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TT ee Ty i ea) | INSIDE: Full notation plus click-track & non click-track aa=sG | * backing tracks on CD CD TRACK LISTINGS Foaliines 1 Baked Petarto 2 Blue Note 3 *Cherry Ran 4 Pali 5 6 Hop Bessa Wouldn't tt Be Wonderful? aking asks SaCti 7 Bake+ Porarto 3 Phe Noxe 9 Cherry Born 10 Folded Il Horo Bossa 12 Woulds't te Be Wonderful? BadingTracts 13. Paked Porarto With cick 14 Blue Note 1S Cherry Bomb 16 Fokled 17 Hur Rosa 18 \fou!dn't lee Wonderful? Tech Duercses 19 Fi oh ‘ruproration & Iuteepetation 20 Eotest 21-23 4 Better Druins With... Rockschool Welcome to Drums Gradv +t Ditums Notation Explained Pieces: Beked Potarto Blue Nete Cherry 3om' Folded Hugo Bossa Wouldrr’t It Be Wonderful? Technical Exercises Sight Readins Improvisation ¢& Inerprotsti Lar Tests General Musicianship Questions The Guru’s Guide Entering Rocksel; oa! Exanis 10 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 Yelcome To Drums Grade 4 Welcome to thtRocksctool Drums Grade 4 pack. ‘The book and CD contain everything needed to play drums in this grade, ke book yourwill ind the exam scores in drum notation. ‘The accompanying CD has full stereo mixes of each tane, king tracks to play along with for practice, ane with a click avd ove wit wut for each song, and spoken two bar cotnt-ing tw each piece, Handy tips on playing the pieces and the marking schemes can be found in the Guru Guide on page 22. IF you have any queries about this or any other Rockschoo! exam, please call us on 020 8332 6303, eiail us at info@rockschool. cou br visit our website Good luck! Level 2 Requirements for Grades 4 & 5 The nine Rockschool grades are divided into four levels. ‘These levels correspond to the levels of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Further details about the NOF can be found at Details of all Rockschool’s accredited qualifications can be found at Drums Grade 4 is part of Level 2, ‘This Level is for those of you who are confident in all the key basic skills on drums and \who ate stepping up to more advanced skills and stylistic expression, Grade 4 in this grade you will use a range of physical and expressive techniques with confidence including those drawn from the technical exercise section of the exam. The rhythms are more complex with sixteehth and dotted notes and the syncopations are now also more complex. You wil be experimenting with a zange of dynamics from very quiet (jap) to very lod (ff) Iris st this grade that you ae contintsng to develop your ability to play with tylistc sensitivity and authority. Grade 5:5 a player-you will be confident ina range of physical and expressive techniques. You will be able to demonstrate your abilities aeross a nlmber of styles and have control over'sound ar volume adjustments to suit the playing styles of your choice: Drums Exams at Grade 4 There are two types of exam that can be taken using this pack: a Grade Exam and a Performance Certificate Druas Grode 4 Exam: this is for players who want to develop performance ard technical skils Players wishing to enter for a Drums Grade 4 exam, need to |-«are three pieces of which ‘ome may be a free choice piece chosen from outside the printed repertoire. In additios: you must prepare the technical exercises in the book, undertake cither a sight reading test or an improvisation & interpretatic»s test, take an ear test and answer general musicianship questions. Samples ofthese tests are printed in the book along wit’. auio examples on the CD. ‘Drums Grade 4 Performance Certificate: this is for players who want to focus on performing in range of styles To cuter for your Drums Grade 4 Performance Certificate you play pieces only. You can choose any five of the six tunes priuted in ¢)i3 book or you can choose to bring in up to twa free choice pieces as long as they meet the standards set out by Ruckschool. Pree choice piece checklists forall grades can Ne “card «the Reckschool website: www. rackschool. Drums Notation Explained aus vorces ‘hese sree round the so i, (oczen) == ho) DS. al Coda DC. al Fine 1. Kick dram 2. Boor 3 Sieger 4 Rimssoe 2 Ghowtsnre pers asp Snare High era Rie yal * ie pal on ball = General Musical Notation Accentuate nately ote) + Acetate ts wth petites. + After sig ether erat ‘rte ie cyl grate ‘hal io pete es STpages + Gok tte sgn then ply voi thebar make fo Cais @ ten ipo hese acted Cade + Goback tothe beponing ofthe ws sad fay oti thetar ik Elven) Fi Cea pal” ‘sh oot ut open (oot) = ‘it (at) abd Hck dram togeter * Forcarinyall ermal, reeds of yi ve, ‘Bogon coke spectouy tnaled a chokes + Ads pled aon ie olism st the nfo asecion + ape bare beeen “When epee ec a cee eadings ply ist nding cn the ft te ad ite tcond engi te + Repeat previous. tn bigher Tie ety be asa + Rept previous bare ger ges hee mao be ad Baked Potarto Tacks LQ) Henry Thomas Jen Fant % DS. al Coda Drums Grade 4. Biue Note Noam Lederman nT 1-145 Jase To Coda me rum Solo ‘uae Solo rum Salo Ds. Nt Drams Grade 4 <2 Drums,Grade4 Cherry Bomb (e) eS ‘Tracks 3,9 015 Keith Airey & Kung Fu Drummer J-100 Punk Pop 2 prun: Folded naman) Peter Huntington 4-06 Kook Hatta fej : _ D.G. al Coda ¢ =f Hugo Bossa meaans®) Dave Barnard To Coda ule d “h lmagiecin & DrumsGrade4 Wouldy’t It Be Woriderful? 4286 Fuok Hip Hop - AW oo. @ Tracks 612 818 Steve Wrigley = ‘To Cods © rum Sele DA. al Coda © ‘Technical Exercises a) tn this section, the examiner will ask you to play a sclecties of exescises drawn from each of the five groups shown below. In addition there is a fill exercise which you will play using the designated backing track on the CD. You do not need to emerige the exercises (and can use your book in the exaa) but the examiner will be looking for the speed of your response. “The examiner will also give eres for the level of your musicality. “The stickings showa (L, & R) are there as @ guide for right handed drummers. Left handed drummers should reverse the sticking patterns, ‘Group A: Single & Double Strokes J=75 You will be asked to play this as a continuous sequence in either single or double strokes by the examiner Group B:Paradiddles J=75 1. Standard paradidle in sixteenth notes using snare and hi hat RUERALALE _ be] Geonp CrRolls J=70 1. Hive stroke roll ALLA LEARY GEE Group D: Flams, Drags & Ruffs J=75 5. Flam tap, 2. Drags in quarter notes 3. Luis in quarter notes PLLA LRAL Group Fs Hanis & Feet Partess = 1. Pattern 1 3. Pattern 3 4. Pattern 4 Runt tt SS SS OS, Group FFL J=50 Jn the exam you will be asked to play the three ber prevve shewn below followed by the second bar of one of the Hands & Feet patierns (A-D) shown in Group E above ¢ osen ty 2 exemiver, You will perform this exercise in the exam to the CD. backing track. a Sight Reading In this section you have a choice between either a sight readi:g test or an improvisation & interpretation test (see facing, page). Printed below is the type of sight reading test you ave likely to eacounter in the exam At this level there is also a small element of improvisation. ‘This is in the form ofa two bar drum fill. ‘rhe picce will be composed in the style of blues, sock, funk or jazz and will be eight bars long and may cosa re; eats. The examiner will allow you 90 seconds to prepare it and wil sete tempo for you ona metronome. The temp is d=!) Improvisation & Interpretation rack) Printed below is an example ofthe type of improvisation ‘:iaterpretation test you are likely to encounter in an exam. At this level there is a small element of sight reading. This takes the form of a two bar groove atthe beginning of the test. You ‘will be asked {0 play the groove and continue an improvised line to a backing track lasting twelve bars in the style of blues, rock, funk or hip hop played by the examiner on CD. You will be allowed 30 seconds to prepare. You will then be allowed to practise through one playing of the test on the CD Lefore playing ita second time for the exam. This test is continnons«vith Drume Grade 4 S Drums Grades 3 Ear Tests thats 1.28 (9 “Thete are two ear,fests in this grade, The examiner will play each tes to you en CD. You will find one example of each type ‘fst you will be'given in the exam printed below. ‘Test I: RUB Recognition, Ube crane il play you a ne bar dru fil twice ona CD and you wl then be kl 10 play tack. You wil then be asked to identify the fill from a set of three gxamples provided, The tempo is 4 a ‘Test 2: Groove Recall ‘The examiner will play you a two ber groove repeated! ow a CD twice. You will be asked to play back the groove as you have heard it on the CD. The examiner will ask you to identify the style of the groove you ave played from a list of three possibilities. A fall lst of potential styles is printed inthe Syllabus Guide, ‘The tempo is J =90. = — aj General Musicianship Questions ianship Questions at the end of the exam. The examiner will ask questions based on can be found ia the Technical Exercises. You will be asked five General Musi pieces you have played in the exam. Some of the theoretical t Topics: 3) Music theory ii) Kaovsledge of your instrun:ent ‘The music theory questions will cover the recognition of the following at this grade: Drum voices on the stave Note values Rests ‘Time Signatures Repeat markings (including first and second time bars) Dynamic markings (p, mp, mf and f°) ‘Cresc. and dim, DS. and DC. al Coda Fills, rhythm types, pulse, groove and feel ‘The instrument knowledge questions will cover the following topics at this grade: Names and position of all drum voices Procedures for tuning drums Procedures for changing a snare drum heed Knowledge of principal cymmbat snakes Questions on all these topics wil be based on picces played by you in the exam. Tips on how to approach this pattof'the ‘exam can be found in the Rockschool Companion Guide and on the Rockschoal website: wwww.rockschool The Guru’s Guide To Drums Groce 4 Tiss section contains some handy hisits compiled by Rockschuol’s Drums Guru to help you get the most out of the performance pieces, Do feel Free to adapt the tunes tu suit your playing style, Remember, these tunes are your chance to show your musical imagination and personality. The stickings shown in the music are suggestions only. Feel five to use different sticking combinations as they suit you. Pease also note that any solos featured jn the fall mixes are not meant to be indicative of the standard required for the grade. The track listings below are grouped: 1-16: full mixes; 7-12: backing tracks without clicks; and 13-18: backing tracks with clicks. Drums Grade 4 Tunes Rockschool tunes help you play the hit tunes you enjuy. ‘The pieces have been writlen by top pop and rock composers and players according to style specifications drawn up by Reckschool, ‘The tunes printed bere fll into two categories. ‘The frst category can be called the ‘contemporary mainstream! and features current styles in today’s charts, The second category of pieces consists of roots styles, those classic grooves and genres which intluence every generation of performers. G0 full micarack 1, Backing tracks 7 and 13: Baked Kotarto | 1 his sprightly fynk érack opens with a tight ltd fill leading ints a siatecu bar groove with dotted « Ikick drum pairings in bass 1, 3 and § and a variation of this ins owing Phe snare in bar 7. Note the stabbed fill in the last heat of bar 4, The secondary” groove switches to the ride cy.o'al and witci oct for the off-beat eighth note kick drums. You should look to develop the groove during the piano solo. The co la isa variation of the main groove but with eyncopated bi hats anda very Toud, accented last bat ‘Composer: Henry Thomas. CO fall six tracke2, backing tracks 8 & 14: Ble Note “This jazz piece swings ata brisk pace (145 bpm) but the part itself is quite sparse for the firs twenty bars, mostly open and closed hi hats interspersed with short bills. "Tue secondary groove switches to the ride cymbal and is more complex and features a range of dynamic variations, Note the drum roll n the sxare in bar 32, You should develop the groove during the pinno solo and work up some more ideas forthe to dium solos towards the end, Composer: Noam Lederman, ED fall mictrack 3, backing tracks 9 & 15:Cherry Bomb ‘This punk pop song combines floor tom, snare and kick dram eighths slowly ratcheting up the volume levels to cxeate 2 slightly sinjser sounding groove. ‘The main gecoye appears quite simple: four to the floor kick drum beats and open hit hat tfoavter notes all layed at quite alick. Watch out forthe sfat ec fills ve flats in bar 44 and the bar of 2/4. Make sure that ‘yu follow the segue and double segno instructions tothe finish. Camposets: Keith Airey & Kung Fa Dewnnaes ‘Ci ful ie track, backing tracks 10 16: ToMet This slow rock track features a bravura opening played very leudly on kick drum and crash cymbals followed by a bar of {il "This is pomp rock at perhaps its mast pompous and {'e vuain eroove should be played and developed with this in mind, The groove has some tricky mozsenis: sempiquaver kick dzum ‘eats ad doted eighth/sixteenth combinations which recur Uhroughout. Altogether 2 great piece of fun around the kit. Composer: Peter Huntington, €p fut mix track 5, backing tracks 11 & 17: Hugo Bosse “This piece is an old favourite from Rockschoul’s very first syllavus and is our tribute to Carlos Santana and Mexican blues ‘The groove plays an on-off beat shythm in the snare-kick coobjnations, with short fils and accents and the snare is played rim shot throughout, You should look to add some extes e: lour through the use of dynamic variations and ad libs tp tine groove, Composer: Dave Barnard. (CD full mix track 6, backing tracks 12 & 17: Woulda’t It be Wonderfuit "This funk track is reminiscent of early 70s Stevie Wonder (‘Snperstition’ off the album ‘Talking Book would be agood starting point for listening). ‘The main groove is propelled forward by the dotted eighth snare- sixteenth note kick combination on the second beat of each bar and you should look to develop this groove in the cont. sim sections, Watch for the open hi hais ‘that punctuate the groove, slang with the short rat-tottat fills in the last two beats at the end of eight bar sections, The groove variations in the second half include off-best eighth e~tes played on the ride cymbal, ‘There isa four bar drum solo Composer: Steve Wrigley. CD Musicians Guitars: Deirdre Cartwright; Keith Airey Bass: Henry Thomas Drums: Peter Huntington; Noam Lederman Keyboards and programming: Alastair Gavin Drums Grade 4 Marking Schemes “The table below shows the marking scheme forthe Drums Grade 4 exam EET ie Tae DISTINCTION] Piece 13 out of 20 15 out of 20 17+ ont of 20 j Piece 2 13 ont of 20 1S ontof20 roman | Piece 3 13 ovt of 20 15 out of 20 17+ out Of 20 ‘Technical Brereises Tontofi TB outaf 5 Ter out of 15 Fier Sight Reading ee aoe Sovt of 10 7-8 out of 10 9+ ont of 10 Fares Soutot10 FB outet 0 94 outati0 General Musicianship Questions Bout of Aout ofS, SoutofS, “Total Marks Tees Mera 7536 Distinction: 05565 ‘The table below shows the marking scheme for the Nr-ms Gre..2 4 Performance Certificate, TEEMENT _PASS 1 DISTINCHON | Piece Toutoi20 | teoutof20 Ter outof20 | Piece 2 14 out of 20 16 out of 20 18+ oyt of i rece 4 eeu st of 20 reroute | Piece 5 Aout of 20 16 oat of 20 18 out of 20 i ‘Total Marks Pass: 70%+ Merit: °0%0+ Drums Grades Entering Rockschool Exams Unloring a Rockschool exam is easy. Please read through these instzuctions carefully before filling inthe exam entry form, Tntormuation on currentexam fees can be obtained from Rockschool by ringing 620 8332 6303 or by logging on to our website wienerodkschoal ‘You should enter for your exam when you feel ready. Vow ga enter for any one of three examination periods. ‘ise ore shown below with ther losing dates. PaniOD DURATION GiosING DATE ‘February 0915" Mach December 1" May to 31" July P April 23nd October to 15 December 1 October ‘These dates will apply from Ist Sertember 2096 until further notice + Please complete the form giving the informatio required. Please fill in the type and level of exam, the instrument, along ‘with the period and year. Finally, fill in the fee box with the appropriate amount. You can obtiin up to date information on ail Bockschool exam (ees from the website: wwwrockschool.coxuk. You shoul send this form with a cheque or postal order (payable ta Rockschool Ltd) to the address shown on the order form. Please also indicate on the form whether or net you ‘inutd like 10 receive notification via email. + Applications received after the expiry of the closi date may be aces; ted subject to the payment ofan additional fe, + When you enter an exam you will receive f ‘exam regulations, Rockschos! ar acknowledgement Jetet or email containing a copy of our + Rockschool wil allocate your entry toa ceatre and you will reccive notification of the exam, showing a date, Jocation and timme as well as advice of what to bring to the centre. We endeavour to givz you four weeks’ notice of your exam. + You should inform Rockschoal of any cancellations or alterations to the schedule as soon as you can as it is usually not possible to transfer entries from axe centre, or one perio, to auct" er without the payment of an additional fee. + Please bring your music book and CD to the exam. Your ay ~ot use photocopied music, nor the music used by someone else in another exam. ‘The examiner will sign each book during each exe1.2ation. You may be barred from taking an exam if you use someone else's music. + You should aim to arrive for your Grade 4 exarn fifteen minutes before the time stated on the schedule 4 Bach Grade 4 exam is scheduled to last for 2 rsimutes. You cart use a snrall proportion of this time to tune up and get ready, 10 to three wees after the exam you wil receive a cepts» vin’s mark sheet. Every succesful player will receive s Rockschool cectifieate of achievement DRUMS*-~- aya) re ne CO ao ee a ern ads ee ted Dare (nate tet ee teary 8 emma im Sr Selo e ae | De een etn ac ee eat aer es .g Cena Set ane SNRs rece) eel Py ee | ort ReoeeESae er ier ero nrg Corre Rea ot ea Ret eee Re ee coe Para rear tact DE acm Sa wae cesT e ie See eta aN T. +44 (0320 8332 6303 E. officedgivockschoolcouk coon)

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