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at School
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1.Introduction to Saving Energy at School

2.01. Pawar Public School, Chandivali

3.Summary of Interview One

4.02. Second Company

5.Summary of Interview 02

6.Investigation Among Students


8.SDG Activity

Introduction to Saving Energy at School

Energy saving at school is a relatively new

concept. The activity is done by schools
globally so as to reduce energy
overconsumption that is unfortunately
taking place all over the world due to the
unawareness of the importance of fossil
fuels. Energy conservation also helps us to
save resources that are non renewable, that
can be saved for generations to come.
Energy conservation is loosely correlated to
use of renewable energy sources. There are
several ways to save energy in schools,
colleges and other educational institutions,
such as installation of solar panels, reducing
use of artificial light and instead making
classrooms utilize natural light, composting
food waste created in canteens, using LEDs
instead of light bulbs and so on.
Interview One

Interview with Vaibhav Pol

(Administrative officer) of
Pawar Public School,
Summary of Interview One

The school is going to do a electrical audit in the coming

future so that the school preserves energy more efficiently as
compared to the energy preserving these past eleven years.
This work will be done by a electrical professional who can
guide the school better due to their extensive amounts of
experience. The school is additionally orchestrating to utilize
wind turbines and more efficient solar panels.The school
currently is preserving energy at a very rudimentary level by
utilising solar panels and using LED tube lights to replace
heat generating light bulbs. The students have additionally
been cognisant about preserving energy by switching off the
lights and the fans when leaving the classroom.
Interview Two

Interview with Mr. Deepak

Ochani (Research and
development ) of Schneider
Electric India Pvt. Ltd.
Summary of Interview Two

There are different types of switches like moldage K circuit breakers

and there are certain small switches which are used in homes,
designed for 5-6 ampere. There are even circuit breakers which have
a range from 100 ampere to 6600 ampere. There are training
programs in which saving energy and the usage of circuit breakers
are taught. People are even trained about the usage of switch gears.
There is a system of power loss which defines the loss of power per
hour and the company also reduces the power loss. To save energy,
the most effective way is to upgrade the old appliances and
switchboards to new ones. We should use the best grade of motors.
Motors are categorised into i1,i2,i3,i4 and i5. The best motor to use is
the i5 motor but the best motor needs the best protection. There is a
system called a green building which means the building produces its
own electricity, which is one of the most efficient methods of saving

There are several ways in which one can save energy

both at home and in our institutions of education. Here
are three ways in which energy can be saved and how
much energy can be saved by these methods.


1. Using LED bulbs are better than using incandescent bulbs as a 6W LED
bulb is equivalent to a 45W incandescent bulb.These numbers are based on
per hour bases.The LED bulbs save considerable amounts of money as the
bulbs are on for approximately 5 hours a day and a LED bulb uses just ₹160
per day whereas a incandescent bulb uses ₹1206.
2. Instead of using a projector and white screen, we should use smartboards in
classrooms because the minimum consumption of a smart board is 5W
where as the minimum consumption of a projector is 50W and these ratios
are on per hour bases. The average money used for a smart board per hour
is ₹25 and the average money used per hour in a projector is ₹250.
3. We should use a 5 star AC compared to a 1 star AC as a 5 star AC uses only
11.89 kWh where as a 1 star AC takes 15.40 kWh. There is a significant
difference between the money consumed between the two different types.
For example: the money used by a 5 star AC in a day is nearly ₹83 where as
a 1 star AC uses ₹108.
Investigation Among

A group of 10 students from the ages of 12-

16 were interviewed and asked if they knew
about any of the energy saving methods that
their respective schools use. These were the
results obtained from the questionnaire posed
to them.
Investigation Among Students

We investigated 10 students from the ages of 14-17. We used a questionnaire on

Google Forms to complete our investigation. Our group leader, Athena Menon
designed the questions. We used the popular social media application, Instagram to
invite students of ages 12-17 to answer. All members who possess Instagram accounts
posted the questionnaire to their Instagram stories. The response rate was extremely
low as most students are virtually unaware of their schools’ respective energy-saving
policies, which is something we aim to change. Our team leader, Athena Menon,
processed the results of the answers received.
We asked questions such as,” Do you know of the energy-saving policies at your
school, if any?” and,” Express your opinion either in favour or against these policies.
Explain your stance.” Most students had a basic idea of what the energy-saving
policies at their school were. The most common answer received by us was the usage
of solar panels and turning off energy-consuming applications when not in use. A
solution we got from ‘Soumya’ was the use of large windows and doors throughout
the school building to promote natural cooling instead of chlorofluorocarbon-
producing air conditioners. 30% of students do not know of any energy-saving policies
in their schools, which we intend to change. All students must know of their schools'
energy-saving policies so that they can begin to try to implement these policies outside
of their educational institutions.
After looking at our feedback, we have come to the conclusion that 30% of students do
not know of any energy-saving policies that their school utilises to make the world a
more environmentally friendly and conscious place.
SDG Activity

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are seventeen

interlinked goals that form a global compass for achieving a
more sustainable future in which no one is left behind. The
goals focus on challenges concerning People, Planet and
Prosperity, such as Poverty, Education and the climate crisis.
The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations and are
intended to be achieved by 2030. A total of 193 countries,
including India, have agreed to adopt the SDGs. To make the
goals more concrete, each SDG has a variety of targets,
specific points of action, that will lead to the achievement of
the SDG. This is how our project is related to the SDGs.
SDG Activity

The SDGs, Sustainable Development

Goals, are seventeen interlinked goals that
form a global compass for achieving a more
sustainable future in which no one is left
behind. The primary objective of SDGs is
to ensure a more ecological future which is
far more inclusive. Our project is linked
with two of the SDGs, the 4th and 13th
ones, Quality Education and Climate Action
respectively. Quality education can only be
received in a quality, energy-saving
institution which prioritises its students'
future, sustainably. Our project deals with
Climate Action as schools make up about
31% of buildings and they must be
responsible about the amounts of energy
they consume. We, as responsible students,
must try to help our schools as much as we
can to save energy.

In this project, we obtained a lot of information and knowledge about Saving

Energy at School. We engaged with administrative staff at our own school to
gain knowledge about the school’s energy-saving policies and objectives and
future goals in saving and reducing the amount of energy consumed. We
also found out about the number of students who actually know what actions
their schools take to save energy. We learnt that by using some cheaper
alternatives to everyday appliances, one can save energy and money to
almost ten times the usual amount consumed or spent. We learnt about
SDGs, a concept which was unheard of by most of us. Most importantly, we
learnt several more ways to save energy both at our homes and at school.
This project was extremely informative and helpful as a way for all of us to
learn more and more information that may be useful to us in the future.
Thank You
Additional Ways to Save Energy

● Replace your light bulbs with LEDs

● Use solar panels
● Use energy-efficient appliances
● Wash your clothes in cold water
● Use your microwave instead of your stove
● Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
● Unplug appliances when not in use
● Keep your lights switched off during daytime
● Spread awareness about energy conservation

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