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Universiti Malaysia PAHANG UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG FACULTY OF COMPUTING INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT NAME : NUR DAYANA AINI BINTI MOHAMAD RUSLI COURSE TRAINING PERIOD INDUSTRY NAME : DIPLOMA COMPUTER SCIENCE (DCS) : 6 MONTHS : BOS ALLIANCE COMPANY INDUSTRIAL TRAINING REPORT AT BOS ALLIANCE SDN. BHD. Period of Training: 08/08/22 — 20/01/22 Submitted By: NUR DAYANA AINI BINT] MOHAMAD RUSLI This report for Industrial Training is submitted to the Faculty of Computing, Universiti Malaysia Pahang In partial fulfillment for Bachelor / Diploma of Computer Science Faculty of Computing iti Malaysia Pahang (04/2023) Non ~ confidential Declaration by Industry NON-CONFIDENTIAL DECLARATION BY ORGANIZATION ‘This certify that 1, NUR DAYANA AINI BINTI MOHAMAD RUSLI, asa practical student of BOS ALLIANCE SDN BHD, understand that any information (written, verbal or other form) provided during the performance of my tasks must remain confidential ‘This includes all information about members, staf, clients and other associate organizations, as well as any other information otherwise marked or known to be confidential, | understand that any unauthorized release or carelessness in handling of this confidential information is considered an agreement of the duty to maintain confidentiality. | further understand that agreement of the tasks to maintain confidentiality could be an excuse for immediate dismissal and/or possible lability in any legal action arising from such agreement (NUR DAYANA AINI BINT MOHAMAD RUSLI, (MOLLY CHA) INTERNSHIP STUDENT INDUSTRY SUPERVISOR Abstract The purpose of this report is to produce a summary of the whole industrial training experience, job progress, skills and knowledge attained, as well as challenges faced as a graphic designer during the training, In this report, I discuss the background of the company and my experience as a graphic designer intern. This report also includes the problem | encountered and the solution to it. It also consists of the relationship I can describe between this intemship and the faculty's subject leamed. Since, graphic design is also a part of the use of technology to manipulate and combine words, images, color, typography, and sound to elicit emotions and deliver mes sages to viewers in the computer science course. Some skills T attain also be explained in this report as well as the task overview and project background I was assigned during this internship, Table of content Contents Non —confidential Declaration by Industry. Abstract Table of content List of Tables List of Figures. Introduction. 1. Overview. Tl, Organization Background Ill, Organization Chart. IV. Project repott... Training Report... 1. Task overview Il, Technical skills and professional skills IIL, Job Description... IV. Problems Encountered V. Recommended Solution Knowledge and Experience Gain. I. Technical skill. TL SOR SKIll .ossnnnennnnse snes IIL Mapping skills between knowledge in industry and faculty's Conclusion and Recommendation Improvement for: To Industry nnn I. Faculty/UMP Attachment. List of Tables Table I. 27 List of Figures Figure. con ent senna Figure 11.2 8 Figure IL3. 9 Figure IL im Figure IVD con . 7 nn ol Figure 1.1 15 Figure IIL.1 18 Figure UL2 socnnnnnnnnnnn enn _ see 1B Figure WLS se . . 19 Figure 111.4 19 Figure IILS.. 20 Figure V.1 22 Introduction Overview The student who enrolled in Diploma of Computer Science is compulsory to do the program’s core industrial training for 6 months before being eligible to graduate. A total of 12 credit hours will be accumulated for this industrial training. Thus, during the training student need to keep a trail of progress and job done at the registered company for industrial training, Thus, the purpose of this report is to produce summarize the whole industrial training experience, job progress, skills and knowledge attained, as well as challenges faced as a graphic designer during the training. Also, to introduce and explain about the company where current industrial training is being held. This report is also a standardized report for industrial training following the format stated in industrial report guidelines by Universiti Malaysia Pahang I Organization Background BOS was established in 2012 to solve property investors” number 1 problem — tenant management, BOS provides advisory service costeffective strategy to renovate investors’ properties for rentable and profitable rental, increase rental by effective renovation, 100% hassle free tenant management where we handle everything on behalf of the owner from renovation contractor to all service provider of owner units to securing and managing their tenant, ™ FigurelL.1 BOS’s mission is to advise and share knowledge with customers on wealth accumulation strategies through real estate investments, to ease clients” involvement as property investors through proven hassle-free tenant and property management practices, and to assist clients in enhancing their property income potential and acquiring more properties to achieve financial freedom. In addition, BOS also aims to promote real estate to Malaysians as one of the best ROI investments in their portfolio, educate financial intelligence to the public so that everyone can FIRE (financial independence, retire early) as well as provide financial advisory and consultation to obtain a mortgage without hassle. BOS’s vision is to be the people’s choice in sustainable, hassle-free, and profitable asset acquisition through effective management of real estate investment and to become the best platform for everyone to own investment property effortlessly. BOS GROUP Figure 11.2 In 2018, BOS has extended our sal and marketing servis to property investment advisory and consultation service. Through our marketing strategies, provide solutions to property investors to plan their investment strategy to own cashflow- generating properties. We also help clients who wish to purchase their own house but are ineligible to do so. Our sales value has exceeded more than 60Mil annually BOS ACADEMY Figure 113 In 2022, BOS established BOS Academy intending to educate Malaysians to obtain a Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) from Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran Malaysia (PK). Malaysian Skills Certification is one of the main functions of JPK. This cettification has 5 levels of authentication and BOS academy will be providing Certificate Level 3 The Malaysian Skills Certification Program provides an attractive career path and personal growth opportunity for participants and is comparable to a carcer choice based on academic qualifications. Not just that, the Malaysian Skills Certification Program can produce skilled workers who are trained and qualified to enhance the competitiveness of local industries in the global market, The Skills Certification Program also is recognized by the industry in Malaysia. Citizens aged 16 and above that able to speak and write in both Bahasa Malaysia and English are eligible to apply for free at BOS academy. BOS Academy currently offers a Sales & Marketing Operation Level 3 course with a duration of 10 months of study by using method part-time basis (8-12 hours/week). All training is based on standard credit hours from NOSS too. The student who finishes the program can attend the graduation ceremony at a local university. My position in BOS is as a graphic designer. However, I never want to limit myself to just one job scope. That is why I did try to work in many areas not specifically to just produce graphic design but at the same time putting designing as my priority on the list of any task. My major area of responsibility is to design various products for the company. To begin with the design, I make a poster to be used in marketing for promoting property or projects to property investors and provide a solution for them by having a plan on their investment to own cashflow-generating property. I made many sizes of posters depending on their need of use but mostly they will be posted on social media such as Facebook as one of the platforms for marketing. Besides, I also work on designing the company profile with the content of the company background, mission, vision, positioning, services provided, exclusive projects, current portfolio, awards & recognition, and many more. For the company, I also design flyers to promote property through hard copy and well as office signboards. I designed many slides for projects, such as SOP Room Rental, SOP Research property selling price, Agent Property Commission Info, and many more, In addition, I oversaw designing the BOS website. I made a UI mockup design and work closely with another colleague of mine to finish the design. I also need to design all graphic content that is needed in the website for example images at the carousel and so on, Other than that, I also actively provide design to BOS’s latest program which is the BOS Academy SKM program, I design many posters and slides to promote the program to the public. Last, I was also assigned to design logos, bunting, photoshop pictures, business card redesigning, and many more. IL, Organization Chart Molly Cha Maagement Sales & Marketing enCha Lee Keith Ng Intern eX) Dayana _Uroo} fi Figure HLA BOS is a middle size company. They have a group of staff and many agents under them, The director for BOS Group is Molly Cha, Under her, there are 3 departments which are Sales & Marketing, Account Management, and Admin. In Sales & Marketing department, Jsen Cha is the Chief of Sales, and below him is Keith Ng as Sales Manager. Under Keith Ng, there is Andrew Yuen who is the Sales Executive, Moreover, Inte also under Jsen Cha. Here is where my position, Graphic Designer is located and another intern student Urooj Fatima is doing Business Development. Even though, Intern under Jsen Cha but I work closely with Director Molly Cha who is also my Industry Supervisor. Furthermore, in Account & Management department, there is only one Accountant who is Lee. While in the Admin department there is Shareen as Admin and under her is Liza as Business Development Executive. IV. Project report The first project is property & Rental Management. This project objective is to manage client property easily and for clients to earn passive income through rental, The scope for this project s all property owners. They can have property but do not know how to make a profit out of it. Thus, BOS provide the service to help property The plan for this project is to do unit renovation & tenant management. A unit usually has 2 to 3 rooms, After renovation, there will be at least 6 rooms to be up for rent, ‘Next, create an SOP for this renovation setup. . Figure 1V.1 This is where my role is needed. First, I experience myself setting up a unit for room rental. Then I need to design a slide that consists of all step-by-step SOP on how to set up a room rental unit, This took me almost 3 months to complete all slides with full step-by-step instructions. I make the design simple and easy to understand for every owner to use it, The second project is a bulk purchase from the developer. The objective is to attract clients who want to invest in property with below market price and gain profit. Also, to sell the property below market and gain profit from rental to pay bank house loan, Thus, the client does not need to spend but instead ears passive income. This project also will help the client to build their profile before submitting the housing loan application to the bank. Most, importantly to provide the client with cashback upon purchasing the property. The scope of this project is for people who are working and want to own a house instead of renting or who want to make passive income by investing in property. Also, a client who have a financial problem such as being heavily in debt, high commitment, or indeed of urgent cash and want to restructure their finances through property investment, The plan for this project is to have an attractive and relatable advertisement to find the targeted and correct client. This is my responsibility to design posters with the content given to produce effective advertisements, I need to choose a great font type, background picture, hue color, and simple elements when de signing these types of posters. Once the posters are completely designed, they will be advertised on Facebook and other platforms for property advertisements such as PropertyGuru and property. To understand how this project works clearly, I was assigned to do SOP Research on Property Selling Price. I design a dynamic slide so that the slide ean leads to other data files once linked button clicked. I choose to make the slide design like a UI design. I put buttons and icons on the page needed. Then, once the client is interested, they will contact the property agent to discuss about their profile, Their profile will be a help to build so that they can apply for maximum housing loan amount without problem from the bank. Since BOS sells below market price property there will be cashback for the buyer. For example, the selling price of a unit is RM 300K but the housing loan applied is RM S00K thus, the buyer still has balance of RM 200K cashback. This balance is being used to settle client debt and restructure client finances, lawyer fees, agent commission as well as unit renovation, Hence, buying a house does not really need money. BOS gets property below market through a few deals. For example, through bulk purchase which is main method, secondary market and from owner who willing to sell their unit. BOS does bulk purchase from the developer a deal to get the best price that was agreed by both sides. Next, units from the secondary market tend to have lower price since it has been built long time ago and not a new unit, Last, from owner who willing to sell their unit, Here is where I try to do sales. I was given a listing of owner contact and details. There I need to send WhatsApp to all the owners and ask if they want to sell their unit because we have a client who is also a buyer to invest in the property. I learn how to make introduction text and answers to the owner's inquiries. I get to know much new info and knowledge through this task Not just that, I also involve in company profile management. BOS is building its branding and profile so I involve a lot in d ‘signing many general products for the company. For example, I design signboards, logo, bunting, public holiday poster, slides info, business card, CV Profile, Award banner and did photoshop to any staff photos that were needed. Moreover, I also redesign the company website. The company website was first created in 2018 thus, they want to update it in terms of content, design, and function in the website. I made the UI mockup design of the website as well as designed any image that was needed as the content of the website. I also add a menu to the website and some new pages to it to fulfill the requirements in my mockup, Through this plan BOS Allian SDN.BHD has become a strong and real estate company and won many awards and recognition. One of the recognitions is the Malaysia Book of Record for being the first real estate company to provide the National Dual Training System (SLDN) program. That is why BOS Academy exist since certified trainers are there to teach student for SKM program. This SKM project recruitment is open now. There are currently around 50 students registered through google link that I set up. The registration is for February 2023 intake. So, I get assigned to update the google form response for SKM and a few other forms. I will follow up by sending greetings to the students who registered and get their attendance updates for the course preview workshop. As a designer, I also get the task to design posters to promote this program. I have done many posters that promote this course and its concept of study. I focus on making a poster that shows benefit, problem, and solution so that people who see the advertisement can relate to this program and are interested to join. Also, I designed slides for this course preview as well as guidelines details slide, For this project, T need to make 3 versions of language each poster and slide which are in English, Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin. Training Report I. Task overview Figure LI Based on Gantt Chart above task overview can be separated into 3 main tasks. The ‘main task is with the black fil. The first main task is the property & rental management with the task under it being to design the SOP room rental. This task starts on 3 Oct 2022 and ended on 19 Dec 2022. This task took around 77 days to complete, ‘The second main task is bulk purchase with 4 tasks under it. The task is attractive ads which start on 21 Sep 2022 and till now made it 114 days in duration. The next task is SOP research on a property selling price that starts on 3 Oct 2022 and finishes on 29 Nov 2022 which took 57 days. The task of company profile ‘management started on 8 Aug 2022 and going on till now made the duration of 158 days. Last task is UL Website Design that started on 30 Dee 2022 and finish on 13 Jan 2023 which going on for 14 days. Lastly for main task SKM Program and have 3 sub task under it, The task is Program poster ads started on 6 Sep 2022 and going on till now have been 129 days of duration, For sub task Program guideline which started at 12 Sep 2022 and ended at 3 Oct 2022 took 21 days to finish. Then, the program slides started at 21 ‘Nov 2022 and going on till 13 Jan made the duration of the task is 53 days. In conclusion, the first main task Property & Rental Management took 77 days to finish all task under it. Meanwhile for main task Bulk Purchase took 158 days to complete all 4 tasks assigned under it. While main task SKM Program that consist, ‘on 3 sub task took 129 days in total to finish all tasks, Il, Technical skills and professional skills Working as an intern at this company help me attain many new skills and expose me to the real industry during my internship. There are some technical skills that I can list here. Starting with data analysis skills. During the task doing the SOP I need to do a number data survey and research which made me attain these skills. Next, the e- commerce market platform. I became to know the tips and trick on using some e- commerce platform then leam it productivity. At the same time, I gain marketing skills. While designing ads and poster I know what design are good and attractive to be online and marketable, Not just that, I also get to improve my skills in using google tools such as google sheet, google form and google drive. I get to arrange and create using those google tools. Same goes to Microsoft software such as MS Office Excel. I obtain skill on how to arrange data and using its formula. In terms of technical writing, I also earn new skills to write formal email between companies and know the email rules. Last for technical skill, I carry off construction skills. I have experience working at a construction site for property and rental management, Besides, I also gain a few professional skills. The most obvious is designing skills. I get to polish my skills and add knowledge to graphic designing. As well as leam more gtaphical techniques on how to use designing tools. I also experience video shooting and get to know how shooting a video need skill to be complete. Lastly, I also got phone skills as I have been trying to do sales too. Ill. Job Description My job scope is designing mainly. I design based on what content my client (company) wants. I designed various projects during this internship. Those are presentation slides, logos, posters (landscapes, portrait, square), company profile, resume, business card, signboards, bunting, banner, profile pictures, advertisements, photoshop images, social media cover, floor plan, and flyers. On average there is 8-10 designs I need to work on per week, ‘The working hour is 9 am to 6 pm during weekdays and off during public holidays and weekends. BOS office is located at S7A & 57B, Jalan 5/58, Taman Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. There are a sales office and management office on a different floor. I was placed on the second floor along with the sales department. BOS does not have much staff which made the office less crowded and very comfortable to work for a long duration of time. There is also a pantry which completes with a microwave, refrigerator, and other kitchen utensils as well as stiacks and drink sachet for free to consume at the office. The office condition is also very cozy and relaxing to work especially for a designer like me. Figure 111.1 | spend most of my time designing at the BOS office. The reason is, Ihave a lot of time at the office to work rather than finish it at home. I try to finish the work on the same day I got the task. Thankfully, my supervisor was satisfied with my work. Sometimes she helps me fix and suggest how the design should look as well as what the main point needs to go in the design. This helps me very much to understand my client's request and produce @ worthy design to be used. Canva Figure 112 ‘Most of my artwork is done in Canva, Canva was launched in 2013, Canva is an online design and publishing tool with a mission to empower everyone in the world to design anything and publish anywhere, It makes complex things simple and always aims for the most simple, pragmatic, and effective solution to any problem, Canva set ambitious goals, prioritizes, and hustles to execute and celebrate success. That is why I choose this tool to do most of my design. Canva, isa free-to-use online graphic design tool. However, users can also choose to subscribe to a premium pro account to get access to many more functions such as @ QR Code generator, drawing tool, and bitmoji. The account allows users to import, export, and discover designs from more than 30 online platforms. | am also one of the premium pro account users for sake of creating professional and stunning visuals. Besides, I also use Adobe Photoshop to make my design, Photoshop is an image creation, graphic design, and photo editing software developed by Adobe. The software provides many images editing features for pixel+based images, raster graphics, and vector graphics. Adobe Photoshop was first released in 1988. There are many purposes for Photoshop, but the main reasons are for altering phot creating graphics, making websites, and compositing images. I mostly use Photoshop to edit photos and images too. Figure 11L3 Figure 1IL4 Furthermore, Adobe Illustrator is also one of the tools I often use during designing, Ilustrator is a graphic design application. Graphic designers use Illustrator to create vector graphics. Vector images and graphics are made of points, lines, shapes, and curves based on mathematical formulas rather than a set number of pixels, and therefore can be scaled up or down while maintaining image quality. I usually use Illustrator to create vector graphics s ecially to make text effects. Lastly, I combine all element work in Adobe into Canva and produce the final design. Since Adobe costs a fortune, I can only use the minimum load, Figure LS For a specific task like UI design. I use as a tool to make mockups of websites. is tool to build interactive web, iOS, Android, and other low or high-fidelity prototypes right into your web browser. Drag and drop ready-to-use, easily customizable method. Their vision is to enable product teams to build better products through world-class software that facilitates product team communication in a design-driven approach. Thus, I choose this tool to design my ‘mockup as well as add interaction which turns it into the prototype of the website. ‘When working on my job, other than my client's request and requirement I also browse online for inspiration to make a good design. I surf on related web and platforms where there might be a good example for me to produce my design. For example, and There I see how other developers design their projects. Other than that, T also scroll on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. IV. Problems Encountered During this internship, I encountered a few problems. The first problem is regarding the tool or software used to do the design. Those are Adobe software which is Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. The problem is the official software from Adobe Creative Cloud costs a budget. Thus, I cannot afford it made me only eligible to use the free 7 days trial Next, [ also face a problem that involves storage. Since I am using my device which is the laptop to do all the work it took me up more than half the space in my device not including my file, Furthermore, I also encountered a problem of identifying company identity or style, This problem only happens during the first month after the internship started. I have problems to adjust the design to suit my supervisor's taste make me keep redoing my design again and again, This problem took me a longer time to finish a task. Last but not least, language problems. I usually need to make 3 version of product of my design which is in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Mandarin version. Since 1 cannot speak or write in Mandarin it become problem to me. It also slows down my work and delay my final submission, V. Recommended Solution Based on above problems, I had come out a solution for it to make sure I can ding ‘my internship successfully. The first one is to use third party software or clone software that might have similar function to the official software. This type of software is cheap but then have disadvantages when use it. Another solution is to subscribe to other tool mentioned, Canva. The price is more reasonable to pay and it also have good function not just to use in laptop but laos as app in mobile phone. Next, to adjust myself with the company identity I did my design and refer to other property company on how usually the style or theme are. I also take note when my supervisor sends example design, I can get inspired. Since I make the design from scratch this type of inspiration really helps me. Now, I can understand better and express it in my design. Knowledge and Experience Gai Figure Vil After self-survey at IT shop, I decided to solve the storage problem by buying myself a 2TB hard drive. There I can organized all files in each folder. Not just for files for the internship but also files from online study during past semester too. Finally, for language problem, I had no choice but to learn mandarin with my friends and colleague. Even though it took me time but I find it fun and useful for now and in the future. I can speak the simple phrase for now and planning to learn more too, ‘Technical skill During my 6 months internship, I gain many knowledge and experience especially in property and also in my specific area which is graphic designer. In graphic design, I gain new technical skills while using graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. Even though I did not use it to the maximum 1 can due to encountered problems but I still get a chance to use it when my supervisor requests me to edit image or vectors. ‘Some of the functions I use a lot to edit images was spot healing function, After staff gets their studio photos, they want to make their skin look smooth and even, thus I help to do the editing in photoshop. There is also liquify fumetion which 1 first time leam and experience using in Photoshop to make the body part smaller. I also use a lot of layer styles on my poster. I can match the blending options to make my poster or ads more charming and eye-catching. Meanwhile, for Adobe Illustrator I often use to do text effects, I did not make the text effect from scratch because I can download it from an online open source and then just edit it in vector. It is new knowledge to me to know this because I never tny it before. It is so good to experience this type of new knowledge because in the future I ean keep using it for my text. In addition, I also get to experience designing slides with hyperlink in Canva, Since Canva have a lot of free licensed elements I use it to design many of my work, When I need to make the SOPs, I use hyperlink at text and shape so that, user can casily jump to their desire page without needed to slide through the whole slide or to open any link or direct to any website. Lastly, I also experienced make animation and transition for the slides. TH. Sofi skill L also many gain knowledge and experience in soft skill. First, I gain problem solving skill. I can solve to a completely new design once my other design gets rejected. This is made me explore more to new graphic design style, theme and esthetically pleasing design. Not just that, I also try to solve any problem my supervisor gave me or any problem related happened without delay it. Next, I get to power my time management skill. Since I need to clock in before the designed time I also prepare and make sure I reach the office 15 or 10 minutes early. If I happen to be late, I will clock out late depend on how many minutes 1 late during clock in, In term of submitting work, I also try my best to submit the work given in the day. To avoid procrastination, I did my work as soon as I was assigned it Finally, the latest that excite me is to gain knowledge and experies communication skills. As mentioned, T need to learn Mandarin to help my work be done faster. Lately, I have also been learning Tamil with a new friend there. I love learning new languages, especially since Malaysia has many races thus it will always be useful anywhere, | go. While 1 also communicate a lot with property owners during dealing when doing sales. This boosts my confidence to have a conversation with people. Ill. Mapping skills between knowledge in industry and faculty's subject As a graphic design intem, I can relate the knowledge and theory taught in the faculty’s subject to the industry. First, the subject Fundamental of Multimedia DCM2063 that I took during Semester 2 Academic Session 2021/2022. The knowledge taught was a component of multimedia such as text, image, audio, video, and animation. Where I use a lot to make my artwork. | also pay attention to digital right thus I subscribe to legal tools to use their graphic elements. In mentioned subject module 3 I learn about Text and now I see how text is the most important thing to be in a poster. I can use the right font style, sizes, format, and type in my design. Also, tracking, leading, and kerning of the text need to be detailed so that the text will not flood apart from each other. Based on guidelines for choosing font I learn I get to make the best choice during design. In the same module, I also learn the multimedia elements images/graphie. 1 can experience how much I use this element every time in my design. Since I also lea the advantages and disadvantages, I can control the amount of graphic element in my artwork so that the information can be convey effortlessly. Moving to Coloring in this module. | am not an art student but this color terminology, colour scheme and colour wheels I leam during class surely helpful when I need want to make a color palate. It helps me to arrange color and determine appropriate combination of color in my design. While for design that need to be in hardcopy, I can pay attention to color model before submitting my softcopy. Next, it is must to remember the principle of multimedia design to identify the elements of design and to differentiate a good and bad design according to the design principles. 6 elements contribute to a good design which are line, share, direction, size, texture, and color. All these elements ate must use in my design but if too many elements in a design the main information may not be convey successfully that is why [ follow the principles of design which are balance, proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast, and space to design my elements in an artwork, I make sure to apply all this to my design so that I can produce effective artwork. There are also other principles I follow in design such as visual hierarchy, direct reader’s eye, consistency, readability, and legibility, Second, in the subject Graphical User Interface DCM1013 that I took in Semester 2 Academic Session 2020/2021 I learn how to make user interface for website and mobile application. I can finally be mapping my skill in this when I was assigned to redesign the company website with latest content and requirement. I made the page ‘mockups as well as prototypes with few interactions to the menu button, Third, the subject I studied in Semester | Academic Session 2020/2021 which is UHS 1022 Soft Skills subject. This subject also important when I start doing my internship because I got expose to working environment and real industry. I need to use the soft skill learn to work well in the company such as skill to attend meeting, organizing program, and confidence to communi Fourth and the last subjects are all English related subject which are UHL 1412 Foundation English, UHL 1422 English for Academic Skills and UHL 1432 English for Occupational communication. Since my company hired many races of Malaysian we mostly communicate in English, For example, during group discussion or when task was assigned. Thus, taking English subject will really mapping my English speaking, writing, and listening skills throughout my industrial training Conclusion and Recommendation Improvement for: 1. Industry In my conclusion, doing an internship as @ graphic designer in this industry is a really good experience. Besides, I can sharpen my skills in design I can also learn how to sell my skills to make them useful for people. Graphic design is also a medium to communicate nowadays online and offline. It shows me that this field or area will keep developing when the technology does and it make my passion to continue my study in the multimedia or graphic field after doing this diploma, can recommend to the industry to provide complete a pe with installed software for students or designer to continue making good design for the industry. This is because with this facilities student who ate doing graphic designer intem can learn and make their design to the fullest with a satisfied result. Since I had problem with software before, I think it is 2 good recommendation for any company in the industry if they really want a good graphic design to strike for their business. I, Faculty/UMP My conclusion for Faculty of Computing has very hardworking staff and lectures. All pros for this internship is organized follow the time schedule. I feel thankful for every process can be done without problem. [ also think this internship for this course is a good subject for student to make themselves known to the real industry. T can recommend to amend the faculty subject to deeper, detail and add many new knowledge to the syllabus so that student can learn better. For example, in my case T am graphic designer intern and the subject I mainly refer on is Fundamental of Multimedia but also from the Graphical User Interface subject. I believe graphic design also a part of use technology to manipulate and combine words, images, color, typography, and sound in order to elicit emotions and deliver messages to viewers in computer science course. Attachment Below are some image attachments I got to capture during my internship experience. Table 1

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