Prospects For Using A Hemoconcentrator As An Alternative Hemodialysis Method in Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgeries

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02831 PRF29210.1177/0267659113502831PerfusionTagaya et al.

Original Paper

2014, Vol. 29(2) 117­–123
Prospects for using a hemoconcentrator © The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permissions:
as an alternative hemodialysis method in
DOI: 10.1177/0267659113502831
cardiopulmonary bypass surgeries

M Tagaya,1,2,3 M Matsuda,4 M Yakehiro3 and H Izutani5

Objective: Cardioplegic solutions often cause high blood concentrations of potassium. The conventional hemoconcen-
tration circuit was improved to correct electrolyte imbalances through a method involving dilutional ultrafiltration
(DUF) and an alternative hemodialysis (ALTHD) method. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of this
ALTHD method.
Methods: Bovine blood was used, in conjunction with a hemoconcentrator, in an experimental hemodialysis (HD) circuit
to evaluate an ALTHD method. The effectiveness of the method was determined by electrolyte and hematocrit meas-
urements following the procedure.
Results: The ALTHD method corrected electrolyte levels as effectively as DUF and was less affected by dilution than DUF.
Conclusion: The ALTHD method may provide faster electrolyte adjustments than DUF because its efficiency depends
on both the blood and dialysate flow rates. In addition, the ALTHD method is expected to provide increased efficiency.
Thus, our DUF/ALTHD circuit-switching method may be clinically useful when rapid electrolyte correction is required.

cardiopulmonary bypass; hyperkalemia; hemodialysis; hemoconcentrator; dilutional ultrafiltration

High-potassium cardioplegic solutions are used to arrest generally for non-dialysis patients. Part of the reason
cardiac action during open heart surgery, enabling favor- that HD is not more commonly used, in spite of its ben-
able myocardial protection.1-4 However, high-potassium efits, may be due to the requirement for additional
cardioplegic solutions produce high serum potassium hemodialysis, monitoring and water-treatment equip-
levels, often resulting in significant challenges associated ment;8 the method also requires a longer, more compli-
with the maintenance of appropriate serum potassium
levels during extracorporeal circulation (ECC).5,6 In
Japan, control of serum potassium concentrations dur- 1Clinical Engineer Center, Ehime University Hospital, Ehime, Japan
2Medical Equipment Management Office, National Hospital Organization
ing ECC is generally performed via a process involving
Kure Medical Center, Hiroshima, Japan
repeated blood dilution and concentration, called dilu- 3Division of Physiology, Hiroshima International University, Hiroshima,

tional ultrafiltration (DUF), using a hemoconcentrator Japan

(Figure 1a). 4Department of Cardiology, National Hospital Organization Kure

The speed of DUF cannot be actively controlled as it is Medical Center, Hiroshima, Japan
5Department of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Ehime University
dependent on the blood flow through the hemoconcen-
Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime, Japan
trator, thus, making the rapid adjustment of serum
potassium concentrations impossible. On the other Corresponding author:
hand, hemodialysis (HD) facilitates the rapid control of Masashi Tagaya
potassium levels by allowing alterations of the flow rate Clinical Engineer Center
Ehime University Hospital
of the dialysis solution, independent of the blood flow.7 454 Shitsukawa, Toon, Ehime 791-0295
Therefore, intraoperative HD is often used dur- Japan.
ing cardiac surgeries for dialysis-patients,8,9 but not Email:
118 Perfusion 29(2)

Figure 1.  Methods for correcting electrolyte imbalances. (a) Traditional hemoconcentration circuit. The circuit is commonly
incorporated into the extracorporeal circulation system during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. The process of repeated
concentration, after dilution, is called dilutional ultrafiltration. (b) A common hemodialysis (HD) circuit. In this method, the dialysis
solution is regulated by monitoring the equipment. HD requires more equipment for providing reverse osmosis of water and
providing undiluted dialysis solution as compared to the traditional hemoconcentration circuit. (c) The dilutional ultrafiltration/
hemodialysis switching circuit. The circuit switches between the 2 processes, based on the clamp position.

cated set-up (Figure 1b). All of these factors contribute to In the present study, we designed a new method that
increasing the expense associated with this procedure. may resolve the challenge of performing intraoperative
One would expect that the hemoconcentrator would HD by using a hemoconcentrator instead of a hemodia-
have the potential to produce a diffusional effect as effec- lyzer; the conventional hemoconcentration circuit was
tively as a hemodialyzer because both devices are simi- simply improved by adding a switching junction, with-
larly constructed, differing only in the size of the pores in out any additional equipment. This method is referred to
the hollow fibers. However, hemoconcentrators are as a “circuit-switching DUF/HD process” or ALTHD
rarely replaced by hemodialyzers during actual surgeries (Figure 1c). The primary advantage of this method is the
because they do not facilitate blood concentration at the ability to switch between hemoconcentration, using the
same time as the HD. Therefore, reports on intraopera- DUF circuit, and an HD circuit, using a hemocon-
tive HD, using a hemoconcentrator as an alternate to a centrator instead of a hemodialyzer, depending on
hemodialyzer, have not been published. the patient requirement. We investigated whether a
Tagaya et al. 119

Figure 2.  Experimental circuits. (a) Experimental circuit used for diffusion experiments. The circuit was shifted to a single-path
circuit by clamping the recirculation line after 5 min of recirculation. (b) Experimental dilutional ultrafiltration (DUF) circuit for
comparing the efficiency of DUF and hemodialysis. Saline was added to the reservoir and the diluted blood was filtered through the
hemoconcentrator. (c) Experimental hemodialysis (HD) circuit for comparing the efficiency of dilutional ultrafiltration and HD. Saline
was sent to the outlet of the hemoconcentrator for diffusion.

hemoconcentrator is able to produce a diffusional effect, circuit (Figure 2a) equipped with roller pumps and 3
similar to that produced by a hemodialyzer, and evalu- sampling ports. After 5 min of saline recirculation to
ated this ALTHD technique by comparing it with the tra- prime the circuit, the recirculation line was clamped and
ditional DUF method in an in vitro system. switched to a single-path system to eliminate any errors
caused by priming. Blood flow was maintained inside of
the hollow fibers (within the hemoconcentrator) at 300
Method mL/min and saline flow was maintained, outside of the
hollow fibers, at 50, 100 or 150 mL/min, thus, providing
Diffusion with the hemoconcentrator a gradient for electrolyte transfer between the blood and
Variances in blood electrolytes were monitored by sam- saline. After a 3-min flow period at each flow rate, the
pling at the inlet and outlet of the hemoconcentrator blood was sampled at both the inlet and outlet of the
while maintaining blood flow within the hollow fibers hemoconcentrator and the saline solution was sampled
and saline flow outside of the hollow fibers. This was at the outlet of the hemoconcentrator to determine elec-
accomplished using the following methodology. trolyte concentrations. The levels of Na+, K+, BE and the
Bovine blood (5 L), calibrated to a hematocrit (Hct) of Hct were measured using an iSTAT1 analyzer (Abbott
25%, a sodium (Na+) concentration of 144 mEq/L, a Point Care, Princeton, NJ, USA).
potassium (K+) level of 8.0 mEq/L and a base excess (BE)
of -15 mEq/L, was maintained along with a temperature Comparison of DUF and ALTHD
of 37°C, with continuous stirring. The blood was recir-
culated through a hemoconcentrator (Aqua Stream, This experiment compared the variance in blood elec-
JMS, Tokyo, Japan) at 300 mL/min in an experimental trolytes through identical DUF and ALTHD processes.
120 Perfusion 29(2)

Table 1.  Hemoconcentrator diffusion results.

Flow rate (Saline) Sampling Blood analysis 

  Na+ K+ BE Hct

  meq/L meq/L meq/L %

50 mL/min Blood in 143 8.0 –16 23
  Blood out 147 6.3 –19 24
  Saline out 146 7.8 –15 0
  Δ Blood in-out 4 1.7 3 1
100 mL/min Blood in 143 8.0 –16 23
  Blood out 151 4.6 –21 25
  Saline out 147 7.4 –15 0
  Δ Blood in-out 8 3.4 5 2
150 mL/min Blood in 143 8.0 –16 22
  Blood out 153 3.5 –22 26
  Saline out 149 6.5 –17 0
  Δ Blood in-out 10 4.5 6 4
Δ Blood in-out refers to the change in hematocrit and each measured electrolyte.

Each process was allowed to run for the same length of

time and involved a similar consumption of saline; this
allowed a comparison of the efficiency curves for both
Bovine blood (30 L) was calibrated to the same levels
as described previously and divided into 6 aliquots. The
DUF experimental circuit consisted of roller pumps, a
hemoconcentrator and a sampling port, similar to that of
the ALTHD circuit (Figures 2b and 2c). Each 5-L blood
volume was continuously stirred using a magnetic stirrer
and 3 aliquots were recirculated (300 mL/min) through
the DUF circuit and another 3 aliquots were recirculated
through the ALTHD circuit. After a 5-min recirculation
period (to eliminate any errors caused by the saline
priming), the blood was sampled to acquire the baseline
data. The DUF circuits were then recirculated at 300 mL/
min until each 3-L volume of saline (consecutively
pumped at 50, 100 or 150 mL/min) was expended. Figure 3.  Efficiency curve comparing saline flow rate and
Similarly, the ALTHD circuits were recirculated until diffusion efficiency (ΔNa+, change in sodium ion concentration;
each 3-L volume of saline (also consecutively pumped at ΔK+, change in potassium ion concentration; ΔBE, change in base
excess; ΔHct, change in hematocrit).
50, 100 or 150 mL/min) was expended. Each circuit was
sampled at the inlet of the hemoconcentrator to measure
the electrolyte concentrations at 3 time points (after
expending 1, 2 and 3 L of saline). The same parameters, the differences between inlet and outlet samples. Figure
as described above, were measured at each time point 3 shows the correlation of the saline flow rate with the
using the iSTAT1 analyzer. blood electrolyte variances. Based on the similarity of the
measurements obtained at different flow rates, ALTHD
with saline as the dialysis solution appears to be a suit-
Results able replacement for a hemoconcentrator.
Diffusion with the hemoconcentrator
Comparison of DUF and ALTHD
Table 1 shows the electrolyte levels and hematocrit of
blood sampled at the blood inlet and outlet ports as well Table 2 shows the variance in electrolyte and hematocrit
as the analysis results of saline from the outlet port. The levels, according to the DUF and ALTHD flow parame-
changes in concentrations reflect the absolute values of ters. Figure 4 indicates that there was little difference in
Tagaya et al. 121

Table 2.  Impact of dilutional ultrafiltration (DUF) and hemodialysis (HD) on the levels of electrolytes in an in vitro system.

Method Saline Blood analysis 

  flow rate volume Na+ K+ BE Hct
  mL/min L meq/L meq/L meq/L %
DUF  50 0 142 8.1 –15 23
  1 147 6.0 –19 24
  2 151 4.4 –22 25
  3 154 3.1 –24 27
  100 0 143 7.9 –15 22
  1 148 6.1 –19 24
  2 151 4.5 –22 24
  3 154 3.3 –24 26
  150 0 142 8.0 –15 22
  1 148 6.2 –19 22
  2 150 4.6 –21 21
  3 153 3.9 –23 22
HD  50 0 142 8.0 –16 23
  1 146 6.2 –19 25
  2 150 4.6 –21 26
  3 152 3.4 –24 29
  100 0 143 8.0 –16 22
  1 147 6.2 –19 24
  2 151 4.6 –21 25
  3 153 3.4 –23 27
  150 0 143 8.0 –16 23
  1 146 6.4 –18 24
  2 150 5.0 –21 25
  3 151 4.1 –22 25

0 L volume indicates baseline data; Hct, hematocrit; BE, base excess.

the efficiency of the electrolyte adjustments between level than that obtained via ALTHD, at all settings. In
DUF and ALTHD. The hematocrit of the blood only fell general, ECC blood dilution may occur as the result of a
to a lower level during DUF than during ALTHD at a large priming volume; therefore, vascular permeability
saline flow rate of 150 mL/min. can be easily enhanced.10,11 The risk of hypovolemia,
caused by fluid leakage, may be increased by further
Discussion blood dilution.12,13 Thus, the potential of avoiding dilu-
tional effects during actual surgeries is beneficial.
The results of this experiment demonstrated that the However, additional experimental work is required to
ALTHD method has the ability to correct electrolyte lev- confirm these in vitro observations.
els to a similar extent as DUF, at the same rates of blood Considering the proposed clinical applicability of our
flow, while exhausting the saline solution over the same circuit, we believe that the proposed DUF/HD circuit-
period. In other words, the ALTHD method does not switching technique has value as it allows clinicians to be
depend on blood flow and may have the potential to cor- prepared for any eventuality; it can be available at all
rect electrolyte balances faster than DUF. Miyahara et al.8 times due to the use of a common hemoconcentration
reported that HD is more efficient than DUF for correct- circuit. In most circumstances, DUF is presumed to be
ing blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and electrolyte levels. more efficient than HD at removing inflammatory
Thus, our system may be a superior, cost-effective cytokines.14,15 Nakayama et al.16 demonstrated that DUF
method that includes a minimal circuit, without requir- is also efficient for the management of fluid and electro-
ing additional, substantial equipment. The system is also lyte balance during cardiopulmonary bypass, although it
flexible, allowing the use of either HD or DUF, as neces- is inferior to HD in these aspects. These considerations
sary, without eliminating the primary function of blood suggest that DUF is normally an appropriate and suffi-
concentration. cient method.17
This system also provides fewer dilutional effects, However, there are cases where the rapid correction of
because the DUF experiment resulted in a lower Hct potassium levels is necessary and where the availability
122 Perfusion 29(2)

Figure 4.  Efficiency curves comparing dilutional ultrafiltration (DUF) and hemodialysis (HD). The DUF data plotted as triangles and
HD data plotted as squares.

of this cost-effective circuit would benefit patients, such Conclusion

as in cases where the potassium level increase is the result
of the rewarming of a hypothermia victim.18,19 Similarly, An ALTHD method, using a hemoconcentrator, was
rapid correction may be required in patients where a successfully used to correct blood electrolytes in an in
high potassium level is intentionally maintained, such as vitro ECC loop. The efficiency was similar to that
in repeat surgeries involving coronary artery bypass observed with traditional DUF, but the simplicity of the
grafts and in internal mammary artery grafts.20 Rapid proposed circuit has the potential to increase the rapid-
corrections are required in these instances because the ity of correcting electrolyte levels. Therefore, we believe
development of hyperkalemia, in these situations, is that this simple, minimal cost method of hemoconcen-
more likely to trigger fatal arrhythmias;21 therefore, these tration circuit switching has the potential to be rou-
procedures should have the ability to rapidly adjust tinely employed for rapidly correcting electrolyte
potassium levels. Our circuit has value in terms of being balances.
able to rapidly switch to ALTHD, as needed. In addition,
this alternative circuit also has value because of the Declaration of conflicting interest
absence of a dilutional effect. This simple, low-cost con- The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
cept is suggested for applications in which the patients
have vascular hyperpermeability, such as dialysis, and in Funding
pediatric patients.22-25 Finally, this novel circuit can be This research received no specific grant from any fund-
used to develop an “ECC plan” through enhancement of ing agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit
the rapid correction of electrolyte imbalances. sectors.
Tagaya et al. 123

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