Dry Run

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Cucumber dry run is used for compilation of the Step Definition and Feature files and to

verify the compilation errors. The value of dry run can be either true or false. The default
value of dry run is false and it is a part of the Test Runner Class file.
In case the value of dry run is set to true, Cucumber will verify individual steps in the
Feature file and the implementation code of steps in Feature file within the Step Definition
A message is thrown, if any of the steps in the Feature file is not implemented in the Step
Definition file. A dry run parameter is a part of the @CucumberOptions which is used to
configure the test settings.

Implementation of Test Runner Class file
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;
features = "Feature"
,strict = true
,dryRun = true
public class TestRunner {

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