DLP - Math10q2 1 Nov13

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Schools Passi City Grade Level 10

School Man- it Integrated School Learning Mathematics
PLAN Teacher Donald P. Casilao Quarter 3
Date November 13, 2017
I. Objectives Content Standard: Students should be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of the key concepts of combination
and probability
Performance Students should be able to use precise counting technique
Standard: and probability in formulating conclusions and making

Learning M10SP-IIIa-1
Competency Code: Illustrate the permutation of the objects

Objective: Illustrates the permutation of the objects through tree diagram

and listing method

II. Content Statistics and Probability

III. Resources Mathematics 10 Learner’s Module

Mathematics 10 Teacher’s Guide

IV. Procedure Motivation:

The boat is sinking.

Presentation and Discussion:

1. Ask the following questions:

a. Have you ever wondered why some locks such as the one shown
below have codes in them?
b. Do youknow why a shorter code is “weak,” while a longer code is a
“strong” personal password in a computer account?
c. Have you ever realized that there are several possible ways in doing
most tasks or activities likeplanning a seating arrangement or
predicting the possible outcomes of a race?
d. Have you ever been aware that there are numerous possible choices in
selecting from a set, like deciding which combination of dishes to serve
in a catering service or deciding which dishes to order in a menu?
e. Did you know that awareness of these can help you form conclusions
and make wise decisions?
2. Presentation of Fundamental Counting Principle (Permutation)
Can you show me the way?
Ana’s mother gave her 5 blouses (stripes, with ruffles, long-sleeved, and sleeveless) and
3 skirts (red, pink and black)
1. Think possible outfits of Ana if ever she wishes to pair her skirts with her blouses
2. How many possible outfits are there?
3. Show it through tree diagram or listing method

How did you come up with your final answer?
What method is the best to use? Tree diagram or listing? Why?

Arnold, Kevin, Bryan, and Kyle are friends.
They go to the park and take a groufie. How many possible pictures can they have while
interchanging their places/order/arrangement?
(Let the students show their lists or tree diagram on the board)

Supposing you wanted to secure your bicycle with a combination lock but one day you
forgot the correct combinations. You only remember that a combination lock contains the
following numbers: 7, 4, 3, and 1.
1. List down possible codes containing Four digits (7, 4, 3, and 1)
2. How many combinations are possible?

V. Instructional GRADE 10 - NEPTUNE GRADE 10 - ASTEROID


VI. Reflection

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