D
Attempt any One
cla ble

Q.12 What are the limitations in increasing the magnifying powers 1. Simple microscope 2. Compound (4)
microscope 3. Astronomical telescope?
Ans :
1. Magnifying

power is given by ratio of b and a such that

MP = α ≅
β (Angle by image)

(Angel by object)

If we try to increase MP of an instrument; β β need to be more and /or α α should be least.


2. As we know DDV = 25 cm and the visual angle cannot be less than 25 cm

3. Hence the angular distance cannot go above certain range.

4. In order to increase m0, we need to decrease u0. Thereby, the object comes closer and closer to the focus of the objective.
This increase v0 and hence length of the microscope. Thus m0 can be increased only within the limitation of length of the

5. This also disturbs

the resolution of image (resolving power)
Hence magnifying power cannot be increased beyond certain
What is focal length of a lens biconcave, biconvex and plano-convex lens?
Ans :
1. Thin,

symmetric, double convex lens: R1 is positive, R2 is negative and numerically equal. Let |R1| = R2 = R.

1 2(n−1)
∴ f
= (n − 1) ( R1 − 1
)= ∴1f=(n−1)(1R−1−R)=2(n−1)R

2. Thin, symmetric double concave lens: R1 is negative, R2 is positive and numerically equal. Let |R1| = R2 = R.

∴ 1f = (n − 1) ( −R1 − R1 ) = −R ∴1f=(n−1)(1−R−1R)=2(n−1)−R

Further if n ≅ 1.5, f = –R
3. Thin, plano-convex lenses : One radius is R and other is ∞. ∴ 1 = ∴1f=(n−1)R
f R

Further if n ≅ 1.5 f = 2|R|

Q.13 Focal power of the eye of a compound microscope is 6 diopter. The microscope is to be used for (4)
maximum magnifying power (angular magnification) of at least 12.5. The packing instructions demand
that length of the microscope should be 25 cm. Determine minimum focal power of the objective. How
much will its radius of curvature be if it is a biconvex lens of n = 1.5
Ans :
: Pe = 6D
∴ f e = 1 m =
6 6
cm = 50
cm ∴fe=16m=1006cm=503cm
MP = 12.5, L = 25cm, n = 1.5

To find : R, mu

Sol : For eyepiece;

∴ m e = 1 + fD (max)

∴ m e = 1 + 25 50

∴ ∴  me = 1 + 1.5 = 2.5
∴ ∴  M = m0. me

∴ ∴ 12.5 = m0 (2.5)

∴ ∴  m0 = 5

ve = D = 25 cm(–ve)
By Lense formula;

1 1 1

= ve − ue 1fe=1ve−1ue

∴ 50 = 25 − u1 ∴350=−125−1ue
3 −1

∴ u1 = −1 25
− 50 ∴1ue=−125−350

∴ u1 = −5 − −1
50 10
sh n
Q L = v0 + ue (only magnitudes)

Va t i o
∴ ∴  25 = v0 + 10

∴ ∴  v0 =v 15cm

m o = u e mo=v0ue

∴ 5 = 15 ∴5=15ue
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∴ ∴ R = 2.5 cm

∴ ∴ ue = 3cm (–v
By lens formula (objective)

= v1 − u1 1f0=1v0−1u0

0 0

∴ f1 = 15 1
− (−3) 1
sse ed


∴ f1 = 15 1
+ 13 ∴1f0=115+13

= 1+5

f 0 = 15 = 2.5 cm f0=156=2.5cm
cla ble

∴ ∴  power of objective;

1 1 1

P = f = 2.5cm = 0.025 P=1f0=12.5cm=10.025


∴ ∴  P = 40 D
For biconvex
lens ;

f = 2(n−1) f=R2(n−1)

∴ ∴ R = f × 2(n – 1)
= 2.5 × 2 (1.5 – 1)


= 2.5 × 2 × 0.5

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