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DRUMS += GRADE 6 > f | | INSIDE: Full notation plus click-track & non click-track =F | a Pre TAM re SCUAN GD) CD TRACK LISTINGS ' ¥ 3a My Ferns 4 KPO A y 5 Orn By One i 6 SprarWind 4d i Bacingrads 7 Hocice a Crazy Prog Fact Coast 9 Eat My Ferrari to KFD I Ore 2y One 12 Spear\Wind Backingtrads 13 Crazy Prog Wht 14 East Coast 15 Eat My Ferrari 16 Khe 17 Oe Pr Cne 18° SpearS*fnd Tech entises 19-20 ety Sat oie Study Flee 21 erlet 23-25 Better Drums With... Rockschool Welcome to Drums Grade 6 Drums Notation Explained Pieces: Crazy Prog East Coast Eat My Ferrari K.ED. One By One Spear Wind Technical Exercises Quick Study Piece Ear Tests General Musicianship Questions ‘The Guru’ Guide Entering Rockschool Exams 10 12 14 16 ro 20 21 22 24 Drums Grade 6 w Welcome To Drums Grade 6 Welcome to the Rockschool Drums Grade 6 pack. The buok and CD contain everything needed to play drums in this grade, In the book you will find the exam’scores iat drura notation. he accompanying CD has full stereo mixes of each tune, bhacking tracks to play along with for practice, one with a click aud one without for each song, and spoken two bar count-ins to each piece. Handy tips on playing the pieces and the mavkiuig scl‘emes can be found in the Guru's Guide on page 22. If you have any queries about this or any other Rockschool exam, please call us on 020 8332 6303, email us at info@rockschool. couk or visit our website Good luck! Aevel 3 Requirements for Grades 6,7 & 8 he nine Rockschool grades are divided into four levels, These levels correspond to the levels of the National Qualifications Framework (NQE). Further details about the NQF ca be found at Details of all Rockschool’s accredited qualifications can be found at www.geaorg.ukloy-e;uels. Drums Grade 6 is part of Level 3. This level is for those of you who are ready to stretch and refine all aspects of your playing at an advanced Jevel of technique and musical expression. ‘Gragle 6 in this grade you are developing the confidence of the advanced player across the range of physical and expressive techniques. You will start experimenting with a range of techniques across a number of musical styles, There is a greater ‘emphasis on personal expression and you will display your ov-n rusical personality through ad libbing and soloing. Grade 7: in this grade you ate now confident in your abilities across the range of physical and expressive techniques. You will be experimenting with a range of these techniques acruss a cun.ber of styles. You will also be comfortable with a range of rhythms and time signatures other than common time. Your solos will be musically expressive and you will have the confidence to apply varied rhythmic ideas around the kit in a number of soloing contexts. Grade 8: you wil play effortlessly with a wide range of physical and expressive techniques at your command. You willbe able to use these at will across a range of styles and sausical contexts. You witi be comfortable playing pieces employing a number of differant time signatures (including changes from bar to bar) and you will display mastery of a number of musical styles. ‘Your solos will be highly musical and employ technigaes aczass th You will also be highly sensitive to all aspects of ‘musical presentation Drains Exams at Grade 6 “There are two types of exam that can be taken usin, this pack: a Grade Exam and a Performance Certificate. Drums Grade 6 Exam: this is for player who want to develrp perfo:.. ance and technical skills Players wishing to enter for a Drums Grade 6 exam nead to prepare three pieces of which one may be a free choice piece chosen from outside the printed repertoire. In addition you must pravare the technical exercises in the book, undertake quick study piece, take an ear test and answer general rausicia..ship questioas. Samples of these tests are printed in the book. along with audio examples on the CD. Drums Grade 6 Performance Certificate: this is for ("7-13 who want to focus on performing ina rangé of styles ‘To enter for your Drums Grade 6 Performa:.ce Certificate yo play pieces only. You can choose any five of the six tunes printed in this book, or you can choose to bring in up to twe free choice pieces as long as they meet the standards set out by Rockschool. Free choice piece checklists for all grades can be found on the Rockschool website:, Drums Notation Explained aoa Shh meu SS prune voices ‘herons am Noundidess owe ickdrum 1» & Daze Snave 2. Hoorn Z. Medium tom 3. Share dria & Hipntom & Rimshor 3. ie cyabat 3 Ghost ene 10, Kide cymbal onbell General Musical Notation (accen) + Accentuate note (phy ude. Fi (Govent) + Accentuate note wi rent ini “= Afr striking eter the crash trtheride cymbal grasp the «yb rit peeve rn gg. * Go back othe sgn, thm ple ut (he ee sparked Zu Cod @ Wen np 10 the sect marked @ Cul DS. clCoua + Gobseko the beginning he song nt Soputtinebarmkad Pie eo D.C. al Fine n, 15 ie “ihr (food) and kik am sgever * Fordilla, repurless fey vale, ‘ing on fess petals smaviedas choked + Aaliy seton played around ihe ivoten at heed of ection. + Repeatburs between signs + When a repented section has erent dng ply the fst nding ony the fst tne and thesecond ending oy thes ‘cond tine + Repexcpreou burn hgh ‘ipl these gy slo tna Sox + Repost reious 2 bare. ln higher rales these may also be marked Crazy Prog Tad 1 £2) Peter Huntington D8. al Coda & East Coast mand ®) Steve Lewinson mA e108" Hip Hep city E To Coda | Keyboard Soto Base Solo DS. al Coda @ Coda Bat My Ferrari “Trak 3, {) Lyn Edmenson pe ASR Pe or ot ot Pe = eee KED oe) Kung Fu Drummer & Neel Dhorajiwala 42170 Down" Bass. ‘Kemal antes wh aks EES ree eee ese eee bee 7 == oo a = SS ae | tS Ds. cone: le a Pa rr Z I oo 2 ; = 4) Coda (woo fou aor eros Ss = Drums Grade 6 One By One nC) Noam Lederman & James Creed DA. al Coda roe ee 5 Drums Gi Spear Wind Tracks 6, 2) Hussein Boon 4-68 Pop oda mba ie EP Oo He Z He Me i ou Technical Exercises mu?) In this section, the examiner will ask you to play a selection of exercises drawn from each of the five groups shown below. Tn addition there isa fill exercise which you will play using the desigaated backing track on the CD. You do not need to ‘memorise the exercises (and can use your book in the exam) but the examiner will be looking for the speed of your response, The examiner will aso give credit for the level of your musicality. “The stickings shown-(L & R) ate there as a guide for right handed drummers. Left handed drummers should reverse the sticking patterns Group A: Single & Double Strokes J -80 ‘Youswill be asked to play this as a continuious sequence in either single or double strokes by the examiner. 1. n triplet eighth notes 2. In sisteesith notes 3.1n soxtuplet sixteenth notes VRE RLRL AREA TPP per apes » : —— ep tages ges ge gd gt gd eg L gg pg Group B: Paradiddtes J-20 1, Standard paradidale in sixteenth notes with moving accent, GroupC:Rells J=30 L. Nine stroke roll PALL AALS Ler R cen ag Group D:Flams & Drags J=80 J. Flamadiddle ae 2. Dragadiddlle Group E: Technique Solos ‘You will be asked by the examiner to play one of the examples siowa below to the backing track on the CD in the exam. Ltn sixteenth notes J=100 a Fekete cle Drums Grade 6 3 Drums Grade 6 & ain senupletscteenih notes J=70 Quick Study Piece At this grade you will be asked to prepare a short Quick Study Piece (QSP) which will be given for you to prepare, with atidio, 20 minutes before entering the exam room. You should be prepared to play a QSP in any of the following styles: blues, ‘rock, funk, Latin or jazz. The QSP is in the form of a lead sheet and it is up to you to create your own interpretation of the msi particularly where you have to compose and perform your own part. You will then perform the piece to a backing track in the exam. Printed below is an example of the type of QSP you ave likely to receive in the exam, The CD contains an idealised version and a backing track. 4-90 Acoustic Rock FTI —— Sa ms Grade 6 S De Ear Tests ‘Thove are two ear tests in this grade, ‘The examiner will play each test to you on CD. You will find one example of each type ‘of test you will be given in the exam printed belo “Test i: Fill Recognition "The examiner will play you one bar of snare drw-a fill twice un a CD and you will then be asked to play it back. You will then be asked to identify the fill from a set of three examples yrv ride. ‘The tempo is J =70. ‘foot 2: Groove Recall ‘The examiner will play you a two bar grooye repéatel on a CD twice, You will be asked to play back the groave as you have heard it on the CD. The examiner will then ask you to identity the style of the groove you have played from a lst of four possibilities. A full list of potential styles is printed ir. the Syllabus Guide. The tempo is J =105. General Musicianship Questions ‘You will be asked five General Musicianship Quest‘ons at the end of the exam. The examiner will ask questions based on pieces you have played in the exam, Some of the theorstice" topics can he found in the Technical Exercises. Topics: i) Music theory 1) Knowledge of your instrument ‘The music theory questions will cover the recognition of the fellowing at this grade: Any and all music signs as displayed on the stave ‘The instrament knowledge questions will cover the following tupies at this grade: All aspects of drum construction Care and maintenance of drums, haréware and cymbals Knowledge of different sticking patterns for different styles Knowledge of the difference between different sized kits ‘Questions on all these topics will be based on pieces played by you in the exam. ‘Tips on how to approach this part of the exam can be found in the Rackschool Companion Guide and on the Rockschool websites Drums Grade 6 na BS Lrumg uraae o ‘The Guru’s Guide To Drums Grade 6 This section contains some handy hints compiled by Rockschools rams Guru to help you get the most out of the performance pieces. Do feel free to adapt,the tunes to suit your playing style, Remember, these tunes are your chance to show your musical imagination and personality ‘The stickings shown in the music are suggestions only. Feel free to use different sticking combinations as they suit you. Please also note that any solos featured in the full mixes are not meant to be indicative Gf the standard required for the grade, The track listings below are grouped: 1-16; fall mnixes; 7-12: backing tracks without clicks; and 13-18: backing tracks with clicks Drums Grade 6 Tunes Rockschool tunes help you play the hit tunes you enjoy. ‘The pieces have been written by top pop and rock composers and players according to style specifications drawn up by Rockschool. ‘The'tanes printed here fall into two categories. The first category can be called the ‘contemporary mainstreant and features current styles in today’s charts. The second category of pieces consists of roots styles, those classic grooves and, genres which. influence every generation of performers. D foll mix track 1, backing tracks 7 & 13: Crazy Prog ‘Ap energetic rock track with a great deal of variety in the groove. You will need your wits about you to play this effectively as there are many details in the groave from the off-beat eighth open hi hat in the very first bar, to the accented ride and crash cymbals played together, the flam snares and the subtle changes of time signature (4/4 to 5/4 and back again). There is additionally plenty of scope to develop the part, especially the dynamics. Composer: Peter Huntington, D full mix track2, backing tracks 8 & 14: Bast Coast ‘This hip hop track started life as a bass piece in the RS2K syllabus but has been re-arranged and now sounds more like a Prince song. ‘The opening groove is quite metronomic but is developed as the piece progresses and there is the opportunity to develop it further, particularly after the second time bar where the groove really complements the bass part (note the tricky Ail prior to the keyboard solo section). You should he thinking of similar support in the bass solo section. ‘Composer: Steve Lewinson, ‘© full mix track3, backing tracks 9 & 15: ‘at My Ferrari A lively funk track that lays down a groove neatly compleraenting the bass part which is the driving force of this song. This is the heart of the drum track and should be developed where necessary and shaped by dynamics, particularly after the second time bar which has a more open ané laid back feel to it. "The four bar drum solo allows you to develop some of the iddens contained in this piece and you should extend these to the backing for the bass and keyboard solos. Do make the most ‘of the coda with its cont. sim. bars and the opportunity fora signature fill at the end, Com sposer: Lyn Edmenson. ‘© fall min track 4 backing tracks 10 & 16: KED ‘This hybrid of jazz and drum ‘n’ bass opens with ad lib cymbals and toms played with soft sticks before moving to an improvised feel played on the cymbals. At bar 25 the main cove kicks in and should have a metronomic feel which should catty the listener forward. The repeats give you araple oportonity to develop the part as do the repeats on the opening eymbal groove in the second halE. Composers: Kung Fa Drummer & Neel Dherajiwala CD full mixtrack5, backing tracks 11 &17:One by One “This grunge track is fast paced track and direct (note these opening open hi hts played very loud) but it has a twist, ‘the ‘opening bars are a mixture of 7/4 and 4/4 and the groove packs a lot into the 7/ bats, notably in the form of sixteenth note fills, In 4/4 the backbeat is more orthodox but with plenty of Kick drum and cymbal variations. This is a song where the dynamic colouring should not be lost amidst all the ev ‘nes!2s1a, so mee the most ofthe crescendos and moves from light to shade and back again. Composers: Noam Lederman & James Creed. (CD fell mix track 6, backing tracks 12 & 18: Spear Wind ‘A slow pop-rock track in the style of Oasis (have'a listen to Let There Be Love from Never Believe the Truth}. The keys to this piece are pace and dynamics. The beat is stately (65 bpm) which means you will have to play this with a great degree of control not to push the beat too hard. ‘The other aspect is namics: note how the groove builds from the very quiet opening cymbal section to tite very loud section in the second half of the song. ‘Composer: Hussein Boon. cD Musicians, Guitar: Keith Airey Bass: Henry Thomas ‘Drums: Noam Lederman Keyboards and programming» Alastair Gavin Drums Grade 6 Marking Schemes "The table below shows the marking scheme for the Drums Grade 6 exam. ELEMENT PASS MERIT DISTINCTION Piece 1 13 out of 20 15 out 0f 20 17+ out of 20 = Piece 2 13 out of 20 15 out of 20 174 out of 20 Piece 3 13 eat of 20 15 out of 20, yeoutof20 | “Technical Exercises 6 out of 10 7-8 out of 10 9 out of 10 Quick Study Piece Hout of 15 12-13 out of 1S 14+ out of 15 I Ear Tests 6 out of 10 7-8 out of 10 9+ out of 10 General Musicianship Questions Bout ofS Aout ofS Sut ors "Total Marks Pass 65964 Merit: 75% “Distinction: 85% ‘The table below shows the markings scheme for the Drums Grade 6 Performance Certificate. ELEMENT, PASS ___Mrerr | __ DISTINCTION __| Piece 1 V4 out of 20 16 out of 20 184+ 00 of 20 Piece 2 4 oat of 20 16 out of 20 184 ont of 20 Piece 3 14 out of 20 16 out of 20 18+ out of 20 Piece 4 14 out of 20 16 out of 20 18+ out of 20 Piece 5 14 out of 20 16 out of 20 18+ out of 20 ‘Total Marks Pass: 70% + [Marit 80% 6 Distinction: 90%+ | Deums Grade 6 Entering Rockschool Exams Entering a Rockschool exam is easy. Please read through t! es instructions carefully before filling in the exam entry form. Information on current exam fees can be obtained frum "o.! wel" y rinsing 020 8332 6303 or by logging on to our website, + You should enter for your exar whea yuu feel ready. += You can enter for any one of three exaiaination periods, “snese are shown below with their closing dates. PERIOD [Doganet __[ hosine pare Period A 1* February to 15 March. 1* December Period B 1" May to 31* July 1 April Period C 23rd October to 15}. cember 1° October These dates will apr'y froma Ist S-ptewher 27% until further notice + Please complete the form giving the information required. Please fil in the type and level of exam, the instrument, along ‘with the period and year. Finally, fll in the fee box with the apore-tiate amount. You can obtain up to date information on all Rockschool exam fees from the website:, You should send this form with a cheque or postal order (payable to Rockschool Ltd) to the address shown on the on'er form, P'ease also indicate on the form whether or not you ‘would liketo receive notification via email. + Applications received after the expiry of the closing slate unay be accepted subject to the payment of an additional fee. + When you enter an exam you will receive from Rockschool «1 acknowledgement letter or email containing a copy of our exam regulations + Rockschoot will allocate your entry to a centre and you will receive notification of the exam, showing a date, location and time as well as advice of what to bring to the centre. We endeavour to rive you four weeks’ notite of your exam. + You should inforin Rockschool of any cancellatians or alterations to the schedule as soon as you can as itis usually not 1ossible to transfer entries from one centre, or one period, to av ter without the payment of an additional fee. + Please bring your music book and CD to the exam. You ray not use photocopied music, nor the music used by someone else in another exam, The examiner will sign each book dunng each exarnivation. You may be barred from taking an exam ifyou use someone elses music. + You should aim to arrive for your Grade 6 exam thisty mints before the time stated on the schedule. + Bach Grade 6 exam is scheduled to last for 29 minutes. Y.a can we a siaall proportion of this time to tune up and get ready. + Two to three weeks after the exam you will receive a copy vf the exarniner’s mark sheet. Every successful player will receive a Rockschool certificate of achievement. 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