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National Institute of Fashion

Technology Entrance Exam

(NIFT Entrance Exam) 2023

Conducted by

National Institute of Fashion Technology

An exclusive Guide by
NIFT Entrance Exam 2023 Pattern Visit on Shiksha
NIFT exam pattern 2023 - T he National Institute of Fashion T echnology (NIFT ) has
released the of f icial exam pattern f or the NIFT 2023 entrance exam. T he entrance exam i.e.
computer-based test (CBT ) will be conducted on February 5, 2023.

T he NIFT 2023 exam is conducted f or admission to the B.Des, M.Des, B.F.T ech, M.F.T ech,
and M.FM courses.

Candidates seeking admission to the B.Des and M.Des courses need to appear in a General
Ability T est (GAT ) and a Creative Ability T est (CAT ). However, B.F.T ech, M.F.T ech, and M.FM
aspirants only need to appear in the GAT written test.

T he scores of the written tests (CAT and GAT ) are used to shortlist candidates f or
subsequent admission rounds.

1. B.Des - GAT , and CAT scores are considered to shortlist candidates f or a Situation
T est

2. M.Des - GAT , and CAT scores are used to shortlist candidates f or a Personal Interview

3. M.F.M and M.F.T ech - GAT scores are used to shortlist candidates f or a Personal
Interview (PI).

Note that B.F.Tech candidates don't have to appear in any subsequent rounds (Situation Test or
PI). Admission will be done solely based on GAT 2023 scores.

T he exam pattern for each of the above test components is explained in detail below.
Keep Reading.

NIFT 2023 Exam Pattern - GAT and CAT

T he written examination f or NIFT 2023 has two components:

1. Creative Ability T est (CAT )

2. General Ability T est (GAT ).

Depending on the program selected f or admission, the candidate will have to appear in the

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CAT or GAT written tests, or both. T he exam pattern f or the two test components is
explained below.

Test Pat t ern f or NIFT 2023 - GAT

T he test pattern of GAT f or the B.Des and M.Des programs is given in the table below.

Program B.Des M.Des

LAN based CBT LAN based CBT
examination will be examination will be
Mode of exam conducted conducted
at various Centers for the at various Centers for the
GAT Examination. GAT Examination.
Language English/ Hindi English/ Hindi
Test Duration 120 minutes 120 minutes
Sect ions Number of Quest ions Number of Quest ions
Communication Ability 25 30`
English Comprehension 25 30
Quantitative Ability 20 20
Analytical Ability 15 25
General Knowledge and
15 15
Current Affairs
TOTAL 100 120

T he test pattern of GAT for B.F.T ech, M.F.T ech, and M.F.M program is given below.

Program B.F.Tech M.F.Tech MFM

Language of
English/Hindi English/Hindi English/Hindi
written test
Duration 180 minutes 180 minutes 180 minutes

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Number of Number of Number of
Sect ions quest ions quest ions quest ions

Ability & English 45 45 50
Case Study 25 25 40
30 30 10
Analytical &
25 25 25
Logical Ability
Knowledge And 25 25 25
Current Affairs
TOTAL 150 150 150

Test Pat t ern f or NIFT 2023 - CAT

T he test pattern f or the Creative Ability T est is given below.

T est type: T he CAT is a pencil-and-paper-based exam.

Duration: 3 hours

Skills evaluated: Intuition skill, power of observation, innovation in the development of a

concept as well as design ability of the candidate. It will also test the creative as well as
innovative use of color and illustration skills of aspirants.

NIFT 2023 Exam Pattern f or Situation Test

Candidates who have been shortlisted f or NIFT B.Des 2023 admissions on the basis of their
written test need to appear f or NIFT Situation T est 2023 wherein their “material handling
and the innovative ability” will be tested.

Here, candidates will be evaluated on “Space Visualization, Innovative and creative use of
given material, the composition of elements, color scheme, construction skill, the f inesse of
the model and overall presentation, etc. T hese parameters will be checked with the write-up

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explaining the concept/idea behind the model constructed. Since the medium of teaching in
NIFT is English, the write-up will be in the English language. No marks will be given f or write-
up in any other language”, specif ies the of f icial website.

NIFT 2023 Exam Pattern f or Artisans Category

Candidates are inf ormed that NIFT of f ers admission to Artisans/ Children of Artisans based
on their perf ormance in the Studio T est, Interview round, and verif ication of documents/
eligibility criteria.

NIFT admissions f or Artisans will be conducted of f line at the NIFT campus selected by
candidates. T he details of NIFT admission criteria f or Artisans in BDes courses of f ered at
the design college is mentioned in the table below:

NIFT Admission Test Weight age Timing

Studio Test 40 To be notiffied
Interview 20 To be notiffied
Verification of Documents/
- To be notiffied
T he Studio T est that is conducted to shortlist candidates f or NIFT Admissions under the
Artisans category is a creative ability test wherein candidates need to create a 3D model
using modeling clay or other material provided at the test center.

NIFT Exam Pattern f or Lateral Entry Admission 2023

NIFT lateral entry admission (NLEA) is the process through which candidates can secure
admission directly in the third semester of UG courses of f ered at the National Institute of
Fashion T echnology. Candidates can go through the admission tests that they would need to
appear f or when seeking admission through NIFT lateral entry admission (NLEA) in the table

Name of Course Test Weight age

Timing: 5th February, 2023 (10:00 40%
am to 12:00 noon)

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Studio Test
Bachelor of Design Timing: April, 2023 (10:00 am to 40%
(B.Des) 11:30 am)
Personal Interview
Timing: April, 2023 (12:30 pm 20%
Verification of documents/eligibility
Timing: April, 2023 (02:30 pm onwards)

Bachelor of Fashion GAT

Technology (B.F.Tech) Timing: 5th February, 2023 (10:00 40%
am to 1:00 noon)
Timing: April, 2023 (10:00 am to 40%
11:00 am)
Personal Interview
Timing: April, 2023 (11:30 am to 20%
01:00 pm)
Verification of
Timing: April, 2023 (02:00 pm
Read More:

Preparation T ips f or English/ Verbal Ability

Preparation T ips f or Numerical Ability/ Quantitative Aptitude

Preparation T ips f or Logical Reasoning

NIFT Admission 2023: Weightage of CAT & GAT

T he weightage carried by the two written test components - CAT and GAT - are given in the
table below.

NIFT Ent rance Exam 2023: Weight age f or Each Test

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Programme Test Weight age

CAT 50%
NIFT Bachelor of Design (B.Des)
GAT 30%
Exam Pattern
Situation Test 20%
NIFT Bachelor of Fashion
Technology (BFTech) Exam GAT 100%
CAT 40%
NIFT Master of Design (MDes)
GAT 30%
Exam Pattern
PI 30%
NIFT Master of Fashion GAT 70%
Technology (MFTech) Exam
Pattern PI 30%

NIFT Master of Fashion GAT 70%

Management (MFM) Exam Pattern PI 30%

Guidelines f ollowed f or Online-Invigilated, Remote-Proctored NIFT

2022 Exam
1. T he NIFT exam 2022 was conducted in virtual /online invigilation mode. T he candidate
required any two devices to take the exam:
Laptop / desktop

An android mobile phone/ tablets

2. T he exam had to be taken using ONLY Google Chrome on a Windows PC/ Laptop
connected to a working camera and microphone.

3. T he NIFT 2022 exam had to be taken using Windows 7 and above operating system.

4. T he second device (the android phone) must have a working camera/microphone. It will
be used to view the room f rom the side/back.

5. Login time: T he candidate has to log in 60 minutes bef ore the exam starting time and
get their verif ication done.

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6. Mock T ests: T he candidate is urged to take the mandatory mock tests to get f amiliar
with the remote-proctored exam. During the mock tests, the candidate will be able to
check the papers which are displayed as per the application opted by the candidate at
the time of registration.

7. Af ter login, the candidate will have to select their paper and complete the
Laptop/Desktop camera verif ication process. A QR Code will be shown f or scanning
and connecting the second device. T he mobile device will get activated once it is
connected. T he mobile device has to be strategically placed so that the side/ back view
of the candidate is visible f or the entire duration of the exam.

8. Once the cameras are set, the candidate can launch the test using the link provided on
the NIFT Admission Portal: nif

9. Login to the entrance examination system: T he candidate has to log in using their
Roll Number and Password (sent on email). On login, the exam will be OPEN.

10. T he sitting position of the candidate should be f acing the laptop/desktop camera.

11. T he activities of the candidate will be monitored using the laptop/desktop and mobile
microphones and cameras.

12. Adopting of unf air practices during the exam could lead to disqualif ication, with the
invigilator intervening and canceling and canceling the exam.

13. No T OILET breaks are allowed during the duration of the exam. Candidates can keep
water bottles.

Minimum System Requirement

Candidates need to meet all the requirements f rom A to D:

Desktop/ Laptop - For Apple Laptops - Mac OS or below with the latest Chrome browser.
For the second device, the candidate will however mandatorily need an android mobile
phone. It is because the app required f or pairing only works with Android.

Browser: Latest Chrome Browser. T he exam will not open with any other browser.

Video/Audio: Laptop / PC needs to be installed with a webcam of minimum 1.3 MP and a

good quality Mic.

Operating system: Minimum 7 or above.

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RAM and Processor: 4 GB+ RAM, i3 5th Generation 2.2 GHz or equivalent / higher

Uninterrupted power backup (UPS/ Inverted, etc)

Dedicated Internet and Internet Bandwidth of min 4G /Wif i above.

Mobile Phone - Android phone with a working camera/ microphone. T he mobile also be
installed with the latest Chrome browser.

Common Do*s and Don’ts:

1. T he entrance exam has to be taken in a separate place/room where there is no other

person in the vicinity during the entire duration of the exam

2. T he place should have good lighting f rom the top or behind the laptop. A desk and chair
are pref erable. Adequate lighting should be there so that the candidate is visible. No
bright light should be behind the candidate as this will make the photo on the Laptop /
PC Webcam hazy.

3. T he place should be noise-f ree with no movement of people in the surroundings. All
the items should be removed f rom the Invigilators can bar you f rom taking the exam if
you are not alone in the room, it is not having inadequate lighting, you are having other
computers or similar devices in the entrance exam area, etc.

4. T he exam will be available only during the def ined time slot,

8. No other persons are allowed other than the candidate in the entrance exam area
during the exam

9. Candidates must not talk to anyone during the entrance exam period or talk/read to
themselves Ioudly.

10. In case of an issue, the candidate can chat/talk to help desk in case of any technical
issue with permission f rom the invigilator. Chat is available in the system f or
communication with the assigned Help desk phone is f or an emergency.

11. Candidates must not use headphones, earbuds, or any other type of listening

12. Candidates must not communicate with any other person by any means. Candidates
must not seek any assistance or ref er to study material/mobile/ f or answering the

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13. Candidates must not use any phone f or any reason except f or logging into the Online
Examination Room f or a rear/ side view of his exam taking place

14. Candidates must not leave the room/entrance exam area during the entrance -exam f or
any Leaving the room/entrance exam area or moving to another room/area during the
entrance exam f or any reason will be treated as a violation of entrance exam rules.
lnvigilators can stop your exam f or doing this.

15. Candidates must not set up the computer at the time of the entrance exam. All the
settings need to be done much bef ore the entrance exam time and tested properly. For
any f ailure of the computer system during the entrance exam period, NIFT will not be
responsible and the candidate will lose his/her attempt. All settings and checks should
be done and tested during the Mock T est

16. Candidates must not switch of f the webcam or mic or cover the webcam during the
entrance exam. Changing of the camera angles to obstruct views can lead to the
stopping of the test by the online invigilator. Candidates must not look away f rom the
laptop/desktop screen, must f ace the computer

17. Candidates must not attempt to open other applications / navigate away f rom the
entrance exam window. T he candidate must ensure that he/she has attempted every
question and reviewed the accuracy of his/her answers and double-check bef ore
clicking the “Finish” button on the paper. Once submitted (even by mistake), re-taking
the exam will not be permitted.

18. On the day of the entrance exam, candidates are advised to ensure that there is an
uninterrupted power source f or the mobile AND his Laptop / PC f or smooth conduct of
the entrance exam.

I7. Candidates are not permitted to log out/switch of f the computer f or the sake of going to
the washroom and if they log out/switch of f , the invigilator may bar him f rom the exam.

1. Calculators or other devices are NOT permitted during the exam. Any use of the same
will lead to the Invigilator barring you f rom the exam.

Debarment/Cancellation of Entrance Exam:

If a candidate indulges in unf air practices/suspicious acts, the invigilator will f irst warn him
and if he/she persists then the invigilator may cancel the

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For any case of misconduct, the invigilator can cancel the exam immediately as the case

For any unf air act (cheating) during the entrance exam, the result of such an entrance
exam may be canceled and he/she will be liable f or

If the unf air act is determined durinq OR after the entrance exam based on the data
collected during the entrance exam the result of such a candidate will be canceled and
he/she will be liable f or punishment under suitable legal provisions. T he detection could be
automatic based on the AI algorithms/observations of the Human

If any candidate attempts copying onscreen questions, tries to take screenshots or

violates any of the entrance exam rules, it will be considered to be an act of misconduct
and he/she will be liable f or punishment and his candidature being

Candidates are responsible f or obeying all rules and f or arranging the required
inf rastructure at their No request f or Re-exam will be entertained on their part.

T he entire process will be logged and photograph video recording will be Use of any unf air
means at any stage will lead to cancellation of the candidate s exam and debarment f rom
the Admission Process.

NIFT has this to say on privacy: "During the online invigilated entrance exam,
Images/Videos/Sounds of the candidates and their computer systems will be captured and
stored only f or the entrance exam invigilation purposes. It is envisaged that candidates who
take the online invigilated entrance exam agree f or the same. All inf ormation would be purged
af ter a period of 3 months post conduct of the examination."

FAQs on NIFT Pattern

Q. What is NIFT 2023 exam pattern?

A. NFT entrance exam is a multi-tiered process. Candidates can go through the list of tests
they need to appear f or in order to secure admission in dif f erent courses of f ered at NIFT
Name of Programme Ent rance Test
Bachelor of Design (BDes)

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Situation Test

Master of Design (MDes) GAT
Bachelor of Fashion Technology (BFTech) GAT
Master of Fashion Technology (MFTech)
Master of Fashion Management (MFM)

Q. What is the marking scheme for NIFT entrance exam?

A. NIFT exam marking scheme varies f or CAT and GAT . In NIFT CAT exam, candidates are
evaluated out of 100 marks. In GAT exam, aspirants are awarded one mark f or every correct
answer and 0.25 marks are deducted f or each wrong answer selected by them.
Q. How can I prepare for NIFT CAT ?

A. Candidates need to go through the detailed exam pattern as well as syllabus f or NIFT CAT
and thereaf ter f ormulate a preparation strategy. In NIFT CAT exam, aspirants are evaluated
on the basis of their power of observation, innovation and design ability. Candidates can go
through NIFT entrance exam preparation to have a plan in place when preparing f or this
design entrance exam.
Q. How can I prepare for NIFT GAT ?

A. NIFT GAT comprises of multiple-choice questions that aspirants need to solve in order to
crack the exam. Questions in NIFT GAT are f rom subjects such as Quantitative Ability,
Communication Ability, English Comprehension, Analytical Ability, General Knowledge and
Current Af f airs.
Q. Is there any negative marking in NIFT entrance exam?

A. T here is no negative marking in NIFT CAT exam. However, f or the GAT exam, 0.25 marks
are deducted f or each wrong answer selected by a candidate.
Q. What is the syllabus for NIFT exam?

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A. National Institute of Fashion T echnology does not release any syllabus f or NIFT exam.
However, candidates can develop an idea of NIFT entrance exam syllabus here.
Q. How many questions are asked in NIFT CAT ?

A. In NIFT CAT , candidates have to attempt three drawing questions. Candidates need to
attempt questions asked in NIFT CAT on a separate paper of f line.
Q. How many questions are asked in NIFT GAT ?

A. T he exam pattern f or NIFT GAT varies f rom one course to the other. T he total number of
questions asked in NIFT GAT are mentioned below:

BDes: 100 questions

BFT ech: 150 questions

MDes: 120 questions

MFT ech: 150 questions

MFM: 150 questions

Q. What is the duration of NIFT CAT exam?

A. NIFT CAT f or BDes and MDes course admissions is of three hours duration.
Q. What is the duration of NIFT GAT exam?

A. T he duration of NIFT GAT f or design course admissions is as mentioned below:

BDes: 2 hours

BFT ech: 3 hours

MDes: 2 hours

MFT ech: 3 hours

MFM: 3 hours

Q. What is NIFT exam pattern for BDes admissions?

A. Candidates can secure admission in BDes course of f ered at NIFT campuses by clearing
NIFT Creative Ability T est (CAT ) and General Ability T est (GAT ). Aspirants who clear these
written entrance exams then need to appear f or Situation T est round.

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Q. What is NIFT exam pattern for MDes admissions?

A. Candidates can secure admission in MDes course of f ered at NIFT campuses by clearing
NIFT Creative Ability T est (CAT ) and General Ability T est (GAT ). Aspirants who clear these
written entrance exams then need to appear f or GD/PI admission round.

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