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a GRADE 7 Demat M CUO eC cstr regan ene leereta PEM Ce CXC) CD TRACK LISTINGS Fale iV s I 2 3) fk 4 Pass, 5 beior Sebata 6 7 a Grey Hrze adn Tacks Ho ciek Dé Va Cavern AN 9 Jape 10 Mass The Pe LL Seter Seboha, : aoe 12 Grey Have 13 DepVE Tech Sicses 19-20 Technique Soles Quick Study Piece 21 Full Ex 2D oe frien 23-25. Test | 26 Test? Beiter Drums With... Rockschool Welcome to Drums Grace 7 Drums Novation Exolaines! Pieces: Déja Vu Fleven AM Jalapefio Pass The Pepper Seftor Sehata Grey Haze Technical Exerci-es Quick Study Piece Ear Tests General Musicianship Questions The Guru’s Guide Entering Rocksche1 bv 16 19 20 21 22 24 Welcome To Drums Grade 7 ‘Welcome to the Rockschool Drums Grade 7 pack. The book an Ci contain everything needed to play drums in this grade. In the book you will find the exam scores in drura notatioa. ‘The accompanying CD has full stereo mixes of each tune, ‘hacking tracks to play along with for practice, one with a click and one without for each song, and spoken two bar count-ins to cach piece. Handy tips on playing the pieces and the marking schennes can be found in the Guru's Guide on page 22. If vow have any queries about this or any other Rockschool exam, please cal us on 020 8332.6303, email us at info@rockschoo!, couk or visitour website, Good luck! Jayel 3 Requirements for Grades 6,7 & 8 The nine Rockschool grades are divided into four levels. These levels correspond to the levels uf the National Qualifications Fremework (NQF). Further details about te NOF can be found st Details of all Rockschool's accredited qualifications can be found at Drums Grade 7 is part of Level 3. ‘This Jevel is for those uf you who are ready to stretch and refine all aspects of your playing at an advanced level of technique and musical expression, Grade 6 in this grade you are developing'the confidence of tve advanced player across the range of physical and expressive techniques. You will start experimenting with a range of techniges across a number of musical styles. There is a greater cmphasis on personal expression and you will display your own musical personality through ad bibbing and coloing, Grnde 7: in this grade you are now confident in your abilities across the range of physical and expressive techniques. You will be experimenting with a range of these techniques across a number of styles. You will also be comfortable with a range of rhythms and time signatures other than common time. Your solos will be musically expressive and you will have the confidence to apply varied rhyth:mic ideas around the kit in a nusnber of soloing contexts. Grade 8 you will play effortlessly with a wide range of physical and expressive techniques at your command. You willbe able {0 use these af will across a range of styles and musical contexts. You will be comsfortable playing pieces employing a number of wifferent time signatures (including chnges from bar to bar) and you will display mastery of a number of musical styles. Your solos will be highly swusical and employ techniques across the range. You will also be highly sensitive to all aspects of sesical presentation. Dreams Exams at Grade 7 ‘Thete are two types of exam that can be taken using this pack: a Grae Exava and a Performance Certificate. Drums Grade 7 Exams this is for plaversywio want to devel.» per! sz1nnce and technical skis, Players wishing to enter for a Drums Grede 7 exam need tu prepare three pieces of which ome may be a free choice piece ‘chosen from outside the printed repertoire. In addition you saust prepare the technical exercises in the book, undertake ‘quick study piece, take an ear test and answer general musicianship questions. Sanils ofthese tests are printed in the book along with audio examples on the CD. Drums Grade 7 Performance Certificate: this is {> players who want t9 focus on performing in a range of styles ‘To enter for your Drums Grade 7 Performance Certificate you play pieces only. You can choose any five of the six tunes printed in this book, or you can choose to bring in up tu te free cacice pieces as long as they meet the standards set out by Rockschool. Free choice piece checklists for all grades ca. be found on the Rockschool website: Drums Notation Explained RUM vorces "Th rane re sranged ‘oud he san ews, a (occem) F ttle DS. al Coda D.C. al Fine Kick ram Poor om Saved Footnote General Musical Notation + Accents notte) + Ace te wih get atin, Afr ing iter the crash Sethe rece rope ‘mal ino pete om hg + Go bickto sign then ay we Sebacramded © Coda 9 tet is thesesion maried 6 Ca + Gobuck othe beginning ofthe son von ted in ad epee 1 Ridejabalonbell* Hihst doe Mia open * iach cal” is oa) ac opes (oo = Hie ot) apd ek dram toetee “orgasm, regres of yt ale, magn one spel takes choked + Atl stole sun Beckett ents nee + Rapa bare beens ee + When a repented section as diferent endings pay the fist ‘nding col te ft tae and iesetond ending ont the- second ine + Rees previo a igh frases yao beret + Rope previous bas Init tres hee may seal Dg Vu rea. £@) Hussein Boon 1-110 Suuern Boogie Coo O_o SS FF i ee rum Sole D.C. a Coda d re Coda Drums Grade? © Dramg Grade7 Hleven AM “Tracks: mC) Peter Huntington 2-100 Rock NI Deus Grade7 Jalapeho Tracks £2) Noam Lederman & Geoff Lai co DrnmaGrade? Ny fv 7 kor pas fis EET ¥ Tavady dy 2 = is tory by By ry — f addr ifs? sai © brimgumaey Pass The Pepper “tse, ®) Geoff Gascoyne Fire D.C. al Fine Sefior Sebaba Tad, A) Kung Fu Drummer & Neel Dhorajiwala 2120 Loria Guitar Seto rum Sole ae Fata bo ptr DS. al Fine wets ( Drang Grede? Grey Haze ads L®) Alison Rayner 16190 Root woe eomee . . ra eee rere fot a ———— ees DS. al Coda free eens ro Rien peereeees x) pM GOI ELF = eI . SF LE LA =a fi eel Ee ena s ‘technical Exercises neh) In this section, the examiner will ask you to ploy a selectitin of exercises dawn from each of the four groups shown below. Ins adlition there i a fill exescise which you will pls using the desiznate 1 backing teack on the CD. You dg not need to ‘memorise the exercises (and can use your book in the exam) but the eaminer will be looking for the speed of your response. ‘The examiner witl aso give credit for the level of your musicality ‘The stickings shown (L & R) are there as a guide for ripht han’~Ud-uismers. Left handed drummers should reverse the sticking patterns, Group A: Single Strokes J=65 You wil be asked to pay this as a continuous sequence in sirple strokes ony by the examiner ars feel aeltael eral Group B: Paradiddles 1. Standard paradiddle with moving accent Beangaces RL RALBLL ‘wap C: Plams & Paradiddle-diddles J=00 1, Paradiddle-diddle in sextuplet sixteenth notes Wepre Pheer = “eel htrti ate 2cinsextuplet sixteenth notes J=70 WEEE 18 Quick Study Piece At this grade you will be as!ed to prepare a short Quick §*.'; Fieve (QSP) vhich willbe given for you to prepare with audio 20 minutes before entering the exam room. You st vered to play 2 QSP in any of the following styles: blues, rock, funk, Latin or jazz. ‘The QSP isin the form of > Ie its up to yor to create your own interpretation of the music, particularly where you have to compose ard perfors. your own past. You will then perforin the piece to a backing track in the exam. Printed below is an example of the type of QSP you are likely to receive in the exam. The CD contains an idealised version and a backing track. 4-405 Fink ra , , , S Ear Tests “Tracks (@) ‘There are two ear tests inthis grade, The exa:xiner will play eac test to you on CD. You will find one example of each type ‘of test you will be given in the exaun printed below. ‘Test 1: Fill Recognition ‘The examiner will play you one bar of snare dru fil twice on « CD and you will then be asked to play it back. You will then be asked to identify the fill from a set of three examples provided. ‘The tempo is « =70. ‘Test Z: Groove Recall ‘The examiner will play you a two bar groove repeated on a CD twice, You will be asked to play back the groove as you have heard it on the CD. The examiner will then. ask you to identify the style ¢f the groove you have played from a list of four possibilities, A ful lst of potential styles is pristed in the Syllavus Guide. ‘the tempo is J =140. eee ee) eee ec te ee LS General Musicianship Questions You will be asked five General Musicianship Questions at the end of the exam. ‘The examiner will ask questions based on. pieces you have played in the exam. Some of the theoret !tupics an be found in the Technical Exercises ‘Topics: i) Music theory ii) Knowledge of your instrument History and styles ‘The music theory questions will cover the recognition of the f. "towing at this grade: Any and all music signs as displayed on the stave ‘The instrument knowledge questions will cover the fellowing topics at this grade: All aspects of drum construction Care and maintenance of drums, hardware and cymbals Knowledge of use of different cymbsls for different styles Knowledge of use of different sized kts for different styles ‘The history and style questions will cover the following topies: Styles associated with famous players History of style development Impact of famous players on playing styles ‘Questions on all these topics will be based on pieces played by you in the exam. Tips on how to approach this part of the ‘exam can be found in the Rockschool Companion Guide annd on the Rockschool website: wirw:rockschool N_ DrumgGrade7 ‘The Guru’s‘Guide To Drums Grade 7 This section contains some handy hints compiled by Rockschool’s Drums Guru to help you get the most out of the petlinmanée pieces. Do feel free to adapt the tunes to suit your playing style, Remember, these tunes are your chance to show your musical imagination and personal ‘The stickings shown in the music are suggestions only. Feel free to use different sticking combinations as they suit you. Please also note that any solos featured in the full mixes are not nieant to be indicative of the standard required for the grade. The track listings below are grouped: 1-16: full mixes; 7-12: backing tracks without clicks; and 13-18: backing tracks ‘with clicks. Drums Grade 7 Tunes Rockschool tunes help you play the hit tunes you enjoy. ‘The pieces have been written by top pop and rock composers and, players according to style specifications drawn up by Rockschool. ‘The tunes printed here fall into two categories. The first category can be called the ‘contemporary mainstream and features curzent styles in today’s charts. The second category of pieces consists of Yoots styles, those classic grooves and genres which influence every generation of performers. ‘CO full mix track 1, backing tracks 7 & 13: Déja Va ‘This is a no nonsense Southern Boogie track and this is‘a sood example in drum form. ‘The opening groove is played ‘edium loud and ean be developed. The alternating bars of 7/4 and 4/4 allow for a degree of rhythmic inventiveness ‘with short ros played on the third snare beat, ‘The main groove is played loud and is more open: the pulsé is set con the tide cymbal and with the hi bat foot and offers considerable scope for development with fils as appropriate, This can be extended into the solo sections - note the sextuplet fill arourd the kit at the end of this section. Composer: Hussein Boon. CD fail mix track2, backing tracks 8 & 14: Eleven AM The variety of distinctive time signatures (11/8, 718 and 6/4) give this piece a distinctive fel and the groove has a similarly distinctive patern in tilet time which acts asa lelimotif almost. There ls pace for development ofthe groove and the epportanity to ada to the performance with dymarnic colouring eanging from quiet o very loud. The passages in 6/4 sound rich freer and this i tected in the hiythaially varied hi list part Composer: Peter Huntington, CD full mix track3, backing tracks 9 & 15: Jalapesio ‘This funk piece, inspired by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, is shythnically challenging: the hi hat is played in off-beat sixteenth ‘notes; similarly the kick and snare drums. This complexity calls for @ total command of technique and confidence around the kit as well a the bility to shape the part dynamically and colour it with accents, ghost snares, buzz rolls etc, ‘Composers: NoameLederman & Geoff Lai ‘ob fll mix trac 4, backing tracks 10 & 16: Pass the Pepper The drum pact for this jazz piece is sparse, particularly in t" s-cond half but this song is taken at pace (225 bpm) and has am inventive opening line including a solo (nite bar of 3/4 at the end of this section). The main groove swings with the rhythmic impetus provided by the ride cyrabal pattern and the hi hat foot pulse. Other voices are added to provide colour. Needless to say it requires considerable confi'eu.ce, technical control and playing inventiveness to be convincing. Composer: Geoff Gascoyne Cp fall mix track 5, backing tracks 11 & 17:Seitor Sebaba ‘A Cuban Latin track im the style of $>~ a1 that relies on a fl. ick drum feel which &? once anchors the groove and allows the rest ofthe drums to floet around it. The song has two principal grooves: the fs is that in which the pulse is provided by the off beat Hick druin with alternate siteenth notes played oa ride and the hi hat played with foot. The snare ghosts in and ‘out ofthis pateen, The secondary groove underpins the chythmic Keyboar' part and the guitar solo and is still very mach anchored by the kick drum. The drum solo isan opportnity to showease all those Latin licks around te kit ‘Composers: Kung Fu Drummer & Neel Dhorajiwal ‘C full mix track 6, backing tracks 12 6 18: Grey Haze “This rock track is initially sparse with ad Jibs played on the ¢y:shs!s underpinning the bass intro and a simple quarter note pulse on hihat, Dynamically this should be restraine votil she beginning of the second helf when you can let rip (in of time). The outro focuses on accented eighths and off-beat eighth note unison drum voices and a pulse counted out with the Di hat foot, ‘Composer: Alison Rayner. ‘CD Musicians: Guitars: Keith Airey; Hussein Boon Bass: Henry Thomas Drums: Noam Lederman Keyboards and programming: Alastair Gavin Drums Grade 7 Marking Schemes ‘The table below shows the marking scheme for the Drums Grade 7 exam. PASS MERIT DISTINCTION 3 eat of 20 15 out of 20 174 out of 20 ost of 20 15 out of 20 17+ out of 20 13 out of 20 15 out of 20 17+ out of 20 “Technical Exercises Soutof10 7-8 out of 10 Seouorie | Quick Study Piece Toatof 15 12-13 out of 15 Trowtors | Bar Tests out of 10 7-8 out of 10| Seouotio | General Musicianship Questions 3 outofs Aout ofS Sout ofS ‘Total Marks Pass: 65964 Merits 73% Distinction: 8591 ‘The table below shows the markings scheme for the Drums Grade 7 Performance Certificate. TRENT PASS Nene DISTINCTION Piece L 14 out of 20 16 out of 20, 18+ out of 20 Prece2 Mout of20 16 out of20 18 out of20 Piece oatof20 6outof20 18+ out of20 Piece 4 Mont of 0, 16 out of20 18+ out of20 Piece 5 Mout of20 160utof20 1 out of 20 Total Marks Pase70n | Mavis ome inction: 90900 _ brams Graae/ Es Entering Rockschool Exams Entering a Rockschool exam is easy. Please read through these ‘structiers carefully before filling in the exam entry form. Information on current exam fees can be cLiained fro"t Korkse‘.oul by ringing 020 8332 6303 or by logging on to our website wwrmrockschool.coxtk. + You should enter for your exam when you fra xeady. + You can enter for any one of three examination periods. The* ave sh'ven below with their closing dates. DUFAT ey (CLOSING DATE 1" February 0 15" March 1" December L May to 31" July April 23rd October to 15 December October ‘These dates will apply ‘zor Ist Septem her 24° until further notice Picase completethe form giving the information required. Fisase fal in the type and level of exam, the instrument, along swith the period and-year. Finally, fill in the fee box with the appropriate amount, You can obtain up to date information on all Rockschool exam fees from the website: www.rockschool.cauk. You should send this form with a cheque oF postal order (payable to‘Rocksciioo! Ltd) to the address shorm on the order for.0. Please also indicate on the form whether or not you would like to receive notification via email, + Applications received after the expiry ofthe closing date miay “» accepted subject to the payment of an additional fe. + When you enter an exam you will seeive from Roukscho-l an eckroveledgement leter or email containing a copy of our exam regulations + Rockschool will allocate your entry to a cerize and you will receive n tification of the exam, showing a date, location and time fs well as advice of what to bring to the ce str. We endeavour to give you four weeks notice of your exam. + You should inform Rockschool of any cancellations or alter-tic. 1» the schedule as soon as you can as it is usually not possible to transfer entries from one certre, cr ane pe: ioe, to another ~it!-9ut the payment of an additional fee + Please bring your music book and CD to the etan.. You 2" sot use y” «*ocopied music, nor the music used by someone clse in another exam. ‘The examiner will sign each book dusir each examination, You may be barred from taking an exam if you use someone else's music. ‘You should aim to arrive for your Grade 7 exam thirty s.inutes before the time stated on the schedule. Bach Grade 7 exam is scheduled to last for 30 miftutes. You can use a stall proportion of this time to tune up and get ready. ‘Two to three weeks after the exam you will exetve # ce, fof" eax ¢ ers mark sheet, Every successful player will receive a Rockschool certificate of achievement, DRUMS*-—~ GRADE 7 Does? CSC nea a) Dea eee ners Pret ee eed Pe See Pe reer eee sats Sees) en } tos Serr td cscs Cet ieS eee tia SAC ERR oo) Wren ar Piet eo td eer ra. | eee td Tos Reon eo Sena Cee a ed La cet Rote Peat ate eT eet feral ete a beeen eee See eg Oa] Da eee Cc Coen ea eel Tet bated St ae Ce Re a En a Rea eee SO aed ra ce cul Pee RNC YUE SEPA Siteie eee aed cae n deh Deen Eos)

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