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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
For the degree of

Maruf Ahmed Rafiq Shaikh (SE - 18.)

Gopal Parashuram Prajapati (SE - 19.)
Aditya Shivpratap Singh (SE - 23.)
Kaushik Balkrishna Paykoli (SE - 24.)

Under the guidance of

(Dr. Shilpa Wakode)


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

(IoT & Cyber Security Including Blockchain Technology)
AY 2022-2023

This is to certify that the mini project 1A entitled “ WEATHER APP ” is a bonafide
work of Maruf Shaikh(SE- 18) Gopal Prajapati (SE- 19 ) and Aditya Singh (SE-
23 ), Kaushik Paykoli (SE- 24 ). It is submitted to the University of Mumbai in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the degree.

External Examiner

___________________ Dr. Sheeba P.S.
Internal Examiner (H.O.D – CSE(IoT & CSBT)

Here we gladly present this mini project report on “ WEATHER APP ” as a part of the SE, 3rd
semester in Computer Science and Engineering (IoT & Cyber Security Including Blockchain
Technology). At this time of submitting this report we use this opportunity to mention those people
who were with us for this work. We extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our esteemed guide,
Dr. Shilpa Wakode for providing us with the right guidance and advice at the crucial junctures and
for showing us the right way. We also give thanks to respected HoD, Dr. Sheeba P.S. and Project
coordinator Ms. Savitha Devaraj for providing guidance and motivation.

Name of the Student, Sign & Date Name of the Student, Sign & Date

Name of the Student, Sign & Date Name of the Student, sign & Date

Sr. No. Contents Page No.

1 Introduction
1.1 Need of the Project/ Problem Definition
1.2 Research Objective

2 Literature Survey

3 Comparison with the existing Implementations

4 Implementation/Methodology

5 Conclusion/Future Scope


Weather forecasting is the application of current technology and science to predict the state of the
atmosphere for a future time and a given location.

The initial attempt at weather prediction necessitated a larger workforce. Weather prediction has
returned to the early models in terms of similarity, thanks to the development of powerful and better
modelling tools.

The forecast equations in Weather Prediction are then simple-basic equations.

Because equations dictate how meteorological variables change over time, if the initial state of the
atmosphere is known, equations may be used in our project to anticipate new values for those
variables in the future. Weather data is gathered for a short-range over a specific region at a specific
station. The results suggest that it can more precisely and reliably forecast meteorological conditions.

1.1 Need of the Project / Problem Definition

Weather is something everybody deals with, and accurate data of it like what is coming can help
users to make inform decisions. With weather apps for iOS and Android, people can exactly know
when to expect a change in the weather conditions. Weather apps can give urgent alerts too.

Undoubtedly, weather forecasting has come a long way, helping people to know about weather
conditions. So, if you are in an area where weather frequently changes from sunny to torrential rain
in a matter of minutes, then what is the easiest way to make sure to be prepared for. A suitable
answer is a weather application.

Weather applications continuously update their forecasts, whether it is by the day, hour or minute, so
it always takes us one step ahead.

1.2 Research Objective

Traditional observations made at the surface of atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind speed, wind
direction, humidity, precipitation are collected routinely from trained observers, automatic weather
stations or buoys.

Numerical weather prediction models are computer simulations of the atmosphere.

Literature Survey

Weather forecasting has been one of the most challenging difficulties around the world because of
both its practical value in popular scope for scientific study and meteorology. Weather is a
continuous, dynamic ,multidimensional chaotic process, and data-intensive and these properties
make weather forecasting a stimulating challenge. It is one of the most imperious and demanding
operational responsibilities that must be carried out by many meteorological services all over the

Accurate and timely weather forecasting is a major challenge for the scientific research. Weather
prediction modelling involves a combination of many computer models, observations and
acquaintance of trends and designs. Using these methods, practically accurate forecasts can be made

With our ‘Weather app’ you can get information about weather of any city just by searching name of
that city.

Weather apps gather information differently. Some get it from government satellites, some use their
tech and teams of meteorologists. The tools they commonly use are weather satellites and Doppler
radar. We have created it using OpenWeatherMap API to get and store data.

Proposed Methodology


Identify the problem statement

Application UI Design

Code Implementation




Go to Application

Detect Location

Search City

City Entered No


Display Weather & Visuals


To implement our project in real life we have used following web technologies and to get weather
forecasting data we have called an API (Application Programming Interface) which helps us to
access available data instead of creating a new one and it also doesn’t need to store data which means
we don’t have to create new database system which is actually a bit critical.

Used Technologies :

1. HTML : The Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML is the standard markup
language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted
by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as

2. CSS : Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a markup language such as HTML or XML.
CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and

3. JavaScript : JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that is

one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS. As
of 2022, 98% of websites use JavaScript on the client side for webpage behavior,
often incorporating third-party libraries.

4. OpenWeatherMap API : OpenWeatherMap is an online service, owned by

OpenWeather Ltd, that provides global weather data via API, including current
weather data, forecasts, nowcasts and historical weather data for any geographical
location. The company provides a minute-by-minute hyperlocal precipitation forecast
for any location. The convolutional machine learning model is used to utilise
meteorological broadcast services and data from airport weather stations, on-ground
radar stations, weather satellites, remote sensing satellites, METAR and automated
weather stations.
Important Code Snippets:
Conclusion :

The suggested study work has established a model for weather prediction that can be used to improve
performance without incurring significant additional costs, as well as reducing prediction variation.
Weather plays an important role in our daily lives, and it would be difficult to arrange daily activities
without the help of meteorologists and forecasters. Weather forecasters and meteorologists can
predict the weather and its potential changes, yet the weather is still unpredictable.

In this study, we used an API named OpenWeatherMap to check forecasting of any city just by
entering name of that city. Hopefully, this approach may be used to forecast other continuous
meteorological data.

The system was tested in an indoor setting, and the values of the parameters were recorded. This
review is very useful, since it brings a better understanding of the field of analysis, and this is an
important role in this paper. From the review it can be concluded that this field invites a great deal of
interest by researchers.
Future Scope :

Predicting weather accurately doesn’t just help our daily lives but has deeper impact for food
security and disaster management. Good news for monsoon-dependent India is that we are getting
better at predicting. New technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence
(AI) are helping meteorological experts to give better information to predict agricultural output and
natural disasters.

The demand for weather and climate forecast information in support of critical decision-making has
grown rapidly during the last decade and will grow even faster in the coming years. Great advances
have been made in the utilization of predictions in many areas of human activities.

The Weather App can be improved by adding the features that predicts the weather of future days.
Some of the future enhancements for this are to accessing location of user and notifying them about
their current location weather. The system can be enhanced to recommending users about how
weather will affect or what to carry with them like (umbrella, raincoat or sunglasses/caps) while
travelling so they will be safe.
References :
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