MC Speech Long Service TEMPLATE 2022

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MC Speech

Long Service Awards Ceremony

Mr. Hafedh Al Qassab,

Acting Deputy Chief Executive-Technical and BMP Project Director

Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning.

It gives me pleasure to welcome you today to the Long Service Award

Ceremony, held to honor our long serving employees who have served the
company with dedication & loyalty and ensured its success over the years.

We take great pride in your valuable accomplishments, praising your

achievements and contributions which we are here to recognize today.

On behalf of everyone here, we sincerely thank each and every one of you
for your dedicated role in fostering the success of the BAPCO as one of the
leading oil companies regionally and internationally.

Before we start, please allow me to start with a SHEQ Moment:

- There are 4 fire exits in this hall (2 to the right and 2 behind *point
to fire exits*

- There are no planned fire drills today, so if you hear the fire alarm
it is a real emergency. In case of the fire alarm please make your
way to the assembly points located outside the Bapco Club.
- Finally: I’d like to remind you to keep your phones on silent mode
if you haven’t already done so.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to open the floor to Mr.
Hafedh Al Qassab, Acting Deputy Chief Executive-Technical and BMP Project
to give his Opening Remarks.

---------------------- Opening Remarks -----------------

Thank you, Mr. Hafedh.

May I ask you to kindly join us in the center of the stage for the Award

********** Awarding Ceremony ***********

(Use the list which has been sent to your divisions secretaries. Ensure certificates are arranged in
the same order as the list for efficient and smooth delivery)

And now, ladies and gentlemen, to commence the Award Presentation

for HR and Admin, I’d like to invite to the stage:

1. Mrs. Dana Bukhammas – Manager HR

Thank you, Dana.

And now, to commence the Award Presentation

for Awali Hospital I’d like to invite to the stage:

1. Pam Bulley - Medical Secretary

Thank you, Pam.

And now, to commence the Award Presentation

for Corporate Services I’d like to invite to the stage:

1. Ameer Haji – Manager Corporate Services

Thank you, Ameer.

And now, to commence the Award Presentation

for Training and Development, I’d like to invite to the stage:

1. Terrence Harrison – Manager Training & Development

Thank you, Terrence.

And now, Moving to Finance and IT Division, to commence the Award


for Finance, I’d like to invite to the stage:

1. Mahavir Kothari – Senior Manager Finance.

Thank you, Mahavir.

for Information Technology, I’d like to invite to the stage:

1. Ebrahim M Ali – Superintendent, digital factory

Thank you, Ebrahim.

for Procurement, I’d like to invite to the stage:

1. Nooruddin Ebrahim – Senior Manager, Procurement Strategy

2. Gresham Peters – Manager Procurement

Thank you, Bu Ebrahim and Gresham.


Congratulations to all our long serving employees. We wish you all

continued health and success. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to
call for a group photo.

- First Group I’d like to call for HR & Admin and management.
- Second Group Finance and IT Division.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this brings us to the end of today’s ceremony. Thank
you to all the employees who have joined us today, and to all the members
of the Executive Management and Management for their continued
support. We have been honored by your presence.

Lunch Buffet will be served shortly, please enjoy your meal and have a
wonderful day ahead.

Thank you and God bless.

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