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r English Corntti .

16.6 - , , un1catio11

I6.2 Formal Letters

c tt . written to the individual having some job title. It is used for fi
A iorma1 1e er is d h I . f f orniaI
. t· It is formal in language, style an approac . t 1s ree_ rom all ki d
commumca 10n. . c .. n s of
t . 1 •stakes The writer needs to observe certam 1orma11hes to write a fi
gramma 1ca m1 · c I . orniaI
letter. It contains a particular structure and style. A 1orma 1etter contams the following
(a) Writer's Address
It is written at top of the page. Telephone number and e-mail address of the writer can also
be a part of the address.

(b) Date
The date of writing the letter is placed one line below the address. The writer should write
ou,J full date, preferably as, '14 January 2020' or 'January 14, 2020'.

- (c) Recipient's Address

Recipient's address: Recipient's name is placed one line below the date. It is followed by
her/his job title, name of the organization to which s/he is attached to, and address of the
organization. If the writer is not familiar with the recipient's name, her/his Job title can be
mentioned in the beginning.

(d) Salutation
It is written one line below the recipient's detail. The salutation varies, depending on the
relationship between the writer and the recipient. In case of business relations, the salutation
can be 'Dear Mr. (surname of the recipient)' or 'Dear Ms. (surname of the recipient)'. But in
case of formal situation, or name of the recipient is not known, the salutation can be 'Dear
Sir' (if recipient Js male) or 'Dear Madam' (if recipient is female). If gender of the recipient
is not known, the salutation will be 'Dear Sir/Madam'. In a formal situation, the \_\'Ord 'Dear'
is mere polite expression, and does not imply any special affection.

(e) Subject-line
Subject line: Subject is the most eye catching part of a letter. It is written one line below the
salutation, preferably, in all capital letters. Subject line can also be written before t~e
salutation. The purpose of this component is to let the reader know what the message 15

(f) Body
It is main part of a letter. For easier reading ' it can be divided into a minimum of . s
paragraphs. The first paragraph will be introductory one, (which may include previoud
reference, introduction to the subject matter, need and purpose of writing the le~er); a~e
the last paragraph will be concluding one (which may include the desired actwn). T
other paragraph(s) may contain the detail of the subject matter.
Letter Writing . 1:= io.;7,; > ~· ."

.., (g) complimentary Close

It is the polite_way of en~i?g a let~er. It_ ends the letter on a good note as well as establishes
connection with the recipient. It is wntten one line below the body.

(h) Signature
Signature( s) is an esse~tial part _of every letter and gives authenticity to it . Without signature,
the letter would be JUSt a piece of paper. Signatures are put in one line below the
complimentary close, followed by name of the writer and job title, if any.

(i) Enclosures Notation

If some document(s) is to be enclosed to the letter, it will be referred in the enclosures
notation, so that the recipient can take care of it/them. Enclosures notation appears one
line below the name or job title of the writer, by adding the word 'encl'. This component is
O) Copy Notation
If a copy of the letter. is to be sent to the person(s), other than the addressee, the narne(s)
or/and designation(s) of the person(s) are mentioned in the 'copy notation'. It appears one
line below the enclosures notation and contains the abbreviation, 'Cc'. This component,
too, is optional.
Formal letters are further divided into the following categories:

Official letters
Business letters

16.2.1 Official Letters

The letter written to an official, or vice-versa, is known as Official letter. It is written to/by
a person holding a job title. Generally, it is formal in nature and style. The writer needs to
observe certain formalities while writing the letter, such as format, language, grammar,
spac_ing, etc.


(a) Letter to Principal

Room No. 325 ,

Shivalik Hostel
Lajpat Nagar -
New Delhi- 1100.24...:,. ·=· _
English Commun.
. .

11 January 2020

The Principle
ABC College
Vivek Vihar ( /

New Delhi- 110095 r

Dear Sir
·· Ihis;is 'H> d,r?,W your kind attention towards deplorable condition of the library of om:.collegf
, . I am afraid it is hiipleas·agt experience to walk into the library. The library js notspaciou{
enough for studfnts to" sit' and study. The suffocating atmosphere of the library Witlt
uninterrupted noise; going·on all around, is hardly conqucive to study there. ·. · '.·< ·,
,,~, , ,

It is sugge~ted that there should be a separate reading room in the librarywhere the student( .·
can sit a11d study in a peaceful enytronment. The textbook section needs to -h e streamlined.·
sthflenttn~ver get textbooks in the section whi!;h hampers their studies. Fhe teitbpok; ;hould
. -Ii,.ot b'e" issu~d to anyone at any cost. The colleg~ should purchase more textbooks for the library.
;: .!.'£;,v;en; .some of !he textbooks, available in the library, have becoml obsolete. It would be better
.:to,aut}fotlze_one·teacher from each departmentto purchase tl;ie books of stuaents.' utilization.
i,J,~~f:~o·~ d make the purchase more systematic and eliminate the possibility of duplication.
TJ:ie'~tudents would be highly indebted if some of these suggestions could be impletpented at,
·air e_arlr, dat~;. ·
~';.tp>;.,. -
Yours faitJifully

.f, ':.; ·.·'· ,. ,

Anufadh~ ·Chaddha

Jr,' ,'ft',

. ,.,
,._ , ., i,Hr·:·h? '.i. 'r .:ftt "' .,i/
xo~ miet d,{e Prin,ipal. He ·a;ks you to prepare a report related t6 the deficienci~s. Hraft th,{:.•
c' ' • • . .• • •••

- report-with,po~sible
, " solutions. · · ·· ·· · ··. "'~}tt s>r-~·
;& ' ,· £:·,,,
- ' , ·t,i7., ;f'- -fr ,

(b) Letter to Health Officer


con ·t1on p
and other <Usea .

. House No. 678

Street No. 7
Mohan Nagar
ietter Writing
I 16.9
Mob: 9879879870

17 January 2020

The Health Officer

Municipal Corporation
ABC Nagar

Dear Sir/Madam


This is to ~raw your, attention towards insanitary condition pr~~ailing in Mohc}n Na.gar. T,li~ ·
condition 1s so worse that the residents call the area 'a hell on the Earth'. is,rubbish ali
around. No sweeper visits the area to clean the streets or remove the g~rbage. H~ap_s qfrub~l~h
is lying in the streets: The. drains have blocked. This has resulted J,11 w,,~ter.\loggiiig.r·frh.<;ts
becom~ heaven for mosquitoes. People too are careless. They th,rQW th~ iefuse of fh.eir !}ottses ._'x

into the streets. · · . · ··· .," • • • "

In spite of repeated correspondence, the municipal corp~ratibn 'has;ta.l~~n rio ac!i~~,J gains;
the sweeper~. As you areaware that the epidemic of den~ue· ~W~~ding il}.£~lliU~§~:;if
region, the insanitary 9ondition has caused various problems to the resid~f;~"of.!he. a~1 ~:d~
can.cause diseases to the residents. . ·~·~-· '"' A•~l-
~"'.1 . :%:
9" .,' v.

You are, th~refore, requeste4,to take immediate steps before _some epi~~mJC:l>~,~-ajcs ?ut:
loss of life .. It is hoped that you may take immediate action and save the lives, of residents. IL .
would be a great favor to them. .. .

Yours sin9erely

Sanjay, 'Shaff!l'3-
v· ~•

· " . "·. ;/ . . llin the·benefi(s1of cleanliness.! 'ii,· ••

Deliver a speech t<> the·st;ud~nts ofyour-dass te g · . : , ·, · · ·•.""-~.A,Jx,>.°'

(c) Letter to Editor

16.10 I English Communication

56, Gandhi Nagar

New Delhi- 110031
~ob; 9876543210

l ~5 January 2020
· .The Editor
t The Times of India
; 'ABCNagar
, :New· DeJ.hi
- .

,Dear Sir/ Madam

0u'r Municipal Corporation needs waking up and our appeals to the_authority have had no
· ef{ect. In spite of repeated reminders, the authority is not going to our problem . .· ·
~o.r .last six months, the roads of Gandhi Nagar have been almpst impassable. The surface is
~ dly broken up by the heavy rains. It is dangerous for vehicles to ·pass the way on the dark
;ghts. Moreover, large amount of road metaf is scattered on .both sides of the road whi~h "
av.¢s very little room in the middle. . ".
_._ , is '
scandalous tliat we are inconvenienced for months~but no on~ i s ready to listen; i hope ~~
th,e_)ublic will bring pressure to bear on those responsible so th,at the road can, pe put in
;, without further delay.
Jc.'., ...., ..,.

g~ ;;e_'r ~quested to publish our problem in your newspaper and help u; in getting it'solved.
, 4':;,,,",,' ··•':- r:.

, '
:of students a
· is iliiti~tive.
_,;.. / '
;~t._,i:,, ·) ' ' ~'

House N;~3:2'
". :
Friends Colony ·
New Delhi- 110025

20 January 2020
Letter Writing

The Editor . I 16. 11

The Hindustan Times
ABC Nagar
NeW Delhi

pear Sir/Madam


Through the columns 0 ~ your esteemed newspaper, I want to draw Authority's attention towards
rising incidents 0 ~ accid:ntsb! the DTC buses. Accidents resulting out of reckless driving
have become a daily af~ai~. Drivers of these buses disregard traffic rules without hesitation.
They cross the speed hmit. Even -~raffic _p~lice take no action against them. Many persons
have died and many have been seriously mJured because of the accidents.
Moreover, the penalty for reckless driving is too less to be effective. The Traffic police should
ake stringent action against the drivers who exceed the speed limit. Their licenses should be
:ancelled. It would make them realize that the roads are for the use of general public as well.
It is hoped that you will publish this problem in your newspaper so that it can reach up to the
ears Of th e concerned authority. .
Yours truly

Amit Kumar

r Actiyity:8 I
l ,,II) I

You witnesse d an acc1'dent which happened due to rash driving. Share the accident with your

(d) Letter to Police Commissioner

Write a letter to the Police Commissioner of Del i, re

House No. 167

Sangam Vihar
New Delhi- 11006.2

10 January 2020

The Police Commissioner

Police Headquarters
16.2.2 Business Letters
Every organization, whether social or business, need_s to correspond with customers,
suppliers, shareholders, and others. Communication is ess~ntial with them. It is an integral
part of business, and one cannot think of running a business without related correspondence.
Letters written for this purpose are known as 'Business letters'.
A Business letter acts as a representative of the organization and helps in sustaining business
relations with other organizations and customers. It is an easy, cheaper and reliable means
of communication. Though a number of modern means of communication are available
today, but letters retain their special importance. -

16.2.2.I Purpose of Writing a Business Letter

The main purpose of a business letter is to sustain existirig business relations, to create and
establish new relations, or meet the business requirements. But each business letter has its
unique purpose. Some of them are as under:
To achieve specific purpose.
To sustain or cement business relations with other businesses and customers.
16.14 I English Commun .

To inform.
To enquire.
To place an order.
To collect dues.
To convey complex information.
To keep a permanent record for future reference.
To request for a corrective action.
To make an adjustment.
To congratulate.
To complain.
To sell a product or service.
To apply for a job, and many more. Structure
A Business letter is different from a Personal letter in content, language, features, and layout.
It is used for formal communication. It contains a particular format. The layout includes
certain parts. Some are essentially required in every letter and some are required if situation
demands. They are as under:

Essential Parts:
Recipient's name, job-title, and address
Complimentary close
Signature, name and job-title of the writer

Optional Parts:
Reference number
Enclosures notation
Copy notation
1,etter Writing
16,2,2,3 Types
I 16.15

usiness letters serve different purpo se. Th ey can b ·

B goo ds, emp1oyment, or so. They
order can bed·1v1"deedw~1tten to foll
inform,· complain, enquire ,
mto the
Complaint Letter owmg categories:

Enquiry Letter
Sales Letter
Order Letter
Finance Related Letters

(a) complaint Letter

he letter to make .a complaint
b of a product ' service , or an emp1oyee 1s
. kn own as Complaint
letter. It can be written Y a person as an individual or on behalf of an organization.

. bi e
ap.y to'replace t . . .

. .House No 1005
SaroJini Nagar
New Delhi- 110023
Mob: '9876543210

27 January 2020

The Manager
Complaints Cell
Samson India Ltd.
Plot No 654
Sector 18
Noida- 201301

Dear Sir/Madam
Subject: Complaint for Defective Mobile Phone
. This is to bring to your notice that I purchased an XPZ mobile phone on O;tob:el ,20'19. l
w~s very much enthusiastic for the phone, but it disappointed me. It started; creating probl~~s ..
tthin 15 days from the date of its purchase. I approached the service center, bu>ln ·sjlite of
heir repeated efforts, the phone has not been working properly.
The phone heats up within few minutes while talking over it. The battery doesn:t run more
th an 2 hours. I have been facing problems while connecting to Wi-Fi. Even the technicians of
16.16 -I
·English Cornrnu .
. n1catio11 ..
your service center are not able to find out the causes. · :i ~-
Since the phone is within warranty period, I-approached the-company's 'showroom,.bu~th ,
. s1'd.e.
were not ready to listen. I found negative response from th e1r , . · ,f,ey,.
"_I purchased the -phone because of your reprttation in zn:arket. I did ~oLe~~ecfs~c~ kil{4 0~
behavior _from your side. · ' . · ' /'.. ,/ -JJt,J.. /
' . ··,:fit_ ,,
to:r~~91f/~; ·"
'f'/J•d , ,

Kindly look into _the ~atter and rep~ace the phone with a new one. It may help
p~oblem as ~eU_as bn~g batk trust m your products. .; • ,, • •

; :• Please expedite the matter ~nd respond at the earliest.

~~ .nkit Arora
,-. 't ~' '-~ ' '

·' Encl: Invoice

. . .,__ ':' t

' . ~- '

. plaint lett . . .·. .: ...

~I e ,,nattresses~ -. ' ., . .
. . ' :<- .;;_•. , ,.,

169, -~adar Bazar
Ambal~ Gan~f::133001 J

Tel:.(Ql7JJ 2345678

Date: 2S:January 2020

The Sales Manager

. : Vlshakha Industries
J>lot No: 1529
!.'{;:":· ;;-

~-< (;I~ . ' ,
· "-Andheri East

; p~ar ?ir/Madam

, _-Cf,hjs is with refe-i-ence _to our order No. 35674, dated 12 J~uary J020, for 150/11\attresses.'
M \-»

_,, We thank you for prompt delivery of the order. But we are afraid 55 out of ISO·m~ttresses are
·~ badly soiled and faded. We placed the order because of your reputation in market. We did·not
expect such negligence on your part.

But we don't want to disrupt the ·relations. As you know, these mattres~es can't be sold. at the
ori~inal_.p_rjce..: We propose ~o sell them at a discounted price. ·
Letter Wrifing I 16.17

r If ·you are interested, please let us know what discount you can offer at mattresses.
f Otherwis~, you are free to take t~e soiled mattresses back. We shall send them back to you.
I We shall not bear the transportation charges; you will have to bear them.
please info~m the decision at the earliest.
Yours sincerely

sushil Gupta
' Manager

Andheri East, Mumbai'
Phone: (022) 23455432
Ref: 75/Sale·s/1

Mr. Sushi! Gupta ·

Krishna -Handloofll
169, Sadar B·azar
Ambala Cantt- 133001
Subject: Reg_arding Delivery of Soiled M~ttresses ·

Dear Mr. Gupta · , • ,

t . . . . . :,, " . ; . .<"
· This js with reference to your letter No. nil, dated 25 Ja11:uary 2920,,,r~;f~<li~
order No. 35674, dated 12 January 2020 for 150 mattresses.: :. ,.: -~ .· · · ·
~-, }:: /tt~i-' \ ~<;~' ' '
WeJeceived your complaint and inve_stigated thoroughly. WefQ~P~•'t,nat,, 0i*•-~•-<,ay
to you, were completely of superior quality and dry. -But w(t~·~p~~i · }{. I_,_t _·_~-
the inconvenience. . · · >;c;, ·"'· ' · ,
We ;re selidillg our r~r<!se!}tative, Mr. Shubham S;ch4ev<1t {~~:J~u J~ . ,
sfo•x'~ i . ·
mattresses. On the basis of hfs rep·ort, we may be ~ble to de:9ide :the''u~!f course ·o(~c.tiol;l~~Bµt
you need not to worry about. We believe (n long lasfin,g,:relatfou.s..You may not- ha:ve~to bear the
loss . · • · · , :". •" '
: · , · ·,

We are trying to find the reasons, a_nd feel ~p~logy fo{the ·ifisoQ.v~rlien~~: _,;µ~;d.
Yours sinctrely ·
16.18 I /

English Communication

(signature) I

Rahul Adhikari
Sales Manager

(b) Enquiry Letter

This kind ofletter is written to make an enquiry about some product, goods or services. It
facilitates the purchase. Through the letter, one can enquire, compare, clear doubts, or so

ou have been working as a Purchase Officer in a co
LEP bulbs for its use. Write a letter to M/s Surya Ligh

1629, Sector 122
Noida- 201301
Phone: {0120) 4567889-95
Ref: 68/Mkt/7 Date: 12 January 2020

The Sales Manager

Surya Lightings
1625, Industrial Area
Phase I, Mohali
Subject: Enquiry about LED Bulbs
Dear Sir/Madam
Our company wants to replace all the traditional bulbs with new LED bulbs. We require mini-
mum 500 bulbs for the same. _
Jt has cometo ?-ur notice !hat your co~pany pioneers in the manufacturing of LED bulbs. We
are interested m purchasmg the required bulbs from your company. We shall be grateful if
you send us all the details related to your produ~ts, price list, and mode of payment.
We look forward to hear you soon.

Ramesh Malhotra
Purchase Officer
£etter Writing
Activity : 1O

AS a sales roanag~r, Surya Lightings, you receive the letter. Make a reply of the letter. Also
-~~~ .

(c) sales Letter

A sales Jetter performs the function of a sales representative. It is written to promote a
pro du ct , educate
. the customer, and. motivate
. him/her to order the product O r service.

It is an effective means of commumcat10n to reach the customers dispersed in different

Jocations. The main purpose of a sales letter is to convert the reader into a custom er.

Your c01~pany has launched a te~evisiort. "'.'~it! ·aletter ~o-the ~ust~mer who show:d
interest m your produc_t, descnbmg all the details, feaiures, and price of the product. j
1623, Sector 7
Phone: (0124) 4567889-92
Date: 13 January 2020

Mr. Mayur Sharma

46, A Block~
New Delhi

Dear Mr. Sharma

Thank you for showing interest in our product. Here is the detail of new 'Samsup Plasma !

Television'. ·
The 'Samsun Plasma Television' is the outcome of a long research and development. This high
resolution and improvised television guarantees life time entertainment to your family. Its energy
saving feature consumes only SOW electricity. The company promises five years warranty on all
spare parts of the television and guarantees excellent after-sale service. It is a smart TV ana can
be connected to the internet. You can watch movies and your favorit_e programmes in High
Definition. It is available in all the sizes i.e. 22"-55". You can choose the size that suits you.
The television has inbuilt set-top box. You can directly watch the programmes without buying a .
separate set-top box. It can record all your favorite program_mes. You can_watch them at a
convenient time. So you need not to miss your importanl meetmgs and functions.

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